f Cllkl'tLATlOX H KI>NUHD.W 2.57C Cupi' j ((?'ncrally fair tonight and Fri day. Continued cool. Moderate to fr?-nh norlhvasl wind?. 1 J YOL.XIV., FINAL EDITION . ELIZABETI! CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY KVKNINC, 0<T0l:K!: "... IHJI. SIX PAGES. NO. 240. J WORLD'S SERIES GOES TO SEVEN GAMES Giants 10000 0 000 171 Senators 000020 00 0 240 Even Once More Griffith Stadium, Oct. 0.?With Peckinpaugh bark in the lineup and Zachary, credited with the Senators first Kame won, on the mound, Washington vanquished the New York Giants 2 to 1 today, thus again evening the score and saving themselves from "defeat in the series. Kach club now has three games to its credit and the deciding contest is scheduled for tomorrow at Washington. Peckinpauirli Inirt hi? nore knee again in today's ganv? and had to be carried from the field, Uit not until his bat had accounted "for a single' which started the batting, ral ~ly t?3TwoirUie jian)?'. A<Toii:" ble sacker by Harris brought in the winning runs. The Washington Senators far ing the odds in their valiant fight for-their firHt baseball champion ship cam o back home for tin- sixth battle of the 1024 World Series. They went Into tin- nam?' In a fighting mood in t hi: hopes of forcing the lasue to 111?? limit of ?even games. Tom Zaclutry, portnide lnirler for the Senators wan sent to the mound by Manager Itnrky Harris to even the series which prior to today's gnniea stood three games | to two in favor of the National League. Art Nehf wan Manager Mc Graw'M choice to en (J the series with a Giant victory. The lineup: New %*ork? *' Lindstrom. third Jiase. Frtoch. second base. Young, right Held. Kelly, center Held. Terry, II rst has?-. I v.: on-, i. rt n- m JackX HUortStUp. Gowdy, catch. I Nehf, pitcher. WwhiiiKUm? McNeely. center field. Harris, second base. nice, right field. GohIIii, left n?<ld. Judge, Hrst base. niuege, third haw. I'ecklnpaugh, shortstop. Ruel, catch. Zaclutry. pilch. Fmlprea: Kb-m. at pint--; I>| ? neen at firft. Quigley at second; Connolly at third First Inning Giants Llndstrom. I i rst matt up In the battle of southpaw*, wan thrown out by Hluege at first Prlsch got a two base hit to right field but wax run down when Zachary took Young's splash and threw to Rluegn lo Harris. Young went to second. Kelly singled to center. Young going home. Rice leaped high in the air and took Meusels fly which was headed for the hleachcrs. One run. two hits, no ? rrors. Senators McNeely walked but was forced at second. Llndstrom to Frtoch. by Harris who Is it the first ball pitched, Harris then was : caught off first base. Nehf to Kel ly to Jackson Rice slngh-d to right field. Kelly mussed up Gos lln's grounder and the runner was safe. Itlce stopped at second, fudge fanned. * 'No runs, no hits, no errors. Second Inning Giants ? Wilson struck out. Harris threw out Jackson at i/first, but Gowdy got a Texas Leaguer to left fleld. Nehf popped ?io McNeely. No runs, one hit. no errors. Senators -Hluege was thrown out, Frlsch to Kelly. I'ecklnpaugh. , absent from two games became of ; a charley horse, was given a big hand when he went to hat. He 1 showed his appreciation by scratching a hit through Third but K tlel f||*d out to Meusel and Zachary fanned. No run?, one hit. no errors. Third Inning Giants Mndfdrom was robbed of a hit by Rice and Frisch got his second successive two base hit to right field, but Harris threw out Young. Frlsch going to third, and Kelly Went out. Hluege to Judae. No runs, or? hit. no errors. Senators Washington went out In order. McNeely *ent up a high one to Jackson Harris went out. Jackson to Kelly, and Rice fouled out to Undstrom. