-VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION -ELIZABETH ?ITif, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY "EVENING," OCTOBER fi. ion. >'IX" t*AGt S. NO: 237. Giants take the third game Senators 000200 0, I 1 " 4" 9 2 Giants 021101001 611 1 Senators Used Four Pitchers New York, Polo ('.rounds, the fighting Senators today lBuur pitchers out of the box, ll ^ Battling gamely against odds, however, the Senators kept in ~tho fight to the Inst, scoring one of their runs in the ninth inning. - - The-Washing ion Senators in vaded the stronghold of the New York Giants today intent on snilt , *p? ..the .proud. champluns of., t he National Leagut* hip and thleh, and making 'tltem like it. U The brilliant victory of the Am- I national capital has made them a host of friends In the alien polo ground*. and. though each club had captured one game in the World Series struggle, the NVw Yorkers had made Washington the favorite in the betting. Some 40,000 or more sp? rta ?tom had ?warmed into the con ?ret? bleachers of the historic all park wln-n It became nppar cnt that another clear and warm day was to mark the third Strug gle of Giants against Senator. The Senators relied on Fred Mar berry who was rushed to the re lief of Zachary yesterday and who was credited with winning the game to make It two straight. Hugh McQuillan went to mound for New York Giants. The line-up follows: Washington? Leibold, center field. ^^.Harris, second base. Hlcr, right hold. r Ooalin. left Hi Id. 5udg''. first base. Blucge, third base. Peftkinpaugh, shortstop. Ruel, catch. Marberry, pitch. Xpw York? Lindstrom. third base. Frlsch, second base. Young, right field. * Kelly, center field. Terry, first base. Wilson, left Held. ? Jackson, shortstop. Gowdy. catch. McQuillan, pitch. Umpires Dlneen at plate; Qulgley at first base; Connolly at socond base; Klein at third bas?-. Batteries: Washington?Mar berry, Russell. Martini, Speece and Ruel; New York McQuillan, Ryan, Jonnard. Wntson and Gow dy First Inning ? Senators?I^elbold. playing cen ter field for Washington In place of- MeNrrhr and leading off fnr the Senators, went out. Krlsch to Terry. Harris filed out to right field. Rico walked, but Goslln went out. Frlsch to Tarry. No runs, no hits, no errors. Giants?Marberry tossed Llnd stroin three straight balls In the Giants' half of the opening Inning, but the next three were through the center of the plato and the batter was called out on strikes. Frlsch filed out to Goslln. Young ?b|M to left field hut Kelly went out, Harris to Judge. No runs, one hit, no errors. Second Inning ?^Senators Judge started off inning with n single over sec ond base, but Iliuege hit Into a double play. McQuillan to Frlsch to Terry. I,lndstroin threw out 1'ecklnpaugh at first. No runs, ?ne hit, no errors. Giants- Terry single to right field, Wilson fanned and when Bluege took Jackson's grounder and threw to Hsrrls the Senator's manager dropped the ball. Terry scored on dowdy's single to left. Jtekson went to third snd Gowdy was out trying to stretch his hit. Ooalin to Harris. Jackson scored on a wild pitch by Msrberty; Mc Quillan walked. I.lndstrnm also walked. Frlsch wss hit by s pitched bnll. loading the bags; but Toung struck out. Two runs, two hits, one error. T!?lr?l Inning Senatom McQuillan showed n atreak of wildne*K alao In the mmt/Un' third Inninu. walking ftQH, Brat idan up; but Martn-rrv forced him at nwond, McQuillan to V* rise h I?elhold filed out to Wllaon. Terry mad* a nice run ning catch of Harris' foul. No fiina. ao Mta. no errors. ^ Olantu Whan Washington look 10 MP mM MMUr wont to third h??