IRN^VMuaUtancs: i PKTX,E * PubtUbrra M?? ??T Win Mmr. I Member of The Awoctatwl Pivw. ?r ***?? '? .Miti-4 tt Sm\LJ^TL mm< r4 W ?? a-?. I I *? C" " iUm matWr. ?ub?jcrlptlon IUt?-? lt> Carrier. ?m 7.? - - - C#f?H "? (l? Mvanc*) . 42 r,.,. j*** M? Mn (in ?tftinft) 2a y* . *****' ????) .1. i? ?! '?*??? ll**UH (In KtiiKO ' ?? oo By Mail. ~ Um On. m b?hiiii ... n *?* Tw?. 12 Mmt, . % mrnU g in,, ,_T^: g"g MONDAY. N(Jv~" 2 1. l-.j |. Mw llu* IVaco Surely (Iiiti* sliouid Ik- noihlir: of grit f now for Mrs. Hardin^. > ,Thc Krt ut tra^'-dy is o\i r and kIh has |??>ac<>. Aiiioiik th'?h.- who knew her Ili? r?* is sorrow fur that they have lost their friend, hut It is she who has mad"- tin,- *.r?at Sain and with that thought tin country which knew ln-r only a. It must always know ??%?!> Firs; Lady of the I^nd toust n ,.t run tent. For thin family the White House wuh lit! I?- |i kk ilian a curse. It Ih a remarkable story in Ani'T Ican lift-: the ri?c of tin- liardiUL'.s from their small town surround In^. much lir. in tin ? mhuio It miiHt have heen; the cnal ad venture of the I'rihidency; tin natural elation ;iihI e\cltelit< lit ;i - the acene Hhifl.U to the capital of the of earth's nation*. Anil then reaction. l-'or all I In pom (> and circumstance hiouuht little of. added lt:i i?|?l iit-HK ; tin- Jew el box was duply; the shoutings and the tumult were nothing I" - side that Hiuail measure of con tent to which all |n tsimih look for ward. "In tluit fierce liuht which beats upon a throne" was lilt If of content. little of peace and quiet, little of that which every home in the laud ouuht to bo able to claim. The journey led to the end of the rainbow and tin re was nothing there.' A greater hand than that of the captain's arose to end thin dream. One by one those who surrounded thin group of simple Americans fell. Death took swift toll. The President was gone, the doctor upon whom both had leaned was Kone,-the ones who hnd Yelped raise them to hlgli es tate were gone. Senators, cabinet officials, men of place and power who mnde up the friendships the Hardings knew passed one by one until only Mrs. Harding was left, alone, desolated. And now the same great hand readies out and takes her. Noue will grudge her now tin peace she always sought. (Ireens boro News. Wo congratulate, tho music de partment of the Woman's Club In advance on bringing Rood mimical attractions to Elisabeth City. Lot's encourage tho club and tin- per formers by our presence. And after Thanksgiving Day It's less than a month (111 Christ mas. Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. Have you made your annual eon trlbutlon to the orphans? SILVKH FOII IIKIDCS When you ?ivo Kin;/ Albert Sterling Silver, you give usefulness in rich mid beautiful form ? present of enduring delight. When you buy, silver here, you choose from a stock offering variety, quality and values. Knives, Forks, Spoons and Serving Pieces for every purpose, are here in beautiful patterns. Conic ill and makr your Kr lection H. C. liltlGIlT CO, Jeweler* ! 'F Mie s woiith while, SUES WORTH WHITMAN* The Good Candy at THH APOTHH AHV SHOP Washington Letter ? 'MY HARRY B. HUNT | . ?- ? . NKA Service Writer - WASHINGTON? with an .yc ( to the future. ?whori they h?Ue in see u women rldins down Pennsylvania nvrnut* at the head ?if un limuKural parade, mem heni .?f the National Woman's I'arty anil thu National League of Women Voters are hoping "Ma" Vcrgoxon of Texas and "Our Noll" It. ix* of. Wyoming will come to Wiuthlnirion to |mrtlrlpult> In I ti?? I >'.?>ndt:<- inauguration on March 4 Altlmuuh lM?th art- Democrats., us vlHitiiiK chief executives of sover eign Minictt I hey would lw acconled place* in the inaugural parade. And an the itr?t women ever to | t*. e|ect<-d to snieh high olflce It Ih (eli thai i hen participation in the ceremonies would place Ihe whot? ?tniui< of possible future ??otiicnder* for (he presidency, in u j new and nam* hivoruble llRht. TIIB tournutMtu .'lussir of thr campaign .