I ??- ' *11 L.??"? . ? - llRri LATION MONO % V 2.50C Copies f. THK WKATHRR ? r.?lr toilluht and Wi-UnMdar. ' ? ' . in t-to two, and even though the to a one-run lend in tin- first frum ?. . started the Washington* on the: highway to victory. New Vnrk never got in sight of victory after that frame, for the Senator add ed two mor*1 talile* in the fifth before the (Slants got their s?-c ond run. and idling Osa upon IV lion, added two more In t h? eighth before New York scored its third and its final tally. New York used three pitchers In a rain effort to stay tliu march of the victorious? Senators. ]taId win replacing Harms in the sixth and Dean replacing Baldwin in the eighth. Mogridge Went to the showers when lie grew wild In the eighth t<> give wny for Marberr.*, but Wilson, next up, greeted tin* new pitcher with h two-bagger. Fair weather greeted New York and Washington for the t fourth game of the series. and prtattlse of a bigger crowd than yesterday was evident in the un reserved bleacher seats which were completely filled before noon, while the upper stands were rapidly absorbing their hu man cargoes. Ducky Harris, youthful manag er of the Washington Senators, sent his leading portiddcr, George Mogridge. to the mound to turn the tide of tlio World Series bat tle which stood befor?* .today's game two games to one for the (Hants. New York's veteran leader, John J. McGraw. rolled on Virgil Barnes to pitch the National Leaguers to another victory. The lineup follows: Washington? McNeely, center field. Harrlft, second base. Hice, right field. Goslln, left field. Judge, first base. Bluege,. shortstop. Huel, catch. Mlfler, third base. Megrldge. pitch. NenfYork? Liodstrom, third base. Frlsch, second base. Young, right field. Kelly, first base. Meusel, left field. Wilson, right field. Jackson, shortstop. Gnwdy, catch. names, pitch. Umpires ? Qulgley. at home plate; Connolly first base; Klem second base; Dlneen third base. -Batteries: 'Mogridge. Marherry and Ruel for Washington: names, t Baldwin. Dean and dowdy for New York. ? First Inning Senators ? Washington went otfl in order in the first Inning. HeNeely, first man up was thrown out at first by Jackson. Harris atruck out and Rice went out. Frlsch to Kelly. No runs, no hits, no errors. (Hants?Mogridge walked Llnd strom. the first man to face him. Harris threw out Frlsch. Llnd strom going to second, from where he scored when ft hi eve took Young's grounder and threw wild to first. Young was held on the Initial seek, but went to second on Kelly's fly to McNeely. Meusel walked but Wilson went out. Har ris to Judge. Ona run, no hits, one error. Second Inning Senators- Coslln started ofT with a single to center field. Kelly took Judge's high flv, but ftlucgc best out an Infield hit, Ooslin slopping at second. Roth runners advanced while Mndstrom was throwing out Ruel at fir*t I.lnd strom also threw out Miller. No runs, two hits, no errors. (Hants-?Jsckson sent up n high to McNeelv. Howdy vent out. ??farrls to Judge, and Harms 1 vp?vrvi Llndftrom sin: I? I to right, Rsrnes going to second, but Frtaeh poptH*d out to Harris. No. wins, ona Mt. no errors. Third Inning Senators Barnes struck out I Ili r t"'!".'I MpN- 'V ?liml. ,| V*, v M'-'. nii ,? *'.'f'ty i,.nd m i,i, iirmul i ""w,u ? 