** V? plac* of Bluage who relieved Peck I a pa ugh whoa# lea waa hurt ? t ahertatop. Kelly got a Texaa MMfUer to center with none out In th# ftlant*' third. Terry winded lo Oct. Gj? rh<? (Hants outplayed from stall,, to finish, knocking by a 6 to I score. right field an?l Wilson hit into a . dlfUhliL-jlhiy.?Mflrln>ryy tr. llln. fi? _ to Harris to Ju<U<>. Kelly, how* oyer scored on the |ilay. Jackson was a victim on rtrik**s. Ono run. twu hilt}, no errors. Fourth Timlin: second t Inn- to start off Washing* ton's fourtu. Frisch m::d?- a nice run to rrriT. r ?V* fake Coslin's fly and Judge 4:li a two Ragv.er to loft fli'hl, Uice ]?ii I If 111; up 4ii third. ' Illuoge walked. Ailing tin* bases. HtCe scored Oil Miller's saciilloe fly. Ruel walked,a ?.a in iiTTTnjT" the sack?. Ityan relieved McQuil lan in the box. Tatf. hatting for Marberry, walked, forcing in Judge, hut with the hasi'M still full Le i bold fouled out to Wilson. Two runs, on# hit. no errors. (Hants?Russell took the mound for the Senators whrn the (limits wont to hat In the fourth. tiowdy tiled out to i.<u><<id. Kyin hit th* , hall Into ilio upper right field stands for a homo run. Hire made a ono hand catch of I.iiid.-'troiu's line drive. Krlseh singled ovor second but Ooslln took Young's fly. Ono run. two lilts, no errors. Fifth InniiiK i Senators?Harris filed out to Kelly. Frlsch threw out Rlc? ii , first and again rohhod (Joslln <?! a hit. solas 0,11 Into right Held to Itako the "goose's" Texas lesguer. No runs, no lilt?, no errors. ' (Slants- Kelly Htnrted Giants' , fifth with n single to I? ft. but Ter ry flled to lllucge and Wilson forced Kelly. Harris to illuege. |Jackson llled out to Miller. No runs, one hit. no errors. Sixth Inning 1 Senators Judge lined out to Kelly (o slart Washington's sixth. Myan tossed lllueuo three straight halls and then thro?- strike?. Mil ler scratched an infield hit but . Youim came in and made a shoo slrlhk rntcii of Unci's seemingly sif" hi* No runs, on?- lilt, no er rors. (Hants Cowdy smashed the hall through Miller who was crod-' Itod with an error lu the Giants' sixth. Hysn sacrificed. Ituss? II to Judge and Oowdv scored on l.lnd strom*? hit to right field for two basts. Frlsch fouled out to Mil ler and Harris throw out Young. One run, two hits, one error. . . . Seventh Inning Senators -McNcoly was sent In to hal for Itusseli and fli?*d out lo 1 XVIlHUh. l^ lhnld walk I'd. Hirrrkr j struck out. but Rice's grounder| I went for a hit. Frlsch threw out |(*oslln ut first. No runs, one hit, ; no errors. ' Senators Martina pitching for Washington In th?- seventh. Ho struck out Kelly, the first man to race him, and? forced Terry to foul out. Goslln took Wilson. No runs, no hits, no error's. Klghlh lulling Senators Judge wont out to Terry unassisted IiIiioko singled to Ml li- id. Milled walked, final was thrown out by Jackson on a hit and run play, Illuege going to third and Miller to second. Shir ley wont io to hat for Martina and singled to Lindstrom. scoring Illuoge. Frlsch threw out l<el hold. One .run. two hits, no er rors. Giants--'The Giants faced Spoeca when they came up In the' eighth. Jackson scratched a hit through third, stol?- second and went to third on Gowdy's single to right field. Jackson scored and :Oowdy went to second, while Isppoce was throwing out Ryan st first. Lelhold took I.lndstrom's fiy snd Gowdy went lo third, hut i was caught at the plate when ! Speece took Frlsch's hunt and tossed to Ruel, One rtin. two hits, no errors. Nlntli Inning Senator* H?rrl* led off In the Senatom' ninth with a Texa* U mkii?t to left fl?