THE ZR-3 IN THF, U. S. A. Here fa the first picture taken in A merica of the '/.fill, plant air-hip del h .-rud by'tl.rmany u? ?!??? 1'iiited Slate? after a tiinht across the Atlantic. The picture was taken Wednesday as the hiv; ship sail??! arrow the l.onp Inland (New York) fhorcliue on her way to Lakeharst. New Jersey, her new houie. Arthur iiulaid. pli?-: rapier for NK\ Servir?* and The. Advance, took the niftur. h fW? an airplane hlnh ahov^ilf 7, it 3. lh?n drnpp'd ilimu i" Hi' 11 in.t.r :?? M *n la i ? pi<im. was ?tailed on its ?ava to Elitfkbeth City by airmail. Night Flight to Test Broadcasting , ! Shows Way to Signal by Flashlight Anny Aviator Set* Out to , Prove One Scientific PoMibility and Proves Two. START IN O out to prove a scien tific possibility and provinc ?om?thins sls? a* well hat Just boen the experience of Lieutenant Brandt, U. S. A. He undertook a Bight flight Over Palisades Park, New Tork, to demonatrate the pos sibility of brosdcastlnc from ihe air. Before hs returned to Mltchel Field he had not only succeeded in his undertaking but be bad dla dosed the fact tbat a small pocket' flashlight was an admirable means ?f slgnaimig while night flying. For more than ao hour, 1,000 feet li the air above Manhattan, Lieu tenant Brandt talked with An mouncer N. T. O. ?1 Biatlon WI1N At Palisades Park, where some thousands of people were gathered (or the demonstration. The one drawback was thst the sudtence ?'? mot see the plane In which army aviator was circling over L N. T. 0. attempted to rem sdy this. Usee His Flsshllght "Tou're doing great, old man, but wo can't see you." wn the way N. T. O. addressed the plane. ?'Won't yon come back again? We want to see yon. There are 1.000 poopU listening to you. They wsnt to soe yon. It's too mystifying this way?some of them msy bs skeptl cal. Won't you come bark ever the park at about 1.000 feet?" To this Brand replied: "I'm rip.M j over jour bead at a ibouxand ??? :- > now. There are rtd and green Hy ing lights on the wings and the r? : light on the tall, but I have a littl flaahlight in my pc* k?*t and I *?'.i flash It. I am flashing It now. L>o you see meT" Cpena New Signalling Field A road cheer from S.OuO ? interrupted the conversation as t Tie" audience caught the little high in the air with Brandt's !l?.?h light signals making flas)u>s in the aky. Put ta? As?hJtrl.t bnd b^n mnrr llutu diM:|nnn.|i ilia plane's position, Urandt iiud b*>?n jiitftnilline a coda urtKac* to a low ofllcr at l!ie Pari, and this o.Hi-er. LUuh i.aui Ranch, had rt-ad the menace and infotm id tho lender t>?ai ho understood. - ?ffiv*?mTlift* j?rCT8^ ?h?r surprise ?t d sravariQK that the beam from the Ua^hirght had tarried t.ouo fc?*t. It bad bi-en * ;?r.erallj arr?pti*4 fact in air cir rid that a flashlight brum rould 11><* nvn (or M)0 Ih'I, but t'..?.t it |?a? ?o plain at l.uoo tci cam * n .? vartliiu dlwrovcrf. In the dla j mrrry Tti> y could S?*o t?f*w |>na*l !??<>! 1? f in coramuniratlon from to ground and flea ver&a at I utxht tuna. 'ong War On Again In New York's Chinatown in? Have Sounded for Another Mysterioii* Fend and Furtive Oriental* Slip from Shadow to Shadow Kver Fearful of Awawin'ii Bullet ny ROBKItT T. KM AIX Itu It Tit? A?fftKU wew York October 18?Furltlve iy?d Chinese, arm? folded In (heir Hide flowli>k alecvea, slip from pite? to plaCs In the shadows of Bid Chinatown, fearful (hat at any turn of the winding, crooked Itreets an assassin's bullet will lay them low. The tocsins of the 'fTong war" have been sounded Ind another of thoae mysterious feuda which sweep Chinese aettle rneate the country over Is on. i JmP how the wnra begin none