CIIUTLATION THI KSDAY 2.578 Copies r THE WRATHRlt f __Fair tonight anil Saturday Ut j tie charm?- in temperature. Mod-T j erate to fr??sh northerly winds. I VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY KVKXIN-;. INTUITU t". 1!'24. _ SIX PACES. NO. 241. WASHINGTON SENATORS WIN SERIES Giants 0 00003 0 00000 3 82 Senators 000100020001 4 10 4 Johnson Gets Life Ambition Griffith Stadium, Washington, Oct. 10,?Walter Johnson had his day at last. Going to the mound in the ninth inning of today's crucial game which came as a climax to baseball's most sensational world championship series, he piloted his team safely t through three thrilling innings until Washington had scored the winning run of a 1 to :i game in the twelfth frame. Crippled by their victory of yesterday which a train put Peckinpaugh out of the line up. the Senators fought gamely bat for seven innings vainly to break through the Giants' defense, with Barnes pitching invincible baseball. But in the eighth Barnes blew up and McGraw tried virtual ly every pitcher left on his staq while Johnson was hurl ing the last three innings of baseball's greatest classic. The starboard curves and ?low ??all of curly Ogden were relied on by manager Ducky Harris t? take the seventh and deciding game of (lie World'? Series for the Washington Senators, while Man ager McGraw sent Virgil Barnes also a right hand, r to ?h?> mound for the Now York Giants. Ogden, however, whh replaced l?j Mo gridge in the first Inning and Mar wry followed Mogridge when the latter went to the showers in the sixth. ' Following Is the lineup: New York? Mndstrom. third bane. Krisch. second base. Young, right field > 'K*lly. center field. Terry, first base. Wilson, left field. Jackson, shorts op. Gowdy, catch. Barnes, pitch. Nohf. pitch. WAAhlngfOII? McNeely, center field. Harris, second base. Rice, right field Goslln, left field. Judge, first base. Bluege, shortstop. Taylor, third bate. Kuel, catch. Ogden, p. Mogridge, pitch. Marberry. pitch. I'mplres -At plate. Dlneei,; Brst base, Quigley; second base Connolly; third base, Klein. Mini Inning Giants ? Ogden started the game by striking out Lindsfrom. the first man up, on four pitched nails, but when Krisch was walked Manager Harris talked with Og den and then conferred with I'm 1? re Dlneen and Ogden was re Placed by George Mogridge. the left hander. Young struck out. fishing for a wide curve. Taylor threw out Kelly. No runs, no | hits, no errors. Senators ?McNeely was thrown out at first by Llndstrom. Harris fanned and Barnes tossed out Hlee. No runs, no hits, no errors. Second Inning Giant* Terry hit a hot one to Harris and was thrown out at Jrst Bluege robbed Wilson or a nit back of second base, nailing with s fsFt throw. Taylor took Jackson's grounder . and threw wild to firsf and Gowdv singled to left. Jackson stopped ?t second, but flames fanned. No "una. one hit. one error. r at ruck out to . "Jl,nK,on " **??d inning, r rlscli robbed Judge of a hit with 5ri?P 5 ra,eh of hh hot "??' anve and Bluege went out. Jack son to Terry. No runs, n>> h li - no errors. Tlilrd Inning Giants Taylor threw out Mnd atrom at first. Krisch beat out a bunt. >ouna ponpsd to Judge and Kelly forc?d Krisch. to Harris No run?, one hit. no er Senators Washington went i out In order for third straight In nlng. Tavlor took three healthy swings. I!uel went out. Barnes to first and Mogridge struck out for the fifth consecutive time of the aeries. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fourth Inning Olanta- New York m nt out In order for the first time of the game Terry fann'd and Wilson end Jackson went out. Blue?