*ld flic# popp<d to Llndatroin, but Hoalln beat out n bunt. Harris going tn *<oond to right n-id. niuna the Mrk* Ryan w?* aent to the; nhowera and Jonnard to the mound Aouthworth went to cen-1 , ter Held In place of Kelly Harrl* scored when Bluea<> wan alven a baae on hal!? Wataon relieved I Jonnard In the pltcher'a box Mil-, ler fouled out to Llndatrom. With | 'the baten full and two out Llnd-' .?trnni took rurl'a (rounded and, forced Judge at third. One run, three hit*, nb error*. MAIlK VSI'Al, WsWKII; ?I X11.KI) Knit ( ONTKMIT 'I'llo outworn Inlc of liquor ae oepted from a friend whoso face wmm-?UuU&t*? but whose name could not be remembered failed to pass muster In recorder's court Monday morning mid Trial Jus tice Spenrfl* InipOKf-d a 30-da.v Jail sentence for contempt of court on l/'iillp Winkler, employe of the Slat?- Highway Commission. and Stuart Alexander. Parsonage Mrwt, city. Hot h defendant!* were also fined $10 and cost? on a drunk and disorderly charge. Dudley Ilatenian. Ilroad street, for transporting, wan fined $:!u and roHtp. and will he put (?11 the ntnnd under the discovery act Tuesday to tell the source ?if his Hiipply. John Iflc'iinHii for exceeding the speod limit at a highway in tersectlon wan lot off with the costs. t\ I,. William*, rsmden negro, was lined $5 and costs for operat ing with open exhaust. IIOI/Il>.\V Wt:?XKHI?AV Superintendent H. L. Sheep an nimiK wt iliM? til* oi?y h*?e n holiday Wednendny In or dor (tint thn children may go to t ho Fair. SEVEN KILLED IN Airro-TISAIN MIXKP Jjimentown. N. Y._ Oct. fi Sev rn poraona In the family of John Fltxoll wore killed ymtcrdajr In an nuto-tritln mixtip. Iff was ae rlotisly, perhaps fatally Injured. GEORGE CHRISTIAN MYSTERY SOLVED Nrw York. Oct. 6. The fa miliar trlnniri" appeared rulay In the background of the Ocotro Christian million and a half do fa Ira t Ion raw, "Another woman." the pollen K;ild they had learned. figured In th" *en*ailonnl lootlnjr of the ae rurltlea of the venerable broker Hire house of Day A Heaton, of which Christian wan a partner, af ter 2S veara of service that b"gnn when h" waa an office boy. rhlrstlan. according to author!* ilea, mad?* exhauatlve Jewelry purchase? for t ho other woman laat winter. LaEOLLETTE SAYS HE'S OUT TO WIN Rochester. K Y., Oct. * Ex pressing the onlnlon that If an election were held now none of the Presidential candidates would have the majority In the electoral college..- Senator LaFollette In a statement iMued here declare! he wan starting on an extended campaign tour for only one pur* pore, to win in Noygm !>??*. "ff I wanted the election to h-i thrown Into ?'*on great f wool' nay In Waahinglon and take It eiay for the rent of the cimnalgn." he anld, WALTER JO!l\SO\ SHENANDOAH TO STA I M' TUESDAY l?uk< hurrf. IN. J. Oct. 6.- -Plan? fur iho Mart tomorrow of the Sl<? niiHiwIoah's Pacific l'oa?i flight, tiic long si ever made by a <1 irlK* will he followed otit if the Kupply of helium Khs overdue from Tcxaw la rrrelved today. JAPANESE WANT to <;kt in ik;hi Tokio, Oct. r. "I'alrMIr" ???: itailon for Japnmue inlerv' ntion in (lie CliliH'M?' war on tlio aid?' of Coin ra Chan k T.*"? Uit, Munchm lan leader, wan brought i<> h cli toa\ whan I1?r?' membera of tie Talnho patriot|e association. till Jul Jitsti i \p? i t.. in\ad*'d the for (Ikii office, und forced their way Into private quart or* of liana Sliidi lun a. f??r?-Itin iiiiiiltt?-?* Progressive Spirit Shown In Exhibits Newland Fair No r<>infnliiiil\ in Ciiunty Huh MuHr Mori' Kupili Mali rial anil liililli'i'tiial I'nigri'sn or Shown Mori riimmrs for Bplti-r in llir I.uxt I'ivr Vihth Niwland, Or? 4. Tndaunt? d by (Inmncra wroitKlit by th?