| ( IIM l I.4TION \X Kl>\K-l IMIAV 2.S3T Copk'S / VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA.; THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 30. 1924. " SIX PAGES. NO. 258. Accept Favors Of Satan And Serve Him Says Ham \flcr Devil Has Fed One t'p on I'ooil. l'a\or- or I'littI?-r\ I?vurlal4y h I |> vwili ? rt?< ti talion of "Worthy ('.auw,*' KvuMU?'ii-1 W arns "This old world will make it easy for you if you don't muke It too hard for the world." sutd Evangelist M. F. Hum Wedr.es ??- ffiry ntj-h't in his sermon "HetT'^ ISB God'w Knomies." for which In used as a text "Shouldst tITou Help the Wicked." words ad dressed to Jehoshaphat. -King of Juilah, following the disastrous outcome of his alliance with Ahuu at Kamouth Gllead. "Jehoshaphat mud? hin.self m great." Kaid the evang. !ls?, "by r-'Htrewntheeini; hi't.self early -ii*-hW Lreljn again*! Israel. II? hrcugiit BTtiisastrr and nliatne ujKiu liim??lf PVwhen lie asKoclat v Is proposition and say 'Yes, I'll Couldn't Bribe Jones "I have always had great ad miration for old 8am Jones. Hie people could criticise him but no body could bribe him. A man of Afgreat wealth once Invited Sam Jj^lones to his home and after th?' preacher hud been entertained at dinner and was looking at .lb paintings on the wall his host said 'Well, Mr. Jonea, you liavet.'t told me what you thought of my home.' 'I was just thinking.' was the evangelit's reply, 'that you art going to Hell In the finest shape 1 ever saw a man." "The host was hurt and of fended. of course, but he was saved before Sam Jones left thai house." Referring to his freqent attacks on evils In the modern church, the evangelist said: "I am on the Inside with a ^ dustpan and n broom aid-not on the outside slinging mud. I be long to the church uud it is the only organization to which 1 owe allegiance." r Prayer meetings in connection with th? services for Christian workers of all ages are being in ! nugurtited this week. The young women's 'teen age prayer services, in charge of Mr. Itamsay's daughter. Mrs. V. M. i Wlmberly, began Wednesday at 3 o'clock with more than 10ft pre j sent. f The business woman's prayer j service was Inaugurated Tuesday ^ hlght In the Inquiry room. The I room was filled and this service f- promises to be one of the most j fruitful features of the meetinK. Thursday morning, the busi ness men's prayer service was In Ifc ftpgurat'd nt h ::. i^i ?????? its n??>rj:;inl/.it ion with lioy K. Walker ;? .1 Kli:n*r Walk er as in?-inh?*rs in and. (le pile fii ii ii r-f. i in -. !irm'% !i?i inrriMSf.l eonsidr.rahly year. fClnior Walker. Is a pi'oiuiio-n'. farmer hi Curtitiji-k ?-?n?uly and is well known i.i iii>. rloy I! Walker. whq- Jiri-? horn Willi the firm sine Ap/n 1 I. var. ha:- mii'de n il'i- a?'VTiiiV- r?riT-1 n\>: mi.i i d ?v x ? Mvnrritmrs iaimmsimn Vutif fiuv. r. i* , on .o r\v. were Kill' <1 and 1? >i ; ? i is jur?d >????:?? -rda.v wli. n a tiiYHori oil? ? xphe.luu ii? datr.aues and lienee ihey innl:?- ?very pr?J vislon f?r warning. :iu rials and anf.-ty (IfviPiK. They nro&rni*r t) i h t they aro their bnr fnrri-il byttnr-rr. rtrarr tlirm lip for tho prci.rt.ion of your nflehlxmt' health. I wy in a fown onw? wh i_ hfar* hlnokt'd and pr>\i?l?s no liuhtu and warn ins nipnaiR to ^rptort i h? travelling puhlic in th " ?! ' .i of niaht. They ran 1??* nvilf to liny litiHin^ Shpim?