Social Happenings [ Kutrrt?ln? at Hi Miss La seniles Griffin delight fully entertained the Six Tabl? Bridge Club Wednesday i veiling at her nome on Church street. "Mrsr Graham Bell and W. H. Weatherly. Jr.. wou the prizes for top score. Dainty refreshments were served. Those present %ere: .Miss Virginia Flora, Mrs. C. C. Wilkin?, of Pantego. Mi. and Mrs. Joseph Pinner. Mr. and Mrs. W. -\V. Woodl*?y. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Graham llell. Mr. and Mrs. Mile? Clark. ?Mr. and Mrs. EJwood Weatherly. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Weatheriy. Jr.. Mr. anH \trn, Rny Toxey. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flo ra. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Griffin. Messrs. Julian Bell*. Hubert T->x ey. John Pinner und Robert Cot ?ter: Delightful lUrthday Miss Grace Jenkins entertained at u delightful birthday party Sat urday afternoon from two to five o'clock at her home. 302 East Broad street, iq honor of her -twelfth birthday. Dnhliait.-Toae* and potted plants were the deco rations used and the white birth day cake with its 12 pink Candida formed thc-center pl^mn th? ta ble. Many games were enjoyed af ter which delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. J. W .and Mrs. J. B. Jenkins assisted In serving and entertaining. Those present were: Dorothy Richardson. Mat tie Armstrong. Nellie Gibbs. Mar garet and Katharine Chory. Mary ina Mrrraft" b. wiisohnn*z ~4n3" Melba Puekett. Louise Adams, Bottle Mao and Annie Phelps. Evelyn Corbett. Mary Lillian VHtrholl Id* Mill-.? ^n.l Knlh arine Dillon. Margaret. Byrd and Grade Hamilton. Camllle Ruth Bell. M.ihle Prltchard. Marlon Munden. Mary Steger. Thelma Newbold and Effle Sawyer. P?i>onals Vincent ftugbes is seriously 111" at his hpme on Fearing street. M. 1L Powers.' of Northwest. Virginia, was in the city Sunday attending the Ham-Ramsay meet ing. T. J. Markham is at Manteo this week attending Superior Court. Miss Lucille Warden returned Sunday after spending the week end at Portsmouth with her sis ter. M.S. J. R. Pierce. Joe Rogers. Willie Rogers. Mil ton Guard and Talmadge Twlford motored to Shiloh Sunday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ballance. ""Mrs. L. C. "Relie, or New Hope, rr turned home Monday after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Perry on West Church street. Misses Nannie Ma*1 Midgett and Myrtle Stetson spent the week end with relatives at Kitty Hawk. M. B. Simpson left Monday for Manteo wh?'re he Is attending Su perior court of Dare County. E. F. Aydlett, Sr.. is in Now York this week on loga I business. Tllton Huyman underwent an operation at the Elizabeth City Hospital Saturday. Thomas Tlllett returned Friday r.fter spcuding several weeks with relatives at Manns Hafbor. W. R. Sawyer is In New H rn this week on business. John Twiddy motored to Eden ton Friday to attend the Fair. E. R. Daniels ol Wanchese, re 44 Found! one shoe store human enough to keep shoei that are a joy & pleasure to wear all the days of Our Life "! ?f ... Isn't it nic( when good friendt give us an inspiv ling send'offl fo This pair of Cantilever $hoet. is typical of what they're talking about: Canf'^emsior CoMfORi'iOVERS { OWENS SHOE CO. Why Whaling Industry On Bum No Mystery At All Glance at Milady's Cornet Would Give You AtiMter hut Would .No! Solve Kiddle of Why Modern Creation Sells for Thrice i'rice of the Old l ime Stav l!