BROOKLYN'S ON GIANT'S HEELS Hui. riii,i ,,a%(. ..I VII s, B<*?| Then, f?.r i? . ? ? "rid N-riri.. JO"v li. kostki: <?' t, n. a.,., ' , Now Vork. Kept, n _ K.,r fii;. ,kr,t ""'"a rnioih.r 'ban .he Olaal. ha. rro.-s,,, ?00 mark In the N-at,.?]:il , column: ? lir,..,ki! inad?> iitc new ledec Tim ??*?!? Itrnoon while ill* the' dav !'flf*r ""'lr ,ll?l'i"'-i ? the (lay before with ? JJeia* -abovu . Cuu " ln ,hc PenilUlit. lint If ? cllml) on lh.- iKirt ?? fhi n . nev?'r ??.->?! li. .11 Kiv.-n Si H f V"," "n Untlon ?"?? Jho Olanu If J?|,? IMiraw wlv .0lT ?"' "lB '"""h>on?.', : SJ ,rnn' ?Bv"n < But tw J "" ''"" A ..> " 1 W ?W, d.i i, facl Thnr. Ah I Wa*' -' ,,,f* ft Uillfs iUnl l""" I'V?TV. Inlnic but ih?> necessity of iiftn.u,. . SS.v* ? ,e,,m ,or ",:5 ii u ' look for ? llnie ui If ,h,y , Chinaman's rhance provided ih.-'v JJS,' ,eVe.ry,hl"? """ alonK Jwt Cleveland ,>?t the f|ni.hlniI iS SLon 'hHr I win nlon, ?n,, w*?blnRion hoi ?Ion* fairly well win, the la*, K tt-r Win tackle before loC boihhu-Vawke" arc ",ro?F'i <ril'i both Washington and Ilo,ton f?r They ISS JSS H.-rii Th.v? nf'n. 11 came, i() ??L fr"ni i? in & 7* 'ncces* or the Senator ?Walnut the Yankees this year has f?nUiS' ..'?r!h " *al1 <*ne f?n who think, thai When a team &"r.en vic",r|" "? ?' 'hum. plonahlp team n, Washing ?V.h .??" Ynrl< compared with the results ?f their 192:; ?J*1" 'bere should he some wny in which to reward the Raining team more thHn it han bron r e 2S2T/L. ThlaJ' a*M,'m'"K tha Washington does not pain the .irand prize of the pennant. (??_ However auch a reward h out ll'.lhe 0nly milnn,'r In wlili-1! ihefcr"i .7lay recompensed for :f , belter work Is the advantage "L?n> In .ho percentage -Tu ilrejhem a .stand ' "n ? ba"l? vklorler^Ione f? .v. ,U.? """"""'I of decision 11 d">'" wa? an at tempt to award championship, by ? ?y?tem of victories. it was th^TL6"* 'r2m ,he Ibose who esiayed to *rant lilies hy ihai Mrcemn """ 'mo lh pvrcentaRc system and the oil iSm'm ^""ba" pla>,<'r ???<? tall of ??,J was ?oln,. *?"b attached It which would Wow him out ot his Just deserts 1 wu Quito the other way nrounu kIl.i?tUh!* I b"' " ,?"l< ,ln" I ' 12? Players around. 1-7**7 wanted to *ivn pennants "J0 number vietorlea and occaslonallv with ttmeTn.aVS th^,0fa, nun'ber of jamei played and the quarrel *?rlng u " ??? fierce and en In these day, the hall player Is ? .ccus omed to the p,r,"n'aKe hiTJV he fan be led to th . i^S&a^r ?n" W"h "n" ?Major League Score# NATIONAL LKAUIB "" FHtljn'* N? w York. 1 ; St. Louis. i 1'hiladelphia. X; Chlcam>. Huston. 4; l'lttHl>ur?;li, r?. Standing of Tennis. W. I.. sruy^-Yurk hi si Ilrooklyn x.*, r, ?; 1'ittshuri.h Mil r.5 <*im iiiti.iii Til ?; I Chicago 72 ?;t St. I^iuls r*!i S2 I'liilad* I :>!? i.t I ili'Ulnn -tv :??? AMWUC AX LKAfilK I 'i IiIuvUl Si ihis St. T^illix. r?; CliVi-liinil, 4 star.illnu ?>r TT. " Ml i| Nrw York ho U -fruit 77 St. Louie. 71 CI?'V?-ImihI (25 Huston . (ill Philadelphia ?'?! Chicago .10 ToadiH " n: pci. M ..'i'i I r.K ..ixo .555 ?; 7 .514 TO .461 7K .43.1 77 .442 TS .431 HARRY HAS LOST FAREWELL PUNCH Could Not Slow Argentine Awuy anil I'roliultly Lucks Ability to I'ut to Sleep Any Powerful Opponent. lly FAIH PLAY (Copyright. IV24, U? The Adunni New York Sept. 13. ? If Jac': Dcmpsey liasi bnen cautious about meeting Harry Wills in tlio ring *li*i need be so no longer.; It was demonstrated in the Mr arena on lioyle's Thirty Acres. whi'B Will-* met Flrpo in a twelve* round- bout on Thursday ' night .lhut lliirry linn -lort hi^lnri-woJ' punch ? if lie ever hud one against , "a powerful opponent ? and thai; his general ability as n fightcf, would not lie sufficiently high t.