^>* -?m o pn U ndlng to In doetot in . - out his kIiIii?J? ord tri? .- to pr: ?? tic?' medicine without a H#-* m ? Ho Is liable i?> a lav which n r ngnlrofl t h it iti:? at is ills broth? : keeper. A I'rimal lni build In? and it is noliod^jf buRln?'f-? wliat you |"i? i ?i iCylnit tli? dtj will' not allow you ifi> Mil ii!' old fin imp and fml.iu .? r/T,i property of your vVliboixxr l.?-i Olio (if tin <'? ri >t;o: 111 pi i i V0 r.dnil'? t :i f< il rr^M rmnt ffiF iimpTtor will ltiiniodlat? !v rlon? tli? ill up for lh> . an t>r/t .ibsoi v ItiK this prlinil l- 'v ??T rlvit!? ip.fi that we are our brolh> i's V ?? per I.o! ono in' >oTir family In btrick?-n with mikiII pox rr ?m? ronla-ion? dir? * anil >ou will bo uiiMranlinod ami vour frrodruu to mworiato with oil. ?? p > ph- v.Ill b?* toniporarily doni 'I ? >'i I wa. down*in r? iu a T? : low it and w-"li?Mtr| t tint th*' i-> ut I* i...? u arrosR tli? -tro t from > ry vlok and tlniu^av ;*ml I v. v had his Hill- : ii 1 ?kk I 1 I* " plav Ini: wilh her and I " > towlm- my Hiti?- ? irJ um am! ii ''ii"- her In my lap v I?? 'i \y- hetlor <1 a m m drive up and t:,c-!; a vi ll iw *?> id on l?i' lio'f Wh'-i?? w h:?d jtifl Vlidlod. V?, leol; d fll thv- r; jd and It ?hI "finali pov' ami v.< wftld "Win in t hi' world didn't thr y put thai thin r up thot- la for?* wo '?ndanuii<'d Iho h< allh r?f our funillieti Ye*, man riui*hb?rN hlnra-ir hi? brother'?? ko?pir in ihluK' tnai? - rlal and if that I* ????. how much more do you aunp"*' that taan to 0'? t? work and earn a llv!..? fr-r hfni a.-lf and family, in order th:>? wo llllullt bf 111 a pO: itlon lo li 11? thr follow who Is i>- ' ah!- to tako raro of hlfbsHt. Tli-rn ar? p? "? plo who are.not nt??r to rare for thentffolv u and O oil tr-11? ii it I.'* our duty to tak" r-no of I Ikm God roeognixej* that th- r aro rlif forenor? In ability ntnonit m- n. And t her?- m ?%II Not C'rf^tod l?|ffol That old idrijrun thai ' '?11 r.t "? are efeatod eitUal" I* not t: ?i?? Ml mon #re not et-at?-?! ?>ipial. I ha*' n't the abilltv to build and #MXTat* a rallroa?! and If there werer'i nion who hnd Ihli phllfty. I would hav?? born aroMtly liimtrrnl In niy travel?:. I h.iwn I til?1 ability lo 1.1 Hottry K< n'n h i In ? . : d t wouldn't fry. Neither rouhl ford rtin 'hit HK-r linr. Itiif ? 'roll of iia la exprrt?'i| to b<> our brother'* kerftrr in both unititual and e?? forlal thlnKH, according lo hM own ahllltv. In I^erltieun we read that "Thou RED f ROSS IS SOUNDING CALL Xiimiiil It..11 ( all Officially' "?'fin*. \nni?tioe Made. In ?v. r iiio s...irhf-rn com '' V?; ??mini .-all i? ?,.r. v,|ii l?' s?iindi'd l?v t!??? Kcii ?'?m "" Xn,,l,,l'r'' Day." MIh, Al-. li \I?.V.'K. in tli?, riiy today. vim.' .Uit .memBcjiim am} j |,(. Soiif!i i; look r f"ry ?'? m? *t u? i i r ,s Aurt H.iiff t ho war. , *"V**ry c,no cotitd know in!J 1 ?????? .? II i r.at *..ik i|? v a.. I > I..I I.I l.av,. n |,.,,| In. II,. y ..i i ???..lil i jujii milium '?"' ??i 11 "'?> ??" ?I.I l? int.. II. III. ravn^.-d by Hi..,?!. !? and '"v Ilii-lr?In. in 1? rt.I.i|i?_ , l?-?-IW- Hi.- l-lial.ilnall.,1, ??I 11"'.. anils i,| . ''I ?? m I, ? .'i ll. 1 '|.\ WiMilil K-r...- thai ...r\ * ? ileal. . v. rvwl,, ,|,| |M. ,, I III' 'lllj | ||c !{??() ? I/ .111.1 will, ?r i p iltlir lii.iJih i.inhis fh (})?. >???111 on her Ijmtifis ?,f I,,r.rry lint, t .?>. htm Slu- i? mrlttH far 1!,'k- ;;? ??? niiiK ti... w. ii. I ' ?#? ? i*rt,lr|i??-n -r ?. .?I loan. Ih.