Win Or Lose Grange Is Hero To Wheaton, Ills. Probably Most Popular Man in Home Tohii W hen Father Ruined Motherless Boys to he "He Men hy Playing and Wrestling With I hem | B- MARCMKKT UAI.K |UXWM?lit. mi, b? Th? A(J??f?r.> W/ieaton. Tils., Nov. 19? 1N0 matter whether "Red" Grange wins or loses, he is still a hero In this little town of Wheaton. 25 miles from Chicago, where the great Illinois football star live*. Probably the most popular man to Wheaton. a town of 7,000 where neighbor know neighbors. U the same "lied Grange; and the man who loves him most In the chief deputy of the county Jail, for ten year* chief of police of Wheaton? Lyle Granite, his own six foot, stalwart father. In fels self styled "bachelor apart n?Bt," second flat to the rear, on Main street, which "'Heil" share* ?hen home, l?yle Grange told the ; writer today how he had tried to bring his hoy up to be a regular "be man." I . Wheaton had Just coioo clam oring to his doors for the : ??straight" news" about "Red." "jVas he hurt badly in the Min aesota game?" "Was his bark JbJured?" "Will he play again rtbls season?" Never a *ord a* to how It happened his team lost 4he game. It was only when a long distance call from Champaign ? e^lae that Wheaton settled down. Ijftphyalctan told "Red's" father tbat only a tendon in his arm was 'fulled loose. He would not play $?11 again this season, but at the plame time he was not badly In rjbred. The sheriff's wife went 4way murmuring, "I can have :ralm up for dinner Thanksgiving , after all." Ljrle Grange liken nothing more than to talk about his boy. As this father of the big football he ro of the ago dusted off a chair tor the writer, he pointed with pridy to the four walls of the lit tle .bachelor living room. Clip pings from dozens of newspaper:* rand cuts of Red In action did bWnrlce where wall paper had once tone its duty. ? "I pasted the clippings there." aaid Mt. Grange "my sou Harold, that is. 'Red* would not have done It. He's too modest. He does aot like all this adulation any way. And If there'd been any wo men here they probably would fcave put them In a scrap book ' aomewhere. But I like them where they are. They're flnor than paintings to me, and they ?lake this look like a regular he aian's apartment." There we sat In the five room bachelor abode of Lyle Grange and his son "Red" and another aon. Garland. Not a feminine thing about It. Plain dark mat ting rugs on the floors; substan tial oak chairs; plain muslin cur tains; a few books that men like lAl^ead; a hat rack; a big heat ^ stove; a dining table nnd dishes; a cook stove; and beds; a radio In a one hundred per cent atan's den. which "Red" calls bis own when he comes home va cationing and to truck Ice. No j pennants, no footballs, no decora tlona or fusslness of any kind. A giant In appearance, and sol id as they make them. Red's fath- 1 er was In his younger days a Penn sylvania lumberman, who got off ynany a log Jam safe, purely thru Jils superb strength and swiftness of limb. Red's grandfather was one of the fastest wood choppers In the Allegheny Mountains. The dark eyed mother of "Red" who died of typhoid fever when he was five and a half ychrs old. leaving two small boys and a girl to be, brought up hy the lumberman father, was a strong athletic girl. It ts this fine physical heritage. l?yle Grange believes, that gave biff "Red" his stsrt. Then Lyle told how he'd come born' at night, years ago, and ?Tied" would say; Jr "Come on Pa. Let's wrestle." .And "Pa," big six footer that he was. would get down on the kltch an floor before he started the sup per, and "wrestle" with the fu ture athlete. This msn. who has; bean father and mother to his iboys, determined when they wer?* young to bring them up good and klad. -but "hard" physicslly, and retfular "he men." i - Ftlhers ought to play more With their sons, and encourage tlMn 4n good athletic games" Aft's father said. "It keeps them of mischief, both the sons, a ad fathers, and where athletics Christmas .. *' MONEY FOR YOU Oivr Christmas Club pays . rent the money when ywi ,Jol? U. JOIN TODAY II* Hum that you urt jonr <*hrl*fmas Check. ?k us for full information. IOUSTRIAL BANK PHONE 1 1 4 Itandard Pharmacy ?av WILL SEND IT is bill! making ul the ability of tine material. ab!y cojrlicil, in speed along to victory on hJgh Rear. N'?. in ? majority of taw ? a Mi'f. ii Itily great majority ti ??