| ?1K<Tl l ?ATIOV S \Tl litl\V 2.? 4 Z Copies TI1K WEATHER !n~rtMsine <*l<ttiilinr>*M and -light- * > wuin?r luitlclit. Tu? !?'!?> warm* j r uinl |irolittI>!y tain. J ,VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, N9RT11 CAROLINA .MONDAY EVEN1NC. DECEMBER IS, I5>24. EUillT RACES. NO. 282 City's Utility Bonds Bought At A Premium Chicago Firm of (1. W. MrNeur iV (Icmpaiiy Surcc^fiil Bidder* for S800,(MK) in IlomK l*<-tii*d for I ijililx. Water and Sewerupe l'rojM?rtie* of (lily The City Council in session' Monday awards the city's puhli;* improvement bonds for fKOO.UOO to C. W. McNear & Company. of Chicago, the amount of this com pany's bid being $S02.241 91. Tin Interest rate was 5 per'o ut. Among the 12 other concern?: bidding, the Southern Trust Com pany of Elizabeth City offered lie; | next highest bid which was JSOO, 075.00, the Interval in this bid al bo being 5 per cent. Immediately following the op ining and reading of the bids h\ the clerk, a special committee con sisting of H. G. Kramer, M. H. Jones, and G. It. Little, retired from t lie meeting room and in a few minut? s returned with tin statement that the committee con sidered the bid of C. W. McNenr ie Company the best bid offered. Immediately upon this report tin Council voted to award the bid to this concern. Of these bonds $550,000 nre for the purchase and extension of the water, electric light and pow er systems. The other $250.000 are for acquiring and iniproviir. the existing sewerage system. SERVICE MEN AHE URGE!) APPLY BONUS Norfolk. Dec. 15.? It i.? ovi-j dent that information regarding the Bonus for World War vet erans has not reached every vet eran. according to the War De partment office here. According to the plans of tin Adjutant General of the Army, many thousand more applications for Bonus can be handk-d dally. The great difficulty today appear? to he that many veterans are de laying lu making their applica tions. - ? Consequently, the War Depart ment desires to make further ef fort tolreach every man and have him eitV?r make his application or to pltm.se send a letter or card to the Arjutant General stating that he does not Intend tc apply lor the llonus. It is not believed thai the vet erans are indifferent to the Bonus but merely that they have failed to appreciate the necessity for promptly submitting their appli cations. There is no red tape in this matter. Of course the appli cation must be properly filled out In order to Identify the veteran and to compute accurately what amount of compensation he is en titled to. His name, serial num ber. organization he served in, with dates, his finger prints and other data are important in order to be sure that each is identified with his record in the War De partment. A statement instn-d today from the IT. S. District Engineer's of CJce follows: - "If you are a Worid War veteran tn4 you want your bonus, pleaxc make application at once. Don't delay for delay meant* a loss of money to you. Make out your ap plication today while thi.i request Is fresh in your mind. The War Department Is prepared to handle 30.000 applications a diy. Let them have yours tomorrow. If you do not want the bonus and do not wish to make applica tion. please notify