America Has Won World Supremacy In The Ether Fattest uml Itigyrkl Flying Sliifi., nil Kurili lluvc Hon Developed in Thi* C?inntr\ ami VtouM Play Bij: Part If Another \\ ar n, O. I?. SI *OTT i '<24. By TI?? uayton Oblo. Oct. T?Concen tration of ibe tint ion'* air force* here for the international air ru ces nent a shiver down the spine of one who contemplates the con sequence* of the next-war. The spectator Rets n graphic picture of what airplanes and radio, com bined with Inch explosive am! gas. might he like in battle. But the outward show of Am erican aviation prowess is a mere sample of what thin country ha* In store, should another war come to be fought out in the cruris. Officials of McCMok Field, the army air experiment ?station here, have grant??! permis sion to th* writer to outline, in general. the recent military de thls country in uniVouht'eif?r<> macy of the nlr. ho f.?r a? new fighting metho?!* ar?- concerned. Aerlnl wt?*pon* of th?* I'nlter? States, already built or designed, would inake a sky battle a spec tacolar affair. Fighting pursuit plane?, with u speed of 17o miles an hour. Faster than machines of any other country already have been built. Ily means of a re cently developed supercharger, ?which pumps air Into tv < fcimiTP ter. tluy can maintain this spe?-d at 30.000 feet altitude, de^pit the rarlfled nlr. while pilots sup plied with oxygen apparatus can fly at 40.Ooo feet, far out of sight ?of ant I-era ft- hhhw. ? American made bombers cap able of carrying six one hundred pound bombs, four throe hundred pounders. ?>r two six hundred pounders, with sighting apparatus "recently"d^velopV-TT fal* ~iflore ac-' curate than that of any foreign _sfljr?c> ^JUiiA.uuuuui ileijllXJL*? ?L explosives ud gas whilu the bombing planes are protected by high altitude. Hut the greatest destroyers are designed as night bombers. They are even bigger than the HarlinK bomber here, thut astounds spec tator*. This super dreadnought of hoavler-than-nlr boats, with n wing spread of 120 feet, weigh ing 21 tons when loaded .speeds through the air at ninety six miles per hour, currying two .m.i one half tons of bombs, a com manding officer, two pilots, two engineers, three gunners, a radio operator and u fuel pumper. The planes can stay In the sir nine bours and IK minutes, llut now. the army lets It be known, there Is being developed a much larger machine capable of flying longer -distances, powered by a central ised (plant of four Liberty en gines driving one propeller. These new machines, carrying at least three tons of bombs are counted on to put tho finishing touches to land fighting. The army also has already de veloped radio steerad aerial tor pedoes of great effectiveness, as well us radiocontrolled airplanes, ! directed ?itlior from tli jnound ??r from another' pl:*m*. Another at? onipllsliue nt an* nounrcd a'?* ?>f Rrc;tl importance iit tin* development <>f im pari h indi rut or contpitfci. which when *up pl?tnented liy a fIi?clit ita?licfckVor" ami druft meter. makes possible jurlal navixation without regard In lanilmarka. Th?? world filer* tested t It i 4 our nil-! found It suc cessful. Then? a I no have been perfected vertical scale Instru meni? ho i hal planes ran fly In fog <>r in dark with precision?a finding of *r??at Importance in bombing and aerial photogrnphy. At-rjal (?holography has been developed ' to perfection. With ti photo* graplior nlready has photographed 2.20" m lien of territory in an hour and fifteen minute*, taking ttiiwnr -fonr-ptetuce* h*- a-1 i me--" No foreign country ran approach tills. The fighter* will hn an eighteen cylinder en TrmrrnrmmtTirom Rtxjr-ffndwpigrn - which, if HUCce?Hfiil. will develop one home power for every pound in weight which?a goal sought by uirplane makers for year?. Accomplishments sine?