I "II I ? r?F??*" VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. "? ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 17, 1921. SIX PACKS. ? *Lot's Fate Warning To The Worldly Christian ^vangelUl in Drumutie Sermon Portray* (iliararlcr of ul When He Tries to Save Oh ii Household At times sitting in his chair on I the rostrum, at times paring rap-1 Idly up and down the platform, I und then abruptly stopping and throwing-, his weight oil Ike uuluit | Bland as he hurled some pithy I statement straight at his audience. I Evangelist Hum last night preach- I ed the most dramatic sermon yet I heard in the pine temple, back of I the old Commrnder residence, on I Poplar street. Baaing his sermon on the story I of Lot. and Impersonating in turns Lot himself. Abraham. Lot's wij. Lot "a daughters and other chaiac ?tera-Jn. the draiua of the jdiadruc tion of Sodom. and ?then ?miri h assuming the roll of Lot s wife Afv'linm hi' represented us tin- real Jfhesd of the household. ||?. ?.van gellst displayed u not her phase of his versatile delivery. However, though highly dra matic. there was In Mr. Ham's de livery none of tin* gymnastic an tics of a Hilly Sunday or Cyclone M*ck. Engaging. and with wit as - fi**" aw l'al>l',r- there was noth^~ i&g sensational about the evange list's sermon except the astound ing bluntness of the charges brought by the preacher against modem church members when he drew parallels between the mis takes of Lot and those of the modern Christian who tries to live at peace with the world. The Song Program The song program, in keeping with the remainder of the service, eclipsed any previous "program Tri effectiveness and enthusiasm. Fea tured by the individualistic inter pretation of one of Mr. Ramsay's own compositions, u descriptive number entitled "The Christian's ~ Race." the music was thoroughly onjoyed by the entire audience from the opening rythmic melody. "Held by His Mighty Hand." to the closing familiar hymn. "There Is a Fountain Filled With Blood," In which the audience Joined. Tim colored folks agalu rendered a highly appreciated number under Mr. Ramsay's direction. "Lord I Want to be More Holy In My Heart," the audience expressing its appreciation by a round of ap plause. This morning Mr. Ham dellv . ered a most helpful and instruc L live message to a large audience prpn#"The Prayer of Faith." The YUornlng audiences are most cred itable for this stage of the cam paign. the ' attendance being swelled by the business forces of the city which are now attending almost enmasse. Some twenty business llrniB Joined the ranks of those closing for the morning ser vice yesterday and still others Joined this niurning until now the town is exceedingly quiet during - the service hour. Thursday night's sermon fol lowi: Lot a Light eons .Man "And I?Ot went out. and spake unto his sons-in-law, which mar ried his daughters, and said I'p. get you out of this place: for the Lord will destroy this city. Hut lie seemed unto his sons-in-law as orie that mocked." Lot was a righteous man. Cod said so. We are told that "his righteous soul was vexed at the lascivious conduct of the wicked city." his soul revolted at the evil that went on around him every day and for nineteen years he I livfd In Hodom under these clr-, cumstances and yet, at the crisis. Of his life, when he would have j delivered bin family, this "right-1 eous man" "deemed unto his son?