the Adjutant General, Washington, D. C.. tell ing him that you do not want the bonu?. We ask you to do this In order that the War Department may know how many veterans in tend to apply and that they can thereby keep their force at full 1 work until the work Is done. De lay means more expense to the taxpayer. If there has been some error in your application and it has been returned tg yon. plenao make the correction and send it In today. If there la something that you do ?not understand and which you wish explained, apply to the near est recruiting office of the Army. Nary. Marines. The American Le gion PoiL The Veterans" Bureau or the Adjutant General." TRADE BALANCE IS FAVORABLE TO !J. Washington. Dec. 15.?Exports from '.he Pnltrd States during No vember amounted to $494.000, ?00. Comparing this with th" Import a rtf $296.000.000 it leaves a trade balance favorable to the Potted states of $198.000.000. Atrro RESPONSIBLE FIFTH FATALITIES ..'Washington, Dre. 15.?Ono tfth of ?11 the fitalltlea by acci dent In tho United Htatoa In 1923 wore MUMd by ?utomobllo ?ccl faatR. according to figure? mad" Mile today by the Conaua 11 u 10. Tho namber of dm t h k from ?obilo accident? In cltle? waa aa great ?a lu the rural die row s rosi K BACK \T SI'KCIAI. MI'KT <>.?. r?? t'i ll'f? f;tit?1 v \va ? :?-.i in wilMcn ill I In city V rtv* tu!?'H ?i 111#' n*M'cial in?fiinu of ih? ('iijr ('??uncil v:l?l?!i ????li vened ut ihhmi ?.Ji ;> |-?v. r'Hinrilni<in I*. <*. CoVioii, who |?r? \ lutirtlv vot?d for bar ring t It* - <??.'*? (ri'M t It?- clt.v lim it m, toid th? m* itili? rK ?i( tlic Criincll licit h ? li:t<l clnnM III* mi ml tli.ru vrlliioitt r?wn in ti:?- r;t> tin i" v* t ? c??riciii *? r t ion h i?n tin- i.?i?kI i.trt of ih<? "city ilia t wmild ihij l: diri?mit (<> k?'i mil?' I ????m duli l- ? f< r limiti d |immIj. ;ui I iti < n i *??!?? Clfll. I *!?->?? t<>il call (*?>:: i; ? ili:tc:i lVr* ::iiin ami \V<mI!:?tIv w? r? tliv only m? . t ? . ;..nd pat on lli?? ? ?liMnaiu-. j?.? id las! Mtiiiiiu? r i?) i?r?\< rili! i,w nint; of inilK cow? wu'.tUt. -t!i-? city'.* I limit*. V. H.I. !\\ KS 1 KiA'l i'. I.'KU '.!.!? 1 MTOKUL WastiiiiKl ??. I>. . I? Tliv St-nato }ndlHa:v ? ?iumii'i,r in ex k iitivr today :i;>|i'rliiU'tl u Mibcommltl?*?' t? invcriiKuio tl?c* Wnthiitgiiiii I!? I'.tM oditoviui at tacking S?.'!iat< r I'nderwond and his Miitclp 8lio.il-* hill. Aeri-i inciil wn# ifu'rhid unauinioii-'y l?y a co.n?i;iUfiv t.? i.i>)mi 1 iit sin* utib conimltio?'. and Investigation of the editorial wiis unifri'tl l?y llie f-fniii?' uii?h r uiinr.iinou.i <i?tis?*nt. Tli?* was ol>ir.it"d I?v Senator I'.iiifi'.vooil a?I "r ho had denounced ih.? ? ?!.: .<r?;i I and It* writer on i h? floor ot ;!.? Sf-nelr. liADIO >1 \XI ? ?.< "! I r.l . ^ III** ! Cleveland, i cial.I -Radio niai.'ii;?*i'.f. i. among j tli?- hush'bt of ! :n. :isl;?:.! units hop-. Ono r-'ir.-my I.,?.- starti d a 24-hour a <Ja.< >c|im1iiI> DUNKIRK'S J All. IS DESTROYED BY FIRK Dunkirk. N. Y . Dec. 13.? Dun kirk's* city hall, jail and polio?? uta tion Were dtnltvyid bv rtr?' today. Th" loas w;.h estimated at $100. 