^ ~ t T" * "? ~ - CfRClTATION THVasDAV 2.612 Copies TTIE WRATHIR Partly cloudy tonight and mriuy. Warmer tonight, crate northeast winds. ^VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. FKIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 31, 1924. SIX PAGES. * NO. 269. "City's Biggest Sinner Is Not A Criminal Says Ham As More Tolerable for Odontites in Judgment Ihan for Respectable Jews Who Fought Jesus So Belter for Murderers Than for Seducers of ('liaructer "The biggest ?Inner In Ellxa beth City la not Its worst crimln-H nl. its most scarlet woman. Its vll-|H est libertine. Its most hopeless H rencoliate. tno i avowed lattdcl/^H ? Till T In tin Who ih uoihk iuohi to seduce souls, to destroy character.? to bring the work of the Christian H Cows of thlscomraunttytnto dis repute. and to muke hard the ef-^H forts of your pastor? and tsirnest H Christian workers to save- youi ? city." Evangelist M. F. Ham told his great congregation at the ? Hani-Ramsay tabernacle Thins day night. "The reprobate, the harlot, the ? friiiiinni tha ain^aton the evangelist said, "are without I Influence and their very lives are ? [ * warning to others not to follow H i in their footsteps, but the enemy H of the kiugdooi who.la.really to bc| reared Is the man of Influence and | I power and education, who clothes ? himself in respectability and out ward morality and uses all his I power and Influence and resources H In w??h n way mm Iam?I olhtM-M sat ray fruni i In H ||||| ?ml I" I 11 Hi M "them from finding salvation. ??The man who commits ^th* breaks'* the " greatest command ment. Jenua Hlmaelf tella us ? that the greatest commandment ? is 'Thou shalt love the Lord H thy Cod with all thy heart and ? with nil thy soul and with all thy strength' and that the second ? greatest la like unto It 'Thou shall ? "The ten commandments are all fragments of these two gn at com- H mandments. In the two aro ? summed up not only the whole ten but all the law and the proph ? ets. The greatest sin you can com- ? I mlt is to deliberately turn your i back on Jesus Christ and the ? greatest sinner Is the man who Is doing most to prevent others from H accepting and surrendering their ? lives to the Nararene. He Is the | I man who Is doing most to seduce souls and destroy character. If It I were not for you reaaactable peo ple who are lined up with the Devil he would have no standing (n this community; if it were not for you moral people who are sup | porting him he could catch noth-1 ?ing In his net but crawfish. "It Is not the man who breaks I r*Ivank or roba ua of our poss*-* rfinna who is most tobc. feartd. J.mL, the man who undermines charac- I ter. destroys the soul, and robs us of Christ and hope. Tho greatest I enemy of the home la not the In- | cendlary who burna down the house in which you live but the j I neighbor who undermines the Christian training of your chil dren; not the brute who criminal ly assaults a woman on the high- I wmj. Mui the devil who seduces I her in the parlor: not he who kills the body but he who destroys j I the soul. - .. "Jesus pronounced woes in his | i day on the cities of Dethsalda. j I Chorazin and Capernaum, which had heard his teachings and wit nessed his mighty works, warning them thst calamity would befall I them In time and thst lo eternity I It would be more tolerable for the Kople of flodom than for them. I cause had the mighty works ? ? been done In Nineveh or Tyre that I Were done In the cities where I Christ lived and taught the people