W estern New Y ork Seeths ~ With Debate On Ku Klux ksuc Not Yet Manifest in National Campaign But May ~ fori' Eli-ction and Bunt inate All Other Ismio ?li ix tlir 11-lfJ ijf a t.r .t.-i U: br 1 tii. tLiii i.m 'I -ii in-u iin tu ?>?' ?? >?tntv? i>'litn-?l rnitumnt i lly LWVRKXCK (C??yp|??t IW4. B? Tht Atf.anc*) ufTalo, S?'i)t. ir>. -Sonn.'thiiuj far more exdtinjj than any Kciil campaign lias been going on here. Folificiaiis may !i much from it, but communities having members in the Klilx Klan may leaw* still more. or the (greatest mischiefs, "ding a couple of mur lias resulted It-om I he" /sterious publication of a t of members of the K. K. Denial,,. moat of *|,lcli not "".?i.t.d ,i?r,.r,. liri. Ins rroni every side. Iluainc** in?n who depend on Catholic*. rr ue;,roos for their trad *'? l?lnii boycotted ? one milk dealer Is '-aid to have lost a hun custom, ,?? overnight ? and th:- end of the bitterness Is not yet III !i|Rht. The episode has liaru develop ' Antr im soverul Weeks.- Mlll. Quarters wore broken Into by un known persons. It was rURjureti that a list of members bait been ' stolen. Not Ions afterwards from a iifluhhorluf city, there came by ?>?" the Buffalo m.nibershli, jards of tlie Klan. Mayor Seliwub lulled Whoever owned the card* tn recover their property. No one appeared. Then a list of the members was made available to the newspapers by the mayor. The newspapers feared libel as they cuulda t be sure the list was bona lide and even If most of It was risk a law suit' the li'W In.m-IiTTm-J ? rtrrr might bo erroneously Haled. Then liome ono int. rented In getting the pamra spread throughout the city had them published In ? pamph let form. Attorneys for the News boy* \ Association advised against tjielr being handled on the news stands. Hut hundreds of copies nevertheless were sold and all ^|er th*' city people may be found ?|idying those lists for familiar Fist lights, several houses S*HT*?"'d n withdrawal of from folk mentioned re sulted from some of the sequels. In the midst of It all. two men killed each other and a third was badly wounded. One of the dead was discovered to hi* an organizer for the Ku Klux Klan. sent here to Investigate the losh of the cards. The wounded man ndmitK being a local kleagle. The second man killed was a former police man who Is now supposed to huve Joined the Klan as a spy for the mayor. It was he who was chart; ed with 'having stolen the list. He ia dead now, so he can tell no talcs, but the list has proved a terrible legacy. To determine whether I he de nials are valid, people want to *er the original membership card*. These are kept under lock and k?y by Police Chief Zimmer man. who now says he cannot be compelled by the mayor or any one else to give up the cards. The Rig natures of members are on the cards. The district attorney in sists he will prosecute any mem ber of the Klan under the Walker Act which wns pa?ned by the last legislature forbidding any organi zation to maintain a secret mem bership. Penalties for falling to register Its list of members are provided. Some of the principals engaged lln the controversy, as for instance I Oi? mayor, are laying lines for re election or advancement in pol itic* Capitalizing the antl-Klan feeling fits In wllh their program Nevertheless the cltv is deeply stirred over the publication of the list. Rome Interesting facts have been disclosed by a stud? of It. HrHt of all. the number of prom inent or Influential persons on it Is aurprlslriKly few I'sually It Is claimed that the "beat people" in ? ,City ?!? *? t,,p K,?n In ?uf raio well known names were the rare exception ralhcr than the rule. But the Klan will have a hard time rceruitinK ony ,,?w BIPmhorili The possible consequence* of (j|g. Closure have been demonstrated. '"V "1-ath blow has also been dealt by the Ituffslo livening 'h? I??1Iok newspaper wblrh said editorially the oth"i^day: "li?