STATES FACE MANY ISSUES ^RV .; ?' Voters on November 1 v...i< ... r (idf in Addition to the ? Presidency. voters of the country go to the polls 'November 4 their principal City, from a national *tand point, be to re*later their choice lor president and vice-president. In ^Pigy states.. they wt4- i-j" tuxUi'J tfpon to choose new state offi cials, but in nearly uli they will bto asked to express their approv *> or disapproval of pt^tvosml state constitutional amendments | iipi ? variety of uthcr propoul tlons referred to the people uy trie ?Ute If gi.slut uren. ?''. Adjusted compensation or aid f&r veterans of the World War m\u be voted upon In severa] TWO a?rt" in some' in-oamw ther aaterans of thy Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrer- | Hon are_ included. v. hit" i it on-* 'the quesMon takes In the v*fffahs of the Civil. War ?V^Qrlda may .become the haven the wealthy If the voters of _j?nt state approve a proposed :m?f0mtiont?4 ? - amend wcni xtdctd provide? that the slat?* shall levy no tax on Inheritances or income*. It .would offer a little further en MWragemcnt to residenc e lh That-j ?tat* by providing exemption from taxation to heads or families j ?a household Roods and personal | effects up to $500. '''"?"H"'1 ""Mill '?? in a position to embark In the gtcatn ?hlp business with a state-owned line If the voters approve a. pro poaed bond issu** of $H.BOO.000. Of the amount $7.000,uuo would ?e available to eslanTI Ti terminal h and the remainder to bo used, if necessary, to establish tka atatp-owned steamsliin line. Aid to World War veterani In es tablishing homes by loans of not, more than $2,500 to each veteran jroui4 be available if another proposed bond Issue if $2.000,000 is Approved. I .Compensation or aid to vet erans wot Id he provided by con stitutional amendments or r.-fer ppdum questions in other states ?# follows: Alabama would ex nipt ?II former service men of tba arlhy. navy and marine corps from paying poll tax; Kansas .Would recognize the services of Veterans In t.h<j Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection and jKbua. relief expedition with a ?Dispensation at t lie rate of $1 a day for each day of service, the Klnniui to any rHTan-to~Jjo_ i0; , Louisiana would Increase ions to Confederate veterans; Rjland and ..Montana would vide aid or adjusted cotnpeu 1, the question In the latter depending upon the coin pen aijiendment being carried: [6n would extend the provi of the soldier bonus aiuend to female residents of the ;e who were engaged In the department during the World and tO veterans of the Span Meri can War; Colorada, ad Jueted compensation for vternns the World War, SpttBlsh-Ampr^ War, Philippine Insurrection the Civil War; Texas would 'd the privilege of pensions ?U Confederate veterans and lows of Confederate veterans [o moved to tho state prior to T, 1910. The present 11ml From Broadway?to Schoolroom Hazel Voice* iv->ear old Now Orlcnn? dancer, mad?: good on Broadway For two years ?!?*? danced with Zlegfeld'a Follies But now sh*- ha* turned her back on the hrlght lights and gone- back home She tr going to enter college Here ?he I* a* the Follies girl and a* the co-cd Prodigy Mnry Willi? or* nontH-mw, Wi*.. learned to mile tilt- ?ilphulwl, cuuni to &0 mid do a IK 11?