Nit m^e orientals ever know "The' leatnVn Cblnee Is peculiar.'' He las hla own axes to grind. flut hus far the war Is being fought 1 what might be called long rfe. It Is with pistols. Later. It follows the usual cycles. It gill come to closer quarters with atchets. The police dread the atchet stage. Alwaya the mur erer leaves his hatchet In the miahed skull of his victim. The Mr then become* silent and eath rides on swift wtaga. Dur st the gun shooting period It Is |fi?r to control The danger len la uaually to the bystanders. It la evident just now that this Itest war In the metropolitan dls rlct, holding New York, nrook b and Newark. New Jeraey. In > srtp, la being fought out by profeaalonal gunmen of the famous Tongs, the Hip Rings nd the On l^eongs .These pro ?aatonal elan t-eyes shoot straight ON YOUR BIKT1IDAY End Your Mother F Invert I FLORAL CO. Inc. When the war spreads to the am ateur gunmen, then there in dan ger Indeed; for the ?matwir Chln ene pistol fighter usually cIo.vh bin almond orbs before ho pulta the trigger. Anything may happen then. Today Chinatown, with It? tor tuous Mott and I'ell and Doyers streets. In a no man's land. It In patrolled by the police and In palm, i'laln clothe? mm lurk around each corner. It seems there Is a blue coat about every 2f? feet. Th" district I? bloekad ed. Th? Kay tight-seeing rata of the metropplf*. with their varl-col ored 11 Kb t s and Japanese lanterns, are deserted at the street corners. ;No on?- want* to k?> to Chinatown i??????? wnnderotiB moonlit night. Tli?- (rick Joss Iioukcm and tin fake ''opium dm?," maintain? d for th?- benefit of tli?*' -wide-eyed country folk Jrom the greut Ain ? rlcaji hint? rlund. hi ? trying In vain for cuKt?>m? rs. Thr Chinese ' merchants who reap h harvest ??f Br* ?nbacks from the Hghtseer? ;ir?? In an agony of despair that th?'lr unworthy countrymen should start a war lust at thin season whfii the tourist trati?- w?i.? at Its hclcht. Th?? warring members of the T?>n?<n hav<- Ihnatcm-d to tak?- the light beyoixl tin- l?ord? rs of Chln i'l'iwn. Already ??ne Cfilriamau has been found away over In thr* Jersey meadow-. Th'n threat t?? 'tako the war "uptown" has thrown tin? orb nlal restaurant ;keepers into a fren*y of f?-ar. The ? Chinese restaurant has become a widespread Institution In N?-w York. Home of the establish ments r? pr? .*? nt Investments ??f tens ??f thousands of d?tliars. Th-? latest ??f the fujht restaurants has Just h?? n opened In the build* in k which was one?! the far famed I'ahiis lloyal, wher?* I'miiI Whit? man made hi* first treat hit la N<w York. Tin* Chines*?- pro ? prletors call th?? placc lb?- Palac? YOUNG PEOPLE WIN PREMIUMS ? . . ? . r . _?^ Vaiifly uimI Ouulity l'i-u -tJiililmi Til?thr IHntrirtl Fair;. The variety unci quality of the| work displayed by ihe young peo ple* at t h t? Albemarle District i Fair thin year reciMVcd much fav-1 ovulile comment., Interest wux keen among the children and many of them are already plan mug what they will make before another Fair comes around. The list of. prize winners thin year follows: Heat' specliacu handwriting, girl, sixth grude, first prize, and of Cold. Already the police have been' culled upon to Kuard some of the nstaurunts. The proprietors In I'.'ooklyn sin iii to Im' especially t.arful. Frantic efforts arcbelng made by the Chinese merchants th?; various "benevolent" as <t )cin(ions to bring about a true** in the fighting, but it is admitted that pence is hot in sight. The merchants see ruin staring them; in the^afeA Thf,J BayTLlmy ari^ati a loss" the explain the last out break, asserting the trouble start ed amonK the "had men" of the ? *v?? Tongs cir secret societies. They jilso say that "bad Clhna-> men" just like "bad white men v.