<a aurprlslne to receive let ters f,-otn ordained ministers, pre sunnbly wllh some tralnlnit In lo>> and In sreument. who draw fl pjrallPl between the Knight* of Ool.mh'is or the Mssons, and the Kl?n When every Klsnsman Is as ?.oud to wear his emblem as the Shrlner Is to display his, one of the chief objections to the Klan will have disappeared. And so will Its principal bid for member anlp "Can yott Imagine anybody bo nit murdered because he revealed the lln of the members of the K Knight Templars, or I N* .B RMh? H"* have secret rituals Only the Klan has a secret membership.'' As yet the Klan controversy has not gotten lata fk? dUcuoalon I)AWKS A VISITOR i It) Tit* .\??? i?lml I'rAuO St . Paul. >S*-pt. 16.- Dividing inliiMd witli the annual parade of -the 'Aim rli'uii l?eg|Hii today whs the visit of t'it'n?*ral Charles U. D.iwch, IN publican Vice Pn-nlden tial candidate, who came "iioli'ly as a Ijogionalru" to visit tin* I*e lion's national convent ion. I)i-Kplte till' 1 1 ! t> I H V ellCe of till' general and tin* Legion officials that he ?*nnie as a I.eg|onaire, Dawes* visit attracted much inter est. < ONI KI<I<IN<; ABOUT NATIONAL PARKS White Sulphur Springs. W. Varr Sept. 16. -Col. Glenn Smith and Major \V. A. Welch, members of tin- National Park Commission, conferred hero today with Gover nor Morgan on the subject of es tablishing si national park a long I lie border of West Virginia and Virginia. The proposed- park woui<l embrace land in Monroe, Greenbrier, and Pocahontas coun ties of West Virginia, and Hath, Alleghany, Craigh, Giles and Mont gomery of Virginia. RENEWED EFFORTS AGAINST SHANCHAT I Br TUt Awliinl Pr?M-* Shanghai, Sept. IB Reinforce ments from the Peking Kovern inent to l>?* thrown into the bailie b gal bat the Ghekiang forces de fending Shanghai were reported to be at Wujdah. 85 miles wi?t I of here, Sunday by a messenger from the Klangsu front who re turned here today. The Kiangsu army had opened a renewed and determined offens ive near ! luho in an effort to rench Woosung forts, according to a report issued by Lungwa head quarters of the Chewlanu army. Poking, Sept. 16. ? - Reports were received here "Today that the Chihlian and , Manchurian troops had clashed at Chaovatig in nortliern Chlhli. No official in formation has been forthcoming. IOKMKK CONDUCTOR KII.I.S IIIS CHIEF Huntington, W. Va., Sept. ? II. R. McLaughlin, assistant superin tendent of the Chesapeake tie Ohio Railroad at St. Alt). ins. was shot to death today by (Well New mnn. former Conductor who then shot himself and is In a critical condition. Newman was discharged from the road last February. READY TO ARRANGE FOII WORLD SERIES Chicago, Sept. 1G. ? Commis sioner 1-andin today called a meet ing of the presidents of the six clubs fighting for the major league pennants to consider the world series arsngeirrents. The session will be held in New York next Wednesday. MOV(M K Iff AltfJM WWTS Mil. Til Itll- T TO ICKTI'IIK Moyock. Sept. 1?. This com j munlty is anxious to have Rev. C. i T. Thrift again as pastor n< xt ] year and the following petition ! has hern drawn up and signed: "We, the members of the 1 fourth quarterly conference charge, Elisabeth City district. North Carolina Conference, peti tion to the presiding elder to use his every effort in securing the re turn of Rev. C. T. Thrift to this charge for the coming conference year. Sighed, J. J. Kereboe, J. J. Forbes, J. W. Sa nderlin, K. W. Addison. (}. C. Iloswood, Thomas W. Ilaxter, J. S. Waters, It. O. Itagley, C. h. Mack<'y, H. M. Msnn. J. K. Cheison, Mrs. J. W. Poyner. Mrs. C. L. Muck?*y, Mrs. W. 1*. Wilson, Mrs. W. I). Cox, Mrs F. K. Schlabach, Mill. T. I). Sullivan." COTTON MAItKKT New York, Sept. 16. ? -Spot cot ton closed quiet today; middling 22.15, with 20 points decline. Fu tures. closing bid: October 21.64, December 21.28, January 21.33. March 21.56. May 21.80 New York. Sept 16. ? Cotton fu tures opened today at the follow ing levels: Oct 21.80, Doc. 21.45. Jan 21.45, March 21.75, May 22.00. here of the national campaign but Western N??w York Is seething Kith Klan debate and later on It J ' may unfortunately becloud other issues. BRIDGE ISSUE IS UNSETTLED (.ommito*i?