ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. .MONDAY EVKXINtJ, OCTOBEU *J7. SIX PAGES. NO. 266. , Hypocritical Patronage More Damaging Than Open Opposition Evangelist Hum Score? Tlio*e Who IVcteml (jwijipra* linn l>ut Kcally Not in Syiii|?ut!iy uilh (!uir.p;ii^'ii ami Promise* Make llair an?l Hide M\ for l!UO Milr?. p Hypocritical patronage rather' than open opposition was charac terized by Evangelist M F. llam Sunday afternoon as the Most serious hindrance _to thx success of thw Ilum1h>uii-?y KvghgeM -.t i? Campaign which enters upon Its fourth week here tomorrow. "If you don't want to cl ?>? your storfs for these meetings.' lie Bald, "why throw your doors wlIde open and make public an^ nouncement that you will close .them no more during the cam paign. You will do lens harm that way than you will closing them up and then going around and complaining about it. "God baa always made the: works .of the wicked to praise V.lm and everything that is being done or that will 'be done duriug this campaign against this meet ing 1h going to add to tta nurre* "You people . who are fighting this meeting ?re being putted on the back by the bootlegger*, the libertines and the entire lawless ?Umom In your city ? ?d?* you ilk? your-stewA! -? r-*T "One man with Ood on his uide makes a majority und when ?you fight this campaign you arc fighting (Jod. Four hundred ami fifty priests of Baal who under took to do that on Carmel ut the end of the trial were on their backs or beheaded. The Evangelist also paid his respects to those who have been offended at something said dur ing the meeting, declaring that it has always been his observa tion that the dog that yelps was the one that had been hit. ?Wow ro on and yelp, you old hound, and let the people get your number. God's already got your rocord and bo's going to pull U on one of these days." Soaks High Socio!) The evangelist also declared that this was one of the very few towns In which he has worked where the society leaders had not called off their card parties and daneea for the duration of the campaign au a mark of common courtesy to the churchcs of ttie community. ? You don't even know the ordi nary demands of etiquette," lie. ' said. "Yours la a little cheap] A* dl?thw?*hing type of soclelJL w tnke that. you aro welcome to it. The foregoing remark was in terrupted by Chorister Ramsay who wanted the folks to know thst lie hsd a book on etiquette up in his room at the hotel which he was willing to lend to anybody who would like to borrow It rrofunlty in the city came in for a scoring when Earl Rodgers remarked during the evangelist s introductory remarks Sunday af ternoon that he had been on th? Mexican border when the World War opened and knew something about the profanity of the Army camps: hut that hi hsd never _ hyard more hair-raising and tool " language used anywhere than had come to his ears one night on the school ground as he wan on 111 ? way to his roorti at the hotel from the tabernacle. ?'That's no news to me," said the evangelist. "I hove heard too much from the curb lizards right under my window to be sur prised at that." Mr. Han? indicated that his e\ collation of local conditions, smi dny was but a beginning. "For the next week I'm goltrg "> ?' hair and hid? fly to i di^ii.e.- of 200 miles from here," he de.-lnn d Despite threatening weal In l and a slow drfzzle Sunday nli'it the tabernacle was again twice filled on Sunday, and a ilelegn t Ion of n dozen or more was pres ent from Henderson. Represent ed In the crowd were people from , Camden, Currituck. Perquimans,, Bertie and Washington eountk*. as well a? Pasquotank, Gates b< r ing the only county contiguous to Pasquotank that was not npr ?ented. Mr. Ilanisay wanted n committee sent to Gates County to Investigate the reason for the failure of any Gates County peo ple to attend the meeting. Home body suggested (lint the condition of the roads was the reason, but a member of the delegation from Henderson piped up. "We cam? through Gates County." The evangelist's subject Sun day afternoon was, "The Jew und His Destiny." "The Bible, Jesus Christ, the Universe, and the Jew." he sold, "are four things which the phil osophic of the world are unable to account for." Sunday nights subject was ??Bowing and Reaping The re port of this sermon will he given in Tuesday'* Issue of this newspa per Sunday afternoon s sermon -He hath not dealt so with any nation. The Jews are the most ancient and the most modern peo ple on the fuce of the earth. When D'fwiell. the English statesman, was taunted by an English lord for his Jewish birth, he replied, "gir, mi ancestors were prior, k and kings In the earth when yours were roving savages. Yon are now proud or your ancient birth: but In the veins of the meanest ( Jew there flown blood compared to which the blood of the proud t ?nI- in IIrivl:?ml is diicli bln.nl in ?al I li' Tin* death rate atnonu tln-m-is 7 |?