CIRCULATION M(?.V|i\Y 2.HI 8 Copies ? r?*t i ~?L_ r L. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. TI ESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 4, 1924. SIX PACKS. N0..26Z. Largest Vote In History Cast At American Polls At Break of Dawn the March of Twenty Odd Mil lion* of Qualified Voter* and the Steady Stream C ontinued Throughout the Land All Day ?e? Tt?? Amu:.-.: *"r~?? f Washington. Nov. 4?The larg est electorate that ever cast vote in any nation undertook today the tank of unraveling the most puz zling tangle in modern American political history. With three major {?olitlcal can didates iii the field for President, with the full membership of the Howie to he chosen, with 34 s<n ntora and 34 Oovernorn to he "el'ecteit. and with thousands of leaser offices to he filled. 20 odd million ol qualified voters l.egun their inarch to the polls at dawn rod throughout the length and breadth of the land undi-r gen ^ej-ally fair weather conditions Jtr??>? continued all day to record ^Vieir will. All (inint Victory Washington. Nov. 4?The cam paign ended with radio addresses by President Coolldge and John W. Davis last night and claims w??re being made today by all three parties of success In today's ?le* lion. 9 Kure of Port Kill Charlotte, Nov. 4.-?-Governor .Morrison said last night that the Port Commission Bill was now with the people and that h* looked for its success. Troti|N* On Duty Vegas. N. M., Nov. 4. - Troops wtre yesterdcy oide;ci ?> San Miguel rounty to insure a fair election today. Davis Takes Holiday New York, Nov. 4.?John W. Davis today took a holiday. To! Vlstors who called at his Locust Valley home he appeared obvious ly gratified that the campaign grind was over. He expressed confidence in the decision the electorate was mak ing but was equally relieved that hti personal role had come to an end. Coolldge Mails Vote Washington, Nov. 4 President. and Mrs. Coolldge having made cmt thefr^Ttrtewwe absentee voters arid nisTTPd'theni to NdrUigllipion. ? Mausachusettn. their home, last week, little was left for the Presi dent to do today except to attend |o the routine of his office and to ^walt the first returns which will V>e received at the executive of 'flces this evening over special wire?. La Pol let te Confident Madison. Wis., Nov. 4.?Sena tor LaFollette today waited at his Maple Bluff Farm the verdict of American voters on the Presiden tial campaign. He said be WM "confident that progress will win." Experts Dig Majority Washington, Nov. 4.?Presi dent Coolldge expects a vote in the electoral college of at least 3(0 and a Republican working majority in the Houee next ses sion of 21 or more, it was said at the White Houhc today. CITY WATER TEEMS WITH COLON RACII.I.I The city water which everybo dy haii known for the lent two weeks has hardly been fit to hathc in. has also been found un fit for drinking purpose? by the State Hoard of Health. Analysis of the water dim loses, iti cord j UK lo the State Bonrd re port. heavy pollution of colon ba cilli. Mayor Goodwin Monday night read a copy of the letter received from the State Board of Health to Superintendent Parker of the public utilities, stating that thr> Board waa unable to account for ?tfch aerlous pollution except on 44?e-lieoun4? thai the ^hiorinator av the plant was not working. A ^?preventative of Ihe Board, the Vutor went on to aay, hnd called at ihe plant and found Ihe Chloi Inator completely out of commla ?Ion. Information from what soemed te be a reliable aource a week or I wo ago waa to the effect that the chtortnator waa In operutlon. but that the mochtae was under the charge of*?? Incompetent ?n op crator t!i<f/^lie water was charged with the * chlorine part of th* time nnd not ebarged at all part of the time. PAV N'HOHO FARM AO K NT Pasquotank County will support the work of the negro farm dein enatratlon agent which the ne groes have been paying for with ?ubscrlptlons raised among them selves. The county commlsslon tfs Monday agreed to pay S2K a month from the county funds to ?upport the work. VAXH41VRH BACK ON MS The Annie L. Vanaclver of the ??'"rfolk-Carollna Line la on reg ular schedule again on her run lo Korfolk after being on the ??