Everyman's Investments FRIKV1ISIIII' MTIXKS AMI KJ.VSKttl.k I \ \ IMA|f,\ I S * "*?! tv got t<i ?alw bonu: motl ey." Thr re mark wa-. mud* by a xhrcwil. ynutiR arroutt tant w h )? k ?? f r i >' nilsliip I hav?? lone ?*n- | Joyed. I t rifil j on a ? Quu^'uni niliiai <'S|?rua* ' ition and wait-' i*d. "You know tliut little com ? KOftOI T. nosr, Sw{nDt?'n,V "-T I nodded Wen. 4 i hin k it's cojni; ? replied. h ,nR '"How T7i ii i li 'i l 1 1 Stocks Jjave yon?** j ats|i,<.,'|,,",,a j a "hur"- * k heavens. I ?.i , v.y ?? N. frl.ndi.lilp hi ocks ?r k.n-f.,lk for I 1 , ,?Mke my brother a ftr.iieln i, , ; or a gift of m.,n,.v b. , ' ' : ' *hT lroth"r 1 ' wan. to h. I , JU>n. thai I'm |?v, ? ? to buy work i? " ""ftartod. Tt... ri'k 1 "> ??'l> I" M?S the 1 good-bye. ?? ? ,,, , '?m" '? mu ro ask whlchof lily ?Murlil. .. I should ... ?mney t? help lir?, which I Mhoul.f k.'i-H " -JJ? '"">?"lng ,s ,,n a,,,;;, ample of one of th?. |,. M i PV. r 5*T* ?wn of thr rlffht w:,v ir, Jook at the buying of stork . ?r oth er Mearfttle. fro,,, fr|??,s lir r," frt?r"i i . Kh,K " **?'???! ril v in incndRhip or con*anKuliiit> or in SlThnJ. nHh,P lH without son mo or remain. m.? J? 5?*; ,,rur ?r ilear III.. fri> tmI or relative that nearmss and d?ar Mas doe. n't make a wenk m-. iiiIIv EIL? L'r '!7l,n""- A"y ?'?<* ..V Jond .houl.l l,? ju.ln.ul ?? Jt? own merit x w ? (k 5L?rcur"? n'l.l ln an , It?!i <Halllir.il, ' Ar" iu.iTl~' ?lng Iho enterprise honest , Ih!.- I)" 1 hey kn.ia T, , .7 ar" rt"lnK >""r il ,k, *hn embarked i u enterpiiMp in which Uo>v wlah to intercHt you? ,|?.v J?rry I. through. si.uk in vlr ty.lly every now . n.erprUc i. "?ky, no .nailer whether il lt your brother ?r ,?|ni. wlll> ls ajarting the company. tho young account ?at n? ? level-b.,.,1,.,1 In, W?n. He knew bit. brother aon?N. and dPHrrving. |jr knew^ that lit. brother*, enlerprlae was , Mtr?.l,ely risky Rightly. |,? l? " 1,11 I'lverttioenl W?bly. he stayed out. Itliib.ly h? came In with a loan wli.-n bin ttrother wa. hard nrenaeil, deelar t>C that be wan llerrerlly willlnr ?? kin tho money good-by. l? k?lp hi. brother. A great many people, howovor. com iuually lorn money In bnekllig relnllvea. Tim; U, of conr.e, all right when thoy Wl.h to do i?., when they realize Uat they are doing it l?r love tnd can afford it. ii?t when Iho pnylng of HtnekH I. a. luated In lov? or friend. hip for the .oiler tje buyer nlionl.l be prepared to f ??t nothing but love or friend.liip It. raturi. It la or conr.e Very fortunate to have relative, or friend, of <ri?d. proved, experienced and in vestment House from whom one o?n buy .ocurltle., in i|,al Ho?rtn>or. the rule stilt hold, good tor in that raiK* ML'c.uritleM nruj | gPglht on aound, exporienciul ' jldgment nnd -not wiwjAily on fneiMlehlp. Prlfn<Uhlp or kimthip ?^on't add a ulckol to a nliure of wildcat ntock. ?1 WANT TO MAKK M)MK KKAli MONKY" In timoH of Htock market <-xci t ?> ttent when prlc-i^r.- rlsiuK rap I Wly the diffi<-ulti?H of th?> invent- 1 went advliier are multiplied, it looki an eawy to muk# tnonoy in Mlatlon that the impulse to In almost lrregiatlbl?v Ont t In tho nrwnpnpHr BtorifK of iroflt* of this or that notor- ' pluhRfr who I hi h .'i^cuinnlat i B?