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fourth Inning Giants I'ecklnpaugh threw out Meusel. Wilson singled Into right fb-ld hut Jackson bit Into a dou r ble play. Harris to pecklnpaugh lo Judge. k No runs, one hit. no errors. Senator.? Washington went out In order sgaln. Goslln filed out to Young. Judge popped to Jackson, and Uluego was thrown out at first by Jackson. No ruu*. no hit*. no erorS. Fifth Inning '?'tiniK N"W Y.M.rk w??nt out on it 111)'- pitched tialls. look (loK'd^K grasscut|<? i" and had him easily' at find. Mce robbed ,\??hf -a-h-H-bv -?.MH.Jntf?m-bwefc ? of first hjt?"' it rtrl catching the halt nenr the foul line and I.Iml.itnun mvnt imr. Zieliary t? Judge. No runs. no hits. no error*. Senators iVckinpauuh hit tin first ball pitched in Washington'h fifth for a single to left field. Ituel ?aerified li im t ?i second. Nclifto Kelly. Xnchary went nut to Kelly unassisted, I'nrV.iiipauKh going to third. MrNw ly walked on four pitched ball* and stole second. 1'eckinpaugh and MrNeely scored on Harilb"* single to right field, ilarri* -going to Kirond on the throw to hotne. Ilice struck out. Two run*. two hit*, mrrtw. Sixth Inning Giants -Th Giant:? Went out in order again in the sixth Frlsch popped out tn Ituel. Younj; wax caucht at first when Itud took his splash in front of the plule and threw to Judge and Hani* look Kelly * hopper and threw liini out. No runs, no hit* no error*. Senators Goalin struck out on three wide curves to Start the Sen-' ator's sixth. Judge went out Nrhf-fo-RHiy. Illuoge walked on Tour straight halls and *tii| se cond. In ckinpaugh was purpos* - ly walked, and Ituel went out. N? hf to Kelly. No runu. no hit*, no error*. Seventh Inning (Slants In thcr Giant '* seventh." Harris look Meusel** fly. Wilson not a Texas Leaguer. hut Go*lm ' took Jackson?: fly over near lliel foul line and dowdy popped out to Harris. No run*, one hit. no errors. Senator* The Senators nitain went out fn order in the Seventh despite the rooting of I'reHldent and Mrs. Coolidge who stood with other fan*. Zachary was thrown out at first when dowdy whipped his hunt to Kelly. McN'eelv sent up a foul to Kelly and Wilson gathered in Harris's fly. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fighth Inning Giants Snyder was sent in to hut for Nehf in the Giant's eighth, hut llice stood still and took hi* fly. I.indstrom fanned and Har ris got Frlsch at first. Zaehary again turned hark the side in or der. No runs, no hits, no error* j Senator* Ttoay K van faced I lie! Senator* wlo-n they went to hat in their half of eighth. Frlsch threw out Hire at first, and llyaii ' fed Goslin slow drops and lie struck out for the second tiro** of the game. Judge walked hut Ityan threw out Illtiege at flr*t. No runs, no hit*, no errors. Ninth Inning Giants Young fouled out to llluese in New York's ninth ? but Kelly singled to rlullt field, Southworth running for him. Meusel forced Southworth. Peck inpRUsh to Harris. I'ecklnpaugh again hurt his lex and had to be rarrh'd from the field. Judge wan also hurt in the play in try* Ins to get Meusel at first, but Has able to resume play, flliien?' took I'erkinpauuirs place at short and Taylor went to third. Wilson fanned. No runs, one hit. no errors. Mill \ It: V M liMIM.Y Richmond. Oct fi ^\. C. Smith, secretary of the Virginia Indus trial Commission, died suddenly of aploph'\y at his honie here tf* day. CHILD \ HTIM \i i" DIKN AT MOSIMTAI. Atlanta. Oa . Oct. f?. - Mary Lunsford. axed f?. who was run down late vesterday by an auto driven by Mrs. Asa Candler. Sr., died at a local hospital today. McfjKAV CAM* t*J*ON MKKKIVH TO A 1*01,0017, F, Concord. Oct. ft ?Anglic W. M? Lean yesterday called on Meek Ina to npolhtlxe and retract state ment* he h'?ft mad?* concerning St?te bant.? which the figur** rnd facts prove to be uutru?