> r<?nt' atonn ami the poorest linrv ? Ht yl? Id known In ninny year*. BO(l poopl?* of Norland townahlp KBllicrnl ?t tli? Ncwlmirt HIrIi School Friday with aplendld exhi bit? of farm crop?, horticulture. Ilvatock. poultry. t<-xlil<*fl unci pnntry auppllea, In th?*lr ??icond annual (.'qui m unity Fair. RxerclriOft bei;a'i In th?? ?chool niidltorlHm wllli an ? *r. Il?nt pro K rain by lin- children of Nowliind achool. I'oanlhly the most Inter rutin? number wan "Th?* Farad' of Life," a playb't featuring tli? differ? nt atage? of llf^ from childhood to old a??*. The on<- dlauppointni'-nt of th< fair-wan the failure of I he speak or to arrive. However, a number of speak>'m appear? d on th#* plat form from F.li*al?th City. Includ ing Juda?* J. II. I#elRh. Itl^hartf C Job, and <)rov?>r W. Kail?. The achool building waa con verted Into an exhibit hall, each r<iom containing en h I bit? of aeper ate d?'partni?*ntn. In th?* hall wan home economic? an excellent ar ray of canned veg? table? and fr'ill. preaervca. Janin and pickle* In the flrat room on the left wn* th?- farm crop? and horticulture H?re wai a?-en lh'< bent harvent* of corn. Nancy Hall and Cuban Yam aweeta. Red Illl*? cobbler Ir lah potatoea and many other farm crop*. Among th*? Intereatlr* ex hibit waa a atalk of pauper five feet one Inch tali arown by W. T. Carter. In another room wna found In termit lag mapa drawingp. map? nn?l cotnpoaltlona written hr th? FAIR PARADE BE REAI. THING Willi (iosiht (iuvrd Ira I'lunN, nntl l.oh of !>|u?i?^_yjurl<7 :-.t I f I m> t;4MS\V Iti H >S'I'S n ISTIM? .'i' 1'Aii; W. J I! Mil* :y m I] ? ... ?juTr nt t bi* lubfrnai'lu S.inl.ry iiIkIm Buvto lit*' AllM-iuurl' lii*irl?-i K JOT 11 ImmihI. I ?iti for your Mr, llnmsay railil. . \\V an- :i ?t hrjp I*j rtu f^ nnj^*ln.irr?r 1T?Itt" :i fln?' lh!ny for ih? farm i ' t to Rti h or mid ?Row tu??|'r unticullural iiroiluris. f?v rV builn?**? niuii ?i? i h ir m^rrhauiHs?. * l r. o.vuv t h tag nt ll>L? Kai;? tii.if* far tlui. K'i*A of i h'* wrtioii. I hop" vo?i luiVcn'i <coi Hiiyihiui; r.it.i. lu d to It ih.it .Imi't g o.|, . vfo A (6e marlo I ?i IJ in I "Tur will get underway Tin1.' lay morn . iii* with the Ink paj\ulu lUruujtlt Umc rlty urmtt h< II o'clock The line will form on IVnnsyl vinia Avenue at?ln;rto. and every body mho will lake pari in this i.iR go-op' ratin featur- of 1 Fair In asked to lie ih?-ri' on tlim*. From PrnsyWnttlit the parado vili march on ItiirK?'?* lo Hoad. to Mpln and hack t i South Ho.nl uhelfe It will hit the trail to the _ Fair if! rounds. ; ?Prilik to !??? no ?1 mi hi that thin parade will Im- the most pic ? urosquo and ?? f f?-?i i v* over sn-n in the city f?r section. The lifeboat that r s? ileal the .?urvivora of the torpedoed tanker. Mirto, fully maiito ?1 nn?l inonnte.1 on wheels. will ho drawn hy a 11 actor. Other life savins u| - l' ?ratuH. with u number of F msi ifiitaru oion and I'ncle Kim's *ail ? r* will udd to patriotic pride of 'thU^fffrrnini: fcrtnre. - Three hands will ho in Ihe pa rade. IliKRins Hand, which i* one of ||?A h*s?. will lead the march. The liny* Hand will not play hut -hi a live feature ,in t liie ?.ini, There \4ill h many * 1?i.: i ?? ;.nd all nori? of htuata. Tt wouldn't Uo t ? tell all the dory hefori'himd. ?Jhe carnival hand will ho in lin , and the parade will !.;? hoth musi cal and colorful, calling attention to tliiH Mp o von i that each" autumn time draWh tORoth-Tthe people <?f the country . nd the town* of thU district and h-ips them to know rpch 'otii -r hotter und work thru j.nottier year with renewed cour age and higher Ideals. There will ho 1*?. ItandNojne marshal* mounted on -Ilir he k t horces that can h ? secured. .Mllos Dark la in charge and. if those who have promised lo help make thin parade a succ-sh uill hut keep their promlso* and he on hand at 10 nn promptly Tunsday morning. 