CIKITLATIOX KATl IJDAV 2,480 Copies U VOL, XIV. FINAL EDITION Democrats Have Not Got h\ Republican Stronghold ;mtl \AVII) KWVKK.Nt K (C??jriglit. |?t. B* Til* Atftnnc*] % IHil* i- th* ? r-'inl ? < ? wrin tj ?ti?l jtHia-* r.? U ?ri't?n ?!< I* tifii >1 rV?-ti?it iljv In U>WI*'r. I-1* ????? * IMPMI toil* j..ur??.-v Ir. III |m ? ll.l-Ufcll llltiulii 4II LV \ til.rrn ?UI?> iii imiim i?>lii. sl mWiwiii.) Roch ester. N. T:," n ? Tl? Ih has always In en a Republi can stronghold. it I* not *ur priaing to find President Coolidue not only retaining tin- normal Re publican voter but a good many others who do not r? lisli u change ' in :>i n..v the natural-born runstirvatlvpi The Prrnldi'ht will g*t a I?Ik vote hereabouts. Hia opponent, John W. Davis. lias not stirred liiu own party to activity. ?J I'osslbly It is because l>a\is bo* 1 loves In conc?>nt rating in oth* r states and possibly lie plant* to stimulate interest when ho begins a tour of this stale. Hut thus far tho Democratic organization Ima done very little. Tho l?al*olletto third ticket Is . making more noise than th?* Deni- ' oerat*. Senator llurton Wheeler. , Vice I 'residential nominee with LaFolklte^ttddrt nyej an enthusi astic mooting Iter** two nights ago. It was rainy and the hall would have seated It. 000 but about 2, 000 or more were on hand. And 1 they cheered* hi til Willi a uptotan iety that tended to prov*- they did j not n?n d to be convinced of the! merit of his plea. Analy/lni: the crowd. It was lot a silk stocking affair though l\ore and there wore the parlor i.oclalist types. Moat of the audi 1 nee came from the working classes. They looked like the thousands one has aoon listening intently to the so^p box orators of the paat ten y? ars. No doubt there were many l>emocrnta but the conclusion seems Justiil' d that the third party ticket ulti mately will draw firmv bulb mw - ?or parties. Yet It will not afreet the outcome here, for the stay at-home vote which ao often U conservative will be coaxed to thf thin year. One does n?>r have to go far to discover that" the bencllciary of the get-out-th.e.7 vote movement will be the Repub lican party. The public may be prepared for f. record-breaking vote. Judging tiy the efforts being made in lo calities ho one aided in pnlitica u? this. The vote In Maine a feu days afco was significant of this move. Then 200.000 votes _wer< cast as compared with '971,0)0 four yearn ago. Incidentally the mathematicians will be som.e*lnt upset. Professor Irvin Fi^Jfer, of ViUe. has figured It out. for in stance , that the Democrats in Maine had a higher pore- ntnge < f the total vote cast last. Monday than they did two or four years ago and that corresponding the Republican percentage of the to tal was diminished. Throughout the nation a larger vote than four years ago is In prosper* notwith standing the early slgne of *:? apathetic campaign so usual in September. This part of New York state, populous and conser vative. is a good cross section by which to Judge. Rut who are the LaFollctte supporters? Are they form* r Democrats or Republicans or So cinlists. The Republican leaders almost everywhere would have one believe LaKollette Is swallow ing up the Democratic party. V t not a single outstanding Democrat in this citv has come out for l.n Follette. nor have any lending Re publicans for that matter. In tl's respect Indeed does this campaign differ from 1912, Then almost every day some prominent Repu'.t l]can announced hints* If as a IlVli M"??ser. In some stnl*?, th" whole Republican org inlsatlep bidfeil to Roosevelt Nothing like tnat Is happening this yoari at |?:st In this part of the wiifld /??!?