-j In-law as one that mocked. That peems hard to reconcile. A righteous man and yet one In whom his own family had no con fidence. Cod wasn't fluttering when he said !x>t was righteous. He meant It. I^ot no doubt wan a good man; he led a moral and upright life, he was a kind and g^ndulgcnt father; u progressive | ;rd called to Abraham to follow Him and leave his family and home In Cbalden and although Abraham did nut know where he was go Ing, yet he was a min of faith and he followed Ood His nephew l,ot went with hlin. Why he went \ w* do not know He was prob ably Just a restless young man and wsnted to 'go west ' to bet ter hi* condition and he took thl*j opportunity of going with his un-1 i cle. H - didn't umi? rotund (Iml's . purpose with Abraham and he ? probably never save It~iT thought. II** Just went along to wi* what ho fftmhi iiad iliui uuul.l Uiiu hi* condition In this world. They got to liaian and there Abraham stopped. lil? faith go! weak and (!ud couldn't gel him to move on to the land where he purposed to use him. Abrnham i offered as an excuse ?lint his fm li ter. Terah. wasn't able to ?o and Cod hud lo tak- Terali to gel him out of the way Just as IV*> Is koIhk to have to brin? affliction on many or you to get you to do His will. Many ? f you will I?n* chll "dren or parents because you let ?tli? iii get In the way of tiod'H pur pose for >cn. After Terali died Abraham went on to ih<' land i Here Cod wanted to t?*st Abraham and In* went a famine on the land and again Abraham h:iou take your choice r,f the laud and tak<> it for your own_uml I will take what Is left.*' Here Lot gets a chance to do what has been in his heart for a long time. He had wanted the fertile plain for his own for a | long' time, so lie Immediately chose "for lilmaelf" the fertile plnins and "pitched bin tent to ward Sodom." At first lt< didn't go all the way Into Sf.dom. lie Jui-t went a little way "toward Sod om." That was his first compro mise. Lot walked by sight. He ffiw only the fertile plains and the rich cities of the plains, but Abra ham. walking by fAlth. raw b> yond the cities of the world to a "city not made with hand* whose builder and maker 1? God." After the choice hid been made nnd Abraham had retired to the hill side*. God came to him and said: ''Abraham. I am gcdng ? ?> give all of (his to you." Abraham, walk ing bv faith, wan to receive all; hut Lot. walking by Fight and I choosing "for himself," was to lose all. That wan what he did n't see and that I* what you don't see when you are choosing for yourself Instead of letting God choose for you. You who would save this life shall lose the next life: you who choose for yourself will get nothing. | Hut after Lot made thin choice, fhe never received a visit from God for nineteen years. He was separated from God as aro all those who pitch their tents to ward the world, flut becaiiso he van prospering, he probably thought God was still with him. That was the tragedy. He didn't know when he wa* separated. He cause God blesses you is not al ways a sign that He is with you His blessltiKS may follow you, when He Is wot there. No Compromise in Abraham Then another test revealed the contrast in the characters of these two men. When the Kings of Sodom came out tA try to .reward old Abraham for service done their city he replied: "I will not take one shoe latchet from the Kings of Sodom lest they say they f made Abraham rich." In other, words lie would not allow himself to be placed under obligations to this world, leat lie lose his rela tionship to God and his depend ence on c;od. He wan walking by faith. Ho# different from Ix?t. One day probably some shewd real estate agents from Sodom came out to lad's prosperous ranch on the plains end convlnc??d him that he should move his fam ily Into the city where he could give them the advantages of the conveniences and the schools and the culture of the wcsllhy city and Ix?t moved In. He was walk ing by sight. There were four thin** he did n't consider when he went Into Sodom: first, the glory of God: second the spiritual Welfare of hI? children; third, the splrltusl welfare of Sodom and fourth, his own snirlfonl welfare and peace of soul. He wasn't consider!"