#. 10 , Judge. Mrs. Coolldge applauded Mogridge as hs walked to the bench. No runs, no hits, no or rora. ?abators McNaelv fanned but] manager Harris with the count Ilir,.p mul (wo parked tlx- bull In the left field .stands for a circuit run. Wilson mad?* a slide BtrinR catch of Kice'a sfctninKlv *.if?t hit aud Teri> u*?k iiotUin s grounder and heat him to the bag. One run, on?? hit. no errors. Fifth Inning * Giants ? Harris raced Into cen-< ter field and took Gowdv's fly. I lllueg?- threw out Barnes. I.lnd Htroin koi a two-l?anKer to |.*ft field but Harris took FrUch'a line drive and throw liiui out at first. No^ runs, one hit, no errors. Senators Judge went out, Ter ry t<? Barnes. Jackson threw out Bluege at first and Taylor fanned. No runs, no h If*, no errors. Sixth Inning Giants -Young walked. Kelly singled to cent? r. Young going to third. Meusei hatted for T?-rry ?Marherry replaced Mogridg. noon ?s Meusei walked |o plat?- M? us? I filed t?> IIice. Young scoring. K?-l 11y held first. Wilson singled to center. Kelly going to third and scoring when Judg?' juggled Jack son's grounder. Wilson went to second from where he scored when GowdyV grounder went ? niueg". Jackson went to third. Bsrnes lined out to Rice 'Jackann hold I Ilir,I. Undatroin ranncd. Thr??e runs, two hits two errors. Senators- -Kelly went lo flrsf when the Giants took the floid ( Meusei went to left and Wilson to center. IJndstrr.m threw out it ml. Marherry also went out I Mndstrom to Kelly and Mr.Nt. lv flied out to Young. It was the With time in nix innings that ; liarnes retired the Hid* in ord? r No runs, no lilts, no errors. Seventh Inning Giants ? In Giants s?*venth I llSCh fouled out to |{|||.| w|,n' took catch l?*anlng over field Imv. loung again walked hut Tavlor took Kelly's difficult grounder and threw him out at first. Yotyig going to second on the hit and run play and Meusei went out to Marherry unassisted. No runs, no hits, no errors. Senators- Harris scratch? d a hit through short, the second to be made off Barnes by a Senator durlnit ll?' yanio. Hie., lilt Inln a do,l .1" ?.lay. Killy to .lark,,,,,. '?'"?'I" ?l?Kll d tl> rlKllt llllt J?dKe nl?'d out to WIIkoii. Nil run*, two hits, no ororrs. Right h Inning Giants--.Wilson wlfTed on lhr?*?-| pitched balls, hut III liege Juggled Jackson's grounder and the run ner was safe. Gowdy nied out to Goslin and Itarnes struck out. No runs, no hits, one error. Ki'tiatorn r.ntrdy took llliK'k'n'll foul Itt WaHhlnictnn'a eli:hI h j hold, hntllnu for Taylor, tnl ? Iwo-banc hit to lift n.ld. lini.) Sol bl? llrnt lilt or t ho mrl?*, a nL'" *broilKh the InHi*III, l...|l,old JtolnB to third. Tall., halting for MariM-rry. walked, nillnn the i,a?. Shiiloy ran for Tate Mr Neely III,d out to m- uk. I. rnnn, r? holding their ba?,a. Marrla ?In gleil to lift Held. arorlnu I i hold and liuel. Shirley went to sec ond, Harm went to the show, rs snd was replacd by Nehf. Rice went out to Ke||y unassisted. The' score w,i tied. Two runs. three hits, no errors. Moth Inning f?iants Wulfer Johnson fa red 'hi- 'Hants In their ninth inning Miller went to third for the S-n slors. Mndstrom popped out to Miller hut Krlseh got a Hire* ha* s?r to center field. Young wns purposely v.alk?d and Ke||y fanned on three nltched bnlls. Young stole secpnd but Miller threw out Meusei at first. No runs, one hit. no errors. Senators- Frl*ch thr?