'i.-ir lin,'. ; , , " V K<'?'??? t.. Lit-. "li".'". ttlatttc ?Votini; Ftrnek ot?? . K?r'v V7 "i" V15,1,154' tl.ircl Innln? bick /?'? ?? > ?rn*rs! '"'IfHi liming Snnalors rn, s.??i?r, h In Kleii ihi, t|??, lo ,,.ri n |d N. "!y, iy r?si ,?^d? ]Jnil and k"ii,.,| on ?? wiid ? , IWarTIs went FW,??, "^n, ' > temina Ilarrl* Judi-.' jn,t ?j, ? i,| | n , w ???n ?n?l Crwlin C.owdy in rriM-h. T*.. r?'V throe IiIIh, no errors, ??m?, on?; Iiit, i,o errors. Hl*||| Inning nf j'.nn'orK llnlrtui,:?. In |lllK., whon iT"' Ni>,l""?l? wuon tin y w? ?f |f, ,, S ? ?!f'' n,,,l*d ih,t in or d nr. niui-K. Illcd nn! lo Krisrh Jnckson made h nice -day ,,f j.?J nlr. Kr0,!n'': r w,d 1? i m nt tin d M ill? i- ni,.j ouf to \vil ?on No ruiii?, nr. hll*. no error*. wiih 'W* York K' ,,y '?lf with nt wo-bam li It to renter ll?|d M -uhcI was thrown out at m hi bv II I" e U',|,,u t? II.,, ,1 fro,., ?le re |,e Hcor,,| whii,, m,,, ?. lliniwIdK on I Wilson. lih,,.,.,. K?l lil? I hi id i:bsI?i of Hi,. innliiK |,v' throwing out Jack.son at lirni : One run, or,?, lift, no i rrora. Seventh Inning .Senators -Afngrldge struck out for II,o t *i i nI lini", bul AlcN? ??|v doubled to l.ft |j,|d. IiIh third jMlraiglit Jim of th?- ^ume. II. u, ni lo tliir?! mi IfMrrlfl' ionu flv to iS"?"- "" tli? r? wln ? Klce IIImI ..m m Mfiinel. No runi., from MmoIi w.th a one hand .slop and , quick throw. No run?, no iiiifl one error I'^ghlh Inning Senator* D an went Into n||Ch for New York. II. wan grfeted , 7, m |,fl ^-nter by' OoslJn. his fourth hit of ih< k?HT?r 1 Judge Mifto -itijrd to l,.ft and when M.usrl JuuHbd the hall (?osiiii w. lit lo third and Judfto lo second Moth runners scored on MlueKe's sliiKl. lo center nnd on fht! in row in lilueu. w,nt to src ?"<;? Ifu.-l, howov.r. foub'd to K'll.v. Miller sent i:j. a hfxli fly to Prlsch ami Mo*ridm funned for the fourth l(nn> Two runs, i llirce hits, oi,i? i-iror. fllnnts Mokridf walked loung. Kelly tin d to MrNWiy and Meusftl walked. Tin flrsi two pitch' s to Wilson w. ro halls nnd M Off,rid b.. ?as e..?if to th. shower*. Marberry reli^rlnit him. You n? ??cored on Wilson's two barte r lo rlftht field, but M"Us' i wa? cauuhl at the pint-. Hi. to Har ris to Unci, Jari;hop w? nt out lo JudKe un?sal0|on "I feel more strongly t hint ever llmt we did the right thing in ending litigation and coniiiiK to ttrms with the utility corpora tions." Maid Mayor W. Beti Good win Monday night when the City Council in regulur Mission found among the monthly bilL; on*. from each of 'the two legal firms re presenting Hi.* city in this lit lica lion rcprwentini? an amtronatc In round iiumhrrs of $15.000.. "Aren't you ubout ready to ?'?.ante your vote?" the Mayor In quired of Councilman Foreman, who occupied a ?eat immediately 10 the Mayor'* right. Mr. Fore man win one of the thre> voting last week against the $:??