* snvthing of s solrltual nature. His mind wns whMlv on the materhl. He wasn't IhlnVlne about glorlfv- , in* God and avoiding any entan- ? gllne alliances with the world which would crlfiple his testimony ; as a child of God; he wasn't I)K. PEACOCK SAFE FROM EXTRADITION Raleigh, Oct. 17.?Supt George I Pou of i h?' State'1'rinon announced yesterday that under the lawn of ; California there I? no appeal from the habeas cor pun proceeding* and th**re is no posftthlllty of iie -curing the return ??f Dr. J. W. Peacock to the ?tate as long as he remains under the protection of California lawn. S." ""he ^d'"" "' lTy '*> help'sod S^ 'or iz^'\h: *?;; ,r:; ?;[ :h" nrnri" '???'?? i": Joy by niuvinK iu. n* >-?*< Worldly WImp ;::,v:rr'v ,. ;, Z^uTnZ ? In., u Ha,d ?ld boy. you c. r N??l Oholo," ?You h?VH ';no,r vr-'T wiV^T" "('"J irSCF^? ?.? * "l ;*?? Pruapciin* and du. S?.??: KVsdsrS SaSSS^S? hamper him with (i?j r?|] ' 5SSS? ?jn ts-aii-Ta-ji-s ErTfcKr5?--m ?"""? Ihe friend? or my fnillily and I rant afford In be dlscourlei.il, in Ihem without fa.nl v*1? i ?"lhlc for nivlelr l k "nd " ' ,lv" r|st" hie.LJ. I , ,:?"" "" """ ?" expected of IIH\ ' 'V"! "? h" r'"""l'd and lie Ju.t tiled down Into om> of the??. K??. . quiet, eaay, h.nnle?,. i??T '"N"w" that didn't nfTend anybody, nut even the Devil. 11? wan Juat one of theae?nood fel low? ?good for nothlim. '?"( In It Is Home And then al home, he met with complication.. HI. dauihT. r? aJd"hu'J!f"lr. f'.l*;nd" lo '?'? I'ome 11' I'' 'ia'' ,l*'r 'rt?nd? there leltei Z .k"" "d)U" ?? 'I1' Wflal Mtandardi of ! city a,|d thla srleved I.-.I and wldT hl" w,f' "n?? ?"'">* folka will be yoiind folka and there la no u?e of our ih wi ?,d head? on younic our ih'lM h"v" Kn' "ll0* nor children aome privilege? nnd from IK 7 ?.ro wMh ,h" Children '?nl'h' he?' home, in Hodom and they allow all ;heae thin*. n"rT :rju"''r"tn r?"r >""1 ner.a at the nfflee and I think I homa *""?tl?n here al tAr.0i.,'?'' ""T11 m?'lycoddl? iaM -am"",' lr""1 hl" head and know i i. ?I*h^wlf-' 1 "u"?? f" know beat, and went on down town. He waa a good huaband. Wife rr.r "?"ld iry cro?, hi. In ?ny'?*< "ne of the... ? ?n 5 "b*nd"tt'?." ?"> charac 1I?, h'"' no ruitfcedne... no Smili' ?*?!"' ho.u"' )""1 ? *?"> provider and an Inoffen.lve Mtllo of hei,? "?'"chea He wa. one of the.,, 'model huaband. ' V, .\ ?1" W1,d to ?nnther: el hualnind. *?" " m"J" n.l'J-Z"* 7ou'" r"',ll,,d a. tbinJT 'h* h?mc ?he not lo Other wre 0"r. ,hl- matter of un bind TnT'I bl?"ln* "h he| h... look t h J :h" d*r""d "h" would to thi H.JT rd "p So "h" went !?.i* to look up tbe eTmX? r" d"wn 'he line mnS aueh thing," .he .aid "mt ..... h?nd I. a real m.T' Yel Z"i ImVt.flo^Vh hU"'""n'' " "" lldlea kLl IS? '*" ,h,n? You nrrer:, thz/r;t ^ i frlenV*' ""'"????l.llr -ay. to aome'of 1! dol.,, bat my W|(. doe.n t itr^ Boy Scout Troops to Aid "Get Out the Vote" .N'fw Yirk. October 17. ? Roy -8??HH-nf AimikM ?ill ho artlrr during November in an ?effort to prontoto the "Get-Out-:h?-Vote?" campaign. James K. W?t. chief remit e*4 cutlve. in a pamphlet ?cat out tb scout commissioner*. president* of councils and ro'tnber* of the national council, h pea k* of tho ;u?ar"u?naiioiiai?good. turn." "Character building nnd citi zenship training ar?? the d?? finite objects of the Hoy Scouts of Am? erica." Wnt nay*. "We now Jiuve opportunity fc?V applying our metlioil jol learning by doing; sin opjHirtui.ity for *?* pruimiun of practical citizenship The records show an alarming de crease in the percentage of qual ified voters who :tr?- actually par ticipating in our national. rlate and local elections. "The ||??y Stouts have been asked to help V?t out tho vote' and will hi'lp on llie hast 4 of elfr Izcuehip training. With us citi zenship menns :i partidpat lug clt? lz>n. that 4k a citizen who reg'i tern nnd votes, and perforins duties in civic affairs. 