-w out Goslin Judg? singled tO o-llter Id. Kelly took Bltiege's ground er and threw to Jscksoti who dropped it and Judge went to third. The whole Washington team gathered around Miller, pat |"d him on the back and urged him to come throughT^'ehf wan feHeved by McQuillan Miller hit Jnto a double piny on the second u- ' P'^ed. Jackson to Krhich to Kelly. So runs, one hit. one er ror. Tenth Inning. Giants - Wilson walked to start the Giants' tenth inning but Jack- ' *on fanned and Gowdy hit Into a BOOTLEG BUSINESS BKISK AT THE FA IK Bootleggers are doing a thriv itiK l>u?ine*.s out at the Fair ground. IT T5CTIHi5fly" QTitT^fTI??" Discovery Act is worth anything. T*o~4*??k? picked up toy Xhe po-. lice wure put on the stand dur? in k Friday's session of the re corder's court after conviction and asked where they got their liquor. , Both testified they bought it at' the Fairground where i he boot leggers seem to be offering it at t ho Fair Week Special price of. *1.50 a pint insead of the usual *1.-75,- : The :iet ndan's were John Sey mour of Camden and Nathan Mann, son of Hen Mann. Center street. City. Seymour was fined |5 and costs on the drunk charge and $3U and costs for possession and transporting. Munn got of? with $5 and costs, having made way with his whole pint when he wax picked up dead to the world on the sidewalk. He was having trouble raising even that amount Frlriay morning. Alton Harris, Tom Harris and Johnnie Tuttle were each fined $."i and one third the costs for participating In an affray. THIItTY PERSONS DEAD IN TYPHOON >1?. TI.* A?!*????? Manila, Oct. . 10.?-Thirty per sons arc dead and many are mis sing as the result of a typhoon which swept over Caga.van Valley.! according to a telegram received today from the Cagayan provin cial constabulary commander. lilt. K<>X OF MKRTKK IS llfrXJI KSTKII TO RKHIUX Maron. (la.. Oct. 10.?l)r. Hen-i ry Fox. professor of biology at Mercer University, was yesterday requested by the trustees to re sign because of his beliefs on evo lution differing with those of Georgia Baptists. ROBBERS GET MAII, Carlisle, III., Oct. 10. ? Four robbers held up the night opera-: tor nt the Baltimore and Ohio de pot here last night and escaped with n pouch of first class mall and $:i0,000 In cash. IIHEWER WITHDRAWS EROM SENATE RACE Des Moines, Oct. 10. ? Luther! Brewer, Republican, who recent- , ly announced himself as Independ ent candidate for the Fnlted Slates Senate and at the same time declared that Senator Brook hart did not merit Republican support because of the latter's de nuneiallon of the National Repuh- : Mean ticket today announced bis withdrawal from the racn double play, Johnson to Bluege to Judge. No runs, no hits, no er ror?. Senators- -Washington went out, in order In their half of the tenth. Friseh threw out Ruel, Wilson look Johnsons' long drive and Mc Neely struck out. No runs, no hits, no errors. FJcycnth loo tog (Hants ? Oroh batted for Mc Quillan In New York's eleventh and Singled to right field. South worth, running for Oroh. was nac rlOced to second by Lindstrom, Judge to Harris. Frlsch struck out. Young was purposely w^lk"d by Johnson for the second time and Kelly again fanned. No run?, one hit, no errors. Senators -Bentley pitclied to Washington In their eleventh. Harris filed out to Young. Wilson took Rice's fly. but Goslin got a two base hit to right field and Judge was purposely walked. Young switched to left field and Me use I w?