- r? ;nling mid writinu when wh?- wm a y?ftf told.? Now. nt ihf ukc of I a. sh?.- iM .i fresh - man at Northland College. Auhtk/ld. Wl* Mary want* to t** a Kyiiiiiumum teacher when ?he uruwit up. tat ion ~of rivnlrtCh? e Ta January 1. 1900. .South Carolina end Georgia np pu? v ni 1/ . r #,??* t In k too much atnt? Icglxlution, and in both the vote; ? i ;i ' 1 lo approve con lori.fl "al.i?'ii(ltnentfi providing for biennial icisions of the login lain rca I nut cud of the annual ?os llo&ii uh at pre&ont. Tli? question of legi?lutlng out of i'*lstc tiro aH private und paro chial th'.oln will come before the vote r . of and Washing ton. In the former it Is proposed as a constitutional amendment, while- In \Vushlngton it I* put be fore, the people tut an Initiative nranure. and propones to clone all prlval? .?chogU tO CftlMten iiinlwr IV years of Age. In that, state li would affect schools conducted by 11?** Uwman Cat hoi lea, Lutherans. . ?Episcopalians and Seventh Day Adventlsts. as well as numerous _ military academies for boys and ""private schools for girls. A similar passed in Oregon was declared unconstitutional by the federal district Court of Appeal?. The case then , was taken to. the Supremo Court of the Cnlted StateB. which is expected finally to determine the question of con stitutionality at the term which was convened this month. California will go into the pow i cr -business on an extensive scale PNEUMONIA Call a phymlciaa. Th?n begin "emergency" treatment with X/ICKS PHONE 1 14 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT ON YOUR BIIITHDAY Svnd Your Mother Flotrcri KYAN FLORAL CO. Inc. if the voter* approve a proposal t j hit ve in- governor appgiai & board to develop Hit dtitHbK*'' water and ? Metric en-r*y and to Issue I300.u00.000 worth of bonds to further the projects. Questions affecting alien^ ar? to be vot**d upon In California and Nevada. The former would put a poll tax on every male inhabi tant uf the state ior euucationa: purposes, exempting persons pay ing real or property tax. In Ne vada it is proposed to repeal that portion of the state constitution which guarantees to aliens the came rights as to native born cit izens in respect to the possession, enjoyment and ownership of prop erty. Arizona and California voters 'will dweido two questions of- In terest to the sporting -fraternity. The former would provide for the creation of a state racing commls* Hlon and authorize the operation of pari-mutuul betting machine.? In Arimnn California, which in the past has be.-n the scene of ma ny championship ring contests, now limits bouts to four rounds. It Is proposed to create u state atbl* thf commission and to wrestling JHTil boxing bbUrs "TnT" prizes or purses, the boxing bout* to bo limited to 12 rounds. IKhcr proposals will bu voter! upon as follows. Kentucky, for a $50.000.000 bond issue to complete the state's primary roud system. Mississippi, to levy Income, sev Tranre--n-ml-excise-taxes. Montana, to repeal law provid ing for special primary election usually h-'ld in?May, of _ general election years, to select candi dates for presidents and vice president. , (Nebraska, to provide for nomi nation by direct primary of can il'iln n fur I'lilt...! Stiit <-?? aenator. irpresentatives In Cougress and state and county elective officers Oregon. to provide that all vo ters must read and write the Eng lish language; u> xi;pca.]