-utile ?he ?iay after the e.leetloa li disclosed mee Krcss|ve isaault seemed certain to sweep UoolldRc from power, plunged his pen Inlrt the ink and suved the duy with his battlecry of "CoolldRe or j "ha os." "Colonel llnrvey," says the ac :ounl, "with one I m >I<1 und illiimlna !ln* stroke, disclosed lo the ills tracted people the side, vital, para jiount iwiio thai confronted them." '-"When George llarvey1'? re aicml>er. out a proper amount for the loss of the defendant's "love and affec- ] tion, and whatever home-making qualities she might havo hnd." ! ITHCIIASK TOWN ^KAJNTICO Washington, Nov. 2 1. I'ur ohasi1 by tin* (iowriH'mnt of th?' (town ? r Quantico. Virginia, sit'- of , lli?* uroai Marin*1 Corps lias#-,, was today ri'roniiiK u?l< d by Major NORFOLK MAItkKT JAIIVIS & I'KXTUKSS by SI'KNCIvHOI.I.OWEIJ. Co. I?imI A[ I.lvn Dll'vscil. Drawn i ! Hens ? 2 f? - 2 7 I RooRtcrR lj?-17 'Ducks ... 25 22 2f. 20 Turk??yn ::o-::r? ? 50 Hons, tinder - | 100 lbM ? 15 i Hoks ov? r J 100 IIih _ 12-14 I Ebk8 .r,s i I Irish 1'oluiouH 2.00 Sw? ct |'ol|ln(>8 ? ? ^pnfr#' John A. I/JfUlm, rom manilant, in hh* annual r?-por' "Continuation of th.- dual control of tin- town." h. said. "ci ?a(.-f, conditio!** which ir? hiKhly undixlrabl. mid which i ad^. t adv. i ly th. n...ial. of tin coin maud." I'UrcllRHe of th.. Ilvlin n.-lU tH itrowu Kield. Virginia. wax Ml,,. urK'.. WANTS MAN to sell Will kins Mom - in Kllzaliclh City. More than 150 um'iI daily. Income $:?."?-|.r?o weekly. Kxperience unnecessary. Wi itc Dept. 11-3. Th?' J. It. Wat kijn; Company, l r? 1 f? ivrry street, Now York City, N. V. nnv. 24.25,2Gpd. I.AXU ? U>TS ? MM). If HI. MOX ?y makiiiK farm. Get description. li?7. That beautiful poultry farm cheap. Iluy now. 193. Thirty three. acrr-n nwamp timber for sonK- 1H2. .Minty making farm. N w nine room residence. liar, I ?surface road. 2"l. Nlii" room rcxiilencp Maple street. 2U3. Sov ??ii room I'l-shli'iico cheap. Cherry st.reet. 190. K? sidence, f) rooms, close in. Kxcellent value. 191. Apartment. Close in. ' Splendid board in? house proposition. 1 9 "? . Splendid old mansion Corner Church ninl Pool. At two thirds value. Listen! Call 306. Hotter still come see us llinlon HniMing for descriptions. Carolina ll?*al Kstate Company. HT ? SMAI.I. ItAI.MHIN |>l\ mond tire on roail between Wood ville and llluton Corner. Liberal reward for return to William J. Overman, fi?9 iXortli R.iad street nov 2 4 -Dec. lnp. Notebook of an Elizabeth City Bachelor Olivia speaks right oat in meeting. Sh??'s tli*? kind of ulrl who looks you right in Jthe eye fllrnt time she ever no t you and make* funny remarks about you. . If you have, a Roman nose, leave It to little 01li<>, slio tppakn about it. Of course, men just ?jo crazy over such a lass. Yen, they do. Most men would love dearly to strangle lo r. Hut Olivia is a groat khI for bcinK frank and candid, as she calls it. She doesn't stop to think that tliere are lady boors and there are ladieB who are rude and Impolite. Hut a man remember*. O, leftvo it to him. Bachelor* must he treated with tact and they must be humored. The girl who hasn't learned that lessen has had no fit mother to guide her or she has failed dismally in her powers of observation. Girl?, that's one thing you CAN'T be wiili a man ? candid. Tomorrow: Octavia. (Co?irr1|M. 1124, Or Tha Ad.a net) 1'ICI it < \ K? WTIUWC Wlsl.l SI COMI'VM l l!( IT CAKE, !l>. size 1S3.25 WTIOWI. IHS? .? IT COMPANY HUH' C AMC, 2 II.. size Si. 50 Jii-I I i !>? {mcic muilr. uitli p|(-ut> ? i S" fruii ami mils. |M'f III. I IHtMM.Il l iTOIN, jM-r II.. I'ANCi OW V \CK am! I C\I< IN ("KIT impokti.o famy. per n>. CI KKAIS i'-, per I-I.ji. SC\ M Mi- Si . .??IT) or SKKIU.KSS I{ \ISI\S. per pkf. |.? ?IC YIT.I) PEACHES, per Hi. I- YA?A i'iil "\1 I :i r;_r. per IS. KV ViN ? n.l ? .PPCES. iht Hi. U<" '?> l!. * !ar:;c fancy. |icr Hi. CM; CISC \\ \i ' I S. fancy. j.rr Hi. J.IT til I'Cl.VsS. ? il . Clltlft Pl\! \i I'l '?I5!NC, per can l>l MI'KI \. . i!i- i an, jiit tun I . ? p,:> i t!* ^?>i Timiltl (irali. CHANIiCiiJii: > - ;?t ijiiaii V INESAP \PP1.ES. fancy, per pk. Al. REM AH It". t'U'l'I.N APPCES, I'ancy. per pk. li.OH!!>\ I ? I OHWCES, Iwu sizes, pci