000. MK\U (? TO Dt-UHHIATK dkit:\dkt{s or vki: \ nil/. Mixico City. Dec. 15.?Croution i i a now decoration ca'led the "Seiond Noi;h American leva f'nn." to bo bestowed upon the defenders of Vora Cruz against th?' I 'it It ? .1 Slate* navv in 1911. lias boon approved by the chamber of deputies and rent to the sonato. NVwapnpirs tf tho capital d? plore that the decoration will be i\warded only to the soldier* and sailors who participated in th?* de fense of the port and not to the thousand* of civilian* who ri*k?'d ' their lives to repuNe Admiral Flctcher's sailor* and marino?. W OUKING OUT PLAN ? FOR CONSOLIDATION 1 he movement to consolidate the Klizaheth City Chamber of Commerce and ih?? Merchants' Assoc la t ion. making tho latter organization a bareau of th?- for ri?-r. seems to be gaining In momentum . and growing in favor. A committee from tho M-t chant's Association consisting of J. C. Sawyer. It. It. Sheely. and M. I'. Gallop la working this week with a < lUimiMee from the Cham ber o; Commerce consisting of C. Ii. Push. Dr. M. S. Bulla and J. li. l.?'ltoy, Sr.. on a plan of con *oll?lat!on. This plan, if the program a?1o|ited by a Joint imrtlnK of i ?'?? Cii.HubH of Commerce and the Merchants Association last w?.ok Is carried out. will be pre M'iit> d to the members of both bodies at a h'inquet to bo held on Monday night. December 29. i'lnvs for ih?* banquet are going i: Ion g batni in hand with the map p'ng out of the plans for ;he con solidation. In the opinion of those who have given the matter the m >st careful thought tint dupl.cal!om <il effort will be obviated, expen ses will be cut down and efficien cy will be gained by the consol idation. Meantime the members or the. committee who have the malt? r of the plan of consolida tion under consideration invite suggest Ions from members of the irganlzatlons which they repre sent. Short Haul Business Sought By Railroads Vire i'roiiiiliiit of Peme-vKailiti System Seru Motor Truck l'*e<l liy ){;iilrou<! as Aid in Handling of Short i! nil Freight at u Profit New Yor!;. 1?'-?' ir?. ?? KHsha Lk, \ U ? p eh d? :r in . 'i Jtge of operation of the Pennsylvania System. se? 4 the motor delivery truck abniloK honor* witb t h? height train -r. future i ran?ipona tion. now that th?1 railroal Indua trv has bwonu- permanently dlvid <*?| Into what In rails wholesale and retail depart m ats. VlCv^Preaidcit Ln holds the view t ha*, tin* chief problem in re gard to the handling <?f freight. as between railroads and m >l??r ve hicles. are not thoy<> of competi tion hut rather tho ? of co-onllna tlon. "The part of the motor ve hicle." Mr I*ee ?aid, "In rot t*? do what tho railroads are_already fitted und ' <|ulp:?ed to do with full huccpih and satisfaction; it I? to do whnt tho railroads are not able to <1o at ell. or else do only with difficulty and Imperfect success. "Much proft*<4 ua the railroads are able to make at all como prac tically altogether from the mas.? transportation of freight and pas senger* over at least considerable distances. In other words from what wo may term the whole ale department* of transportation. This Ik Just the form of servli? in whleh experience, shows thnt trucks cannot consistently earn real profits. On the oth t hatid. those forms In which tru ks can and do make money are almost In variably the strictly retail forms. In the rendering of which railroad Operation practically always In volves losses, and sometimes ve ry heavy ones." As a result the use of motor trm ksx In the handling of short dlstance package, or. In railroad e?e. "less-t hnn-carload," (I c I i freight, has h? ? n <!