-v Willi M |?. i; I;. i| "V*?' 1>alt f I ti mm mi ? *?? ""i forli.-l'/ " III ad,I, ,I, -||,., "i-. Kin) a 11 MOB I foriinlli-fi. II. .\-s.i-' *lm II I li..|? Kvorv r r.u.iion or n,..,,, riwi,; ; r??' crn? ?<>>!. 1 I'1 '' "K llov.-rnm.-nl l?... ???ullni; dixul.il ? ? rl..li,?1 ??d ,!0|v|I1B ,I1Bnv I'- ' - I'rolll.n... " ill..--. Mir* Mr.Velll slalcd. nr. "'?IW .If III.' lli||iKa ,??,1.. i.MR.II.I,. "??*! Cr"? ni. i , l "I*1"' ' >"??>? on" po: ?I II . II "I, I.rlrilrlt,. and n duly In J.?l? n-llh local It.-.l Cross ..(II \rirr dlscusslne-jilans f,.r ii.p i. ! ?.i" ,v' i''h "l"'!" \rmlsilr. I"v. Miss MpN.III will so t? \v..| .Ion i? a?iM will, ihn H?|| can ' iii.n^ community. TiT^it' Ifi-paratton* air.iid> Marlrd. local ofllclnl. I.r dirlinn a i.-rorrt '? . rinitr?? npii^a] |s soun?l? H irm. I ?Iico Day. ? m srivaceh to l.o IN UlTSINKSS riizali.'lli Clly Is In }mvp a mod l in and nj.-to-dnti' djiiic and dry ^.'?iisilug ? 'tubljMluiifiii. J?-!in Uruy. former Clly M ana K ? r n? re. .'mil William ]lriiiiini>y. ?"?I ?I \V. A. nrinnxcy ?r Currl iiiPK. ar.- lo l?o |ho ofTU-i-rs ur tli? lu-w rntor|irlflf>. rhi- iMiHlncaa In lo run unil?r' "f "liray'n Fn nrh Dry ? I'aiipr? and Dy?-rn." Ih. si. \i.uns men liav#? aiKn-d n '?"m "m ih. Koblnnon lluildliiK !'!' i Y''\r. form-rly omi lil??! by Morgan Hons. Mr. IJ ray IhIIovob thai llu< new ' Hilpin- M. xalurd at $5.00?. ran ??? lnKtalli-<| by Drcnnb'-r l nnd J a* Ml* "'?? ?HI bi- ri-ady to On ?n liial date. V/'" i in ploy nhiy ^'"iirT1 Th,',"i,n}U. Mr ? AI.I. HKPCJBI.ICANS AMI I .A BO|< I.KADKKS v.'aslilnulon. Oct. 311 Till. . Iialrm n nf llio It. |.?l,||can .Inl,. ? .1 li; ill.. in (|?. Kay I and l.alnir ....i. i . w. io suiiiinon. d to upi., or i.I.I.IV I., for,. Ih. H. nni ronimllipp "'UK p or laru. riii.ll.? for Hwuylnn Pl.plion. ? IllPaisO. l?p| :;i>. Mo,? .... Ill . M.pndlliih? In I,. hair ?r II. I 11* i,ll..|ii.-\V)ipi.|i i ,|pk.., ?? I .ih i...i CoolldKp-Daw.-n .i,.. ???IIKllt loday by II,p Clilc,,, ,, ?p. '??-.iwim, n<'l.nWlrmi vi . mai Miairinan; Kr.ink I. ' 'ii i!' Il:ln.,l.i Phalrman; and' ? .1?. Ma,i l.a\,r Wl.r, lit."..,I rpnardltiit II,p flnancln,. or V n,"1.7,rl i*11" '11" Of II um ... IrpamrPr "f Hi- HppiUdioan ponimitipp. t,,,. ?????1 II,at poll, pi ion... i., it,., roni 1 - on ni'n ' ?* Ilail bppn h ,'a ^l 1750.00? ?? ?"? -"'Mb. JOH-Ph fimntly. phalrman of !? o ' "1nni'>',r?"l? ????" and m.an, I .f'?l! m s">?lor i,'" Vi o In char? In? iIip llp).ubM an -lusli f,u,d by thi. com milt.p ?iiat ho nuifffappeor. Act In? Chairman Caraway an ,.u?r ,h." h,,l r??l?iNl a VpLv"1 t nm Morrl. In. J ?rk rpfll. n? to anprar ' p>c?|>t on c.rlaln ' * 7 ", fara-.y ? ommlfltp j j i.abok i>m:vTi:i> HV IO\M.I{\ \ riVKS LoUtltl.1. ()(. Ltl,,' |MN>Pl< of iir.,,1 Kriiuli- i,..., a ,.rMrt. lltK (Mil In Ihi i xp rimt-ni with a l.aln?r gov? mraoiit by rc ' ? ,,;,riv in airong at ni:ij'?ritt*?? :... ?.r.lo.1 du '''UK t'li1 last century: In ihu K?^pinB political i in Ihc wkx>? |>.wli|?,| |t |,a. eJ. '"''I"??? iiimtii-ni "l 111.' Il.'lli*!, part lei "Itili1 f I'.nu ?. i. Vt'.lr? ;i'?o * "" 'i li tfi"? i.. II.,~ r i * ? ,:i m I ? lit|v;i it\ In I,, s, in,i> n,i, ,i:?. >V,'I, ;? r:i|?ri1r ,.r ??ls I.IIH I ilny. A .!i,?11,.r vi*.mil ? ?. *?.Ol?U lias In; tl Ilipp.