>iipr* Say too I. at** C.liange - I toad I.#?vy i ? but- Authorize ? Highway Body to Borrow $3,500. A resolution authorizing (he r.ifuotank County Highway rom mission to borrow $3. GOO In addi tion to l lie appropriation for road , work for . tho coming .y?ar if it should lit- ?6und necessary to pro per maintenance of "the County roads, was adopted^)' the County | Commissioners after a Joint meet ing with the Highway Commission It was decided that no addi tional appropriation would be mad * either for the Knobbs Creek briilgb or for road work an It is thought to be too late to uller thf tax hooks. Chairman Noah Burfoot and County Commissioner Owuiey were appointed to act with mem herH from the highway body as a Joint committee to visit the firms whose plants are located across Knoblm Creek to ascertain If they will not osslat in paying the cost of constructing tho bridgo. The additional amount of $3. 5<>o which was specified aw a max imum to be borrowed Increases Thr funds for road work from f i .4; 6.10 to $17,150. Tlje levy of seven cent* will yield the original | amount und if the maximum sum is borrowed the highway body will have $17. ISO to expend on road work. The resolution presented by the (IlKbway Commission at the July me.ting certified that $45,000 would be necessary. Of this sum $15,000 was represented by out standing obligations. The County Commissioners appropriated $5. j 0-00 in a levy of 3 cents, in addi tion to the appropriation of sev . '.iL-D-Ula-Iag?mMlntflnanra to pay, one third of these obligations this ytjsr jvltli the understanding that the balance would be paid in two 1 more years. The remainder of the estimate of $10,100 Included $10,000 or i $12,000 for th > Knobbs Creek bridge. With the bridge matter stilt unsettled th* highway body will receive $8,000 less than their estimate for road work. It was intimated that should it . be decided to construct the bridgo ( during the year that the nwessary Amount would be borrowed. A change of opinion was mani , Tested by some of the County . Commissioners in regard to the bridge. At the July meeting open opposition to the construc tion of the bridge was expressed. At Tuesday's meeting several said they believed they had no right un ider the law to abandon th?* bridge land that the plants which make most use of It nre entitled to some < onsideration as heavy tax pay ers. It was also pointed out that when the Pasquotank Highway Commission abandoned mainten ance of th<? shortcut to New Wc-ekevllle in Salem township uf ter paving the longer road by the ? way of Old Weeksvllle. n properly owner on the abandoned road was paid by the County for the loss lie suffered by reason of the road's abandonment. "Should we abandon the Knobbs Creek bridge," somebody said, "have we not set a precedent which would give owners of fac tories on Knobbs Creek In th^ ? vent of such abandonment ground to come before us for damage done them?" The meeting was most amicable. Chairman J. J. Morris of the high-, way body being absent, tho posi tion of that body was stated by Highway Commissioners Foreman and Sample. Figures were pre sented to show that less money hnd been spent on roads during the past few years than eight or ten years ago Mr. Sample said more 'money was needed for the upkeep of bridges which had been placed under the County's care rather than that of land owners by the last legislature. He also said that bushing the roadsides had not 1i*?