< veloped oft the Pennsylvania Railroad until more than .10 routes are in operation. Most of the*e ser v v the suhburhan rones of Pittsburgh ar.d PiillsdH pliln and. to some extent, the east ern shore of Maryland. Th" exten sion of this trucking sendee has been accomplished practically *ith*n 12 months, and research and studies aro under way to ex tend It further. The managcnn nt feels II has proved that the .npeedy and mobile new auxiliary releases heavier tailroad equipment for heavier traffic na?s. Increases ef fl? l?ncy of E"neraf Service and ef fects imporiant economies For a number of years'It bad been the cuitom to operate tw< package freight trains dally over the Philadelphia-Wilmington line,, on > in f>>ich direction. Tli?*?' 'rain performed all the local mpt vlc?' in ?he Intermediate territory, i.?Kin? up and laying down pack jgos ;ind other small sh'pmcntrt from slat Ion to station us re quire d. The railroad company and an independent trucking enterprise on f-red an arrang? nient whereby two motor trucks now perform nil the local freight servlie form ally rendered by these two trulns. The truck* go from station to sta tion and pick up and put down the various parcels and snlpmrnts ex actly an did the freight trains. As iur ui shippers arc concerned there Im no change in the arrange m? nt. except that it has been found that the trucks are rapahlf of rcndeiiog expedited and more regular service. IIY1)E SENTENCED YEAI{ IN PJttSON Charleston, 8. C., Dec. 16.?? Tristram Hyde, former mayor of ( harleston and prominent In re ligious circles. wa<* sentenced to ono year and one day in federal penitentiary at Atlanta In United State? District Court here today. He was convicted last week ?f vio lating the national banking laws. MKS. CLYDE BY FIELD GETS A NEW THIAL At'aotft, Dec. 15.??Mm. Clyde Hyfleld was granted a n* w trial In her suit for f 100.000 damages ages against Walter Candler, growing front his alleged attack on the stoapishlp Dercngarla about two years ago. The Oeorgia *ourt of appeals Interpreted cer tain Instructions of the presiding judge of Dekalb county court, where a Jury found the verdict for Candler, as favorable to the defendant. HIGH POINT WOMAN SAII) BE SUICIDE Charlotte, Dec. 16.?Mrs. Ina belle Montgomery, said to hare !?< en a resident of High Point, was fosnd dead seated at a table In i lie offices of knl|hta of the mys tic circle here, her face lying In cloths saturated with a sleep pro ducing drug. The police ?aid she committed suicide. I.ATKST \ iCTIMS <11 I I TS "U'HSK" Tutuiikliuin n* "i-i-t ; ?" ]t:<3 " .1; 11 ihl* 11 :u?> Iht?* In t lit* I*nt?i<l Ar..i 1; w it Uas ? iiii .1 thr?-? \??( din-. \* l?*...t ih.* Ku;^rtiilion!t ;? . b*?*:n<> it f?r th<* tlctiih* of M?*. Hum- tinty 1 a*ti'ir????n t .ii!..n. n mudili ?>i' l.??:d Curnar v?a. ?Ks?-iiv* ri-r t.; TiiI'h inmb. . 'it hr* I'lnUr^n. W'lfnrd. s. arid (.'?rna l>?n:i '. T M:>. i*:?urkirt4?? vift? of Prof. I'ol'.cy F .Apark nuni of 1!?.- I ?.!