(!.000 -utter which Is now before the tilll iti**? mrporailnnn. "No. ' replied Mr. Foreman, "hut I do rhitjk these char****- nre Councilman Gordon recited t lie fact that the law firm* had been retained without any stipulation as to fee and that the bill would have to be paid. To net It before t lie Council Homebody moved to pay the bill and the motion wa.?, seconded. On vote, however, t hit motion watt lost. Then came a mo tion to nsk the chairman of *hc finance committee, Councilnu'i Gordon, to represent to tho law firniH that the Council considered the Dills excessive and to ask if they could not agree to rcdw-e them to some extent at least. Mr. Gordon was not keen for the Job but It was thrust upon him. The law firms representing the city in this litigation have been Thompson A Wilson and McMul lan Si LeRoy. Their first bill was rendered June 1S>23, when, at the termination in the city's favor of the first action instituted, they asked for $1.500 each . At that time the firms had been in the em ploy of the city for a year and the matter had been In the courts since December 15.. On this busis the Council found the hills ren dered last night fully twice as large as members had expected. leknoa threw out Hntrlx at IIrnt and I:ice went out. Frlsch to Kel ly No runs, no hits, no errors. Giants The Giants tried hard lo come from behind In the ninth wlon Gowdv singled and went to third when Rlee threw the ball to first and it hit the hag and bounced into the Giants' dugout. 1 Jen t ley, l?;itt ing for Dean, ntruck out, but l.indstrom singled, scor ing Gnwdy. Frlsch walked but was forced at second by Young. ' Judge to niuege, Undstrom uoinu lo third. Kelly fanned. One run. two lilts, one error. I'O!Mil. FlflM ON NO (MIW Oltl?IN.%\ petitioner; wotii.i. be iiI'Ih to do ViTjr well with on? cow. T hoy r.-presentiM. I4?wev-. er. tluit compelllu;; reuti!c" was noon. FA!II TICKKTS ON HALF AT DOWN TOWN KTOIiEM Tickets are on ulo at Seligs '"Jewelry- fltore, Standard J'har macy, Southern Hotel. \pothceary Shop, and Jtuxton White fte d Company for the convenience of those expecting to fttflld III?.* Alheinarle District Fair thin week. <1 \l*T. imiNKWATKK DKA1> Captain Albert Drinkwater di**d Tuesday morning at hU lionie, 301 HurgOhs street, uftor a lin gering Illness He was C 4 years old and hud heen a resident In this city for the lmt 33 years. Surviving him iir-> his wife mid seven children. Mr*. J f. Spencer. Mrs J. r.. Whitehead. Mrs It S. Hull kin and Mi?' Kltzabeth Drink water. J. G. Drink water, William K. Drinkwater and Fred Drink water all of this city. The body will bo taken to Wnn chero Wednesday on the steamer. Hattle Creof, and burial s?rvlc?* will he held nt the fsimily bury ing ground. Ham Here And Will Preach His First Sermon Tonight GvonKi'lIM M. F. Ham In In the city and will pri'Hch bin flmt aer mnn tonlKht. "I>o an the people did at ll?-n demon and fill thin tahernnrb- the flml night that he In here." W. J. Hani nay said Monday nlKht at the clou?- ?if his m-rmon, when he an nniinccd that n telegram had been r< reived fVom Mr. Ham Htating Mint he would arrive in F.lixabeth City on the evening train from Norf'dk. "Ilefore thin meeting Is cloned,", Mr. Itamsav nald. "people will be nianrllnt: In every available a pot Intdd" thin building. people will ?lond on tlie outnlde and llaten, people will ellmh to th?