TUB WEATHER Partly cloudy tonlicht and Wed nesday. Kain tonlKht. Mode rate J to fr?'*h Northeast winds. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 18, 1921. SIX PAGES. NO. 273. Evangelistic Campaign Begins Seventh And Final Week Here Another Impressive Service at Tabernacle Monday Night, With Increased Crowd Despite Inclement Weather, and Ileartv Kesponse to Message Entering upon Its seventh and ' final week, with regular services at the tabernacle today, the Ham Ramsay evangelistic campaign launches its final drive for now convert*, for tho reclamation of backsliders, and (or the reconao cratlon or all tho Christian con gregations of Elizabeth City. Larger, despite Inclement Wea- i ther, than on Monday night of last week, the negro congregation at the tabernacle services Monday night was swept Into transports of religious fervor by the muale and by the Evangelist M. F. Ham' aerraon from the text "Thou Art Weighed in the Balance and , Pound Wanting." At the conclusion of the sermon ?fro propositions were given. The BTst wan to Christians for rocon sec ration and the aisles of tb?; tab ?rnacle were blocked and r*>'?y?>d by those who pressed forward in response to this invitation wbi> throughout the congregation there was a hand-shaking and , general Jublliatlon for the recon ciliation of old differences nnd ?h? burying of long standing animosi ties. The aecond proposition was , to the unsaved and In response to this the inquiry room was parked Again at the Monday night's service the negro choir was led by, L- L. Henderson. Ph.D.. Drake University. Des Moines. Iowa, of the chair of psychology nt the State Normal School and choir di rector of Mt. Lebanon A. M. E. 2lon Church, while Hattle ?_?raves. wife of President C. P. Graves of Roanoke Collegiate Institute, again played the accompsniment. Among the songs sung by the Choir were "Onward Christian Soldiers." "There Is a Fountain Pilled With Hlood." and a solo and chorus. "He Llfteth Me." with Rose E. Hargraves taking the solo Part. Chorister Ramsay led the choir and congregation in such negro spirituals as "Steal Away." "I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray." "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" and "All God's Children Got Shoes." "Matter the Tempest Is Waging" was repeated by request. The ob llgato In "I Couldn't Hear Nobody fray" was sung by Marnolla Ov < Mrioo. A solo. "Tell Me How Did Boy Peel When You Came Out of The Wilderness?" was aung by Ids Robinson of the St. James Baptist choir. Two prayers were offered, one by Dr. D. S. Blackwell. Mt. Leban on Church, and the other by R-;v. A. W. Garrett. Tbe negro boy scouts again attended In a body. White people parked the rear rf the tabernacle, taking all seat* not occupied hv negrors. nnd standing along the rear and side walla. Sunday night's sermon on "The Slaving of the Titanic" In sub StaBce follows: A Graphic Story The evsngellst gave a graphic account of thla great ocean dis aster; atating In substance that thla vessel bad left Southampton on her first voyage with such confidence that the uaual prayers for her safety were omitted; be cause she waa believed to he ab solutely unsinkable. She had started out to break the record (or the quickest voyage across the Atlantic, snd It was believed that she would succeed On Sundsy. April 14. 1912, she waa warned by vessels she met to look out for Iceberge. She returned thanks for the wsrnlng but never slackened her speed snd turned from her course bnt slightly; being bent upon breaking the world's record no kept to the short psth. Though It was Sunday night it mt the gsyest night of the trip tmoat expensive supper pos hed been served. And un rou have been aboard one of great liners, you hsve no of their slse. capacity or +4nli?tn*nt. I crossed on the Lnsltanls when she made the quickest trip on rocord. and she consumed enough Coal to make SO trail loads of If csra each. Their food supplies consist of h*rda of 1 cattle, sheep, poultry, etc.. snd froien fish and everything 1m maglnahle from terrapin to ox. Scarcely had the banquet ended, wherein she had been tftgsted