MANY PRIZES FOR POULTRY Interen! in Purelirctl kotvi Inn ruM> Knelt Year, its Eridniifil in Ij?t of I'rur Winner*. Interest in purebred poultry is ?tead II y Increasing In t h it? section of the State, and at no time of the year Is thin fact ho keenly realized as at the annual District Fair. The list of lb * 102 1 prize win ners follows: Best bnrrivl I'lymiMitli Kirk anale. A. 11. Price, first prize, and Jennings Poultry Farm. scNmd prise. male, Jennings 1'ouliry Farm, first prize, and Unfits, Wilson, second prize. Best pen barred Rocks. A. II. Price, first prize. and Jennings Poultry Farm, sernnd prize . Best White Wyandotte tnale, Zena.* Jennings, first prize, and W. T. Elliott. mtoii.I x? ? "^~Bwt While V\ V .t n.lf.T T- Mm!.--." Zenns Jenulngi?. first and second prise. _Aast pen .White WyandotUm, Zenaa Jennings, fim and focoud prise? Best single or rose comli Rhode Island Red. tnale. Jennings I'oul Farm, first prize and N. 1'. Joinings, second prize. Best single or rose comb Ahode Island Red female. j..n. Bisgs Poultry Fartn. first prtrr, and Mrs. Mile? Jennings, second prise. Best coop single or rose comb Rhode Island Red*. Jetmiugs Poultry Farm, first prtsei. *t . Best single romb White I .eg horn male, Jenniug? Poultry Farm, first and second prizes. Best alngle comb Whltf Leg horn female. Jennings Poultry Farm, first and ./??* ?Best pen single comb While Iveahorps. Jennings Poultry Kami. , first prise. Best single comb Ilrown Leg horn male. P. D. Ives, first prize. SSd Mrs. Bffle Ives, neiond prise. Beet single comb Krown Leg horn female, P. P. Ives, first and aecond prizes. .. ?Bost Black Minorca,, tnal**. Mrs. Study It study this man . (ace. This picture ??OH laker, Jun after he had killed hi? mother und ?mer jn a nt o t -oiilova. Tenn. Mb name la Aqullla IteOdltt. He la 28. _ j Karali J. Toxey. first prize. 11?'*t Aiizoiim f-male. N. 1?. Jen nings, firnt prize. Unit pen Anrouas, w. ll. El liott flrat prize, nnd N. i\ Jen-; ring*. second prize. Ilest pen Huff Orpington*, \V. T. Elliott, first prize. ITT7! While Or p I net on male," invest tour SAVINGS IN SAFE BONDS 8? u?' tor fall lnfornuutoa INDUSTRIAL BANK 8 Km DI8EA8I ? (Huot'e s?l?? tod 8o*p), fell In the treatment of Itch. Kcsema, Ring worm. Tetter or ether Itch in? ?kin Try this tieeuneat kt our rtMu A I'll 11| K? \lt\ SHOP Real Savings In Groceries WASH) I I.Od l( 12 111. Itiif; (jiluin) 8 .57 24 lb. Imp (plain) $1.12 12 lb. I?ng (?flf riiiiiip) S .59 FINE GRANULATED SlIGAlj. |. -r li.. ?>/'?? BUTTER, bent creumcrv, lit. lOc BEST CREAMERY CIIE?SK. ; , i II.. 2?c NEW DRIED I'll! ITS SUN MAll) SEEDED AND SEMILESS RAISINS. 15 oz. |ikg. Kir. SUN DRIED APPLES, per ll> 12c UBBY MINCE MEAT, per il?. 25c MORGAN & SONS Relail?I'anh nri>ri*r<. Piwinr 256 Cor. Omrrli & ?tvr .w't ?. N? al bs. of Eden? on. first And ?? rood prises. Best White Orpington female. N ?'?1 ||ot?bs, firkt and second prises. Bent pen white CrplnKlon. N?al llot/bn, first aud second prises. Best I Turk Cornish mule. Mr?. Kd. Casey, first prize. ?Bfsl Dark Corn lah female. Mrs. Ed. Casey, first prise. pslr Pekin ducks. Frank Iliirgess. first prise, and S. I'. Jennings. second prise. Heat pair Einbd?*n sees?*. Mrs. narah J. Toxev. first prisu. and M. L. Davis sitvrond prize. lU'St pair African K?'<?ne. M. L. Davis, first prize. Host pair Chinese *eese. J. C. Jennings. first prise. llest pair Toulouse Reese. J'. D. i Tves. frr?r?pflze. and J. K. Owens.' second prize. Bent pair ttulu-as. Rut tin WB-? ?on. first prise. Best pair Brume. W. T. Jack son. first prise, and II. K. Bray, second prise, Heat pair pigeons, any breed. Miss Lennie Davis, first prise and Melvin Sample, second prize, Be*t pair rabbits. Jesse Hushes. (Irat priz?. and M. H. Fletcher, second prise. Beat doe and litter of four. > George Scott, firs?t prise. Best white crested Black Capital Stock $250,000 M K M n K It F K O K It A l< KESU It V K Hrrtfonl KMZAlIhTIl ?