*n undertaken for som* years on account of lack of funds. On the other hand It was pointed out thst tho hsrd surfaced rosds completed recently have relieved the County of considerable main tenance expense. In speaking of the value of the plants across Knobbs Creek Mr. Foreman said the Chamber of Commerce would go to some length to provide free sites snd and the County would build two bridges to Induce such plants to locate In Kllxabeth City were they not already here. Mr. Foreman read the law In regard to the Highway Com mission which fixes the limits of levies for road worh between 10 und 30 cents and makes It msnda tory on the part of the County Commissioners to appropriate funds as called for by the Highway Commission within thee* limits. "The law relieves the County Commissioners from any respon sibility In the matter and prevents them from entailing any criticism from taxpayers," aald Mr. Fore msn. In snswer to the statement , made by Mr Hurfoot that he had a number of complaints from cM-J liens who feared that tales weald CIRCLING ABOVE THK F1EIJ) i Horo 1b Lieutenant Eric Nelaon'a planr. tin* New Orl?';inn. clirliiiK I over Mitchell Plold whi-n the 'round-tlie-wnrld tllera eamc 1 <> N ?? w York. It w?m the firRt of th?? three t?? laud. ThoiiHunds wvre ?t [the Held to Kt*<'?*t them. The pilots had to fight their way through the crowds to reach the offlclalM w ho Wi-re there to w?-loom.? ih<-m. beincrca to build the brldin: Mr. Foreman said il was ( lie de Mire of the highway commission to accomplish as much A3 possi ble with as little money as they could get along with. 8omA members of both bodies deplored the feeling of animosi ' IV tTint III' y nnui nan turn TPlt fry ' tween the two boards and ?x ; pressed hope that they would in { future function in harmony. Some of the County Commissioners said . the retainlpg of two lawyers by the highway body had aron<so-1 a feeling of apprehension that tho matter would be taken Into the ' court*. These differences were appar ently smoothed out heCoro tho meeting adjourned and perfect ac cord seemed Jo prevail on both l sides. ?Ml 'ST I'ltm ifWi I OK SIX MONTHS" TKIt.M I ltalciKh. Sept. I ?*, Su|m riutfii , dt'tlt of I'uhlU* I lirtl ruction A I li-ii : yent erday notified county hu|m>iIii jtendcntH that all children must l?? provided with" six nionlhH' hlpl. hwww IfmwmWBTWCtt ? trnw tmH Ihut the cotiuty boardn of rdncu* It ion must make tin* mntMiuy n>ro\ Inlonn. [mop TO OMAHA IS AGAIN POSTPONED in* Tin- l'n?m i A1 ay wood. III., Bept. 16.? -The (hop to Omaha of the world filers wan today postponed until tonmr ? row on account of Inclement 1 weather. Falls Hopes Through Fair Bring Settlers Albemarle I Ionic Sri-kern Will l>e in Attemliinee, Says Farm Ap nl, Wild May lie l<r<l to Settle in Otimlie* Show ing: the Most Attractive Kxliiltils , That 1 1??* Albemarle District may be developed to the limit of It h possibilities us an agricultural ! section Is the result which Coun ty Farm Agent Orover W. Falls" 'hopes Will eventually ho brought to pass through holding annually , hero the Albemarle District Fair "Capitalists and home seekers. ' says Mr. Falls, "will be In attend ance nt this Fair, which Is to be i h"ld In Kllxabcth City this year ion October 7, K. 9. 10 and 11. ? These visitors may be led to *?t t tie In the counties which arc able to put on the most attractive ex hibits at the Fair. "With better roads throughout -this district it may be expected that tile crowd to attend the Al bnnarle Fair this year will b?- the largest that has ever been ae?*n in Elizabeth City during Fair Week. "The exhibits at the forthcom ing Fair. Will, we MiCfA, MllpW all previous expositions held here ''-?both In quality nnd variety, j Those countlrn which I have vis it* d seem willing to co-operate with the officers of the Albemarle Agricultural Association to make the Fair a success." "This Albemarle Agricultural Association." continued Mr. Falls, "which has in hand the inanac ment of the Albemarle District Fair, Is an agricultural and Indus trial organization. We wish to aid th?> work of developing what we believe to be the greatest agri cultural section In Northeastern North Carolina. "We are paying larger premi ums than ever before this year, hoping that the people of the Al b? marie District will put up ? greatest Agricultural and live stock expoaltion ever seen in this J section. "This will be n clean, educa 1 tlonal Fair to which the people of this district may coine with th.