-; stand the chmpion off. Against a man such as Firpo who not only~tclcgraphs bis wal lops but sends a letter of warnln.-T bout them Ilrry will always l?v perfectly ut ea*e. Hut Denipm'v doesn't telegraph. His punches ronif! from a short <llstance and behind them lurks oblivion. Wills' punches have not the deadly snap of Dempsey's and the snap in what spells ktiockouts. Al fur t In, i,. Thursday niylit 1ml. |1e. it was clearly graphically shown thai the rapier Is greater than the war club. The ntar o? j science rom- clear above the cause of brute force. ~T7 nd ? ? r Hi'1 harlT'ci >1 <T ino onltglr jof an unseasonable Suptemberj EL DALLO CIGAHS Sold by leading (1ROTEIW AND PIIAKMAC'IKS I). I?. MOHGAN & CO. WIIOLKMALK UKOCKItH I 'hone MM night the matador a superb fi gure in bronxe toyed with the wild hull of the Pampas stabbing when and where he would easily wad ing the rushes of hi* opponent and his club like blows, and even tually ihroush scores of body pun ches taking the steam out of his man, rendering hiin helpless so far an attack was concerned. Yes. Wills was ttie clever mata dor but lie fought the bull, so to speuk. with a blunted sword. <N > thrust was a deadly thrust ant! I lie fight ended with Wills th?i winner by eight miles on points If ov?-r he was to lay Flrpo supln it was the second round when he clouted the South American on the Jaw with all he had. It arm Flrpo to the canvas?. Hut it dl 1 ii?.t keep mm mere. ? 'Whifiet i he bout was an endless wrestlink affair with Frlpo doing most \t( the grappling. It was not a good fight. It was in fact, a very poor one. The -Luis nunif 7S.0U0 of them swarmed Into the big wooden sau cer with u well-formed Idea they were going to see a terrible en counter ? one of those life and death hammer and tongs struggle*, that used to occur In the days when men were n en and were , cuver.ed with hair. . 1 -The ' 'Dempsey- Pf rpo* "fTgtiT wai taken as an indication of what would probably happen and so the customers turned out in droves. (Not a fighter, a manager or a critic had any Idea appar ently, the other than either Flrpo or Wills would be pounded into an unrecognizable mass befor* they had gone many rounds So far as the writer knows lie was the only one who picked WIITs as the winner of this balTl? on points. When the two men stepped In Where every man finds what he likes to wear New Fall Trousers in Navy Blue anil (in*y Wonted With twonly-lnch bot toms, two inch bolt loops, strap in back, and pleats In front. $7.00 and 88.00 Spcncrr ? Walker Com /Kinv Incorporated NEW PERFECTION AND PURITAN OIL COOK STOVES The plaee to buy your Oil Cook StoTM and part*. Quinn Furniture Co. AMERICA KEEPS THE DAVIS CUI? - ? 