?inrunic In.? law.; In muljp cnmpulimry ap plication nf workmen's compensa tion law. $S!000,000 as staters share for completion of vehicular tunnel under the Hudson river between Jersey City and New York, and the Delaware river bridge be tweou Camden and Philadelphia. Arizona, for a bond issue of $5,SOO.OOO for a paved highway from Phoenix to Blyhte. Cal. Massachusetts, to doclde wheth er the state shall favor an amend ment to the federal constitution prohibiting the1 employment of children In Industry; w)?ther the daylight saving law stifcll be continued In operation; whether the word "male" shall be atrlck Upside Dowft Charles Allensworth of Galenbuifc. tit.. has |)imwl that tiees Win gr6i? upside down. EIkM years afro he uprooted a aapllnjc wltto a four Inch trunk and replanted It with roots In the air and branches In the soil. The -tree ? thrived vary ilrat unJ -he-tried \h* (-?pertinent with another and with the rame success. Except for the gnarled condition of the root aerttonr t lie appearance of the tro? abova ?vould not be unnaturol. cn fro rnthe statutes in order that women shall be eligible to hold stale, county or municipal offices on an equal basis with men; whether the state shall adopt a state prohibition enforcement act. FOR QUICK LUNCH Roiled Ham, Pranks, Chipped Beef. All I'orks. Breakfast Bncon. Luncheon. Cream Cheese, Swiss Cheeae, Lettuce, Celery. CALL <193 OK 697. You can get what you want to cat. It. I?. GAKItKTT BOYEK S ZlNC-SOOT4)ESTK()YEi< Cleans %?"Furnaces Heating Stoves, Cook Sloven, Boilers, Pipes, Slove Pipe* ond Chimney*?clean a* new NO WORK ?NO DIRT ? NO 01 OR Simply Place on Be4>?f Hot Coula and Ojien Drafts All thu MKit U quickly turti<-<l int'i a M-h;, white, powdery n*h that poioies up (bd chiiODcy. i DIHTItl lll'TORM J. H. AYDLETT HARDWARE CO. KLIZAIIETH CTTT, NORTH CAROLINA So It Stays Thl? plitQf ?U*nU* in-4hv-mukUv-vL the sidewalk in Itroud mroct. Au Kuatu. Ga., and thousands . walk around it every day??all beeuute ar> itinerant preacher nnxlo :i yeniy am. thai thr m-isnn W the pillar would l?e. utrur-k by lightning It Is from-the ruin* n! it market house which the . tiirrn i preacher pridicted wo^!J l>e de ' atroyed by u cyclone. And it w.v ~ 1 dftrojuH hy :? i .nj!ij!:v? * IN V Elf r TOUR SAVINGS IN SAFE BONDS Bee u?' for fall Information INDUSTRIAL BANK EL DALLO CIGARS Sold by londlnir iliOCKKS AND PHARMACIES D. R. MORGAN & CO. whoi.ksam: <;itoct:iis Qmck 22HM. All the ruffering in the world won't cure Pp'n makes mott w o r s e and sometimes brings on further disorders, A DR. MILES' fitfcPow Fills stop the pain and give nature a chance to work a cure. Mrs. vSherifi Sixtn-n v fars of school teachi ne pre Mm il<hia Aktira fortfat lif?? of a sheriff in Shannon county. Mo Sh? yhlrU none of the duties of h?r office. ir rearing law violator? nT nil ?