> AIIKKN l^MONT (C*S?r,|ht. IV34. B> TU? .v* York, Oct. 22.?Som e are "neckers." some wear knickers and eomo Juat net a laugh. That in brief describe* the costume of the younger B??t at the moment. _ Thowe In tha first-c4aa* do not tail to draw attention to their iprrittlty. Whatever else they may wear, they weur tn-arfs and Windsor tiea or all the hues of the rainbow. Th* majority of tilt-tic tie j are copied from club colon. The British regimental tolors have been specially in favor since the prince of Wales ha* be?>n in America. In the old days, a fair lad> was accustomed to give her rolftrn tn a knight lo ?tt*ar in hi* helmet. Today she wear? her1 coolrs for a knight and if the con tent of her tie ruck be- qny crl tcrlonnrtle has not "Tewcr than ?n army corps fighting for or about her. Neat to having an English polo player wrapped up in one, the next beat thing In flapper circles Is to be all wrapped up In an English burberry coat of water proof tweod with a pinh'__j_ian.yrp. These prornlac" quite to eclipse the racoon coats which have been the fall stani by of the college boy and girl for the last two or three V"*? j 1 Of course things in the flap per yearn seldom are what they seem, and this extends to dress as well as Ideas. For example the ensemble suit is extremely and covera the top coats are adorned with an c xtensiou or ruffle at -th??- bottom turned Saturday after spending several daya here on business. Mrs. Wentworth lllount of Tar boro, returned home Monday af ter visiting Mrs. Maggie Blount on Pearl street. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Qarrett .and little son. Lockwood Garrett, and Raymond Sawyer motored to South Mills Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Frank Swain have returned from a motor trip to Greenville, Washington and Columbia. I N. L. Layden is improving after suffering a stroke of paral ysis of his right side Monday i while at his home. 610 Green leaf street. Mr. and Mrs. Harney Berry ] and children. "Norman. Morris ! und Elmer Trent, of Weeksville. Misses Clara Mae Williams and Ernestine Hallance. Mr. and Mrs. a top coat which .pnictkalljL >rs it Nowadays however.. which- simulates the skin nf the ?uit supposed to be beneath. With such a coat, k suit is a superfluity and goodness only knows what would bo rev m led if u wearer was suddmly forced to unbutnn her coat. Likewise, the tunic blouses have grown so long and the skirts under t hem ho short that the latter might ? uslly he discarded, piovided an additional ruffle. rlb ton or flounce of lure were tacked on to the petticoat. With the lute top coats, gloves or even a manicure may h,? dis pensed with. Most of them are adorned with .fur cuffs to large.' every purpose served by a cuff. All the w> arer has to do is to fold her. hiUUliL wlthiu lus *Wvl? it. Chinese mandarin fashion to conceal her digital shortcomings. However, most feminine palms are extended so continuously in the ??gimme" got ure 'when with male companions that tnls ex pediency is almost entirely Ignored. Few m tlies.q upa, dients. how-ever. are available to the unfortunate stout. Rubber now is quoted at 2S 1-2 cents a round. The, modern corset con pound of rubber and six ribbon strips. Yet the modern corset ? call it girdl.* if you will?costs from 12d up. whereas the old time stay composed of nearly the Ja-w ^uui-4*noagh ???"1 to hntld-?^ bicycle, retailed at $4.G6. No v.onder i he New Bedford whaling Industry has become extinct." " \V. S. Swain, and children. Mar dell. Irving and Walter, and T. .