* h o carry on gang lights In the I'owery and csitch 'em victims on : big East Hide." New York maintains especially j trained police for the Chinese dls-, iriets. To the untrained eye, all ?'hinatn"n look more or legs alike.' Dut to the blue emits and the I plain clothes men who live among' the orientals there is a vast dif-J f renc. The police seldom fry to figure out the cauneB of the Chin ese wars. They Hay the present] outbreak may have something to do with the revolution in China, but it is mor- likely a quarrel arising out of the illicit traffic In nplum. On two o^ tho victims this far, powdered opium has been | found. The regular Chinatown, police have been augmented by members of the bomb squad, the narcotic division, the special ser vice prohibition squad, the radical! squad and other picked men of1 the force. Their efforts at the moment is to keep the war from spreading. Many Chinamen llv-: in? uptown and conducting res-: taurants there have been caught j in the Chinatown blockade and are afraid to leave. Always a place of shadows and mystery, Chinatown today wears' an Impenetrable veil. The China men never pick it quarrel or fights with a white man. They prefer; fo annihilate their own kind. MEKT YOl It FRIENDS at our ( I.KAN MODA FOIXTAIN &L Tli K AlHlTIIKCAIlY slior Explorer-Cameraman Frozen C. W. Scarborough of Fort Worth. Tex.. who wan a mrmtier of the ex? reditu.n two year* jiro that rescued the StcfanaFOii rofupm on Wran?;el lBland, Haw t??n fr*?fh to d-.ith r?xi Point l'iin?w H" w.?> working on on niwlgnmcnt for a motion picture concern. Tin?? p'cturv of him. showing the ?hip I>uxhury. upon whhh he mn-le his trip, taken Just u short time l>cforc his Uc:ith. Ural Krade, second prize. Best specimen handwriting, boy. sixth grude. first prize, und t ti I r?l grade, second prize. Best display school drawing, seventh grude, first prise, und alxth grade, setimd prize. Best map of I'ltit^d States. Mil dred lv?*. first prize. Best product map. seventh Krade. Hallet William-, first prt?e. liext speciman o? free li.\jul drawing. Hallett Williams. first prize, and Edward Cliappell. se cond prize. BmL *|HSiUUMI of ? drawing. -Mi?* -Haey?-<-'?>rtp!?e|t. first priz?*, and Jesse Hughes, se cond I'i'ize. ^ ? BTM 1 ?a |>e r o n ~so 111 o subject "of" ?Norih Carolina History, third grad>-, first prize. 'Best collection of native wood, third grade A. first prize, and third Krade U, second prize. Best collection of pressed leaves. Mildred Ives, third>-, first prize. Best collection of wild flowers, i Elliott Cook, third grade, first prize . Best single exhibit of ways and mean*, third grude, first prize, and second grade, second prize. Best table set. Prunces Weeks, first prize. Best hand made apron. Frances Weeks, first prize. Best hemstitched towel, Fran ces Weeks, first prize. Best two piece suit underwear. Mildred Ives, first prize, and nI.nun?- nuni?--. prtra'. Ii?st piece quilt block, Sa?li< Ma?' I'arsons. firwt prlz?'. Hoi c-tnhrolriery color oil, Fran????? first |iriat?*? an.I Sa?15i? .Mili1 Pardon?, second prize. Any ariit-lf ??f inerit I IIIUIll fit--.? pri?(. Ilrst braiilt'il Weeks. fir?*t prize. ? hi m display of hand mnde I baskets. Kuth Sample. first urizet' unci Hu(u.