*r?5 ~v?n come into th* hIHe to rail inoonnhlri? distilleries Beginning Tuesday This storr will close., from 10 to IX a. m. for the Ham-Ramsay reviv M. P. Gallop Co. Phones 3 and 57 YOUR BLOOD With organic iron-?Nuxated Ir on -it'? lik?* fh" Iron in your blood and the iron 4nupluach, len tils uml it?will not blacken or injure the teeth nor upH?;t the Btomacb. Entirely di(Ter*-nt from ni. talli?- lr?n. It qafekly h^I put strength into ycur mui?clc8 and color into your chei'kH. . Oct your doctor to make your red blood count today, then take >^ux sit< <i iron for a few weeks ar.d! watch your red blood eorimweten^ Increase; nee how much pprvr and richer your blood become*; howl much Mron^er and belter you feel; what a dlffcr-nee it mak"? in your neives. Millions ef je-o-, f?l" annually are uciuu .\u\;ut-d Iron. Yoi:r money will b? refund ed If you rio not obtain natidfac tory r-Hult*. In tablet form only. At all dru?i;istE. SBBBBSBB?! .al*!?* To the Boy or Girl that-will bring the greatest number~ot the above picture to Zoeller's Studio between now and Ito vember 1st will be given, a nice KODAK. ZOELLER'S Studio o"ver First * cmmm National Bank. ? '* r ?H Weak Nervous and run-down," writes Mrt. Edith Sellers, of 46f. ff.* 21st St. East St Loui* % "I couldn't Bleep nights..,! was bo restless. I felt tired and not in eonditton to de uiy wurk- 1 would hare such pains in my stomach' that I was afraid I would get'dows-te bed. . ."'Mf* mother camo to see me and suggested that 1 use CARD I) I The Woman's Tonic I felt better after my flr?< bottle. I had a better ! appetite. It seemed to strengthen and build me up. I mm so glad to recom mend Cardul for what If did for me. I haven't needed any medicine sine* 1 took Cardul, and I am feeling fine." Nervousness, restless* nras. sleeplessness?-theaei symptoms so often are Um result of a weak, run-doprp condition, and may velop more seriously If not treated in time. Take Cardul. everywhere. EX ?7 <?*!. r If not | 666 is a prescription for :A>?' Colli*, (lrlp)M>, Henri itrhi**. CountIjMitlon? It is the most speedy rHin**4y we know. ' YOU'LL LIKE THE CONVENIENT ARRANGEMENT OF THE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ?CLASSIFIED ~&?>VERTISING I Daily advance ? it CLASSIFIED RATES I | Thb ?Ice typo (8 point), one k '??nt a word each lur rtlon; minimum 25 cents, on- time: ff cents week; ID word*. C -??dins a t, Ave rent p a Word per week. Twenty cent* r per month?In advance. | White apace and para I graphed ada, SO centa an Inch. Copy muat be In the office 6 p. m. day before lnaer WiaJ01 I Wanted ? 7p Bujj f ANT TO BUY YOUR HRKI> Doc Parry or D. C. Perry oct l-30np For Sale >N F'AKMKKs - A I ntork of May Pea banket < Now and bright. Tina on that fit. flpenrc-llollowell kny or 2S-29npd AAi/K?liAIU.l; < HltVHAV. um? Apply to Mrs. J. I), halt. tO ft Locuit alroot. i *48-J. 23-242f.ii;> HAI/K POR|> RO.W> Irick In *?<xl cftadltlon. a p for cm h WE Wood. H?nt?f oc ll-llnp 01 \ WITH svc in comll'.i n. Tlons onsibl.' f r carh. Phono 177-W. oct .21-27-jitl FOR HAIR ? HA l/MM Y FARM Nlxonton townnhlp. 35 acrcn cl?- rn;i i , timber land. O xwl ?oil .