>? know no civil wr.i or f??.i -- ivctlnn 'n tiie Republican rihrtv All Is serene on the hanks gt the Genesee and the throb of Industry pulsates strongly without aHymp tont of faltering. I?aFollel|e !m? a hold on the worklnf claarf s but even tbey are not angry cy bur fry. They are not Bred twill* a passion of discontent. Thf?y lik" I pread. though uo concritg. achievement or pledge of future performance catches the Imagina tion of his followers as a slogan. Such La Folic! to strength as there Is may 1*? classed as *>clallstlc to an extent, but with It |oes a num ber of people who want to be dK forent. who like the thirds "Inde pendent" and "progr< sslve," and whose defection from the ranks '.f President Coolldge hs* measured up to the traditional Idea of a Re publican nominee and whether t.e represents vigor, or masterful si lence, or common Sense, or cool ealmnea*. or thre Maintenance ,.f the statin quo/ the fundamental reasoning of tMose who unlformlv support him IH that He himself ranks abort Mis party colleague and that he drill som? tow soothe the aches oythe last Congress and keep busin/ss dfcptoymsnt and all the other f materl i ism of tho hour THE COKONEK Thin Is Cornier William M. I MitcCnwan ??r Williamson County. Illinois. is crmlucllng the in - quest illt? lilt* ;t 1 1 !?? be iwin Sheriff Calliuau's forces and rcpuiiil member* of (he Ku Klux Klan. JAPANESE MAKE STRONG PROTEST Tonsillar Polici- Ready for Action at lMnkdon and JapaneM* Troop* May Im? Called to Preserve Order i t|I> Thi* A? /'?lalfd 1arr*>) Tokio, Sept. 15. ? Disorder an.l unrest in the forces of Gen ere! Chang Txolin stationed at Muk don. principal city of Manchuria have resulted in a strong pro test from i he Japanese consul there, according to reports re ceived here by the Japanese for eign office. Pr?HS dispatches nay that an a result of tho oust and Ch rry streets when (>t i 4 llray. age 1.5. of Norfolk, towing Elijah llarroll of this city, age 15. on a bicycle rode against Ixiulso Rhodos. knocking lior down ant' breiikimt her log. She was 'ukrn to the hospital where an X-llay examination wan made and the ben s sol, The bicycle hud IikIiI nnd 1 ho boys wore riding on the sidewalk. 'safely Intact. For there Ih no urge for "profcresrlvism" as It was known in 1?>12. no crying Ills ?, In- ri tnedlcd. no crusaders sinning "Onward Christian Noldb rs." None of these outbursts have character !/.? d Iho third party movement here. it's a sullen . groan, with a class pretext . as of yore. Their vote may Ik* lame, relatively sp-'uklna. but it will not exceed In percentage the votes cast 1n this slate in previous years for iudepcndi lit tickets. Ho far ms New York- is con corned. Ho FjftFollette movement can be dismiss- d as hardly n fac tor at this writing. October may se" a change lull the conservatives will then be nwake too. This is a rock ribbed R? publican slate, wlili no Theodore Rooncvclt run ning this year, but a men from distant Wisconsin. Such Is the effect Ihnr far of all the keynote speeches, denunciations, labor ex hortations. and political palaver of I he two months that have elapsed since the electric fans at the Republican convention wej-p , first adorned with tile slogan "keep oool with Coolfdgc." And ? what's more, they accont the last syllable of I.aFollettc whb-h shout illustrated what a stranger lie, really Is to the people within | these gates. "Miss America" and 'Her Family ileie Ih "Miffs Amcrltii" (Rut It Malmlmson of I*hilutl<-t|?hlu) urn) her rftftiie hpijly. Th" picture wait taken after her triumphal rt-lurn homo from the Atlantic City iKigeunt. "MIm Aunitca" flunk* her Hist or- (left) will be llic next wearer of the national beauty crown. M.inunn Malcolms, ,n is ulmoht a* young looking aj Ituth She and "MIm America" frequently aie tukio Meters. ? ? Says Bill Should Be Called Act T o Increase Tax Rates 'Elizaliclli City Man Pri'm-nloJ Ilia Arguments Apinal I'rujxwrd Port ('.oiiimixKioii Bill fur Reduction ?sf Freight ltate? ill North Carolina By SK.VVTOIt I'. II. U II. MAMS The writer is requested to sub iii it a few articles in referenc? to tin* proposition now before the people to bond the air?udy heav ily bunded Statu for $K, 500,000 fur ships mid terminals. The project. designed by enthu siastic and visionary imaginations. Ih alleged to develop tli?- Eastern ? uk-tutnaf thi< wad -at ? 