-! f.r... a;j,| i, , daily. .Mr. Sl:nr,,rl M:,I|.J llmt Ih.. linn . nil take ull H? ili.il run I, I,nni;lit in im, ?.r. t ''Hi II.i, wit.j ?llrtt MUiliW 'I" ' ?I'll, tor Hi., milu available i run ho pun-hasd will iirrivv uithiu "? ?' .1.1"! Il I ... Ill iSlTJ'.! ? llf addition f.r i It?? rr<;i tin*ry to I? Hi.- !??.? m am |iluni |s a maiturJ '??.it has hri-re plunui'il |,y Mr Mi:rl,.r.l .ini . l? ..... m r ,.r il?- p. \ w.n , . ,, .?rll fain Win. ;. \ shur..^ ?1... h.,vi i,..n ih.- mil.,, mem ' ''V II ! II" I firs tin- Htili. h*':i' i in Hi.. , rry pir.Jecl. The VViiH'!{rf an: r imp.tnv*^ |#.? cream lMMiti.-?s |t;iritr4 lii > past year has practically ,..nej per com. mystkiwh s i;/?s CAl'SKS IN^AMll N?-tv York. Uci. .1ft. -?>??:>? u j i>L?llli._li v.ci k-:i.. ii. lahoratoiy n Jtuywav Standard Oil Ci.i.ipany haw failed t'i (.Iiow iiyiii|i(ii]iiH or lo. s i j rrsta ?m i?. ?hu?-. Mown nrr.' yn.T r.*r? irriti j||? iuy?UauoiiK ^^?hi-i Imwi ch?ih?*<|? flv.' doatha mid lolilitd a .?cor?' of otlicrs of th? ir s.miiy m-?'<-(* lirou^l.i in th? riTon.m ruction |?ltal hciM rd;i\ UiIhi.hr ill, total o n in I Ml ,f \ iuih I,,,d.? trm t itn m COM KKKM KS ON woiik orciii'iicn A roinprch^nHivc proicnini of fhurch work fiulirariiiK noi only f very hop!ion of ihe l nlt?d Sint?H bill wry quarter of the wiuld. ban b. on forniulati'd by the Kpis ?"P?I Church for iht- Misui,,? y*ar: an.I for the pur pone i?r pj?,. niolitiK thi.4 proKrmii nation wirl? lonfi-rcnrw in every di.ict . ?nd tally ,,( TTila rliy will nifei with H^v. r.ir roll M Duri?, I.. |? |)., Dom? t . Secretary of .th Imparlno nt ..f MlfinionK of the National Cmim-ll to i^lMciiri.H ways ji ml mean? of pu* tin? the pro trn in into effort. 'fhf-Hp n-nft r?-n'-ef! ar?? of a p - cultarly lnter?-'(lhj( ehararier ii> the n i per l ihnl lho-,i who ar parilclpmtH un> praol(.-ally tak< n on a Journey lo Almka. the II . wallan fHlandi. I'hina. hi pan i?... Philippine*. Africa. South Amu lea. .Mexico, and the Went Indi. . l?y Hprakcrn of national reput i ? ion and H*pert kn .wlcdKc of tf,. people and i<>ndltloim in thox Jands an arf|| i,? ?f Mir two :. ... racei? and nationailfio, who t>n pr; Heal C'hrlai lanlty and lamina |?eaie and proRpcrlty among il. naiionn of ih. oar I h Mr. I i.i v Ih will preach In ChrNi Church. fCllzaMh' rifjr. Sand:, morning ?i ||. \o?nnbe, 2 Mr l>avin in one of t h ? oui Rtandlng lendern of the ISplacopil t hutch. The fiiRt yen m nf h h ministry *ore xpenl in Callforni.i Wrrrr 2*? horn: follow ing which he look up diocesan m . alnnary work in Mln.ourl. and in IROi berime |)?Bn of Chrj,f Church Cathedral. St. LouN. II. remained In thin position until th# World War when he ?oni to France as a R?d Crow Chaplain I pon ihe clowo of the War he r. turned to St. Louis for a brief period and wa? ihe,, ra||*<| York to akutne *up*-rvl*lon orer Ihe nilolonary work of lie fhurch lo continental United Plate* Dr. |,nV|* |. ?errrf.rv of i * 1 "~?l 1"'*l MliMIInr 2. 11, * I* pnlnl. rutnrrv 'J/'"? " ?? ?.4k 2JI? t"? EIGHT BALLOT BOXES NEEDED I orl Kill anil WtrraiiH I ?..,n jiiMMirr A?l?l Twit t-? the Hrgnlur TIccliniH l itis Your. Kiftht ballot boxes at each poll ing (?.ace fn I'asquotunk. or any! " i'T rounty that ilut'i not have Hi Amkirnllan ballot, will hi* rc y ?u\\ to handle trn* voi:u#?ki tin ?^TTTfTT'TTfTtTTtTi'TTT "^?TtfFTnher 4. ' According t?? \i. it. simpton. tiiaitmaii 11 f ill.- County Hoard of Klvuhoii.T'Tni1 PiaqUnlanY ("otinty/ who f.as received a letter of In st ruction s from State Chairman Walter If. Noal to that effect. Ih" Mlcr stated that th?? hoard |'a?