*. NEW INLET IS OPEN TO SEA Orrtlpn^ < !ompl<'te<| Tues Barge* Sunk an Hrt'akw alf?r VCrdn^duy and \X ork Surrey. Now Inlet is ?Rain open to (he sea, the water now standing 7 feet deep in n channel 250 feet wide and two and one eighth mi jew long. ' Thus has come to ?ucrrssful fruition a scheme Ionu talked of and In some quarters derided as impractical which may bring a re turn of prosperity to fishing vil lages on the l'amlico and Albe marle turiinrdflT Dredging of the project was completed Tuesday and the ??con crete barges which are t? serve as u breakwater on the north against :!)< filling in of the channel Here sunk Wednesday. xrkheciinmm; NEW ton?; WAK N?-w York, Oct. !i. Kmerv<-iicy, nioiisures were adopted by the po-, lice today to prevent a recurrence of the shooting* in Chinatown last night in which one Chinese was killed and two other* wound i d, one |troliu))ly mortally. The police believed the rhoot Infis were the beginning ef a new Ton g war and the number of po lice in the streets around Chat ham Square was more than dou bbd. Pittsburgh, Oct. 0. War In Pittsburg's Chinatown brewing for several months resulted lodav in the Milini; of !,???? Sum, reputed leader of Hip Sing Ton*: who was1 shot as he was conferring with; other Hip Sing Tongs. His Chi nese assailant escaped Into the Chinese temple which houses the j headquarters of I,t ong Tong. | KKillT ON MIDWAY CiKTS XI III N't i IN I'OIJtK cot KT A fight at the carnival Is noth ing so much out of the ordinary,; hut wh^n" George Jones bloodied the face of one of his carnival neighbors right out in ffont oft one of tiio tents Wednesday night i he let himself in for a session be fore Trial Justice Spance of the; recorder's court and a fine of $.'?; and costs Thursday morning. Otherwise the court would have had a day off. Rxccpt at the Fairground, things are quiet in Elizabeth City this week. BUXTON SCHOOL OPENS linxton. Oct. 0.?The Buxton school opened Monday. Octo ber Sixth, with I#. Slgslee Miller as principal. Miss Hibyl Miller in termediate teacher and Mrs. Maude While as primary teachcr. We are glad to welcome to our number the grammar grades from FrlSCO. Rome of th? m have al ready come, the others are expect ed tomorrow. The Junior High School opened here Wednesday. At the school house last week a party wan given by the Parsonage Aid Society at which was taken in about $60.00 The members of the Red Cross gave rti entertainment here n few nights ago at which About fifty1 persons received certificates for having attended a series ?if lec turfs given by Miss McDonald who Ih doing a wonderful work , here as a Red Cross Nttrse. Miss Martha Tolson entertained at her home Wednesday night. Games weic enjoyed, refreshments were served, and all reported a good time. Juggernaut Pninti I'jirn?!, 2?. un 4>1c*trk*fit con trm tor *>f l^nrton, <>n? . I* rhrinrrd with <l< titwrntcly driving hu nutr?* tnoMti* ?.n a ikVwutk nl NIa*hf;?1 I'.i'!??. Olfl . niirt Klllit.j ftmyrtto Mulr h?.?.! Muhttra?! it ml hi* wlf<? Wtr? out w.?t'<ln? Mt.h ivirr.r??i> c?tr.mr??1 UirnvJ M0t|?4 ami poller % Ihvp fallal ?o fln?l him, Buxton White Seed Firm To Be Biggest In State teaMV New l,?r?ipr ^uinirry-Wliirlr Whrt! pied on INnvrmlirr 1 Vt"ill Mak?- Tw?? Al-it 1:1 *???!?* Boy* ()wnrr> linrnt Srctl Slorr in l!:r wl i!r Klitnbcth City I* soon to have the largest and most complete seed store In North Carolina. On November 1 the Iluxtpn WhlfeUpefl Company will occupy t ho three floors of lh?* rebuilt HohinMon building at 1G So uci Water stroet. across lb*.' street from the present location of the firm. ?The prrsiMir ipmrtrr? or thlt lo cal need firm havo been niiurown for some time and the new loon tion will pire the added facilities of water transportation. A little |cm lb an tiro yiyi ?fo t lie Ituxlon White Seed Coin puny started business in KM?? ? ueLh- LliLy. at Him tuand-^iun?