GIANT RECORD UNPARALLELED In National l^a^ur Have ?-field Fii>l Place TZvory Wffk-End Except Three for Last Four Spumiiis. /"' By JOHN IL KOST K It ? (Ct*?r1?kf. 1?J4 br Tt,? A<l>UMl \ Ntw York. Nov. 3.?When th ? flew York yationak. Wiin_ihi'lr champlonshlp ift 1924 tli?*y fin lihed the most remarkable run of ? 11 baseball history. The writer has delved through rcaniH of old records without finding anything ^ that compares with It. B Since that memorable Sept cm ^,.^*r *921. when (he Giants de tided to stop playing tlio role of runner up. they hav?< hern out of first place on only three week ends. They were out of the lead only 15 we:k ends In four full seasons. The record is based on week end standings because that is the only test of consequence, an the championship develops upon the standings of the team* ?t the end of the week, opposed to a particular day in the middle of the week when a 11 am occas alonally goes into fic<M-only to be ousted again. The season generally ends on a week end. After they took the lead in 1921, largely as a result of ad ministering five straight defeats to the league leading Pittsburgh ?Pirates, the Giants w-ere never headed for a single week-end du Jftlng the rent of the season. W In 1922 they wre second in ? Ihe race on two we?>k end" ?cu rlouRly enough on the 22nd of April and the 22nd of July. In 1923, they were never oui of first place on one week end from the ?tart to the finish of tho race. This record is extraordina ry. No team on record ever dis played such stability. ?In 1924, the Giants weiv nut of first nlace on the week end of Ap ril 19. Had they been in first place on that date they would Indeed have had a reenrd for other teams to shoo: at. ?No team t in the history of baseball has held*, the lead every week end for two j seasons in succession. The record, great as it is for the Giants,?does not.?however. I rtpeak any too well for the fight-j Ing spirit of the rest of the Na tional League clubs. An organieatlon that can wrest the lead from one league only l!?i times in 14 seasons of 154 games | each certainly It not making much of a fight. Of course th? 1 Giants will tell you that they I kept In the load because they I um 'h" hfl?t t an ill unri tliul llmvl were th most skilfully handled. Ma>|)q 30?but even that drtos not no airy jn^'Ttr'Ttfrfrcrf rn vttf rest of the circuit. Harvard 13; Huston n. Syracuse 7; Dartmouth 7. Yale 7; Army 7. Virginia 7; Washington and Lee 20. V. M. I. 25; Hampden Syd ney 0. Georgetown 20; Furman 0. Florida 26; Southern Col lege 0. Alabama fl 1; Mississippi 0. Georgia 33; Tennessee 0. V. P. I. 50; Clemson 6 Pennsylvania 6; Lafayette :i. Navy 0; Pennsylvania Stale f,. Princeton 21; Swarthmorc t;. South Carolina 10; North Car olina 7. William and Mary 27; Kings College 0. Notre Dame 34; Georgia Tech 3. Vanderbilt 13; Auburn 0. West Virginia 71; Itethany fi. Oigethorpe 7; S"wanoe 0. Centro 7; Kentucky n. Cornell 14; Columbia 0, Trinity 54; Blon 0. Wake Forest 64; Guilford 0. HAVK t-MKAl' THKATUIl ! London. Nov. 3.?A playhouse ' where seats may be bought for* sixpence and a shilling is to ))?' ; opened shortly through the ef forts of a hand of parliamenta rians, Including Mr. Stanley Bald win, Mr. Lloyd George. Lady Ah tor, who have started a campaign 1 lo open the house. Only popu lar dramas and comedies will be ^presented. Tc ro SERVICE Mbeaurle Pharmacy ?-ADDS QUALITY Weight Means Nothing li moiir. nil JlAfcronr?* hnw 1-ir ??r ?mntl you ar? In football Thin year* C hin Sum* t?-a m i?rov.-n that "Fairy * rot huff. Mar cu.ird ot ?!.?? iliirk? v- x. wvighs |n>uii?Ij*. I'kiMi.v W.illH. th?? renter. wrlghi? fxarllv 124 iwumls lc?w V. i lM?th .