I would have repented In lack clotn I fluid ?flh?. I Tli In Ciencrmlon Oopmnnrd Al?n, ??Llkewlao the people of I Africa anil China ?hall rise up con Airita aim in the day of Judgment to demn us for. If the gospel had been preached In those lands nH It has been In this country, thous- ,? ands would have been saved I Where one has been saved here. There is no excuse for any sin in this community. Not one of you | can plead ignorance of the light and it is those who aln against the M greatest light who will be called ^Lipon to face the severest Judu ^?r?nt on the last great day. " The evangelist turned aside In Ibe course of his sermon to cata logue the critics snd enemies of his campaign. Ho cited the re- | suits of his work In other cities | and said thst he could bring a multitude of witnesses to testify |, that ss s result of hli meetings bootleggers, bums snd desd beats bsd been saved snd hypocrites In the church hsd been regenersted So that their lives had become fruitful. "If I were to go down to your | hank." he ?ald. "snd undertake to tell Its officers how to do their j banking or If I were tt> go Into the executive office of a grest rsllrond system and undertake to tell Its ?ffleers how to run their rsllrosd they would know I wsa a fool. And yet some of you who hsve never won a soul to Christ are trying to tell me how to run this meeting If you know of a bet ter way thsn mine, why don t you kmong thoae attending the tneetlng from s distance Thurs Hf trtKht was Major <* J Of Ralalah. who testified to W"U ^real work oi ih* Hum-TUn^ j ?My campaign in that elty. Tonight the JL1,' tofwrh on "The ITnpardonahle 4Ml7 The subject Sunday night I? "t*e Final Judgment." me letmon yeeterdsy morning LABOR SHIFTS VOTE TO * l)ccluriii? Tlial \ ?|c for l^iFollrite HujlLiI hr l ilt oh n Ahuv I n ion lake Action. Ni w York. Oct. SI. Declaring that a vote for LaKnllHt?1 is one i h row ii away xvTT"miT "TieT|.iiuT to Improve conditions tin- I .a bor it 11 - Ions of Nt w York. comi?ri?in?; ??n? flfth of tin- \ni?'rlcan l**ed? ration . of l?abor. switched their support yesterday-from h* Toilette -t*??fh?~ vls uiid iiKKi'd If?t- election ??! til** latter. This art ion nv tak?-n nt tla?* n - gU'-.st of niciiiboi* of the iiuioltit and in direct o|i|imltlon to tin* tU'wh or sanrnvr rrmrrrr: LAROKITES PLAN ? 11? Th? A?#rliln1 .) London. Oct. 31.?The Izbor ite cabinet lii'uilfil by I'romlor Madlonald, after two bourn so* ?ion this morplng. is understood to hovo decJcd to remain in office a few day h an then m-Mkii hefor-' tile assembling of tile new parlin It I* expected that Hie cabinet will reft inn next week rather than meet the new parliament and be tiirned out upon the king's ad dress. SIMMONS PLEADS PORT TERMINALS New Ilerii, Oct. 31.?Senator Simmons in his second speech of the Democratic campaign here lrst night made a strong plea to voters to pas* favorably on the Port Ter minals Hill next Tuesday. ORGANIZE EIGHT PORT TERMINALS Winston-SaI? in. Oct. 31 A numb?-r of manufacture rs and other? here organized yesterday to light the Port Terminal* Mill In the closing days of the campaign. COTTON MA IlK FT New York. Oct. 1. Spot rut ton closed quiet. Middling 23.6."