.LVOL. XIV, FINAL EDITION. . - - J ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBKK 2.1. K?2fc SIX PARKS? NO. 264i ^Hundreds Come Forward At Very First Invitation nfquiry Kooni nt Big I'ine Temple C.rowtled Kiiilay Night W hen Kvuugelist Ham Ank? Those (jinrrnird Ahout Salvation to Meet Him in After Meeting Lite the rush of pout up wat ers when the flood gate ha* been lifted, a throng of youug people, old people and nilddli-" u k**U iM^o Pio-.streamed down fhc airde* oi | Ham-tUiiiiun lute i night to shuke the cvangeliat'? hand and pass into the Inquiry I Vllull? when'M. P, RlBI,"tlOV I lng the close of the third wo*-k of ! | hla evangelistic campaign hero.! extended his ftrat invitation of the meellnK to those concerned about - their salvation to come forward and meet him In pn after-service where h<> could point tlieiu to j ? !Uhfl .yqij. -Ihf truth and i he light.' It wan to these earnest inqtiir in the smaller auditorium at Vile bark of the rout runi that the /evangelist preached the last pa it | of Friday night's sermon. There wuh no urging or plead ing prior to the invitation, and While it wan being extended there were no "personal workers"* I weaving their way in and out in the conKr?'RaUoli Yet In "a ron flbdal faaf-movlng StTesm *nrt with an earnest expectancy writ-' ? ten on every face the inquirer* responded and-so promptly that within four or Ave minut?* hun dreda had ahaken Mr. Hatn'a hand and passed Into the sanctuary hack of the rostrum. Xot All Shall Know "To aome It la not given to i know the mysteries of the King* dom," aald the evangelist, "bul only to the earnest and penitent and humble seeker after truth who is willing to lay aside all pre conceived notions and conceits and accept the truth as it Is re vealed by God's Spirit. It is these whose hands I now want to shake and to whom I want to give the last part of my message tonight. **8ome of you who fancy your selves so wise and modern and versed in all the learning of your age arc utter fools in God's sight. Why if all your brains were dyna mite there wouldn't be enough to blow your nose." . X4MUK that.aulckaaas with whlcfc the speaker turns to his account gpy unusual circumstance occur ring during the sermon was Been when the Are alarm sounded Fri day night. j* Ir ~pcc0T*r m ytwr my .^xrere oh alert In answering H In ?call us are the members of the Are department in answering that alarm you'd see your city saved overnight. Hut as it it the sin ners are likely to go to hell be fore you get revived yourself Never has Kllzabeth City se? n any such manifestation of interest ?t a religious service: but never, on the other hand, has there been an evangelical message more quietly delivered or with greater freedom from any taint of sensa tionalism. Not quite so large as that of Thursday night, when the congre gation was swelled by the attend ance in a body of Pasquotank Tribe No. 8. improved Order of Red Men. and by a large delega tion from the-elty schools. Friday night's crowd nevertheless num bered close to 4.000 and was the largest week ulglit audience with the exception of that Thursday night How to Get the Mone> An interesting announcement from Chorister Ramssy in his talk Just prior to the ofTerlng was that collections to date on the expenses of the campaign amounted to leas than $1800. whereas expenses will run up to around 15.000. the bill for lumber and local labor alone on the tabernacle being 000. Mr. Katnaay again mad?