*? for nearly four week? while being overhaaled tn machinery aod hell Ind repainted by the fclleebeth KTtjr Iron Works. CITY THUMBS DOWN ON TEIIMINAI.S ISSt'E It will be t hum lis down for ports an I terminal* in Elizabeth by a fairly safe majority, nc.'ord; iitK to the estimates of careful watcher* ,\i die poll-? up to noon Tuesday.. ? In the llu-ui mi rit?i4e* intimate plai ???! the von-a as about even for atol again* . wh.l? in tiie first, second a:t?| fouiih ih ? vote against tippeared ^ell tie* >d of that for the measure. 1. M. Mceklns, It. pnhl:r;in nom inee for Governor, hail recei\'-l between 2f? and thirty per cent of the total votes ciimi. in ih ? opin ion of observers at the poll"*. In (hr third ward it was osiiiout^d that h** would k<'I about to per, cent til .the voles ra.-i; in the four'.h 2.r? per rent; in tli ? first ami second :!?' per iieju. On the National ticket. n jv.m evident that so far as Eli/uocth City is concerned the Item :erat nominee will get tli?* umiki' over whelming majority. In the third ward, for Instance, at noon the third party candidate had r? celved only One vote. At noon 11.1 had vote,! i:? t h first ward; 124 in the second; IDS in the thin', and 11!' in ll.e fourth. This is an extremely light vote as compared vvi'h thai In the primary. Ft HE DOES DAMACE OF HALF Mil l ION Pittsburgh. Nov. 4. I'eil by hundreds of tons of grain^ Ilie to day destroyed tin* main t levators and btiildinu or Dut^hl llamliii 'Company, Incorporated, burned ? six box cais and drove six families from t lie 11 iuiiih-f.?Mre -.mmum i Thomas 1'harr esiimatul that the, damage .was hull a million doi lara. HAITIST SKCHKTAHY PIKS at wsiimi.ij: Nashville. Nov. 1 Harry Strickland, aged 4 7, secretary of organized work of the Southern Haptlst Sunday School Hoard, died at his home here today of septicaemia. MFK-HAVKH < \|t VISITS KLI/,AIII<mi CITY MOMlAV An advertising automobile with an unique stunt body visited Eliz abeth City Monday. Its appearance on the streets attracted Interest on the part of all who saw It. The car is a one-ton truck with an extension frame. On it ban been titled a large tubular body, over IK feet Iouk by f?0 Inch.?-? high. The body In shap. . color' anil lettering is a faithful repro duction of I'ep-O-Minto Life Sav ers. J. O. Whitehead, who is trav I ing with this car through North Carolina, stated while in Eliza beth City that this advertising ca! Is one of the GO traveling all over the Cnited States and Canada. Several million samples of Life Savers are to be given away dur Ins the travels of these cars. It Is anticipated that during 1024 every important city and town along the principal high ways of the Ciiilrd States and Canada will have been visited h. these cars. HINTS NEED WOMAN CITY MANACFK TlERE With Councllmen P. Cohoon and J. I Hughes absent, the Ci ty Council. Monday night did not take up the consideration of n successor for City Manager John 11. ilray. Councilman Gordon, however, Laid that he hail a number of ap plications and let it be known that he would not he averse to having the applirutlon of woni"n for the Job. "In fart I know one or two 1 would like to put on." said he. Iltillti FROM KDK.XTOS Among those from Kdenton attending the Ham-llamsay meet ing Sunday wire: Miss Agnes Chappell, Mr. and Mrs H. C Mill-. Mr. and Mrs. W. flmlth, Mrs. W Clara Wheeler, Lindsay Swindell. Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith. Mrs W K. COffield, Mr. and Mrs W. D Holmes and children, Mr. and Mr?. II. C Qoodwln, Jr.. and chil dren, E. J. Simpson. Fred Welch. Miss Georgia Slmpsn. Miss Evelyn Welch, Mr and Mrs. E. W. Spires MIM Sallie Mae Jones, Miss Rust' Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Form, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. lifts ket ti n d II. E. Chappell. Mrs. T. O Ward of Wlftfall has rrtnrned home after visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Sawyer on Accon l street. To Tried IV? auso lic Bymputliiz?.?! tiulillcty with tli.. \icWM of the Kcv. Foadick, New York liberal clergyman. Rov. (JiUI-ge K. Ilutil tubovvl. omtor of Christ I'lv^tyiiTiunt Church. Mailt* wrti Wh . must utand tiial fo? li?'M i*v Charge* have b?-on brought against luni liy throe Piv.sbytoi Inn pastor* ? ??.MPI l< \ IHiVS IN MIIS. IIAltlH\<;'S ILIAKSS ? It* W? Marion. O . Nov. 4?New rain plicttl i*iii? \ft itiiitlt'Ttllfii ?| ari* titUHitiK considerable apprehen sion today lo physicians attend* i UK .Mri?. Florence Kliug Hardin*:, widow of the l.ite President. who. vnn taken ill vesierilny ui m? Sawyer Sanatorium here where she makes h**r home. I>r. Sawyer announced today that lit?- dUfiine In n recurrence oi the kidney iron hie which almoM caused h?*r death early In the spring of 132J while she wait nii.* Itew of the White lloiinc. l.\ HO\ StXH T WOIIK W M Marr of High Point. for merly of the .Elizabeth City High ! with A. II. Combo. Mr. Marr ha-? J n h t resigned the suporliilc tidmi cy ot the H iff h Point schools i ?? in cept tin' position an field work ? r of the Hoy Scout? of America. PARKING SPACE POR BUS AND TAXICABS Special parking space* were as ? K lied the big bun of the Kliza ? th City Hiu Line, operated by lhe merchant* of the city, and III?* two new taxis of the Yellow Cab Company at Monday night's meeting of the City Council rite hits is to occupy the first parking k pace east of the hydrant in front of the Standard Phar ?naey. while the two taxis have the lir?i i wo space? east of lloa?l on Main, in Iront of the Southern Hotel. The Yellow Cab taxi* at rived Saturday. the flrnt seen In tin oily, and . attracted considerable fttention and favorable com ments. Lust night a man rushed into the Southern Hotel wiih five minutes to catch hit train ami was able to get one of these taxi' without difficulty. Calls for taxi forvice of the Yellow Cab Corn many will bo handled by the Mouth ? rn Hotel clerk whose tel< phone number ?* 107. The i-nuse of the bus line and of th" Yellow Cab Company was preh?*ntc.| to the City Cotliidl by 8'cretarv Job of the Chamber of Commerce. Election News At Tabernacle fh Ativan;* ? ha ; iiutcto-At'tYtiigrtncnU for Associated ie.Sv*:! v.iiv .. ;?rvie3 on the election tonight and. through the ? untv.y of-the ii?.;*i-K:,.msny paity, will r.!inou:uv ilv re: irlt of tabul'timis up to that hour to th? cr.ijr.v.ritioa :t the taborna?, le rt tli? conclusion of th? l.-.r evenir.i' rcrvice. I*oM ??.iriv. tV.t aiinoiuirem lacmivr of The Ad vance st ;'i v. ill iv<r*vc fuHli.T A&uicirted Press bulle tin:: over tin* i .iS: va:*cl^ tel- p5?^?n a: v. I announce those bullet ir.?; f???!.i i !t ? i.t lor.;; ; s the crowd ca los l > itvn -in or Until *!i I.vutcd ^ ire Hoser.. Police protec tion has 1? a . rj.'*i;: \i jj.hh! outer will be main* taiird. it i.; behaved l!i -; r.iiily deiioit? ivlurns from ; 11 ?XoHU-C.n? l. ta wOM . 