<i I.Ooe; v.! 111 ? the i; 11111 ii is 14 i- rT.ifni \-:,i i " T; .mV" a"V. i au*- 1 if? ? is .mi -iliird l<uiti ?? l!..in i ?ill's. Tht-ir lin- liiMiiuii?*?' is uitii'i So ji. r c? m mote than iiist:'. All this Li due lo th?- I ii I fl i lin y have lived arrui iiiiiv to I in* ?aHi lary laws n\i n io Mus. s? 1?. Coil Almighty. and I'l Coij's |Miipi':-. s in ejection. t*mvn ln>pli ari?"?? of r.ibte When Ki< iii'rirk ili'- Great usk? ?1 lii* roiirt pn-aeln r lor an unun*w?r:ihh> proof of ilie inspir atliiu of I In- Cilili Im- aiiswi ted. ?Tin- Jew. Hiy niasli i. I In- Jew." Win ii Napol? on' "7nn.rrt-4trr'-At?Ui liisliop ii? Milan tor the lui' l' Hi possible aremiifiit fm reveal* d ie_ ilukn. In* silently point* ?1* lo Ma shal M:isj?iMi.t.'ii .lew. fails nI i? ! 1> lo ;i?-i'oii m Jew. ? Kvrrv i-vi-rt. ijf ttTT-ir-trirrnrr tp4f been" r?u-i-l??!?!; and When <"? ?1 " - Kin rt s tin- Kini-ilnin of Israel. all tlii* world wi'll Ijavi- M -ivi- Him Klorjr. A:? a r.M'i' Hi - ?J W i: Coil's i-leet. Win iiK(H \<-r Co?| i .ills a 'man for any s,?*vlai mu'sion. thai man la immiuial I ill his mission Is arroiiiplislu-d: It is so with tin nation railed of Ci.il fop. u : pi rial work. Tli?- work in which Coil all? il lili" 'Ji-wfsll I'mi*i- rnnslsl.i of toll) tilings, mi m? It : I To Ii lirli III? world Mut'iotliifsui that Co-re is hill On?* Cud 1!- To show tla* world flu briiilly and bt-'M-edu? ss ho 11m- wriii i -=. pri m-i vi-i*! and transmitters of Ih- i us pin d word. 4. To ylvi through tle-m a Sa vior lo flu' world. An Kloi-I People BMore dU.cur.ohm ih<- four'?dil mission of- iliis r* laarkahle rue?', let ii h trace brleflj i'." 1>i?--ory. In Gen. *11: l-:t. "Now tin- Lord had said unto Abraham: C? ? tloeoui of thy country ar.il from *hy kin dri-d and front ? 1?> hit!; >'> hense. unto ? Ipnd that I will si ?w thee. And I will mak the?* a wri-.il na tion. and I will-!?!?>:* the and make Ihy name ureal. <;lid thou shall l><- a hlessltip. And I will bless lhi-m Hint lder* Hue and curse tin m that curse ihee." Thorc is not a piixnap' in tin* Itf lde that r. vol:?-s Ibis Inst pr< rn Iso; and i**? anchiit nation ever oppressed or p.-rm-eiih d the chil dren cf Abraham that has ?scaped liio curs?? i f Cod. And modern nations will not ?*scap?* If they have inaitr?*ai?'d litis chor< n pro file. TliouKh On ir fins have b?-<-n many and t?r? at vi-i- xenv?:ance be lonM'th to lip Lord ami il" will llOt hi von isiNip' UL.yoii have hat? d tin' Jew Mi you .? Chris tian? No flui; Man will hut?- the Jew. ~Hi-*tauiih? you M'-ir C nil: vdiif Chrliil ami your-lilbh- Kver.v Monolite!.?!|r milh-ii today was mi taught by lin J? w. Tin- v realest. l??-!.i and only p?-rfi rf man i on earth was a J? w by birth Th- I'ahh freni C< i"-1" 11! f" ,Vets '? is l'i- ??l??:y ?>f C."?l's ?!? ,il int's with ibis "in- pi opVv Cv ry wrlfer '?t I lie llook was :i J? w. Thoir lulsfo. nun h;i.'? !???? n vour foiitim- will Ii:-m- it i Itoni 11.? lhnr> yon hail h?-lt?-r rar?'* ful how >'?.ti df.il wtih thh; rar?'. Israid's ('hi?-no|ouhal ili-i n>. Now lsra?r- history i> divided I'lio four wi ll ?b llm-d jM-iimls of I'mi yonrs ?arh. and on-* p? rlod of l.noii vears It'll J? w!sh chron oioi:v i m i i ? n|ti ?' iiltw ?I r?i iiiih- Mtpremar* ovi i Ci -in Tin* fli -t peried r- arln - fri.ni (!?<- birth of \braliat>i t?? tlo* K>o ?I*!?%? from K:ypi Abraham was 7."> y? :irs win'ii cnlb-d: and from Ills call I? tlii- i:\odM. w.is 4.'.u years, tflal. ":1T? miking f?OB years; bui fimn t h ? birth of Isli niflel of tin- ihiitiic woman, lla i;nr. till 111?- birth of Isaac was I " years, and tie .l?v. l-di chi ??no|ouy takes no a.?*?**->i?:t of More. (Gal I. 22-:i I ? : h;i Vint -l!HI >? :?r.