*?-'?t fortune without any lent effort, lt-tw-nnt hIwm.vh 'Ck? that thoftf quick "for-!' aro made. Sometime* it fceat. Homctime; it Ik cotton ometlm?'n it Ik aomctliliiK Any wi,y it lookn very nlm ! ?JHKU l? rMflfl ^ n when one look* nt the +W*r tablo In the finnnrlal pen" j1' 4e8Ctkomparen the quotation for highly npoculatlve commoi ?tfick with thw low flKiir. s of the an<1 makcM a rapM no ?f' calculation aa to how much money T ( lie ?ir alio emild hnve tnade If they - ha<l houcbt at the low and Hold e at the preacnt price the templn Uou to act become* overwhelming. 1 Only the other day n man naid to ma that he had nome money to In (? vast. 1 *ug|tr!*ted n cfinnervative bond that would yield 'ibout <1 M. G. Morrinrllc X ('nnipnuy F II It N I I U It K ? ?AMI. It Vim llavr II <'KKi>rr. if Vim warn it PHONE 114 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT EL I) A I. IX) CIGARS W'l by l*??!lnir WWX'KHH 4ND PHAIIMACIW R. MORGAN A CO. WWOl,RHAI,K (JKOCRRN fkuRi nm Peacemakers Ilcv Wrtrn n I.. Sic vr!^ iwifsfot or Fun* IliptiM Chur> ?? in Lima, O.. in. I h!? wife (above! run n domestic re kit ion n bureau for their oonjrreRa* lion. They have bi-on t.uecowful In oateliinc up ? Itt eniennv* divorces rf (M.-IH- of then itiM-k I per renl. I In was disgusted. "I | don't ' want soniethfng (hat you' 'put in your column" wan the reply. "I want lo make some real mon-j I oy." There as n l*?t of people like j my friend. CJencruJIy loo they aro i ! people wlin can least afford to J Ji'K >? i lie risk dial goes witli spec ulation. Fur wlmiever may be, your theory about the morullty of sprrulatlnn Mil" miirli la certain, j ; Kvery opportunity fi?r speculative, ga in involve* possibility of spec ulative loss ami one does not read , .In tln? newspapers the stories of the losses unless they bring police1 eourt notoriety. There are pen- 1 pie who make money in spceula stock. Their number K not few. ; Hut It Is only one in ii lumcired who keeps the money lie or she makes in speculation. In the lone run more is made by ! careful investment, the regular setting asii'?' <-f a propnrtl'in of J one's weekly or montlily income, ] I ban in all the speculation in the world. * It 1m vcyy lull and utilntor 'sting or at least it s- < nis so to buy : sound Investment bonds thn mar ket prlcr of h it n<ini?ii a live ly stable wrt-n iiu*k? bought I "> day arc Mlltlx in tomorrow m I market at - .to fit of a dollar r-r m?re a sharp. Kor one who can not afford to lose, however. It |< [ i absolutely I lie only safo lift tiff to S\XH \|)V(N mx Kil l. VrrHMIT IHJND PKOPLK ^Continued from pace 1 fercnce of haul of more than 200 mil??N. and that its coal rate of 13.21 Jh discriminatory when com HarTTT With $3.09 at New Bern and *2.92 at Wilmington. The transportation expert* | know that the rate* prevailing at the Virginia gateway cities, upon which all the allegation* of trio {proponent* rent and without which they would not have a leg ! upon which to Mtand. are liable to undergo a