< Wilson, second prize. Mont exhibit of carpenter work j for school. Mi** Wlnfred Munden. ttrsi prise, and Milbert Urifftn. -'?c *oad prize. Hi*l exhibit of carpenter work for home, third (trade, firm prise. iiikI Aubrey Gallop, second prize. H?'st free hand cutting, second ; P rade first prize, and *eeotid i urade It. second prize. Ilest ill Irenah Ip, second Krade It. flfrt - prize, and second grade A. second prize. ilnst colored posters. seventh Krade, first prize. Ileal colored postern Primary. Klliott Cook, first prize, aud third grade A., serond prize. Beat wren houses, third grade A. first prize. ?'Iho first priro for P.. i cum wax won by Krank Scott and not M. K. Fletcher as given in Thursday's paper. lUIGHES DEFENDS Sl'I'ltEME COURT Albany. N. Y.. Oct. IS,?Secre?. JlRKll?lL_*U?iJklJUL at tljj? Vni- i Wfriiy of tffe state ??r SVw York yesterday In a nonpolltlcal ad dress spoke lu favor of retaining , constitutional baluuces between, lb?' Supreme Court and Congress an.i ttie rresident aud l.'olkgrtfRJ. lie asserted that charges of usurpation of power made against the Supri me Court had been die* , j proved In the Judgment of most '?people competent to Judge. J4?hit?and Jn -?Nt?KIHotl f Kdenton were here Tuesday 1 rvfng as Juror* in Federal court. t. To Simplify Home Sewing ! 'se Mci.nlI Pattern*. They are Printed, Our dress goods and silk departments are brimming over with new materials in all colors? let us help you plan your fall dresses?-a complete and large assortment of trimmings, buttons, etc., Rucker&Shecly Co Take Care of Your You |>ut vour money in bank for protection. Why not be equally careful with your cotton? We are pre pared to take care of it for you and issue you FEDER AL HON OKI) WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS acceptable as collateral at all banks. We are also biiyiijjj daily and paying best prices consistent with the general cotton market. Elizabeth City Cotton Mills WE PAY Highest Cash Prices ? for ? Cotton, Cotton Seed and Soy Beans Remember we sell field seeds, Fertilizers or Feed PRODUCE & GINNING CO. West Main St. Phone 572 W Starring Sessue Hayakawa at ALKRAMA Today PACKARDS AUK I IKK K for >mir ln*|iootlon. H<m! tit?* Oxford* und 11 In h Shots, rill* Pur li ani In (IcmIkih'iI for Mt'ii who mint Mn?l wcm nihility. l.udi(V Shorn NKW AltlCIVAI.S ALSO In llie very Intm *tjle* for Ijh?I|pm. tin-in. MITCHELL'S PMONK 1IM? Quality Means Economy _? SEE US for Boyt?* (llotliCM McCabe & Grice MONUMENTS Lawson & Newton THK MOM MKNT PKOI'liR (tlvrn on Work H<*t. Montirrllu A*0.( lit f f t|r Ht. NORFOLK, VA. The General Cord Tire * futile %%'*>* l4i Muk?* fr'rWfMlA I?A\ |H-IM)\ ? Co. Distributor* No. Itouri HI. I'lmiM* M70 OPTICAL SERVICE DR. J. W. SELI6 OITOMETniBT C21 Main Bt. Kllubrlh City MOIVTN POP Anothrr (ounlv Heard From BY TAYLOIt ( OCA H OSS&"':? A JUDbC. VE-'JUS - I'M OOWftLD i ,r .V /5 ^ATHEKS HEALTH IS POO?.- THtMGS I N f 8w THE UJAW JUDGE - I'M SUNCi "TH& ) '~N WELL SON things ABE &OWG MOTME& - SOM OV WOOR OLD \l \jJ ?6 &OIM& BADLW OW THE FAPM - \ MfelC MUD CO, W ?SO.OOO - THE I AlONG riNE THE PARM X PRlEMO - FAIMEP naIROTE p y / ^ HEA\JM MOQTCjAGt, MOS?T 8C f 'AiL? OH ) COMES BEPORE? MOO NJ&KT RRAO IN THE PAPERS ABOOT WOOC A(0D SOGG?SrE.D-fl?\T 1. I r. r. c.. ) I 9oON AMD MtuJ MMMiMtRW , >. MOMD*Y - LUCKS THAT DAD'S LETTE*. ?.*>?*> so,T wwsr the ma eye , look moo of^j ^ J?*5 I "t '1 **?*?? r> ' A#R,otD Bcroee -the t?au mud CO - JOO&E MCNOS WHO YlhSJ,??S5| P K\ ' 1 1 W'MT 'T ? ) V ^ WILL TRV -THE CASE 'S AN l -S3?) (_, WH6C ? J -JiJ S (^^N^iMTfc-OOBLt J r^e^.BoT,^ ? Old eoMHooo pRjejoo <*- ? / a j\ Tir /r. T ' k'i x t' hoo Lose t?c casg . MINE - HOO 006HT It) CALL J (V '?J Al {Al (' \ ft- i'o i" i ***' I I'LL HELP WOUS FtfTHEl? I ON HIM SOME. DAW AMD GET \ -C~?> K ?J It? >,' 7 fc\ ? l_ MUSElF f ? ACOOAlMTtO ,? ft?? , A| S/?W- 07 ?' \\ ?J,-. y. ?^T^'Ak i' A 7?' ^?v v :? - . ,

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