4^-lU-WVIf*k-**ntH4iat tlv? rest of IK t tt?!:y will h::w been lizard from by midnight. For tae firri t ism oiertior ret urns will bo received oa r. cons'dernblo <; ..! ? by radi ?, many homc.i now be in^ provided wit:. ;vk .?i\i.nj: ails, in addition the Shrine Club, the Clmm'. -r of Co nrr ; . .? hihI the Fire I>epuit ment will have receivim? scia in i peration. The Chamber of Commerce radio I. A a been * i up by the Battery & I JeL-lric Company .aid Chamb.r of Commercy hcadquar l.r.; ?vili In* o|H.*n t ? t!se public no rally. '?"he Advance hop> to ia.aie i is last extra by 10 oVl.K'l; tonight. In view of t!v arrangements to an nounce result ' ;.t c!i ? r.nd of the many radio sets in oporatior it is hoped that city subaeribers of The Advance will leave Advance t^laphones open for news from rural I'hsiuotank and the outlying counties. Ham-Ramsay Revival Approaching Its Climax Kitlri'iii'Z I p;?n If I'lli!i \Vri*k r.nd KvatiKrliel Kx|M%ctt* i! lis NV\l Smi'iav lo Kiwcli M<xk] Tide of Its Infliii'iirr 'Mid Powir in (!o?iini:i nilv liri iti lfanmiy "Ta hernae?? : iijonitn*; v. IlicJi t In* cvnii" way* nlm-rvi KnferitiK now mmii ;?? filth week iIk% cvMDKHlHlir eumpuiKn i., i approaching Um ellinav. Mi. IT;im fold hI* cnn?;ivu.iii o ? n :Mnd:iy ;tl?nt he expected r?s. Ili.? rcvU.ul retlch iir ?mi be ni.? i.ded by a iiiiftlity cutptinini; nT Cod .'i Spirit ?mi i:? .1 :'ufid:i?-. Ah lii-rclofoi < ?In* Sundav ??. r vir?>? Im tli?' ciiy rltiirrhf: continue to idinw u mark? d iiiirrnM* umi flier?' l.< every tndleaiioii 4 lin t Itn? churehei; v.ill ;;a>n even more through flu' n-ec?iu;< er.ilInn ?f thorn- who win ulnaily 1:1 fit eh lire h roll limn l?y tie- are. rulon of new incmiii i .<. H;i*evi>r, near , ly every church lit lin? city h??? ?I rmdy Ik rtin 10 receive n? w ment hols jis n tefotlt of (lie ni<'ilinv ri.. Hiiim1.iv tervleea :? t Hie tnh cinacb weie 1101 only met kod I-.. I In* ^Iuk>hi attendance of nny ??? flglmi* nervlreH ? v? r held in KIim belli City but alxo broilrlit >.i?m ? , l?eople from out of lown to KIJ/.i beth City fi'?n nny Sunday ? vent that bris ever occurred here. 11< deed liuny people believe thai tin .out of lown tlii i'U hew SiiimIu\ was larner Ihan ttiut which Ikim been drawn to I lie ?it y by the lib: Kent celebration ??f nny Korl ?v 1 stated here. So pflRi-r wax tie crowd Sunday nlsht to hear tin evangel!??!'* mesnate that, though J the lahernaelr had been filled to .j? f? ry wr.lln mid every van! a k o ? . inr i f i.muml where oni* from !i mi aide could I'tok in hud hren *ecuph*d. a.-> many clambered on ili ? roof i<? look in anil liaten ?lir jMvli 111" windows of the loft ? !?M 11?' iihlicm. f. ui rni licit the iw.r might fall in. had la rail on In* for a<iiii:Uiiiri< in older i'? h?<'|i the ronf dear. This morning lb ? evangellat |ir?*iirliid on I H?% rubjeet "The Aa nuraiire of Salratl'in." usin; the ?lory of <*ain and Abel to lllua traic t!i - l4.i.non that lie nought to 'Si'iv ? home. The Mftnmn In nul> MfnnrH lollowa: In ih<* ruiirlh chapter of (?**neaia v.- read that Cain brought of the llr;?t fruit? of the ground, and of fer, d isni i find; and that Abel al mo brought ?>f tin- lirMtling* of hi* dock, and offered il to Clod; hut thai Cad had respect unto Ahel and 11 i m offering; hut unto Cnln ? ud hi* offering he bad no reaped. ' Hi: i M ? UM r today will b?- to itllV why 'Jod liud reaped unto Ahel and i?'