-, of ptiridy Jew? h hi lory in this t>? - lied. Th?- s?'C.r.?l p< i i??il ?"'.*? . ?1.< from the Exc'dus to I lie dedleulloh of Solomon's T??nipl?*. f ihi.i tim?* (Aets 12 1? 22? they w. re 40 yrars i:i Hi wilderness. ISO y?-ars und'-r the Jitdfces. roniiiietielnc with Joshua and ? nd!n;: i.h Sam uei; 40 yeais und- i Saul. -W ji-ar under David and thr??- v?*ais un der Solomon; mnkiiiK .*7.: year from the Kxodus when h<- hi-can building th?- temple, which v.a< i 1 Kmr.s ?i ll 4SI> v?;ii'j Hilt ?lurltiK this time th?y w. re in ?h?' hands i>f their efiemii-s !?SI years. (In JitdR?>K tli: s. lil I 4. Ir; 1 I. Iv: 2-3. vi: I nad \ll: 1 w ? find they wore In lb?' hands ?.f Cushau H years Rglon in \ mi t iMn 20 years, the Mldhinltes 7 yrars and the rhllisf'n. a 4o >ears. nuklnu (he 'I ! y. iil'A. 5??<n?it.mt 0,1 I'sioo f?7 3 and you have 480 vears of Jewish chronoloKV. 1 1 Klnxs 6: 1 ?. Add to the tan the 7 years ?pent huildin?; ti Klnus G; 30? and the 3 years furnishing (1 Kino* 7 i. InakltiK 4!W'y?-ar* from KmuIim to ?indication. fnptitlt} \?K totim?*?! Tli?* lltird p? riod extends from ilw dedication of th? t? m pl?- 1001 11 1' ? 1 1 '? ?? \ n .n. ? v. ?. ?IN It. C. a |M-ri?xl of SCO yearn. I*>it tlu*y w?*r?* in captivity in l!.il*\luii 7?? ??f fh'-ln ycirn i Dan. 2 and J?*r. 2.*?: .111 l?a\inK only *1 xi* "fti* Tin* fourth |??>ri?>d ?*xl?-inls front tin- i-fturii iroiu I la by Ion lit th?'tr t (.euwuliiii ul llin Mt-nitiuli. u hicii Ih~ to a p?-rioii of -I'.iu yi-urs of J< m ixli T? lun. I at tlx- r?-ud?*r turn i .ni r?*::d Dani?*! is: 24*27 and I. v. \m : s. Nuiii. \iv: ::4 and K?.? U. Iv: ??. Ix for?* mal.liiu (!*??*?? ?'uli*MlatioiiH: A k in siivi ii Tli"f?? ar?1 three divisions in ilits 7?? Hi-i'kH. Si-vt n wiM-ks 14!? vary i sp.-nt building I In- city, f?d* I-? ? ?1 by ?2 w<-ekM i l"t y?-arsl from i In- completion nf Hi.- rltv uiilil the crucifixion or ''Messiah i? cul oil'." then week (7 >1 ???rs i afii r her reainrctbui !??? m Afi-rt?? li a U-w*<o*?-? "i <l I ?me ami be crowie-d. ?Lit l_w ?.?? ? u?Lliu i i in?? III.- Messiah i:* ?ui ?() ami Hi?* last m-Vi ii, or *) ' ? ?: ? is " '1''}"? lilncK of 1 i i .- ( ?j-u Knded'hv lfi?'? . 7..m ?!>?. "TTli,i,[?HTm, I l"i;, -? "Aim! they shall full by th. ' - i.r II,. swnnl, ;n?l slut 11 b. l-.l captive in I o all III." nation^; at. I . Jerusalem shall hi- trodden down by |li<> fj.-ut ih-s. iliifil th I * m ? ? "I Mu- (Jelitiles ho fllUilb-d." I.uk?' \\i: ?4. AkuIii. "Aft. i Uicm* iliin^s I will return and will Iniild a.iiu lin- labcrnucl?- of David which is* fallen; and I will huild a-ain tin- rniiiK thereof, and I will "I it up."? Acts \v: 1?;. And a^'ain. "Por I won Id not. breth ren. have you ignorant ?>f this myst? ry, that a hanb-ninu in p.mi hath Im fallen Israel. until the iiilln.'ss of tin- (lentil? m be come' in."- ? Kom. xl: 5.1. Ml this t i in' ? in | m st except tin* la-t Week, or seven y?>ar?. which ^-U-Un^iu QiriM lun* tak? n the church out of the 0.-utile world. iSee 1 Tina. Iv. 13-17, The thoii.Hnnd year period will ? h?- confddered after we discuss tin four *.r?*ai missions committed to the J? wish race by Ciod. \ l-'nur Fold .Mission I'll si--To teach the world .Mod otbelam.. ' Hear. 0. Israel! The I.ord. our (Jod is n >;reat (Jod . " D.-ut. v i: t. To Israel was this primal truth cnmmltted for pr?* ? I vat Ion and dissemination. She ofti-n fell into idolatry before tin It.ihylotiish captivity; hut nevr all'i wards. .At the time Abra ham was called out of l'r of Clial d?.i. tin- whole world had sunk in lo idolatry. Sep also (?a. 4.'*: 10, "llefore nie there was no (?o?)! formed, ih Ither ?hall there he af |er me." The only Monoth? itiic p?-opl?-' ? ?a . a rt h today were tauulit it b\ I m? I (nit the work is >et incoin Idete. Second To 8how the world the lieauty and hluasedncsa of obeying and S' rvlnc tli|p Krrat (Jod. Ileul ??will. 2'?. "Happy art thou. O farael; who is like unto thee. O p'.'jplc. saved by Jehovah?". Attain, i'saiin rxliv: 15. "Happv If llial people whoae (Sod la_ Jeho_ "vali."" And so Ton k as lsra<-T kepT* her covenant with J? hovah Im- did not permit any oilier nation to In come stronu enough to menace r national exi?t?nce. I>. tit. :i: K. "When tile Most IIil h i|i vi?bd to tin- nations, their Inher Hniice. when lie s? paral, d the 1 ?ns of Adam II? set Ihe bonds of II.? |.