<r?? of ?-??u:d \n ?? to the ?rum. And rank with th* km (i>i A,inlK m I he WcMtt-rn ('onfrn nce. ROJAS GROOMED FOR J JEMPSEY Hut If Boul (!oiih'm OfT Will !\ot Dinprovr I)o|M' lo Kf ?ftri?tliat l)i' Done \\ ill) By FAIR PLAY ir?j?rirti' ltd. hv Tb' Aa??n<n New York. Nov. 3.?!i looks an tJiou,;h some promot rs of prominent?' think that Mickey Walker made it proud ? uoufch Hhfiwit;- n.-i'i.-'??Mwlmir ii tackle llfirr> ??reb in live ring In ? hiitt l< U r tin- i 111: i ? n 1111; li t ti tir. If anyon is tempted to l.injcki at this let him sth'k a phi in the prediction tha? the two will meet before another 12 month* have gone. The fight will lak* place in Newark and it will draw one of Lh.> higge*! crowds ever m ?en in Jersey. Ciood little man aRa In M good hip man. Oreh will outpoint Mickey all right hut the mingling of two fighting machines ought to result in the beat figh; of the year. Walker':? lot Ik not pleasant since ho got 111 the hud graces of the New York boxing commission. He has hard work In getting pay ing houts and in fact any boy who has hones of liookiug on at lha. New York arenas is Inclined to give Mickey a wide berth. It shows how low price ring affairs have fallen in this vicini ty when Itoinero-Rojas Is being gromed for Jack llempsey. Tlil> is exactly what is happening. Of course Dempsey may decline lo met the Chilean. but this I? hardly possible. It has bron stat od that Jack will not fight again and perhaps he never will .It be ing understood that a set to with nomero could not ho classed as a light. Anyway fans are h "re with' light upon the manner in which the business men of the ring lead the hungry public to the box of fice. WAKE FORESTS OUT FOR TENNIS HONORS, ll> II KM t V ItKI.K | Wake I'orrst, Nov. 3.?Travel ing in tine of I lit* well known cheap cars on the equally well known hard surface roads of Picdniout. Nurth Carolina. the "WaTH Koresi tennis l^iiin will on Monday begin a five day lour. The team of the Winston Sal? in Conn try Club will be met on Monday, bitording to correspon dence now pending: the High Point Country Club on Tuesday; (iuilfoid College un Wednesday; Cak Hid<r on Thursday (pend ing i; and Trinity in Durham on Friday. hiv?- men win make Hie tour. They are: Captain A. J. Newton, l.rilngtun:?hIiiilrut manager.?J__ K. Austin, of Salisbury; I*. A. Agalesto of Maron; It. K. Slate of. High Point; and D. W. Wand of P.urgaw. 1 he Haptlsts l>egin their tour having .participated in only one previous tournament this season. ( uroliiiH was met and the Tar Keel players won a derisive vie-, lory. Wake Forent men. have l?e??n going through strenuous l.raetleo since this meet, however, and should present belter form i t their eoming matches. TRINITY BASKETEERS TO BEGIN PRACTICE: Durham. Nov. 3. ? Monday night will h?e the flrsl basket hall practice of the season, at Trinity Allege, t lie official call having been Issued by Coach George lluchhcit. basket ball SEE OUR LINE FIRST! If it's a Suit or Overcoat for either men, younif men or lioys that you want, don't fail to see our line. Prices $12.50! to $40.00 for men's and $5.00 i to $20.00 for boys. C. A. COOKE (llcad-To-Koot Outfitters) WHEN IN NEED OK Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases Our line is larjfe?Our assortment is varied? our <iuality Kood and the pricc is right. Quinn Furniture Co. BESTCITY GIRLS PLAYING BALL Organize Into lour (linn* Tram? ami Ct'i Hrody t?i Mpft Hertford and K<l* niton Train**. Klizabeth Cli> High S? hool girla are gi'ttui.T roml) !?? meet the Edenton and Hertford girls In haske.tball III the wry near future. Heihaven ami Wa.ihlng ton will also probably he rivals of the "home to-wir cng*rs. Itusket ha 11 activities have begun In earnest among the'local High School girls. They hare been organized into four claw Uutnr. and are now in the midst ot a clan- gam?? aeries. six o{ the twelve canii'i In the series hav-, ing already been played. The result of these games was as follows: Won l*Kl?Trt. Seniors ...... .21 .?67 Junior . 