LK * PUKI.F. l*ubll*her* HERBERT PIILC. K?kr. of Tk?AMOcUt(<d Pr*v?s. ?f MWI ? lM I* th*r*in. [itHM at Id* (Mltfin ? WIHI Cltr. >? C.. ?( Mcvntf tint aialtrr. SMtMcrlpiton Kntrn ?i_, i arHrf, ------ . I* Ca?t? <U MnMI 42 C*M? (I* K?iMl V 90 liv Mail. -il.H K.r i SATURDAY, SKI'T. 27, 1?*24. Need* of Klizahflli (lily and the All*#* murl<? 1. ? hard surfaced road from Elisabeth City by South MIHh and also through Cur rituck to Norfolk. 2. A hard Hurfar< d highway not I MS than 16 fwt wid?* connecting Klisabeth City with every cuunty mat east of thi* Chowan River. t. A bridge acroH.s the Chowan ? - Rlv<ir. conut din* and Chowan counties and mak Iuk possible a real roaatal IHKUWUJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 u i 1 1 1 1 1 1 tion. 4. A direct road from TlelcroRs to Colnjock bringing all Currituck below Colnjock 10 mlh'H nearer Kllr.abeth City and thus adding to th?* attractloriH of Point Harbor aa a lummrr resort. 5. Perry service between Point Harbor und Kagt* Head. con necting at Point Harbor with bus service to Klixa beth City. 4. A broader knowledge of public li^alth among the people of tlH? section. 6. Conversion of the Old Fulr groue* Just beyond the Elisabeth City* hospital into a public park. Time Ki|H' for Anion The most effective .presentation bf~the -play- problem in Btlxabrttr City that The Advance haH heard that of Ilalph Holmes before the Elizabeth City Itotary Club oil Pinchers' Night. Possibly one reason why It ?track us so forcibly was because Ire happened to know that what Mr. Holmes told us Friday night that he preached to the teams that fete coaches he also teachcH by ex Ample. The Advance here and now In vites Mr. Holmes to put his talk In.fhe form of an article for pub lltfcUBB llfTBIn ll^<r?|U|ii'L. Hi ?iiy ?Mbrat the altiiKotlinr flranmen Unr report of It presented In our Dews columns. And we are adding another to kbn needs for Elizabeth City pre sented In the box at the head of khls column, namely: The need of k playground under the supervi sion of a competent play director open for 12 months In the yenr. Elizabeth City has made souh1 progress In matterH educational In the last few years, and it Is time we were realizing that thlu matter that we have put off Is ev ery 'bit as Important as that of adequate school buildings ? (lf not grnn more so. Mont of 'Em Ride ! ".Your proposed park Ih too far from the city. People who need It part roost are those who are pot able to ride. The factory op eratives and other wage earners kre on tho opposite end of town from the Old Fair Ground." | This Is the view of a reader of Ebla newspaper who subscribe* to ?I the rest of Elizabeth City ^eeds aet forth in the box nt the lead of this column, and what he ftys la well taken. If somebody Irlll find us a good site for, a tark to the northwest of the city. We'll be glad to modify our suk I est Ion accordingly. | However, would not solution of Bn supervised playground prob wm help to meet the situation MCgeetcd by our reader? Not byerybody can own even a Ford Mt It strikes us that folks who IMl't ride in one now and then |V? setting mighty scattering. Legal Notices ? _ f Washington Letter ? BT-HARRY tt. SUXX NKA S?nl? Wffccr WASMlNCTOX-lhi utetWl"1 nw M a Klfr to rr.k" J ctrucv n??