*??. *!iy uf l.ilVd l!r.? t during a lit ??! d? |iriMiiiiii. 1 !???!* ? nd'-U h< r on* 11 life. FKKKI) Captain JaiiiH.t Thai* * *ithu foriu.-i uiti t'. jj ijr 'i liii, l rfiy-*' tlu; "Mr. A " i i th- s ni?."i.Mi I Louden bJ.M'kii..: II tvihl. n M i. - ?t oxtrHill.id .irriii Paris. "M:? ma!;i?ir:ita linrlnp lla ca: i< l.::> ordi'H'd liis 1 .1 *:? . i>K!?it or uii.?j : I ?ndon. ') '' i\' fJ lory an?! famlVv i. ??!?? 1 * :? ? means c iiiiu* '1 ?'? tl- Ki t.*h nrlf.t?cr:ir> : t i?* ? a: v v it. I Irrda of in 'Inni !trii..lu whom* r?fonl< ? 1 ??:?<?!. tsr ? * r n 400 v?ar? The 1*'~4 nil ?ter or (he Peer H- m! I! ??*? iTjcietv of (iWil' Hrllnin. th?* atrial 1 -i 'of the animal*. Ju ? puhlMi ?' * *Jvon n complo!?? lis! < f lli. ;? k and dl*lin?ulf blni ind < ? 1 I 1 brr:|j?. Thf ii'-ril nt ?? u Park. I < '? r bofoui-h. v.Iiirli w til 11 ' ? t dene ? tli i<* more than i'io > hu<>. Is iIh* topiiouh In ti ? i:n mix? ?1 blue blood of Kavlisli h??rdn. Ail?* n ? rtl ? r (!*?? : i.u-?' - In?; abov<* ?!.?? ;?:??!i t?rIn! i '' H00-jrrai*-old h"id cf L?id t'lif 1 ford, whlrli lnr not mm? d ?' Ii oikpr rhw UJS. ?i H <H herd of I.'.Ml (*oli'<am, whU'ii i..u? maintain d I' < xcIiHv^ii' .k mmv 17 *R. Sir lioh?-rl lliuvcy of I. . ! y Park own/ a h? rd of u.I -?? <i r , which hav. h.on bird th"!? 1 ? ? Qtji'i n Kli/aheiti m?-d the |>;i 1 ;im I n ravtl hvnilQK (jrb ? .<!. ? 1 [ (h ?? ntiirv m i n <' tt h 1 ?l i ; own. (1 by f?ord Inn*. and Duke* of Norfolk hav?- maintain <1 a herd on their ?.date In N?? 11 'i for ahnut 70o v an AKfltcolhit lh' m at" about 1 10 ! privately owned lo-ida In lin-nt j H:ltaln, Inrlndlii.: threo IkImi iih j to Kins <i?oitf. Inn which <1 . 1 ??| rank with their i/>yal masi? r lh i lh" mutter ?if pcdl.:i??'. (Mi k 'in?* of the larj:? is .it.v. -r th?- Mid 'land* n? Many n.- I0?j d? ? r ;?r??, kijit. Kidnaped lOhta'o oi h:;;, m- WnY r: "1 I fur lr;i ? t( l -.Ul. r tliiii- 30 >o.ir-cl) InilUn, Mt;in l l.f :??? :i? ti?? t>i Mi ??* |v ?n. ? ^o* I grov<l, IC y'ur dM OUfniah .!**?> I Mfli ?cl??0l Siti. SAVING LIVES L'TTLE FOLKS Minify KusmmI 'through Srlr 4 ihristiiutr* lias* ? ??! in Two Tul>:?rri:lo:ii* * ?r-itt?? Ilutr in (;lti!?lrrii. .M??.->? Ih,m $aK<?,?MO.Oi?'.l 11:i ' ' i V ?! ?? 1 in ? i?*:j :?.? I ; ht :.ii;'t>c r;? of m-IuihI i-'iiliJr? n. . ; t.?f H uh)k'io t:f ti? 1 ;? j jjivl foi iln* National Tubi'r* H AIcn l?y Mr. (t.idla^ intitlialc'nsi ??f ill?- New Vf rk Yu.???r'-Mli.s'.'i A<H:rliill?m. :<'! Jt??'1 j titiSI.- today. In tli?> la?i 2!? y? aru Mr. Urolot '?in;.?;!? k ihiit ihi'ic* hnvo beon 12, <j?M? from in>iorcu1o,<ln of *?*'. *ni ?-hUi|*.?n between :U. ,.t a n l 11 Iti tli? I'nHod HtiiivP. i Yr. l?r?<|' i . ;tlmak>N that llu? pub-: ?I't' s'honl-- uncut :m avcrag" of ? V"? m ? 1 nu ? roar per wSiool I*'!', id edit-lion on tbwe 122. 1 ? > hl'.dron. Tli.? litis In wavlcd ? :?:?.<tlon ? a fli^sr i-hitrin-n alone nriM'in; ? to or?*?* $<ilIn . I ? in In t.h! lo . of valuable : ? c-*i'?nl inr-ipp, .Mi. |) i?i ?: im'i IM4I? '? lil 'I ill* |Mllri|t.< 11!?.| fa!!ll 3"''i ??f.ihiy' aani.? r'.iii'I'rn pre.-' \Jo-v tu iti?-!r ilealli hit>1 already .I-:.: 'Mil' ! oil all OWr.lRl' U in Int niMt.i if $!?:..i nii.'iuaily f l* f."d in . ??!*.?!Jilr k and kIh Itcrlng ;h?-in, a i ??'