*ITY ( olutnbl* Dr. A. L. Fendldun, Frw. (ieo. It. I.lttle, C. H. Twfcldy, Ain't faultier. Carolina Banking & Trust Co. 1'ollsb male. Mi?s Mary Ruth ^??reo, first prise. Bett whit? created Black Poll*h frtnale. Miss Mary Ruth Bsrco. first prize, and F. W. Lowry. se cond prise. Bent black Cochin male, P. W. Lowry* first prite. Best black Cochin female. F. PEPPY-NUT SANDWICH SPREAD CELFAND'S and THOUSAND ISLAND D K E S S I N C Demonstrated at W. Lowry. flr?t prise. Best black rose < \>mh Ban. male. F. W. Lowry. first prize. Best Silver Hambirg female. F. W. Lowry. first pris?*. Host Gulden Seabrltfht Bantam. | malo. Joiner Yearby, first and ?? court prizes. llest |m d Golden Sea bright Ban tams. Joiner Yearby. first prize. Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour 1 ab^olatel) Hoars of qiialMy sold by the leadlnc nocait ?DISTRIBUTED BT? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY Water Stre?. Lowest Prices String Brans K. (lorn Par* nip* (larrot* Oelfry lettuce Cranberries Kutahapis IVars Apples (i rapes Bananas Try u 12 pound bag of BALLARD'S OBELISK FLOUR T here's <\on<> Better?Quality (iuarantevtl LESLIE BELANGA PHONK 871 and 3 Grocers for Fall Trade Kron competition in the gro cer business in Elizabeth City ha* brought to Elizabeth City houoewives mighty good service in the delivery of groceries on short | notice. Grocers have worked1 hprd too to keep the housewife < suplied with vegetables and fruits.! Today they are advertising Snap' Beans, Salad Greens, Cabbage, ? Peppers, Celery, Lettuce, Pear?.] Grape*, Apples, Oranges. Cocoa-; nuts, IlananiiHU and Grape Fruit. < ixiw prices are quoted on staple | and pertsbafcle groceries. Today's Best Offer in Economi cal Meats ? THAT i* wlial you get tvhru yon I rave your ordrr nt Culpepprr & Duvi*. ('hoicret cuIk that go a long way? toward* im proving thr liiKtiiifKH of your Inlilc and prirrd m> low. CULPEPPER & DAVIS Phono* 25 f*n<! 305 FKESH CUCHT TASTY FISH Her?- in quantified that al low UH to H' ll tliem ut low est price?. Freshly shipped Fish at price* that plcanen every liotinewlfc. NATIVE OYSTKHH "FlnMt oyntera I've ever aeen,"' that ? what our cim toniert Aay of u load Just re ceived. TIIOS. (HANK, JR. Phone? 204 and 410 ThU at or v closnl for morninp ?vrvicv of Ham Ram m v Evaituvl Good Groceries at Reasonable Prices <Vanl?'tries Celery Fresh CucohihiIs Apple* Oraiifii-s Bananas Grape Fruit Miner Meat 1*1 ii m Uliti I'in i'udding llmiry Si'i'dfd KaihiiiH Brazil Nuts Buckwheut and I'anrakc I'loiir Wulliuta SEASONABLE VEGETABLES ' Delivered 1? Any I'art of the C.ily. M. P. GALLOP CO jWANTED? E TO SKLI. YOU YOU K FRESH VEGKTAKI.KS, FRUITS * GROCERIES, "We have today" t Nice l/Cllurr, (lelcry. <jdihage, Corn. Green*, Onion*. Rutulmgu*, Turnip*, Skh'I anil Irish I'uIhIihs Orange*, Apples, Banana*. Lemon*, Grapefruit, Crape*. New Large Cocoaiuit*, Aluo Spring Chicken* and Egg* J. W. Shannonhouse & Son PHONE l-tt-7 IF YOU'RE EAT, "YOU'RE SICK I i hick , uocior : u" My I hare no and I cat haart/m y; but I nft I've lost mprir Smyn, KutiKft New York StomAch S|N-rUlLol The 'other day a woman cam? Into the office of Dr. It. Lincoln lira hum, famous stomach special ist or 12.i L'aot 89th Street. New York. Why am I nick. Doctor?" ahe askt'd "You'nay I have orKanlc disease and v d look h?