aa an absolutsly unsinka ble ship, the veteran Captain Smith In his speech stating that tbe days of the ocean disasters were past. when the vessel strurk sn Icebuff shortly before midnight and sank with all but 7|0 of her 2.100 passengers, about 2 o'clock Monday morning. April IS. ladgmrat on Man's Ambit l*ms Here tbe evangelist tesd the fallowing from Isslah 11:11-17 "the looks of msn shsll he tumbled snd ths haughtiness of man shsll be bowed down. a?id Ibq Lord alone shall he exaKed M that day Por the day of tbe mt>r6 of hosts shall be upon every ^ie that Is proud and haughty, gnd upon svery one who Is lifted ?p; and he shall be brought low t ? ? and a*oo avsry lofty tawer, and apon arery fortified Vhll had upon all tb* ships of Tar ahlsh. j ami upon all pleasant imagery.** Why thLs unexampled outburst , of horror ut this disaster. It was not because of the great loss of life, which was only some 1.600 peop!". Earthquakes, floods in China and other disas ters carry many morn to death than did the Titanic, without at trading a tenth of the comment 'hat her fatal ending caused. The answer ll?-a deep in the history of the human soul. Man was created for God's glory and was given the lordship over all earthly creation, with orders to subdue it to his domin ion. Had he been content with thnt he would have accomplished his mission. Hut wh^n Satan whispered to Eve that the reason 'he fruit of the tree of wisdom had been denied her was because If she would eat of It she and Adam would became hp gods, It became neccsanry for Ood to put a limit to the power of theso am bitious creatures. Thus, though fhorn of the power to subdue the earth, the sea and the air and all that in them is. man still has the desire to do no; nnd from that tsme to this, man hut been essay ing to usurp the power and do minion of God and to conquer all things. The reason for the outburst of horror over the sinking of the Titanic was that It burst one of man's a!r bubbles. Tills great Idol had disappointed him. He was not independent of God's pro tecting care on the5 high seas after all. He is after all, not Independent of prayers to God for his safety. Tower of liabcl a Caae In Point When after the flood the de scendant s of N'oah became num erous and powerful, they sought to defy God to destroy them again. In Genesis 11:19 we have an account of their effort to Mild the Tower of Babel, and how God thwarted them by con founding their language. Still trying to carry out Satan's advice and become gods, they said "Go to. now. let us build us a city and tower whose top may reach unto Heaven, and let us mako us a name." The World War was due to the ambition of Germany to make herself a name. Every attempt of man to con quer the forces of nature but adds to his own destruction. The itemoVle. the airship, the rail re ids. the trolley cars, the huge rwrh'icry In the factories, all add thousands annually to the toll of life. Man b^s even boaatfd that he doesn't need God any more to make rain, but by explod ing dynamite In the air he can produce his own rain, and by pumping water from the stream, he can irrigate his own fields, and raise crops, rain or no rain. An old infidel, whose farm bordered on the Guadalupe river built a dam and put In a huge pump to Irrigate his farm. When the plant started it worked beau tifully and tho proud owner shook his fist heavenward and said. "Now God can go to hell; I don't need any of his rain." As If thP waters that came down the river did not derive their origin from God's rain. Within a few days the defiant man was missed, and portions of his clothing and flesh were found ground up In the pump machinery of his irrigation plant. So when men said they had built a ship that _ would banish ths terrors of tho sea, and so no longer needed Ood on I he sea. He confounded their puny efforts as ho did those builders of the tower In the plains of Shlnar, and their defeat instead of humbling them put them In a rage. People Kclf-m iodH The confidence of captain, pas senger and crew contributed to the destruction of the Titanic. So sure were they that they had an unslnkable ship that they paid lit | tie heed to the warning* they re ceived of Icfberga In their path. 