1'hiUdclphitt Sept. 13. ? Th United SUte? ye?t?rduy re tained (he Davis cup. symboliz ing world supremacy iu tennis, by defeating the Australian team in three straight matches to the center of the ring Firpo was scowling like a Sioux Jndlai; who uot only holds an undying grudg>- against cullud men but hit* private troubles of his own suer as a nagging wife, indigestion an 1 so forth. He would not shake hands with the stevedore. How curious it waa then, ho? almost humorous in fact to ?e.i how affectionate Luis became af ter he sarted. He hugged an 1 hugged and hugged until llarr." grew weak from supporting tlu big gink. ll waa a cautious fight, so fa* as that goes on the part of bot?? flghtors. Each acted as thong* he kuew the other fellow was carrying a pound of dynamite jr. his right fist and even when Luis gave evidence that oven if hit right was propelled by T. -Ni --T "Ifiefe' was no aim behiud it. Will; still played safe. j In the lust two or-t-hree- rounds when Harr/ might hove been ex pected to take utmost advantage of his superior skill and inuss up M. (?. Morrisettc & (iumpuny I UK N I T UK E < 'ASH. If Yoa IIhvo It CIIKDIT, If V?hi Want It. the Argent ii\o good and proper h* ? became more confetrvatlvc In What Wilts did was lo *h'?"V Jack I H'nip. ? tented at the ri;ig ?lde- ? how h?> might have handled Kirpo without being Tiuo'ckea oa of th?* ring. Hut liempsey played tli? part of a champion took a chance and ;??, a result tmUy he stands mi fa ' of nuy other heavyweight in the ring that it would be diifi cult to draw*, ti r??s per table crowd to *e* the fight. Willn did not dur<' take such a chance. One of those terrific riKhl* of Firpo'? would prohabiy have ended him and Harry did fweil to respect it. At the ?a nu ll in o to Mow away a man liki Kirpo. a fighter has to unhook ev erything ?which weanstaking .1 chalice. Tills Wills did not do. ev en granting he could have hit hard enough to knock Luis out if he hud taken a toe hold and socked PHONE 114 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE III- ready In ll>r your < ouMin I-'oiintuill Pl'll anil Evt'i'xliiirp IVuril. W r liavr jiisl rm ivfil a IH-u supply in lIi. Tit.v.1 IlloiIrU. PENCILS r,Or to $.1.00 PENS $2.r,U in Sr,.(H) TheApothecaryShop 1'htnic 1(H). hi the llintori Rid ft Phone 616 and 716 For Your Coal CALL The Crystal In1 & Coal Corporation Today for your Coal so that you will have it when you want it. No use waiting until the cold spells are with us, Crystal Ire & Coal Corporal ion i Albemarle District Elizabeth City, N. C. ? October 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Greater Agricultural Exposition MAMMOTH LIVE STOCK DISPLAY COUNTY AND COMMUNITY EXHIBITS THREE ACTS EVERY DAY ? KIKE WORKS EVERY NIGHT ? HORSE RACING EVERY AFTERNOON THE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND REST CARNIVAL AND MIDWAY EVER SEEN AT THE ALBEMARLE FAIR When Autumn Leaves Begin To Fly Your TIiuii^IiN Turn to Tlirse Nrw Aiitumii Suil> ? $25 to $40 Weeks & Sawyer "WHERE THE BEST CLOTHES COME FROM" Improved Service Wo have just em ployed an cxiH'rl cook who has had yeaifT of restaurant ex pjiienee. SPECIAL DINNER DAILY Also Special ami A la Carte Service The I?Csl I ,i the Cih/ Busy Bee Cafe II. Ci. PAl'LOS, Prop. A L K RAM A THEATRE T uesday & W ednesda'v September 16 17 Pauline Frederick and Lou Telligen ? IN ? "Let No Man Put Asunder" A GREAT DRAMA OF HUMAN EMOTIONS. Splendidly Acted. DO NOT MISS THIS PICTURE. ADMISSION 10c and 30c WHEN YOU WANT SERVICE, AIWAYS COME TO Ol'K FUELING STATION Authorized Aleinite Service, llir kind your csr need*. TIDE-WATER BUICK CO. Next to foinden Bridge

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