44v name time to aolve all our trans portation problem*. The writer Ih vitally concerned with the j Ilnst, having traversed It* coast Hue from north to auuth and hav *1ng observed Its Changing com merce and trade for many years. It hah prog reused economically and roinm> rclally for the last 20 yearn, Its traducera to the con trary. If one will take the time to collect the statistics as to values on the tn\ books and the hank deposits which uh .the test of progress. However, its progress has not .hern commensurate with th? Piedmont, thrilled by the activi ties ?f its increasing manufactur ing enter prises. Indeed, the writ er bns made an honeat effort to persuade himself that he too vl ( sinned the great light plctn ? ? d by tin* proponents of this measure, that the project would atlr nnd stimulate the East and place it on the highway of a greater prosper ity. and that It would be the spe cific for all the transportation probh ms of the State. He has been importuned to support the measure, although he was not able to discern the earmarks of sound economies, upon the ground tha* it U an bxperiinunt, a specu lation, in which larga sums of money wnuld ho garnered from the wealthy and plutocratic Pied mont and ? xplolted along the wat erways o f the more frugal East, and that the East had all to gain and nothing to lose from sponsor ing Hie experiment. Allegiance to an Immediate community might constrain a fa vorable response, might prompt the intellect to blink at the dls agreeable rea littles and obey the hiddancc of the emotions; but the allegiance to the whole 8tate con strains on" not to let the pride of prosperity lead lilni to follow a pipe-dream and to overcome b> rhetorical word pictures that are mere gratuitous assertions, alle gations without substantive evi dence which cannot stand before the searchlight of facts and reas on. In the consideration of any question of vital Importance to a people, conclusions are arrived at \'-ry often loo hastily from two shallow sources. First, the facts In hand arc not of sufficient extension and romprrtienslon to arrive ut correct conclusions, but are pro . \lnclttl in character and the lllus- . t rations are not ifluttratlre For ? xample n person discovers gas exudlflg from the surface. Jumps to the conrluolon that a huge res i i voir of r II lies Just beneath the surface and expends a vast amount of enthusiasm and money to And that the g is effusion wss the pro duct of some temporary decaying vegetable matter Just below the surface and the result of his wild catting Is Just a hole In the around. Thus gas fumes are of ten mistaken for the signs of sub stance. Second, many conclusions arc arrived at by the observations of fractional truths and arousing the emotion of prejudice, weap ons that are too often employed In the trial of causes, on the poli tical busting* and th* considera tion of economic questions, nnd are the effusions of provincial minds and a weak cause which culminate In fait* conclusions. On the question before us w* must dig deep, study comprehens- 1 Ivrly and think nationally before eorrcct conclusions are reached. In the very beginning; of our m( nd y or this proposition there are certain indisputable facia that , ahould be known as a basis upon which to hulld end to nnd other facts. ? t 1 ) Freight rates and trana - |M>rtMtli>n? arr nut n^."^T~ or deter mined by state linen, but all th-' ports of all the states are free and op. n m every state upon the name terms and conditions as ^they are to the state In wtUeh tlrey are located No state trains or enjoys a special advnntage ov ; or other states by reason of a port located within Its border*, save that of neurness to its indus trial centers. <21 The Ship and Water Transportation Commission on pnge 39 of their report found as a fart that, "The charta show that tliH only deep water ocean Inlet along the North Carolina coast that will permit the devel opment of ocean traffic and that 1 will avoid the doners of the I North Carolina capes Is the Cape Pear River." This ttmtlni; at once excludes all other localities In North Carolina from further consld< ration and Is undoubtedly , correct. (3) Shi pa avoid the danger* of the North Carolina Capes, the graveyard of American shipping, and the insurance companies charKe extra premiums for the hazards existing at these capes. ( -I \ Take your map and ob tain a Hear conception and a cor rect picture of the relative posi tion