>nt to right. Bluege forced Judge at second. Jackson to Frlsch. No runs, one hit. no errors. Tuelffli Inning (Slants Meiisel singled to right field, but Wilson fanned Jackson forced Meusel at second. Bluege to Harris, and c.nwdv sent up a high fly to Goslin. No runs, one hit. no errofs Senators? Young and Meusel exchanged places In the nutflcld wh'-n Washington went to bat Frlsch threw out Miller at first Ruel f mi I'd five of them and then came thrrtftgh with a two ba^cer to left field, his second hit of th<* series. Jackson fumbled John son's grounder and the batter was safo. Ruel held second. MeNeelv doubled to left field, scoring Ruel. On" run. two hits, two errors Washington. Oct, 10.?Another cloudless day with the sun prom ising to lake most of the chill out of ihe air by game time was the weather prospect this morning for the seventh and decisive . world championship clash here today be tween the Washington Senators and the New York Giants, i li.WIMTS RIMI IIANK lirhliiitr. Okla.. (':l. Jo j;? iJitn today i'iii?*r?'i| ilii- (llltoti >| i lank at (Jtltuii ?ml *?ruf? v it h loot at $2?.?nu Mr. Ham Pays Respects Curb Lizard And Dance KrfmiMT l<? 1-titvr. Mrrrlv jiimI H? the Former Brief. While* Mnin limit tif Sermon Druh Willi IMim*.? I :?!? Mi pert Htisll-s. H. WfI1|i the local "curb ll?,-d." who dn? "b-" holtoima trnuw, and ?urdnsle I>. u? "i*" curba ?"'I- rvchanslns thin vulgar remarks cnnc rnlr.? Ing ladle*. ?nil the dunrc which Ii scheduled fur Friday night ill I'rrtty definite r'efar ?>c? nt the (abfrnaclo Thurxriiiy Shi a. **mM h1h" an m?d? rnlaflr J"" ,h" *??! ?r ^a,?n; ?-id (ho Pirce ? ud once which heard Kvaoxeltot P"' - ?? It certain ili?t |aHl nlnKI?i ??rinoii clearly demonstrated the min I ?f #lh<> ,,rH?c,**T I? d?t*r mlnod to fnco any situation a* it aria,.? and rfra| wjfh |t wllh<M|f ... ??r m|wln* word?. To b? rs .7;^" ^ ttLSSLTSSrS S Sm.^vr3"-1 "y "-?? ---- Th.1 audience Thnredav nlul.i was lhorniighl> coin ln. , ,1 Ih., fcvnngcll,, l,am n? liro?v n;?*' !?* ">'? K,v?' ? Powerfully ro?. h. t r'i,3n" ?'"> i!?wrtlini no make t, n<l;n< v,?;? cominii more and luor',. ?r? "and".''! V> l'" oa,,"'K ??'' nana <f t h!? aduilit.<ll\ earuem Sod'r" w,!5"ry,f"1 ' " " ?'< came l?* for ??OdUI#na . ,n. for ? pretty H.>v<T?> nr?' I " "? lar,f"Hv did t||,. nroailiir a|t|iii>:h|i |,i? ?n,,i,.,.| . thoroughly .114 1?. bulwark him ???If wlih lndl?i>iiiniil< (n,iB and apropna anil cniivinrlnii ? r11.1 nr. and an quirk and fal?| wai , , ' i1w"? nnlhlnt li lt for ,|i. I,,, dividual to do r\r<-|,l H>lll|,. ,, , noc*?, or frown If 'J, "J, c>rtaln that no one hail tj?? become lion il even thoucl 11 ?"?"?ker held his audience for over ?n hour from ,|?. t|??. rh,"*? I" fpoak and IIioiikIi th.- I,aula " f hi* dlartiMlon t.ail t? do with .onto pretty heavy , ^ T. J 'j ?.n<" *'"* ?*?-!?? NO h.liv brlnj hd,""lt,',K '""-X "? keep from !>' n' <" jrowdliiK forward to 1 "J, 'f , h" ??"-.? f'-llnw was hurt wh,.? hi- wa? hit that th<-r.. wan 11 o nf '?*Pitpincnt to kirp tliorotiKhly awake. In hla UK,,n| ,l..|lh. rat.. anil 1?. divldualiallc mannrr. Mr. Itaiiiniv I ," """ <horua It, t|?. n iidl-j linn of a niiinlx-r or th? hianlllul choruai-a which th,. rholr la rapld Ijr maatarlnx. Kollowliu hla 11a 'V'nllil; rhat with the audi "ic during th. collrcllon, Mr Raiuaay Introdilcid Mayor KiUar H Haiti of (ioldnboro, who In a . ct,aract.Tl^.il by a drllahtful Informality ami i,at iraln-aa. mid ,,f th? /real hi'?, hr^ Th'0'' Inl'i hla ..wn and 'VV^" Mr. H""'? lulnlatry anil of (hi. wondrrful riaulla coinpllahod In Ih.. canitialmi 1,1 1 in ritV ? *'""?"'"?"1 KllttiMth) Ity on tin. Rood fortiin. which lrou*ht Kvanttollal ||?m |t? way " aull'T:??";? would r?H?ilt from Hi*- campaign. H< ?? ??*rted that nothing could 1? a p real or aid to titminoHK than this iHL",''* *n<1 ?w",rr?' Ileart rn mat not a merchant would *ufT< r It ",l wn"'d ?'? helped hv the nacie wo m". ,,rodlc,,,l "?? ? ahrr nach would ho entirely l00 atuall' Towdn which Will at tend. Mr. Ilaiuaay imphnalii. d ?K?