MIKE AND PAUL ' A GOOD MATCH But If McTigue Kail* Beat Berlenltach Chuncr of Ever Getting Back in Pop ular Favor Ap|>earH Slim. By KAIIt l-IJVV (CMrriakt. Ill* Br Thi Ari.aiK.) NVw York. S.'pl. 16 ? Mikf Ale Tlgue can help hi* reputation n lot by beating Paul Berleuha 'h *hen the two meet In the city a good showing against any top notch fighter. I'aul would seem to be tb? lad made to order for htm. For Michael la clever and has done bla beat work against clouters who have little skill a? an asset. IflcTlgus will not be risking his title as a world's champion evidently ami he in In the happy position of not having much to lose In this battle. Thin ?s because his reputation is not ,hl*h. and because every one be ) lievo* that any good lighter of . his -weight ought to heat him Should (McTigue. therefore out point BerKenbach by u wide mar gin ? there Deems uo chance he could score a knockout ? he will be in demund for some puyitig hnuti Mike Is not taking any chance* of being rusty when he meets the former wirestler. On Octobew 1, he will box a light heuvy weight yd to be named out in Ohio. The best man obtainable will be secured as McTigue's opponent, say the the promoters. Young Btrlbllng is going to make his Boston debut next Tues day against a tough middle weight. Tommy Robson of Mul den. Mass. The bout will go ten rounds to a decision and Is certain to attract a great crowd of spec tators who have yet to se?> the Dixie youth In action. Strlbling must be made of rubber, the way be Is barnstorming the country, fighting here, there and every where. Some day he will go too far and run Into a snag. ffew York. Sept. 16. ? Pennsyl vania may ask a favor of New York State in relation to the pro jected Walker Barrett fight in Philadelphia, or. the matter may be submitted as a mere common sense proposition. To come to the point, the Penn sylvania commission will inter cede with the New York body in behalf of Walker. The Quakers think Walker should be permitted to mingle with Bobble without be ? ^ny-MnWeened by the N?w Vtmh solons. Walker wei^t to the Pennsylvan ia commission about the Barrett matter. "All I want to do." he said, "is to make some money. In the past two years everything has been gotng out and little coming In. The blow-up of the Lenoard fight cost me a lot since I had passed several good offers. "Now I want to dig in and make my bank balance look like something. I'm willing to meet Shade, but I think I ought to have a fight packed away first. Be sides. I need the money." -The Pennsylvanlan's told him to go ahead and get ready to do ?battle against Barrett and prom ised to present the matter to the New York commission in an ap pealing way. Just now there seem to be pros pects of a Glbbons-Tunney battle and of all fights that have been held or promised this year, that particular prospect thrills the writer. There> would be science a plenty ? and some hard wallops. But somehow Gibbons appeals to the writer as too knowing and strong for Gens to tackle Just yet awhile. YOUNG STRIBLING TO FIGHT AT RALEIGH Raleigh, Sept. 16. ? Young fUrlbling was yesterday signed up to meet Vic Mclaughlin here on W#|rtember 27. Major League Scores NATIONAL LKAGL'K Monday's Score* Pittsburgh, 4; Boston, 3. No other games. Standing of Teams. ; w. l. ivt New York ? ..-86 65 .610 Itrvoklyn ? . ? 16 f?7 .601 Pittsburgh 82 56 ,694 Cincinnati 76 65 .639 Chicago 74 64 .536 Ht. Louli 69 .416 Philadelphia 61 89 .364 Boston 48 93 .340 AMERICAN LKAGUK Monday's Score* New York, 2; Chicago. 0. Ht. I/Otils, 4; Boston. 3 Washington, 0; Detroit. 