| hrcii attempting to find a fce-an* wlitT'by tin* number of l o .?-* ucctssiuy for balloting 1 ? ? Id mluml. hut ihat umler iii.. t.iw??4t* dc|toslted ballots for th.? member K Giles. District Klec tor?. First District. Herbert It. I#eary; Second District, J. 11. MiltliewH. Third District. W. A. ilrowti; Fourth District. Thou. W. Uuffii,: Fifth District. F. M. Hancock. Jr.; Sixth District. Mutch:- n Walker; seventh Dis til? i. K II. Iloyle; ICi k h t h DIs trit t. J. M. Ilovette; Ninth Dis trt:. (le."?. W. Wils.ni; Tenth Dls trii t. C. c. Itur-hnnnn. Following Is the Republican National Itallot: I t'piilil hint National Itallot I.Sectors at Large?Herbert F. .-caw il. Thurston T. Ilickft; Dis trlpf Kterton^- -First Dtatrtrt. Afl" rian S Mitchell; Second District. I s men 1,. Johnitinn; Third Dis trict. Alexander I,. Wilson; Fourth District. Sam J. Norrls; Fifth District. Roy C. Milllkan; Sixth District. Kdgar Carlylc West; Seventh District. Clifford \'?;wton Cox; Kifthth District. Dr. J. I. Cainpia li . Ninth District, John c. Mcllce; Tenth District. John It Knsley. Folio win k is the Democratic State itallot: Democrat ic State Itallot For I'nlted Stales Senator, F. M Simmons; For Governor. A. W. Me|,? an; For Lieutenant-Gov ernor. J. Rimer Ixtng; For Secre lary of State. W. N. Kvcrett; For State Auditor. Ituxter Durham; For State Treasurer. Ilenjamin It. laicy, FcrfltIt* Nominee This District 'lYIed It Once mid Thai Wo* KiiiuikIi for lllin Lindsay C. Warn n. Drninrralir ??ouiiilin'-XUi t'-OnKt-t-y* tnnvyprnd a short time In Klizabeth City Friday on hi* way to Camden and Currituck where he speaks Friday and Saturday, winding up his campaign In Swan Quarter on Monday night. While lie has apoken in u majority of the coun tics oj" the district, he expreasea Kieat -regret?that- i ircqpmtni^ceg have made Tt impossible for him to visit all the countlea.- ax his wife wax ill in a hospital for aoine tl?Hr?. ~ He said that he will not apeak in I'asquotnuk because lu* ha |M?rt. New ..York, Oct. 30.?The third statement of the series prepared by John W. Davis for the purpose of summing up the outstanding campaign issues, made public to day. was confined exclusively to Llio discussion of Tfrr>~FOrdney Mc Cumber tarifT bill which the Dem ocratic Presidential candidate has declared will be re-written If he Is elected and is given the fcuppoi t of a Democratic Congress. In renewing his promise for lower nchedultn Mr. Davis made it char that lie harbored no resent ment toward legitimate business fairly conducted but would "with draw the Invitation extended in the form of exorbitant rates of duty to profit through ntonopolla tic control of product ion markets and prices." <;kn. ii aldkman ki kikd WITH MILITARY HONORS Louisville, Oct. no. ? General William II. Haldemnn. comman ?1? i -In-chief of the United Confed erate Veterans, was burled here yesterday with military honors. Jones T. Hodrlck; For Chief Jus tice c?f the Supreme Court. George K. nuUer^Jfor -Associate-Justices "ofThe Supreme Court. Fred W. Thomas. Robert W. Herring. Separate ballots are provided for em h of the Congrrnslonnl amendments: (1) To provide for the inviolability of sinking funds. (2) In regard to taxation of homes. homesteads, notes and mortgages. (3) To put a limita tion upon the 9tate debt. (4) To increase compensation of mem bers of the Oenornl Assembly. Following Is the Democratic County llaliot: Democratic County llaliot For Sheriff. Charles Carmine; For Representative, J. Kenyon Wilson i F6r Board of Kducation. .1 M Le Roy, D. W. Morgan, VV. (I Cox; For Register of Deeds. J C Spence; For County Commission ers. Fllxabctb City Township. N liurfoot, H. Cartwrlght; Mt. ller inoii Township, C. A Onley; 3a leni Township, C. R. Mundon; Providence. 