* t* ! W. K. Dun-i *?ta if. 20- Httiton 1-ldg. oct 2r-.'crp - - I ran nxi ? imi i\ (....m cond'? :i nch stool. Rea sona C; II r m 102 Southern Hotel. oct22.2S.24np NO. I5?l. VMM A NT APART mout?Hose hi. price right, rents w?li. (lilt r y. Invetm.nt. Must sell. Don*i il?'ny. I'hnpe .106. Car oline) I: r Kitutr, Hint on Bldg.. Kllznbrtli City. oct 22-no4ttp FOR RAU6 ? LAROR WHITK and yellow # hryminihcnuimA, ex tra I- nc stotn. Mrs. Chaa. Sr.nd-| er?. lfunlor strort, Phono; 3S? \V. oct 20-nolnp FOR HA F F?ONE AND TWO year Ford storage bat t orle* % 14.96. Look us up before buy-j Itiff. Recharging and repairing. Davis Cl'irnge. Phone 486. 20-25 VIDIAN FOR MAMC ? HALF nl>o. Suitable for child from six to ten yenrs of uge. Unusually good quality. In fIrnt clasa con dition. Apply at Advance office. I FOR RAMC ? DRY AND ORVCBN wood, froah grocerl**. beef and moat. Phone 679-W. Meekln* Market. - tfnp FOR HALF ? MX I'VCR CF.Nt r#al ??stat?* mortgage bonds for tafe invoHtmcnt? Industrial 'Inn k tf VOR *AI K ? TKN MIARF> Carolina Rankla* A Tru?t Con i>any stock Addrcm box 171 ft! FOR HALF? riv? H. P. C3KN oral .Klectril motor I? good rui ning order Pflr? 17*. Apply ? b tartness of flee, The Advanee tf | Sl>. too. HPI.KNDID RKHIDKN(Y. THE OLD HOME TOWN PC n ?W^~zrT?\K' tHsWSFa# 'i'i'M *3t / pa^A&C i iv?/^Sjtt) | '?* ? ori i ??-?. / ***j? Jr - B I #*3 i .mo t h in?, v ??V? -w ?*??fc , ?o as Oo?rtc-| . 440 WHi%* 6,ST+,r I I * pahacc i >-S O.P CAWT .'jS\v **<? no/ ?> I ,? 'AD8.I , OV? BAS.' , W?UM1 VJBCTM CAHCXOAT^ *o? f?er,^w 11 ?*0*Cit,ft. >Ng.*EC> C* Imo ?tuTiCAw ?<.?*? or ^T?r-? ^ J"?*5?O -?M? ICCA,. AOvi-OWafe? . ^ CANOtf/AT# O T 6 < 8x Bull iui. r>?? V^.OTK?*. ft.C. Tfr+fpftHT ?aY?*" *?*??? for aale?^North Elliott atrest. Prlca right. Dont mln bargain Phone 30?. Carolina Real Butate., Hlnton DM*., Klliabtth City, oct 22-nv4np. Merchandise MATTRnWFX HENOVATKO OR (o order, (hair* rrhotlomrd npli! oak or pr?aard, rot Mnttre.iA Company. oc JJ-Mpd HIH>R HI'WnAW??1 no to $7.00 Satin pump? (I.CO to ?10.00. Hnr lajr'a brown Oxford* 17. SO. Gallop * Toxey 8hoa Co. oeil-I7np t*t ovH xin cRiHpr mii.k loaf broad. Hot rolla and brand o?af1 nfttrnoon at ?.??. Cfi w right'? Bakery. octlStf A. B. HKRIiEY A BQX ARK |TW loadlng thla weak thro? hundred and eleven barrel* nln> pre??n cabbage. IS basket* nartlett'a and It baskets necklet. Plenty apples, orange?, lemon?, grape fruit and banana?. Phon<> f>|. oc 13tfnp Miscellaneous I.KT I'S HI RDIVIDK A\n SRt.l, jour Urn i n d city prottflty. Phone 80?. Carolina Rul ??|?to i Co.. Hlnton Bulldlat. KllSlfcth City. ocl.21-nov.Kipl POR AUVKRTIMNO OM *H1* ??!*>. t?l*phon? MIm Blount M Business Doubled "Sales on my Hloragr hiitleries dciulilnl during the work that I inserted an ad vertisement in your 'For Sale' tnlntnn." These pre the word* of a loeal battery dealer who nay* he will" use the* classified section every day in the Advance Classified Ads WILL BRING IN Bl^iNfcSS Thrt Advance offlt?, Phoae 357. tf fTO.OO KKWAIU) ANI> NO 91'FM n?kr<! for the return or In formation l?adlni to ih<> recovory of fur ctial ta); n from the buck of dolino on Pennsylvania Are. Inst Friday night. oet21np NKW At TO PAINT SHo|n?