*'" families for mutual pleasure and profit." One feature of the Fair this fall that will no doubt be of ad vantage to the farmers of the Al bemarle la the fact that Orover Wr. Falls. County farm agent for Pasquotank County, has accept* d the secretaryship of the Fair for , this year. In his experience with farmers here Mr. Falls ha* not only be i come Int'-itsely l?t?r?rted In Pa* iquotank County but ne is an tr ident booster for the Albemarle District He has studied the i counties of tin* Alhemarh and be lieves the section lo be without an eiiual when it conies to nvricUltur al accomplishments and po.Hsihlll tI<H. Not only dors tin* Albemarle , AKrictiltural Association boast of o secretary Who I* a prncflcnl 'fanner but Mr Falls has a very valuable assistant in Dr. If. E. Nixon, formerly ?-f Edenton, but now of Elizabeth City. I)r. Nixon served last year as iserretary of the fair held at Kd entori and In- inanawd this fair with succers. Dr. Nixon Is ureut ly interested in farming and In baa alwavs been for r.iore and M ,ter live slock in the Albemarle. N. Howard Sin If b Is St ft Iff pres ident of the Fair Association; J. \V. Foreman Ih first vlce-pr* *1 jdent: J. T. McCabe, second vice president : VV IV Duff, treasurer; it. C. Job. corporation accrctary; and Torn Cannon, ruce secretary and a tarter. M. L. Clark Is chairman of the parade committee for this year's fair. Mr. Clark's assistants are Camden Itlades. Frank Kramer and It. C. Job and this committee Is determined to nhow the crowds here fair week something greater and bigger in the way of a parade than their eye# ItaVe ever wlt neHSed In Eliza bet li City. The ureal display r.f Am work* ? nkag< d for tills v-ar. !? said by the management of the Fair to be the most spectacular and expens ive that has ever been aeen In the Old Home Town. This Is saylns: right much for It Is rt nicnihi-red liiat one of the distinctly sucre** f ii I features of last vsr'n Fair was the firework* Included In this year's fireworks display ore sunset en the ocean. battled' Id effects. draKons. aerp? nts. butter flies. palms, flags, birds. Niagara Falls, and all scenes will be hundreds of feet In the nir In plain view of tho spectators. The lartfefft <|ng find pony show In the world will be one feature of the Harry (.''typings Mhows, whleh have rontmcted with the Fa!r managem* nt to bring their 14 shows to Elizabeth City this year. The aim of the managers ef this year's Fair Is to make every feature nf the event better thsn It was last year end Hecretarv Falls Is aMftMM that ev#ry depart ment chairman work with this end in vi?*w. SIX AKE KILLED IN DOl'RI.E COLLISION l?i. ?Six were k II ictl In a double | auto collision hen- lu?t night. ' Two of tho men wore British naval officers and two others , were World War heroine. Laniard Jit' id. son of tho late Sir William lteiu. was arrested on ( a charge of manslaughter an drlv- ; er of the car that crashed Into , tho crowd. T ?n ?' f I III? vll'lillia wcii? IjOilI'd:.. Ing a hua beside the road and the1 others including the officers were! in a machine which wan returning | from a late supper with friends a nnmgvt he H rit ts n~sp ec In F"*c r u filer1 F?|u;idrou which la anchored In Concept ion Hay. f COUllT OKDKKS SALE COMMANDEK ESTATE property. including mill, mill Bite, j In in h?>r and other real estate, will i be sold under au order of Supe- \ rlor Court signed by Judge C. C. j Lyon Monday. The sale will be mad.- by \V. A. Pinner, recelv* r. ' and mill and real estui*? wtM uo to the highest bidder at auction J for canh on October is The for* going order, the out come of an action brought by | ''Inra W. Hall, uominlatratrlx of i T. A. Commander, vs. J. C. Brooks. administrator of C. 