1?. (J. Prltchard; Nlx onton Township. J. C. Thompson; N'ewland Township. W. A. White; lor Prosecuting Attorney. J. H LeRoy, Jr.; For Trial Justice, p O. Sawyer: For Auditor. C. C, Prltchard; For Coroner, T. fl. Mr Mullan. Following is the Republican County llaliot-. It' publican < oiantv flnllot For Sheriff. J. 1?. Kve?. For Reprfaent stive, A S. Overman; For lUglster of Deeds, W. J. Ftanton; For County Commis sioner*. Hlxnbeth City Townslilp. J Q A. Wood; 'N'ewland Town ship. D. C. Temple; Mt. Ilermon Township H. K. Owuley; ?Nixon ton Township. K Coppersmith; S,>len Township. W. P. Cart wright; For Trial Justice. N W. Dally; For Adltor. II M. Sooley; For Cort/ncr. 1. N". While. On the Democratic Congres sional ballot for this district ap pears the name of Lindsay C W?rr?-n, while the name of his op ponent. I'eter I). Rurgpss. Is on t!i" Republican Congressional bal lot . For the fltftt" S.'nute 1* II. V? ililnms and J. H McMulian aro Detnor ratlc nominees and the Re. publican party has placod no tick et It* 'he field against them. Ker Cor??tahle Mixabetli City township H. P. William* la the Deindcratk nominee. Challenges Williams To Offer Alternate Remedy J. W. Railrv Vlunh In Know if S'liulor W illiams Him? #t'If I* Not Jud^in?* Oilier* |?y IliniM'lf VI hen II#' Say* Real I**ue? uro Avoidrd Hi .1. w. IIXII.KV Knlrigli. Oft. 30 ? | regret thai Mr. J*, it. Williams accuse* 1110 discussion ??f lho i'ort Terminal" proposition. To he mm? I Ihivl- _ ' not fonWftVilHly d? no *o7 And as tu whether I have actually done so, the readers of the ubcmisloii mum ?ay." Intellectual dishon esty is tlii- worm tor in of it lu ll o next y. And a man who essays to discuss a puhlic question by dodglng (he issue or the farts _is IntHl.M tnnlly iii ?lioiii ii. Trr 1 acre p t suvli a Judgment upon 1 oi:ia's self is moral Hllicid''. Whai h'lVi" I discussed as tli?? irxues 'n this dismission? Firs!. I have diseu.woil t ho ; 11 u est Ion?Aru the people of - North Carolina p.iylti?: unjust and ? discriminatory freight rates? I I take i^, this Is the fundatnen tal question the first issue. ll:ss Mr -vntnmiH s:iTr~r-ith. r Vc.i or -44ny-Mi*--Trm?*t t nn=? Second. | have discuss?'?! the.' I question -Arc the measure nro-1 ' pimed r^asoiiahly ciih uiat.'d to relieve us of the unjust and dis criminatory freight rates? If these are not the Issues In this controversy. | uouhl like' for , Mr. Williams to inform m? what iire the Issue? in this controversy. >nd If h?? will not then In- stands - Hv- the position of uccuslng me ? of not ditrusaln?; the issue with out himself plainly stating what the Issues ure. 1. On the first Issue I have Hiihniitt"d the findinus of the State's Commission lo t ho effect that the people of North Carolina ere paying grossly unjust and discriminatory freights. And In ndditlon to this 1 have submitted riuch ot'it-r data, none of wlilch -haw hern mlled m qnewHon. , So far as I know no ono seriously disputes the truth of |thl* fipding that we are paying ?