?. a declln<> of 2.r? points. Futures, closing bid. Oec. 22.84, Jan. 22.9fi. March 23.2K. May S310, July 23.25. TIDE TURNING TO DEMOCRATS New York. Oct. 31. ? In his fourth statement netting forth the Democratic views of cam paign issue.?, ma<ie public to J .?h h u uuiii. uyiiiuL1! ji ic nominee for President, ex plained his reason "for the spirit of optimism outstand ing today in the Democratic camp." Mr. Davis Mummed up what he said was the "cumulative evidence of the last few days." and to? k _i>ccasLqij. to_ejy^yj^ tut* ,;nrrHnMe "tfi mnorlnt>B ?ft" the party ticket for a well de fined movement which Is bring Iny. ii iiiiUFypjMrrult*. ?"Diir r a uka." MFD CROSS FII.M AT THF AI.KKAMA Ited Cross films will he hhown at the Alkrama Theater today and Saturday at hoth the mati aim evening ibfiwi. These films show the Red t C rog* min istering to the distressed during disasters which have, occurred du ring the lost year. They are r-humi In connection-with--the an nual r?j|I call which burins all cv ??r the country on November 11. .1. II. b'ltoy, Jr., Ih at the head ?1 the local Red Cross. Mian Al in the cRy thin week asHl*tiu? In uuii-nig ihe loc.iT arraniteifit nts for tin- annual roll call. M IA IA I. StJtVICK HIM ?A V Milt UK8TTITY PARKNTH A special service for parents at at Kir-d .Methodist church Suuday morning at 11 o'clock has been arranged as a culmination of the< observance of Children's Week. In o<llt ion to spoclal music and other f.-atuies there will he a talk by U". J. Itams&y. 1 REPUBLICANS OVEK THREE MILLIONS Chicago, Oct. 31.?(Republican campaign contributions to date have totalled approximately $3. 7?"'?.Oho William Hodges, national iieasurer testified today before the Chicago section of the Senate campaign fund committee. Of this amount more than $750,000 has been sent back to the. state?, leaving nearly 93,000, 000 fnr^the Presidential, senator ial. and congressional campaigns. Washington, Oct. 31.?Activi ties of the American Federation of Labor on behalf of LaHollette and operations of the Grundy committee In its collection of Re publican tunds in Pennsylvania were fu'ther subjects of Inquiry by the Washington sections oi 1 he Senate campaign fund com nilttee today. Frank Morrison, secre'ary cf the federation, testified that the organization had collected 923, 000 and spent 920,000 in promot ing its campaign for LaFolletta. Romance Of Business Blossoms In Real Life Diaries M. Kittle, a I'oor Boy, l>y Porsistencf, Haril Work and Ability, lli?rn to Board of Direc tors of Citirajo Bu?inm Firm li>- o. I,. SCOTT (CnuTlfh'. IHI. ?>* Th? A4r? ClilcaK". Oct. 31. T h?* romance nt bURliKH?, now and again pic tured in fiction bloaaoni'-d out in real 111# h? r?- today. It ia Iti?*' atorjr of a |?oor boy. by pentlatcnce, tiard work um! ability, rtalnj; t tirou^li the tanka until, .selil com paratively a young man. li?? atepa Into the aboea of n great and pow erful bu*ineMa lead* t t" direct, nt a liti k*1 anlury. one of the nation's blKM'*t entcrprta*'a. The poor boy H Cbarlea M Klt 11?*: the hualnea* loader. Ju Hum Roacnwald. and the great concern. S<?ara-Roebuck A- Company. It* board of direct).ra today formally nniiK'd Mi Kittle president to suc ceed Mr. Roaenwald, who bccomea chairman of the hoard, and at th?} aame time picked another young man. Oeneral R. K. Wood, to be come n vlcc-preatdcnt of the com pany. Thua the $5 a week water boy ok only a relatively few year* ago bccom?-a the $100.000 n year hrad of an enterprise doing mil Hon* upon million* of dollar*' bit* Ineao annually, through *otne 12.-' 000 employe*. And Jiilln* Rosen? wald. chief executive for the past 16 year*, one of the organizer* of the company. at fi2. give* over ac tive direction of it* affair*. Tli?