'v Commander, et al.. was the uio;?t j it no resting development of tin* first day's session o/ the civil jerin ' of Superior Court begTnYilng Monday. . William Charles MeeklnB. Juu- ! loi pai t ii ? x in tin- law firni of , Meeklna & Meeklna. who obtained 1 license to practice law last Janu ary. before Judge Lyon took the oath of attorney and oath to sup port the Federal and State consti tutions and was formally admit-; lejt to the practice of law In all 1 the courts of the State. Oilier eases disposed of follow: Cora Jcncs Vs. Walter Jonea. decree ??f absolute divorce under j the five year separation statute. A rein la Ambrose va. lieu ben i Ambrose, decree of absolute dl vorce nndei the live year sepsra- { 11.111 ll.ltli Li. . Louisa Itobinfon vs. Jesse Hob-) Insou, decree of absolute divorce j unib r live year separation statute. Mary Crank vs. Chaillc Crank.! i decree of absolute divorce on the ground of statutory infidelity. 1). W. Morgan vs. K. II. Win*- 1 (low. plaintiff recovered 9302.10 < witli Interest thereon from April L'M. 1 li 2 4 . KOB MODISTE OF VALUABLE JEWELS New York. Sept. 16. ? Four! armed men today ransacked the apartment of Miss Edltli Bob*. I modiste, bound and gagged the the negro maid, held up Miss Ho ho and her escort as they re-' turned home and escaped with r, nis valued at 92G.OOO. VK I KU ANS MEETING IN OIIAKLOTTE TODAY Cahrlotte, Sept. !?? Yhe North 1 Carolina Confederate Veterans op ? ned th<'ir convention here today. I I.STES CABINET TO ADHEItE TO DECISION ? llr TV AWfliM |*fw?l t- J?onilQlu.&}flLt, 16. -The Ulster cabinet at a meeting here today decided to adhere to Its former decision not to appoint represen tatives on the Irish Boundary Commission provided for In tho Anglo-Irish treaty. The decision was communicated to I'rlme Minister MneDonald of Great Bri tain. JOSEI'IIUS DANIELS SI'KAKS FOR McLEAN Newland. N. C., Sept. 16. Jo sephti* Daniel*, editor of the News and Observer, opened the Democratic campaign In Avery County last night with an appeal to tin- people to elect Angus Wil ton McLean as a candidate who will continue the present progres she era in the State. He said that the Itepubllcans of the State lack* d responsible leadeishlp. LOSES FHONT TEETII IN AUTO ACCIDENT Mauler*. Sept. 16r? -Miss Lucy Midgette is suffering with a ter ribly wrenched back and three or four of her front t*eth completely gone and Miss Delia Midgette has a broken arm as the result of an nocldcnt that happened on the road leading to Hurnsides. about two miles from here, about 11 o'clock Saturday night. Walter Male, driver of the car, and Percy Me-klns. the other members of the party were less Injured than the girls. Hale receiving a few hruls es about the face while Meeklns' injuries were even loss. The parly consumed the early part of the evening at a party given by Miss Dorothv Drlnkwater at her home on West Church street. After the party these four decide" that It was most too early to go home so Ihoy went for a little Joyrtde that ended In the accident that cost Miss Mldgett many of her front teeth, which will naturally affect her appear ance. and almost cost her life. N' o flubft antlal reason has been given thus far for the cause of the accident other than thay wsre running the car without any lights, ran It Into a deep ditch and turned | It over. V Russia Called Enemy By U. S. Department Of War And Officer of Ketscrve Corps of Army Alleged ;<> Have ghinvn Syni|mlhy fi>r Sirri-I M?y In1 l*iuit murily Dismissed from Service . n. HMiiunx T ?wtn. ICMrlikt in*. >r Tit# *<>*>?) Washington, Sept. 16. ? Official Washington has licgun to take a real interest in the inquiry lieing conducted under the iuapicesof the War Department at J?j:yv_ X.W.U tn-ik'-crmine whether a man who has expressed sympathy for soviet Rus sia and a belief that the existing government of that more or less unhappy land should tx' recognized by the United States, is fit to hold public office or any position of trust. trust involved in the hearing is a commission in the offi cers' reserve corps