* his proposition for those who were wIllInK to contribute a dollar on the campaign within the next week to stand. "You women stand up too." lie urged when response from the men seemed somewhat slow. Tell gpour husband that you want a dollar for the Ham-Kamsay meet mk. Kiss him and he'll give It to you." "He doean't know how hard it is to get a dollsr out of my hus bahd." a cynical young matron wss heard to remsrk. Mr. Itamsay's appeals for flnsn cisl support for the meeting have not grated on the tabernacle audi ence. hut. on the contrary, the Cf>ngr? gut ion puts on a broad smile as soon as Ramsay begins to talk. He has his Joke for ev ery occasion, and the one last night was at Mr. Ham's expense. "Three or four people." he ?Sid. "have told Ham that he In handsome and he has got so he believes It. Now any number of people would not bo able to fool me like that. I keep a mirror In m i room and I would not hare a rfenm without one A mirror is a gr*st thing to keep down man's conceit " So he rambles on while the uiht-r* are passing the collection elites snd any thrusts at the site of tfic offering have been tipped such friendly good humor soy one who might hsvo he? n .-_?~>scd to take offense hs? not Uen able to feel sure thst the |/'cgker wss really serious . Hot Out for Monet iJJJUmsay talks like he doesn't ? flg whether Elisabeth City SHOW THE lmiTISH Blfi LK.\m fc HASKBALL London. Oct. 25.?Tho Now ' York GltulK and t hi' Chicago I Whitu Sox in tluir sifond exhibi tion Kaine in Kn^kind gave sever-> al thotiHuiid IiritlMh fans a r?*al' demonstration of bit; IruKin* base ball >-???(vrday. the GlinU winning ( the yam? in the ninth by a 3 to 2 soure. SEC Y WALLACE IS 'Br Tb? Amoo*' 4ary Wallace was said this after noon to he "very low," Hi;? physi rlun said he was "just barely alive." Washington. Oct. 25/-Shortly ? be for?' noun physicians mi id Sec- | retary Wallace's condition '"could i hardly In* ei*?r?? - mu i s vorabl*-'- ^ w recovery. There is still slight hope. Init hi* has b?M:n unconscious since early today and t Ik* poisoning ap pears to have npi'-ad to nil parts RI'SSIAN CIIARC.K MAKES PROTEST rnf T^-T?tWf - - ? ? 5 London/- -oe^ efv?**ttrHtian : Itakovsky. Sovi* t Kussian charge d'affaires nt huidon, today ?;ent a ; strong?pr~iUeTin?4mr of flee. characterizing j?s "obvious [forgery" the propnqandistie -letter allegedly signed by I'r* stdeiil /in ovlefl of tin* Third International** I which was app?-nd?d to the pro test against alleged Kussian pro paganda in Great ltiitain submit :ted yesterday by the foreign office to Kakovsk>. FIND NO TRACE OF JAMES AND WIFE , Norfolk. Oct. 25 ?r Though heavily arin?*d posses continued I their search no trace yet t?as been found of Ftank James and his wife, who disappeared after t James invaded the home or his ? wife's parents, shot her brother and father and carried her forc ibly away. IIKI.lt KOU Mt ItllEM Richmond. Oct. 25 Milton Hlackman whose Wife died last uight from wounds inflicted dur ing the mysterious shooting last Friday at the home here. \*:is at on a warrant charg-' ing murder and moved to tin* city Jail. Hlackman wan also wound ed and claims that his wife allot him. The inquest is to b<- held today. Hlsckmnn was formerly a resident of Hulaula, Alabamr.. COTTON FOBECAST Washington. Oct 25.?Cotton production this year was today forecast at 12.(?75.000 hales as compared with 12.499,000 bales of a fortnight ago and a crop of 10.13!?.??I bales Inst year. The quantity of cotton ginned prior to October IX was announc ed aH 7,600.ft3f> running bales as compared with 6.400.391 to that dat?* last year. Tl'Ci AIIM A\l> IIAMMKK Dili NOT PANN JKN.MK It "The tug Arm and Hammer was III North Landing It 1 v#?r at the upp?r end of i'urrltuck Sound on Wednesday night." says Tap tain M. Hughes, master of the vessel I. in reply to the suggestion that his tut: pass?