- top of thin fab? rnarle and peep In through those window* to ' hear Fvangollit M. F. Ham an he preachen the everlantlng Gottpel of jeaua Chrlnt. "Theae preacher* ntnlle when I ray that, hut I am telllna yon the truth. People will com n here from a great dlnfancc from Wll aon. from Waahlnpton. from Nor folk. from New Hern Mote peo p|e will ho In Kllxabeth City dur Inu thin campaign than have vla Ited your city nlnre It wan found ed " Mr. Ramany Monday ntght took hln text from the thirteenth verae of the fourteenth chapter of Ho-i mana: "So then each one of tin Khali give account of hlmaelf to Ood M un not therefore Jn I one another any more; but Judae ye thl? rather that no man put n ntumMing block In hla brother'?-, way." ?'We ran"t Judge each other." thr npeaker an'd. "We cannot ev en know the heart throhn of our beat frlenda. Hod alon? can Judk'e un and evfry mnn muat ?1ve an account of hlmaelf to Hod. "From the dav I wan lw>rn 1 ntarted on a journey. That Jour ney la from the crndle to the ? Judgment bar of Hod. All of un rtro traveling on IIiIh aatno Jour ney "What aort of a report will yon bo it hi?* to lonko of your lift* when tlw ind rorai'S? An w?> think. no an- we. No man pver robbed a bank, without flrat harboring ? thouKht. No man over robin <1 a woman of hrr \lrtuo without flrnt thinking It over. Il Ih no harm i to think. I pity tht- man thnt doesn't think. Hut th- trouble with th?? youth of your city In that It la t h in k 11 g downward Inatoad of upward. Wo aro rtever bettor than our weak eat thought wo nov? r get any higher than our nohloat thought. "Never ban a Prealdont of t ho United State? been oallod from n gang of atr?'?'t loafer?. In front of your hotol ovory evening and lato at night your young m on gather around th?*y dlaturh tho refit of tho KUMta of that hot? I with ungontlemanly utterance Wboit a lady paaaoa In front of that hotol thoy "tare tholr cyn out"? I toll you there la no Pr??al doiitial timber In that crowd." Itofctrlng to oard playing *?nl dancing, tho apoakrr received :i chords of anion a whon h?' ?!? olarod: "I never urge tho young; pooplo not to dancrr and not to play carda. What w?? need t?? do la to got >n M vod flrat and thoy will quit doing thing* that profit th?'tn nothing. I am no preacher, hut that'a bora?' gena*." With apt and simple llluatra tlona Mr. Ifamxny got hold of hia audlonco and niado an ovon more favorable Impr? nalon than ho did with th# crowd Sunday night i.nd ware Mr. Ham not in tho city to day the crowd at tho tont tonlghi might double tho attendance lad night. "I am very much plea*'d wllh t h la Monday night crowd." Mr Hamaay aald. aa ho lookod Into th?' fa??* of an audience of about 1,500 people. ] MlfS. mclvKJT IS \V| !.| \KK Ol i ICKIi lliit?*ir;h. Oct. 7. Mrs.. Thomas W . Itickott. w i?l??w of Governor was *??! llilvlil (?I t.i |f;irr i:i Wake county. WILMINGTON I I UK ttOES Ml'Ci? {> \>1 . - i b?.-^gs .yyttimau **!. rT\~; 11.i .k. ??;? ii s?'T -!;i d .?^? | ? 7 , - Oun in .in an 14i .i ifiSitiir.uit. ?iti?| a >iur**. WAVNE COl M Y IS 1 I.OOI) St H KKKIl (iol^tmro. (vi. T.- The wulpn of ilf V us o ;iD<| Little 111v?ts r*? ? ? iliiiK hav?? lofr daniar?' cstuiiat ?ii a* half a million in Wayne nullity tu roads an-l rall luaili*. I5\\k OI MAX TOM rml* oil Strength of Tiilo of rm ?? \ to I 1-??Il?