> my 1 i* ti :-'f lant (tun it wa?* Id th? la?( few day* tSr ?*-* linn haa bren matW :ha; >i >.. The ms?t-*tVuC9 cUiw (iwi itw Vhttf Hon* Omframrnt erprrta an* very backward about uklnr laaue v*b Ibf pmtArnt Hut amonn tbem ?rivn ? tbr kkflf too rwJlrulou* Cor vorda. practlrally all *< tbetn miy lim and prftup* note ?ut -and -out ii v tat ion fanatic may bold otherwise. t>ut he ? a hard fanatic to find, even ui aviation eirrlea. it as It la cooced?-d readily that a war fttrt without thrm would be at a treim-ndoun disadvantage? probably a fatal disadvantage ? against another fleet adequately ?sulpiwd with auch nuxlltartra. -But ta compare a battkwhlp !? quote an officer who hold* an Important Navy Department post, ?m lllir iwumiim an autwmeMU with a ptfee of pie. They're unre lated. fntltrlv. One a for one thine, the other'* for another, Tbece'a nothing Interchangeable about the at." a ? ? 6&T710R purely definitive pur J/ pocM," went on thia author ity. "aircraft. In sufficient aumbera. might do. "But If ever the United Rtatea haa trouble with any foreign coun try. naturally we will want to carry our campaign to the la iter 'a ahorea. to iwmp enemy commerce from the ocean, and to protuct oar awn.. "Alow could we reach the watera KI.ANSMK1N CI.ASII WITH SONS OK ITAIA j Steuben vl lie, O.. Sept. 27 ? With 'rtTm?rden? 1 1 ? T wmi Kiuntmfen ami Sons of linly Hairi to Im? threatened at Follansbee, West VirKinla. across the Ohio river from thlrf .city, 40 speciul police were sworn ; [in by Mayor Diilar ami 20 deputy I sheriff a headed by Sheriff Hteph jena of Drooks County. West Vir-. ???mI in Tin- AiIimvv. a I Htulfc-Oi I'll*. N rki. ami IM? ?'.?II K. II IIKI.U Mrik KuHnpr Cuurt, ? uril|>Kk (Willi. r_ NOTH'K! Sale of Valuable Pro|>erly. Hi ; >if a Itatd <4 Tun fiiiumI lo dm I* Ntri>.it ii I^U.-r i or rrfialu i?un??,? lUi m I iim'RIIi i?ii|. whirh >?i,| | Knit I.f Tni.1 ln-al Manh |S. | van. mri'l i? r>Ki<4ri?t| in ihr |t.-K I Wit'i Off In* ..f I'a^iiiiank Cminit m |*.,i x? ^ niinul i* 'mmmlm I ? l?Jf. M , i,.r K?|P al liar I 1.1 ? III T | in ?al?l mwiKv. at aurtl.*, for raU?. ihr WHifrtt a-. in in,. a , Tni.ii<>' IMiu fin? m-ani 1.4 <m H<l| wir?i IV 1 u: 1 M1*-XT.?l.?t.i:.l.1 I*. ?. HAWWIIt. Tni'ir* 1 WANT ADS Too Late to Classify IF voir AUK A lllSTI.KIt AM) can write insurance you can earn *50.00 to $75.00 per week. I want Juki such a man. Apply in own handwriting. L. E. Thorpe, '? AHHt Manager, Kllzahetli City. IXMT ok htoii:v ? H MA 1,1. Ion* haired hlack and white do*. Answers to the name of I ?i<- k . , Kinder please call 341-J. sep27np "THE KTXDKKCiAKTMN' fXAKH i taught hy M4ss Morula Hell Carr : nt Christ Church parrtsh house ] begins Mondny. September 29 at 1 10 o'clock. Phone 848J. Inept 27-29 np. J (X)OK OTOVK FOB 8AIJC <*HKAP ??Apply Miss Saltle Perry nt . store. 12 East Main streot. sept 26-oct 2np. rf rrr wcwn Gj# I <*? * W*fc r'' y??rt?<-iirv\nf xnrk. tor i C . ?