'The Celtic did heeds thes* warnings and cast anchor and laid to till daylight And this reminds me that an other oY man's marvelous Inven tions was rendered useless by the providence of Ood or the decree of fate Wireless telegraphy was mpected lo bring succor l? stricken or distressed vessel in time to prevent the loss of life And here Isy the Celtic within 20 miles of the Tltantlc. She could have saved every" passenger on board of ber. Hut tho wireless operator had gone to sleep and did not catch the distress signfcl. The nearest vessel lo catch the wireless signal of distress was the i C'arpathla. which was so far away (90 miles) that It took her till daylight lo reach the scene of ths ! disaster. The Titanic had plunged to the bottom of the ocean more thsn three hours before. Th* ( arpathls picked up those In the lifeboats, some 7S0 In number j mostly women and children, j Again, her very bfgnees. add LITTLE ARMY STANDING FIRM Owens Valleys Forces in | Possession of Ixis Angeles Aqueduct While Officials Wonder What to Do. (Br TU* i?u-uud frwl Lone Pine. Cal., >iov. 18. ? Owens Valley's little "army of occupation" was still in possession of the Los Angeles aqueduct early today and the water Intended for Los Angeles municipal supply waa counting in Its two day old paa eago through the waste gates. No one has yet made any ef fort to forcibly eject the Invad ers or to clone the gates. Lone Pine. Cat.. Nor. 18. ? De termined cltltenc of Owena County in a dispute with aquoduct official* of Los Angeles over wa ter rights are holding the spillway of the Los Angeles water supply acalnit all comers despite court orders and various attempts to dlBlodge them. They declare tha: thoy will stay until officials adjuat the dispute fro that ranches and properties of Owens County wlli not suffer. ed to the certainty of the Titanic* s destruction. Had even the Titan ic struck the Ice a square blow. It would havo only stove In her bow and filled one or two of her front compartments with water, but Bhe struck the huge mountain of Ice. estimated to be ninety miles long standing a hundred feet out of the water and a thousand feet, under water, a glancing blow, rip ping open every water compart ment from bow to stern, on that , side like a giant can opener. As soon as these filled she begsn to list to that aids, and In time went down. So we nee the site, the speed. :he self-confidence of her crew were all against the Titanic. In stead of making for her safety The fact Is that her bnllders bad spent fifteen millions of dollars for speed and luxury, for gymna siums, swimming pools, tennis courts, luxurious saloona and apartmenta, and furniture, and : less than a thousand dollars for , life boats! How foollah. you a* jr.) nnd yet some of you are spend In? a fortune on your children and neglecting thair aalvatlon. Had they thought that she i might sink they would not only have had tho usual prayers for a safe voyage, but thay would have provided lifeboats enough to have saved all on board. It is char acteristic of men who place their trust in their own devices to ig nore Qod. Good and Bed Fared Aliko Let no one suppose that th?, people lost on tha Titanic were worse than the common run of ' people. They were not. Thers was tho Rev. Mr. Harper, who wa? coming over to hold a meeting at; Moody's church, and the old gam-, biers called sea-bussards. There were the millionaires? Aator. Guggenheim, and fltraus and Ismay; and there were steerage passengers from Italy. There were j the lgorant peasants, and the coal ! stokers, anil tha learned W. T. Stead, who ' was coming over to lecture on tie "Men and Religion , Movement." Thsre were rich and poor, good and bad, learned and Ignorant. And Just here I pause to re msrk thst while Mr. Stead was coming over to lecture on "Men and Religion." he was an avowed Spiritualist, and had been told by one of the splrlta whom he com-) munlcated with that he waa des tlned to die on the atreeta of Lon don. But he didn't, he went to Ja watery grave on the Titanic. I