Recent Shooting A Sequel | T o The Battle Of Canaan V " Memories of Bluo!nt *A0aked with blood, nnd went to i 3b* |offiftes df a physlrian, where <~a pistol ball was removed fronii t*Jfce tissues of McPherson's neck. IjThe ball had entered the left Djaw to the left of the mouth. j 'Struck the Jawbone and then, fol wlng the line of this hone, had owed Its way to a point about ' i Iqoh beyond the angle of the *Jew. An odd circumstance was JTke fact that McPherson would Apt swear out u warrunt against lAason nor would he tell one , *%ord as to how the shoot ing came '^bout. The warrant for Rason's Afreet was sworn out on informa tion and bellof, based on a remark ! dropped by Marshall Jennings In Jrta physician's office In the I ?yeeence of witnesses. ?i Tnough .McPherson would not. Jply who shot him "InffTflfj^rirsi intimate that what he had Am* for the man who fired the ihvt had been s plenty. Mc Pherson Is quoted on the Bowery., when no newspaper ntun are about. as having claimed Mint he; hH Raaon so hard that his arm | At# shoulder were sore for longer than his cheek was from the btfllet wound. , . Hiram RSason Is still nt large, i "Sheriff Held has been to his homo - more than once and 'has sent a deputy to It two or three times. Ikfet without ever being able to find Ba*on In. Bason is believed , to have taken to the Dismal ! Swamp. VILLAGES WKKCKEO ' | BY AN EARTHQUAKE Conatantlnople. 8ept. lg.-Tle porU reaching here Indicate that 4M villages were wrecked and 100 person* wore killed In an earthquake In the Krseiutn dls ,t|lot. RAIN AT BKAHKORT DAMAGES STREETS Beaufort, Sep! 18. ? Twelve j iDrtien of rain fell In 10 hours her* yesterday, I'MitillKhlng a re- 1 ?>rANA HRIUC l\ A NRWI.VWKO BTONY ?tola Dafta appeam today at >?Alkrama Theatre In "Don't Ynr wmhuim ?? ttta ) Ay loda Cowan and Howard i, tell* of nrat year matrl- ' In smart suburban guar* innrtuat^t With explosions tta temperament Bvsvmonr, who dirtcun Ml Brunmel" for John Barry the Dana picture cludns Alan Jtorrcat . Bryaon. John Patrick . and Robert Dunbar. ? MRS. VANDKKHIl.T ON ACIUUJI/rUHK BOAKD liuii-iKh. h.'|?i ~*l S.^-flov<'Tiiur Morrison yesterday appoinjr.l Mrs Kiliih A'aiuU'rbilt a m^mlxr of tin* Stat** ItoaM of Agriculture rrom ih<> Tenth IliKtrlct succeeding ili?* Into A. Cannon. IMPROVEMENTS IN LOCAL POST OFFICE l*ninlltu;. Itepuli-H, ami Improve*! ^|iil|iinffll and Her* be InaMuunitnl The painting of the Elizabeth City poHt office now under way in but one of the number of im provements Inaugurated by Post master ~3: A. llooper. The I'nited States I>? puty's of llce han been xupplhd with a steel . vault equipment, a bran* kick plale I.hh been placed on Iho frout ?. a ? -?I-- -i ?>f> i |i l n 1 1 m thw , C. O. I), window, lac floor of the lobby hax been repaired anil other repairs have b?en made about the building. These im- , provementa and repairs have coat about The postoffice in now rated as first class because the postal receipts have goue beyund the 1 40.000 mark, an Increase of nearly f 10.000 during the present ad miniMt ration. An r^dditi'inal cli tic and an ad: ditional city letter carrier have be?-u. alio%t-d this. qfflc*. C. O. D. packag<> an- no longrr call* I for by the address^#- but are de livered by carrier, th?? larger package* l>y motor truck and the smaller packages by city letter carriers. The general dcllvrr Wlndo* is now kapt open during the dls tributlon-'of mull and u Sunday night collection Is taken from th? street letter boxes from all over the city. MK*. fHlUUS DEAD i* ? I ? : 1. ? ? Mrs. jMvphlni' Burrus died ? Wednesday morn in* at 1I):?S a.' the home of Jier rod. J. Burrus. 