|n th.. Important ?f ,h? mornin* ?orvlcmi and urii. il a lull alt. r.rt ancc, i?i..cially on thi part ol ih prolcnaltiK f'hrlatlana. to whom practically all of Mr Mam " d,? aormona arc artdrcaa^d Th? vie Thuraday morning wlln.i cd n hicrcaacd allcndanc? and thi. u,^Th? ?r waa Maardid by many ar. l!ii yct d*^hrrrod "'hcro f """ h"" a. 'mIow"1"'' ""rn'"n ,n Following up our Hudy of tan. w?- want now to Mtudv umn !",'llhl" fclatlonahlp to thla i.n'w. rful c??my. Then. ,r.. thr-a Zrjlii'!"'"0".' ?'? \i?n w?n i ?nd "?? '""d I? know about V.h""*'.ln "rd"r 'ntclll to cilch r"l"llon-,"P 'h- Irat chalitem hll.? "'?n la a cr.alid ./ J' '"*}"> ?" "inn hy f|?d m aid mJ ! l""h Matth.irt and Mark in quoted a* uar wan craltad ,h' h-""-'n," nTn wi h.. fcnialn. h" ";vfr >'<?'" anvthlna alia' than what you aac today ncajt <ii?< k.: I, rn?- mi nni . voln. M??n or nnythlni: stk*a?_ !?. ft. |{? P^ri 11 uulu's in !? j:< r ???-?-111 ar.-?!, Tit?VVhv 1 -irr-Nn-cn-rTTT-mrrT^? "Vf-'k" "I Uf Intl hit ;f !? !>, ||| . .,,, ?i. ? UU?t .rl this niblf. mrr.'ly m..,* hi* i,-. n >raitr<- nl thnl ?l.irh Ik Ill flu* (Jrnoalrt arrmiiit u.- Iii.i Hir.-.- dlff..|..,it Irm?I.,r..,i "s "f' "I'd.- ? "".i 'i""::'1 J, l.?1 "lull"-lh.- N|.:rll, , H? formo!" III- hodi I,, |,? '" "I" "nil I J..d 4? "i*** "" havtni; j , linn <-i llrm-b ,,,. ,lnrt ?. ?iBnlllram J ? Iho conjunction "i,i,d ,| tlniM. which rlvarly Indlrai. "-.....?unci ,ff|. .MiWlioro \vc ' ?"ll'tur.- l.> i. ... i, ?s ,h;1, . "v ?? if:, : ,r., ??Ik and I. I. Ill, nmolv.? Il.lo ?|,al v... .. d?v WNil. vi r .Ml hav, In". M i n i ' ?""""??"it' K'l 1 III IIiIh I.Ihl. ,? fnl> T!ll.. ? or"!.' ?'"> aria. I . n I or alalcm, v nr|| "lMOrl?-M advanc. d I.v II .. P'lKln i ?ud || i; \v, I! , ,? any othrr i.inn did |H h irifii v Cd,] 11 Holy .fprll Man i< al a Mil. , lly ^ Knul. mind. body. You nay y?? III.. Irlnlly rf i;?d. TIr,I k!?.?|,|?-| ?'.rry you Voil ?? i m??nrt >.'????? trlnliv of i>. . ?-ll ,l,r.|?,.,,| unyrl,.,!), i..,. "'?"'nl mid Kiilrlliinl >Vf liavo Rl, j. tluiaiir it lid mind ?vli.i v.-, ..... v , ??al v.altlll,:?. I.ut ?-, i,.i. h-. n aid.. 1? r.'iii. ily lit. l on IH-IV . Ilil'iili; a criminal l.?, vnu havr.r I mad. lili n |... . a .-rliolnal; In- l? Juhi ? *.|.r, W(,. mot.. dniiKcroiiN rrlmlmii. l>i?.,' our nol.-d rriiiiinnlH tir-rri in as -a ; ?lnal.- I'r vid.-nln. now om mor- hiulily . d'l 'al. d . rimlnal.. lui*.. mor.- mibll. wav? ol ni,n ? rid of ih. ii, Vnu iruiy mu |hh<? ^nal I um lalkinu nli> m nov l<ur yon ?III a Illll.. laI. - .|?,;| \,tt|, until ili. I VI<I<II<.,. |? ?|| j,. I mad.- a via m nli, |?, lihi? r.-r.-nilv la Soml, Carolina '?"<1 Judu.. Krash r ol il... o.irl of Smilil l'ar.dliif. ,,, JI"- audi, nn. and |?.at,| iai< r hrouchi no- a I.- -.i, |.|,|?, |l<lnll<.,| KlailMl,, , how li li.. II |p II,al . d.K nl Ion. <??. and all ih.?.. ,hl? . don I ryr.- rrlmlnal I, n<l..|,rl, ? i? "'K""v l.rov.i. il.. um< IhlnK. Kdllrall. n hna n< v< r I. ? r-;;i, """? ' KonK.ii.inii lo Hi in k ah,?11 f;v, rl. rlvll|/,nlli.ii of h?:i fall. .. al II,. , |?,| of lift loliihl In rl v illra lion, .dnrallon. and ciilliir,-: Hal. ylon, f)r..< r,-. Rom... fi. rimiiiy. all f"ll nl II... Illll.. of Ih.'lr 1,1,1,..., faH.-d In IiIh .'Iforfn I,, I, f,,?? III? ralli n Mini.' by |,|M ?WI) , fT(ir,!4 CJOd **r??Ht?d IIInII in HlH Own In, nml mv< him ()<h\ roiiMri<,i,H iM'hR. Rolf ion?riniiHno<M and ?v<?rld rnni.r|0UHn.nM. ||, ?1*,, ili" juiwit lo Hiooh" f..i 1? I m Mr;? ronId not h??. rr'-Mi' d, |? IIIh Own lln;,kf If h. hud no' rr. ?I'd him with IntHllK.-n?' umi wllli Inl' lllu' iiff < ndd< d pponnlbfll\y. r.oil |ilnr< d i it. 1? Ihr fJard? ii iind/r |l?. K<\?uU t..y ? nnnl. Muri mud- ? iii.i. - h" wa.i fo nuhdiii . | m\i d<* in in I'-h r**plonlnh. (ill nnd I.?l?n p? ?o iil>.