perpendicular increase at any moment. For the Inter state Commerce Commission on pagw 138 of IOC 13494 nays, "that the rates from ceutral territory or from eastern points to Virginia cl tlm form a poorly designed struc ture upon which 'to i>ui Id. und one which Is likely to bo modified ul no distant datr." So there in no solid ground for thinking or contending thut the artificial rate* now existing at thf Virginia gateway cities will ho effectively extended farther South m . om moditien from th?- North and West, that they will long continue as thoy are. or tli.'t this apparent dls crlmliiatiou will ling exist In-j dfed. even now. ll*ere Is subsisted under ICC Docket 15879 a pro |K)h.il to revise the rates fi'om tho North and Went to Virginia ci ties on a mileage hauls. Again thp Industrial experts know that the a-ivocates of Ships and Terminals are either strug giing in a morass of ignorunee or wamli i In-: in a JilH?:lu uf i??t? 'I"**? tual fallacls when they allege, aa did the Governor in hi* speech at j LunilxTirn according to the press report*, that rates between points In the South., like Hlrmln?haiu. and points In North Carolina are hither than to Norfolk anil Jlleh nmnil. or that rail carriers haul, traffic through North Carolina to Norfolk am! Richmond at a less , ran* than to North Carolina in land point*. This wts truo tou y?ar- 1150 and In line with Ih^ir usual policy, the nropor.??nts seem to *he living and think -lit; in that past traffic age. For the Inter Alnt't Commerce Commtsr.iou in whom is vest rd Jurisdiction over! , iuter-Htate rates, three years hk?> in ICC Docket 10.500. required the rail carriers to revise their, Irate structure ? between points In the South and points in North Carolina upon a basis lower than to Norfolk and Richmond on ac count of shorter distance of haul, which rates have been in effect about thr?e years. The Governor in his menage to th?> Special Session of the General Assembly admitted the above law and stated that under Section 4 of the Transportation Act thut the -railroads could not reduce rates to the port cities in the State with out lowering the rates to all inter mediate points to the same level. I'sinjc this argument to prove that if a lower rate to Wilmiugt m. Southport or other port elites in the 8tate were established be cause of ships and terminals, it would automatically lower the rate* to all Intermediate Inland point * in the State. He, however, did not go ho far as to tell the Gen eral Assembly that the rates on cant iron pipe, from lIlrmiiiKham. Coal from the Virginia and Ten i.cssee mine*, grain from Cuicago, and other commodities were now lower at Wilmington than at North Carolina inland locations. He was either wrong in his mes sage to -the- General Assembly Mid rluht in hitt speech at kumbcrton. or right In his message to the General Assembly and wrong in his spech at Lumberton. Wblcb? The fact In. that If bin ttntnment ,?t Lumberton is true in any east it is a violation of the provisions of the Transportation Act. either a freak raw. one that has escape observation. or one that has not been corrt-ri?rt by complaint td the Interstate l'?