of the Cape Fear basin to the industrial center of North Carolina. The entrance to the Norfolk port is located on the thirty-seventh parallel of lati tude. The Industrial center of , tills State lies between the 35th and the 36 parallel, or ofte-hnlf to two degrees south oT the Hampton Itoads parallel, or one quarter to one three-quarter* south of the Norfolk parallel. The entrance to the (Tape Fear basin Hen a little south of the 34th par iallel. or one to two degree* south of the Industrial center of the i Stnte; upon about the same par allel as Columbia, South Carolina, and Gainesville, Georgia, and j south of the industrial centers in South Carolina around Greenville , and Spartunbnrg. 15) The flow of traffic from and to North Carolina Is princi pally north and west. Tims 1 shall argue later that the Cape Fear basin is too far south to nerve the Industrial centers of the Htat?. and that a commodity Icav ing Itslelgh or Greensboro for New York would have to travel about 200 miles farther via Wil mington than via Norfolk, aay iug nothing of the hazard* of the ca|M's nnd the extra premiums col lected for such hazards. On** must t of nece salty keep these landmarks of (incontroverted facts In mind In endeavoring to ascertain a correct conclusion. Nor must one be dis turbed In regard to the major ports of Boston. New York. Haiti more. Norlolk. New Orleans. I liimtirin utatua in .^certain ( h, ?<"l- or 1,1, fl-a,,*., , ? . experiment, or wh. 1 1 . . i failure of , ,,! P'THti.nt |, woulil l.V. I" -'in.ld. ral.1.. ,.?,hV,,,.'V . S?"" -v.;, T"" ^thn>d trrinlin,!.; ??d M',7 thlnim ncoaanry to curt v cut the PurpoB.. or their rreation l.iM |? " wl,|o and, mill,, ill. ,i power. atteh a, nnd. ' S In any other ulalo. *21 To bond t li.- State r..r tl..' ItVir the I ort ( Umimlatdon to carry out or'.h?rrr" or th. Art. The Slat.. |? already y heavily bonded. m.d In ihl rr.pHC, ranking 'I; or American Kfnf"n. T" stair ror an additional ? 1.600.0(10 tor tl... .ki- c""","^'|l"" t" hny ai d lea... fthlpa. with th.- .\pf-r|, .,r th'. I nllrd Slat,* Hiiippini: i;..r.rd In for.. ?8 In |??,,?. IenV?iSi"?" f""" *?">.#?0.?ri? i , U0.000.000 aniiually. Th.- nr.,.... lh" """"'trr mut. *1 that !L L.D0Ver "rr.nj.Rry to i . . . i . If '.i.IJ1' h?",d" or ope, at. ahlpK thry no bell.. v.. , why were til. r BO a, Irion. to bar., Ihl. pr?vlo..i Included In (In* Art and thin t.ow er ronr. rr. d ii|.on tin. I'nrt , mlaalon? The Implied power. ronf.rr.d ? 'ST.Art Ib more d.nftrroua to Wrlfare or the Stale than thr expr.'Nnrd power, and Bhould ?',t Of the State In the e\. rrlie ?r their aoverrlKii |iower? The Port i-ommlBBionrrt. have u.e imnll. I power or drawlnt their warrant, opon the state Tr.-aHitry *o ptiy Port*?- . r*prnB..fl ?r 1 1 1 r l ort Contn.lMloB, to pay ? "prnaeB or a trnme ..r Kanliatlon. to employ and lo Pay h. .alarle. and e,pe?,? ?/ ^ . ?ndlnr rax roller whirl, han ,,ro(M. "r tl " b',h ,n l'rlr*>nr>- ?.,?l c n r?n?palL*iiK fl1,Thl,- ,ri ronrtderatlon of 'nl? proposed moa? Strtr Trea.nry P,.,| 'I1* 3','r l? already heavily ^S2rd J;*1, 1"' N' m"" h-'l" twndrd to tab. rare or the ContlD?i>a oa pi44r<< 4 ' SAYS LEGION IS i KNOWN QUANTITY And Prrnligc in ('oiuilry Dunlili cl liy AvroinplUh iiic'nlH ?f tin* Pml YYur. : Says CoiumalMlrr (Juiuii. j St. Paul. Minnesota. Sept. 15 ? i'io< laiuied lijr it s commander "a proved quantity." the Atm rlcai- { Legion opened its sixth annua: convention here today with ai proposed change in poiicy the most important jtfcner' likely i.i rmii ? before It. National 1'ommaudor Quinn s'i address. in which ho said (hut | tli?