?t unto fain. They were hoth religion*: hot h were vrnrahipping Cod. In fart ??earlv (veryhodv I* rellgloua. Paul won just n* rellgloua before hla ennvi inlon to Jeaua Chrlal. an he whh ii f t ward*; and he wiin Jnat a? *? iilottN in IiIm religion. There for?' it rould not liarr heen be eauae t'a In wan Irreligious that (M i? i?Ttrd iiini. They wore both aon* of fallen tContlnoed on Page 2.1 What Well Dressed Mine Rcccue Men Wear . ^ " Tlu-a* m* t* l<'A M ih* pr?\ milne Mylea fo? tnin* Owtl* train* The man at th* ?xtrem^ Ml la aportiAg , imtirt ? n fontainci hoMin* ?no??h oxygen for JO minuti* Th* R*nil<-fnjn In lb* rant ft I? ex lnHiinc n mtirttrn *ifn\ lighi The who 1? ?m ruling a+foixl from I he rlaht can ih* canarfca which thr i? jk uct t a>??>* l a k# along io ?arn th*m of d*a?1ly gmu-a Tha m<in at the *xir?mt right la packing an oaygen I Ank ?nd uUo an matrum?-nt thai h? ipa 'iHM gaa dangara ' - - DOCS ESCAPE FROM MUZZLE ORDINANCE Like tbi* valiant army that In i lit* days of olil marched bravely u|> the hill and (hen inarched down again. the City Council of Elizabeth City lu...regular neanion Monday ulght rescinded the ordi nance passed Just a month ago re quiring (hat on and after the flint nI November all dogs in Klliabeth City outside of their own prornl M'i should be muzzled. Dog own era were prevent in great number and mad" ?o effective n plea j ngninit the ordinance on the, ground that it ?an neither feasl lie. uor practicable ami Involved | cruelty to animal*, that they got more tliun they unked for. l>og owners preseuti d a pnitlon thai llie oldinancH be ulneiitled mo us 1 nut w? aj>ply to rtnj^-rtrat?nad" been vaccinated against rabies. The council was ho overwhelmed by plea? for the dog from John < Well?. I)r. W. A. Peters. J. B.I I<eigh and others that they re- J pealed tli*? ordinance altogether hen the Mayor broke the tie vote on Councilman Krnmer's mo tion for repeal. Thomas J. Mark'ham was on hand reprenrntlng cow owners, who seek to get the Council to re-vronilder It? edict against the keeping of cows In the city on uiid after th* first of January. Mr. Markhani, however, retreated in good order when he got the tip from Councilman Ander.--.on ibut two members of the Council who nad voted against banning the family cow from the city w< r?? not present. Mr. Markham's pre?, ence. however, serve? notice on the ( ouncil and on the public ht lurge that at leaat one more serious ef lorti will be made In behalf of the cow). rilKATOK OF VKM H lUliKRn AT If Kit AIOIS i J'ails. Nov. 4.? It may be ho in? i consolation to art lovora thr.iuxh-' out the world, who have wond ered in what ponition wore the: missing arms of the famous Ve- j j huh de NTilo statue In the Louvr-*, i 1 to learn that even the anMenUj themselves weio perplexol on this Adda, a French physician. i ,has Just made known that during -a-reeent vlirit to Egypt he ram" ;.iu? po?Mislqn nf n small bfOII? Stal i le of the same rr?ri-??| a ihe Venus do Milo. This atatnctl" , h an exact copy of tlie fatnutiH (Venuji. un.1 like th? original, it has no arms. Dr. Kdde there fore conclude? that the Venus do Milo never it oov tlini i?.???i anil*. an?l he believes I; at th-i sculptor. ?? !icn he had .'ar ?o-j o'it of the v>.i?? . uh ? divli-* form, gavo "p ?ll idea of adding arniH When the Venn? de Milo wn<t, discovered on the island of Milo a large reward was offered t.? ' M-.yone who could find the nr.ns, but In spite of extensive search, nothing was discovered. ltAI\(t>ATH FIXl> HKAIIV MAItKKT IX HKATIIWAITK London. Nov. 4. ? Realhwuitc. in Horrowdale, has been picked out as the wettest place in wot Kngland. The meteorological de partment has published a tab!; of ? [the average rainfalls for the last 60 years, the priae fallliiK to Keathwalte, which has recorded an average precipitation of 129.48 inches. Heathwalte'a actions in the matter of weather have been ec centric, even for the Ifritish Isle?, und during the last half century Ihls place has recorded an aver age of 4.0? inches of rain In June, hut In August there ban been an average of 8 Inches. London ean claim to be one of the arid spots of Knglanil. ?ith only 23.6 Inches as an an I nuni average. \ A 1.1'A III.K PRIME OFFKItKO FOfl MI'HK'AI? tt)\TKMT? ?Grand Forks, N. !