>cesslve, unjust and discrlmln* tory frHght rm ?4 2. On the second issue, I have argued that our unjust and dir. criminatory freights are rounded i:pon the fact that t lie three rail toads penni rat inr; t h it State run North !? h M <| liuve.no l-nst and West competition and ih. water competition. I have i indued for the Port Terminal ' I reposition on the ground that It will give us the foundation for l*i?Ht und Weal competition anil Water Competition, and. there fore. hring about a readjustment ??' our freight charges. I have argued that we should make a beginning In this matter at any cost; .md flint lhe prono sitlon now affordp the. opportu nity to make a beginning I have argued that If this proposition Khiill he voted down, we will be wit limit remedy, sine? fhe opponents of the proposition offer no remedy and no relief uhitever. I have argued that the Cape F^ar ami Yadkin Volley railroad ought tO be recovered from the Atlantic Coii.'t I.inn und the Southern; and If recovered it would afford the foundation for r.n Kast nnd West railroad com panion. And I have argued that runless we approve the proposition now before us. It will not be vorth while to seek further to recover the Cnpe K ear and Yad kin Valley railroad. If 1 may give my opinion about n.y argument. i think many things may be said for or aqaiiiMt it. bul no one can truthfully say that I have dot dlsrussed the j question Involved On tin- other* bund I ask the renders of Mr Williams numerous article* to i aay whether or not he has even , appeared to discuss the practical questions Involved. lie has pro test ml against bonds, he has ap pealed to prejudice against bonds, j he hat? sought to make It appear | that the State cannot afford l<> spare the money, and he has re flected upon the qualification of ?others than himself to dUm*? this question. Hut lie will not come to the point and affirm or deny thnt our people ari paying unjust a ti d discrlminttorv freights; otid. while he questions the efficacy of the reme ly pro poser!. he will offer no ofher. And i this brings me to n point in IhU j discussion What shall we say j to men who in circumstances 11 k <* ' these argue to us that we ?drill do nothing Thia is the position of all those who actively oppose the l?ort Terminal proposition: but they offer us no relief and no remedy. Th'y do not deny that we are wronged They only ask that we submit to our wrongs. They ore In the position of asking 2.600.000 people to continue to pay excessive, unjust nnd dis criminatory freight rhargis to tho rall roads. For ope I am unwilling to do this. 1 am convinced thnt the proposition will bring relief, lint ,evrn If I were In doubt on that |M>lnt. I would resolve my donht* ,on the side of Justice. 1 would at tea it protest agalnvt Injustice. | 1 would at least mako a beginning make ?i. hihikkI" to free myself. Iniak- "na effort; he asks us tO ? submit w K ho# a ?t ruggle; h? rwtkH?