2. Standing of Tea ins W. L. Pet. Washington 82 69 .682 New York 82 69 .6x2 Detroit 79 64 .653 Ht Louis 74 69 .517 Cleveland 66 77 .461 Philadelphia .62 78 .443 Rimton 62 81 .433 Chicago 60 80 .429 F.I. DAI.LO CH.AKS i* A Smoker's Delight TRY ONK , D. R. MORGAN A CO. WHOLKSALR OltOCKRS Phone MO M. G. MorrUettc A Company FURNITURE CASH. II Voa Hut* It ritKDIT. If Yoa Wont It. I But Where Are the Medols? The Prince of W.'ilca Kjunils considerable c.f lila time on'th- li:.!,*. "nut ovw.hi'i*, wc^havent heard of him trinmng any nietl.?l? on hi* TIGERS KEEP IN THE RACE Will Take Claying on Own Purl and Loss of I'orni l?y Wa-liin^'hm Itnl Detroit lias Chance. New York Sept 16. ? Th- De troit Tigers kept themselves in the running in the spirited Ameri cun I.'ague rac ? by > to break their winning r. freak Washington, to maintain it< speed against Detroit, should hav? won the Sunday game. That would have given the Senators 15 vic tories for tho season against the TistT3, It U very doubtful If 1 U?> -\V*i? s|i in jUouk -a ro rea My a 14 j t< am against Detroit. Brooklyn ami Cincinnati have finish. (1 tin Ir series. So j !iav.- V w York and SI. I*wuis in ihe National. Brooklyn won 12 games ami Cincinnati 10. That! -li_u bigger triumph for Brooklyn than it appears to he- because at (Ik* b>-Rinning of iho Benson Cln cinnti was regarded as a 1.1-7 combination against Brooklyn. The Giants beat the Cardinals 1.1 times :>nil tin- Cards whaled tho. champion* nine tihies. That is a percentage of .101 for the Giants .tin. - n. 1 tun Olann -nrr-ovi ! aoo in the rnoo.lt shows that tho Cards have labored pretty ?vll against the champions. If Pittsburgh, should come through ami win the p-.iinant no little credit will be due to Kinil Vde, tho young pitcher who is serving l>ls first year in the Na tional League. Tlv> fine game he pitched in Boston on Saturday. ?tfler he had hoen jolted for his sroond defeat of tho season on his iprevioii!- Mart, showed that the young niah has courage and cori tirms the opinion that was held of hint in tho West last year. Hi Oklhoma City friends ns I sorted repeatedly that Yd? would proye the heat first year pitcher that cither League had taken on for 10 2 4. They were' 'right. For onre. a prediction 'about a colt pitcher has ionic true. And the thing that helps most is that ov * ryhody in Oklahoma had faith in him when big leugue scouts liad turned him down. Over in Brooklyn they take looiuu.i. vi kntiox hu.\ If you have gome question to ask about football ? If you want a rulle Inter liri'tvtl - If >ou want to Know any thing;" about a play- - Write to Lawrence l'erry. for 15 year* au authority on thrsamt-aj writer and nfTietal 1/ you want a personal reply enrloai* a stamped, self-ad dr? ised envelope. Otherwise your qu* stion will be an swered in this eolumn. Addr?'HM: l?awreiice lVrry, Special I'ootball Correspondent ??f The Advance. K 1 4 World nuiiuiim. New \or*. Qui "tioi; ? .In a game on a niud ily field a player, tackles the buck ra rylng the ball who has reached ?he ?l??feinl > n x ? player'n two y*t4 lilie. The ball carrier Is downed '?ut slides on across the goal line. Is this a touchdown? The tack l.T Of r.Mirre gooe over the line grasping the back. Answer ? CS'ot according to the Utiles Committee who In an opin ion on the subject says the ball yhtnrra. go back to the two yard line, or wherever first tackled'. Uul? 6. Section 13 (a) is brought forth to bulwark this ruling. Hut th ? writer cannot see that It ap ple's. In other words, were the writer the referee he would feel the M-orint: si? was rightfully ?