'MOffort* of t .if iloy jicont* J^e strictly on a nonnarti; Our Interest ih noj In party politics but in partlcipatliig citizenship." . St.out.i -aud -Uaiir.-offU laU wiU be advised to act in touch with the voters of their communities through personal calls, telephone iK cii? Vt K'he II* III* 1 will DHIVKiN KKVOMI THE CHEAT WALL P*-kiiiK. Orl. I??I'lmni; Tso Ling's Mamliuriau troop* have been driven beyond the great wall, bay h an official communique. Tientsin. Oct. 17 ?'The battlv i of Shankaikwan continued un ceuslngly tod:iy and Shankaikwan suffered considerable dam ago from the bombardment of tlie Munchurlan .troop* reeking to make a permanent rapt ure o' the key border town. REI'l'RI.ICANS WANT ANOTHER MILLION Chicago. Orl. IT-?The U.pu'n licun national campaicu organi*.i tion intend? if possible to collect ?n addtlonal fl.300.0i>0 to carry on lt? work bet ween now and elec tion day. Chairman flutler of the Republican National Committer testified todijy oefore the H'nato campaign fund Investigating com mittee. CONFESSES ICOIIKKI) BANK LAST TUESDAY Rudllgt P?.. Orl 17 -Philip A. Unit man late |a?t niftht c.in feased to the police thnt he held up and rob-bc.; the state bank at Abbottsvllle Tuesday and wh* u pur*ued by the police ?hot and killed Trooper Franci* L. Haley. with me on these thing* and I Just can t seem to prevent it." WhKkoi-? and I'nnt? Poor little old ijf.l. Just a lit tie nonentity. Juxt a cood pocket Continued on page 4 IVMFS K. WKST or I y loiter. or i?> an organized liiiii.tf-io-h>?iit canvas*. It has m,gx |,v \Ir wext thut ili*? various scout troop* t h rough - ??iii i lie country co-opcrate with t hi* public proas ami patriotic no-; jvcllc# iu this campaign. "As u sirvlcc to (?ur country! ?lid hi keeping with our funda Mfiit.tl objeou. character bulld tWK'and rmrcunhlp tralulng. I np 1"*'?' to ?*acli atul alf to (T3 wliatJ iht-y ran to make thin nation-wide iffiTt fair. a larger partIdpail?n 0 i voters in th?* forthcoming elec tion nil "effective, demonstration 01 our love for our couutry." RICHMOND HAS ' CRIME WAVE \V?'t k Has Hi'fii rilled h itIi Allncks liy N^rofx on t White Women and Voting Girls. ? Mr Tlif AatriMMl I'na lllcln.ioiid. (hi. 17. -Two rlill-1 dreti (tn the way to Gerinantown School Just outside Richmond ci ty 1'mlu today wore accosted by t vpo negroes. The police were notified ami a 'delftII was rushed to III*4 ?n-nf. The reported occurrence la the | fifth of I'm kind within t h?? week ('iirhiK whfeh time negroes have, at'nckrd or attempted to attack seven white women and girl*. A negro who i?"fused to giro liIm na:ne win arresl? d today and | con fanned, the police nay, to xolng to the home of a white woman and i threatening her with a pistol if ifhe did ?lot nd-iut him or'if nhe mad?* mii outcry. Ife wax a I no iilcntlfi'd hy the woman. Another negro thought to be Iho J one who heat, and attacked a wo mnn on the Petersburg turnpike : wa? arreted at Km porta. H<- Is ' said to answer to the description j furnished hy the woman. BREWSTER COMING TO AID ItlCPl HLlCANS Portland. Ore., Oct. 17.?Oov [ornor-clect ltrrwater left today to Join in the Republican campaign In North f'arolina. Me ts SChed uled at Kalelgh. Wiiiston-flalcm ; t.nd ('Impel Mill. How They Ji'dge an Air Race ftvon tha ju<1xt m ptunaa. h ?? thay hava lo < limH atop th? |.>l?.n lo got 4 jcoo.1 *l?w of (h? racing *Vj * Tha pylon, a tall ?hift. Ik lh' Ju ' *#? MMl li 1? - ' n fa r? II ? >?? t?ft Tht plana jjal poking It la winnhvf tha Lil*ny Kn?m?* l.ulid-rn trophy contact In tha International ?prir,: at Ifcyion. O. It I? bring piloted by Uowt. 1?. 0. Dufcu o t Waahington, an army flyar., - DOCTORS MEET AT HOSPITAL Medical Society of Firttt District llolcln Senii-An i?m?! Convention Here on Thursday. The Medical Society of the Firm iXorth Carolina District held Its ?einl-?anual?