- Trank* murder eu*? waa one influencing clrcuinttance In the present iltuntlon. Albert H l/oeb. father of Richard I/>*b, arrh plotter In the murder of little Robert F*ranka. who had hern sen ior Vlee-prealdent of the Seara Roebuck Company, died Monday of a heart ailment, aggravated by the oct of 111* aon He had been una hi" to carry on hi* heavy du tlea *lnco hla boy confcaaed the crime. and a few day* ago Mr ftoaenwald bad explpIned ' 1$ the ? boa M -1 hat addtt Ifltii 1 creeiit Itfn were nocraaary to care for tho work or the Kr*;it mall orirr on "Running ths Chrlatlan'a Raca" waa aa follow*: What would you think of a law Iyer who never won a case? What I Continued on pa*a t house, inasmuch an he and the fulling Mr. Ix>eb were unable to carry the ?-ntIre burden. In reaching out to flml the man Co run their husineas. the hoard of director? went to (ho 44-year o!d senior vice-president of the Il linois Central Railroad C ompany an executive genius who now must change from a life of "rail roading" to one of morchandlalnu Yoiing Kittle, a little over 30 years aro. started out as water hoy t'lidlnK sn UIIdoIs Central section gang here. He did his Job well, and tot a better one. Then h ? learned rallroaA telegraphy and operated a key Worn the lime l\e was 1? until be was named cashlef lu the office here. Hln | book education was obtaiued in , the meantime from ? night Reboot. From cashier. the young man advanced to chief clerk and In 15* 10 waa appointed superlntend ent of claltna for the road, fol lowed by an appoiutmvnt ji.i as alstrtnt to the president. Thst led In 101 ti to his appointment as vice president of the Illinois Central ftallroad. If In ability was ao j marked that It had become ac cepted that he would leave the Il linois Central where no higher position*? were likely to be open. For all fit la aucces*. Mr Kittle has no formula, except t ho one of hard work snd common senae. He i ha* no time to talk of hla own ae eompliahmenta or to give advice to others who might wlah to accom plish what he has. With his appointment to the chief ex"cutlvfshlp of a great cor poration. he Immediately i* to take up the task of developlnr further the hualneaa of the mall ordu company. At the same time. JuTlus Koi^rtWiia. i b4HrtMt fig-" ?tr? his 4w-obilamhrop- . I?s. gives up much of the active direction of th" business he helped to found. Hla Interests of late years have hern In tfreat mrasnre In the social ser v lee work toward which ha has given million* SHE W AS IN POLICE CHASE Tlili latcI?* rrijipl? ii ? 'rl. R*y? ur-ul,l I?eota Hcrton of Cleveland. wan r path? lie m a ilirii:i?g |h lie ? eli&>? ? hi aud around Wheeling, W?ri Virginia. Willi !.?m ta? ;l*n Vr*. Mtttryirrt Horton. aln* wa* r din? in an auliMM^ti.li in wl>uh ,\? uoat 1I"U. \vunl?*d for the murder of u pollcrnnii 1m Shak< . II- ij.lilw, f'hlo, a CI'vrland quhiirb, wui tak ing Uj;ht. Hclh. ;>c.. . TI?. , k ?4S.- ;..????? than SC i -IIks to'tor?* if j cruyhfd in;o a..o?i?r m le.nn? . H'It. who nii^iivlillr had Jumped ! nut of ihe rar. l iving l.?Miia\s nntlwr at ih?? I, ?an raptured a : few minul*-.? lut?-r. !.? t?f?i ?h rhirAfi l.i the main of Deteellvo Ucutan- ? ant F.iuuti'tl I'or. ? < 4"1? v?-?aiid. af:?r Ihe (In?-- had been returned to , cirvi land? WAItltFV .IT V.OVIK K Lindsay Wan' n. lfc'morrai !?? ~*ndi?WtJ ft r roup * from hiv District, was her* Friday 011 In. way In Cmndoji. whore li? scheduled in hp? nk Priday night, following hlcli In* wan lo ?p ? i?? Moynck where he hpenk-. 