I suppose he thought the streets of | London rather wet. No, this compsny wss not un usua' nor exceptionally wicked I Jesus aald. "Think you that the I people on whom ths Tower of 81- , j loam fell were wicked shore their fellow, I toll iron 1ST; but unless V repent, re "hsll sll Uk??ls? perish " And ttaejr *11 died alike ? preacher and gambler, millionaire > 'and coal heater; scholar and paae ant. high and to*, good and had [tecauae thera waa no power within themasltss to sere them and the thing on which they 'de pended for aalvatlon. failed them They all died allks heeauae they ,al1 remained on the Titanic. On the other hand, those who were pared wfre all eared alike regard lea* of wealth or station because they got on board llfsboats. Why did the 1.100 sll psrlah lust alike! Beesnse tha mad ship In which they tmatsd waa the only thing bstwsen thera and the bottom of the ocean Why were the 1?0 all aarsd sllke Be cause they sll got Into ths life boats sllke when glrcn sn oppor tune .. ? , Neither thoss drowned nor those as red hsd thslr dsstlsy sl Contlsusd Page ? DOUKHOBOR CHIEF ? BURIED IN ROCK i THE GRAVE OF PETER VERIOIN BRITISH COLUMBIA DOUK v MOBOR LEADER AND tlNSETi VERIOIN ? D| >EA IfnlPf NSL80N B C-rnw Vartgin. leader of Canada ? lN>ukln?U)r culoniet reata in a vaull Maat ed t r* th* roch of a mountain that tower* ahov* the principal viiugf Ftv# thousand followers curried hla body there He wti iejrard?-d hy the Houkho bora at> divinely aent to lead th*m t'nder hia guidance iheir woalth in created to IS uOO 000 They owned ssn mills. great (arms, several fa? tones Verijrln born tn Russia, spent IS years in Siberian fxile before he was allowed to come to Canada at the re quest of the Canadian government. Count Tolstoi and the American So ciety of Friends He was killed by a mysterious explosion on board a I railroad train HAYMAX AND COTTKX HRTL'ltXBD TO WASHINGTON* Washington. N. C.. Nor. IS. ? n?;v. L. D. Haym*n linn (im'Q re-' turned to the PI rot Methodist Church for another year and Rev. S. A. Cotten will bo the priding older of the WnshlnKton district for another year. labor Committers DOIN(; THE WORK iBr tt? AvmrUtrd I El Paso, Nov. 18. ? VUo Amori ! can Federation of Latfor ?onven-> tlon today turned to the formu lation through rr>mm!ttep action of It n major policies for the next year. Plfteen committee* appointed at the first session yest?rday will do the bulk of the work of the assemblage during tbo remainder of thin week Including executive hearings on topics of paramount Importance. IX MOW YORK i A. <5. James. Manager of H. C. Bright Company in in New York this week purchasing Christmas Jewelry for the holiday season. PKOBE DEATH OF WOMAN IN FURNACE Columbus. 0.r Nov. 18 ? County Prosooutor John King 1* today investigating the death yesterday of Mrs. Addle Sheutsley. agod ^0, vifo of Iiev. C. V. Shcatsu y. pas tor of Christ Lutheran Church, whose charred remains were tak en from the furnucs In the Sh? atf U y home. Klnc said it would have hcen Impossible for the woman to com mit suicide by crawling into the turnaco and closlnK the .loor be lo Audicncr Who Haven't Planked Down (Icsdi at Box Offio? and Will Not Brondriixt H> O. I,. SCOTT IS*****). loll *i T?i A?va*Mt Chicago, Nov. IS. ? A Jnzz diet la all that radio fans ran hope for thla winter to appease their np petlto for music. Any fast? for such delectable morsolB of onior talnmont us grand opera will have to go unsatisfied. So offlclalH of the Chicago Civ ic Opera Association have deter mined by a decision against ar.y further broadcasting of th?- ine lodloua outpouring of At' theater stars during their p r forma nces In the **aion Jiift stared. To back tip their decHlov. 'ton tracts with n number of tho'more brilliant singers o a ?? Vcn m.r to provide definitely that ihrlr productions are not to be carried by radio to the multitude of teners outside th-> Auditorium Theater here. Interest In gran \ opera, cultivated all last season, by two broadcastings a week ov two ot the most povo'liri Chl'v go stations, ia now to be allowed to lag. For a time there was a thought that the opera management might revoke It* decision and l or ill l:i Ui ffk and th. work, rs II" cllj hop,, th.1 Ih.ro may bo no delay in tho response, la J?. C"" P"?tl?