-meeting Thurs | day evening and accepted the hos I pllality of Mother Agnes. super intendent .of the.. Elizabeth City Hospital who entertained tft??ni at a most enjoyable banquet. The reception rooms at ths hos pital were decorated with Chinese lanterns and cut flowers and en? h doctor was presented with a piuk carnation for his .buttonhole. An elaborate menu was served.1 I)r. G. E. Newby of Hertford, president of the society, acting us , toustmastcr. Following the banquet inter i uing papers -were read by-Dr. H. L. Kendrlck, l)r. If. J. Combs. I)r. ! John Sallba and Dr. M 8. Hullsi presenting special phases of ined- > leal science subjects for dis?-u*Mion j by the society. Twenty-five or more members were present from Currituck. Cumden. Perquimans, ond I'us quotank. and at this meeting it was decided to change from seml -annual to quarterly?meetings. and Hertford during the month of January will .be the next place und time for meeting. The First Dlslrrct ~ Mddent Dr. if. D. Walk er of this city is councilor, and Dr. W. A. lloggard of Weetnvltle:" ?ecretary. KI,AN WILL MEET AT GKEENSROItO Ajihoville. Oct. 17.?From 15.-, 000 to 20.000 member* of the Ku Klux Klnn of North Carolina will naaenible at Greensboro on Octo ber 30 to hold a huK?' demonstra tion which will coniiltit of a mam moth parade to the fair ground? and an addrens by a Klnston preacher. DIVORCEES HASTEN TO MARRY AGAIN Chicago. Oct. 171??Mr*. ?hlrlcy Knox Hall-Quest. divorced here two week? ago by Dr. Alfred Law rence Hall-Quest, and Frederick William Hart, divorced by Mm. Rosamond Hart of Cincinnati last Monday, were married at a hotel here last night Fl'NKIlAli JFTIIItO McllAltNF.V The funeral of Jethro McHar-j ney of Gregory wan conducted Fri day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock l>y bin pastor, Itev. W. J. Uyriim. at the home, following which the bo dy wrfn brought to thla city for burial in Hollywood Cemetery Mr. McHarney. 67 year* old. died suddenly at his home Thurs day after suffering a heart attack. He had been In poor health for Home time. Hnrvlvlng him are hI? wife; two Children. Mrs. K. A. White of Pawquotank and Rupert Mollarney of Norfolk; *hree an ters. Mrs. J. W. Co\ of 'ills city. Mrs. C. B. Flora and Mfa. Alice Taylor of Norfolk; two brother*. Tom Mclfarney of Currltutk and Ham Mcllarney of Oregory; two grandchildren. Rupert McHurney. Jr., and Kathlern White. SEEK TO ABOLISH DEPART. INTERIOR Chicago, Oct 17. ? By unani mous vote the administrativo board of the American Knglneer ing Council agreed today to Insist on ?he abolition of the Depart ment of the Interior of the Fed eral Government to be replaced by a department of public works. FOURTEEN GUILTY IN TAR-FEATHER CASE Frederick. Md.. O 17?'Fourteen defendants in the Myersville tar and feather cases pleaded guilty to the charge of participating In a riot today when arraigned In clr cult court and threw them* selves on the mercy of the court, ttentene? wll be Imposed later. WHANG EL SEIZED BY RUSSIAN TRANSPORT (It T*? Notne, Oct. 17.?A colony In tended to establish llrltlsh title to Wrangel Island in the Artie ocean north of Siberia was t arried off by the Kuanlan armed trans port "fled October," which raised the Russian flag there August 20. It was learned here today. .MA It KMT New York, Oct. 17. ?Cotton fu ture i opened today at the follow, ing levels: Oct. 23 40, Dec 22.6f.. J?n. 22 (7, March 23 10. May 23.10. V? w York, Oct 17.-? At two p. m . today cotton fntares stood at the following level*: Oct. 23.3?. Iiec 22.71. Jan 21.87, March 23.22, Mty 23 46. New York Gets A Thrill Out Of Zeppelin's Visit I'rartieuliilil} of Air Ibid from Kurope Drmonitratpd W Im ii Suprr Atf?hi|i Dinvl f-rotn lii'i I'lv- Twifi' I IviT Manhattan ?o*???. >?' " rr New York. Oct. ?< ?' warning of ?kal III?' ''-"y1 " ' I.1 1 ??.,f tria> hmtg. Stic Killed 111.' ''I' 'lire length <>l Munhallnti Island, then calmly turned anil sailed buck ana In. Theoretically ' ty wan destroyed. Army ami Na vy (oik Ilk" 10 play at Mi.