PALMER'S NOT TAKING CHANCE ? /? He'i Training us Carefully ? Bnitr v?irti Boh lit. el a* He Did for Ben ny Leonard. By FAIR PUT (OwrW. ???. a, TIM A*m?c?) ~ New V oi'k . S.|.t 2'J.? Mltkcy r Walker has been training as hard fc-for Best week's battle with lk?b L bio Barrett In Philadelphia, an he W. would have tcalned for Benny Hpurd. ( iAnd the pride of Kerelghead Z shows In so doing that he Is a a wise lad. Barrett has improved ? % great deal of lute and even Phil fv adelphliins. whose local pride d.H's V. swallow their Judgment, believe K that Bobbie Is qualified to put V up a great battle. Mickey Walker has shown in r Phllly and the manner In which n lie beat up I,ew Tendler was very fc- Impressive. The general opinion' is thst Walker did better against Tendler than Barntt did and I? " Mn'4 take much thinking to es- ' ?lihllih inrli a iiiitr nf mind In ? other words it waa clear to all who saw the two battle? ? that In to ssy that Tendler had Barrett a and the Tendlcr-Walker affairs ? S1 that Mickey was tho class. |i ? 8?t~ -aside from tho curious showing of Barrett against Tend ler Bobby has si ways been known as a lad willing to give tho best he has got Cnd since he can hit ?Q-OIPS ever knows Just what !a go Ao happen when h* enters the ring. Remember bow he socked Nsto i Goldman on the jaw and put him1. to sleep when Nate thought he ? was going to have only a workout? If Bobbie should mingle with U Mickey In his well known manner I something would happen to some ? one. That is a cinch. ;And when j something In liable to happen to Isoat one it Is always an appoal ?AM proposition to the customer*. New York fans may well envy k Fhlladelphians the opportunity of K seeing this mlxup between two r tattling Irishmen. FOOTBALL QURBTIOX IIOX K you hare some question to bh? game as writer and official, task about football ? If you want a rulle inter reted ? If you want tp know ai tfclag about a play ? Write to Lawrence Perry.| for 15 years an authority your question will be i dressed envelope. Otherwise If you want a personal reply enclose a stamped, self-ad urered In ,thl? column. _ Address: Lawrence Perry.l ? Special Football Correspondent of The Advance. 814 World| Building, New York. V (OwrrUkt. ????. I V Th? Mun) Qnaetion ? Suppose an end go lac down the field to take a for ward pass runs down the field trot of bounds and then steps back ?fcto the field and takes the pass. Is that legal? PfjLmawer ? No. Five yards penal Question ? 'If a team has the MO on the side of the field, right Malnst the sideline, and wishes to make a place kick from this an Ile. It la obvious that the kicker laid holder of the ball will be out ? Brand InMct Powd?r won talaln larm mnythJng ?%c?p\ insets. Houm I ak??, ISc and 93c ? oth?r riin, 70 I #1.23, at your druggist or groctr. IHMttACO. ? EL DALLO* CIGARS Vmbom For Quality , R. MORGAN A CO. mOLKSAI.K QROCKItB Plione UO Major League Scores NATIONAL LKAUUK Hal Brttoy't McofW Brooklyn, 2; Boston, 3. Now York. 5; Philadelphia, 1. Pittsburgh. 5: Chicago, 2, Cincinnati, 10; St. Louis, 1. Sunday's Scoith Chieaxo. 7; Pittsburgh, 2. Urooklyn. S; Roston. 1. New York, 6; Philadelphia. 11. St. Louis. 9; Cincinnati, 3. St. Louitt. 4; Cincinnati, 8. ttmiuiing i\ : iwn?. W. L. lYt. _Ne* Y^rk 1)3 60 .COM Urooklyn ..92 62 .597 Pittsbur;,h 89 63 .587 Cincinnati 83 70 .54 4 Chicago 81 71 .634 SI. Louis _6." 89 .421 Philadelphia 55 96 .362 Roston 53- 103 .34ti AMKftll'AN I.KACUK SHliihUv'M Sroiw Roston, 5: Washington. 7. Chicago, 8; Detroit, 10. Cleveland. 12; St. Louis, 1. Philadelphia, 4; Now York. 3. Sunday's Score* Chicago, 10; Detroit, 10. ?it-- _ -HtMMttant-'.of -fanar-r? * W. L. Pet. Washington 91 r,i .r,99 Now York 89. 63 .587 Detroit 86 67 .561 St. I,oul*' 74 78 .487 Philadelphia 71 81 .467 Qyvgland SI hii 42* Ronton 66 86 .434 Chicago 65 K7 .127 of bound*. 