<fiiin from <aliiii; |)M. ' forhldrt"n fruii unon pr>nnli\ ?.f di Hlh M>ii rail, d nrd t- iri d tlw m im'iy or d is..i#. 0. ,,, Now ?hi>n S..ian li;.,i.f.?| |;v. '"* wan a rail? n bidnc. II?.w lrtI,: ho bad Im? In f|,U rmdliloi. wo 'Ion i know. I don l knuv: hot i ?H'lh'V" that ?ho i-aril, I. waato ai)<| vdd nl flu H ,<? ?f (an'ti fall. (Jod ronton d t ho rrrlh and oroii(< d mini. Safan ^Ciirli' ii hy hln d?-foi? nnd ? ti?l?|(t. r? <| atraiiiNi find, ??;iw lliia now obi*'-* of (Jod a lov and In hln J-nlm. r*K<- ho ahliKhi to rMind I,fx minion out th? m* r-. :,tuff ai d thui aatlxfy I.Ik Iiiki ff r domlril? . ? nd al th" mijn time ???( r?*v? i f/1 Ho ?M?roarJird l!%. in Ihr Kard'-n. lint l? t ?j? not* tlio aulifMi or hla appro?? li H" didn't /om? Kaylnjc "I am m robo I hrraln ' Uod." No h?- i .ii,.- to ftvo f? j,,. Irua rharaniT. a faacinatInu. Pn? lorlng. hofcHilin? porioii. Many r.f our modorniMtir |ir"arh?>rK t' ? rl *. * way thov do m.i b?|iovo in ? ,?.r aonal Drir|| jh? v dorlar? rv,>.t lh" only 4"vll*thr>r?? h in ?h? . N n within im Th"ti mi?v I n*u wh > wh? It thai trmptrd tih Ch r I" t ? Thrro waa no rvll ||| Hlm flifhir of you toll mo yon (?f. SIMMONS FOR PORT MEASURE AIImt! (!o\ Muke* I'ulilir Tcli^n'iii !{<>? rrivn! from Senator on Tlttimcluv. l*:il?'igh. Oft In. t: ueral Al bert ft \ gave out Thursday the* ? follu*!Uc l lfL'r.ini jimt rereive?! _ fiom Senator Klmuioui "I a m J U.4I us strongly in favor '?i the ratification l?v the people r.t i ho election of, tli ? Port Ter minals Kill' as 1 was of lis adop tion by ?lir?*?" action. Any Inti mation of Indifference or Inko waiuiip?*s on my part in this mat-' ?i? t?Iti ?V U4t ? M}-! ?? "1 regr* t ' that circumstances which I rotilil not control have pre-! \. ati'd m? from entering actively Mil o lil?- ritiiipaiKii in behalf o l ilii' iiicaiair.' as lliey have pre sented on- from ? ac tively in tli' political campaign 'mii thcr?' lii? iH'i'ti no abatement' or change in I h' views expressed ?by nit* ail t h ? nifi'tlni of the east ern sliippcis at (Joldsboio. _ =^--'i4.?a m still profoundly -eon vlm'-fd ??f the wisdom ami effec tiveness of the proposition nit d Hint it -would produce the results' Itali^cd "fnr-~l(? by Its proponents and advocates. 1 .shall do every thing I can to- get myself in phys i?':?I condition lo enter both the and the port campaigns In time to render ?ume aervlce in lioth hefialfs and 1 confidently ex it ct tu he able in n very short time to k t vigorously into the. light and if so will make as ma ny -p -rlies as my strength will permit. "I am not fully advised 'as to ilie pulili?' sentiment upon thin measure throughout I lie State but it in of imeli Hi? rit aiul far reach ing Importune?! it ought to power fully appeal to the support of the pi opl?\ Hut whether it succeed/ iif i.MI.-i of ratification I am un ivitervedly ft?r it and earnestly hope it may prevail. K. M. 31m-: nions." ili v?' the |levil has headquarters, in lOli/aheib fity. No he hasn't, lie probably dropped by here one?-, to?ik it look ami saw that In* wa n't needed b?-re and w?*nt on K'UinwIiir?? ? Ise where lie was needed vnr?,?, If be WHH her?' lie wniitd probably be on the official | hoard of tine of tin- churches. When .l?'StiH organised ^ the flrst olficial hoard we are tolrl that on?'' ?f them was a devil. i;o we n.?'cd .. t surprised If wi get one on i oun nvv and then. One night I preach?d on the t t? \t, "And one of you is a devil," and tli" r??xt day I nod a man and ?,iw li?' was angry. AVhai's the troubl"?" I asked. "\V? re you talking about me Inst night win ii yon were deNcrib Ing that ?l?'vll?" he etiunter?'d. "Well,'" I replied, "I didn't know it the.n, but 1 cxp?