-4tt-btmdng? - i ho rallroiiHT I did not think *0 Iht firm, hut his attitude, an shown I l.v Itln utterances tend to convinoo 1111111? thin Mr. WOllamH really r thinks that this Is the beat (or Ins; that tho vhlef end of tho |)poopl?? of North Carolina la to I j till the* treasuries of the Atlantic I t'oa^t Lin?', tlio Southern nnd tho?, I Si a boa r.l Air' Lino railroads with excessive. unjust anil discrimina tory freight collections; that It Is Hour destiny nnd duty to no on under this handicap. And while we arc doing this, also to pay tribute to Norfolk. Richmond, Lynchburg and other Virginia I Cities. If Mr Williams does not think this way.. will -ha be good ?noagh li&JAU ux uLji. belt?r plan of do- - llvoranco t,han that proposed? If .we are not to make an effort for tell us when we shall make nfll effort? If the proposed propo^ ; ?ItIon shall he defeated, haa Mr. Williams another? If so tW readers of this paper are .wit nesses to the fact that, notwlth* standing that he haa written columns mi this subject, h? btt?; never expressed such a deilro. Can It he possible that Mr. Wil liams Is oppoBed to the Port Ter minal proposition because he de sires that lhe people of North Carolina shull continue to payj freight charges that are known to he unjuat. excessive and dl? Icriminatory. This li. of comma* not true of others who oppoae tho proposition. Some of them ?1% not in formed? gomi of tho^JM^ fionoHtly of tho opinion that wo are paying no more than wo ought. Some of them aro look ing to otner means of dellvernnoo. Some ?>f them do not believe plan will worTT " ItiiT" Mains is Informed He knows wo ore paying more than we should, lie hns no other means of deliv erance In view. And if he dooo not boTleve the plan will work. It must bo said that he haa written much without showing wherein the plan is defectivo or whereby It may be made effectlvo. If I am wrong In coming so re luctantly to this conclusion, Mr. William* can set me right by saying whether or not he thinks ?hq aro paying unjust freight charges; anil If he says we aro, by expressing a wish that we shot) not be compelled longer to do this. And, having suid this, lot him in rejecting the only plan of relief offered, show us what hi# nlan In. Whenever he does this, he will arrest the present ten tiettry-^nf my thiiTktng wrlth regard to his course in this matter. WOltK on MI/KJO ROAD WILL HBCJIN MONDAY 1 A contract has been let for tho Slate Highway from Robinson's farm to Hllgo and work will begin Monday under the direction Of Knglucor Nello L. Teer of Dur ham The road Is first to bo graded front one end to tho oth er befor?? tho laying of concrotO ibegun. The contract allows work days for the grading of the road, which means that It will he practically a year before the grading Is complete. "The State authorities hare learned." said an engineer Of the State ilirhway Thursday uftot noon, "that It Is not the bost pol icy to lay concrete In t h la section Immediately after the grading-'s begun and for lliin Mason It has been decided n??t to lay any con crete on the road from Robinson's farm to fillgo until tho grading la completed and the road hs? had time to settle. PRISONER IIAN6S HIMSELF IN CELL IMvldcre. N J . Oat 30 ?Tho body of Frank Thomas, hold In Jail here as s material witness In t lie slaying of his wife. Mrs. Grace Thomas, was found' hanging in bis cell today by Warden Smith. He Imd hanged himself by his suspenders. w>V ? The body cf his wife wan found Tllsday In an abandoned Iron iiiIiio. ' N O T 1 C. E ! l'a?c|uolHiik Superior Court to (>>nrrne on ? Wrdiirmlay, November 5th, 1921 l.iduant?. jurors and nrh nosMMi xiuiinvMtod to appear ?tt f nart oft ?fwttdny, Wins? - hrr JIM. tn*|. nro herehv Of tifkNl Wf to appear nstlt IVt"liif?ilav morning, \rw w inber ?Vh, IM4. Kim?T 1. HAWYMt, fiork Superior HnM