PEBLK * PKKLK, l*uhlt?bem MKMIIT PUkL MHw Member of The AnaorUu?*! I'm?. *sflat?*?ir ?ntiu*4 t? Ml c??. H C., u MM?< clftu mmtim. Hubacri|Kion K?Im By Cunirr. - Q* *??% .._?# CMl ?w HMrtb (>? a?r*i 42 CtMi (U ?#*? no*) ? ? ?.at By Mail. TUESDAY. OCT. 7. 1924. Need? of Klizal>eth < Jly and t hp Albemarle 1. A hard surfaced road from Elizabeth City by South Mills and also through Cur rltuck In Norfolk. 2. A hard surfaced highway not lens than 16 feet wide connecting Elizabeth City with every county seat cast oi the Chowan Jilvei. 5. "A hridge-afToss the Chowan Hlver. connecting Bertie and Chowan counties and mak 1 iik possible u i > ;ii coastal highway through'thla sec tion. 4. A direct road from BHcross to Colnjock bringing all Currituck below Colnjock 10 miles nearer Elizabeth City and thus adding to th< uttractlonn of Point Harbor as a summer reaoit. 3. Ferry service between Point Harbor and Nags Head, con necting at Point Harbor with bus service to Eliza beth City. 4. A broader knowledge of ? public health Among lhu people of this section. 5. Conversion of the Old Falr KrouM just beyond the Elizabeth City hospital Into a public park. : ? i "What I'ricc Glory?"? The Mayor and certain mem-1 bera of the City Council s??em to i regard Uie size of the attorneys' 1 fee in the litigation of the city with the utility corporation!! as Justification for the action taken by the Council last week In abruptly terminating this lltigs- ' lion by virtually uniting tlu? terms which the corporations I bave been offering the city for the I past three years or more. Without attempting to Justify > tho fee. The Advauce takes pre cisely the opposite view. The fact | that such a fee was charged ludl- 1 cates that the counsel represent ing the city In this litigation con-1 aldered the victories which they j won for the city Wtl and not Pyrrhic. What t!?*? City Council I did then, in accepting the utilities' ' terms, was to throw away all the ' money that It has cost tliem to j fight the case in the court, with out oven attempting to realize anything on a decision In the city's favor that was being hand ed down even while the Council waa In the act of offering the utII- ^ Ity corporations their own price for their properties. In Its effort to be fair, The Ad vance has given Mayor Goodwin the opportunity to express in Its1 columns his reasons for the step taken; but we do not wish to bel understood an retracting one Inch from the stand taken by this newspaper In the first Instance when It learned of what the City Council had done in Its special session of last Wednesdsy. We are still convinced that the action was hasty and III advised and that at least s show of effort should hsve been made at compromise and that then, that falling, arbi tration should have been resorted to. Our Idea, and we ank no body to take It for more than what It is worth. Is that the Mayor's contention that the city stood a reasonsble chsnce of hav ing to pay more thsn 1375.000 for their property? by srbltrstlon Is absurdly ridiculous and ridicu lously absurd. ?od carta I iily a matter of 30 ^daya mor? or lean would hardly kav? add??) a penny to th? amount of th? 1*m charged by th? city'? attorney* and It reUht have nav?d th? elty t?na of thouaands of dol iin. D?KlnnlnK November 1 all dog* oa th? cfty atreet* ar? to be mut ated. Whether thla law In to be any b?tt?r than th? law do*?' rtianln* at large on 'flM ?lty atreeta at nljcht remain* to ba aa?a. PAjrr mtnoHT ami> fajmkk. g?r aarvke to and from Norfolk Patronti? home ?nterprl?*. Nor falk-Carollaa Lino. Inr l Rteamer Annie L .VOaclret oct 6 tfnp Radio Taking All Pep Out Political Stump Speaking Mirrophuiu- Drinandu Evenly Modulate?) Voice and; Will Not (jirrv Tricks of Oratory or lUiitvev the Subtle Tones that Put Over I'unnv Storv I tin By IIOII&UT T. SWffX"~~ New York. Oct. ??The radio day In being accused uf taking 1 all the "pep" out 01 the Presi dential campaign. It It? ho easy to stay at home. Hit In the old rockliiK chair and wear the old *lippern, and hear all the spell-' hinders In the vicinity, why should any one go to a political meeting? Even tin? l'r< sldent of the I "nit-1 ed State? will on