8;:tMr day night RADIO Wil l. CAKKY BOTH ADOKKSSKS Washington, Cd. -'I. -Tho ra dio hook hy which President Coolldfto will make hi- filial a.t dross next Monday night also will carry th?? speech of John \V. I ?a v Is. Plans h?tf been arrange! l.y telephone offh iy 1.4 make fu' ii ItleM available to tho Democratic '-andld.it o on tho Hinno Hn ? hut ai a dlfforont hour. IJSAF TO r.vro II Kit ?It T Washington. t)M, :i I.?? Leaf to bacco hol.l by the nrniittfaclun r < nn dealer? October I sggrogni?*d 1.724.7C7.4 1 S pounds. Hie tVii su* Hnr?*nii mnomirod. Pals TJnited LIHI? Johnny Mark of Chk**o lov* dog Put th? Undiflfd t umi.? ih. v u . ? nulMiK-e. II? thr?w "PetAy ou landlord wag fined for cruelty to ant ?*!? A kind veterinarian (hi Katey a M hi in . caat. end no\ H U ??ttln# mm. And Johnny I WOTIIEK iS DEAD I'tJOM I.OONEY GAS "? vnik. uct. rTT "I.ooney ?an." ?1? ?Igneil id . ff?ct greater ef '? *1 .' In . took its fin h life id 11* - ? ? ? Ue.ys yentt-rdnv and J.Hi rt d fr??ni N. w York while ? he Si: i ih.rd Oil Company contln ii' i}:, investigation to make It DANGER POISONING EXTREMELY l<EMOTE Washington, Oct. 31.? Inventi vni ton Iiy chemist? of the Ilureau >f Mines into the effect* of fumes from commercial gasoline con tiih:lDR tetraelhyl h am Indicated that danger uf puUunlng from fu h i'rhi'I is extn-mely remote. ?It whi pointed out today that thu death of the five mm at the Standard Oil Company laborato ries ill New Jersey was due to pniaonlng encountered In the tnnnufarture of the concentrated totra?*thyl. a product not nol<i to, uutoiuoliillHtn exi opt when dilut ed no that the mixture coinprlaes only on* part tetra?th>l to one thouaaii Iths part of gu^ollnc by .volume. PEACE KEIGNS IN CHINATOWN 'New York. Oct. SI. ? peace re'pnod today In Chinatown. iNYwis that a truce had been signed travelled rapidly through the quarter und there wan a no ticeable lifting of the tension that haH pervaded the section wince the feud between the Ong l^eongs and the Hip King* began. The police, notwithstanding the two week* armistice, decided not to relax t'helr vlgllsnre. New York. Oct. HI.?As the Chinese Ton? war In New York la beliiK nettled by arbitration a shot rang out yiflerday and the war fam who r?*n' w?-d when one of the Tons men was killed by an oppo nent who encaped. RANI) m?/%?TlClG TONH1HT The Hoys Hand prsrtlce will be held In ih?> Hhrlne Hall Kr)day iilght at 6 : 4T? ?harp. NOTI C E ! Paiiqiiolniik Superior Court to < fliivfiic on Wcdli?' "(lay. Novrnilwr 5th, 192 1 IJllKuntK, Jtirnrs ami- wit new* ftiinimmietl U) appmr . In Court on Mundai* Xovam? bfi- Jlnl, IWil, are heret>> (Mil I|)*m| \(tt u? AHMAT ?MM(I VV?dn?d?) morning, No rem be r ."?th, I ?21. FftXKAT L. AAU'YKR, nw-k Superior Cmirt - - - SAYS TERMINALS YIELD A PROFIT (Hyde Line Oflfiriul C.itie* Own E.i|lHll llW 111 ttil minglon Show Slate Ter minula Good InveMment Raleigh. Oct. 31.?M. M. K Hey. Jr., of the Clyde Sieatnihlp Com pany, declares (hat It In lit? opin ion that the proposed State ter n ly ? g d s t, ni.f_p.ro rti J_. tcriulnala and water transporta tion campulKn forces, profits made h> Ills unfa company on caslons when its wharv?9 w.