- v \^rit i 'if"**1* by ?ir? ? r.i.y# it?* ?nrtur ?uull tialc Ukoa t> ** '^-y pat U> ?** ? ! : tl -?-* air it r*e tl? par ? ?.' <n.- ? mw Ai?r-TB?gr ? >4 . Ur*ti? r^D (unspart *r?T?i '^bmw.rni cm. and ? ? *? Urn of ihreu but tlwt ur? hrt l*r? ' n ud lt"? ontiAety k *?ar Will I* "Si ctrr }? It Ittt-fy v? mr rfvafl ic* (be djj r. tu? m ??> ptaite ?Jt. Sjr o'?*a_ nprrmlf sad Mum Vithoat a bwttaic ro>icr* ?? (l? toaad Cht> wo. fci dlrht. ci?r<lr dcnnf ?l>b- ?(?(brr. frutn wrt>vqi?pp?d Uur to well-equipprd Uup. at cuo ?vnfc-at tmrrVjlv b onr thiajc. **A tiaruatvn by ? eroat flrvi of iiiartrt voukl I* atiacetbcr a dUTrrmt mutter. How many ?urto ptanra. taitnc off from Nov York or Son :"roDrt?co. erw woe 111 rr?rh I be flurupvon or Astatic CVUtr ? ? a 46TT Uo i ??M certain.* coxv JL tlnued ttw otJVr^r. "that rliim TtMitl ? Ib ? rh? pt than surface m*-Q-o war. "The ordinary military ptaa* coats about $11,000. "With Kind luck, no accident*. Its life to about a month, or T5 fljr Inc hours. ?*The Ufa of a batttaahlp. coat in* $4,000,000 or $10,000,000, to about ? 10 years. **A $11,000 plane moat be re placet! ISO time* In 10 yowt at a total coat of $1,440,000. And no body will arxw thnt.n alnvto pinna I* the equivalent of a battleship. One bundled would be mora Uke a lair comparison. *? jtlniu, ar.? patrolling tlio Ktreets or the mill town to?lay. A I. (il-rrs WMl.tDMK flyrnpti.-M'. .V. Y.. Sept. ?7. ? Governor A1 Smith. unanimously nominated governor on (h? ocrntlp ticket, received a rousing welcome lust night by the con vention. invest tour SAVINGS IN 8AFB BONDS' 8m u for full INDUSTRIAL BANK Solve Your Tir?* Troubles H> lining TIIH (IKiiRIIAL COltl). I)uv!h-Box & ( !o. ? ; ????"'? 'IHi'lttlwmUH. % 1 North KoMil Ht. Kx. Winm* 870 Owners everywhere ac tually do find thut the Hupmohile exceed) their expectations in p c? w e r, performance, economy and uninter rupted nervice. V J. 0. Mcggs & Co. Elizabeth City, N. C. Phone 634-J Slow Your llay in u <.1onrr Spare liv THE INTERNATIONAL PRESS Said hy Spence-Hollowell Co. MOM'N POP VAIlkJf AM TO TKACH P. II. William*, totcher and C. R. Pujch. assistant teacher, of the. Men's UMe riau of City Road Sunday School are out of ihe city and X ? I, Uurhhutn ? -?-i4| jtnuih - Sunday morning. KRV1YAI* ( UNiKH The revival services- at Hnlls Creek Methodist Church cume to a close Friday night with a large eonifr if a t inn nttt'llillnn ? tuul ? e?*W- ? stiferablc interest. Sixteen new members ware received on pro fession of faith, three by letter, and six others have Mignified their i Intention of uniting with the (liurch ntakng a total of 25. iiavvk c.u.mng ah iik c?ktn KAIt OK VOTKKM OK (Dl NTIIY Continued from page l , er's attack along this line makes ; tlte story new to a number of peo j pie for while the whole thing l? ' an old ufTair in Illinois it i.s hurt- - lug the Uqwi r cause just the sane ilti this p u t of the country where j jl?aFollcttu and Weheler are pay?) litiK little attention to Davis and hainnieriti;; away at Coolldge and . I)cwi si. It Ik only fair to say that while Liu l^aliUjliLtLc aUi a^LU-Jh.prcpoii--. ?!? r'i lit almost everywhere In the Northwest/ the repnlar IC<- pn l>i i i .hi 1 Willi \\.i I vl'l 111 ll.l. ..I llirtmi SAVE MONEY ON VOI'lt TAM. IIAT. We have a great line ofj Up-To-Date Hats in lx>th ; Kelts and Velours, with both plain and fancy bands, at a saving in the price from $1 lo $2 on the llat. C. A. COOKE ( I lead-To- Foot Outfitters) Th?