>w-4?? cupies; Krom a small Jivginnhir 1 rapfil growth lias been, the valufr" of Hal'eM having Imen practically doubled each year of Us life. It I? one of t ho thrrp catalogue h?n1 bon? 'R in this State. Not only has it become wtll and favorably known in thin Itn moillnte trade territory but Its fi< Id has l??'? n gradually spread In k In mom distant static. tar ing Ihe past season se d ship ments from this firm have gone froin Virginia. West Virginia. Maryland. Delaware. I'enn sylvan* ia. Ohio. Oklahoma. Illtiiolx, Ken tucky. Tenne*#ec. Arkansas. Kan? sas. Missouri. ?Mississippi. Ala baina, Ixiuisiana. Klorida. Georgia. South Carolina and California Three shipments mere made to foreign countries. The business was starte 1 bv lluxton White in January 1920 In Rrptomher 1921 1?. Curtis Haum. Jr.. bought an interest in the firm and since that time It has bron operated a?* a partnership In Iti* lluxt-n \V*it?? was Rru<liiatt<il fnim I hi' Xitriii (Vr ?li na Ftat?* Colic??* of .\Krl< ii!tnr?\ III.;- ImhiV.j in liortl. uliiir?'. Il?> iiu:tii-.1i ? ly connoclrd litinsi'l f nil h ilii? I'. S. I ?o purl ni ? til of Acrii t:)i urr. -??j? crating with tit* North Ctrolma A p r itn Tf u r ?I Kxp?-rimcm Stall.-n hp t> irfnwt- hr?"-din^??it?r mi h.ii1 >. tn this capacity h- \*.m in tlu? fitting of plant varictli'.* i ? determine the nnrs lie.^t suii'd to :hc vhiIous ? ctlons and i.hr bp; In* up of I In? ( lin n yarlH obtain Improved at rain i Hi woi . whh interrupted hy the W??rld War iU.jaJlii.)L ? ill" JulllllUrii.;!;.. JiUil. m ll h a UMvliiiii* chii Imt tal ion In Kranri'. Whih* ov "Vms,*. hi> had (h?> opportunity to vIkIi ho iiip of t hi* InTKi'm Kiiropcan *oi?d firms an?l Rroworx and Hi ml v ili.-lr methods. Cpoii r?'tu?n lo civil life in l!?Mi i hi' IPixton V.'lilt ? Seed rompimy was s!\en Wrtli. Vr. White |h al^o author of w*i r al (Experiment 'Station hull? tins aind onirics on njcrh'ii!t?tra| >oih Jertn for*fur?u papers. L. Curtis ll.iuin. Jr.. wh< a sin dent in the North Carol In:; yt.il?* Colli ni? ??f Aencnliiiic foe iii:?e year?. uni I the World War inie nipti'd hi>' In hnlcal training. II ? ran *lth ih?' Covornnn-nt In ship ping and trntiKiM?rtutiou for mn? v? nr, uftor which In? r? itirn?*?l t?? I.Ih old home In Currituck county and enfCHKcd *n o*tPO"lv tru'k funning and I lie RrowtnK of fh-IU 1*11 p? of nI klti'!?. In this fir!.i ho made a .I'cldcd nucr'fii ut'tll ho catered tli ? f-cJ husino.s *h"i'c lii" rx pur h mu? has been ??| gp-al value. The Devil And His Works Ham's Text Second Nighl Kvungrlint r^irrct'h Currrnl !\lisronrr|>li?Mi? of NX Our and l*ayi? His KcHprrt to Modrrn Philoso phy lV1tiH|iH?rn<litif: us OhriMianity "Satan is a thirty thtril dci-.ree liar nnd in the Past Urpud Maa trr of all flic l.lnrs," said Kvaii* gellst M. F. Ham W?'ditesday night In tli?- rourho of a powerful measag/- lr which h?? expounded Her i i?t h i? I teachings concerning man'? arch enemy and the wiles and methodx tie nr.? m Iii d?-u'lng with man. Modernistic philosophic s ranic In f??r a Rood trouncing when I he evangelist wan describing the manner in which Satan wan draw ing man away from God. The figurative "trouncing." however, wan done in a most iinsennat i<>n al style, tho speaker merely dis cussing IiIh topic In a quiet, dig nified and wholly unlmpassloned manner, hardly movtng h In body nave an now and then ho would quickly shift his weight to his pulpit a* he delivered some aubtlfl thrust of sarcasm or an effective witticism. Though Mr. Ham spoke for ov er an hour* arid though his deliv ery was characterized hy a quiet, con v? rsatlonal h t t i t n d ??. h?