2 1 .Kfi7 Sophomores I 2 .:123 Freshmen I 2 .323 Much interest is being shown In these games which are being played in the lllgh H:hool gym nasium each afternoon, nnd the final outcome |g a matter of much conjecture. The dope was] upset Thursday when the Fresh ! eager* who had lost to both Hen-j lors and Sophomores, won from j the Juniors, who had the big end J of. the score against both of these teams. Many of the varsity of last t year are on the job ?gain this year and there are also some good ' prospects among the new mater-( lal. Tli V SAMK IS WOMAN* COMKH TO AI.KItAMA "Thv Name Ik Woman." a new | Fred Niblo production, presented' by Ixiuis H. Mayer through M^tro. will come to the Alkrama Theater for an engagement of j two days, starting Tuesday. It' Is a picturizatlon of the American ' version. by Henjamln Glaz?'r. of Karl Sclioenherr's famous piny. The cast Includes Kamon No va rro. llsrhara La Marr. Kdlth i Roberts. William V. Long. Robert i Bdeson. Wallace MaoI>onald and Clare MacDowell. The play won success last sca M.n on Broadway wltli Mary .-satin and Josc? Rubens in (he principal rides. inentor. Seven veteran playerr arc expected to be on hand and ready for action. They are: Cap tain Bd. llullock. Leper, Kimball., Moss, Ware. Uarnhart. and Gra ham. Trinity lost u galaxy of basket HUM K HI I'M lilWI > I'll I. lIHUUKll M'ud nation and otherwise, among the i.layers who will not be In nnl form Ibis season being spikes. Richardson. Crute. Simpson. Win ters. Roane, and Carter. Leper, member of the varaity squad of 1922, was not in college last sea son. but Is expected to make one of the fastest men on the varaity quint this year. PHONE 114 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT FOOTBALL QUR8TIOX BOX If von have none question to Mj ? emtio ;i?* writer nii'l ??Fir!.!! about football- - If you want a rulle inter jjMfd IT you" waul Hi"Timw anj' I ;Mntt alu?ul a play Write to Lawrence Perrjr for 15 yeara an authority on ! your qu?btl<?n will be an* j <1r<?.v(l envelope. Othtnrine If yt u want a personal reply | enclose a stamped. iicU-a?]* f rvd l:i this column. Address: Lawrence Perry. Sp.x-ial Football Correspond ut 01 Tho Advance. 814 World Hulldiini..New York. Question?Team II i* mop-u on and commits u foul while team A in trying for It* point afii-r teuchdown. nald foul interfering wlih the try lor point what hap pen?? Answer Tin* point In awarded to team A. Question ? Trum A having wo red a lourhdnwn tried tor the extra point with an end run. The ball Is fumbled, but it Ih picked up bv another member of Team A who get* aero** the goal. Does that tumble end the try? Answer?No; the play may Im? completed In sucl) canes. Question-?Team A on u try for extra point throw* a forward pas* and It Is intercepted by Team fi. May i he man Intercept ing I he fall run for ? touchdown If he can? Answer?^?o ??core may be made b ylhc defense upon u tr> for ???ira print* by the opi>o?iiiK ? eiwi-rj guf>t!u>iT-:!lave Marquette an.! Notr?' t'TiT ui"! on tli?.? loot In i; i :* !?|. if no m hat ?con**? An>wvr They lmv?? met four !ii.?"s. 'I h> r?* iviMc i?,i t to itjiiit'i. at?'hln?; ;?n?l flv? to fi.