- Bam "l "destroying" cities. lull.more 1? noon to li.- annihilated. Hut this lime it wan a (lerinati crew ami a Herman captain. Mill Inr a super-Zeppelin. direct (r....< the Zeppelin sheds. ilia, ilrmon HtraUil to tl..- iii.'tropolis 'h new world that It I? ?" flre'l lnimi.lt.' a i li s.mol.m. ? h.'1 nrroKil. Tli'- American bull: Sh?>nundouh has *?ften ?"i ,x M' 11 in I ho New York nklr *. l??t ?h.? M n homebred and *?*?*>" f roin New .lers >'. so thyre ?va* ?1<*t the I It rill coninviM with lier \i its thut New York (eit u*i It rubbed Ha j.iaht nlclnrk morning and llw. liln -.tbUit. whale, will. ? :I.rr flash by a. cxpr'ss train i-p.-.i? A4k4.1-vk.i W i.-'i"* ? ' of drea.ii? of a military i-reali' ??"? which might, trench ev. nli.ally ... all the corners of the ,..i"n. *n sail?'.! majestically along :-s bar bing. r this Um? ,U'-" cnmmerel..l transportation. tlilfers little in general ??ll""|' from the Jsiir li'Jii! the big n.nimerclal cabin U3 f.ir sard seemlni! to offer a ? graceful as ll.e trim Hhenin I.,.1.1. which, despite lnr Unloni.- orl gln. was vastly AmerlrunU.'.l I" her upbuilding. Despite 111.' polelltial Un it ah?> carried, the '/>1 THi?|>a'?r,'d ? vastly vuln.-riilile thing. ?-? sti circled above the city. with " very airplane or two darilni about her. Us?' sparrows about a hawk, One shot ol u phosphor 111. rocket trom una of the pianos coulil have sent lb?. giants akie. tumbling to earth like? flaming meteor. I'"''1" ' PJ lin came l.alloone.l with h>?l r.igei gas. as volal 11.' as a volcano- 11 he same sort of ga? which r-. a . .1 the soul of many a Uerman sailor during the Zeppelin .ll.asf.s and defeats of the great war The secret may as well be loin here, that the Shenandoah, which In to share her palatial home at l.akchnrsl with the at ranger from across Ihe seas, ran ?way front til" zn-:i ami Will not come bark until j the Zeppelin has bo Minted o( her highly dangerous content, run Shenandoah sails on helium wings, the gas that America made on.l which will ?"< explode At Pres ent there Is uot enough or h? Hum in distend- to keep both the 3hen andoah and her burly at the same time. They will have to trad.' dresses as It were after the Shenandoah returns from her Pacific tour, but In the meantime the American built craft will have nothing to do Willi the (Jerman nil til that all-consuming gas tin. been cast to Ih-'Now Jersey breez es and all danger of egplaslon In P"zeppelln day III New York re called to many person-, now n this clly the Zeppelin flights In l^indon. And here Is another ne crot. Thf Amorlran colony 1n tendon. (o a tnnn. nil wished that n Zeppelin might roach New York before Ihe war wan over, to drop It* '??(jf?" on the towering piles of Manhattan and firing homo at last a reallzatIon of what 111?* war wan like. In the earlW-r ral?ln the Zeppo Minn cams over l*ondon painted In 1 nllver precisely an Ih? /It t ap peared In the pale blue nky t h la ' morning. The Zll-3 In her Journ ey acro?n the Atlantic chose th" time of the full moon to light her nightly way. During the w?r the Zepn dared not venture forth by moon light Tliey came on th*' wings of darknenfc and hy stealth they crept upon th?* sleeping city l^ondon wa? an dark r.g Ihe River Htlx. presumably, but In some rnannnr the marauder* always, or > nearly always, found their way. Then th" City devised a means of finding th" marauders. Powerful Hearch light* began to p?err?? th" ?ky when the flre? hum of a lt?i ' (lie motor was heard. The silver "clg.ir" as Ih-'y ap peared at the great height* they maintained, noon berime a prey to the d"fendlng airmen. Five ef ?lx of them were brought down In flames, their ' crewn rosntrd to a cinder. The ?liver paint wat discarded Th newer Zeppelinn. built for the night*, appeared in dull mourning black and were a* elusive as ? dark ?paren between tl)o stars The trill of those Zeppelin nlghtt In f/ondon can n ver he forgotten. First would com? the omlnoun warning thai 17 or IR of the fc.mtlle craft had crossed the roa?t anil were he.ided for the llrlllsh capital, The?. warning . I only rearhed the poller nnd Ihe newspaper offices and foreign cor I REFERENDUM IS RELIEVED DEAfr On?