- Man wlih tin* Hoe *nys IfH tliiH' to do Fall planting. W?- . | in Htnck Flowers Hulba, ' Hyacinths. Tulips. Jon<|Ulta and . WJiUm f??r ? inn in water. Aluo Onion Sets, I Cnbbage N???'d. S?M>d OntK, Nye, I j Clover and Greeu Heed. W. S. WHITE & CO. I Hioiw CM. MO MnttUowK St.' MONUMENTS Lawson & Newton THE MONl'MKNT PEOPLE EstlmalrH. (ilvcn on Work HW (kwjriMi Montlrrllo Ave., ?t lltli St. NORFOLK, VA. have n*t yet begun their Intensive j work. They hop* to set out votes .which Jieirr before have been , polled. They may *et out enough to turn the tld*. This much Is <-.rtain. It 1h jii uphill light fui 1' reside at Coolldjte in th*? North went with his opportunities to car ry many, if not all. of the North weett-rn ?rt?t?*s trrowtnif 6?*tTi*f constantly as his own party pitch* | ? * In. For it in a batth- between 1 1" ? radical" and Uh- roum i vatlvt s m iui in. ij, niocratir party tend ing in the \Ve*t toward I-aFol I- tto. basically then* are no signs , of nu upheaval. no universal dis satisfaction with thiuKs as they ?are, although tin-. agricultural dis PUTS-SORES ^ ^ CImom thoroughly ? than, without rubbing, apply. yicKs ? VAPORUB Q~r 17 MiiU? Jmrm U.~J Y.mrl y Kcpilur (!liiek<?ii Dinner Special for SalOVclav ? ' 50c Salads, Sandwiches and llomc-maJe Pics Jose's Tea Room 1 affection Is by no means insigni ficant. no crying fot- a change for tiip aako at change. an In. 1920. !nd??d the cutnpaiun lias every aspect that favors the man in -pmri r. line runnot ,iar ailli ttll> ' confidence that LaPollette has "sewed" any of the Northwestern states or that I'r. Mjdent Cool id iu nllF have a tremendous majority when his *ui?i*orterv finally ach Vi?it Our Dikpluy of Autumn Footwear Autumn finds us one step ahead with an in troductory showing of th? New Shoe Modes for Fall. Th<; many new notes in Fall Footwear are inieivsiuiKly repre sented in complete col lections. This advance knowledge of Shoe styles will be enjoyed by wom en who are now plan ning their Autumn ward robes. Owens Shoe Co. [EVERY CAR YOU SEE ON THE KOAD IS A USED CAR We Have the type that you Kant { STOP AND SEE | Auto & Gas Engine | Wks., Inc. l Martin Street Warehouse I PHONE 880 GALLOPo ROCERIE^ Buy your groceries from an old established firm. Phoncn 3-2*ik] 57 *M. P. GALLOP COMPANY Fatno and Lebanon Belle "lour or? absolutely lexirs of qualUv bv the IcmIIiic intxm. ? PWflUDBWi HV ? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY Water Street. ATTEND THE - POPLAR BRANCH FAIR POPLAR BRANCH OCT. 3 ItAKRECl'E DINNKK ON THE CHOIINDS An Inlcrmliiiii I'ro^rmii of SjHirlH Mill lie pirwiilrd. Tlie IIi'hI I'roilurtN of llic Srction \till In- r\liil>it<(l uml I'ruM awarded. ADMISSION TO THE CMOITNI) KM EE. COME AM) BMING THE KAMILY. Tlir Ihiltgfr of (.Nooning h Suhjcrt Iev?? the momentum they desire as the * \pretusion goes. d??t>rribln? thu_tru?