-d the Jennie It, Highway Commission launch, when the "latter vessel was grounded near the mouth of th** Alligator Khcr. without noting the launch's distress signal. The Arm and Hammer Is owned by Sellgtnan. Williams ? Itall. pays for the expenses of this meeting or not.'' said somebody in the audience last night. Mr Ham preached to a large congregation at the tabernacle this morning on "The Assurance of Salvation." His topic tonight will be "The Devil's pence." 1 The sermon last nlglit: I know of no important ques tion about whirh there is less conccrn today ihan the matter of soul's salvation Th? blindness and indifference of the vast ma jority of people today toward their eternal welfare is appalling; but there is a reason and we find it clearly stated in t ho words of our text: "There Is a way that fteenieth right" and many torlay are resting in the assurance of a glorious eternity because they are following In the way that "ieemeth" right to them. # So tonight- wa want to. note , *ome of the??, ways that seem right to men. yet end In death. Klrst w?* notice that th"re In a _ right way and we arc safe In starting on the premise that liglll Is right and ?II else is wrong Ok. hut you say. "Brother Mam, you are dogmatic." Well, suppose I rome into your store tojuoinc butter and 1 telhyou that I sin cerely believe that there are 20 ounces in a pound Will you ac crpt my scale of weight In sell tng me the butter? "No you will not for there li a right scale of weight and JLOl Insist that I iMdl by It. 8uppose I come to buy Continued on page 4 ? Washington. Oct. 25.?S?*cre? tary Wallace lout ground during |h?* ntgbt ill Mm light a^aluHt |n\f ini.i poisoning which M-t In yes terday uft?*r a d operation lust wwk fur removal of his appendix and Kail bladder. . l>r. Joel Itoone | old Inquirer* 11?I* morning that hln patient's condition wun "critical" and "not as favorable a* last nlelit." Imt In* wa i ??nl ill liop?>firt." IMtYS WIN KI.ICniON To m n 16, Oct. 25.---Ueturns from practically ull sub-el?*cllon prrrmrtn show that the dry a itave n nmjurtty of nearly 4o ooo nviir tin- Wets. Ill? vol** belli k in favor of retaining die temperance art. ( t HH11 Li li I AX AI'PHALti WHKX IUI>K MIST WO It. .1 Nomi', Currltnek Count*-, noted an appeal win-.i nn?d 5"" and runts for operating an auto mobile while under the Influence >if liquor, in police court Saturday. Tin* alleged offense occurred Wednesday. Mr. Mors?* nil limit ted to a cl|arg?? of operating his car with open cutout ami paid a fin?* of f.ri ?ml cunts. !.em Corbet t. colored, for d?'? stroying properly and aasaitlt on liiri wite wan I? t off undor sus pended sentence of Ibree months on the roads on payment of rOKts in recorder"? court Thursday. TRUSTEES EXPEL IM'MUlR seniors Clemson College, 8. C.. Oct. 2!?. ?Twenty-thr#e member* of th?* senior class at Cletnton CnlleKe Hi-nlorn and 10? Junior? wen sus pended for the remainder of the scholastic year for participation in laHt wink's walkout by the hoard of trustee which made public Its action laut ni?bt after flv?* days' Investigation. Tin* privileges of a number of sophomore* and frishmen Htii dents were curtailed. The disinis s;iI of It. 1". Holohsn. preside tit ??f tin* senior class, wa? upheld and the d?-uiand for employment of u matron for Hie mess hall 1? under cr.nsldwrat Ion. Family Race Mro. Cuthfrtn? OTtrten' (above) li cnmpnlsrnlnji i?nlQ;t h?r hu?bani (J* low) for the Job of ?horlff of HL I'rola county. Wit. If ?Weird. Mm. O brhi piotnlo#* to Appoint hor fcu* Uifid chfcf deputy. "Cl??t)?r hotnei And to* cAuf" Ii her t-nijxUfS j HKRE IS TRAGKDY SHIP Till* in H?o sci.uiu?ru.m r Tr< nton ftvuilnu in tlu? lai?.>*t navy alon off C'h|i?- H'l.ty. nfflfir iin<l t mi won \mt<- .*ill?-?l cutiiuhi h ml ii kc?i?- injur?'?!. 1'iaiiy ?>1 wIioim ?!l? d lutcr Tin* I?IhM, tiivurrhiK ?luriuK t:ir^'t |?rartlr*\ \r.-;s in tlir fiirwanl iwln kuii mount niul nulio room. Ii Ih Im'Ui .'ciliV 1hh*ii ?:m:???! I?y u ll.uvliark In hi oii?> <?