* Legion's prestige had been do:tbl?d by accomplishment* within the last year and an a in session at the courthouse. ? Just now the police are mak ing a drive against violations of the ordlnanre as to bicycle riding on the sid-nvalk. following an ac cident the other day "In* which *j It tie girl wan struck by a. cyclist who pedaled out of sight before he could be apprehended. An other report going the rounds is of a cyclist, who In pussiug a wo man on the hIiI walk ran uo close that hi 4 pedal cuugAt In her dresfc 1 and ripped off her skirt, and wl*? tln*n rode on without so much ut an apology. A number of bicycle ridors wore tip Monday before i Trial Justice S pence, und the court Irjsu-d a caution that tne eyelid i.? iio lunger perniittoil to pass pedestrians without dla mounting by securing permission to do so. "i wish- that all bicycle riding -mri wei p prohibited said Judge Mpenee. Johnnie JackMon and Halt. a Maker, colored taken by tho police' Sunday night in a raid on a housa; in the ? cokiri:*; - section ? of Boll j stfrect, were found guilty of pros titution In thu recorder's court' Monday morning and fined $10' and costs rach. Will Stroud and Krnest Hright were each fin- d $.'? and costs on a charge of drunkonheu, as was ul so Lonnle lleckstall. colored, foi the same offense. Charlie Crank.! on ,i drunk and disorderly charg?v was fined and costs. I>r?-d We'-ks. colored, for fail ure to dismount In passing a ped es! rain wiiil? riding a bicycle on the sidewalk, wan fined $1 an'! cost*. James llnrton, colored, sub mitting*.ay without romin* into court, to a charge of rldini a bicvele on the .-Idewalk wuf likewise fined 11 and costs. Anoth r last werfc offender wa? E. I). Johnson, colored, who tor failure to If nt taxes was require ! to |?ay taxes and costs. JOINT MKKTIXO TI'KHI>A%* A meeting of the Pasquotank1 County Commissioners him been , called for Tuosdny morning ei I ten o'clock by Chairman Noali liurfoot for tho purpose of heat lug the I'asquotank Highway Commission on the subject of an appropriation for road muinten ance and construction for the com in* year. The meeting will he heM in the office of the register of deeds in Ihe court house, accord ing to Mr. liurfoot. It |h the pur pone of the Joint meeting to ar range If possible an agreein-nt be tween the two boards as to lh budget of $45,000 made two months ago by the highway bod> Wales' Kin Thin it thr l.i I ml pictur* of PrlnrM* Htn?rk?. AMI of Kin* Or???B? ami Kr>niauhl of !!?? Prime of Wata* Lh^|?u? t>?i ?&*. ftWO Mill IS ncUve. Helps Young Ilcnry Robln*>n. Lo? Angelea bankoi lu **?>" rivalled In Europe to col la borate with Owm r> yeung in ku im* r .-Duration. pay nun r? untlci way. POPLAR BRANCH WILL HAVE FAIR < Community Evrnt on Oo lobcr 3 Willi Pri/i-x, Ath lftifn, Burlx-cur and Good Time (.t nt riilK By GIUIXIH MUUUk Poplar Branch, Sept. 15. ? Th* Poplar Branch community fair which will be held on Friday, Oc tober 3, promises to bo one of the greatest event a of Its kind ever held in Currituck county. Kxhlbits of all the things Rrowr. and produced in this country will be on Bliilimiun -JfHl 111 Te will bi many oth?r tli Iiikh of interest in eluding an athletic program which will be composed of a football Same and many comic games such as sack races and-Lhing* that w" ffel will ba of Interest to tho people and make tho day one of Interest to them. Air. Mayo, tho principal will be, In charge of th athletic program. Dinner, consisting of many goo ! things including barbecued pig will bo served for a very rea sonable price and other good things will be served on tho grounds. Rrlses will bo given for all the best exhibits and we expert all tin people to bring all tho things to put on exhibition that they ran. We w4sh overybody in Currituck and all the neighboring counties to come and help us make tne day a success. Admission to tho grounds is free and wh assure th people that every courtesy wli! h? shown them and wo nurely will appreciate tholr attendance. HEAVIEST DOCKET FOR SUPREME COURT Raleigh, flppt. 15 -Tho Su preme Court today entered upon the heaviest docket of the fit It term with 21 cases. FIFTEEN INJURED IN ALTO ACCIDENT fttatesvllle, 8ept 15 Flfteon negroes were Injured here yes terday when an auto turned over on Ita way lo a revival. PRINCE OF WALKS MAY PROLONG VISIT Byoaiat, L. ?!.. Sept. 15.? The Prince of Wales Is having no much fun on his American holiday that lie may prolong his stay at lx)n~ Island, though his departure fo? his Alberta, Canada, ranch has been tentatively set for Thurs day night, members of the royal party said today. WORI.D FLIERS OFF TO PACIFIC COAST Air Mall Field, Maywood. IP Hept. 15.? The around the w hours and 55 rnlnut ?