occasion* come' to your doorstep* and knock for admittance on' the radio. The ? downtrodden electorate Ih coiii In k Into I Ih own ut last. The campaign Ih being brought to it. The elec torlite doe* not hove to go out1 and llfihj ih* crowd* aud lice -nnd ret It* Tujek**** pieke^H and all the other Inconvenience* i that belonged to the old political! ; order. e _ _ . n> the same'token'the eTecfor , ate (Iwrni'l have to yell it*elf hoarse over IIh favorite candi-, date. It I* figured, however, that , ?more people are being reached with political propaganda than ever before In the history of the country. Thl* may be alright from tli? educational point of view, but It 1* taking all the Are and the color out of the content., It 11 making the alien t tote more silent than ever and the political prognostlratorK are up a tree In most of the doubtful vicinities. | _ Tlii: .radio la grt-at for tola g out; after the vole hut then in DO re sponse to It. You can't tell whether your stuff Ih getting over. That is why moat of the old time ' political orators hate the micro | phone h ml all it* work*. Thia type, or orator never haa viry much to Ray and nothing much on his mind J when he-starts to say it.- _ -7 He fit-is fatupon applause or laughter or cheera and he even enjoya the conventional "come backs" he can nivo to the heck-} lor?. There Is nothing more chll-' ling than to tell a funny story in to a radio broadcastinK machine. Few of the most expert of the stage comedians can do It. Occa sionally two comedians working together can put over some funny i stuff, but It is well nigh Impos sible when one works alone. The radio Is ideal for a man of the temperament of President Coolidgo and also admirably suit* his particular style of speakiog. i His voice, while full of typical j Yankee Inflections, flows rather i smoothly and evenly and once the listener-in gets his dials set Just j right his worries are at an end. This even flow of language Is n delight also to the broadcasting ? export*. They measure a man's voice and when a speaker has wld?* varianc?* In his volume of ?XpmalOB It keeps an engineer1 busy with the modulating appara- i tus. The President .never utters | any unexpected sounds. The late President Roosevelt would have been a hard one to' handle on the radio. He had that ! famous falsetto pitch to his volco. I sprung upon an audience without a single note of warning. Young' T. It. has the same trick In his speech. Inherited from the elder generation, and while he Is to make 185 speeches In 18 days of campaigning for governor of New York state It la not belloved a treat deal of It will go well over the radio. Senator LaFolfette has had to change his oratorical style, com pletely for broadcast work. More than once he has found himself betwoen Scylla and Charybdls. He has had to disappoint either his j visible audience which expected i some of the old-tliae LaFollette fireworks, or hI? Invisible audl 'ence which had to be "told" in a carefully modulated voice. Much of the effect of the Senator's blK speech in Madison Square harden recently was lost upon the 12.000 or1 13,000 packed Into the audi torium. because he was so Intent upon getting his message out on the air that he kept his mouth i close to the microphone and did not emphasize his points with the usual I?aPollettlan manners and gestures. So here again the radio Is rob bing tne campaign of Its "pep." It not only keeps scores of thous ands of potential political rooters at home, but It chills to a large degree those that go to meetings where the speeches are to be broadcast. It begins to look as if the orators would have to divide {their efforts, making their radio speech?? in the seclusion of a studio and forgetting the radio completely when they are actually on the stump. SHENANDOAH OFF AT NOON TUESDAY Lake Hurst. IN. J.. Oct. 7?Tl* naval dirigible flhenandoah today started her epochmaklng round trip cruise to the I'acMIc coaat at ten o'clock taking the air from her moor mast In perfect weather conditions with R*ar Admiral Moffett In charge of the naval aeronautics on hoard to make the entire trip. The Navy's pride of the air fluttered the admirals