*?nnierce Con mission. tin- foundation stpne upon which proponents of Hoods, Ships and Terminals pitch their struc ture is flimsy, untrustworthy and falls them In tliolr hour of dlrent imm d of showinu how that bonds. mIiiiw and terminal* will reduce f**eiKht rates, the paramount issue Inyolted. . Buy Wool Seamless Rugs For beauty and Comfort Unsurpassed for beauty and durability are the Tapestry, Velvet and Axminster Seamless Rugs made by Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Company, the world's largest makers of floor coverings since 1860. Find a dealer who carries a representative selection of these famous rugs and ask him to show you the many attractive patterns. Prices everyone can afford. t Look for trade mark stamped on the back of every rug. Alexander Smith SC Sons Carpet Co. NEW YORK Fall Modes in Footwear Hliiek of course, lends the early Fall fashion pro cession. Hlnck in Kid, Calf, Suede, Snlin and Pat ciit leathers. We're showing the newest favorites for Fall.' Freshly arrived Footwear for women of varying tuste n ml d'sins. I'.ach shoe jg right ? and thaw is a style for every woman. If e trill be pleated to show you. OWENS SHOE COMPANY llinton HuilHing M All, Oltl>V-'l(M MOMCITtCD The Classified Section F ull To Brim With Money Saving Offers DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATTfeS This sise type (8 point), one cent a word each Insertion; minimum 25 cents, one time; 7^-eents weak; 15 words. Standing ads, fire cents a word per week. Twenty cents per moAth ? In adraale. White id ace and para graphed ads, 60 ceifts'an lJch. Copy must be In the offgfe by 5 p. m. day before Inser tion. For Sale < IIKVJIOLKT TOr KING ('All u?r halt- ? <iooii condition. Phone 177-J. _ aept 23-oct lnp \\ IP TO I >.\TK WHIRHW .seven rooms. electric IlKhtH. locat ed on' WeekHville brick road, any one s.'? klnK a Rood location would ilo well to make thin buy. b. H. Twiford. Kept 23np i FOR HALF, ? ONK FORI) SKI)A\ i (Tudor) W. h. Small. Hep 23np ' H>lt HALB ? TWO (HM>I) MI'I.KS for cash or tnrma with good se rurlty. Can b?? seen at my farm. A. K. Cohnon, Elizabeth City. 'r.ep.l9-23-np W)K SAI.K ? FORI* ? VH'PK Must be seen be upprrHiitcfl i Terms. Call 148. tfnpd FOR SALE ? TK!f SHAKES Carolina Hanking & Trust Com I pany stock. Address box 176 ?tt i FOR SAI/K ? FIVK II. P. ?KX-I oral Klectrlc motor in good run-: nlng order. Price $70. Apply liMflincs* office. Tlio Advance tf FOR HAI.K ? HOC KB WITH AM. modern convenirificca. Beat resi dential wcction of the town. I). R., Kramer. sopt9tf| FOR MAIjR ? SIX I'KR CENT real estate inortgago bonds (or ; safo Investments. Industrial i Hank. tf Wanted \\ A NTKI> ? K.X l?Kltl KX( *KI> PI X K HtQvq miw operator. Foreman* I Dtrrirkson Veneer Co., Kepi 22-2!*np. WA XTKD ? IaADY TO STAY with eldrrly lady. Good board' and pny. fall 845. sept 22-27np! WANTKI) ? WK TAX I KK TIIIIKK to five hundred* bushclH of corn If delivered by 27th thin month. Aydlelt ft Owcnn. Phono 456. Hi'pt 20-23 np. WANTKU ? TOO <?4M >|> I'KKMI milk cow*. Call or nee D. C. Per ry. Phono 445. 