>rt now !Ilia t I wax." Now I don't know a" ?ami In Kll/ale t!i t'ily. ho don't think that t-am trying to expose you when1 I make any M-fereno- that hap pens lo ill you. I am Just punch a i h? l(? yii .ar?l and If 1 ring your number and you answer, ev erybody will know who I rang: hut If you ki ? p quiet you can keep it t?i yourstdf. Vti. the Hcv'ii was not that fork? d t'ingiied reptile you have pictured when be approuched i M A l< RLE TOMB FOK BODY OK WILSON Mrv WIImhi'n Order In he Com pleted \\ ilhln a Month, If In Hal?I Washington. Oct. 10.? The bo dy df Wood row Wilson Is soon to he removed from the crypt In Bethlehem Chapel of Washington Cathedral and placed in a marble sarrophagus where~tt will remnhv In the chapel temporarily at least. The .sarcophagus which vas de signed by t ho cathedral archi tects at the ord?'r ?>r Mrs. Wilson and will probably-Bet completed within a mon'h was said to bo <?f simple design. It is understood that the body of the war President which now lies in the crypt under the chapel floor will be removed to the sar -cuphagua.. lq_. repose..germanently iti the cathedral proper when th? edifice has been completed. U.D.C.TOMEET AT ROCKY MOUNT Annual Convention to he Hold from Octohrr 20 tti 21 with Prominent Speak era. Rocky -Mount. Oct. 10 1'Minp for the annual convention of the T'nited Daughter of the Confederacy to be held here dur ing October 20 through 2 4 are well under way. according to Mrs. it. P. Holt, state president, who is a member of ?he local chapter. The first session of the con ven-1 lion will lie held In the First Meth odist Church, where the business meetings of the convention will, be conducted. i The Ib'thel He roe? Chapter, i which will be host to the visitors announced today that many so cial functions had been planned for the entertainment of the via-, iting members. A program com mittee has been appointed, it was said, and It is now working out the details of the meetings. Several prominent members -if the United Daughters of Confed eracy at large will be on the pro gram It was announced. Among these will be Mrs. Frank Harold, president of the general U. D. C., who lives In Americus. Georgia, and Mrs. J. A. Lawton, historian general. Eve. You got that Idea from the Vatican Art Gallery at Rome. I have seen the original picture. You have gotten a lot of things from ItoitJ" that you don't know about too. In" fact all you churches have a great deal more of Rome than you do of the New Testament If you but knew it. a lot of you are like the Dutchman who came to town one day and found all the stores closed for servlcen with cards left telling him to come too. He had no place else to ko. so he went down to the tabernacle and while then* got saved and gave a testimony In which he said: "1 vas cold ven I catne to town and vas mad because I had to eomo to meeting, but I dldn'l know how cold I vas (III f com menced to get varm." Some of you will nee st great many things a little later on when you begin to get warm that you ( Continued on page 4 , HAS PRAISE FOR DISTRICT FAIR Admiral Billard, (?nurd Omima'lidanl, Con sraliilateN City on I Say? Would Like Tak*? .fa] Tli o management of the marl? Wstrlct Fair retiredI the warm congratulations of Admiral KrodeHrk HUIard In the courtt of his address In presenting dUttn xulHhcd service modal? of gola to Cuplain John Allen Midgett and hi. galla. t -row of life uteri on I'naat Guard l>ay at the Fair. ^ ??1 would like to tak? It all in. he declared with boyish enthn.l, and ~lut