<*op|?- aceoi<1 tiii. to the num ? 1?. i ??f Ihe elilldren of lnra?l."?llHt win ii she backslid. such w?nld pow> ? . aa llabylon. M edo-1'eraia. :iti?l Kotne were permitted lo OQt nut-sber h? r and hrln*: her Into [ bondage, and i?? afflict her. The Oracle* of (hid Third To writ?1, preserve nn?l Mate mil f I in lnaplr< d word. Kvery "ii? ? of t It.- f?irty wrlti'is oi Ih? l? ?okm of ihe ltible was a J?-w. v itli po Milily one exception. All th.- hleasluuB of mod? rn civil i ra thin and of law ami lih?-ti,v. cam? lo Ihe world through the Jews I> "I. iv: 5-0. '*|ichohl I linv. tanj.- lit you alaliiteH and JiiiIr ?? fits Tor till? Is your wisdom and your und< ralandin* In tl>?- d^bt of th?- nation' which hear all th?-ne rfatut?'*: and stir. ? Iv this ?r??of nation In a wise and jiid? i (landing nathn." \g*ln. Iloin. Hi: 1*2. "What advantage* i Je t' has t ho Jew. or whnl prolll is t Ti? r* In elreiiineislnn? Mtifli ?-\ery way; chiefly heed use unto tliem w?'i?< couiinltti-d the oracle of Ood." Kourlh To give a Savior to th" world. When til" world w.i* in moral darkntr* and without (Jod and without hope. Ood called n man. Abraham, out of a n:itl??n. ('hold? .? : and out of tha' man. .A h t Ahum, he called a nation. lh?? Jews; and out of that nation, the .l?-ws, he eall?^ a man. J?-suf. Ihe 1 -hrlal: t.?id out of that man J? ? iv. II? I? calling a nation, a holy nation, th? Chureh <:f the I'lrst Horn. Thui we see that the J? wa have tatiKht us our Cod. our fllhle and our Chrlfit. Prophet. I'rbat, Kini: s ml ltede?'iner. Hut when thla Christ eame. -Uuiv. rc iccted H|w| hn|gh had a ild thev Would? ?*Hfurlc8 before, and for which ain Ih? awful curae of Matthew xxllfl: n2-:',n cam? up on them. Por the full meanlnit of the cxpreaalon. "Oem^-atlon of vl Floods in Tokyo ru*a?l?T li*" vHt?l T ' vii a ...i,it. HikhI. All ol III." I- vv.-V ? 11.?.? of l P|lkU?a?'.U, ?U.i- tlI ii.<i? I 11 mo it cuti? m th<- form of a i. | or is--ni irly tn (lie t>:?roiif.h ?>f i?* i:i lit?- Ful:'.u:a?v.? i.ullvu uio !? > III Fong Wars Mystery To All But The Oriental Vn? TrotiMt* t? Uh ?< iitMiH Brili (ml Aflrr Tlml\ IimiimI Ocriilt iilal llin?J i Why IN-iMM t itfl i'roplr !m rotni* lt!iK?<llhitM\ " i- .-i.n ;,r , of I It?* -thouhi r-! wax ji it (In; in - JlT'tftjlg iu.iaiiirr .94?ttU ?>i fntin capital riiiuaui.-n loday a - 1?.' r night to prol.e deeper i?j0 ? t |(tr "Tmir War". *v 1?it*?? has foul ihe l*v s nf at least o:i?*ntuls in. tin- New > irk '?j'?*>rli'i ?a I which has spread to ? tlier s:ee I'rtlis ??i* lin? 11.-nilr>. Washing ton tomporar'iy i. i;it. lie:itl<|u>trior< or ;ii v.\ :*i Tcins. i:nti tin* chine ?? h'vith--) .")?? working tiny :m<l j.inin o hrlnft ilu- armed forte* touethor. When lin i il.ii v. rot?* Ma fatuous ??imp' *? * *.v a v > i?iat ?re ?lark. :.n?l iri. k * t lint ar. v in (ho heath,n Chir.* e i\ p.va llar," he knew hi* Chin:.iih n. Appa rcntly ih? re I , ; ?thing ne.r." h.-wk 'if rt?i . i . .?!?-? war Hum ih ? violation of a g"ii th man's- acre? in.-iu. Tli- llip Sl:ifc Ton? ;:,d i ho On' I,onng niRitod (i pact w.rie y,wr< ago ihn' if a Chinaman should !??? nunifid fioiti ell her of Hit T? tig* , ?f. other would not him. ii is claimed |ho llin Sli?i:< have vio lated till.? part. So slror.K is i hi* elnh feelin;* in tin Cliiiu?w? lirs'ni Him ? nir un genileinanly a?l of Hi I s wrl 1*1 coi;.*ddtun?|..4";n ?.{;.? any ethieal Tong liieiliop- see Moo.! re<| sin,| jj.? i>iii mid kill ? ki?ry mom her of the lit her Tons *a.i* ho ean slity ami iiim!;. n getaway. It l?< iioi Chinese Crlckei t,? kill when lit re j* a hoi. ?.mi on guar.l and Hie po^siliiliiy nf ln-'im arrested. r.n1 if a shot l;j t!i ? ('.ark can lie f i roil nun a' hlue hnrrell revolve i; ii thf rhinitis: hlndo of n iliurjw nod hatch<*t ?-nii be sunk in a iliaVrd eehslial cra nium when no oiu- is there to **????. then Tun* honor Is hy way of hoiug avenged ni:d ail ???'?? well in Hi'1 world. Washington Chin*:'? w. ? in arowe d over the ting* nllemony con due I nf the llip Sir.!- ?' v wore mi Hi,?immr -*i hiivrui" :r largo floek of cakt off army in.i - clllno mu. and v?*t;ing them ?*p in lower ivnusylviwl.i V down hy tllo eapilal ?'rounds, ami going i?? it in regular ha 11 h l?? h Ir.n jrtovided i> didn't rain '? pol lee nipped il.is htnhlitig !?!??