813 W??at Main Mroct. Bop. 1 9-tf-np WANTKI) ? IM>YS AND ?IIU,S to rail in and tako a look at our new lino of nchool ft-wentera. Tlicy nre dandlea and the prle* Ik right. Twlddy A White. 23np Opportunities I'Olt A 1) V KKTIMI MO ON TII1H pug*', lolophono Ml?* lllount at Thf Advance office. i*honr? '357. tf FAftMKKM! ? I'Mt THIS PAGK for Rolling your product*. Ask Ihoio who havo tried It. tf Special Notices NOTICR T ? Mia Malra at h 4. faarltia. 0. N. K?lth. WM<Ml Frarlr?. Dr. Ilfeil I, Orl?M. Mrt- Mary Wbltabarat. tba halra al traklaa f hriafhaai. Rlwrltar Fhrlaahaaa. da. imH. IKia C. dacaaad. ?*< War F. Chrlaahana. tfta ha4ra a? r.krlrtlna tolaaffar. <KNHf aa< Mr*. Miarrva I. ?(KnN: and t4 t*? Minnl iM r afrmd , In and all Ih* kHh and drrl^aa <4 ' ih* lata l?. II flta<tT'*rd. da"*a?*d. will tal? mrntm ibai a?d._ taaldcacK. rf Jfca ?al4 t? W mwni itwraul, N- w< ro tha if IM 11* * Ortfa aiNl ih~ rtrat A filial. National Bank. ftmHlM ?? MaM ?tr*rt, ha a (*?? dami?ad n# KwiM n/ H* dan?atmi* iM ?n?afa rnaadMW*. awl tora'taa r* tta HabilHr IA Bra aivl a a?ww fa mim mi ?r?iiiii*in*ia ttaparlr T*?r will tarifcat lata Mtftr* to t?r am ?Ml raaanaa Iha ?a'd hulldltta forthwith Th?r arm furt har tab* ftrttoa. that unlaaa tha aald Ixi Mtna la r-wawrrd at af*ra?ald. (hry will ha |w?rwdrd aaaitnt for tb? l?a and |M%(>fa a* ^mtidad to law. TSar will furlh'r taha ftatlra thai mlaaa tha aa'4 baixuna la ranar.aad aa afnraaakt with Ml Ihtrtr (Ml data (maa Ih. dald haraaf. tha aald buildta* Kill to r? ma id at iha rial of iba ?a?d ?w?ar*. Tbk % IMI c. a. owrooirr. THK l*A HTN Kllftll 1 1* HKKK toforo exist in k between 1. W. Filter and L. L. M?rri?ettc under the namo of Fislu r Mor riwette I'rodurc C? lian I bin. Mie lHlli iluy of September, been dis Holv??d anil the said h. I,. Morri Hdto In no longer liable for an> indebtedness of xaid firm. sep 19-26-oet 2-D-16-23np For Rent FOR HKHT ? MTRAM HHATKH Ilod Room, furnish. w| or un furnished. Private entrance next to hHih. I'p town between iwn of best boarding homes In city. Cull 85 4 -J. KOK RKNT ? TIIItKK Oil FOtW unfurnished rooms for lltrhl lions keeping. \frs. Annio Hunks 12" N. Martin street. 1'hone 277-W. ?ept lOtfnp. ru? to advkriIhk H?? who whlRpcrx down the well A fro at |iu? ...... i- ho hu? fo mil Won't rr?i? mm many goidt n dol lars An he who cllmha a tree and hollrrs. Grocery Stores (JIMM-KIUKH OF AlJi KIMKH delivered to any p?rt of city. Phono 637 ? Joe flftrrell. l*-24np K. It. MKKKINH (ilMM'KHY ?tore, Road and Fearing street*, for fresh groceries and fart delivery. 18-24np I'HK NORTH HTAK FIXM'lt ? lloth plain and aolf rising. Ouar anteed the host Hold In Elisabeth (City. Aak your grocer for North Star. C. W. Stevena A Co.. Phonr B. a?pt 17-23npd <?IC4 MICKY HKHVHT, ? I>KPKM) on the Main street Grocery to Hire yon the best In the grocery line. Phono 635. 17-33npd Merchandise WOOD RIWM, Oil/ ATOVm. And coal heater*. Ammunition, i ?unii and rifles. Buy early. Cul pepper Hard warn Company. *ept 20-26np. HPW1AI< HAIJC ON AM, MRU chandlM In our atore. All new good*. Vlalt u* and save money. Needhatn'a Notion fltore. North ? Poindeiter ?treet. 