( -liUi-MlX-IUClt fclllkft, . . HANDSHAKE MAY MEAN HARMONY Jam?'* Stilliiian Ally Kill?' lor^ivr.-. V. ilr l.niifr KiUiiiffli to Srr - tligh ter Mai*ri???l. l\S KUW MAItMIAI.I. (Ohi?*|Mi - M4, Br Tht A<hw( New York. Oc.. 26. A hand shake does uot iwaii so much? usually. You shake bauds with most anyone wli.u you are Intro duced umt whnn you ir.uei tor ihn second or five huu.lrciirh time. Hut OHO of tin*:-.1 ?.linn hand shakes has Manhattan l?y the ilirout today. The cliy i* agog-? ii's wealthy- Club men excitedly discussing over .*igur? Sn their ex rluMve meeting pluces, Its vocltty folk "Just woml' ring" ai dimiei panics and in hushed wliisin?r:; between acta at th. theaters. it* , scandal laouKciR o|ienl> debating ?as they read (lie new spaper* or. the dully trip.' in and from ilowu town. For that handclasp. shared ? last Aiiiutiluv by Mt nnn *nr . Jainrn Stillnuui at the wedding of their daughter. Anno, may mean a peace In the ?iillninn"s trouble.I family life. It may mean the tinal death ??f the scandal Jam trie.I in (ril the world a hour .Guy. the youugeit Siillman. being the son of Fifi an.I Kred Ibae ' vais. an Indian guide, and the other scandul which linked Sjill man's nr.me with that of Flo , Leeds. act res?. A reconciliation! The word rang through 'New York after the. flying of (lie nuptial Icnei l< twwn Ann Hi III ntan and ll'-nry I*. Davidson, when for the first time since the opining of the s??n satlonal Stillman case, James Stlllman crossed the threshold of his homf. Mondanne. at l'hasant ville. N. Y.. and shook Hand* cordially with his erf I while wit?-, i With her. lie <? n t ert allied the vast throng ?>f invited guests, smiling and chatting with her and with ? them as In t h?* days before the trouble "came. A formal truce between James Btilltnan and Ills wife! With drawal of all 1? gal proceedings to obtain a reversal of the conn order grunting lor divorce and recognizing the legitimacy of their youngest ion. Itreakfust shared by husband and wife at ' Mondanne before the wedding ccreinony. Cordiality unbounded between the two. auguring n complete reconciliation, the pa per* cried at the cc/dinony. "I have nothing to sny ' said 'Jam's A. Hiillman. "I liuve not the romoScM Idea ' says OuterhridgM Horsey, his law yer. "Whatever is for the children's beat will be done immediately" says Mrs Anne C Stillman j mother and wife. "I doubt that there will he rr - conciliation" says Isaac M. Mills counsel for Mrs. Miflman. l et tain It is that for the first line in three years. James stillman * entered his home at M-mdann? . last Saturday to .see fils onl*, [ daughter married. Certain that he Kimlrd at little Guy; fitting on a great damask sofa that flank , the fireplace, and that be look lib* CI.OSKS CONSl'l. VTKS l!S CIIKAl BKITAIN ?I. '.il'll rilV. Oct. L'O -Till' inUHt trati: cendfiital step in Mexican dl was taken lu-iv yesterday wh< h. (In* for.ii a flairs depart lllnlil ordered th?1 cloniiu of tin* ; at - lilliihiU. > I .w ? | |.uol Mll(i i i l;in'i i v. aH vv .-11 ax herniary consular offices through out Cn>at lli'ilaln. TIiIh nn-ans ,1 M.iplett* wupprrswion?of romim-r? rial illations with Mrttaln. SKMOKS VI IUTK ANI) Wll.l. IMtODlICE PLAY Mili?. Oci. ?S. Willi tli? liihtHiy of witchcraft In this coun try an a basis the senior class of Soilh Mill* 11 i -;1i School has writ (i ii a play. Amusing and patheilc liv turn? M barely mcaiirH l?? ing tragic, and Close* with a thrilling dramatic climax thai leavi? everybody hap - Tli o |il ay rivwt? an appropriate Hallowe'i n ' ? uii'rnrYnijirnt and ??Ml be presented at I It?* South Mill.? Hi?h School auditorium. Oc tober SI. AT itr.nsiin: ititoTiitvi: Miv. C. C. Clark, North lload slri-et, l:i nt th<* h? dsldo of her hroihcr-ln-law. V. K. Coulter, who in in :i critical condition at llic Kan? Snninilt Hospital ax a result ? If JII mHul.Hil.il.