* the war hov?* been m? gr?*wt an aMnosteom- ? pleiely to revolutionize atrial war. The polni has been reached whore. with new exploitive? aud gas*"?. air plane* rould almwl annihilate k round forces and probably make navl?s ineffective. Just a touch of these thin?? is given at the ?ir rare demonstrations by army a?iut. The"reaT atory la at'.Mr ('ui)k Field-?4h?f 'laboratory for l>')><>plr.K Aiueriea air development aii<-atl of oib? r nations. \KWI.\M) PAIIt Contiuu?'?! from page j S?liUNe? flr*t prise. M Iks Farmi? Sharb> r. first prize for sung books. Miss Loir.elle Forbes, second prise for kong books. Mis* Sophia llinton. first prize for flower poster. Fifth grade, first prize for pa per map. Miss If? len Kent, first prize for drawing scene. also first prize fur ilisabelle Harris, second prize for snng book. Second jgradc.poaleri, f?rs; and RRIIIlll (iHp!1 Mis; Lina Urite. first prize f.>r L'ask* t. Iris Sharber, first prize for booklet. <*arllce Sawyer, second price for boo k I?, t. First grade, drawings, first prize. . _ , Kvelyn llright. first prize""for roll? el ion of lea\es. Wll Ham*. s-. rotid prize for collcctiuha Itrothers. second suit, three pieces M'ss Kmily Grainger, lir-t prize lor suit, three piece? of under we5r, Miss Family Stafford, first priz? for lunch* on s? t. Mrs. I). L. White. s< cond prize for luncheon set. Miss Sackie Gregory, fir?t prize' for pillow slip. M Ins Krnil v Stafford, second prize for pillow slip, also first 4U?cu -?ut-a|jum.^_._?... ...?Sir -?Mt*g Kmtlr . first prtwr for counterpane. Mrs. Annie Mae Ilea man. priz* ..fur-library I'-Vv ruilPVf. croc net.. Mrs. Maggie McDonald, first prize for quilts. Miss Teenie Williams, scoitd ' prize for quilts. Mrs. I'arthenia Temple, prize on quilt 12? years old. ?Miss Btta .Ma*? Sawyer, first' prize ford ress. prize for dress. Mrs. Nancy Williams, prize for haliy eap. Mrs. Ilnthe Jones, first prize | Cor baby dresa. Min* Mary Gregory, first prise for afternoon tea ta'dw corner,? Mlsa Lou William*. aec?nj prise f??r_afternoon tea table corner. Vwi. Ma nihil _>ft-l>i?nalJ. .?rise for pillow top. pieced ?ilk. Mrs. Kau Jon? s, prize for pil low top. drawn work. Mrs. Hannah Harris, prize for dre^s 5u yeara old. Mri.' Shirley William-, prise lor bed set. Mr*. Gertrude Harris, second prize for tatting runner. Miss Maggie <*orner. first prize for tatting ruuner. also prize for trorhft yoke. Mrs. Mrl'ov. collar and cm"! s??t. Mrs. It. 1?. t'aira. prize for dresa M t. Afrs. \V. T. farter, prize for sa tin center piece." Mr*. W. J. Williams, prize far beat collectiou of ferns and be gonias. Mrs. Joe Bright, prise for beat while dahlias. Miss Sfcme Williams, prize for ' besi window box dUpht/. Mis* Mary Hewitt, prisj lax bint roses. Mr*. W. K. Jone?, prist for bost variety coleui. ? Mrs. -factec, beat- popper plant. Mirni Sar k It* Gregory, prl*" for bent ill-play flowers. Mrs. A. L. Whitney, set-on.1 prize for best display flowtrs. M Ins Ruth Forbes, prlxe- for best dahlias. PRICES REDUCED ON ENTIRE STOCK DURING OUR GREAT CASH RAISING SALE i 9T>p?.Tr?pr> ^Ma T T,7r) fP* * ">A T rv 4^1 lu/1 A/iwi . i ?ALA* v. V. ^>1 lu'V. ? - IK(.C> ?? I f. . O fr.'ry r.:\i in: " /?> -'j lyc.V 2!tn!.i? l!t:. ? "* I. . PHONE 1 1 4 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT KI. DAi.M) CIGARS I-'UIIIIHIS m .?P WHOLKSALK (alUH'KICS Service SHOES That ktnnrt every ?lay wear. >lii1ay tlial will keep y o u f! II 1Ic<1 or delivered to Oatewnys, Inc.. 338 Twenty-fourth .street, Newport News, V;i? tli is Coupon will lie |fO( .1 for 10 votes in the Chevrolet Automobile Contest, to be credited to tha person whose name appears below: Mame of Contestant i Street and No. ? City or P O Address > VOII) AFTER OCTOniCU 17th, 1921.