White House Breakfasts HjSyt Bids For Leaders Favor Prwidi *nt Who Sal I .ike Sjtliinv Ovi'r Deliberations of Senate Now Trying to linpros Party ( lullrnguPM Tlj?t He Kliimtni ?nd Friendly >v . ' I'.y Vr\\ IX> UUKKNCK , *C??trt]M IV94 I* th? Altimi Washington, I )oc. 2.?' "Breakfast at 8 :it iho While House" may some day make the repoi ters wake up curly with a sus picion that such unaccustomed beginnings ef a Cciigressioni>l day are really significant of something impending but thus far the only menning the conferences between President Coolidge and the Republican niem'x r:; of the I'nited States Senate is social, get-together, person.1! and a gesture" of the anxiety of the Executive to get on terms of fellowship with his party colleagues. ? Mr. Cooliilno sat for nearly three years on the rostrum uf the Senate and jr.ized silently into the faces of the Senators but said nothing himself, lie yond the natural comments tliat ko with a social visit, the White House breakfasts have developed no talkativeness on legislative matters by the President. In other day* not Ionl i. ? a nooF< v?'lt inluht hav?? ed the converisntlcn with ntrjrr- ir-i COjnnionlH on evfiythinu >;? l-r; in the off trial and it nofi i? . .? I -a ?>rl?* A Wllnon would have ?iisfltix*-d i\ ttgnifW-d phrases a : ait i toward imrty l? ad* .'ship ot JUtUllvt*. A Hartiinu would lriv? laid th? lat? i i i . had I OP enjoyed the telling <>f the new one* hy hi? vi^llo^. ..But Mr. C"olldv>- I:' d i lT<*r* ta-? . First ??f nil li< ii - his* rnnfircnct at break fa :it at ?l lucouiprt h<*ns fble-hmii of s o'el ?ck. Hut If t!i? truth wore known it'n tin* u?o-,t MBVcriit n* hoar t.{ the wlioh- ???;> for meiu'.nr.t 01 Con kit- r.mJ t i th> PreHid.nt. Ninety p< r cent '-t the member* of ("oimntK eat breakfast betwi<< n 7:ao and ? ?"Clock. If tilt* I'l. i Uric t lBTlte tin ui to lunch it would nlct with the meeting hour of Congivss which is noon and lh** two' hours thereafter are usually the most important in the 0ii her have speak ini; dat? s or dinner cngap ni?'iits made ahrail of time. Mr. CoolldKe llk?'S to j;i?t up these breakfasts on short notice and he can bo sure of log per or ill attendance If lie Pilfctu tin' cm ly morning hour. Th- n. too, tune Is saved. \Vliol<' cv?-iiir.?;s would be ep50 Is not tryliiK to tell CoiiKr?')<8 his views ?*\o ;?t in official me pkukos. There itiny c ?ni' a time \vheii ho. will n< -"1 to follow up his recommen dations f"r b fil iation with per Is'.- lis I per '.;:s?i.)U but that Is best ucr ?ni]>ll:>lit U as a rule by meet* iuK in* nibcis of Congress individ ual ?>? or in groups ot two or three. What Mr. Coolldgo Is really trviiK to do Is to erase the Int jm i.T-ton thai bernUKt* he Is not a talis ' i iv individual he Is aloof and cold. He \vat1l3. Conur* ss to I believe In* is end owed with a spir it < t fellowship and good will to "UKAH CAT" Suckers They arc ffood ir o ? i> r ikes ARE BETTER _E. J. Coliown & Co. WOOL BLANKETS We have one of the mo.-t complrlr linrs of W ool ItlaiikdM we have tJioMii in many aeoMin*. They arr shown in pluin white with border* mid plaids of bine, pink and brown ? are full size double Blanket*. Price $7.50 to $10.00 McCABE & GRICE The Ruay Store Who Is She? Do you know her? Bhe is Chlcnieo's "inyatery girl 8h? wim found wan during uroa-nl In the Union Btatlon there. TTic iclr I Is In the Cook County Ilcspiuil now and doesn't know who ?hc la. 8h<* has forgotten ; everything al>out her fNiat, but h*r otkswrrn to questions Indicate ahe might )k- ft ?t>lle?e student, end the nnma "l.'harlette" trcmi to juoum n r.-tpon?o from her/ ward them so that If he essays le;td?THhli? on major questions he1 shnll not b? accused of coercion and buHslum. Mr. WiImuii rarely us<>d meal I hour.