pennant 1 from the stern, circled once about the flying field, and headed south. EXTRADITION OF PEACOCK GRANTED Raleigh. Oft. 7. Word wtfl re ceived here yesterday tnat Gover nor Richardson of California hi< granted the eitrariltinn of I?r .1 W. Peacock who eeatfred from th< I criminally Insane department of the State Prison here after being sent there for killing Chief of P> lice Taylor of Thomaayllle. Dr. Peacock appealed on liabenft cor MM proceedings which will I.. .heard this sfternoon claiming that ike had been declared sane in Florida. IT'S SAI), SAD DAY FOR BESTCITY Duy sucfe~biK runts for moafI._ They don't have to do it. Call money. that is lonnx that may be calh-d for payui?-nt at any tltue. had renting f?r a round 2 prnr cent. for sonir?tliti^. Tint?* loans have b?'cn renting around I per cent. The rent rat?* for mon cjr ban b?-en low for many months and no safe and d?*sitabl?' Invest ment enterprise ban to pat bUb rates. The good inve?lui?*nts can rent all the money they want at between 4 and 7 per cent. Th? so-called Investment security that offer? bin return? Isn't a uoed in vestment. Consider yourself a landlord of fbdlars when you buy securities, or rent your money. Look in the financial pan?*? of newspapt'rs and see what th?1 koIiik or current retes are for money and govern. your action accordingly. lUIIIHM. %\|) I.OW .\sso tlATIONH So many of my'readers have in ;4|uU.-d ubouL-l>u?ldiu^ ?tud Wn nR**oriiiTinTi!*-"a rin nfeir"m r?>KUlated. by law and In many slate* cnnie under th?* supervision if thf state banking department. The money that the members save H uiid to mak?* I??m?s ??n Improved real estate uiui I?jan.*- mm- extend? "d to uicmlM'tH only. Iturmwurx ur? oWlK?ht?r |nrT-off t^n lnnorlca, Rtu. prlnrliml ?m w- 11 a.-; Int'TcM. according to a r?-i:irlar rch? dtile. ? At th*'" same?ttm** a ^?rmwitu? mciiilwr puitiriiMt -s m tli?! profit;? of tin* aitnociailon. The Ht rent;t h ?f them* asuoela lion*. a?lde from tli?- strirt iiti^ r vlylon under which th>-> li?-H in the faci that the lean* un-' mad?1 on property located in tli? i Immediate m'lKhlMirhood of their J home wfflei** and i h ? valu?* of i i lie reapomflhle officials ?>f the a.- -. .dictation are in a position accu rately to appiais?'. Tli?* com para- , lively ki i v I* earning? usually a? - ' cruliiK to th? H!i.:red or< due th?' low. over-head mid to tin f:?rt tli-'t all the profitn helou.- id tin ' niiJubcm. . Jn other words the building .iihI loan association la a mutual co-operative institution >xirruuiitlviL by thi?_jj*fe-KUnr?i? _pf, law. Tlih I* n??t (?>? My that omwr iunitti a? ?ur _Kila-1*iuna^-meni do not fxlsl nor that all associations ut<- ??Th? Railways to Mine No 12 of tke Hock iHlaud Coal and Mining Com pany near Hartshorne were dyna mited im Blpi luff an atwraju made to burn two railroad trestles leading to the mine. Th? dama|e was slight but the Incident haa aroused the mining field. ? DETECTIVES HELD FOR FIRING AT AlTfO , Durham. Oct. 7.?A. M. Mai- i drey and Hubert Rlggsbee. de tective*. were indicted here ye?- ' terday for assault with deadly weapous lollowlng their firing on motorists who fulled to halt at their command. ( l.w l\ THE HANDS OK THE CARTOONIST as stew gy .Hc cmkomxs op mz n*tiV BLaT (ftSft) rfe mi hs i?Qks7aTK? -jTtz .vkwumu ciORVti^ 1 Ano BY "Re carToousT of "Kg eveMwa puff (dcm.) /*? AsHeOw&X'sTW -3 t?uw srwucwf AS ne IS SEEM by The cakSjonisT of The eueNiNG CWUME yPROC) AHP B'{ "Re orTqonisT of The. F/NAKCVi. Breeze SCHOOL DAYS """ By DW1G VNE UL ViKVr 007roe, V\6R? Por vo?, L6f\. 1 CfiH!" STa?0 IT TO see a?v 90 dV StfFf Eft ah' v.eca 'en Ven. - Dc. 0f ???.,*?<> *T W"r ?\Wft7? ' T-'.e ZfRo uoutvt?, TMfi 5^S5'uEhT OVC? FROM TO HfcCKUE rAHOlbATL POR GHrRiP^OTttVWklKj* VJt^eROU^HCT MANfLED Br THE "TOWN BorsJ A^TEfi. "TVfc ME C T i A4A< ovei* and the Worst is Yet to Come OLD HOME TOWN BY STANLEY DOROTHY DARNIT ? By Charles McMctftu* nr WE. PLAV / I MY mam JwiTh you? ( I IS PHIL J- P=??. . H.y N .-J < ) SOffE / ?7 DlLU Vl CAM'T TELL WHICH 15 WHICH, I BUT I LL FIX. THAT. IJILL J VOU COME WITH ME Cm?* r* ???????( HHOHH, HHOKH AM) MOIIK Bhoon. We nell good ?hoen at a low price. Benton A Weet. oc7-18pd