of lh" Army. Home persons may look upon ! that position uh possibly unlmpor I taut In the plpln* times of peace and the d?iwn of world disarma ment. but the War Department ar.d the reservo corps have n't such Ideas ou the subject. What worries Washington 1h that the verdict of the New court of Inquiry la uuquoatlonably going to be aKalnst the accused officer. Hla nam els Captain 1 ax ton Hlbben. bur that realty -trnn** "lniportant. v If. however, a board of resem Army officers. acting In ^unison with two officers of the Regular Army, decide that a man who haj expressed his sympathy for Rus sia Ih unfit for public trust, wluil Is to become of- half a score of ' United States Senators who con alder themselves very Important and art' very much In the Pu"'< eye at the moment? Will the United States Array take the of fi nslve against them? Or wll I It be content merely to blaae th way and thenMtoas the torch to Twrmw-ntrriy umaulieil spei Isl situ ate Investigating committee ana [,.t th.' august upper chamber of the National Congress purs.- It pelf of Its ' unlit" meuibois? 1 rub ably some of the Senator. soou will "Inquire to know." Senator William E. Borah of 1 Idaho haa been one of the mom 1 outspoken of the elder statesmen i advocating recognition for nu"*' He doubtless will read the conclu sions of the New York board of Inquiry with unuaual Interoit ami In due course of time may have something ralher pertinent to ??y upon the aubject. Senator! LaKollette and wh.'l er. who. regpoctlvely. would tain be I'realdeut and Vice Prealdent, of these United State, on and af ter March 4. next. If only they could convince enough people of the rlghteouaneaa of their cause, also are classed promlnenlly amonK the "friends of Hu??^ A. a matter of fact, both S.na I tor LaKollette and Senator 1 Wheeler recently visited Russia, along with several colleagues. In ! eluding Senator King of "'?'J; 'and all of them came buck with praise of the conditions they i found In a supposedly benighted i place. Ever since that Russian .trip and the exchange of Intliuata ivlewa It permitted. Senators l.a t'ollette and Wheeler have been i close friends and there was no surprise when Mr. Wheeler was chosen as Fighting Hobs running mate. Som ? politicians have gone so far as to say that such an ar rangement was understood In ad vance and that Is why no Vice (?residential nomination *?? | made by the "progressive* at | If the board of officers .Ittlng In Captain HlbbenV case brand I him ?n Improper person of his leaning toward the Hti?Jau ] government, the head.-, of th "progressive" ticket unquestion ably Will regard the verd ct as an attack by the administration upon them and the Jllbben Incident may become an Issue In the earn nalgn The campaign. Iiv the way. Is In such a liquid condition at this time that anything may be come an issue at any moment. The more the merrier So perhaps Captain Hlbben Isn't such an unimportant person after all. It" holds his commis sion In the officers' reserve corpa largely on the recommendation "f the late Colonel Theodore Hmse velt,-t?l?-aenat?r Albert -J- Hi*, erldge of Indlsna. snd others of the progressive school of thought III this country, lie was rer.'ln mended for the commission early In the war and served <J>rou** 'J' war with an admittedly dlatln gulshed record lie was In lb' Intelllgenc.. department. II" bad i travelled the world over as an ob ; aerver. and as n newspaper cor respondent lt? knew many lan guages Ills services were largely sought by army commanders. AW of this has been admitted by the i officers who sre qaMttonlnf hls j fitness to continue In the res rv ]COrBut Since the war. Since he got out of uniform, since he hss b.'