Everyman's Investments ?APKTV O.M.Y RKUTlVt TERM Oue of the most difficult problems which Investment ad visor is called up to solve concerns secur ities once rat ed as sound but wbicb for one reason or aa other are now mere specula ?BOMS t. BCourf lloll,K J1 c*?* not he too of ten repealed that safety U only a relative term as relate.* to In vestments Over a period of year* changes In (he status of a particular Indus try Or mistake* in management may entirely alter the character pot only of a stock but of a bond, ?ometlmes these chances are un foreseeable They come more often with industrial companies than with railroads or public utll ltles, although they are not un known with I he latter. Nearly 0Tcry ono ran remember when the ?ocurlties of street railway com pan lev were deemed desirable MMlnK for the most fastidious of investcfrs That was before tile period of high operating costs and motor car competition. Hindsight is no help after the damage Is done. The Important question Is whut : shall be done when an Investor finds his hold ings taking an unfavorable trend.' In nearly every Instants an in vest or who has been unfortunate enough to find himself In this po altion asks how he can make up lla loss by exchanging his stock or bonds for some other security. Now. hard an it may seem, that ^ttfgtlon must be considered as an entirely new proposition. Iti la Impossible to recoup a specu- ' latlve loss except by indulging in ; unother speculation and there is never any assurance that the Be- ! cond venture will turn out more rapidly than lha first. There is paly one of two things to do. Kither you stiould huld on in the, hope that the worst l- ' son. who has th loading role. U supported by an admirable cast consist tn it of Benjamin F. Finney, j Jr. Hod*!* Hopper. Lucy Fox. J. | l!atitcy Sh?-rry and Law ford Dav idson. ??>!l?mi" was written by John Lynch and directed by Alan Cropland. It will be shown at the Alktitnm T i.i -Jay at;d \V? Unt-sday. , John Sawyer of Philadelphia la v isiitiiK hi* ntuib'-r. Mrs. John Sawyer, at South MUU. Flowers FO!t tVKR? OCCASION" Ryan Floral Co.. Inc. I'hnno Ml?. llonil St. New Fall SUITS We iia\c the Suit >ou want in the style you want. I'ov Che young itw?nt iron*** er* have fh? ukle hottomn, while th?w*? lor the more fiwicnnlJvc art* narrower. ."*11 the nrw color* an1 to be found. Mitchell's PHONE lOO Away with Age! BRING back the vigor of younjjcryoars. Keepyour self feeling well and looking we!!. Use Munyon's Paw Paw Tonic for better health and longer, happier and more ac tive years. It is nature's safest and most invigorating tonic. For Constipation Use Munyon's Paw Paw Pilla AT ALL DRUGGISTS MUNYON'S MAW TONIC with IRON and NUX Satisfaction jjiinrnnlffd or money refunded MTTNYON'S. Scranton, Po. 100 NEW COATS ? All at one Special Price $25.00 These. Coats were bought at special price concessions and are really worth from $5.00 to $15.00 more per garment. All with fur collars, full lined and in the most wanted shades of grey, rust, deer, penny and black ? Other Coats priced at $12.50 to $89.50. Rucker Sheely Co. Elizabeth City V Bc>;t Store NOTICE WHAT A GREAT VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE IS OFFERED FOR SALE HERE TODAY DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES This also type (8 point), one i I cent a word each Insertion; minimum 2t> cent*, one time; >fl eents week; IS words. I Shading e-?. Are cents a | * word per week. Twenty cents per month ? In adrance. White epnce and para graphed ads. 60 centa aa laeh. Copy must be In the olftee by 6 p. m. day before laaar . Uon. | For Sale BOAT FOK SAI.K? 2* FT. Die ft beam. 6 hp Lathrop engine, cabin, whale built. Apply W. D. ; WHeon, Shipyard Kerry: hoy 1 4-20pd. FOR HAVE ? FLAT TOP ? AS ran** and a gae water heater. Used lean than one month. Apply Mrs. J. R. Barrett. Cor. rearing ; and Martin streets. nor 13-I9p AYDIJDTT A OWIM WTLL buy your corn as tbey are arran ging to mill again and want; former# to see them when ready to Mil. 14-20np FOR HAIJi ? llUl'BK AND 1X>T ? 