* gripped the audlenc?- from the moment he took the plntform and his message was evidently d?-llv cr??d to an almost wholly sympa thetic audlene?' as was evidenced hy the chorus of amen? which ap plauded his telllriL' statements mid by the quick ripple of spontane ous IaukIiI? r which frequently , swept over the audi?>nre at Millie) cleverly Interpolated witticism An audience a little lnrni-r than that of the opcnlne night wan present at the service, numbering well ov er 2.500 persons. , The song service which preced ed the sermon was attain a pleas ing feature. It wss ?ssily dis cerned that Chorister Ramsay bad recovered somewhat from his hoarseness of the previous night' as the choir reflected his In creased vigor and responded read ily when he Introducd several new choruses of stroma appeal.. The chorister Is spending hh? time Israely In developing the chorus, snd an yet has done little conaro gational singing, but the cotinfe* gatlon seems to prefer to sit qut* etlv and listen to the splendid ren ditions of (he chorus "When thr genial chorister turns to the aud ience for the evening offering, however, and begins his charac-, terlstlc How o( spontaneons chat-1 ter ami wit, i It?? m- - iumo il':?t*!y prick r. it|? tin en;; .mil ?<n juya lta?-lf. Mr. i (mil iiImi ?1? i?III? <1 I Iter I'horiiH for a fi'W Hid men tu after tin m? r * .??? I?im| nIk*i* to drill (Iii-iii nil i?ii ? specially aj? pcullm; number which will r-? turo Ih?1 mimical pr?>?.-ram S-miiIi.v fn announcing the mornln;- hi r vlc ?k lii-inir livid i-arb ?!.? . nI JO o'clock in Hit rmrnini:. Mr llam nay liiMt nltcht stated lir t ' if vmi wan I to find the bralni?-;! lav;.? r In the city you can locate him at thin tnbcrnncli- any niorninu at 10 o'clock, tin- IIvi- dollar vliyst? i you wit be able to local? antm whore clue; the bent physician In the city will answer all call* from thin tabcrnacl?-. whll? the f.llov. who only has two caaca a year ami turn? both of tlieni ever to ? I?? iindeiinker will !??? aoim-wln i clue. The beat biinliier-H man in town will be lici'?- and (lie neat' nf and moat perfect hmis'-k r in the city will hi her?-. The woman with 12 children and no cools will he at the morniiiK t'ci vlo . wlill? the lady of Irlaure with h cool., a um Id and a poodle doi, will be un able to get here. The morning Kcrvlcen were lUfctlKU ruled y?v<t( r day when a Hronu tin-a-.a :? wan delivered on "K;,"kl(lf It? !??? ?.? lUio." It I* entity ( vid? nt t lint* those t^lio 111 l:?H th?-H" ilit I ndac!oi \ *? rmoiiH will mix* a iiiomi helpful and ItiNpliini: feature of tin- cam P?l?n and It I* wild (bat Mr Ham's morn I n ir dlfcoiirf ? s m-?- |,v f?r the nient h? IpluI and liiHtrii" tlvc he delivers. It I* bop?'d (bet In very abort eider, tin i?-ai tnli ernarl?- will !??? paek?>l fit the uiornlnu aervlce* to h? ar tin m Inaplratlonal and helpful in?-sa?: en. "Our Id? h" wan the auhject to which Kvant:? list Ham Hildre*?id himm If Wednesday nluht and of ler rendln? nnd com mention on varloux ncrlpturen a? (tin? forth lh<- distinction between the natttr al. the carnal and the aplrl*tjftl man he took f"r hla t( xt the inth v? iae of the Mb chapter t-.f Kphr r-lana." "flit on (he whole a; mor of Ood. that ye may be able to ataml aKHlimt t lie wile? of the devil." In part hI* nernmn fol low*: Man ha? a trinity of fmn: (In world. th" fl'sh and the f)r?vil Th* world I?? that'?vn?'-m which haa been built up by fallen man under the Inspiration and din r (Ion of Ratan. that ayatem which KII.IKI> IIV Milit Chicago. Oj'l, !? \Villi:itn |i.. ,1 M? cm. huh healimi to 1?, imiti ht?ro ye<*u*ritj,v afi?*r an a I I K?'?l ntljirk nn ;? ><>u?m cii ! nli?? w 't'uins ultra?