11 he parade 1= atxnred. nchool children. [__ III tli'' n? \t room w;i:? t\ iiioxt creditable army of InduRlrl;1I jiMh which proved d mirprl*?- to vlall or* here from KIIzqIm Hi City. In the garage hark of tli?> aehoo) building on?' found among th?' livestock iiiul poultry exhibit? cattle. p)ki, flilrkwi*. goat?. ?qtilr rel* and rahhlt*. On?- of tin- ? \ hlblt* that quickly caught tin t y wan two mown w< lulling IhIw?<ii #500 and 700 pound*. IW tonkin^ to 'Harry J. Carver Thoy ar<- little ov? r two y<>ar* old and Iwth are re?{l*tered Durlir Ji raey atock. A. L. Whitney had IIv?* Inalthy look I o k Duroc-Jrr*'v pit: i and j full ?ler*ey calf. Mr Whitney > plun nln? to brinu a hnn to th< Albe marle "Fair that Is *n rid*.tin that he didn't f??e| JtiMllbd in caglhi: him for th<- Community Fair. An other Int- r?. t In k animal tvan the Angora uoat of |: C. bright. The wool from thin coat retail* at . higher price than ahcep'n wool. In ?om" Instance*. Itihhonn wnre :? irded in all department* and ann<nnr< m< nt of th? winners will he t iade in Mon day * laaue ef Th?- Advance. Athletic even'* hy tho school children eloped the day!? prokrsjjuL The people of t h I* aectjon are 'ttror.g for community fair* ?nd 'the Albemarle |>|*trlct Fair. Via Itor* from Kllaaheth City were aa ?tired that thia auction would t?< heard from nt Klir.ahoth City next werk. The N'ewland Hl\h School itrucka will appear In the parrd? and there will he n bin rapre?etl; tatlon < f N'ewland school chlldrrn In Ellr.aheth City Tuesday aa It ha* be#n declared by tho teachers a holiday. ItOIIKIIT I OWIO TO STAV ltl(>HT IIKKK 11?) llangs <hii Shingle Id lloinr Tint II lli?l?ni| ?W Wmi .\m?tli?r how law nhinKlo w?*m rut in . I he tlinton ltulhliiiK I;ik( ?<? k wlit'n Kob'rt H. bowry. who ua?T krailhatoif at Wake Koreai cat MnTirjrttH -ThiT-jlrmm ttf I. l.M H . afti?r having okiaiinsl his ||> ??ii*?' lo prarllr* in the pr-'<'???iiitit January. oimmmmI an offh'P in Uu* imlWirti; Mr. l/VS'i'y a.i ? ailtnilleal In the bar nl ilu* la*! i< iiri'i SnjHTior Cnnri li?n Mr. l.o*rv won honor for i lw Ol I I loin?' Town by prowi s* in atlilHli'K, particularly football, at Wak?- Forr?>j .ami ill .lit'."*?* l?J?>?'il i??r Kllsabvlk rn> <<n tii?> mm- In the'flay* of ilit* TwIIikIh (??'Ukih' ll?* hu,| ill I1 If*I llienrht ol hi-Kiii-' i. in K i h?* prucileo of l;i w in ill?* w?"?i?>rn |?ar| of the State hnl last ??" K (l?'t'id?>(l lo begin here where In* is already favorably km>\\*j ami lias many fi i< ml*. PASQUOTANK TO IIAVIC ITS OWN KKFKI(KNI>t'M t^irstlm t>i Heme . mul l-'nmi l?< iin'tivini?iim 'Hint WHfnn* Work to Im> \ irtnl on W> arW wlUi "Holrifi ptiHfi^ Vlilh way .'(ml that by ronsHtitont?* up posing ami I Homo favoring bom? demount rat ion work, farm dom? ??nst ration work mul a wolfnr? ??ffn-?T In. Pasquotank County. tbiy County lN?mmi**loiirr4 In rrxul:ir re^Mion M.?mluy jotril lo Milint't (ho Issuo In I ho p<*ople through a referendum at the November elec tion. II.111olm will lie |irt>pnrpil ho that the volor may vote fur all throe phases of County work or against ull three, or In favor of ? one an?l against two. or In favir, of two ami against one. The Hoard turned .down a prn jioMal for a county-wide campaign against tuberculosis amoiiK rattle, on the ground, first. that the County has n.? fund? for the^work I ml. IMMOnd. that, with those Nil* iiiK milk already required to huv^ their rattle te?t*?l for tuhorciiln nls. If a man producing milk for bin own family was not Interested enough In liIn own wife and chll ill m to have his to'.v.? tuberculin reefed It wan his own business. ?