- for conference with any one on official busintrs aud almost never invited memben of ? Con gress to eat wlih him at the While House. He ?ii? criticised for it though his pl< a wan that It wait th<* only time ho found to rive to the members of his family and that it lo-lpt-d him to relax. Presidents Taft, Roosevelt and Harding found, on tin* other hand, that It was a splendid opportunity' to develop frh-ndlv relations with members of Cunureg*. ^ The Democratic members of the House and Senate are looking on | wondering what it's all about. On< J of them remarked today on how the timoH had changed, bow If a Democratic Pr?*sid< nt had repeat |? dly summoned only members of i hi? party to conference he would have been called President of the Democratic party aud hoar th? emphasis on partisan rdminlst ra tion by the party in power has come back again. Mr. Cool Id Re, however, is inviting even the members of the Senate who tech MONUMENTS Lawson & Newton TIIK MONUMKNT PEOPLE Ekdniiilra Given on Work Set CVmipleie Montlct'llo A vp., nt lltfc 8t. NORFOLK. VA. uically arc known as Republicans but who have not bpen warm In (heir support of his proposal*. Senator Norris of X"branka thinks along the same lln'*s as Senator LaFollette on most public tjues I ions but ho was not excluded. Senator Borah Is an a rule on the opposite side of the adinlnlstra- , tlon but he too wan summoned. Mr. Cooltdtce Is trying hard to brlnK his own party Into harmon ious relation with the White House hut It does look as If Sena tors LaFollette. Krazler. Ladd and Krookhart will have to patronize tie- Congressional cafeterias for the President cannot Ignore the' recent action of the Republican ii!? tubers of the Senate In reading the four rebels out of the party. Where Every Man FIimIh What Hp I. ikes To Wear Spencer Walker Co, INC. The breakfasts are for Republi can ? only, these who have be??u good and show promise of being good. KK1> MjUSH' This new separate aupplement to The New York Sunday Vorld Im continuing to please the public. Edited by the magician of magi cian*. Houdlni. It has baffling trirkn. perplexing puzzleM. curious Notes On The Matter of Be ing Well Dressed Simply make a center rush for the Suciety Brand Clollie.i Sli ftp and your goal of beinjt well dressed will bo made on the first down. (UZAKTH CITY ? NX. OI K TOY DEI' tKTME\T IS \OU' HEADY FOR THE HOLIDAY IWSH. COME IV EARLY Kilt THE REST SELECTIONS Toy Headquarters for Children Morrisclte has always led in the presentation of toy for littls folks ? playthings that keep them busy in healthful play ? and the sub stantial toys that k'vc them pleasure in the playroom and nursery. Velocipedes Automobiles Wagons Kiddie Km. i Doll Trunks Deak Seta, Etc. The Ripwest and Ifett l.inc of Dolln to l>e Found Anywhere orn n.ooHs auk hi.i.kd to ovkmj,owin<; now with I'iKCKS MOST At'l'HOI'ltlATF; R)? CHH1STMAS GIVING MAKE DELIVEHIES AT ANY TIME. CIIOOSK FHOM THIS VtONDKUHU. STOCK NOW. WK CAN M. G. Morrisette & Co. I Illusions and Interesting tests. Read Red Magls ? it hi effective. The Red Marls Section of The New York 8unday World has caught on. Order a copy of The Sunday World from your news dealer for next Sunday and you will see why. meet tour friends AT OCR Clean Soda t >untain . at THE ATOTHECAiiT SHOP A beautiful stock of men's gifts opens its arms and aisles in Welcome! Ladies ? you know how it feels to stand in front of your dressing table with the last hook and eye fast ened ? the last wisp of hair in place-r-and the last detail of your beautifying process complete. W'c feel the same today for we are ready to step into the most beautiful festive season with the most brilliant array of men's gifts that it has ever been a man's good fortune to have arranged for him! More details tomorrow about this stock that has been gathered from the four corners of the world to corner the appreciation of 3,000 Elizabeth City women who wouldn't bo wrung for anything in the world ! Where the Best Clothe* Come from Out For A Big December B usiness If Values And Prices Will Do It MEN'S TWO PANTS SlUTS? ai.-.e:), ro f " $35.00, 7.5C. Men's I!o::vy Suit", till wool, $20.00. MEN'S OVERCOATS SI 6.50, $18.00, $22.50, $25.00. Men's Sultmarinr Coats, $8.50 Men'* Heavy Swonters $5.75 to $7.50 BUY USEFUL GIFTS , Mrn! 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