>nod ' , ''k ' " uccnunt of tho rovi Thanif ",|" ne" 'I 1>u?l close bv .'. . L k "*>'? " could not 1)o postponed this vook. Therefore. as th- typ.. writer practlc" ej. rc|?e lt ..N(ny (< . I-Ml" 'nr It Kond tneo and true to ?"t ,?V"..S"'u^d?>, Mrs II II. Cotter and ".rs. nessle St.-wurt, assisted 5L" "tractive hlKh school will % oV a." "''d Cl'"9 nurses, will c.ioiass the St not crowds ed In Moll'l lh"" workers list ed In Monday s Advance will try to canvarn the C|t> ? rjJ'l". ,'t"d Cr"?" "Wan used to However, whpn u i? _ hrr.-d that over vi, , local work last y,*ar .,nd ,h' ?? ??Wn.r SE coii.hu, J,.ar p. rhapa mnnv buti??:n' ,U ",3k" contri "?'"eh membership' stavs , ''U", ?',<1 ">'? rest stays here for local W(11.k Now If a pels",, answers with a dollar' "en. C'C, ft do,Iar stay's 125 whv i"! rft , answers with here Z f? 60 thl" "lays thl'. w from sSv^^.VT.'ML's; id In H'rZ ronlrl!'""?? are want Jn 'ar8*? numk-r. T!>#? annual roll call iu * ?,? ??"??? of support for ellher lh local activlt les or th,? work iff e ?er h^w Ihrs?n'","'!"' "? ?? i? 3" in-.'r.tr mmm SS; stsi JOSKI'H CAILJ.AUX 'JRANTFJ) AMNESTY n.-i 'n? TV.? A-?|,tM Pw.?, !?..? r V 18 J?8?ph Call toiler I'sTr who In Oc. r 1.118 won found giilltv of havlna lmp.,|ed the prose?,!!, ? nitty, ,n<,tty vol<>" ?n am. ?"T"U H NUr MU WashltiKton. is-. ,? ? teem d elti2,.?, |? ,hr y ' Otway Hum ley who pa.Ed.wIy |>? n.a homo, cornnr of WnRhinir ion and Kecottd streets at il |r, nroi"rlI f'""lny morning after i, h hi horn b"ln? conflnod to nls homo since last June. ADDITIONAL data ABOUT sugar tariff Washltiaion. Nov. is .i_i>r,.,i 'lent ( oolldgo ha, received addl! tlonal data from tho Tariff Com mission In conniction with it. rr. ports on the sugar tarff nn,| h()I,?, o make a decision very soon ?? lOfsllon of i he tariff rate qnrstlon. *10 City To Take Over Utilities January 31 Will Take ' it? of Nearly 75 Days to Advertise and St'Il Tom1- ;i'itl (Jet Money in Hand for Pur- ?? c1k:m "t iVomrties, Says Mayor Goodwin WORKING ON I) VWES PLAN FOK CHINA New York. Nov. 18. ? A Dawes plan (or China worked out by business men instead of states men la In progress of formulation. It vai learned hero yesterday. SKIUOl'S ("Ol'IlT t'ASK KXI)S WITH M.\?IUA(iK What had promised to ho an other cane with the defendant charged with the same crime as that of which Jee Swindell wan convicted during the term of Su perior Court ending here Fri day terminated in n idea ?.f nolo contendere for th- d--fendr.nl and continued JudxmeM *by the court when the girl who was to have been the proa cutlng witness. who had turned 16 since the alleged ??ffenac was c mmltted, appeared In c urt with the written perrnls sl> n from her parents that she marry the d- fendant. The de fendant ixpreni^d the desire to marry the jjlrl and Trial Justice Spence accordingly permitted the pulr to hie themselves to a preacher to b?? Joln? d in wedlock. This they did forthwith and are now man and wife. TWO MEN KILLED IN WHARF FIRE 4Ur 1-r.M.I Linden. N. J. Nov. 18. ? Two men were killed, a barge and a ! steamship were destroyed and wharves suffered damago here I last night when gasoline being loaded from the steamer to the barge caught fire. Warners. N*. J.. Nov. J 8. ? The loss of $7,000 it a? estimated to day as caased by fire whlrh start-! Inp with an explosion aboard a i barge hcr?? last night. Ignited a gnsolln ft tank and destroyed sev eral oil tanks ashore. The flamoi threatened for a tlmo to sweep the entire water front. DANGER SPREADING FLAMES IS AVERTED 111* TM AMnrlttrd Atlantic City, Nov. 18. ?With a toll of two dead and four missing Are whlrh destroyed the nothwoll Hotel and its annex, formerly the I Senator, lant night, and fOl* a time threatened many fine residences at ?this coast resort, was burning lt nelf out today, and It was believed that danger of Acmes spreading had been averted. Nothing but part of the walla of the hotel re mained and the cnplno on the fa mous steel pier was pr-rtlrally