-lI?? lllll III ? Drill Not Kiicoiiru^in^ . m nwiu lAWUKvn? lCt>n>l|M, ICI. 8? 1)1 A0VIKC?) Oinab.i, im?S>? 0ruol;!iait of Iowa, is not. aitaekiiiK Coot icljje. Ii i<< Irii" thai h?* i.* not ?*nt cuiii|i;ti".tiiiit: for lit?* I'n ^i kiicIi 11:1 r*t* lit that' ll;?* K< puhlicam IliunaRHUriil H |h*i 1?<*:!>? ?M>ntf?tt with H]? r,tatnH (|ito, ? ?nul'>r IliiWi:ll, viii > h:;* a fol ? lovdiiK am? i. i ... i i tin; fr-V n hi? 'l?- i"it.!rtc vul?- Im 1920 w ' V'.', t \ I Ii < ? Democratic total was II' Mr. (V#olM;: ? could afford to Ion?1 40 |m r n-nl of II.. Hardin: \iitr nrhirli iron|i| kIvi' I?'ih >1 i< l;il 01 riH.lv> vol?* i.m! .-?ill rarry tin* Htatc. if this d< f, ??um i Jill Mi t.: IjKnlMKt. t.:... |v. fi'lfl vot?-i?. um! if lli> third jcrlv candidate ali?? *!;.-\v? I 1 pi, of lh?- In-m,?*! alii- vol* i f wlilHi would !?r talkini won hi admit for a initial*- that I ?# |?i r c-nt uf tin Di itjorratfr vote of If)20 would 1:0 to l.al-'olli-tli\ On t ho contrary. Itn- |n.i"-iiri? of (fOvcrnor Ilryan 011 tic iiM'lutial f lc*kIn confidently p\|'i ? ;i d to hold thi> l>?'liiorialir voh* if hi ded r.o rains are mad?-. No l.vpnhllcun willi tho writer talked wcnld j.rival? Iv ewi c??d* :i 4?? per ?? ??? Iohh mul many w. II Informed i f ii Vi re can vusaod In I.Iim ->3ii on v.<11 nn Oi:iu hn. win* honcatly tried to a; :?? *.? tho situation. Tin- big uncertain factor in Ne braska. of chiiin . Is ih<- (!i-rniiin vol?*. If all llf nu n with whom tlili (?orri'K|HMid hofore Hie war Iphu?? urimp, thin there v. I?1 !??? no difficulty In cnniiiw I" a con clusion on what In K"lnK to hap pen . The Republican? vrTio i> llevp (ho Gorman vol?- lias always hcoii Democratic bi-raiiH' tin Ijoino cratH used to bo "wot." i?nd moat of t ho German* voIpiI "wot.'.' ar? not worrying about th- drift of tho German vote to t^at'oll? tio. The Democrat* who In? IvX flint German* have recently boon Re publican*? think tlio Iom to Cool idue will bo *o treat whoji the Germans voto for laiKidh-tto thai Davis will conio to the fi- nl with a Hmall plurality ami c?|>t:ir.? N? brankn's doctoral voli? It la trm- thai amoni iho G? r mana a limit lon.ouu of tin in vot ed aa a block Ih 1*?2? on Ihi* llo publlcan 11' k? t. bnt many of them turnod around in I'? 22 and helpod Governor Itrynn carry t ho slate by 60.000 in tin? v? ry *a:no ? ? I ton that lh"ao i: rmnn* admlnl* to red a defeat t'i Senator Hitch cock. 1?? mocmt, for being faith ful to WII*on. TalVinti on tho train with An:, unt Koch, of Norfolk, N'obraakn. who ?H>< i-ofiiriitnn from n con tention ??f tho I,uth?ran Synod of Nebraska, tho writer beard < x* pnnmrt what niny well n? m I led a t epical German v lew. Wc talked (?olltlca before Koch, knew Ihe writer waa making a political survey. "Mow! of th" I.ulh rrn min' l^fij and delc.ato*." h ?d Kcclt? "told mi th (| ?I?-Ki I?. II lll.lt Kllfc* ? ?1 ItHolf I 111 llll'd 1.1 "Wi II, ???? Wiii auiiiiisl I In* war." w.is ilir reply. "Musi of lis wh?? 1i.m| relative* in lt?'rmaiiy didn't want (In- war. Now if III?' fl.*iniili:i li.nl coni" iiVii* to fhla founlry and ;;tluck?-d in*. w<* would liav*' fouuhl them, for tIiIm h our rounlry. Inn us it whs. wc should h:,vi* Hlayed-on this Kid?