*althy; ?have a well day. ual streni(thvl have diray apeli* while dc?itiK my work, my head aches constantly and I can't sleep for shortness of breath." "Your're sick because you're fat." answered the doctor. "You wtiuh"wrrt-+*Y?s<s-200 pounds and you are ^a{yinj>"-?t*4?rtrt with er-y ery meal you ?at. All your food: Is tinning Into flabby fat instvfcd of rich blood and Arm. lean mus cle. The yeast cells In your stom ach are combining with the starch and sugar in your food and build ing up a surplus of fatty tissue. This surplus fat is overburdening >our h?-art and Affecting every or gan In your body. Fat Is the cause of jrour troubles and you must correct the cause before It u too late." "This prescription," continued NeutroMa, will counteract the ac tion of the yeast cells in your stomach wnd overcome the form ation of fat at the source. Neu traids are absolutely safe for they contain no thyroid or habit-form ing drags." Dr. (Iraham's famous Neutrolds art' now obtainable 011 a poni t i t? guarantee of Hatisfaction or mon ey refunded, at tho Albemarle Pharmacy and Standard I'h.W-'lp, tuacy. V A Clean Kidneys By Drinking Lots of Water 1 Take Salt? to Flush Kidneys If | Bladder Bothers or Back Hurts Eating too much rich food may pro duce kidney trouble in some form, says a well-known authority, bccausc the acids created excite the kidneys. Then they become overworked, get sluggish, clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney region, rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stom ach, constipation, torpid liver, sleep lessness, bladder and urinary irrita tion. The moment ycur lack hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, begin drinking lot*' of good water and also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may theo act fine. This famous salts is ma<fL? from the acid of grapes and Ictnoo^ iuice, combined with lithia, and has been used for years to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activ ity; also to neutralize the acids in the svstem so that they no longer irritate, thus often relieving bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to help keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus often avoiding serious kid- .. ney disorders. By all means have your physician examine your kidneys at least twice a year. Resident Has Awful Experience "1 wan twtrc confined in hos pltnlM, in tin' lust on?- nothing hut Kru**l wat?r wnn Injected Into me 4 times a day. an my ntomach would not retain any food. I suf fered terribly; wan reduced to a Hkeleton. My folks haw an ad of Mayr's Wooderful Remedy and It h na surely saved my life. I weigh 180 lbs. now." ft I? a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal traet and allays thn inflammation which causes practi cally all stomach, liver and Intes tinsl ailments. Including appendi citis. One dose will convince or I money refunded, at all druggists, iadv. YOU'LL LIKE THE CONVENIENT ARRANGEMENT OF THE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CLASSIFIED VDVERTISING i ilia m DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES Thla ?Uo typo T* point), on? it a word M?h Insertion; ura 2S centu, ono time; NnU work; 1G wordB W 8 Uiidlnx a~a, flre rent? a MN per week. Twenty cont? per month?In adrancc. White apace and para Cmplxd ada. 60 centa an loch. Copy rauat be In the office iT t p. m. day before Inaer advkktihino On tmih ? and let It help yon buy or ir product. If| For Sale roil HALM ? WIY ANO GflKRN wood. freah groceries, boaf and moat. i'hono 679-W. Meaklna Market. tfnp FOR HAI.B ? SIX TKR CBNT raal eatata mortgage bonda (or ?afo Invent mcnta. Industrial (lank. tt ."OR HAIJC ? TEf HHARBh Carolina flanking * Truat Con pan? atock. Addroaa kot 176 ttt FOR HALF? FIVE II. F. GUM* oral Floctrlc motor In good run* nlng order. Price $70. Apply Ibualneae office. The Advance tf j Wanted?? To Buy I WANT TO BI T TOUR HKKI> I cotton. Doe Perry or D. C. Perry oct 1-S0np POR ADVRKTIfllXO ON THIN ! png?. telephone MIm Blount at Tho Advance office. Phonr ,367. tf Merchandise M?