'Jh this per m l*sl bio?. Answer ? Yea, undor Ilula 12, ! Hcctlon 1. ! Question ? a punt strikes a player of the _puntlng aide. May It then bo recovered by member.1* of the punting side? Answer ? 'No punted ball may be i recovered in this cage because of the rule which states that no | player of tho kicking -side may touch the bal lafter It has crossed the line of scrimmage until after If touches an opponent. If a pun I tor drives the ball into his own lineman, ie, not over the lino of scrimmage, then It is common HANGED MAN FOUND TO BE KIDNAPER TOO I Hazelhurst, Ga? 8ept. 29. ? ! Warren Walters, who was hanged j last week for murder, has been 'discovered to have kidnapped the son of Airs. R. C. Wodell of Lau rlnburg 14 years ago. The moth er recognized the man's name when reading of his hanging. The , boy has been located in Florida. It's Here YOUR FALL HATl JUST out of the packing cason, ready for your review, ?re the new fall Hat*. Sure ly you're never seen such a likable stock. ??????? Stetfloti*, $7.00 Stetson Mule, $5.00 McCabe & Grice The Iluny Store Since 1800 adio Parts, Batteries WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR REQUIREMENTS IMMEDIATELY Battery &Electric Co. PHONE 845 1 An Kxidm Hotter y for Every Cmr." FOR THE GAMES SAKE! BY LAWRENCE PERRY lOwrrttfw. tM?. b? Th. jl torl^_9ipL_aJL.-T=T^fl air- ? ments annually combine to detract from the drama of the opening of the football season. Professional baseball a I way/ comes to crescen do along about now and, besides, moat colleges select as opponents teams of Inferior', comparatively interior merit. I As a consequon- e. the gridiron season generally comrs Into being ms mildly, as unobtrusively as tho most shrinking of spring violots. \ Down In Dixie this yrar exeep . Hons to the usual cut and dried opening day In football. In fact the season there opened with an* unaccustomed detonation. ?In a paragraph written a fort night ago the writer brought out the point that the rules forbid i the ball being held for the kick off. The basis for this statement ? was Rule 8 section 2 holds that , the kickers side shall be behind the ball when It Is k'.cked. If should be pointed out that at Its rflWSbl InierpT^taffon meeting in' 11 v.irb 111.. r i ' I decided thot one man may bo off- j side to hold the ball for the play \yho kicks off. This man shall not be rcgard'd as being offside. Every year there Is graduated ~fr?m?-X4?iro Dame a hand of star football player* who scatter Into coaching Jobs North, Rant. South and W<*st. Every summer the-nrdent en-T , , ihnsltuts of gonta Ilend ? where jKnute Rockne could be mayor,; J If he cared to Iiold that office ? j fill the air with repining over this 8i*uHon'.4 outlook. Anu while pes- > i simlsm is thus abroad' Hockne goes blithely abend and arranges a , schedule that is tougher than the I one of the previous year. Which inclines one to the belief ?Ithkt Bouth-Bend'?lannnnl.tale. -oil woe Is more or leas a press-agent- j ed matter. iPor every year by the time October is well estab- 1 lished the world knows that the South Rend institution has turned out another real eleven. ?In truth Notre Dams always has several real elevens. 'No ono man soems to be essential In the itorhne scheme of things. If a I star goes out foronV reason or an other he has a waiting start to . slip into his place. 'Nebraska, tho I Army, Princeton, Wisconsin, Geor i gia Tech are among the teams the i Mid-Western Irishmen meet this , ; season. One of the Incentives for Notre M. G. Morrisette & Company - FURNITURE CASH, If You Have It C'KKDIT, If You Want It. ALKRAMA t 1 Today ikP.Schulbers a OASNIER ' r i i t n I i production POISONED MRMISE Robert W. Sarvica MMRm The Forbidden Story of Monte Carlo Wtah ? IVmiJ Cw KEMNtTH HARLAN CLARA BOW RAYMOND OR1FFITM CAR MIL MYUf Smn