* and Irt I'liropi* alone." "Did most of i In* d?'l nay ? I h? would vote for !.a Kolh-lte?" "Moid of those willi whom 1 I.ilK'd f it 111 no.? Thrrr WI r? mmt*? *Ijo claimed we would huvo hard times If w?* voted for lll<*tt?', hut I don't hflh-vo It." mii Vi t in tLhi liuti tu-nlcuce toay.be read lh? key to ?h? ? siliiailon. It i.-- I In* Ht'l-i>Iu;? >1 w?-ai?oit of attack thai hn* y?*t been (liijiliiyTiT aiming ihe German* th?* near?* about "l?ad huslnoa* condition*." If will make more Germans hevi lal * about voting for La Kol tot t o than h ny I hi tig else. Severn | influeiiiial German* like Val I Vdoru, editor of a Get man newspaper, and leader of tin* Gorman-American Alliance be fore'the war. are. openly cam pal^niim for Preaident ('oolidy . Some indication of the Impor tance which the Republican man uveuient nllrfbuteH to tin* German vole may he obtained by watch ing the careful distribution throughout the ?tate of the argu ment that l?a Toilette's id? m of having Comcrc** ov?*rrld<* the_Su preiiie Gourt of the 1'nlteil States, would in the end work hardship, on Iho C;? minus and oth? r minor* IIleu. This stat?- passed a driiHlIc measure In war-time prohibiting i lw t? acliitw; of any but Hi?* Eng lish language lit the Krade school?. The law was d?clared unconstitutional by tin Supreme Court. So, also wan tin* <>r?K??n Inw which wouhl have wiped out pariochhil schools. ItUl thin Ih ii long and technical argument that will not b?? en*y l?i ii? nvc have In ? h tu te d toward Coolld'??* Whatever III? ?|. ' rHen of German*? !-? toward I, r? Met?e. rr.d uniU?"?lonnbly II will h?* l?r'*c lb?*!? will h" acqui sition;? if? inik?* up for it Th' German vole prohnhlv will not he c:.nt n* a *1i.l*|o hjoek Ihl* Mmft 1? will ho hoIit mo hecai|*e i'r. *h'? nt roolldt" I* n??t nwcclet ?*?! with the e run in ??tit over the e*(trv f f the 1>tlted Stalen Into ih.'* v*?r "fid h c.>es?' of economic. latuioe* ore tally ihr im irovfUifBl In : rlciiltuml condition^. w?!l t - e d ??? h" id manv '! rni'n ???? rni'>'icin?| in litje |f *fr. tVolldse hof:1 fil 0'*r r int ' f t't vt'i'in vol?', he Will C:>f t|.e kf?I' ll? If he acftulra? I'nka. floh' i ,-ind ether f^relee bora Vot , M hfM ? to !.f?*.,| i i . ne ^in utiu ?*rrv th?- ?!*?? ti 'nation app.-ar* to favcr Ihe fit ildenl. The IH-lrirl Fair parmle u?j! it K Tui-iJj y u > miliar.. n i _a_ Xi-Cilb on ftme umi I? fine iiiylf. No i>a rail-' hi i v?i?r* if ever Iiii? ??vi'P moved so smoothly down tho it<1 held r iti 'tu entire unit :.:i?Miii. William liaither. Leslie llolaiiKa. Julian SitliK; llu lirri To* v. I>r. .lolih llell, Kvau* lllaili'-M.'Riiimt'll Wiit'l.iw of Hert ford. Worth (Sard of CoinJ??i i.nivtiu; * It?? ri;v 4i|?iiri:il i. M,i>orJ 'V^ ~ Jlon liuu-.w in. Ljiicijul I'o.liio ?it."JU?iy. . ami I'll) MutiuK i John lira)' III I ho second ?i'i e" i U?: lifftrlnt*?nf idem N. Ilnwiml Hmlth. Vlco residents J. \V. Foreman ami .1 T. .Mi-Cmhe. Treasurer W. I\ Huff. Set-ret a r len Crover Fall* ainl l?r. II. K." Nixon. In the third mine Cat?t. IS. I". Hlewari of the I'niii llro, Hu|?t. J. A. I'lhe of (lie Coast Qua I'd. (i. I>. Haley, pav ' vle.rk of i lie Pamlico. au' ??HUB Inl" lil!'. il* inrllil>'Tit K.i.ly at' whit?