*n titled to its score. On the other hand the approved ruling of the Rules Committee and not the ref eree's personal opinion is the thing that stands. Question ? In a football game played with the fence behind the goal very close to the field of play a back carries the ball over the line and then fumbles 1t. In the scramble to get It the ball bounds over the fence. A member of the team which had carried the ball back of the lino scales the fence and falls on the ball. Is this a touchdown? ? Answer ? Yea. unless there has been a ground rule to some other effect. Now York. Sept. 16. ? The de feat 1111 lirtlrr repair dfivicf than over. Come in and It'll Diiranl I nrrlianil tvliiil yon vimr. RELIABLE FORD SERVICE Auto & Gas Engine Works, Inc. 107 N. Wi.lrr St. PHONE 326 able ot look much mor?? finished tliau it would have ionkt'd ukmIiiki meu who understood the princi ples of play well as they did and wi re thus in a jk sit ion to checkmate them. This is not saying that the Am erican outfit was not first class In every way and perfectly geared for the supreme test. At the tame time against a hlgn type of vainu 4t would, have been, out rf the qu^tlon for the American* to ' have given so adequate and graph - ir an exhibition of how polo of lense should be conducted. The attack lined itself out so beautifully, two forwards parading over the 'ball and the No. 3 or back coming up to hit It. as to ca use" old ? Internationalists wh" have been accustomed to se^luie formations of the sort smashed tip land plan> frustrated, to rub their , eyes in amazement. Was this. tJu*y asked, the great est American International team ever organised?" T>r was therq something wrong with the British? 1 Answers, frankly uttered, would bm Ual this In not the greatest American International team and . tht there was something decldcdly wrong with the invading four, i What was wrong? First the British have not advanced polo ?o the American standrd. This was demonstrated most completely in jthe international service 'series ' Inst year when officers represent-: log the American army, wherein i ?h?* name is comparatively new. | NEW CLOTHINC, Hats, Caps, Sweaters, Shoos and Sox now in. C. A. COOKE (Head-to-Foot Outfitters) Hiiuwti! uiiili r a representative Uritiidi pol?? (our. Of course heavy lottsc* iu tin war have boon larxelv bin for a certain hckwardun.,* iti the git nit- overseas -Init ?n the KiiKlish would have non-* further hud they developed the:r game alone lines whieh e\prrli>niv against American teams here an I abroad tnM?t have fliown tin m ai? more enlightened Lhan ilirir u?n. JIMMY Ml 151'in IS kll.l.KI) li\ I'll K It \? i: Syracuse. N. V . Se|?t. l J i nt my Murphy, fatuous auto r.te iuK driver, was lillM 4h here yestetday aft* rimmi win i. hi* auto jum:i -d ? ? curve. HUNK CHANCE DIES AFTER I.UM; ILLNESS liOH AllKelei*. S.*s?t. l?i. Frank rnanrn. hi am -??r ? >i ? rn>- i'Mimlm White Sox. di"d hi ie last ui^lii. after a prolonged illness. phone 114 Standard Pharmacy j THEY WIUL SEND IT | mmwm How r?*> nil jour work rati In* I?oih? l?> Kln(rliii) C?miio In ? I ho (IriuoiifflrnfloiitN Hw D. Ray Kramer M.milKU'M MTItKKT K\ rr>l Ill iik Klii'lricjil 2 -K NICKER S UITS li'. , i-.i-il I.) I'niH Clnthes that call stand UP untliT t hi' st i i'iiuous weal' o f rod-blooded Boys. But wo have thorn. Many are doul>ly reinforced at every vul m-rnlilf point ? from woolens ch?H?M? Jor their durabil ity ami smart in appearance. Some with jrolf knickers and caps to match ? tn S I Rucker & S/ieely Co. .. Elzahvlh City's Best Store WE HAVE MOVED Into tlio iH'W Love VtiilldliiK- opposite our old location on I'oin ficxtor St root. Como to roo us for anything you may nrcd in Clothing and Shore. BENTON & WEST The return of the "Round'the' World" i'lieri Hats off to 'em? they deserve it! THE first men ir> alt history to circle the earth by air! Trackless, treacherous seas, sri se nile jungles. Mazing deserts, nor desolate fields of ice could bar them from their goal. They dared ftreatly. and won? and the millions who watched their peril' ou? flight rejoice to welcome them home, to honors richly earned. Hats off to 'em! Xo quote our own slogan, "Such popularity must be deserved!" Chesterfield CIGARETTES ^