-. ami iii<>it Notr?* li-Hiif won ?*?!? to o met ji to o. t ho la ?i k am ?* iit inK p 1?>?.1 in I9J1. ?scvrr your frievds AT Of K Clean Soda Fountain at TIIF. AfOTIIKi'AliY SIIOP The (!oh\ (iloH llrator IT Gives clean comfortable^ k^EAT contiPrtcil (i? I m m |i *nr!;??r In Ipx* than tU?* llllllllles \%||| uho >i?ii tirat %\h?*r*? >011 umi t It thiit will ulvt* 1 rmnforU We hint* nI/?'?. If >??it iiimmI I^imp or l.lKltlitiK Fix- ' tur?"*?or nnjtlilnu In 1 i Ilir rlct li U'hI Mik* h?\r It. rno.\>: A? \V. S. WHITK * <:??. No. -Il() MiitilieHM St. Men are Talking About Qur New Shoe Arrivals^ are talking about our newest arrivals in Men's Shoes. Featured are a wide selection of Oxfords in blacks and tans. There are also many IukIi Shoe styles for men with that much wanted touch of oxclusiveness. OWENS SHOE COMPANY lliNTON IU11LD1NC Paint Protects -Adds Value A coat of Gateways Quality I'uinl docs more limn beautify your properly. It will protect your home against tlir storms of Winter and the ravagm of u Mistering siiii. Thru, loo, il adds materially lo ihc value. A frrshly painlcd home looks better and is worth more. Service, quality anil prompt lies* are tlir liani? of our work. <>ive in a chalice to estimate on your needs we shall lie glad to advise you. E. J. Cohoon & Co. Dintrilti ni-IL=J^? -Jl=JL=Jl=Jl=LJlSJl=Jl3 DOROFHY L)AKiNii By Charles McManus ??? ""1 ?q'T ) MOW DiO VoU / ) MOW DID VoU / ; 1 i r^ARRV HtR?V /V" I ^znkA4,t Something More! After meals you want something more?a bit of tweet with a change of flavor. WRIGLEY*S is that "something more" and it's more than that I It is a great aid to your good health, as medical authorities say. This is from a recent book on health: [-"Many physicians now recommend gum chcwing . ? . ? for a better and more complete change of the atarches into dextrin." after every meal ? means that your digestion is aided while your pleasure is served; teeth and digestion both benefit Your choice of several flavors, all of the WR1GLEY quality?sealed in its purity package. WrigUy maka* the next cigar ta*tm better BOYS CLOTHING 2IMI Suits bought lo sell at about wholesale cost. See this special lot Ijeforc buying. " ? { MITCHELL'S i ftMAAAAftrtAftAAAAAl ........................ - ? ? ? ? a While There's Time ACE is felt before it is seen. It L starts with some weakened organ. Keep young while you can by restoring natural, youthful vigor. Munyon's Paw Paw Tonic gives to stomach, heart and nerves much of the brisk energy you may think they have lost. For Constipation Use Munyon's Paw Paw Pills AT ALL DRUGGISTS Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded MUNYON'S PAW PAW TONIC with IRON and NUX "T!iK&. MUNYON'S, Scranton, Pa. Capital Stock $250,000 M K M, K K I) K H A L HXiLK II V K Hertford KLiZAIiKTII CITY < olumbla Dr. A. L 1'einlleton, l*r#w. <J?i. K. Utile, ( nobinr. C. I?. TwMdjr, Am( ( inhirr. Carolina Banking & Trust Co. Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour ar? absolutely floor* of quality w>l?l by the leading ?iHHTHintTRn nr? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY Watrr Strr+4. GATEWAYS; Inc. Chevrolet Automobile Contest COUPON November .'t, 1921. <!ood for in Vote*. When properly sidled and mailed or delivered to (iateswavs, Inc.. 338 Twoniy-fourth street, Newport News, Va., (his Coupon will be ?rood for 111 votes in tho Chevrolet Automobile Content to Ins credited to tho person whoso name appears Mow: Name of Contestant Street and No. _ ? j; City or P. O. Address. VOID AFTER NOVKMBKR 7, 192?.

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