- ri-..ill. 1 IrifUaiTH ?nil rc.l nul>. pla.vinn ? m-rry I?'"' """ pill Hi.' I'iilr Itn? I'1?1 in march uii'l I >i.i;?nilir? u? *? II Next on in. til?' lif" savlnu boril UHcd in tlm r.-M iin of tin* ? r?-w ??f ibe tank?T Ml.rlo, maniicil watli inni'i\>?'"*um. L'ii.ii.i?liiiaxiL mi'iii Following cuiiii" Vnrlo Hum h hiiIitk from H?? revna?4 ?-un*r l'umlUo. w iHi their ereel h.'i?rlnK ?ml liandAttaui uniform*, keeping wp in n gallant manner lltat *e . IhimIv :iff. i t? the Iv arl^_of v ' ,?rv maldon watrfilnir ?m7 parad" '?"i.'.'ndiiiK III?- final* ??" ??"? K'r'' HcpatttiK'tit apparatus making " fin?* allowing and rollo?w Crystal Ife ftnd Coal Company illHplayctl both coni and Ice on a fl?mlnfi^rin<"?n ha. krnoipd most i ffnctlv.-ly Tin- llulf I'lun.i l um pany ?ti.iw...l ,, .1.1."I.. '""-I'"'! hy hiindrod* of roiirilK wl'll?- " well known pup who know* "I" Maaler'a Voice" !;? !l1 guard. The detfnml lini*1 bona* waa shown by Kr.nii.-r li.oih.-r? J""' rrady fur n miniaturo Mr ali.I Mrs N-wlv Wrtl tu ?'i-p l"i" 8|ionrrr-\ValVpr Company had ?' very |ir.-ily final. i laborni? ly ?!???? unite*! In ilalnly mlorr. Th'- I'ur lly Ire- mill l"oiil Company had "" unlnn. fl'.n ?" attractive im1' nil. yi-nr Tin- automobile ?l?-ul had lh-lr il.-foruK-il in I ho parad?. Htifk. umi m on K|i< iir<- II..H..W-II Company ?11 i.lny. I farm ma.liln cry lo ? irclli-nl u.lv nilam-. II" Kurm-Ktorrrlr Cnmfrmr lllu lln... ?i. wax Hi Pumi!? Hunk nn.l Tnml Conipiiny. TIi?t?i w.-r? oth er*. I her*- iniml huv. I I"'1 in., ri-pori r i? mil of hr?*ath and ,h,. i v i ? wrllM ribbon I? runnln* off li dill lako innrh madlni; 1,. !?.-. 'i nri' lln'* m l"H ihp whot story. . . i Tim miintry liiKli f? ti'? >'?* n.ui .? fill' raMiromoit at'on. N 'wlaiio mm- f I r mi wilt, ihr.-.. I mrk t of hov. and KlrW. Shlloi. folio??"! ^ n h ihriic. ami Wetk villi- with If n. lile?" n eded no ilfrorat i??n Th" happy fm-es of t It?' yotlaiK |>eo j.Ip loi wa? in Ion? procea*lon of ?*lKltt I xa?iy lli-liry !-?' y dr. -<-i a. n ranamnffln Thl. nnr ent vrhh-l.. Ihal h nI ? "Wl" day' horo '!>?? plnraril ? Hi'-y '?'" ' |-?r Trum prodnrl?" and m" IlIlM ?)< I'" ' I l?f l>' ??IH-lllfd Ihal It hfotllthi ih>- parnd ? lo an end with a I "Hit Ihal unlo..??! i ho fair .pl-l! Mir- onoiuli an.1 h, lh- H.n th p had wound about t'"- pilnrlp?l '!'> ,ir--l" uihI pnx d out l i Hi" l?l' Cromid' .v. 'yhodv *-a. rrnll/lnl th" Kalr ha 1 nrrlv. I and Mile* Clark h:?d pnl ?v:r a real '"on* ?I th.- Fair flronnil? th. ?r?*tni:l* lar*?1. Parade Starts Crowds In Direction District Fair (???1* Off in I inr Sljlr W i t li M?miiiI?mI Miii>liaU. 11 iih** Hand. (?iiitrd, l ir? l)t?|>niiiii??lll? and _ - a VariiM v ?f Al Marl MIN\l.ll OIVKS I VIM'IKS WARNING ? It. T?t? \> today confirmed the overnight iu4l?.ti ion* iU.it?tli**_ government purposes resisting both the vote of rcusii? advanced by Conserva IIkI.4 and the Liberal amendment proponing an inquiry into circuoi statu ? h iind?r wlflch sedition ? barges .1 KMInwt a Communlwt edi tor recently were abandoned. M.ict ?oii.ild indicated that the govern no-nt would not shrink --Jiiiui and flection IC put lo lb-! I?