<l.hen?i*e. wilh a I all member ship prrsoni. tho only inallor* diH poneil of by the Hoard at itn Or ?ioher meeting was of a rout in? nature. HKAI.ril A FEATUUK OF WOMEN'S WOKk Mr*. Mi K iniiiioti sin**?'* 111 I* I'ha ve or llonio Demon >1 rat Son at State Kale Halclgh. Oct. fi -MH?'?rih. liovi to attain il and how to maintain It" will ho ono of th'' chief fea tures of tho exhibits and demon titrations of the county home agents under tho dlroctlon of .Mrs. June MrKlmmon, state agent. at llio Btalf Fair hero during Orto hor 13 to 17. foremost among tho hcrilth ex hibit and demonstration. accord ing to plan? announced at tho ?vent's office. will be a dental clinic that will ho held through the asshrtanca of th? State Hi tilth Department. A MfMlfllO boot h will l?o occupied bv this demon stration and care of the teeth will he explained and * t reused, (he health officials maintaining that tnany of the a II men t * of tho body originate from neglected tooth. Nut ? fr??m Hi?' H alt h Depart ment will ftlu make talk? for ex pectant mother? and demonstrate at* well a m lecture on the care of Infants and children and how tr? make propr r riot Iu k for them eco nomically. <1? nnllne?* of the home?, tho yard. barn, and other outhouses will be stressed and the connection "f thin phase of living with good health will be nhown. tl was said, whil ? the beautifying of the home will ho urg''d in clearing the "road to contentment" which Mr,? MrKlmmon think* ha* Its effect on health In that It affects one'* disposition Mr?. Mr -Kltiimou stated I hut she wished to ?how "Mow a h-iinfl may he u.?'d for comfort and beauty an- well as a piti' In which to eat and sleep " Charts will be distributed show ing th" rate | nourishment In the various foods and giving selected hi nus lor the family tablo f ?r the ? ntlro week. Milk, egg*, certain meats and proper breads will ho shown and explained. (harts ?ill nlso ?how tho proper w?dght of pnrvonn of various sixes and of cbl!dr< n of ccrtaln ag"?. ^Irales will ho kept hi the health booth and visitor? will be given th# prlv llego of weighing and having i talk with attending hqalth offi cials and nurse? cm IWkAll MTIIX AUK A D In the contest nt? two Men's lilhle Classes Cllv Road had pt'^en' Sunday *1. rnd the first Methodist *0. There are three more Sendsvs of this mntHif The losln side has to visit the win II1 11ar ?t<te after tt># con'esl If ever and furnish teacher and tako full ehsrr Class. Ham-Ramsay Revival Off To Good Start First Day No ami N<? N i?ilinu l.uwtini In l)? Talking at Siindax Servirrs l>ul ttam*a\ and hqnul to I'KIMVin S< III XII TO II \\ K H .OAT Fire l*r?*%<*nlIon ilv Tlieir aii<| T1i?>'re Aflrr a I'rl/r, ^ . .... ... Tim. . ?a; . r-iiv'h za ru*e itulay. i;i limiting 1??11 ?: ??imiuOi in uko ;i iuuk. .aa a lm^y mid |M*rU?i?!? wn'mlt-riil ?|i;it it's all alio 111. Why. lis National Fire I'r vn tiiiii Wi'i-k, and tl??' Primary -?*rhnr| kirnwf tl If n'ntin ty doe*. Ml** -?alile llea*l? v. I'rijii:n> 8rh.Mil |?r!||iIpnl. Willi ll'T rorp.t of efflrli m |j uj 11 v r . <i 1 'l' ?i Ju MT.iW.J- li_. fcVaiimfr...viltrrcfa?r ut Safely J.eajtiteM in Faniern North Carolina. w.'rp a> liu><y a* nnilil !>?* working oh- ? Ri> Prevent ioir Flont fr?T the patriot Fair. Thin fln.it Is in hIimw I ho i*. fa I IIKMlllrr of defiellve fl?l?v>. <|(>fiM' 11 vi? wiring and other fir?* daiiivTs j|i lln* hour ?