( ?? It* flttt.hiid and the i. * ? I ? hi nese ?ver.* not a I it 11 .* rollev-d. The plot w;- ? Hue tit Hie hi? threats wlih'h hotli sides had made hut, nelth? r wished c; ny out. Although the explanation of nng nth'nianly ?opdtict Is ?lv i hy those who have attended he legation pea to eoiiforenee i:i th1* elty. it i* i|i?lle treh? rally heli \-<l 'ii the larger eithr wlc ip CIi'm? i nnRreg.it o. that liliktllOM . romniei'elal rivalries ur at the pers." see C,eue.'<M II. Ah'o !? ?'? Ih* 2 M III rhaplc r of 'l)'-ulero:.ei v for further wo?-s r?!???' v-Tirv-e^. Calamltv I'mll'-lwl Their QllM'I'leN Miave eoi.o? IM" n them Just UK predicted l/.Oo % hefi.te Ch-i?l. A t th.-f till, "fnr-off !?? n rtation" (Id.no ? ? not in ev'stono?. rtO'ik* ? ? > i "i f) ut \x\ Hi 10. Thi 5?<lh ?? ?ie t< r of ppiiioii'ir'my t?-!In i f the nie'4.' and the famine t h < t <' 11 Cause tie wniifon to eat Ih- i: ? ii children: and Jo^rjilius. IiIm ? 1 :? Jewish historian of renown, t lis how wh? n the tt(>inan s-rinv hud siicc"ssfiil1y liosleifd H?< elt\ ihut half ef a roarled hahv win ? nd in a draw i Ms .ivii i e 1 i. ing eot? n the other half I hs?t "few In Tfti tuber We to h ft t* Khnwn hy the faet that I.t " were slnin m:mi ? |i|v 1"I rled off as cvpliv**. A?i pr-dl?? < d In verse o::. |h?-y were plit? i d from the land; as in I. scattered anieng all nations;.n V r?e r.r,. V ill Ond IfO rent. Iluf nr pr dlet?& In I.? v. \\\i: II t!.'V were not d? Mroy^d. and in Kzek. xx- 32 thev have le t m'vd. I?i the i??wciiHnn of ?'u) \ !? fiOO.OOO were killed In I'.'-vnt. i i.'l. 'tlli? r.t in llalivh r . m i ?e ? <1 Perala. In 10'JG the Crunaih >. rotor. Hie Uormit. rrN, "W march a-ninst th?> Mi-'-lin en? , mlcs of Christ and leave worse, or ' !..I r of fir.' Tonu k i lliti^s?. Ko a hiti* in ali i-vvr lias ri'ally/.solvtMl ? ? i <(hi|i> or III?*"Toiijl wu.s. *1 lie i 'liri"? ? ;^iv a Kcrrt'tlv"? rare. The *?;ii>! 1 i-r Known lit(1?* of what thoy : !.?? knowa iio'tlilnK nf what i !n-y tli ink. 'Mi** I wo l?>ndiii? TongH, en In tli--* pr?>*ont war. aro on ill Mirfiii?' iidihinK more* than mutual iM'ncfii Rorielio?. Your 11 M'lttlly laundryniitu will toll you -lit.* "allii' same" .\b-ioli* and K.iitHils i h I'villi.i-i. or Knights ? I <'??hllllllllH. C?|M* ? I t]|?' ultns ?1 iho Ton?* h to h?". i hat all <'litiuinieri who ilio on foroiKii soil evcniicilly shippod homo for huri.il. I'orhapn. anil this Is .I'V ' nui m It IUL t hinaiii.-u hint boon ?l>ing on for ??ii'.n Kiwi lately i.ud tho Tonus w*ti* <n ilsinn' r of lisliii' Rr tti m. 1 hor Sort- a war was dorlnrod ? i| now tli?ro iito plenty of *?' hln**v*> bodlo?; waiting to bo takon 'f.r l?a? k a' fm.* th?- Pacific f.? tho land of 'h?1 for'f;i:li> r:< nml ill'1 real m of Con f twin? Im N'cw York, fho polico gon orally i.t'rlhute iho war to hoiiio -violation of kiti't or unrl -*rsiood trsirto ajrro- ir.ontft f??r the salo of uoo Is not sanctioned hy t hi* onnniry. For this reason whon i Tonu war hroak:: out. ttio nar cot'.* ?11 vision r.? iho metropolitan polio- foic? u tlio first callrd rut. T!i ? '?n I.'thi Ton? claims i ? hav* I ?-oil thi' offended party in t!;o pr?"???i? war. It <?xpel|od : n ir.nl .-?! rahlo un-mhor. This Chinaman. on?- chin .lack, promptly retaliated hy forming a bj;iik lit t Ih T?ini? of hi* own .*????1 *1? I'lar-ng *??;?.? on evorvhody. Tho lllp Slnjrs hoard of h in sue* coa* anil ho was Invited to Join thorn an.I hrlni; all his little kiiii m n with Mm C'liln took llif offr*. 1 h?* ' :i l.oon^M protested nd tli on tho fan hp.ftaii. Tho Th?> cm we, o T)??? Known coil?*c tlvoly n h lin? iho t par i fie pooph* on ii.i? i irp nf tin- earth. It hM ho?-n f ii.| of Hi' :n thai Ihoy will stand anything. fiurlnx tin* Ivijcht of tho 1,1'Hltiio nf N'rition* discission III ? hi* country tho Am'*r|cnn' pooplo WT" ljkfii'd i i th?- Chliietio Hut cvi.loiitly there Im a point of honor. : r a point ?if ronimnrclnl rivalry, or a point of frnturnnl spirit h?*voiid will h Iho China man will not ko. Il?? r?'iiches for hU* km??. cIoh s Ills c>oh and begin* to shoot. Omiw mo ? Ulrlals nrid Ih?' mor?' reputable of tho Chinos?' nior ?haul- nlnrnioil hy Iho present onthroak aro doing all thoy ran lo hriim about an armed i.ruco if a-.. ;i miiiunl di?arniaiiiotit. * niloM h' hliid." m*:?niiiK the J? w. In Itsr, tho hlu'ck plaquo wan IdaniHl on Iho Ji w'y. though not fim- of tlii'iu had It. vhih- ttio (Jon tllfH diod of it all nrouti'J thoinj raunifiu Pore?