*!? tl passi-r??hy. LABOR PARTY IS DEFEATED Kinu tinner A|in'fh to I'rrmior IMarDoiiald** Itc ?|i:r>! i Iii'.l Mr Dis^ilvr ~ . ? IS T ? A- .il.?l l',r?l I.??11.;..I.. Ori. y.-? Kiiic (iforRf ,.w.u n>J.? . UdifJL' ?a by l'rcnilsr Mat lolli-wing the l.uhor pov?*riau? n'"- ilofcrit in (ln> llouso ??1 ( '<? 111 m? ? II> I iM night. Tli?*' kinr asn'i'd In ilis^ulvo p.nl'n meat. Til'1 11'iilN?1 of l" ?IIIIIIOlIK will lie <t1??ilv?d tonight aii'l a piiornl ? !? .'?ifiii will 1?' .hi i<| I>?-? 21i. -?e ?wi? noimum'tat. attrr th? kin.: ti? li] privy n-iinril at Huok I'itlac- ;?i wltii'h In? a |*i???-l?itnal i'*n |?i-?r?.?iMil;?y pailla r.i- m. I.t ll'lilll. I)?'1 . '? Tl?.' I.iili-ir ROV ? rimo-nt wan r mi a test jp^i'nlny, IndleatlnK TTh FaTT" I'rentier Ma?'I?niini?l will tom ir liiw riM|iM?yi Hi?. King to dissolve |i.ti li.?iiu m an<l rarry tlt*> issue to ih?t?Mi"ii? Mim'IiioiuM will huh! -I'll 4-lil?llli'- I'lfi'tKilLH?Hie li Thousands See Medals Pinned On Life Savers A unt Crowd in Oand Slunil and ItlrarlierK and on Fair (?round ftlicn (.?plain John AIIimi Midgrtt and Br?vt' ( n'i?l (iiinrd (in'H lloiiorfd SIIKNNANIMMII OFF I KOM FORT WOKTH' Kurt Worth, Oct. It. The Navy dirlulhlo Shcnnandoah. dolayoii 45 iiiinutt'M tliIh morning on account Of taking on stip|>ll<-K, sallnl from Port Worth at 0:45 o'clock. Forth Worth. Oct. 9.--Tho na val dirigible? SktmnandDali an-. chored h?, re on th*j fir..t ?top of 11 k cont Int'ntal lour yi?Hterday. tilltl. IIKMKVKI) TO If AY K MKT H)l l. PLW Danville." 0<T. I.? i no viscera ? of Hlam-he l<onj( of Semora. North Carolina, who died jreaterday and whh to have been married tomor row. were aunt to JUchinond last night for analysis. . Foul play I*. believed to have caused her death. , Thn biggest crowd yet at lb? Albemarle District Fair witnessed tli* ur?v?'t?<at?<?n of distinguish service medals of gold to Ca^talfc John Allen Mldgett and hit hero ic crew of Chl'-amlcomlco Coast Guard station for their thrflllag rescue of the crew of the British steam tanker Mlrlo during the laat y?-ar of the World War when that vessel caught fire off the Carollaa Const-folhrwing the rxploslon in her vitals of the torpedo of a Ger man submarine. The presentation of medals was made by Rear Admiral Frederick Ililliaard. Coast Guard Commas dum. whu plnmui-J-he - hnnor*tofc? ens on the breasts of Captala John Allen .Mldgett, Boatswain's mate Zion Mldgett. and Surfmsa Clarence K. Midget t. Prothero L. O'Neal, 1-eRoy 8. Mldgett. and Ar thur 7. Mtdirtt. after the atOTjr of tlielr heroism bud been told by OH ver M. Maxam. Chief of Divi sion of Personnel. ^ Mr. " , in bis turn had been Introduoad by Itev. Samuel II. Templetnan, one of the directors of the Cham ber of Commerce. "We honor the memory, of t h os? who sleep on Flanders fielda," said Dr. Tcmpleman, "but wa sometimes fall to honor the equal ly heroic living. Today we haVa that opportunity and in honoriag these men we honor ourselves. The fact that we have this privi lege we own to one maa." This was a reference to Secretary R. C. Job of the Kllzabeth City Cham ber of Commerce, who Inltlatad the step? that resulted In tka awurding of the medals and who arranged their presentation at tk* Albemarle District Fair. Hecreta- : ry Job and President 8heep were among those on the staad wbaa the medals were presented. . "No docoratlon In the ;said Admiral Billiard, In prestol? i Ing the medals. "Is deserving of higher respect than thesa whISh I am about to pin upon the breaata t of tho brave men before whom I stand, f soup-times think thAt we should award medals not ofcty for exceptional acts of bravery and courage but also for faithful ness In routine. I ym doubly honored then. In presenting these medals, for these men to whom I shall present them