*. / Through III?' kindneA* of Mr.1 Perry a Chevrolet (ruck I* Im-mik iimmI. and Kin* Chhf J. It. Flora, who lias offered every assistance (?oSHlhle. will have nn?? of Host* rlljr brave firemen drive the float In 1 lie parade. . J. Tartar I'errv, Clyde Armstrong ami oth ? 1 Kladi/ lent 1 heir aid it perekanro this flont ?hould w in a prize, I lie money will he n*ed for the Primary School. CAPTIIKK Mi l U;K NKAU SHANGHAI lift Til"- \W<IiIk| I'riHi Shanghai, <H*t. fi The Kalng* nn forr?.? m|ir(M?iiltnv liking rovi rnmcnt today undertook ?? Klang. a c-My 2H mil?-? Mouth writ' Thinking alt.uk Houthra it of Suni of Shui)glial, ami" raiitnrcil Ihn of-? ('Imhlmm.- iiiiIim roiHhwnril from h?T'' Thr |>1a?'p wjii ilefondi'd liy 2?0 Clickliing troops. McADOO EXAMINKI) AT JOHNS HOPKINS llaltlmoro, Ort. <*> A thorough fxiim.lnat Ion of William Clhlis M?'A<lor> wan mild*' toilay by .1'ilin IlllpkUu? Iint-pl1.il pliyMb'iNUH to d? t< rmlnr Ills real condition .md when I lie' operation wan likely to Ik? iiiTiormcd. Tin? form r w crotary rami- here yoHli-rday for tin? removal of gravel from Hie bladder. <:ooi iih;k spkaks ro ril F. i< ko choss WuRbltiKloh, O ' 0. Th;? lih i m k Hm* ahhtIi-jiii it??i C roan for ItM nroonipIlHhinfnl 1 for ?'prurll ?ul Immunity and Inspired rjmr Itjr," Prcnld?*n( roolidg?- in Mm ml *r1rr?H today ;il tli** ojioMiiK of l*?<?"" nnnual ni"(>|lnK of t h?. >?oH<riy khrrn ptrnrfnf tnr a "trnty rtvtttzrd world wber ? tli?? cost of arma mont, ??f pftiHlon*. mid of fort 1(1 rniloni worn not r?*<| ?ilr???l lo !??? I orno. wh?*ro rosourcoii roufd bo i??od to promote, not lo doMroy happllifr In Miirh a Horid, what iniKlitv work? roa1?| 1??? aero in pHnhf-d wndrr thr tfnrtr*rxtT?p of? Tin* Kpd fron, Poverty, luno rnnrn, pr??Ju?lI? i\ and till ttnrbar k aide no?*# might rompl?'t<4y r* li?*v?*d d nil rrmrdifd " Tli? Prrn ld? til fa Id Ibnl toward mm-h H h I o ???! (lit' rare in mnkiiiR pri Kroii. MAlisllAI.S It \ 1,1, TONHtlfT The Mjii?Ii;iI* llnll will In? H*'l<l tonight nt rilho o'rlork In I ho M?* nonlc Hali.' A commute?- of v?iunt* luiJIoii'hin tir?*n hiiny fortrtjTilwj r it 1111 tr ihi- hali ' for tli?? (ircnilon and many out of town git Mm ar? Np?rl? d lIlKRtn* (irrhi'Slra lia* liern en F.i?K?v| to fiirnMi the tnunlc KIOIITV-SIX KAVKI) FROM IH'ICMW; I ?O AT New York. Oct ft Tit I UK Maric Olxon jrAntpnlny resetted MU Iihumc ngcr* from the fi?hliiK lioi? MI ?t lel oe wh^n It wax *!*?*? r ?y t by fir" off A m brone Light. Non wrrn killed. ( LITTON M \ltK9CT New York, Oct. H. Cotton fa luret opened tnrtay nt tho foil ?w In* Icvol? O? ? 2ft 12. !?"? 2*> 20. J?n 2ft.0T. Mnrih 2*. 30. Miy 2r,.no. ?Now York, < t ft.- -At two p m today rplion future rtmiif nt the following level? tin 2?.00 !>cc. 2ft 14. Jan 2ft.22. Mure h 2ft 4ft. May 25.70. f\. ?? York Oct. * Sjpof ? >t Ion clog? quiet. Middling l*.2fi. n dcrlln* of lift point? Future*, cloning hid. Of. 2ft ?7. f>er 2ft 0', tun 2ft 17. March 25.46 May 25.70. I Flam Kimsay evan |:iri< riiiion ar Ihree o'clock with It if t :i lic rti:? rli< about Hire?* quar It? ? rrill ?1. Ii r?>lI upon Chorister I W .1 I: nn-say to fill ihe roles of ?in,' <mii <?r town laymen who had I !?<?? ii expr-ci i'?! to ppeak. hut^couM _L IIit? <*t r.ifTi?? <<it account of fhodM road*. ..i Kvntigelist ilam himself 'iulit mu ai rlv ? until Moft I ?I j i y. and t<> do his own part be sides ? " I A I is s a hie and less earnest. I ill-ill would no ilouhi have failed, II I'M i Mr Kiiniiny rose to thi oc i:fl"n an.t s.i.oimdncVd t ho poo !