* p? if- iMitionn of i In in In 1.200 Ih" l)iiko f.f York UMI? d |*ii ft i?' i> ?-f fiuiii TiOO to I *i00 Jcwi, ituliidlnu w? inon and child r? n and In I 1??0 tlioy woro oxpollod from KnK'and till tho ri-Un i'l CI. ? i It n II lu 13J9 Pranco plun'd red ami hnnlslwd Hioni Thi-y l'i raiu<- a byword. D'lit xxviii: Aid xrw cur I'lrd to K?>f't In idilp.1. ?if vor*> r.k, all '?vi'r tlo- ait?' of 17. wir| Hi<' slavo maikot win* kluttod. 97, 000 from J ? i iimii lo m al<>no. Now nrrri and road ftirlln-r wm-n prorioiinri d hy Christ IHm .nolf in rorordod In MnlthoW \i' 21-24. and M??l ? *lv 22 '.1 llo Jo<*|#mI ll?;ht Increaso* cnlli I?n Ml : 0 I-' Ho iploi: mil Howlo-i Thoy reap d a? I hoy unwed Tin* ,1" ??* put J? sus to donth at tho l.'HMovt-r: at tho v>-ry h*?asoii of that annual fontlval HiouHand* of th^m wore put lo death. Thoy Clamor? d for a rohh? r and miiffli'iTV i^i>d foil, pn-y to r<?!? horn nnd innrdorom. Thoy rrnviflrrt JosnR 0Ufsld< Ho wall nnd lh?-y wj ro ?ra?iflp(t cut CoDtinued on p?Ko 4 ijte B FA .MAN NOT TO BE I!EKE TON'ir.HT Tli?? ?(Making sch?Nluli*U for toniK.it at the com t house on the M,rt ui:.| terminal?* i*su<* hiw been run-flint. -i .win? bav in* btt'n ri'ituctl from l!??n- r nl Aloert Co*. u d riling that It will be Impoftttihlc for M. It. j I lea man of Wilson, the m pea Iv er of the evening. to lie here. ASKS DEI'OIM'ATION WOMAN I.KCUKKK York. *K'i. 27. Kffort* art* Iwlm; mail?* by Sla.tuooil Mpd ken. prv*ldi ni of *tlu* Null ?lini ~S??*uniy U?bm?. lo ln>M?~i ??rtuio ni <1< port Cuiini."?* Culh?? riiH* Karolyl. wifo of tli" former |iri>sid<>n! of Huugary. who ur rlvwl ypMterriuy on the ntoani*lilp (5<'?rgt? Washington to Ict'luriv llo iliinks htio in Itolhliovik ami a iiM-iiacu to Atmrlmn institut Ion*. rilGKS EXTENSION ? TKADK 11EI.ATIONS l.yon-i, Oct. 27.-?Franc?-** ihmmI for restoration un?l extension of iXlolc relation? Willi -Ooriiiuity uii'l I(ii?-Ih Mas voI??m| l?y Pre mier Harriot t In u mimim'Ii lu?t it I k<i t hMforo t be forclKii tra?l?> ?oum-lTlors. NVgoiiat ion 4 for a lit? also UfRtMl tli<? iti??* of i|n> rol oiiUV raw material?. " DAVIS WOHkINC ON WIND l'l? SPEECH Now York, Oct. 27.?'Entering I In* final lap of (ho President lul ruce John Davis worked today preparing his wlndup address rcIomIiiI'. d for Sal unlay at Car ni'Kii* Mali. Ho will speak to night at Jersey 1'Hy. EAMONN DcVAI.EItA I'l.AC^I) IN JAIL Belfast. Oft. 27.?lEnmonn De Valera. repuhlb an "president," wan arrest* (I last night al Lon don berry. -brought?to?tn~ day under heavy guard, and plaeed lu jail. MucDDNAI.D THINKS I.ETTEK GENUINE <Dt Tfc? Amiriii<? rini Cardiff. Wales, Oct. 27?Prime Yvinlwter Mat-Donald today de clared btfore a political meeting hero that lie honcnlly believed to be genuine the alleged l'ttnr from Xlnovicff to Ilrltlnh Communists upon which was baKed in part the protest submitted by the Ilrltljdi foreign office to the tiovi'-t repre sentative In London. TWO SENTENCED AND I IVE IUEEI) Frederick, Md.. Oct. 27<?Con* detuning in strong terms the con duct of the mob which lust July tarred and feathered Dorothy iiraitdon. JfO yearn old Martin? burg. Went Virginia girl. Chief Justice IfammoiiK Crner in cir cuit court today imposed sen tence upon two and declared five other men not guilty. . The woman confeKHcd that In her Jealous rage uho tore the 'clothing frotn tli? ftirTuiiil dabbed her wlih tar and feathers and wan given nine months In jail. WASH HOARDS AMI 'I I IIS AltK KKKDKIl AT HOMF. The Children's Home n>'fiU two m orwashboard* and tabu. With only one the work I? prolonged .md made muc h harder for t lie larger girl*. Many friends of I he home have volunteered badly ne-ded g t ? t *4 and If there are oth ers who wish to make this dona tion they will certainly win tb gratitude of the girlii who do this Work. Th=y inny notify Mrs. An na l.ewls ??r Itev. O. K tlIII If they wish to help In this way. The MellltiK Food Company has recently donai'-d ? in* n .u^e *i/?' hotlbs of M ? ? 11 i ik *?. !*ood tor Hp- youngest children III t'e 1 >ltie. |)r. A I., I'eildbt'.i let, the M' lliu i |%.? d repr :?-r.(Hfi'? I i r- know tlu." ftticli a ki would l?e appreciated and ln-*.i* t.'iorl t tin?- the gift v\ 'i* her?. New Premier i;.