-n following the private pursuit* ? t 1 peace! It la "alleged that he P?h. . Ilety has expressed sympathy 'or Ruaala. has publicly urg-'d tbat the soviet government be recog Inlged All of this M related a* I Showing a communlHtlc trend of thought In the captain s mind and It Is written In the army stars ' that be must go. It la alleged h? ESCAPE AT MANTKO Mnnteo. Sept- 16.? -The lown of Nluutco was stirred oftalnjrljlll ? morning wlu?n the news was cir culated that the two negroes. held here since early in August hart sawed a bar in I wo ami gotten out of Jail. Whin (Seorgo W. Twlford. the Jailer, entered the Juil Friday morning with their breakfast. he notlrert nothing unusual t-hat would cause him to llilnk anything, had happened until he went to . their bedfl and called them a? ho had been doing each morning. " After a thorough examination ? won mudt* man v -tools such -n* *Ti | a*e. files and a rope by which they hud lei thVfiiselves to the fcrciu ti?l from a second story window, were found, all which allowed that they had been get ting assistance from parties out Blde. Theee- tw-o men, ? wit h-anoth-MP? man and two women were brought here early in August from East Lake following a cut ting and shooting scrape 1n which throe of them took actlvo purls while the other two were held as witnesses. Oije of these same men had escaped" once hATuFe. or j unt ?im ply walked out In the broad day light while the door wan left stan ding open by the Jailer but - his fredom wuh limited to Just a few minutes as llarry Westcott., armed with a shot gun. working for a reward of flYo dollars- that had been offered, captured him In a patch of slock pean Just a short distance from the Jail. Ah far as can be learned no effort has yet been made to locate these men and It looks a? though the officers responsible will have , to render a pretty Rood excuse unless these men are recaptured nnd brought back to jail to nwalt the term of Superior Court In November In which they wero to ! be tried . PENALTY ON FAILURE SECUHK LICENSE NOW "The closest cleanuo I have ev er known." says city Auditor Snowden "f the cltv llecense taxes due September 1 with a penalty of f? pi-r cent? en and alter Sep tember 1 r.. The penalty feature Is u new <m and li if? to this new feature, no doubt, that the better {collections this year may bo na crlbed- ? * ? Despite the penalty feature, however, and duo advert lament nf the fact that September 13 was tlw last day to pay license taxes and escape I' -unity, l here are a number of delinquent* whom the pollc an now bury rniiiidlng up. Five were defend ants for failure I > procure city Piitomoblle Uci ii? s In eourt Tues day morning, and th- se were re- ( quired lo pay the license fee PlOn 5 per cent and also the costs of the court. 1 !'? Adam*. James v, Parker, and William Meeklns: 1 snd two negro defendants. Charles rtlddick. Mouth Road .street, and John C!opcland. Cul 1 pepper street. The foregolec were the only de fendant* before Trial Justice H pence in Tuesday's session of the iccorder's court. SECRETARY WILBUR IS SUMMONED BACK Washington. Sept. Ifi Presi dent Ooolldge yesterday sum inoned Secretary Wilbur back from the Pacific (Vast lo confer on Important, nivnl matters. Secretary Wilbur Is expected to srrlve .In -time for. Friday's cab inet me" ting. It *??< indicated at the White House that while there was no special slgnlflcanse In the call for his relurn It desired that be b?- her" to confer regarding the n^xt budget allow snco for the Navy. has "expressed s? ntlments fav orable t-? the enemy " Many per rons will lo> surprised to leafn that Rdssls still Is regarded an an "enemv" In official circles. War never has been dec'ared but the enemy exists. poor Captain Hibb?n found himself In the tolls of the Inquiry without any warning whatsoever. It was hi* turn lo b.- pr omoted to he a major. A board was ordered to pass upon his qualification* They found his urtuy i- cord l wan just about 100 per cent. Thsn some ?ne brought In llnssla. The course of the Inqnlry changed nf once Instead Of passing >?pt ?? promctlm It began to pars Up<n? dismissal The evidence is all ?? Ths country awal'* tht decision.

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