\f. Tillett spent Sunday at 8hiloh wiih Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Itallance. Miss Alone Aydlett, of Norfolk, spent Tuesday in the city visitiug friends. Misses liua Winslow and Ida Sawyer arJ visiting friends and relatives at Portsmouth. Miss Martha Tillett. of Manns Harbor, has returned home after, visiting Mr. and Mm. i\ T. Tll-f lett on Broad street. Mrs. W. S. CartwriKlit and. daughter. Janet, have returned alter vlaitlnf rHativas?at Nor folk. " *' I>r. and Mrs. V. H. Finck re turned Sunday from a motor trip through several western state*. Mr*. Minnie Bright, of Wash ington. is visiting her sister. Mrs street extended. Willie Rogers motgrvd^to Eden ton Saturday and was tjfce gue?t of hi* brother. Wlnton Rogers. Will Cverman. Tom Coniirian der and Alton Owens motored to Rd?-nton Friday fb uttefld the Fair. M1s?e* Margaret and Evelyn Commander spent the we*k tehd at Norfolk vrlting friend?-?ml Mr. and Mrs. Charles *T)anIels aic vlHlting friends at Wanchese Mrs. W. G. Hayman. of Nor folk. who has been visiting her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mann on Broad street, has returned home. \V. O. Barnette is vlilting northern cities on business this week. "Mrs. Utile Twlford. of Stumpy Point. ~h?ft returned ho we- afteg: visiting her son. J. T. Twlford. i on Walnut street. mi? Vnrrina Sawyer Is vlslt iTtjrlrrr flitter. Mr*V X. T: Zleghrr" a*. Kdenton. C. T. Tlllett, has returned from a business trip to Dare County . Miss Kmma Byrum and Mr. GRUEN WATCHES are the best made watches in Let us show you therea son why. Louis Selig Quality Since 1882 Main & Water Sts. MEET YOm FRIENDS ut our CLKAX SODA FOUNTAIN at THB APOTHBCARY SHOP Farno ~-x:d Lebanon Belle Flour aro nbmiluH'l) Umiri? of minlltv *??!?! bv llie lrndtnc ?1>IKT ItlOl'TKD 11Y? F. TOXEY & COMPANY \Vut*r SlnW. and Mr?. J. L. Wiggins and child 1? n of Fdwntnn. war? to the eit* Sunduy attending the llaiu-Hani say raffling. Rev. and Mr?. A. D. Cruuipler of South Mill? were among th?* out of town visitors here Tues day to attend the Ham-Ramsay .services. "MlM -Mwrgnrrr-Mirkhnin spenr Sunday ut Kdenton Visiting friends. Fred Zlegler and t'lauue Zieg ler spent Sunday at Fdenton with L. F. Ziegler. Mr. and Mm. J. C. Dail* uiul ehildreu. of Kdenton. spent 3un day in the city und attended the hunt-Ramsay meeting. At V. l>. C\ Mn tisg Mrs. C\ h. Hell and Mrs. W l~ Column left Tuesday to attend tli?- l". D. C. Stat?- convention in session from Tuesday to Friday u< Hooky Mount. MELICK: Wilche# *11 Everyihing' Here for HalloneV When you think of Hal lowe'en. think of M ?'lick'? *?Everything; you need at moderute prlct'?. Table Dc rotations, I'rixes, I'lnee 1'nnh. Umlrnm. iu? /art everything lo make >our party ELICK .NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD nnntMtnevw _ Reduced HonihI Trip - Fares to WILSON. N. C. ? Wilttori County Fair October 21-25, 192 L Tickets on ?ale October 20th 24th. Inclusive and for trains ar riving Wilson before noon on the 25th. final limit October 27, 1924. J. F. DALTON. (Jeneral rasNenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. FOR QUICK LUNCH Dolled Hnut. Franks. Chipped Beef, All Porks, Rn-ukfast Huron, Luncheon. Cream Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Lettuce. Celery. CALL 698 OH 697. You can get what you want to eot. II. I.. UAKIIKTT Frocks Designed Exclusively for Famous Film Stars , Whose Costumes Millions Admire! Our film stars?with millions of critical eyes upon them ? with crowds follow ing them every time they step fort h? must be fashionable. The public expects them to be dressed in the" very latest and most becoming of styles. Accordingly you will be interested in this great good news ? It has been our pri lege to secure from Peggy Paige six new frocks originally de signed for six of the most famous and well dressed of all the beautiful stars of the screen?Colleen Moore, Hope Hamp ton, Carmel Myers, Claire Windsor, Blanche Sweet, and A youthful nftcrnoon frock of Canton ctt>pr, <lr?