>!?' of lii-i ? arnei<tnest that he in Maiiily w??n ihelr good will and desire l<? co-operate In this great movement Cur riuting aloft tho nI??aln nnd conduct of the com ftt?i n 1 tTr" *? ~ One iiiipri'stlve fact was brought ? ?in by l*r N II I) Wt.SOn In his TiiTn dud >ry i marks for the Mln isierial Association. namely, that while many "vangcllcal parties in sM upon a financial guarantee be lor. th? v sign a contract to come, 44h* K.ttn-Ramsay party come and put up the big tabernacle at lii ir own i xpense, they bring A grand piano to he used for th? services.--they meet their other necessary expense?, and they de pend solely on their faith that lin y will he aide lo do such a work in tin1 community that In the end llteJr expenses will be paid by vols * Miliary contrihutions. Mr. H a 111 say began his talk by hlliiiu ib< folks, many of them w-ri- from llie country.?that ho was not a preacher or the son of a preacher. He said that h? spoke as a laym n. a farmer, a country man. His subject was prayer, and with iiliiHt rations of a lit tie girl awking her father for i btngH she needed in* mad? It plBIfi , Hint when prayer Is speclfl?, ? arnest. and intense, the prayer I.? granted just as surely as the child's request is granted by hor earthly father. \ < the service closed and *be pen pi" went oul there were many who said. "If Mr. Ham ran make I hi- way any plainer Ihan this lay taan. b> must be a great preacher. Indeed." "Tli?* purpose of ihe Ham-Ram say Kvungellsllr Campaign In to loilld cliaructrr and lo fight sin,". Mr. Rumsny (old a crowd of about' ."..lino people Sunday night when lie preached from ihe lext "As We' Have Oppurt tinlly Let Us I>o fjood . I'nio All Moii." ?'This campaign" Mr. Ramsay said, "will offer an opportunity lo lb" Christlon people to do good in Kllzuheth City. There Is noth ing Dial will build a future gen eration of upright courageous cit izen . lik* the dospel, thorc la tiotbiiiK that will empty your jails like Ihe bring of Ihe dospel Qf I tlo- rls n l?ord Into Ihe hearts of j jour youpx pepplo. -J "A mlghlv throng of young men In liieir teens in your city need tlw HimpeT Were I lo nsk those of this are In Mils crowd to stand vim. would he startled at the Mnall number here. Where are they? Your preachers from Sun d iv to Sunday proclaim the dos P> I lo imply pews Ibat ought to '?II? yiiiiiK nun Young It" II ran Tfffo Hie hands' of tin , law by loafing?by going wMi lb?- wrong crowd. Show me a com mntrty l*i which the churches are filled wlib young people and ll d will ?how you a rlghleoua city/* * Mr. KaniHay was much pleased with the loflal musical talent^ parih ulaily with Ihe rr ndering f ?Komi <m s Losi Call" that beau- "] ilhil nrtapllon or Miserere from li Trovaton Members of Ihe choir are urged to he there tonight i Hi n't ? ii- may b" assigned. I'lider ib direction of held i ixher deorge Twlddy the ero* * ur- b'inK well i a ken care of by the usher* liy Tuesday night the nurso:*? v/IU he in operallon so that, moth ir? may leave their bshles to be I i','i n care of and enjoy ?lie *?? '\y-\ Th< laymen's service pi in nod for Holiday afiernoor. will b?> he!4 lini r when the mans ar" b*tt*?*#' Mr lumsny will preach toulght ii? 7 10 and on Tuesday nlgnt *t 7 :to Evangelist Ham will deliver lil? first sermon. 4 JHI.I.V T MAM WIN H 1 ?t-*; The Jflly team from PaatiuO* i?i?k -founty rompoMd of Mlaftta Itilth llnrrpll anil Murcucrlf? Mot nim of Kork? Community ?m ilful plaio In lh? try.out m Heft- " lord XalurdBy will ?T) 1.1 IU- ' 1'lRh illirInK lh? Htntr- Kalr te tab* liart in Ihr State * Me cnnteat " 1 I'liannntaBk Comity hr . I '"H" Ml,.-? .11-mina Uma? >l?T Mar) Hewitt. won aecnatf nliao, ' th' tfertfnnl l?am nlnnlna flra 111 111' rlothaa content tba fig i .i ? i? *nn hy the Win t on ch

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