lady and the midgett on yonr midway to t ho exhibit? In your nj rlcultural and livestock depart i .Not u record crowd but the blf troHt crowd thla year attended too Albemarle District Fair on Thura day. Coast Guard Day. t ho Ju^* lior being estimated at 4.?0?./r j it was an ideal day for a fair, ho far as woather wa conctrnad. no i too hot and not too cold tavo 1 In the evening when those who ?at In the grandstand and Heacnera for tin* -fireworks ami free ?w ? had to wear wraps in order to koap comfortable and the thlnnar blooded found it difficult em at Winner in the 2:18 trot TteOf*^ (I?v w.ia John W. Krugor, owaaa by Hillary Lambert of NorfoNU wlth MUtftfi Prince. owned ?T irank Thoii.aa ol. Washington. p. V.. second; Dr. McBlff. owned ky I, II. Armstrong, third; and It* H.. owned by Hob Flora of Steaw Loro. fourth. In the 2:24 paca Mabel O., owned by George ?right ef Parkt ville wua first. with Billy Arm strong. owned by L. B. Htrong. second; Linda C.. ownta by Frank Thomas, third; Mlaal* It., ow ted by Henry BartltU^of Harlett. I'ainden couuty, fourtaJ und Manani H.. uar.ed by Ck?r llr Orlfftn. of Edenton. flftb. Friday. Kormcm' D?y. **? other bin day ?1 the P?'r pro.pecti again of good uttana ""curaden Oonnty took the flMt prise of ISO for the bout counlr exhfbtt. weekayllle Hl*h School took the ftr?t prtie of ?26 (or-th? heat community exhibit, ana C. w. I*e? Of Wlldwood farme. PJ? quotank County, the flrat prt? I for the boat farm eihlblt. Second pilae In the comma?l ty inhibit? went to Newland whllo imdley Haitley of Moyock. <s?? I ured the aecond farm e ill ml*. I prlxe. A Saturday Is Negroes nay, ano likewlae. With continued goo? weather predicted .promUel to BO another blK day. A P'osram of special Interent to the colored ?00 pie has been arranged for tata j day. Zlt.JI WILL HTAHT TO AMKRK1A ox HATtRDA* Frederlchshafen. Germany, Oct in.?'Th? ZH-9 will start for Am erica on Saturday. Thirty two persons will be on the ZR S ?"en the lllant hie built here Company depart?. Dr. Hu?o Ikfc ener. director of tho company, aald today that tho ?H bhlp 1? in excellent shape. Badges for Salesgirls ? 4i?1p VMI munv >t1 th# ?.it*-* <rl? .?*--- Ail h?M?n .Vmoniiiniior? n??j?i K? ? 'iiiiAiMiatfin M* A bidden ^nwinmntm in 4 n??tniifm fu?#?r lo influ*nr? ?h* piiMw* rhm? ? i}1 ?o I h?- (.'opriflftf hliir? HiiBtOft Thompunn iirnn r>tf rh? nr?t mi ? hi?M< ?i r ii t or ??? Wpmhinjl.ifl. D C. lit i IVI 11S KX PLODE ANI) BLIMP FALLS Newport News. Oct. 10.?Mt oral mon were In Juror! today when largo bombs aboard the Army blimp PC-2 exploded promatnraly and sent th-" craft crashing to I oHrth with a large hole In har bag. The m?n had no time to taka 10 tho parachutea. The blimp ar rived her? yeaterday from Abgr? dnon, Maryland. ?Lira ALONG ON WKSTWAKD JOtlKNKY 'H? Th* I?*???> San Diego. Oct. 10.?Tha naval ilrlRlblo Rh>nandoah today con* tinned to flip ohm ||y went word to ward her second "topping point on h?r precedent Hatting trana continental flight 8he waa aafo ly arroaa the continental divide at dawn and daylight raced paat bar as ahe neured Tucson. HANKKK8 SIGN FOR MIAN TO <;KKMANY <11. Th- A*ivMI?4 OrrMl l/indon, (let 10,--An agrea mont eovorlng th'* Issuance of a 12.000,000 loan to Germany pro vided* undor the Da woe repara tion plan Waa slanod here today following nesotlatlona betweaa tho Herman donation and the Hrltlah. American and Continent al hank era. rnTTO\ MAllKKT ^ New York. Oct 10 ftpot cot ton cloaed quiet. Middling *4.?0, a decline of ft points Futurea, '-losing bid, Oct 14.84, Dm. ?1 M. Jan 13 71. March May 24II

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