SOCIAL HAPPENINGS I ni(|u?> Surprise Party fHrih<; ?? n IshlM.rhoml v' "d* '??" r.l?,lvc, m?: \ ,k Morgan Ban- h^r oulio ? I * "> l>ri'.-piiiatl,in of a v. .. comforiahl,. r.-adlne .h'lr V?,i ??r :r",rul ???- iri 'font door 11 1* 6 11 i? r,.,.. i.-,. , hack to . n, where :,!?? v , |V,:,IK T"nl" wJsl. Mrs. Veil.. ^ """ -? lal?r. II:. M,,,..,, '? ' '"v." ? --J"*" . ?r '?? ... ???"? '"?? lt.iiu-i? Mlw VI. .-iili. It. n k. -?T, tip I ,r'' All,,n>?r Evening at for horn ?? s.1,1 ? sir..' ?Rvlyn -JlarrLsun. Margaret' vv' Sawyer '. Marjurie Skinner. Killli Owrn w"'a ami Marv !!*' Mi ??r? VV. si y slM...|, n " '" l,i" ii'i-ti-.' Foreman. Wilton s.,?,i. r v 1J IV V"' Si,:" u' of Norfolk. John Kr i iik - Tvr. Sawyer, Kolieri Williams -Vrnn eis Jacocks. Ji hit 1'iiluu.n i Frank ll.llowtll. Ilwrli Kkhii IIwiw l-arlj Tin- following ha v*' rot uniSr from a Hon- party ac .Vim ||, ,,| Mliwea MarKi?.rll, I.eUoy. Man,. Man, I- I'alnirr. Krnnr.-. \V ll'im* and Mary ( lark. M ?. ,\\:!l!s '"Bh- l.i?He llelaneli ? <'-1 11 li*' J'. -lleury I.. ]t->y A.hley rici'1 wnnri. .\|r. an. I Mm' . .Mllra Clark ami Mr. nn.1 ]|rs. " Elwood Weal herlv. Mother* To Meet An importnnt meeting ?f the Mother's Club will ho |,, |?| a, lh,. ? < ommtinity Ilcmte t?n KWlwo?il street Wednesday nrteru:>on al 2:30. All Hie mothers are asked to be* present promptly with th'-ir .children as Dr. Zenas Fearing will he at Mils ncHhrg ami has many things of In I crest to toll .thorn. 1 'monuT5 : ? Dr. Ike Fearing and children, Margaret anil William, spent ? Sunday at Virginia lteach. Miss Dorothy Cbappell left Sunday night for North Carolina College at Greensboro. . Miss Nellie Jontu loft Su.nday night for North Carolina College at Greensboro. Miss Mary Perkins Creecy left Sunday night for Oxford wliore she will bo a sludont this session. Miss h Ruth nnrt Krelyn Bright loft Sunday night for North Car olina College at Greensboro. Mesdamos George Spence. Ike Fraring. Warren Pinner, and Miss Lilllo Mae Stevens, I >ft Sunday for Virginia Beach, whore they will spend- some time at Courtney Terrace. Zaek Owens and Jaek Jonnctto left Sunday night Tor the Univer sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. MYs. It. C. Abbott anil daugh ter. Doris, have returned from spending seVoral ilayn at New Horn. Miss Margaret 1*3. Sawyer left Monday for Bristol, Virginia, wher? she will attend college this session. Misses Elizabeth I.o|toy nnrl Annie Mae. Witifdow loft Sunday tor North .Carolina College at Greensboro. Mrs. M. F. Wright, of (his city. Is spending several days In iCdonton as the guest of Mrs. S. ? 8- I*eary. Mrs. Mary f., ttrlttr.n anil child ren, Miss Josephine lirittou, and William and Waylaml Hrltton. returnfil Saturday after spending Mr. anrl Mrs. Fminetl Wynii. Mr. nil Mrs. VV. C. Jackson and eon, W. C. Jackson. Jr., and Miss Wedding Gifts I (('utfquilrvrrs fiJT Those who want <|U?1 ity Kifta for wedding presents. Always ?lad to show you otir largo stock of. gifts that last. H. C. Bright Co. Jruelcrn WVKST TOUR SAVINGS IN BATH BONDS INDUSTRIAL BANK I Mi. a linyce havtt returned from an uiomooiiv trip through thf Valley ??f Virginia and iit?r i Ti?-r n cities. Mr. and Mr*. Frank Cri> . Jr.. have returned after spending th summer at Nags Head. Lutrell ("rail dock of Sorioik 1M (1 thr.HIKll fh-? ?:??* ? ' i ? y |m Tit -? vrnil ?!.?> ' ? \Valt< r Stafford of Sn.illi Mills i- at the Klixabetli City !!??', '?ital for lr<-at mom. Miss ClUIUa Willis Will) lia* 1m ? ii s>|u-mlinc ili?* siunnr r at P:iy?'tj villi* anu lay |??r .K??. Mioko llaph's wiiri'f sli<' will ho a in i mht-r ??: tin- fa?-u:iy 1 f> ! t' " Mi " I.HIiau 11 ? ;? r : - U U Mop-! .y iiiiil't for North < raihi.i roll, r ?it II r?? when* she will !?*? U ytllllclll tills 01'HMiOll. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sawyer, Miss .Margaret Harris and George Wuislow ? pe n I Friday in Nor folk. M;?< Annie Wood Hurls lift lust week for Plymouth whero ?lie wiir "tVach in the" puTilTc yi }? (ml?, ? Miss Naroi^sa Sawyer has re turned after visiting her sldfr. Mrs. L. F. Zeiglcr. of Edenton. Mjss Mnxine Fearing will leuve Tuesday night ft?r North I'arolina ( ?'*! I?m*?* at Greensboro. Ur. and .Mrs. 11. I). Walker ami ? ^|yrin .if Green - T. :iir TtliV. ? r i I u r mtTI Til th lfTTome :'?? r vi-'tlnn Mi.'.t Franecs Mad : in mi Soutln-rn Avenue. Coolidge' Greets Flyers rw?il )ViHJ? nwmtubW I.I'utcK5nt~lSTii 11. smlih" .0111. ? "tjoii.i.' 1 h'i 1 vv " ? "? i,r Sfn- Would Kv ? " ? More Than l'lt