17-23np TIIY TWIIIIIY * WIIITF/S good school shoes for your child ren. They'll give you more duys wear at lefcn price per pair. Aiiu wp can prove It. ~ i7-23np i' i if.s ii popilaii i*ki< fd funcy ramlles for children. I'hone 775. Sed berry's Drug Store. 18-24np I- OK SHOKS FOR N< '||( NIL children call on T. W. Williams & Son. Prices right. 22-23npd SKK THE FALL FASHIONS of latest designs in Hats and Dresses at the Fashion Shop. 18-24np A. II. SKKLKY A: HON, WIKII.K* sale Fruits and produce. Apples, Sanmina*. Oranges. lemons, <2 rape Fruit. Pears and all kinds ef produce. Call us. Phone 59 18-27np SWKATKIU4 OF AM. HI MIS and colors for Men and Women. Il?y? and <!lrls. Reasonable prices. hook them over. Hurdle Ai Parker. 6 North Poindexter ??"*!. 18-24pd LATEST MODES |\ FALL Hats for Misses and Ladles. De pend on our sorvico and price. .Miss S. A. Perry. 18-2 4 npd FOR SriKNlL SHOKS FOIl IMIYS and glrlH depend on Unllop & Tox.y Shoe Co. 18-24np ww haym & wttrnrn akhiy. als in IjO dies' and Misses' Shoes and Hats. Children's clothcs and wlioen and Ha by Sonnets a spe cialty. South Poindexter street. *epl 7-23-np yoi* will find a fill link of children's headwear at Walker # Company, 116 Poindexter street. si 9 or 2 pd IF ITS FL'RNITIKR ? YOI' NRF.II give us a call. We have special bargains In furnllure. Also many other bargains In Quality House hold goods. When buying call here first.. Cash or credit Gold man Furniture Co. 605 Fearing street. Phone 8?7. scpl7-23np TWinilY A WHITK'H IS THK right place to get your boy's fall suit. Prices low but merchan dise good. See us before huy ?ep!7-23np Miscellaneous HKIMIKIIHY'H PRIO HTIII1K IS nearest horaita* the qulckeat. Try me. Phone 775. 2!-27npd DRIXK THKOIEW OH ange drink; and Virginia Dare1 Crape. Bodied by Pasquotank Mottling Company, ao#p20-t7np ??OR RF.HT WATCH AND ( I/W K repair*. a?e? M. L. Hrltt. Haying. Hank Building, Elisabeth City, j N C- U-I7np THK KAMI* CAFF. _ KATW cooked the American way, flpecUl dinner dally. Home made plea.1 C. n. I Tea, proprietor. trap HAVR VOl It KHOKH KKBt'lLT , liy export workman. Joseph Am ? "" ' M, ( >rr. i- Maruu and .Matthew. ' I'll..!,. H,.p 2^-Jffnp IIAHBRR- SKKVICB ? AT <XXM? or's Harbor Shop. White Barbers. Cold and Hot Hath day or night, sept 20-27npd. BI'Y STOCKS AND BONBM ' from us in Weekly and Monthly payments. The Industrial Bank tfnp. SHOW RKPA1R1NG ? A I'R!(T> ' to fit you shoe. W. F. "Wl!-'1 I ! Hams Shoe Repair Shop. Phono 7<i9, 108 North Water street. Work called for and- dfc1* 1 livored. 17-23tfp V.OOK AT 'KM ? MAYBR WK . have a used car model yon will ? II ke. We ha vi' satisfied others. See us first. L. II. Perry Motor Car Co; 1 7-28np FOR PROMPT' .HTNRY SRRVICR Call Raynor Elliott. Ford Be Tdan and l>odgc Touring Car 4n operation day and night. Phon? - 53. sop 17-23p& RRFORK VOI' THV THR-RRST try the best ? Tho Busy Beo Cafe. (Special dinner BOe; tfnpd oi lt GKXKIUIi (X)ltD TIRRS and lubes have arrived. Let us "bow you the difference. We also carry auto acceaories. Davta Box & North Road Street Extended. Phone 870. 