>*? t:ihli>li the fact-- uictlioj-rity prc ?'?*. IllinoU. for instance wont aiorv ii-lyiti/ on u t*. ronx attack to ?li?rotint d?f?,n?-i\e . In i In ? r?l t in- pair! th?- |ionalty. Un til tl;e I'rinroton iramo Yale was n?:h!::g tj biag nb.?ut an?l it ?'?* babe Tries a Crickcl Stick The boy* hand*) Babe Ruth a cricket *tlch the other day and the man who made home running an nrt In this country took a preliminary nwtng with the chief ofTennive weoiKin of Knviland '? fuvnrit** sport. f "It might be ? 11 rlghl to use In tlap Ntlrk coined v ? ; frequently in roc en t years. Of all the so-eallcd bin loanu> In the country Notre Damo and Iceland Stunford have neither ? been tied nor defeated. From i this fact one of. two conclusion * -| may bo drawn- -either excellence j has prevailed upon the rrldlron as novcr before, or else ihe gen eral rule of play has tended to- ' . ward mediocrity. One might without hesitation accept the former conclusion wer? 1 it not for the demonstration which Notre Dam ? has made and and studies are linked together j the boy has more interest iu Ills ' books. | Mr. Grange then showed tie I writer the first prise "Itfd" ? v. r : won. It was a pearl handled j knife, won in a race at n Sunday j School picnic. "He has been bringing home ' prizes, medal* and cups ever since for any athletic stunts h? s entered into" said Mr. Grange. "He won 19 modal* in his last year at high school." The writer sat for two hours listening to "Ited V fath> r talk about the boy ho brought up. "And I did it without any wo man's help." M added prldefnlly. THE APOTIIKCAItY SHOP Phono 400 A Good Drug Store "f or a Variety 99 in <;ko<:ki{h:s Utile Hcotrli llerrl:i?s Salt Spots Suit Mackerel Dried t'odfl?h. (aill 697 or f)OH K. V,. GARKKTT Cdn&e^i "BKAR CAT" Sii.k.r* Thvy are gnnif FLnrrra I'Olt KVKIIV OCCASION Ryan I'loral Co.. Inc. Phono HIS. lt> the I'rinrrtoii i-*amo *an duo to Tiger FtulPiicMM or fo a rad ical j^'cesn of K-ucrul proficiency. Dartmouth on the either hand, is ln-tlcr than she li.n liecn in ? ??v eal y? :irs, hut fur some time hack Ihc Green has he? u well he Two - H anded^^velin^Ommp" GuniMtr Lindstrom of Sweden haa JuaFT>rcktn tho world niurk fur throw- j Ins the Javelin. The new record la 66.62 meters. Tho old record of 66.10 i meters was hold l?y John Myrra of Finland. Llndatrom Is also tho right ' ar.d left-handed javelin Ibrtwlnc cha-?pi?-. On the soruo day ho set the j woilJ mark with hla rl*;ht Iwnd he threw the aptar 46.55 with hla left. low lu-r i-Uincluil. Now slio is IliitwrK on tint contrary Jti?t an average at rang eleven, above In r normal ?*las-\ m ^c?i?ni*u to ilir rult*. *U;? '-u: Tea hoa*lb no br tl - liuir ? :? \. ti. Not a member of ih?- u til. m <%>nfpron?"* has ***? i" |M?rJ .!.i gum- Within, or o;i-:r>i?l?* ?: ? t 'lr/a'i >:i Ju-t 111 ' i5,?ir.<< l*n ' .l ity ?s mil ?*: Kiihl. f 11 r.. ??':!?: Yale, Dart-* month and i: :rvrs. lirnekcted. Sccttid ! ?mi ?> l.:?iia. !.?? li'cli. Ariiiv. ? 'Invihi.i. i'rkiro t ci ti IVii'i\ \V?'iiiorn (It'll!"!! in : M>an<'K. ihi'ir 20 to -7 tloffal of I H fc - nois onlltlvH tin-in this wrok to t hi* h'-ri l of tli?* (4'hiviiii. t likaKo. sf'rotiil. 'I h*' ti llliiu.i.s. Mir hi ruii. low. i. Ohio. Ir?!:,ina. IMinlno. Nonh wi-MtiTn ami Witnuisin. I',. : ifi/. i'osiki : California. First. S:.iii;omI kliliiK' ton ami l.<<- mt.i Virginia in fi .? jiititst*. Viu'niu T?'?*h. \\"ak?* Kur ot, Mary laml. Carolina. V. M. 1 , SUA I'M KM; I5KIIH:S When you nivo Ixiiift Mr<:t SloilinK Silver, vmi jjivo usefulness in rirh and beautiful form present of enduring When you buy silver here, you choose from a .stock oh'erinjr variety, quality and values. Knives, Forks, Spoons .'Mid Serving 1'ieees for every pur|Hise# are heiv in bo.-iutiful patb ins. Conn- in tnttl tuolcc {four sflfrtion ii. itmt.irr co. Jiirclcrx There's no stopping 'em! "IT'S a clear field with nothing in front but the goal postal lootball or merchandising? it's the wmc story? you can't ?top a man or a product that has the stuff to come through. Chesterfield is making gain after gain ? like a swift, smashing drive to a touchdown. Everywhere men arc changing by thousands to Chesterfield. Why ? For the best of all reasons ? taste/ That's what convinced smokers the country over. Chesterfield Such popularity must be deserved CIGARETTES ranilii a Stale. William and Mary. CiMitukt. IuvMnoh. Trinity, l.? .?! (;??"' 