- .irrlil.nl (ICIO tier 1 ?*.. in which his daughter. M's.-t I'iiMi Coulti i'; daughter-in law. Mrs. Willmr Coulter, and grabdson. Cienn Coulter, were killed v. hi n Mllir!: hy a west bound ? \j.rrMi (rain on the iN-nn sylv.ml i ItnMroad at a highway. c;*o:i.d|ig at W? I more. Their bod i< s were taken on a special t m In Sii.iday t?? Wnrfii. Pennsylvania, wuere interni nt via made in the family huryln;; ?round. .Mr. Cottl ter is an unrip ol Mrs. J. Howard Kramer and Miles Clark of this city. This Is said to have been t h*- worst motoring accident to have occurred in that vicinity. wife's Ictnd and asked with mor? than ordinary solicitudc "how are you?" Ht- had given bis daughter pearls to wear on her wedding nay. lie took his place as host in his home, and entertained the guests who had been invited there. Thm. while his daugli ter dressed in her I ravelling cloth?*, lie l?ft and returned to New York. 'Memories of a little Kir1 child, over whose smiling. cooIiik self he and Anne U.. or Klfl Rtil innn. hnd bent In mutual love in tile happhi . d%yqv had won, close frh-nds *aid. fie hnd de cided that he could not hurt that daughter, now grown to woman hood. and entering married life happy us he and his wife had been years ago. hy raking further family troubles into court. Young Anne'? tenderness for, both her parents had brought them together agnln. and all would be forgotten. Bo said the bevy of close friends. And so the newspaper*. Hut todiiy. the parlies would neither afliini nf?r deny.' Mr? Stlllman's hwpci voiced Insistence that everything for the good of th?? children would be done, leaves most rootn for belief In the like lihood of minion. Sunday's Religious Program 0:30 A.M.?Sunday Sclwols in various churches us usual. 11:00 A.M.?Preadiinpr l>.v the pastors in the various churches i.s usual. 0:00 P. M.?Mass meotinj: at' tabernacle for every body. Sermon subject: "What Is God fioinj? (o t>o With the Jew?" 7 :!10 P. M. ?Sermon suli.i ct: "Sowing and Reaping." No services Monday?Kest Day. BEAMAN HERE _ MONDAY NIGHT Srcrelary Wilson ( liamlx i of Oomiiifrop Will I'r?' <ii>nt tin* Pwrl and IVntiSii alh MeaHiirr. State Senator J. A. Ilrown. who was to speak hero Friday night on the Stat?* I'ort an?! Terminal* issue, was unable to li 11 tils en gagement utul M. It. Ilea uian. see-" idem- at Wilson. who was here to take Mr. Ilrown'? place. ?I1?I not speak on account of t ho very all However. Mr. IP-aman is now scheduled to sp>ak Monday night. and with no Ham-Kaiitsay service on that night it is believed that he will he given a good audience. To help create interest in the speaking Mr. linaman expressed a hope that Senator i'. II Williams ul JJanciualuitk .would. lutu'l 4Uu? 4i?? a Joint debat?* on the question, hut Mr. Williams pleads a previ ouh engagement. In addition to the Ham-llamsnv revival service. wlilrh was attend ed hy ahout 4,0?IU Friday nluhl. ?then? wa* a-Notary t'hrh meeting to detract from the attendance on the spi-uklng at the court house.' So far-aa* known there is no eon '"?l ~irvul!^" ?J'T'^ fio|>ed that the attendance will be large. ALBERT FAI.I. MADE AN EARLY START I.os Angeles. Oct. 25. Two weeks after former Secretary Al bert It. Fall of the Department of the Interior took office he railed specifically for information, that would acquaint hitu with the na val oil reserve. It was revealed hero yoHterday in the trial in Fed eral Court of the Government'*? suit for cancellation of the lease in the Klk Hills naval oil reserve which It Is charged the Pan-Amer ican Petroleum uml Transport Company obtained through fraud and conspiracy. Testimony that Pall asked for information on the oil lands 14 day? after taking office was given by K. C. Finney, Assistant. Sec re- > lury r*f the Interim MOTORISTS H HSCl'K BANDITS' VICTIMS Whippany, N. J., Oct. 25. Screams of a young woman and two men who had been tied to trees in the South Mountain res ervation hy five hamlilx today. led passing motorists to rescue them and revealed the |7,000 payroll hold up of 11. L McKwnn Itroth era Paper Hoard Factory at Whip pany.. Three of the bandits were captured later at Kdgewater and $?., r> 0 x of loot recovered. ANCIENT CITY IS SAID BE Bt'RNINC. ? Rf *"?