-. V/ V.\ Yc.? 1? China'? r.c%? wr.r? . .,? j p;rrskr. IM i urvpo^t^n' ? l<1 up pcil.lcal b.Cl;?.:lnR?. w-tm r uU Cirottfli tfl-f <lvil uti./e Ijb? . n lo r-nu- ? rartou? |?wi^>rt ft .ntr'.y m!n?*U;r ?f ujm i ? - .J c-nirtj.c? i'1 '? r. u c / 11 ?o o/ Vir r gia'a. Commissioners Rescind Motion For Referendum Kami Demonstration, ilouie Demount rut ion and Wel fare Work Continue in l*a.?i|iiotaiik County 011 Preu cili llusi* and Hoped l?*ue Permanently Settled BIG STATE VOTE IS IN PROSPECT With Full Tw*kel Out from Bolh I'artirs uml V illi KHVrrilfltim oil I'ort* to Attract Interest. Italoiph. October 27 Willi ;i full tick?'! noiiiiiiat?*d by both l?e imi 1*11?-.?it and i)< iih <-i,?i ijirilM n ti<l VillTi'trifiTM t?foirf:Tir oljf" t?v tlir netiv?- ennipaUti innde III .be half iif Ilu? .fori Commiwlon l?llI. prospect for a heavy vele at tli** election ?n- Novemh r -I. wan ?????n lirri1 today. 'I'lii1 Slat", Imwi'Vi'r, M imm ikmIU *|>?-MoM*iai ie mol nom ination mii licit t tek? i i.'. usiia II \ ??<liiival? nt |?> ?l.-eil??n. In ailili lion lo tin- active eniiipaiMi mad? for Hi?? l*ort Commix-hiti l>lll. b?dh iiaiiihiinti?ii .U?i- Um?i|mmi'i?Anrw** \V. Mr I i^snr-h??H?'i,-^i?4fiiiH ? -?( I lie War Klnniiri* Corporation, anil Inane M<bkini*. Republican, :ui?l fnnnvi' ?itiit :n'> Tor .tti? ~ nltnr pmiH'tly cuHl'iillan, luiv?- mad?* ? ri'iditiKly aetlve e:inip:ilt:uM. Ithe ('.ulicinaloilal ran dldaie?;, a number of other* hav?? mad?* artlvo rampalRn? iliroimli out thi> Stat?'. Tin* candidal* * on tin- two lickotH aro: U? nmcralM: (iowrnur, Aiikuk W. Mcl.i'an; 1.1? nt? uaiit Itovcrhor, J. Klnor I .mm: Slate Auditor. llaxtiT IHirhaiii: S?'i rrtary of Stalo, W. N. Kwrott; Attorney* <!?'ii?arnl, l>? nnl:s llruiumltt; Coui iiilHHt?iu>>r of Aurlcullur??. W A. Graham; f ?immiHHiuiier of Lilxir and I'rlutliiK. Prank I,. Urini; In ?uranc?? CunimlMtdotier, Stacey Wade: Colnoralbui C?uitinl?h.loin r. CJcorne IV IVII; Trt-nnun-r. It. It , liitcy; Siii?I. I'uhllc Instruction, A. T. Alton; Commirniom-r ?-f li?*v??- i nil?*. II. A. Dou i: lit on; Supreme' Court JuAtlcfs, Ilarlet Clarkaon and Goor?? W. Conner. Republican?.' Governoi. luuc M. Me?-klim: l,ti'iit> nanf Oo\rrnnr. I!. II. Ward; auditor. C. 1'. DHa mar: Secretary of Stalo, It. Yale? Kill In ii; Attorney G.-nernl. C. I,. H.I it Jj CommbHlon?TH of Auricul turo, A. M HI re ape; Labor ai?| I'rinline, J. I). Gonlrn; Insurant'?' Jauo'N Stanton; Corporal Ion Com niiHMloncr. J. 'I*. Itedrlck; Supremo Court JiimIIoih. .1. W. Tlieiua*. It. W. Ileirln;.; Tn-aMirln?. It. (]. Iturrli; Supt. I Mi Idle Instruction, ? S. I, llpltnn. Jr.; Comnihndoner of Itcvcnuo, J. 11. Mimoii. Willi Hi?? exception of (I'tvirn? or and Idculonutit Governor. At toriiey General ;?nd CommiKKlon ??r of 1 ji bor and PiintiiiK, t ho Ik mocratle randidatoH f ?r office ' in the Stal? lloune ?r?> lh?' pren ent holders of the nffic.H which llioy ari- necking.* I MAKINKS A!U: ON WAY TO l'KKIN(, ? W* ^IT- tMirWnl ? TltRtaln, o? t J7. a hundred A mer ten n Marin?'* wer<* landed from 111?- rrulMi'r Huron nt Takii unrt l?*f t i m m?*?l i.? i ??)>- for !'? kin? TOIIAY NAVV DAY WanhinKlun. ??rI .'27. Tin? Na vy Icopt "o|??-n r.lilp" foduy, which Ih iXuvy Day ami Ihi; lilrllidfiy of Th'odoro 11 ? ?t? -*?? v*'l I Kvory harbor. *? viral nnval ?,r; Ititillnhmcnl ii.li?! the public wir?c invited lo Inapeoi ?h'* working* of I hi* urin <?f m? a dcfcnHP. < Ijohkh i t m itKi ivAi? AmonK Ih?' film* donlnK for Hi# f in m if ;? ir- ;?\- morn In << nrrico front lo 1 I o'clock thai hav?* not 'h<?'ii mentioned in thin now* i.upor l.i ih*- l'nAi|ii?lnnk Holding I'otnptiny. 12 Houih Water *ir?M; <'oo|M-r (Mt-anlnu Work*. Matthew? ulri'Ol. and IV- T I*. Naah f m. *lore, North Vi'dlt-r fl'irl. MAJOIt IUAN l>KM> WmhlnKl'ii. Ot :7. Mujur Qr-n?-rnl William <! llnan. r?-tlnd. who ??omnmnd'-d th?- Thlrty-rer nnd l)lvl.*.lo;i In Frnnee, iIImI ln-r< Sunday. ? - TWO PKIJD VICTIMS OF I KiirrS A T CHUM Williamson. W Vm , (>p|. 27 llenry Staev. Clarence Murkliiitii and Mark llac|<n?*y wi : i- killed In OkhlK i f l*ri?tn yenterdny. Htary v?n killed ctili lii;; a <|iinrr<l hy Markltam and Harkmy. The 1:?f - I? ? I Wo were kTliiii in i f||? i. ? 