.:I fur ihf fill 're ki nup of ; >:i??r?,?i-rt,ii'?(i. Tli.* average life :>t ?bon? I'bibiiirn vvm approxl t.-ly |?? y< a r?. "i ll>.4 i'?il'jl?jj|*'d of ? OVIT -? 0 UMi.ftmi ma I;?? no allowance : f??r mi in 1liin. v.ere sp?*nt apon I he r!ii!.|r? ?> !??? metlfaal. UlirniilR :,?! ":!( it?-i ujial' carq whi< li a >?*i> ?oi p'?|*ti >n ot them nr iv.'l "Inaemticb as ttibi-rrit loxis : tin i -tU v pr?<vt'nt.ib!t? <1 i - ti ? - p.irllralarly in Kehool eh II? ori*n," *:?>?? ^l-r llrob-t, "a loan of <-ilcb a? t:m i? nnf Mini J"i I ? : ?;???? J:: KftxtPfl MlMltlOII an?l wa ?'<{ trninius; of ehlldtm.Ml. lo nay i.o.iila? of bin trd hopiM and ?In- r.ddjt.i :inl Irc<n?*ndoti-t 1 ?r In uiir<-alUcd ? priaMicllon wlili tli?; roiiununitira ia v/hU'h them* rlill ?IriMi lived, nemn? almost i-rimlnil. o.i- lirl^bl ray ??f b'?p?* <? >n TrnldK tuberealosls in children. hoWf v.?r. Ik tli?? vr> (treat decline that lias taken place amonK them since the (trp.AnlzatIon of ih?> National "I n IioimiIohI? Atmoclallon In 1904. In that year C2 onl ?-f ivory 10t>, Oftft children nnder flftwn yarn ? ?f ??(??.? in lhi> I'nitMl StatiM won? dyfiiK of ?til<?-rc,.ilo*l?. In 1921. t bo last avallablo flRiiron. only 2K of lli.s m nil|i of clill'lron In ovory 100,OnO wri< ilylnjr of this pro voniablo tilnoa. o. Thl* tiiTi-n dous rcdiKtlon hnn larK-ly bi'lin Kr??n?ht about l?y t hi? ranipalun bRaln^t t iihi'rriiloj?h orwnlifd and flponnori-il l?y ? li?* National Tn borrutoKls AwORlntlon ami fl iiHnff-d b/ tin* annual aalo of flirlstman St-nl* " NO UAH. STKIkK IN Mf MCK Ml AN 2 VKAHS Cliltiaxn !??' I" I" Hi*' lan? two ami a l??If y< ?iH ppoplo of tbr t'nlt?*d Sta:-? liuvr < njoy? rl virtually r ?,.'<fi- frndoni from flio Annoyai ' of railroad Rtrtki *. fl<-n Ho >; r. rbalriuan of tin flallrond L ? Board# *??!d t.? i b< ri of lli M;' ' :t:;? it Alumni 1 tub tjf Cblrairo ' Thlf condition I willioiit pa i in lb?? hl?lory ??l our cotiritr).' lu wild. jDKIVKS 61 M) I KOM IIOMKS TO STRKK'l N^w York, D?r. K? Six hun drrd |H?rn?'it ? ?ti- <lrlv?-n from tb?'lr lioni' <? in Hrooklyn iarly t'? day by a fit* n ?hr *iora??* bulb! In K of IliP Jl'r.b n Milk Comps"\. two blo< ks fr.un <bo homo of Ma yor Hylan. To i-r? v? nt th< dan K>*r of'tin- ?iprra<llnj| of tho blaz by bli(h nlmlc. ftv?? alarmu caliln? all flro flfchtinu equlpnu nl In Brooklyn wrre turned In. GOMPKRS BODY TO LIE IN STATE No*v Knroiiic to <!apitul \\ lirrr ^ ill |{?*m:im from Tursday I'. M. I Hi i I Time to Leave for l i'm ral. ? H? Tu? *....4 .-1 ri-..? SI lami*. Ihr. I.. Tin- train bt-aritt). <I*?* body of $atii<i*l Horn |MTl* I\WllillKl<*l1, Wll? IO 11 ttl'l li" in Hfnti* until luirial \\ dav in N?-w Yrrk. panned hero from ?-arly uiornlnu until iiooti to day after a J?u?rr.ey marked by out pour In mi of fli"H?* wii.i wish?-?; to" |?ay their r? sp-'els at all nt.i tIdiiH iroiu Shu Antoni?. To\ai?. when- tli?* pr?fld?:it of lie* Ain*r icin Kt'dcrutinti of l.ahor died S.i I unlay. Tho Hrhnlulf from St. Louis r:ill?'d for th?* train to roach t'ln elnniti at H:53 toniuht. Arrival In Washington lit x<ln-dul?d for 2:4."? Tui'*d?r. Martin II. I?l\ vivi Dead Allinuy. N*. Y. I? 1*? F ?rtn?*r Covernor Martin II. (tlyiin. who loin h't'ii III f,?t two months. dbd ftunilay. kll.IKH IN SAN K OH FKIGMNC. INSANITY Atlnnln. (3a.. Il.v IS.