# A*w*-lftf??l Prwl Mukden, Oct. 25. It is report ed hen- that (he ancient Waited city within a city of Hhanhaikwan on the Chlhll Manchut inn l?ord?-i. Is hu mi in k , following the dropping of bombs by Manchurian air planes. NEW YORK FIHST IN SI.USII HIND New York. Oct. 25.? New York was among thv first states in con tributions to the Republican, cam paign fund up to October 10. the official report to the invcitlgating committee today showed: Virginia- contributed lift.film and North Carolina |5ft. 1?:. THAYER lll-XWMtiM srHooi. HTOItY-TKM.F.It Stip'Tinlrmlfnt S. I,. Hhcap ha* completed arrHnxt'iiifiilH l?y which l)r Jam<* If Thayer will hccomo Htoiy-tcller for the third, fourth, nfth and llxlli joadca. At Ihc recrnl timet Ing of t!?<? board of iruNtcpN the matter of ntich an nr ranKf m*?nt v.-?? fully diRroaned ? and the aii|?t rlnt? ndent directed to take It up *iili Di Thayrr. K\ ??rv oth*?r Thursday a *tory will Iw told to the t hi r?l iTfld? . at their chap? I li'.hr. while cvffr other Friday tli ? *ntiie colirae will followed Willi t h?- other made* When MM it l?y an Advance renorl ? r l>i Thayer m tate d thai In- had; r|v. n tht* fltihjpct of Mory wr llnj:, and i ?? 11111 a CoiipIU? rable ptt'itlon. and t/aa only too alad to i?a** en t<i 111 ? children iiny en |nyr ????:? * aeil Ir lj' In thin lln- |ht;t I; ? could. Af? ? f Ihc ntorP's t o ba u~ ??*! nre old fevtriUa with the chll.tr? n. cl tl.oi?v*li nor.K cri -lnal rfifi *ill he r li!. rorrov M V AKT Ni w York, Ort. 26. Cotton fu lili* h '/p'iticd todav at the follow li.K Irvelm. Ocic.bet 22.4*. l>o rMiiib?r 2 J.60. Jnniuiry 22.*!?. \y.-rh 23 oo. May 22.70 N v. Yfcrk, Or:. V \ Spot cot t ii cl'?n-d quh't. Mlddlln:; 2:i.3&. a decline cf A0 pdnta. rutine*. . elot?liU hid: On. 22.M. Der. l'2.70 J.:??. 22.0a, March 23.20, May I 1 22. HK. Treasury In Turmoil By , Publication Tax Returns Not Since Di.M'ovrry of llic Doheny Loan to Full Has Official Washington Kitii So Shockc?! as When New York Nrv?>pa|MTi Turned l.i^ht on lli^ Income? II) ItOlir.ItT T. SMA 1.1. CMpimi. iw?. ?* *???"<? Washington. O. t. **."?- Tli?* pub lication Of Income lj?X..rvUumUJ9.. various/seel lons__of t!??* .younj Io?t:iy"i'1.4 a resiiTtot the rating of the Treasury Department that ?11 liKonm lax payment* be mad" nvmfcrblc?rtJ?tlrr" ptTb ?rrr ?hocked Washington more than any event Since tin* disrovfry of the (1110.000 Ditln'iiy "loan" t?? Albert II. Fall. Tin* Treasury ha* able to pacify severu! thousand* of an xious Inquirer* il??I there I* noili iu* -iihtbe*?a*4*re-uwler wliirli it is operating that will p**i mil liny unc to inspect tile details of a irtnrn .?ml tlu?t th?' source* ami deductions noted in ''''' return* will not become public properly under flip law as it now stand* Tlii* law merely provide* that a full list of all persona who have made r> turn* Hhall h? made avail iil?l<* t? th?? .puhli?*. together- with til" nmuuiiU j llfj jl^V^r P" "li" I ll?*H???? uiuountM -i-w4o4?t>tf?oriama I?po >*?