have not on 1 ly exhibited daring courage tn time of stress and danger, the story of which has Just been recit ed to you. hut also they have begfc faithful In the dally routine, whirh I sometimes think Is a mora difficult duty." Admiral Milliard aln<> express ???1 It lit appreciation ??f the fact that the medal* were being pri ttented under such fortuitous clr m instance*. Admiral Milliard was Interrupt rd again and again by bursts of applause and an the last medal was pinned In Ita place the band broke into the strains of the Star Spangled Manner. the crowd ris ing and the. members of the Coast (luard standing at salute, making a picture that those who wltnoaa rd It will never forget. Following the presentation oC medal* came the Coast Guard Drill on the race track In front 0f the grand stand. "DKHriT WAG KM" I'A ID (Chicago. Oct. 9. Wages now being paid tnembera of his organ ization were today described as "deficit wages" by ('resident E. H. Fltfgerald of the MrothsrhooA I of Hallway Clerks, Freight Hand ler* and Station Kmployea In prw nentlng bin argument before thl Hallway l.abr Hoard In furttNK h nee of the brotherhood'* raqutK for restoration of the I9S0 wait ratea ZKPPKlJiN STARTS ON ANOTHER I KIAK <tlf TH* AwrlWH l>m Merlin. ')ct 9.?The dirlclbtn 7/M T built by the seppelln works for the American Navy, started on another trial flight from f*rlod~ rlH( haf'-n t hIh morning. Th- builders hope It will be her tast trlsl trip before she starts Saturday on her transatlantic voyage to f*ake hurst. New Jersey. 41KK l?At IIKICT M KM Cincinnati. Oct.. !> -Jake Dau bcrt, csptaln of the Cincinnati Red*, died st the Good Hamaratan Ho pltal today of complication* following an operation for appen dicitis orrioN MARKET New York. Oct. 9. Spot eot ton elos.'d quiet. Middling 24.81, s decline of 24 points. Futurai, closing hid. Oet. 24 M. Dee. 21.7? J an 22.73, March 24.0). May 24 22 *ork.- Oct. .9 Cotton tura* opened today st the follow ing levcla: Oct. 2 4 ?0, De?. 12.fi. Jsn 23 90. March 24.17, May ,241*. Free Acts And Fireworks Please Crowd At The Fair M:mi . l'Aprrs.*ivii??? of Appreciation Heard in (?rund ?tuml Wnliirxluy Nifilil Wlu n Acrobatic Stunt* .iik2 t!n* rirnvork* Showed K?*al (Jans M.iiiy w tii?* of pica jj :.? r?| on K>'aml atniid .it. 1 I ' m hi i Wi'itnnutay night dii riiir. 11:?* f?-iM? H'-! h and fireworks >t,?K<'il ?i|:pnKlli' lit-* ffrundhtand at ih*' Allifi-iMrii' DUlrid Fair. 1 hi zcHt of thi' novel an.I tin* imw m liotli tli? fire work* effortn and lil rli?? acrobatic an ! ihtilnri'vcli* rid In* f?'atn mad? Hi? m vr. v (ffirilvc. In quality If not ?|until iiy i in fr?c aula wero pi??uoiinrrl rutht-r alu'ad of any filing of ili ? sort ever kcpii on thr lo?*.il 1 ?* 1 rur? ?itr::l. whlli' in both liuvflt'? ;n?l quantity the fire work m <1 iy |iiti y was a h ?nil. In" tli?' molorryrlr art. tin* Da vi? ? s nxation, onr sh'h Hire?' rid crn on mniorryrlen circling ih?' r *ain* Iiik j? Ido.? of an open alul rs?u?? at f m il a dizzy npo?^ Ih'- ry I ? * 11 * II'* ? i m i ? t???-- i m on Ilir tempor al ami matct'iiiI milter than (lir r-ptr-itual and ?t?-rnnl. Tli?* fli'ah ih that which man lian become thtouuh thr fall. Tli*' natural man ii-> Ih?- mail in tio II? hIi and hr \valk>. t'llkn. I li ? ii k m and arid In lin- fI? li ami in Hi? ? nrrtty of the Ur .h 'lit?- spitifunl man lian put l?? ?1? ;>th tin- .11? >-11 and ita loaf* anil i? not alii?'I with thr world, iiot i,- .i H? paral? d man i um i J ul t!ii.'< m?-? tin . in HtartlnK JiihI wli o it in. wltli counter nllrac tloi "m i\.rv hind, Mich ?? the Hi tri? t I'll i r. I am not aayinK anything about t li Pair. I know noihiiiK about il ami it mav be prrfi ?