|fc?ie?| frtr oar jf<lor<??l flN|>|M*r. Col l?f*n Moore. Eleanor Boardman? women whose cos tumes millions ad mire ? the frocks pictured here. - Clever, all-occasion costumes they are ? fashioned from the richest of new fabrics fail les, crepe sat tins and Mad elon crepes ? developed i n the newest A faille frork?one of Hope Hampton'? favorit?** ? rrr *ie?l r?prrbill) for her. silhouettes, and pre senting all of Fash ion's latest moods! When you visit us and see how charm ing they really are, you'll quickly under stand why these stars ?women who must Tlil* rlmrmln? gown of Miul rlon rr?'|H? Wj?a .I?--!??.*????] m. (mm-UII) for Ctalro Wlndnnr. appear at their best at all times?have favored them. You'll like them just as well as the stars do. M. Leigh Sheep Co. WOMAN'S WEAR Fash ion Ne ws Notes J'ari*. Oct. 22. '-The ??vcuin ? frtn-k made up lamely of lull** i* in hi:h favor at nt. (?ft? -. -Ibi*. tvi"' of froc '.i ha-.-, a t li i. bodic-- ??f xattn or in?tal tlolh. ri'ucliiiiK hflow ih<( liFrom this |m>iiM the dri'M is liltfd- U|i of lull?- tlounc?-*. l,oiitl?>n. Oct. 22.? The topper ?the hlKh nllk hat ??f iiihii h for mal wardrobo?I* now on the fftiilnin*- hi-ad. OI halter'? plush, tlila creation ha* a havil and flat c??caul of rlbhon. N?*w York. Oct. J3 .^iiav. fs ? h m to bo "In" tor another >*???? on" Tli??v com?- from Italy ami China nuw, at li'iiftt an oft??n a* t^'ui Sjiain. and tin* now? M one* u;?* ?'iiibroi(t?'rcth only in our cor n. k Voi k. ni i nijii-K anil. brown, th?- umarl colors >u.?^ now. i ur" cW?-i ly rombtn?>r1 In a pull- * i n hat of black felt. Tblw bun a j PHONE 114 ... Standard Pharmacy THEY WILl SEN D IT ?<1r ?! i*t to,, ubd bofTum by c nar i ?v band i-f jmle brown rabbit fur. * ?** Winter Coats That Affirm McCabe's Dominant Style Leadership Every fxprrNH brings recruit* to t lie* rank- of >!??< ah?*\ prut (!out <li*plnv. -Always a lentler-in-offering thr-fineat ?garment? al tin* fairest posilile price*. Tlie*e h(iii<lsome fur-trimmed (loaltt of ItiMirioiiH fabric are worth coming to nee?if not to Iiuv. McCabe & Grice THE BUSY STOHK STORE SINCE 189? m Specials for Thursday and Friday Wp liavp jusl rwivfil 11 ?hipnimi of C.oim Ii iiik! Sofu (lllnh ioim in Tafffla Vplour, Tnppttlry uml nthrr mulrriulti in u variety of HlylpH uml sizpB. For lack of spucc lo carry thrxp good* unci display lliPin prop prly wr will ?pil for two data, Tluirwluy and Friday, ul p\pp4>dingly '? low pricm. Sep thpm parly aH ihprp arp no duplicate*. Fowler & Company You Can Scarcely Believe It The way thai now type pan heater hImmiIh tin- ray* of heat aero?* the door and warm* you through and through in*lnntly. Rut you ran find onr at onr office. And you'll way it'* the moat wonderful heating devirr you ever ?aw. Stop in today, Mire; we'll l>r proud to *how it to you. C Southern Gas Imp't Co. I. T. STAI.I.INGS. Manager. "If it'n done with lieat, you enn do ft beHrr with gat."

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