* mcnts. penultlea and interest ax- ? sensed. Some inquisitive pcraoni r inUundmulood rh? In*- l.vfivuif that every detail of any man's Je iurn should ported for inai - lion and that revenue department finployiH should he assigned lo help all inquirer? properly to de cipher the intricate figures. Such Ih not the case however! The details of a man's returns; ami likewise the details of a cor poration's business still are in violate. hut Treasury officials said today that they would lint be surprised if Congress this winter provided that the most intimate details of every man's business should he spread out for public inspection and consumption. When New York newspaper*, l oldly printing the payments made ; by the wealthy niPti of the coun try residing lu the metropolitan collection dlatrlct*, reached Wash ington ihs> morning;, Treasury <>f t'leinw frankly were ainnive V They had issued a Warning that publi cation of the returns was plainly in violation of one of th" sections of the new law. Kminent law yers consulted hv tin* newspapers Kavi' rr" JlH I heir opinion that TT7 was the intent of the law that the payments be made public and the printing of the payments In the newspaper* was merely a logical mean* of giving the publicity provided by the status. Treasury officials -are some what at odds on thin point, hut ther.' wan a general feeling In Washington today thai govern mental action may follow the publications | as a tueans of test ing the constitutionality of the new provision. The tux payment publications came a? a shock because most per sons hud . forgotten that the pub licity clause hud been added to the revenue act passed last spring, reducing taxes by 2 5 per cent. The amendment providing for pub lication was offered by Senator ttorris, of Nebraska, a member of the progressive group of Itepub llcann. The effect of t ho amend ment was thoroiiKhly discussed at the lime. Hut since then if vir tually has been forgotten. 'Not by the Treasury however. The officials, it may he Mated, are not In sympathy with Hie new law lr was parsed as a substi tute for the measure recommend ed by Secretary M' llon. Hot h Dcmorrai# and Ilepublicans have laid ?-iulnt to full credit for II. The Treasury has been studying the act constantly and suddenly an nounced yesterday thai complete lists of all who had paid taxes and the amounts paid by them, were now open for Inspection. The announcement was a sim ple one. carryltiR no warning with it. Soon the department was bombarded by the various col lectors throughout the country, asking for guidance in giving out. the lists to newspapers. Then the Treasury issued its warning against publication. The attitude of the treasury de partment toward the action It was compelled to take In tnaklna the payments p0bile was expressed only yesterday by Kilo t .Wads worth. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, in a speech at Hoston. "I wonder," said Mr. Wads worth. "If we understood how much the Indlvldunl oill/on yields in personal freedom lo such a pow? r and ho*v far t'he strong hand of Government has lore d Itself into our personal affairs? A* time goes on there will be In the interns I revenue bti-eau a re cord of the income and financial statu* of every c:ti*en. rich ami poor alike. The mere fact thai pitch Informal Ion is in the files places the Federal Government In a position of trust which Involves unusual possibilities for good or harm lr 1? not difficult to un t'erstan:! its cash valu? lo an un scrupulous competitor." This I* one of the points which Is ftorrving tho Government ta day. Ih? Treasury has Interpret ed Ihi law to mean that all In come payment* Hhall be thrown t CANNOT DKCIDK BKFORE MONDAY Is Tr?.- frrmt \Va?hm^ti>i'i.""Oct. 26?Wawi--" |ki|m'Im can ?>\|MTt no Kuldlng Ku^^i'Mtion from tho f? orpin-1 -HuTHI ti-ltt.n. jv- lining. Ho m in determining whether I liny ran |iuh1l*h fuel? relating to InroiiM* in\ |iayin??nta with ??ill \iolatlon of lli?? law. " Tli?' Depart tin-in cf Justice will Im* unable to announce Its rfinrluHionH bi'fori' Monday nfff1 i'ointnlMNlonpr ?if It?