1ft ft! nffln rn I/? w *????? |?r ?bnhlv fnfnlly allot In !?.?? OrM n?M, Slate I'ullte Ji-rr D. Watts wna' wound* d in the arm. BI 11 |K I'll I lili IH Till-: Hf K.4 TION <H KN)MIMK Chicago, Oct. 27?Chairman lltillor of ?!??? Hpni'iiMii NmUmphI Committer today iflflufil n ?tatr aient predicting the Ion of i'oolnlsre. urgetf thn lt"pui> , I Iran a to get ihn Republican* to t h? poll* on election day. Without u dissenting vote tht bon id of County Commissioners on Saturday afternoon rescinded i In Ir action providing for a refer mu ?? m tin- continuance ?f Ta'nn ??imr ' homo-?di'MiuiiBlrlUOB'" ami w< I fa re work In l*a*quotaftk County, and IIiohc agencies will now eon11 iini? without Interruption? on their present~baslil. Tin- court house wan practically full Saturday afternoon, despite Hi'- facj, that Saturday with moat those prcnent was a buay day, and the gathering afforded the most overwhelming demonstration of popular approval of these ag ? nci-'H throughout the County that A ft o rife d. So m i* lin) r dozen voices in the whole a^KMuhly Were raised against these agencies or In be half or I he referendum.. If there was any other oppoultion than that uf thin half dozen, none of whom would any that he had eVefc wade any effort to make ime of any of these "agencies, it did not iliow Its head. Uu *.. 4tji**fieies are of benefit "to any, . . - "* . ... wrurlH TO Individual Is the laade;" ?'um?mi J. C. H. Khrlhghaoi. j "but r.'hrt+rrr rn*~TToT they are of i value" to t lie County as a whole." And Illustration after llluatm* J lion had been. cited during tha J lUtKlliiK to show that the value of jj thi's.- agencies to the County la 3 t a hove price. i Tlo* action of the Commiaelon- h en whs taken on motion of COM? 1 mlHsloner M undert. seconded by | Commissioner I'ritchiird, after tha | sentiment of the meeting had made Itself fell and after Mr. Eh|^ liifchaiis had again given it aa his I opinion um a lawyer that Hoard had no legal authority lo 1 ? \peud puhlic funds for such a j plebeMolte an It had contemplated, i SHORT KKSSION COURT Two colored defendante were -3 i he only two found guilty in Mob- j duy's session of the police coart \ and one of thone, Uee Moore, was * for no more serious offense tha* 1 exceeding the speed limit terscctlng highways. He was fcK 1 off with the costs. ^3 I.ewis Williams, the other ds- a fondant, was a drunk, a new ne* ... man to the police, and lie given the usual fine of 95 sad J osls. kitchen ih hm d MONDAY MORNINC Fire Monday morning at 4:45 burned the kitchen of tho R. B. Martin residence on Kast Church street to the Kround. the damage amounting to $;ir>0. The holiM was endanger' ?1 but not damaged seriously. There had not been a fire in (he kitchen since midday Sunday and the cause of tha flames In unknown. The fire waa discovered by a neighbor, Oeorf? Heverldge .Sr. At 9:20 Sunday morning the house of Mrs. Mary Slvllla on (Ireenleal stre et was the. acene rf w small file uhen i mattress caught from a spark. The damags h m ?? h ii i ?>?1 to $r?o. I VII.EI) ENKOItCF. PROHIBITION LAW m '' 1 " 1 * Washington, Oct. 27. ? Foar 3 I'nited States district attorneys ] have b'M-n asked to resign and ala others have resigned since laat i July as the result of the failure jn mojtf iUHtances to enforce pro- t hTbitlon laws. Attorney Oeneral Htone said today in reference to lax enforcement. police obliged TO It ESC! IE BANDITS New York. Oct. 27 -The po ll?^ rescued t Wo men today from um nino k by tin* crowd after an attempt today to hold up a rath ? keli?>r In Kost Klghty Sixth atreft. Three other robbers escaped. The five robbers pretense of having revolvers In their pockota proved a hoax and a melee resulted. IIESI JME MEETING i in i<fx;am> loan Paris, Oct. 27,?Conversations j h'tween Finance Minister Clean entel nnd Morgan Intereeta for a loan will be resumed, according io present plans after the melt ing of the French parliament add the Americans elections taking I lace the same day. It Is atlll fS gardcri a* a poHslblllty thst tha loan will not be arranged. rOTTO* MAttKKT New York. Oct. 27?Cottoa fa tures "p?ned this mornlna at th* following level?: December 22 40; January 21.60; March 22 9.-?; May 2.130; Jnly 21.fl, N.'w y?rVT (U>\ 27?ftpol sot t'?n cloned st?*ad$, 12S points ad vance. Futures, dosing bid: De cember 2-40, January S3.It. March 23.85, May 24 0?, J?hr 23.72,

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