112 Cypress street, after beini; in poor health for some time. Mrs. Burrus. a native of Hyde County, wan 70 year* old and in aurvived by three -children. Mrs. Torn Tll lelt and J. Burru* of this city and Everett Burrus of Manns Hafbur. and by two Misters and one broth _e?\ The body wax tak^n to Mantik Harbor for burial on the Haiti Creef. Thursday. B-ATTI.KSHII* JINKED (Continued From Page One) of military knowU-dg.V aupnelnt.h the wcuderfu! strides that hav, been made in the air since th? World War. The Navy itself hat , done some wouderful flyln*. Hun d reds of thousand* of air miles h^Ore b**en flown without the los.s Sat a ilngK life." Many air prob lems have been worked Out. Th? Navy regards th<- airplane as an adjunct and an as*<-t to the fleet rather than a menace. IMttiu'b ur.? UH?d nowadays for "spotting" for the big sun*. Ho\ ??r4nt; above tin* tin- plain? observe and direct by r;.dio the range of the nuns ami report the Jilts. It would b?* entirely pos sible for a ship to fire at and hit un unseen target, so long as the plan*** w.'r?' servinu a* "eyes." ? It is the Navy's plan that the] fleet shall always be accompanied l?* its planes as well us ||k dv hlroyi iM Tin-hit plan** ? iwt ? (observe but would he i:sed for ? protection against air attacks by 'host lie 'planes. Th?- air advocates ?-t could have circumnavigated the Klobe in loss tiuto than It loftjf, the fliers to make the journey. . President C oolldge is neutral In tho controversy as yet. It will b* ?i anew in Codinh this win -tiT and then tho 1M caldent ntay liuv - something: official to say. He fools at the moment that enoutch money Is being spent on b0th~the Navy and the air forces, and so refuses to get excited. fill '.til tli.K.. twelve illiiHt rn IIoih siihI | Ki tit <* t li? -in neatly over the kty iticiuri-a to the rights ?h.-y ftt |M>r(itlly If t lio w.irk !;? ili?in correctly. * Tin- all l""ii i u m..< iimMlwd-liiKw of tlt4? l-v |?iig ?took of fall goonil we can m-. - MMA&1LI ?? rifOlNK 865 ? Cartwrights Bakery Plumbing That Eliminates Worry Before Winter (!ome* in Earnest lei ti? look to your I'lnmhing ho von will Ik* wiivod the iiieonvenienee ami lo?h of time mid money later 011. Thin in the Hot Time to have your Sink, Hot Water Tank, or Hath K00111 Fix tures in*t'lle Western In Ion 1*110* H M4I7 Taking the Blue Out of Monday Itciiiemher thin: No col ored woman use* the moil* era mot hods to Im? found in a good stcum laundry which i ii s n r r perfect cleanliness and sanitation. Tin* laundry doean't got ill and diHa|i|H>iut you when you need your clothes most. Albdmarle Steam Laundry I'HONE 123 TIME TO PAINT The Full of the Yew is the limp to I'aint Your Home or any other building. Winter weather in hard on woodwork. Save the Surfaee and You Save All. Order Your I'ainl Sii|>|die? from E. J. COHOON & CO. I'llONE S3S No J oh Too Largv or Too Smalt KXrUUT l!AI2VTKIM HHINd OIJR I'AINT A K V, ? w. i.. mtoTMKns w. ?\ Moidtisrrrf: I'lione 4 ? I- W riKHir IHH-W Keeps Good Food Good En /H i-iti/ly ill thr Fall an d if inter. Il i* important that the ro frigorntnr xhoulri In- kept wrll ?upplinl with Iff in lh<- full. Many sultry day* will upoil food ami lirinff hIh>uI ill health if thr iff flftl low. Crystal Ice & Coal Corp. I'HONKS 16 ami 716