20-26np PHON R '2H* I FOR (LKANINO ?nd priHSlns. work dono promptly1.! ThT 1 i i good shape, ttfx BI'Y ABVKRTISING ON THIS page and lot it help you buy or sell your product. 1 BRINK BOWDKN'S (iRKKfi liiv?*r and NuGrapo and high K rado assorted flavors. Ndft ? ? sanitary improved raachlnerlT I'hono 201. 18-24npd HAI LING ? liUaiT AND HBAVV Hay or night. Phone 893-J. W N. Dillon. 202 Broad street. sept L'0-26npd. SAV I'AKMKILS ? IJCT US BCY your IiIiIch, Furs, Hoy Roans, Wool, Kggs. Etr. w. C. Glover, rearing atreot. Phone 3# 18-24np I'l'HK 1PR is bkhT ? MKT yours from Wright Purity Ice ft ? nel Co. Phono 72. prompt delivery and full weight. 22-23-2$ WK HAVR MOVKI) INTO THH now building optinafto our old lo cation on Poin.Irxt.r Htroet. Coniq to son un for anything you may nrod In clothing and ahoaa. Hen ton & West. ? aept!7-23op PM'.MniXO ? II.' IT'H RKAIj i * I ii iii bi n k and Jfonting, at rea sonable priioK, and work that is satisfactory, see ? R. R. i^wii Company #cp l7-30npd FAMILY \V AKH I NG ? ROUGH dry and damp wash. Men's wark a specialty Albemarle laundry. ! Phone 120. Elizabeth City, N ?C *fpt 17-23npd. FOR M TOMOIIII,!: \< 4 i;ssoit ;ios. gasoline, oils and excellent'' T fiTTlco. see I>. F. Webster, North . ^ Road street Kxtended. Phono 391. tfnpd IIAPRR'S STAR BAKRRY ? first In service, first in cakes and bread, and first In low prices. N. Martin st. Phone 420. Mnp am. ndj'xn ran kkrvich to l>o had here. We do vulcanising and crank case service. W* have the ga? and oil and plenty "Pf aer rice with It. Auto Supply % jul cunixlng Co. l?2jpd. RAT AT THR 1.INOWN ? TOR Woman's Club Tea Room. Ifftme eats are promptly served aC popu lar prices. All meals 50 cants. Entrance Martin street. l^-ppd I.IMTRN PKOPUC ? KM! SW/* llott's the man who will ffk jour old sewing machino and save you the price of a new one a i frail cost. If be doesn't fix yotr*wa chine satisfactorily you don*t to pay for It. He also does ^IcQropi repairing, upholstering, cabinet work. etc.. and manufacture]# the clothes hangers. He haa tar ?ale drop head Sinner machines tai food condition at a sacrifice. Shop 16 Parsonage street. ?#nl*-2lnd Lost and Found i/ifvr? roim iiai.i/oox tirk ?n<l rim tMtHrmn KllMhtul' flijr, Bornt Mill* and OKI Trap, R<<- ' ??rrt |( rolnriiMt (a A?V?n<-? ofH?. .lt-Kpd Sli'|j|)in;; W illioill Shipping Locating. reading. a:iaw?. ring - t arc .ho three ChiHsiti' ?l ?t -lis*. The finst two rtvps are so i-anily taken that they involve only a frw seconds of your time/ Th?- third ami last st?>p ? answering tlu'in ? should bi- currh-d o.it with exactly the same speed that has marked the firsi and sec oid step*. Don't losi-any time in an^wcriiiK the classilit d ad:< that Interest you. or koiu# liody else will romp away with all their profits. Stepping without slipping is what raakes -you a classified winner. riioNK :?7 Advance (llashified Ails. Always tli* Saint* ? In Srrvirc Always Dillrn nl ? In 0|?iM?rtimily TITE APOTHECARY SHOP Phone 400 A Good Drue Store A

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