>v?>nu6 Blair aitiLuunciHL toUu-v I hat ho woul4 luivi- nothing fur Hi or to nay. M K KAK IN .MARKET FOLLOWS KKPORT N. ? York. Oct. sr..?a bnrlA nil. i in-t-lutliin wa? Klvpn the Gor ? mini m cotton report today, m P"dulIv IIkiii-cm on ginning. There in-prietn-ei 86 pefirtr after it k publication. ? < tttNI">K PKKStDENT " AND CABINET QUIT Ivking. Oct. 25- Tsao Kun' 111 resigned the presidency of the central CliliifRi1 government. It is understood that (leilMtyt l-Vnu Yii llHlanK who la in tmn i rnl of t lie capital ha? Instructed lli?' cabin?*! to carry on. 1'eklug. Oct. 25.?The cabinet ivhImihmI last night after counter signing the mandat?' of Pregl4e#t Tsao Kim ordering c?'ssatlon ot hostilities. M WV I liniN'MV I'lltKS livery day tiil? week except Monday the fire department has answered a call of which nearly all were chimney fires. Sunday at 11:45 p. in. a Mill alarm Vas K i ven and a fire canned by some rnr<-l?'?trt mnokrr vrnw extinguished at Curtwrlght's Hfore, corner Shepard slreet nnd Southern ave nue, before serious damage was done Tuesday at 9:30 a. m. d mill alarm wan given because of i. WrttrrmT^ firr-ntl- UlUTfy IIIW nt tli?' home of s. DandenMh There wan no tin m age done. Tuee day at fi:45 the company waa railed by nn alarm from box 41 to a chimney fire at the home of K. li. Sponce on McPheraon street. No diiinaHe. Wednesday at 9:50 a. m. a Htill alarm was Kiven for a chimney fire at the horn* of Miss March* Altiertson ort W??t Church ntrert. No damage. Thxre was another chimney fire Thurs day at 8:40 p. in. at a house Owned by Mrs. Ossle Commanded on West Church street, in which no da mat;?- wan done. The alarm wan given from box 41. Friday a false alarm was given from P9X .1 nt 8.40 p. ni.-on West Church M reel. ( pen for .iiNpecilun. whether made liy an individual, a firm, an estat# or corporstion. Kegardless of whether the p*y? I m*' nt s may be published lawfully in a newspaper, and this Is a mer? i interpretation of the law. they are at any rate open to any com? petitor in any line of buslnees. t 'ik| iient lonri bly, as Mr. Ward* worth Mays, this Is the fartjleit f?'P the Government ever has UK* en In delving Into a cltisen'e pri vate affairs. If Congress is In ili*< name recalcitrant mood iJUe winter that It was last uprl ay? there Is no telling the enda tid which it may go in proving further pubitomy f??r Individual and corporate tax returns. Some of the Individual return* published this morning were a distinct surprise. They showed that In the N?'W York dlHtrlct John1 f> Itockefeller. Jr.. paid the larg' ?st tax by several millions of 4ol-| lar*. J. Plermont Morgan Wis far down the line, being rated fee instance below Kugene Meyer, Jr.? of the Government's war flnaHir^ (corporation. Charles M. Schwab h lid William Randolph Hewrsl were among the most modern# {?*r the payers and John W. Davis,' the Democratic nominee t&ft I President was far above both wf t hem. The test of the law lies in ,th* fact that one section says tne la* come tax lists and actual pay ment* shall b* "made avallabtfe t&t public Inspection." while anoth^t section says It shall he unlawful ' to print or publish'* the return* "in any way whatever not pr& vlded by law So m o lawyers. ?ay the insprctleli clause of the act does not provide for publkxtlljMlt Others say that was the ?1***: I tC lit It wan impossible to see what the results may be. fndlvtihadt*. who in 1?lit he protected by law nlr ul.v have suffered whal evrr damage might accrse fre?l publication and It is difficult for ronio of the lawyers to see wher# ' public Inspection" ends and pub lication hetins. A fine tangle has hern elated :?nd the Oovernment la In a de cided turmoil.

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