-Ht and declared the r**?p<*ft?vhiliiy fur nn election would not be the Labor party'*. ltl<;<,KI< I'OIJCK KOKCE NKKII. SAYS <,KKM)RY Tlii* smouldering dlssatlsfae* lion wiili tin- work of the Klls uImiIi City police department In tiie matter of lax luw enforcement, ? ?specially titi related to prohibi tion. burst Into flame Monday niuht xvlii ii Councilman P. C. Co booti, wit.I ut the luNt regular i?i ? t in u- d i reel eil llie attention of t b< t 'miuril to t be relatively few < me;; oi llquar selling now being br.iuulit In fore tlie court, called for re-organization of the police department. Mr. Coliocn, when asked to tate what lie meant by reorgaa* /.ation, expressed the opinion that liquor li? being Hold more more openly, a lid more" mgruA-' Iv in IMixabeth City than ever be fore Juki now and thqt something must be don** to oupe with UMh ??Vil. M waa Willing to give Chief ? SreKnry a chance with a blgftf |t forcu If neceaaary; "hat, thai failing, be wanted a near Clllcf Of police. 'I be matter waa referred to the police coniuillti e after Chief Cregory had said that he waa hampered by not hnvintc a suffl eli-ni force lo adequately police i lie town. I need five or six more men," said the chief. 1 u*> police force and the cnmmitlee will meet at eu early date to threah thing? out. Mayor Oondwin's aetlon in em plovlir. detective* lo aid the po li- ni h cent of f:t|x.OO? which ? tided In a fiasco when the fact that the delect I vea were here leak* d on! Immediately upon their arrival, w.ih approved by the Council In its special' xeaslon of last Wednesday. PISKI) $7.1 AM) (X)STH Krncat Morse, Perquimans County. befor?* Trial Juatlca Hpeiicc Tiiexduy (in charges of ? ;? rr) i it k u eonnmled weapon and of^aHHuull with d?udly weapon, wan defendent In the moat aerloni rase of t h? day'a seaalon of the iMorct'K court Hp waa found KUllly of carrying a concealed weapon and of alniple asaault. and wn* fln*d $&0 and coats on tha fornior nnd $25 and coata on tho latter charice (if even more Interest was the r tNi' MKalnat Winifred Owens, charged. for an offenaa rommlt (??1 h year ago. with rarrylnf a concealed weapon and with lar < iiv of n pistol. Tho dofandatt left town before he could ba brought Into court to answal^ I . and- lb? avU dl?ciosed that he han wince good In the* Coast Guard. J u* Ire S pence, accordingly, fin In ir h Itn guilty of trespass In? of la t ci ny, let him off with a fin? <>f $1* and coats on the treapaag ?-barge. and with $& and coata on Hi simple drunk charge. Hern In Whit?? for apeedlng it tli? crossing of Interaectlng high ways waa lei off with the coata. Stanley Weklns on a almple drunk charge was fined $6 and coals " ? . f*m.. Mora'- Gregory, an old offend er. waa fine.l $.*? and roata for e* 11 edina the ?peed limit at the > :ot ?1112 of Interaectlng highway?. Ilraxton Barber. colored, gener ally known na llahblt, waa let Off with cowls for th? aame offense. i nrm> M 1KKKT New York Oct. 7 3pot cot tin dosed quiet. Middling 2t.lft. at* advance of 10 point?. Future?, < 1 ??ing hid, (>ct. 2? II. Dae. 25.2* I .in 2? 40. March IIH. Mav 2ft.90. fW| New York. Oct. 7.?Cotton fn t>ir' a op'ned today at the follow* In* level Oct. 20 16, IV?, IS.tft. .Ian 25 SO. Mar. h I? ?<>. Maf ?5 SO r nd t h "re wax every Indicating f *r t tuj best Pair ever held In the district.