-1JKN Alexander, proprietor, nt Grlggs Forhe* old fltaml, Broad ?treot ex tended. oet1S-24p IlKNT HKCKIITHs POOH HAV Infta?L?t on uh build your houw on your lot. Raiiy payments. I.Ike rent . Tou are bound to ea*;e. Can not lote. Phone 301. Carolina Reel Rotate Co., Hlnton Rulldlag, ?llxtbrth City. oet 21-&oSnp Me' (UM gl KU RFRVICK C?ll at Ik? City Market DkHwr ?kop J not terou Ik* (tract from (hf City Market nrit to D. R. Mor gan. Orocer. Two flrat claaa bar ber*. Havo your cloth?? pressed while yon wait Alt *u >h ni.n*> 6c. Jaine* A. Jihiiu-iQ Propria i tor. oet l?-23pd IiKT I'M MOT YOl'R FARM and city property?Private aale. Phone 306 < nrollna Real Estate Co., Hlpton Ruildlng. Ellaaboth City. oct Sl-nolnp HMO K KKPAIIUNG AT A PRICK to fit. your ahoe. W. F. Williini. f'hona 76?. T 1 Jtfnp NOW 18 TMK TIMK TO CIJSAS up and paint up. frank M Mitchell. practical painter and paper hangar, 4 20 Weat Gharry ?treat. oct oo?np ATTKHTIOX FARMMriT -i- A Urge atock May pti btaketa 12c. NfW (ind bright. Tin? on topa, that fit. Spence-Hollowell Com pany. oct 9-22np .Axxnr\fiaiHxi-==_j>K. v. u. Flnck has returned from his ra catlon and In auain ready for bur in om. oct.21,22.S3-pd SHOK ItKPAIIllNO. \\: <\\M, for and deliver. W. V. \VIII,"?ir... Phone 767. ? FAHT FRKIOITT ^M? I'AHfMvN ger nervier* lo i from Norfolk. Patroplre hovi" rrt rprUfr. Nor fo!k-J . ' > i I.In? . Inc.. Steamer oct C-tfnp f AT \T THi: I.IMIKN ? HOMK ?ts promptly sirred at popular price? Entrance Martin street, oct 1 tfnp. TUB KAOI.1Q ('AFT, ? RAW ? ooked the American way. Special dinner dally. Home made pie?. C. B. Ire?, proprietor. tfnp BUY HTOCKB AND DONW from uh ?n Weekly and Monthly paymontt. The Industrial Bank tfftp. BEFORK TOU TRY TO H try the best?The Busy Uee Special dinner COc. PHONE 2MO FOR <UCAltt*<) and proKflliM. Work done promptly a?d in good shape, tf* RliROnUCAIi (*)XTHAfTI NO and repairing. Wo treat you right. I). Kay Kramer Phone 216. oct 1 tfnp. Specul Noticcs VOTHK TO THK I? I III.1? ?MY jUinno Htimtitr la now ?m j unci not 711-W. 8(111 ha?f Irurk? ?for hire. J. W Tnt'hlnort. 8 William drmt or M-atnd ?OTIIIK^HK ItO.MtD OF Coluyr Comntaslonora of Pasquo tank Ooatr will m?et In th? Court Houar la Elliabcth Cltr at t O'tloek P- ?> . on Saturday, Oe- j tober 25. 132". to -cobshlac the question ' t ref r nflttni i Native to Wclfur ? Offirar. Homo Peraona lratnr and Farm Dcmouatfj^SI AH p.TS'(4!3' r I l|||| II! llflUljWTi r.-fyrcnduiil nre requested to be present for dlscuimlon of amid question. October 20. 1924. N. DUH FOOT.' Chairman. County Commissioner?, oct. ? ?0"' and Found FAJIMXRS!?I'HK THUI 1'ACE for selling your product*. Ank those who have triad It. , tf Opportunities Ai iK vor ha* k ixxr ok THttKk hundred dollar? will build. houM and you may pay for It w??klJ. Phone .10?, Carolina Real Ettatf C'o . Hlnton Building, fclliaMth Clly. oc^21-nor.'J-np For Rent FOB IU5NT?A HOI'HK 03* 1 getu street. Apply to C. I*. ttor rleette. Phone S4S-W. FOR IUC.NT?APA Bel Air ApArtmenta. Elliott St... Areola h#et . Apply nax?^>r to Apartmet^a. oe[^yU]3p. FOR RRNf? HOIHR oCSPbAR Ktreet occupied by (^Iwyy. flood. Apply Cnrollna RBI Kn tate Company. 4th floo?/Hlnton Building. FOR KlfiNT ? TURKS 4, ntuhed room*, t?t floor1 ( Martin ? treat. Phone Ir O0I lUfnp. TWO BOOM H FOR horn* near huNlneee taction, ply Phone l? W. ocl

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