-re op ened to public use. He writes: "Our experience shows the pon slbllitlea of a ternrfciat"tnniTiirH7r"TiH~ follows: "Early In 1921, owing to strikes In the East we found It lm|KMwlbh to operate our jrteaniers on sche-1 dule. and as a consequence our ~huhI ueis~ was Very mtu-h dlsorgan - Ized. I'slnR only about half out Hpace at WIlinlnKton for our own cargoes, we decided to take what ever material we could obtain ao as to tld? us over a vyry bad p?? rlod without having to reduce our , overhead expenses In February w? a 1 lot t ? <1 about one-third of our space to outside storage. continuing this through we took In front "Wharfage and storage the autn of approxlmately $13.500, aalde from whichw<* earned a* profit 'front hAndlTiig cost of approximately fl.f.oo. which Incidentally was less than the prevailing charge for wharf- I age, storage and handling. Our plant la assessed at $11G, 000, included In which Is n large lot. almost t>alf,a block, which we, had to purchaae in order to get what water frontage wo needed. Out watiu .fnnn l?few*?tiK Im in' round figures worth $100.000. Had we been able to devote our entire facllitioa to storage In 1921, In nine montha we could have taken In a net revenue of from $40.000 to $.ri0.000. with very -little expense for clerical help and supervision. "In my opinion, a well conduct ed wharf and terminal is bound to pay." FT Mill AL J. It. HltlTK, Hit. i Tb* friMKl of J. R. llrtt.-, Sr . who died Monday night nt Ills homo at Corinth, was conducted Wednesday afternoon at the horn by his pastor. Rev. It. F. Hall, and interment made In Hollywood Cemetery. Music wan rendered by the quartet of the First Hap tlst Church. The pallbearrrs. den cona of Corinth Ilajiiial?Church, were: Messrs. Joshua Davis. W. F Pritchard. Sr.. D. W Morgao, D. R. llarroll, K. R. Winalow aurl - Joe Tuttle. Keeping Cool Is Easiest 'w Thing Cal Coolidge Does Vim'tl Never Know I'rr-iilrntiul Klecliou lit but Three Days (Iff in \\ hit?* Mouse us President Goe? About l(ou|ine Leaving i'olitienl i'umpaign to Butler Tries Again John M?-1 mi ii ;* ti 1 in. Iilnck.'unhh. of Stevinnvillc, Montana. h.m met in nix ?IcriloiiH and Inn "t the h-ast bit iIInciiiiiiik?'!!. In 1910 Im* waft tli?r?ali-d In a campaign for lh(> ntiit?? b'KiMlaliiH*. An It?-i publican candidate for t'oiiurriw. In* wan di fcati d In 1.916, 15? 1 m.' 1 !?20. 1923. and r?24. Now be is n candidate nciln for ConKH'M. llach i'li ctIon llnda lila vot?* In cream-d. DEMOCRATS REI'OKT t:\i\ii'\m;n hinds Washington. Ocl 31 ? Tlii> Democrat li National Committee' clerk of tin* Houa* tmlny rIiowimI i total rccclptn of $r?.r?2."68 to Or-, tobor 2f. Inclusive with expend!-' ture? to Hint ate of $72S.0G0. Honor Of A Sort Found SometimesAmongThieves Thou Shall Not Squeal Supplant? (lonimuiiiliiit'iil Thou Shalt Not Steal and Thii);? There In- Sometime? Who Will Mot Breult ihr Kuilli n> L. <>\w.\ <c*r>rt*t itft ?? Th? t>an rranriirn, get. 31.?Th* Cnmniandment, "thou shall not ?teal." ha* no placo In the ethi cal rod?* of America'? modern dny banditti but the tenet which has supplanted It?"thou shall not Mjuoal"?aometlmo* prevails In flexible and unbroken to the end. even in the face of death itself. 11T the procesa of scotching out the California "dayllghterM." an desperate a band of men us ev er harassed law and order In the Far Went, the police here have Juat found on three startling occa sion ? In fclmoit as many days that there Bill I Is honor of a kind among thieves. One of the notorious daylight er gang Is dead, another I? dying and still a third Is Juat "going ?