-lion of dontinMMt^ of I'ariii, Home and Wei fan- Worker** be Decided Saturday Week. No specific anion was taken by Ui?? Hoard of County Commla ? ? i.ii session Friday ..M i ho petition presented by or Kti nidation* representing 2.600 < iti/i n.4 of (In* County asking the l!ourd to rcroiisider It m action la providing for n referendum on the question of tin* continuance of homo demonstration, farm dem onstration and welfare agencies la iIiIh County: hut what is regarded an- a tlrtiKil victory was gained ?In. p. t it Ion when the Commla -?ioimi* lutreetl to nl?n belli e!4?a mi oppoitunlly to be heard at two o'clock Suturdav afternoon, Octo -ber-S&r "ml -to* let"~the showtaff ~ made at that mooting Instead of a referendum decide the 'ssue. Due notico of the meeting, ?c rordlngiy. Ik to he given la tka pr. i?.? mul Die opponenta of tbeea agendo? are Invited to come for ward on tliin occasion and let t lieu- ohJccDons he heard, or elae ? v.-r hereafter hold their peace. It 11 not holli'ved that npposltloa to t h'hi* agencies can bring late the open o in' tenth ??f the s'.renglk thai can be muHtcred In support of t hem. So large wan the attendants Friday that the Hoard's meeting hail to lu> field In the courthouja ? r tin- register of deads ofri.ee and. with representative? of LVr.no citizens on hand to speak for the agencies continuance of which in at iKsue. not a voice WAS rained nxalnHt them. organizations backing tka eaa* . j tinuanco of the agencies ara tka Rotnrv Club, the Kiwanla Cl?b, the Cham bor of Commerce, tk? Pa rmi-Teacher Association, the Wo man's? Club, the MQtl^er't.Club imd the farm and home demon stration clubs in the county. Speakers for theon varloua organ izations Friday morning Included: S. if. Templemun for the Kiwagtg Club. Dr. Mora 8. liulla and C. E. Thompson for the Rotary Clab. Mr*. A. H. I (out x for the Parent T richer* Association, Miss Llllle '?randy for the Woman's Club, J. C I'. Khringhau* for the Chamber <,l Commerce, and Mrs. C. W. Ive? Mrs. K. H. Cooper nnd Mra. Q. W. Ilarrell for the- home demonstra tion ilifliT lh the county. ? Speak in* as cltixens and voters other citizens were heard from, ill expreHslng themselves la strongest terms in fuvor of con tinuance of all these agencf??. Among these w?? W. L. Cohooa. who urged the Commlnsloner? sot only lo retain the present demo? ration and welfare worker? 1? tin- County but also to co-op?rata with Die Federal Government by paying $2f> a month to the negra farm d' inonstrutlon agent In tba County. TWO KIM,hi) WHEN A1KPL/VNES COLLIDE Fun I ?lego. Oct. 17.?Two wore killed and h third had a re innrkublo eacap?? from death yea. I'rday Iti a collision of two air I'lalnoa above Coronado. The dead ?re Rnelftn Itrlft J. Klandera and Hubert II. Kerr. ItKTAII. I'KICES ON FOOD AUK HIGHER W'aahlngton. Oct. 17.?Ai la rrffton of about two per ceat la t ho mail eoni of food betwaoa Augu?t 1"? and September II waa reported today In Bureau of La l.or ?lutlMio. of the Department oC l.ii lior. I iiriiicr i'ulilislirr Dead Washington, Oct. 17. H. H. Kohhmat, notod former Chicago publisher and a rloae friend of ninqv f'realdcnt* died here today ;it the homo of Hecretary of Com merce Hoover. ? ???JM Tin- waiting gM- i ut ntl, of rationally lengthened Inti- an h mr or more, were f1ll*4 mtglnlnffl and the knowl edge that within a very abort lii:"* many Innocent aoula were to bo v nr Into the great bayoat. * in In the wars o wore compelled to