*. Dayton. O, Bept 15 Th ? world filers left here today for th Pacific coast. The fliers took off from Me Cook Field at ten o'clock this morning for Chleago where ih< will remain overnight proceeding tomorrow to Omaha on the: transcontinental trip which wli! end In fleattle. cm hqao ahead In the Men's Ulhle Class Con test between the Firat MethO.llM and City Itoad the First Methodts* had pr?*ent yesterday 41. and Ciiy Road 55 RRIII IM) III IINKI) MTOHK W. E. Dunatan,hos let the con traet with L. R. Parry to rebutl 1 his burned store on North Poln dextor street TROOPS ESCAPE RIVER OF FIRE Four Live* l.o-t and Huge Property .Damage When ? Ugbluiiift Strike* ? Oil ? Tank ut "Monterey. Cul. Monterey. California. Sept. 13 ? -A fire started h?-re lust night when lightning struck a i?3U0 , barrel oil lank of the Associated Oil Company, ' r.iuslug the deat'l , HL (out . soUliera Malion-d- at the presidio of Monterey . Injuring" many utlitrsu and. dujuagiug huii i dreds of thousand* of doliur) wr-rth r?f property early tod*/ bail spread to another large tank . Three troons of tavali v narrow- ? ly escaped being caught In a river of burning oil that swept? . down on Government stores at 'the bane of 1'rexidio IMII. The soldiers wore nalvaging fodder and stores when the oil In a large tank boiled over, -weep ing down on the warehouses. The fin later spread to elgn? : other tanks and sent- more than ?HO tn - huspifala Hiiflr-nag ? Cxuia ? i burns. The exploding tanks sent th ? fire Into New Monterey where five 'homes were destroyed and Monte rey. seat of the first government of California, was in th< path jrf [the de vast at liig $3,000,000- con ; flagratlon. MOB STORMS CAR OF J ACK IK COOCAN i London. Sept. 15. ? Seven! thousand persons, mostly women and children, stormed the motor ear in which Jackie Coogan ar rived at St. Jam -s l'alacs today an effort to get a glimpse of the youthful ac'or. Jackie was extricated from th? mclc-e with dlffieulty by his futh ,r who curried him on his 8l\ould trs into the palace. A similar rush whop the Upjt remrneii to Uh? car forrcd pollco rnen to mo'int the running board and escort the machine through the jam. CAJIELESS A BOt IT HISTORICAL KECOItDS 1 N?'w York, 8opt. 15 ? The care less iiens of North Carolinians a.; well as that of the people of other , stntes of the South, was nttrlbu* ed as the cause for th? failure of the South to be fairly represented in any nntiunal inter >t or under taking or to be well recorded In history, by Professor William H. Kilpatrick of* the Department of Education of Columbia -University, in an addroKit before the Southern Club of the university. In speaking on the subject "The Preserving of Southern Historical Material." 1'rofensor Kilpatrick said thnt valuable historical datl of the South was thrown careless ly around and lost in fires and . floods, and placed the blame of those losses and the South'* poor . showing In history on the South erners. He declared the men of III.' South had hern too busy wile 1 other matters to deal with tie? preservation of their hnrltuff ItT'-j a fair mid Just way. "I wni to one of the oldejt. couuties in North Carolina and found its will* und deeds well ^ cared for in fireproof caics," salJ, 'the historian, "but when 1 asked for certain other papers of ihe co lonial period, the reply was* 'They nrr> probably in th?t old out- 'J house you see. There an barrel* J anil barrel* full of old paperu oi.'. ^ there. Nobody knows Just what.'x. !\ SUNSHINE S I AR I .S CHINESE HGHTINC lilt Tip A>'al?4 I****" Shanghai. Sept. Ki, The ar- 1 mlei "f the rival military gover nors fighting for the possession of Shanghai today battl d with ??*. 22.00. Jan. 22.0ft, March 12. 2*. May 22 50. New York. Sept. 15. - Spot ?of ton closed quiet, Middling 22.35. a decline of &6 points. Future*. * closing bid. Oct. 21. Kit. IV?. 21.46, Jan. 21.49. Msreh 21.76. Mav 22.00. Will. CIOMK TO PHBI'AKH FOR FASHION HltOWUfO We will clone Tuesday nt lm> p. m.. to prfpsre for our Fata _ Fashion Showing which will iw I held Wednesday and Thursday. . fleptemher 17 and J 8. Everybody Is invited to alteiTd. , M LBIOH ffHKKP I'O. adv.