*?y" to do a life "Jolt" a? flau Quentln prison for his participa tion In the daylight crimes 4 third of a million dollars worth of bank, jewelry store holdups in i Was than s year?but dead, dying or burled alive, cach member of the band has kept his lips sealed tight to th* end. The original baud of dnvlight ers. according to police Informa tion. Is made up of five members. Two men out with boots on and ene Is going the same wsy. Th? king pin chieftain of tti.in all Is "big lllll" Connor, ex-Nevada min'-r. prospector and typical frontier gunman with no such words ?? fear In the lexicon of hla make up. It la Connor who after fighting ff o.it with the police in a desperate gun duel in going sway to B011 Quentln for life ra ih?T than unlock his lips and who. in the first Instance, afford ed the police the first example of th" underworld's stringent cod" "know nothng and tell nothing" about one's pals In crime Fct wwetl tlfnrrthorttte* ha-ve be?n of fating Connor n UghtcuuiL ii(>ntedll'HIV pooinU probation iiftrr a lew years If he> would ?tell " Ha would not -i-ao the Ktlftcal sentence that the jfaw al lowed?Ufa was meted out to him. A t*w day* npn an aa yol unl dontlflod bandit v;ah ahot and mortally wounded a* ho rinayH an unuanally during downtown at ore holdup In th?* rounty jail, trig BQI Connor, through under ground pipo lin? Information, kn?-w of tin* attempted robhory and ouuonui. l?**for?? tho nowapapar?. 11?? waa much con* c^rneil. 11 i k chl'f inquiry win whether Ihn Hialn bandit "talked'' before ho died. Tho wlaln man didn't. At lio Iny Kn'npliiK 111* llfo uway in lb?- polico palro) runhlng Itim t? hospital hla only anawor to poraUlent police ln(|iiiri**a of bin pail ?arof-r III crlin? wun "no to hull/' II? chuck*d nut Midi thoao word* on lila IIpu? but tli?- polico auhao rimntly rotlnfii'd themaelvra tliat hi wan one of Connor'a dwperitf "dayllKhtor" bind. Almont Nimultniiooimly wltb the ?laying of tho unldon'Iflod bandit bor?? ono Jairna Hawthorne, nllut Jimmy Ilyan, atlll nnother uncap* tured momber of 'Connor'a k.uik had four bullet* pump? d Into hi* back by another underworld con frorc In a water front aaloon With no chancu whatever corned od for hi* recovery. Hawthorne calml/ awiilth death al a hoapltal hero. II* noltlior will toll who abot blm nor anything regarding bin criminal pa a t with the Califor nia dayllghter*. To all Inn**Irlr-*? ho only inilloa weakly and tolla tho offIct# "aw. quit vour kid ding." Homo frlond'a plaint will ifonfio bla death. bo dt-riaroN. and Ibon i o throw tho auiborltlea off lila trail ho naaorta thai lio ?.hot him aelf?fouf tlm*n In til* back. Ke nardlna Ma pala.of ?he dayllnhtor band he ?Imply "lan't talking." "It Ih IIIr Hill" Connor who nomog tin' imdnrwi.rld nrtmt fhalt fio* ?toal " ah ho packa hla meager belonging* preparatory to a llfo pohlail prlMl will. "Our ,ocno la 'ihou ?bail not aqnoal.' " 'h? aaya. and Ibon adda "and none of my boya la going to." lly ilOIIKHT T. SMALL (C*u|i>rUl?t. l?tl. tar Tlu , Washington, mt concerned In next Tuesday'! election Ih the man most coa ? ??rHfii in -ii.? if i iiiin mil ? ny doubt about President CtlWi Coolidge's ability to "keep cool** ihr* -rampatgii JTiiT closing d I sal pat?d It. Those who have pictured tli? \Y li 11 ?* Houhh aH a sort of ntad house in them* laMt days of tb? , Idg quadrennial upheaval have >lwit ~firr~"wlrtr?" nr the ma>lc^%~~ mid Hum hut calm has prevailed. There ban been only the tetefiS fuggcstlon of politics now ?d then .the President having con sented to receive small dela tions of lungNhnrctnen. actors and representative? of national ad vert Islng agencies. White House attaches ''call when It wan the iPp -fn^r rrrnfrrrpf] "with CILm Ttiiib'r of the Republican" t Ionu I committee. iSo man prts* J'xjiil nationally In Lha-caOMMttfaa lias been at the executive n?E? slon In n coon's age. With but four ?lays Inter before the canting of the b.. I Ills wan President Collide?'