wrecked. The 1??sh l:i estimated at $1,500,000. A.tlatlc City. i Fire last night destroyed ?? veil Ho tel and dainaM- others, killed two persons and Injured several, and c.iur.od $500,0 00 loss. NAMED ASSISTANT SECRETARY STATE Washington. Nov. 18. ? Presi dent Coolldge today appointed John A. MflMurray of iNow Jersey as Assistant Serrrtary of State. NAM K OMITTED Tho name of W. ft. White A Company was omitted by error in Monday'* and Saturday's Hals of firms urging a continuance of the Ham-Hamsay revival here STECK <;ON<;KATIILATES RKOOKIIAItT him-! r. Hteck M?.n, uld be as early as the of ff cuuld take over and operate the properties. Mr. Crook was accompanied la the conference by legal counsel/ while with the city's governing b- dy sat William C. Olsen of Ra leigh, the city's engineer, who will advise the city as to tha M* bulKing or revamping of the ex isting utilities and under whoee direction will be all the construe* tlon wr rk undertaken. Mr. Olsafli was retained by the city when first municipal ownership of phb lie ut tilth's was decided upon?i.4/ The existing utilities have baa* purchased at a price of $370.#(Mf while bonds to the amount, of $800,000 will be advertised nale. The city plans to spends considerable amount on rebg||if? lng or revamping the electric and power plant, improving lb* water plant, and extending ths sewerage system. TWO POKI>8 HMASHKl) Washington. N. C., Nov. 18.? Sunday afternoon around o'clock two Ford touring c2H went together on the Bath road near Hunyan. According to Smith who driving one oar which was occupied by his mother, iftra, H. D. Smith and his brothtf Frank Smith, he had stopped h(a car. due to engine trouble aaA while he wan trying to remadjr matters a Ford touring car drtaidi by Guy Mixon with four otlptfr I hoys in the car struck th* Smith car to the rear with the reenlt i Mrs Smith was painfull? hurt on her back and is now in the Voir lor Memorial Hospital and hta brother, was injured on the head; Hoth cars were smashed to pleeae. It Is said that Mixon claims that he did not see the Smith car. LIMIT INSPECTION INCOME TAX RETURNS Washington. Nov. 18. ? Inter nal revenue collectors were today Instructed by Commissioner VlaJr i to restrict public Inspection of la 1 come tax lists to not more tha* ! three days a week and not more j than three hours of any one day." ACiKD ri?|J.; I>K.\D I Washington. N. C.. Nov. 18. ? On Saturday, November 8th, Capt. William A. I'arvln, sged 14, passed away at his home near tbls city and Monday morning his aged helpmate, Mrs. William ?. I'arvln. aged 81. left to Join hi* | In that "undiscovered country,*'.. POLITICAL LEADER m FOUND MURDEItEft Leonardtown, 'Md.. Nov. ll.il James Henry Chlng, county po litical leader, was found dead |ft front of his home here today. Jttfl, bead had been crushed witfc blunt weapon and the coroner la advance of the Inquest declared ft was his conviction lhat chlng had been murdered. There were In dications of s struggle at the epot where the body wu found. "MIAMI" HMOWH ?i IfUi OF TOP A V It K.\ I .LSTI< 'AJJbY Rh? wm ii modern girl; ah# amokcd, drank, flirted unconaclok* ably And never took a dare. She thou Klit love wmp n pleasant gan|# hut ahn did not know It COatA. W a dnngcroua one until ah? get hurt. "M4arol" at the Alkratt# today shown the girl of today a her true colors, and Hetty Comi> Hon plnya her with reallatlc thor oughn'aa. II %l> WRATH KK ItKHITTM IK .NO HKNHIOX rO!,|( K (XWIHT Owing. It In presumed. to In clement weather wltneaaea In lea before the recorder'* court Tuesday failed to nhnw up and there wan no acaalon of court. '' A liquor cafe Involving the biff gevt haul made by the police Mm# the Ave gallon flaaco In whleh ??? mett Woraley, colored, and PqtkM? Officer Hen Houghton played Ing role#, la act for next Monday, OOTTO* IlKrOBT New York. Nov. IK. ? Spot cot ton cloaed steady. Middling 24. 6d. an advance of 10 point* rotor## rloalng bid, Dec. 24 2*. Jan. t4.4| Mar- h 14. 10. May t6.lt. Jul f t4 #4 Now York. Nov. 18 -Cotto* ni turea opened today aa follow*; De cember t3.M. January I4?U* March 24. *5. May 24.?3, Jui jr 24.80 7f|?