>.. Nov 4. ? As an added Incentive to the Am [erlcan tnuslc student under a? years of age. the Federation of Music Club* ha? announced a prize of ffiGO for the final wln i ners entering the biennial con tests of the organisation this yesr. .The con t ?st* are for male voice.?. female voices, pismo and violin. A 'year'? ? holarihip, Including liv ing expense*. In one of the prom inent musk Institute* of the country, is an alternative "Till* I* balnx done with a view of einphaalr.lng the educa tional *lde of I'heee contests." f<uid K II. Wilcox, chairman of the content*. "The rules have been changed for this season, the 1 iajL of teat pieces rerhosett and ev e/ythlng possible done to make the cytfest fair and an Incentive to high standarda "The conteita will Ire held in h series of three, Ihe /.tale, the 'il* ' trlci und at the final* before the fronvent Ion to be held next June In Portland. Oi-tgon TJie dlairlc dinners will compete In Port land" * XO COTTON TODAY , N m Yofk* Nor. 4.?The Cotion bxrhange la cloned today on ac-, count of the National ole*t?on. Did She Fib? Mn. Mina Touvull. 20. of Cleveland, must face trial on n charge of ob taining money under falsa pretenno because she led n young man to be lieve *he wan single and |K'rmlttrd him to give her clothes, money and Icwelrv. Its Inventor. "fill# Iff llarry OrlndiU-Matth^w* In ventor of the new death ray now bein? tented out on the liland of Flat holme. oil the ..-oast of Franc? I>1 HI*LAY IS FKVn itlNC; IIIIITIIUW OK PR1 N< K Ilclgr.ide, Nov. 4?-Celebration of-tli?' first anniversary of the hlrlh of Prince Peter, ln-lr to the Jugo ?Slavlan throne. wan made the occasion of a ?.rcr.t mllittir> display which h a h urotined much opponltIon In several <|intrtera. All lh*' troop:; of llm Belgrade garrison* wire turned out. and ihe principal street) leading to lh? cathedral, wh^re the principal ci remonten were held, was lined with Infantry, the NoldlerM wear i UK nt?el r-h?*ll helmet*. while the wide streets near the edifice wero full of binull artillery, machine Kuuh and other warlike material T!ie 'ountry Is Indeed quite proud of the year old prince, an.I hln recent picture*. showing clearly that 1?? ? ha* the traditional Karageorge ' none have he*n placed on ale ' very where MAY TAK K t.ON<; TO COI.I.KCT X7.?IM) FKK "If yo.i havfn't Rot th?' money please let us have your not?-." was in effect the Mareiionian cry *ent up to th" Clly Omni'll Monday iilahi by Thompson *? WIImom fur Ihe balance due this Inw firm on It* $7.r,ou f?i. for represent Ink tile clly in If* barren victories In the courts ag iin*t Hie ullilly com panics. "Hut would lhal he legal?" Councilman Kramer wanted to knhw This wa* a dig nt Councilman Gordon *lio Ih iv>v. contending, no lean mi authority than P. II. William*. Hint llie Council ex <*r?ded it* authority In purchas ing waterfront property for mil nici pa I dock," at it called meet ing la*t month. As to the fee. however, the Cl ly Auditor was fttkPd to write bolh law flruis repi? opting the ci ty In th - utility litigation asking ;h< tn to modify the amount. Councilman Gordon had been ap (olntcd a* head of a committee to Interview th - law firm* -in this matter but he reported Monday liltht that he had nothing to do *?lth employing the firms and could have nothing to do with a.tklnu H:.