-tly all rlulit, hut that lan't ?!? ?? ?i?r ii?.'i li t;iv??H a apleudid opportunity to nil- Junt who CJod h.i i Ili r? to d< |i*'iid upon. It will r?*v?-al tlioa?' who nr?- mil wi alllrd With the world that they ur?- ?1 liberty lo fo!l >w tin- Loul at any iii?>ni?i?l 11? may rail Willi the Ch; i.HiInn futIn-:. inotln r. brother, aiat? r. liMUHfN and Ifndf, every thing ? Ih?- Ih h' ^mdary to (?od. I '|(uiif;ht. Wr want to atudy pnl i i Ih S:itan. man k arrh ninny, ill- ai?oat|e api-akn of "our wrnntl in: r? ferritin to thr wn-fttllui: of ih?* Hplrltnul man. that man who Inn crucified t In- fl?nh ami Ih not walk I.":; with Hi*' world. "our wi'.illnj;- Is not with flmli and blood. hm T/lth p; iuripalltlra, with i :?! r II h out A of wlckcdnefui In hoav ? ii I v plnrc*. with Satan. Who in Hat tin ? in Ih'1 'irit plaec 1 ?? In not that hoh .?Min of lit*? ii uri? i y which you i:h?- t?i fri-hten your children. II?- li- in-! thr horii'd body nf fhl t r n il o in wit h (lov? a I ?? o f ? and barbed tall tuirh a ? h;?*? h ? ii lot mi? d *l*?wii In parno ? I. n llh-r J?? hi tin wape K<tai * I iri?t? :id?/i i. U!i'-d hy ho maliV of Votl, i'; i< |.ir on?* on whom >?*??? may Idain ? your devil m ti* II? li a hrticht an*l thin I'ofttlniM<1 ??n pate* 4 i 1 clew seem almost to pass through | iU?h other um if tlii< machines had lost tlieir lubHtannv A hair ruli*' j <ng moment roiniiH wIn n thl* cuffl ; in suspended swaying in mid air while one rider continue? to circle Its Hide* with nothing to prevent (hi* dropping through the bottom less contraption except the speed of his motorcycle. lliggins All American band or cuplcd It's platform between grandstand and blearhers and pro vided music of a high quality dur ing the fireworks and free act program. Th" only- feature detracting from the night performance We1 n< sda>- w?b the fact that the sec tions of the motorcycle cage, when ll whs taken down, were left on the free uct platform and Inter fered with the view of the fire works from the bleachers. As the grandstand was not crowded, how ever. and one could easily move from bleachers to grandstand for | a better view this detraction was not serious. The midway was running In full blast and seemed to bo about on par with the averagn for part . lairs In Kllzaheth City, somewhiit better than la*t year, with no evi dence of anything in way of pea and shell games, but with quite the usual In the way of wheels of fortune. In the number and va riety of shows the midway Is hardly up to standard. Ilenry Hart lei t of Harlett and W. J. Walker of Kllzaheth City were owners of the winners In Wednes day's races. Petrol, owned and driven by W. J. Walker, came first In the 2:16 trot; Martin J., owned by Frank, Thomas of Washington, second; , ' Dr. McHlff. owned and driven by I*eslle Armstrong, third; and Sen ator Simmons, driven by Tom Forbes of llelvidere and owned by Frank Thomas, fourth. Hilly Mark, ('.riven and own?d by Ilenry Ilartlett of Harlett drew first money In the 2:19 pace; l.lnda C.. owned by Frank Thom as was second; Hilly Armstrong owned by Leslie Armstrong wan third; and Frisco, owned by Tom Forbes of llelvidere was fourth. Wednesday's crowd at the Fair wmm hardly up to expectations for Klizaheth City day on account of the weather which, after lhrent. enlng all morning, developed a slow drizzle by noon. Fre- dom from du?t. however. which ha* been the bane of fairs In the past, made Wednesday afternoon, when the drizzle had reined, one of the most pleasant days In tho fair ground since the organization of the Alb?marle Agricultural Fair Association. 1*1 \YI\<; AT DISTRICT KAIK fltgjctn* All Am^rlmn fund r-arh d?y and night add? color nnd i i> to thv Pair fironmm with * rtn# varMr *?f *?>d nnn?b*n?.

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