'W iiHhinKt?in< John* Hop I ii llirliiuond, Hampden Syd ( a'lti'lit- 1*. tiullaudct. ? Si. Johns ?!ui Itutidolph Maron in ?? ' '? ?:rn?4p. S.uj' hern (ruled l?y Zip Npw ipm' ? :i*. t.iiiixliam Xcwiii lii'orKia. Mahuina. loorgia Tr?-h . M i?si5*ip pi A and .M.. Florida. Auburn. I-'inMana. Kentucky. Sowanep, IVliiMMM-f, Miitxi^liipi, South w?? i ( rut I'd toy Sam Pare Fo.y Wuri:. ;:hthu; n\iur?>H am! i lani|i!i of all il'-sri'lpiioiiH. J'Iioiic 4i-l . W. S. WHITK & co. Xo. 410 Ht. ToPutlnYoui Fruit Cake Itaislnx, CurtniifM, Dried OvmhIImnI Cherry, I 'lnr.-i|i|>Ie, l/4-ninn ami Or uime IVH, Almonds, WhI imiIh, mill |(i a/ II \ ul s. TIicm* nre nil fro*h k?hmIs. M. P. Gallop Co. I'honrM :< anil 07 NOW? Wo ran ftiippl)' your every riinilinrr n???il fn>m the Im-urM mul imml umiplHr lino of lioimo fii i-ii Im|iI)?k** ever hroimht loKithrr In ? lil* rlty. Ami wo Wll.l. m?vo joii money. M. (I, Miirriii lle & Co. fjMK*"t I'm ml I nr? llnuw In North I itrollmi MjiIii St. atiil Water Ht. Kl l*a both Clly, N. C. THE HOME OF GOOD FOOD We know our groceries and J I* no good. W> merely an* for a nlrigl* opportut*ty to xerrt you who have Dvv?*r been In to m?c us. ? G. W. Twiddy j lis* II arm .\uir *? ? lint it trill stum hv coifi .So Buy your II inter 1 l!tulvrtrvtir Yc/rr, Mm. Min's Codi'ii lllMiul l'u ion Snitf*. sizes ?o 31.AM to JfU.iMi r.trli , Men"? liibbid l':ii? 11 Sult-n i?f Wo(tl 1 1 < I tvtii-n. Ktz *.s :t*i !?? 4?i. to . ari; M?*n's ({ <1 i'lilrla ,nul< HiHWt rs, all i-arli Men's (ilaufcnlur)' Wool on Slilrtu ii ml Drawer.*, all s|?.?-h. i hf garment. n rid Jfct.OO llojra' K |)liit; rni'H will l?o opuratod from KIiih(i>ii. N?-w WIImoii, (Jnldnlinro. WuMltiltKlon, and other polntx an I lit- volume of. ! buslm-HH rcquirra. Si-riirc r?iM*r ' vut Ioiih now. I For further In formal Ion apply. I to or wrlti* any Ticket AK?'nt or.?i J. V. I (icill'llll I'ftNM'lim'l- A^CIll, Norfolk, Vu. no. 1 7,1 9,2 1,24,25.27 i Man Saves Wife In Nick of Time "My wlfo wns unable to eur?A' en tin* HkIiIi'hI food, and had fnll en away to a llvltlK nkoleton. She could not even keep doctor's med icine on her Htomach and wuk tor-* tured with pain. On the recom'l mcndatlon of a friend I bought a bottle of Mayr'n Wonderful Item <>dy and she in all rluht now and ban Kalnc'd forty puund?." It Is n Hlniplo, haritilcHH p reparation that' removes the catarrhal nmciiK from the Intestinal trnct and nllayn'tM Inflammation which causes prac tically all Mtoniach, liver and In toHtliial allmentH. lucludinr. upp'-n dicitlM. One done will convince or money refunded. At all druRKlstn. adv. i If Back Hurts Flush Kidneys Drink Pferty cT Waier and Takp GUfi* of S -Its Before Break- 1! fact Occasionally When your kidneys hurt and your lack feels sore, don't get scared Awl ;jro( eed lo load your ?totmch with a lot of drug* that excite the kidney* itid irritate the entire unitary tract. Keep vcnir kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by Hushing them with a mild, harmbsi silts which helps to remove tlio body's urinous, waste and stimulate them to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys w to filter the blood. In 24 hour* ibey itrain from it 5(10 strains of acid ami waste, so we can readily understand the vital importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of good water ? you can't drink too much ; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts. Take a tahleipoonful in a glm of water before breakfast each morn ing for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of granes and lemon juice, combined with litnia, and has been used for years to help dean and stimulate domed kidneys ; also to neutralize tho acids in the system so they are no longer a source of irrita tion, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive: ennnot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent iithia-water drink which everyone., should take now and then to help keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this; also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache. By all means have your physician examine your kidneys least twice a year.