*m ?o rtdiice l.lrtir fe? until their Mil had been parsed by the City Attorney who ? ngagec their ii>r*ir?<i. iMH?r\(iKn Tii^mc is nKMiKII THAN MVKfl Phl-adelph?a. -Nor. 4 ?Paten ter traffic t ? Klorida ha* In rrea??d to fVttti an extent tbnt the M n-har.ts and Miners fjne* will add two >em?la to th? run. making four sailing* a w?c)t. BOY SCOUTS A?: THE RED CROSS Organization (iuing For wartl lor Annual Roll 4 .all Which Hc^in* Arftip ?hliw Day. ?r.w" The organization of Iho forces ior the lied (*ro<n ?toll Ctll .1? rapidly being perticlad ihroiiKti'iui the i'ounty. The Roll rail uill K Kin on Armistice* l*T. ami iho K?al not by the local chapr lev of tl?i? llfil irons is 6uo m*? Iters. A membership of 4 80 was ??ht allied Iyear, and the proa? |h 4*1 m ar - bright for the Hiibatan t;al in? ream* over tills number -lot I tu I UII t Hull t'rtll. - - - Whil?' the Il*t of all those who uill In the drive this year has not been completed, the tol ' towing officers and parties afi In 'charge of the work: J. II. Laftoy. Jr.. po;nianem chairman. J. H. Ilall. Jr.. roll call ? hairmaiy With i\ \V. 0:tltili?>r an :isHi*tunVOIfa. II. It. I'otier. who will ?4w*in ?hnrge of the street canvntpV*. Mre. H? t bert I'eele. PoQwl rliulrnian. and P. (5. Sawyer cbalr 1*1:111 of speakers. ?sses Hjl'V. T. II. Kcattergood and the Boy Scouts are now bualljr so KUKi'd in circulating and I PR lit the hurtlucAM Hection Of Me city poller* showing the manf1^ II vitle* ?>f the Red ('rosa. A mo lion pi.'t ure allowing theae arttol ties wart seen by many patrotltf'ot ih l?>ral theater on Friday aad Saturday of Innt week. It fs planned to have spaalMrp oresent. ihe cause of tha'fflM ('cows in ulI parts of the '"'ffiipfr prior to the opening of the JIoll Call, ho that those .who are a?**! . to Join, and this in? lude* c??r one. may lie th?> hotter acqusl?4ed with 111** great work of this' r.n!? >ii. FENGS CAVALRY ENTER TIENT9IN fit? Tli* AwtmimI ?j* Tientnin. Nov. 4.?The cavalry of Genurul Four Yu Shlang, Ik* ' t'lntmlim .Untwrwl," who la IM trni of Peking, entered this <Ky m noon utter quelling alight i LABOR CABINET OFFICIALLY QUITS Ilir Tta? AwAiird l*f*Mil i London. Nov. 4 ?The rablaet or Ramaay M&oDonald, Great Brl taln'a firm l?uhor Kovernment, ft nigned today and King George ac cented the renlgnatlon. ELEVEN KILLLi) AT NEWPORT NEWS f Newport Newa, Va., Nov. 4. ? Only one of the font pernont'tat Jured yeaterday In the colUaftV <SJ the (*h? aapoake ? Ohio paaaenget train and him in which 11 othert wore killed, win reported today to littve "more Ihan n nothing chaac* to recover." Fifteen penon* were nboa**i tli?- Ihih when It waa Htruck by the train at Rlack River ctoaalng. KlKht were killed Inntantly and Ilire?- died on Ihe way to the Jim* pltul or ufler reaching the Inrftltu tlon. - ?Newport New*. Va.. KI even were killed and to?f M rloualy Injured lat? yeaterday af ternoon when a motor hu* ftftd ihe Chesapeake and Ohio .Iriuo mri ui n cronging. ??*??? I KW <'IIII.IHtKN ARK IS T KB VIKNW St'HOOUl Vienna Nov 4.- The hlTOc wrought by Ihe war In the bl*u i ate In AtfMrla In brought o?t forcibly in figure? iKnued toy' the city Fchool authorities of VUMfli ?-lt??w tig fewer ehiMvM Inscribed In elementary *etrMlB for the auliinin term thl* year than III 1914. Foundry Head Th" i rw rmniftrv ?Nt1 Mi 1 (<miII\ Piwlmor?- r)>>iii'iVf n?min ? <VHIrir 'T.n><.nnmn, \ltno?i ?' '? " mor* f.imHtftr with ?h* a>?#< tiifliMirv <htr? rnn?t miwrM/ h? friend* r*y Mr? ftilmor* ?1? or fW? ?r?.i?r? ont|>tMNnH>ni??haJ In mr ??.? (<*?1 <*?(;? ft<w*rwtf* ro.ik?i> ti>* . "orna?. ?iv? \in s-sdl

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