* YORK A Nt) (IKIMRM CJOI,! den epple*. Alto ?lilpmfnt nb Uge When In need mil 77?. Fleher A Mortlsette Prodore Company. l?-?lnp YOT 1IOVT 1'AY HKNT ON OI B building when you buy ahora' from ua. Wo run o repair ?hop' loo. Oorden A Anhrne. lt-Slnp TBV OH? MfK CRHPY Mil,K loaf bread. Hot roll* and broad every afternoon at 4.10. Cert-' ?rlght'a Bakery. ottistf A SATISFACTORY SERVICE! The quickest and surest way to reach all the people in this city and throughout the Albe marle is by telling your story in the classified columns of The Daily Advance. With its daily circulation of over 2,500 you arc assured that your ad will be read by thousands of readers daily?and within n remarkably short time it will harvest a great number of replies. Whet! >r employer or employe, you will find that the safest, most satisfactory and best way of getting what you want is by using a small ad in these columns. I'tfinf I war in mind that in order to get your ad properly classified so as to produce, the desired results, your copy must lie in this office before 6 p. m. fair next day's paper. A. It. HKKI.KY M MIN AUK un loading this woe It three bumtr.'rl ' ?nd__ela??? hrrrfl* of nlre im rabbage. 2n baskets Hnrtlett's and IS banketa serkles. Plenty I apples. oranges, lemons. grape' fruit and banana*. l'hone 5?. I oc IStfnpl SHORN. HHtHW AND MftRK shoes We ?ell good shoes at a low 1 price. Benton * Wast. ocT-lDpd Miscellaneous TIKK H I'M 'I AL :to i * | -a VAC lory guaranteed Cord $7.115. Tubes SO x 3 1-1, $1.26 delivered to jrouri I door parcel po?t. Pay the poet men Price? quoted on other al ??* on request. Economy Tire Co.. 48? Watson 8t., Akron. O. oct.ll-20-pd ?MOR RKFAtlUXO AT A PRICK to fit your ? hoc. W. F. Wllllama. Phone Tit. litfnp VOI R TtOMiAHM RAVI MORF cent? at Kedb^rry'* Draff Store Phone 7TB. Pilling preacrlptlon* | my specialty. octl3-18np NOW IH THB T1MK TO CLKAN up and paint up. Frank M. Mitchell, practical painter and paper hanger. 420 Went Cherry street. oct no9np ATTKNTIOS I A It M Kit s ? A largo Ftock May pea banketa 12c. New and bright. Tins on tops that fit. Spenco-Hollowell Com-1 pany. oct 9-22np PART KRHIOHT AND PASSKN gor service to and from Norfolk. Patronise home enterprise. Nor folk-Carollna Line. Inc., Steamer Annie U .Vanachref. oct l-tfnp RAT AT THK MNIHW ? HOMVC eats promptly served at popular prices. Entrance Martin street, oct 1 tfnp. THK KAG1J4 C A FTC ? RATH rooked the American way. Special dinner dally. Hom? mads pies C. R. Ires, proprietor. tfnp IMTY STOCKS AND BOND* from na an Weekly and Monthly ? payments. The ladnatrlal Bank1 tfnp. 1 HKFOHK YOV THY TO KKHT i try tbo beat?The Duty Uee C?f?. Special dinner 60c. tfa|*3 I'HOXF. 2WI Fon < I.KANIN?! and pressing. Work done promptly and In food ahape. tfx KIJXTIUCAI. (TOTRAITIN? and repairing. We treat you right. D. Ray Kramer Phone >11. oct X tfnp. FAIlMF.ItM!?rnlc THIN PAfJH for selling your products. Ask thoie who hare trlod It. tf For Rent poll ItKVT ? TWO (iARAOKH Apply 107 Wm Main oc 14-ltpit Lost end Found ixmr?m-mtAi Un, touttimk ?b?ll Irian, Tharulny mm. whoT? i* ti,. ?lty. i>in? return to Th? Art???? Offla? oU :i??

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