? < plet??. pr.igram for yesterday. \\ ] 10:45 a. in , Receive the PrtMi nmlmssudor to present M. Finala '.'u.'.'v.' ran* H ? m: Receive RopraMIt* II?? Porter, of Pennail.anla rhiurinuii of (he hnune commttiM on foreign affairs. ... M 15 "? m Receive Senator Wells .of Maryland. II:.10 n. m. Receive lir. f >Ve*ley Phelps. Mrs. Phelps aid daughter. ^ ? M '?.V46.!1 m Kecelrn Frank W. Muhln, I'Uited state con.nl at Amsterdam, to pay hi. rwpMta '20 p m. ReceWa about 5?0 1 members of the National Colo rad Ministers Interdenominational'?*;^ Itaace. And this, it might be said, was \u?i?"r?i,Ve,y a bUBjr d*y ?* tb? u "Mo House in the heat of tU? e-impalm. The President hss given t h re s or i?;ttr "political breakfasts" but |hc entertaining which always ka? b^n a part and parcel of a Prss cients program for re-election has '"'?n largely conspicuous by Its nbaence. When the Coolldgee , have i ntcrlaliu'd at breakfast tS&w have stuck steadfastly to N?tr ' I'tigland menus. They have serv?d fruit and cereal and hot csk?? ?'lib maple syrup: na usage, pouched eg;??, crisp bacon, rolls and coffee. The friend? Of the PrcHlderit Mr M-? attitude during the campaign hn* not been one of IndlfTereaee. i bey ? xplaln It rather on the grounds of confidence and they lutfve been able t?> cite during tttd puM few days the President's own riUlon that he la making, all ??f itis plans for the future upoa the assumption that be will be !elected on Tuesday next. Hut even now in dlscusslag the cthipiilgn with his callers tb? Pr? ddent hus stated that he has no <1 finite Information on ahf particular state. He has left tb? impression that he bad not sought any such Information. Hmlllngtr lie has remarked that he had con fidential reports to the ?<!'ect that be most certainly would eatry .? TUtsmpton. Massachusetts, but other tliap that he had not gone Into campaign details. He has l>een content to leave the direc tion of the fight entirely la tb? hands of his friends and hli sup porter-, |n the Grand Old Party, It wan assumed early I? the campaign that with Pn>e2dVB Coolldge reniHiniru- In WsStitM^ ton mueji of the Republics? caiw [i.i I u 11 excitement would Ceater here. That has not been the case at all. There lias been no whirl of politics about the White House. There have been no extended pon Ileal- conferences there. Chair man flutter evidently hss felt tb?| he had Mr. Coolldge'e alMnclush# pow?r of attorney ajid has pro ceeded accordingly, consulting hli chief from time to time only In a? Informal and Informative man??fi reporting whst had been daae 1? his name and In his Interest. Once or twice In receiving d?le gallons st the executive offices President CooMde? hss referfit "my campaign" but it has of h campsltcn perhaps than ever was made by any aspiranOor Presidential honors. If the President Is elected nett Tuesday he will be more flrit)ty committed to the policy of alien?? Ihan ever before In his life. n-VKHAL 4'4 It KO IX MCTf The funersl of Carroll V. Mon den. who disd at bin home it Woadville Wedhesdsy, was con dnci >d st the home Thursday af ternown at 3:30 o'clock by Ret. W T FMpps aiid IntfrmeBJt iraa tirntr til Hie family Ki? tying gretrid. The pallbesrers. who were all rx-servlce men. weer: Messrs. Matthew White, Kddl? AI bertson. W. H. Westherlv. J?.4 Percy Iiundy. Wslter Rlddkk. and Wallace Russell. v S - ^ ..i- Jakm

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