401 Cherry street. Apply to Mra. Sprlgg Brent. ll-17np FOR HA LB DRY PIXE AST> hardwood ft. 00 ptr cord. Rough- : ton'a Wood Yard, foot of Bell , street. Fhone 718-J. ll-17pd j tub cxminrcK telephone' [Company decided to offer their! I line for sale to the public, aa they j , hare already received a bid. Bids I to be eent to D. W. Woodhouoe, I Poplar Branch. N. C., on or before j 'December S, 1914. The company^ reeerrea the right to reject any i and al) bide. D. W. Woodhounr I prealdent. aov.6-26-np | VIOUX FOR HALE ? HALF ?la*. Suitable for child from els to ten teen of a#e. Unusually good quality In flrat clasa con dition Apply at Adraice office. FOR IA1JI ? TBJ* SHARK* Carolina Ranking A Trust Com pany stock. Addraaa boi 171 9tt PHONE *? o FOR CU.KAN1NO j and preeeing. Work dona promptly and In good shape, tft Mkc*lUnt?m WE ARE ALWAYS READY TO gWa quick irsrvle# on sny plumb Idk or heating Job ? and our workmanship is Kuarnnteed to ?uit you. Ft. E. Lewis Co Phonos 526. 393. 556-J. 17tfnp SHOE KEI'AIRINU. WE CALL for and dellvor. W. F ? Phone 769. oct.21tf-np ELIZABETH CITY IRON WORKS | A Supply Company, machinists j and founders, mill and marlno ! supplies, marine railway dry dock, buNders and repairers of boats, nor 13-19np. CLOSING OUT MALK ? OF URO cerles and fixtures. Save money on your grocery bill. .Main Strai t Orocer>. Phone 615 nol8-24np BEFORE YOU TRY THE REST i try the best ? The Buny iiee Cafe Special dinner 60c. tfnpd For Rent >? FOR RENT ? HOUSE CORNER Martin and Fearing streets. $35 a month. PoRessiou at onca. APPly Ml*. C. E. Kramer, 205 East Main street. Phone 460. nov. 1 S- 2 1 n p FOR RENT ? A HOUSE ON BUR ?ess street. Apply to C. B. Mor ris ette. Phone 343-W. oc21tfnp , FOR RENT? HOUSE ON CEDAR 'street oeeupled fy Ourney P. Hood. Apply Carolina Real Es iat? Company, 4th floor Illnton | Building. oct 17tfnp ? Help Wanted MKV ? WO.MKN. IN VP. 914.O0 ? $16. To prepare for exams 1 for government positions. Write ! H. Terry (Former Civil Service I 1 Examiner) 1095 Barrister Build in*. Washington. D. C. 15-17pd . GOOD LAlTtDRKM, WOULD like curtains or family wash. ' 1'honc 638. 1 3-1 Sp ! 1 ; Merchandise THK TIME AND FLACK TO BUY bt?t Timothy hay Is now and hero. Three car loads received this weefc. Sep us before you buy. Aydlett fk Owens. nol4-20np WlfRN IN \KKD OF fK>FT drinks call phone 161. Virginia Dare Grape and Hmlle are our specials. Pasquotank Bottling Co., nov 13-19np BUY OTR CX>AI . SHI NO I E*, cement, lime, plaster, sewer pipe and flue lining. You can always depend on our quality. Lambert Bros., Inc. Phone'214 nol3-19np It Happens Every Day p ^That'a What Tou Call Bortlee ? When you dorlde that your llvlnR-room nreda an extra w-rhalr or two and amalt tabl ?, and your husband aaya to "go ahead and get 'em, It they don't eoat too much' - ~ But when you atart pricing the sort of tbtnga you want . you And that they eoat a lot m?re than you can afford to pay ? And It looka a a thoush you'd hare to go without them and eonvlnco your*" If that you didn't Ilka a room "all crowded up with furniture anyway"? Until you think of lookiog through the elaaalfled aer . tlon of The Advance. Ju?t to *ee If there ahould happen to be anything that aounded interesting ? And there you bit on an ad shout aom* mahogany * chain and another about a table, and you toar right out to look at them ? And you find that they're beautte* and real antlquca , and you get them at a figure that you know even your liuaband will think amhll ? Ob. Lady, That 'a Wbat Tou Call 8or*ic?. THE OLD HOME TOWN HY STANLEY j ? People Will See Christmas When ?They See Your Ad In? -o-scop 2 u Section of The Advance Watch for It i If you eould hold a teleaeope to iho eye* of all the reader* of this newspaper and direet their gaze to the Christmas goods that are on sale in your store, would you eall that a master-stroke of holt day advertising? It's thnt when you use Sho|>-o-Scope advertising. Phone us today. 356, and have a 8li?|>-?i-Sc<>pr representative roll. Your Christinas sales will prove the wisdom of thU step. THE vance