- sum* today _of_thi' whoU situation. !lv tin- last week Is C>ctoti? r. (h>- wrlt* r hoiwn to mmkj a analysis ba*?d upon Jat ?-r a Hd-m?v <????* (r*?u all thos?? state-* Just canvassed. It is.a close race uith "flfty-flfty.' It's Here YOUR FALL HAT* JUST out of the packing ca?nH. ready for your review, are tlie new fall Hate. Sure ly you've never seen bucIi a likable stock. SlolMins, 87.(M) Stetson Mule, ?5.00 McCabe & Grice The Busy Store Since 1HIM> iMELICK: KI.ECTKIC IIAIK CUKLERS .? KASV AND KKKKITIVH ' IS OI'lvlIATIOX. < Cnarantced for One Year Ilair Dwwlm: with thl* I iikmIpi-ii u|*f>| inure ran Ik* ! <lon?*. gi H KLV AND NAFKLY ? 1.00, 81.25, #2.25 ] MELtCK: ON YOUR BIRTHDAY Send Tour Mother Flou>ers . KYAN FLORAL CO. Inc. IF KHK'K WORTH WHII.E, SHEii. WORTH VVUUMA.VS The Good Candy at * TUB AI*OTHK('AllY 8HOI* EL UALLU CIGARS A Smoker's Delight TRY ONK D. R. MORGAN & CO. U'lfOI.KHAI.K (illOflEIUI lliono MO M. C. Morriuelte H Company FURNITURE CASH, If Von Have II CRRftIT, If Von Waul II, PHONE 114 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT ?fJOOD" FOll A CHANflK Tuna Flah Lobntor Fish Cakin (Heady to Fry Fluh Flakn . Salmon, (Red and I'lnjp Sardines. * 'nil row* ? ItorVM) CMItKKTT. BY rAYLOH Umngetilossom RillCJS Always beiai these : twoMarfoj Consisting of gqld, plati num and jeweled designs our selection of these ? 7 exquisite creation* i* > ready for your inspection. t Genuine ^ <"?? Orange-blossom hM'nS"dCtV'^i^. ri.i nx:m Sold pulnNlvriy In k'iizAtKtli City by I.OUIS SELIG Your 4?vrlrr Nlnrc 10 Main & Wuter Sta. Bradley Sweaters llio ?li'|n'ndal>lc kind. Kvrry imr ^uaranlrrd. For Children and I. (tit it's Mitchell's 'PHONE 100 To Simplify I'm McCall Pattern*. The y are Printed. Our dress goods and' silk departments are brimming over with new materials in all color*? let us help you plan yottr ' ?fall dresses ? a complete | and large assortment t>f tritnmings; buttons, etc, i for the finishing touched ' Rucke r &Sheely On ? Ellurtiotb City's iiest Storo . Old Folks' Ailments "I began taking Blxu*h? Draught over fifty years ago and my oxperleM* with It atretchc# over a Rood long time," says Mr, Joo A. Hlakemore, a Chit War vctoran, no'w a promi nent citizen of Floyd, Tnx. "It in the boat luxatlve I know of' for. old peopla. . . A good many years ago, la Virginia, I used to g.-t bill oua and 1 found that ~ ~ 3 I ? ; Hiedford's BLACK-DRAUGH waa tho boat and qulckaat relief I could get Since I came to Texas I hare theaa bilious attacks every now and then? and I find a little 1< lack- Draught neon stralghtena me out After a few dosea, In Ilttla or no time I'm all right again.** Thodf ord'a Black* Draught fteti on the atom* arh, liver and bowela In a gentle, natural way, ae* aiating digestion and re lieving constipation. EX- 102 PKRrCCT HEALTH A VIGOROUS BODY A >'?* taM Tutt's Pill? 666 (? ? imwlptlwi for Mulari ? 'hill* and Kcm. IteaaM < Mlloac I'mr. It kllla Uw |n

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