- T'ull.. ftsite thai r. A. Kourk?' who Sat urday !*h?i| and killed MIsh Vena M??ro. Western I'nlon Multiplex operator. is cither Inmno or faiien inK Insanity. Immediately after t h?- slio^Mnp. Ilourk?* declared that In- nhoi the kItI Ihmmuso nIip threatened to ruin hi* wile i Kir*? w ?;i. w- imm <th\ KKi T At tvi ?iv itrvi? fart uro of boor glasses Ii m liolp?-d i<? krop ?ln? (toruuiii industry or it* feet durlnu the la Jit few month* when there I.an l??? n a h't dnwn In tiitniorotia oihT*r I n d iih t rji-* owini; to tho luck of sfokdy <nsh for operating expeiine*. Tho denrind Iihm com?1 chiefly frr?tn the homo trade. Munufacturcrs. however, he ll?'Ve I hat after ?orne of tin* pend ing trade treaties with other rountrieii havo been agreed to tln export burdneHs will gradually Im prove. SOl'THWIDK MKKT OI?; \M/KI) CLASS \tl?l lblpti*>t Male Nil III la \ S? IikoI Sifrt-lnr* >1 i?l?ll?*con IU*lle?e* V C. 1m Itale.gh. I 15-- A ti it m l??>r of i hi* 2S4S H;ipiiM Sumla> M'luioU nf North Carolina ?ill represented at the fourth annual Sout h-Willi* itahtist OrRatii&ed Wide CIum ( onference at ShrVv epoit. Louisiana. January l.T to ! *?. in t hi* opinion of K I.. Mid dletori. of thi? city. secretary In chatKe of llaptlNt Sundav school work of North Carolina Mr Middleton wiH head t Ii?? delega tlon from thin Stat?-. At* in no vat ton in thi? year** conference will I?? introduced in t ho form of a ?(iei*lal session de voted in organised class work ainmiK rural Sunda> m'IiooU anil iIiIk conference will be presided over by J. M. Harnette. <>t Hick ory. whi> has achieved wide repu tation a* a succoasf ii I superin tendent .ami leader In a large country Sunday school. It I? i spi'i tiM that thin interest In i iirul Sunday schools will result in uiatiy more of that type of schools hoi ti* representcl than at nny previous conference. Kvery phase of activity of or Kunized clashes will be I'jniidercd by persona who have succeeded In th?> work In lb?* various southern ' states. while a fi*w outstanding speakers from other sections of the nation will likewise deliver addreftsen Among the uuiionally known speaker* will he 11r. I.. M MrConnell. of Oklahoma City, anil lir I- rank M (loorirhlld. of New York City. Keducert rates hav?? I granted hy the railroads ami ban ners will he awarded those staffs sending thi* hi rue-1 delegation ami T<?Kio i:h..\im\<; i lk i-i Tokio'. Dec. 15.v- Tokio has r sunied her pine?* as the fifth city if 1 he world, according to a police untiiim tcki*n here recently. Af ter the earthquake of September. I'*21, Tokio lost u quarter of her population ami dropped behind r.orlin. Tho police enumeration >hows tluit the city now ha? 1.91?. aoo inhabitant*. a gain of 390.000 from the fipuren Just after the eartquake. hut 2(1?.oon l?\?,s than ' In-fore the disaster. Coast Line's Purchase Has Big Possibilities Director limit Dn-nr of !N. (!. (?colo^im! and Kronomic Survey llo|M's llrltrr IVniiH|>orlalioii un<l Devel opment Nrw (?milil?' Industry Muy UeMilt ItaMith. Dfc 15. Tlu- recent purchanc by tin* Atlantic Coaat I .In? of the *h?irt lin? rn 11 read ?f tin- MonlKouii-ry Lumber Com pany, ? xtfiHliiiK Into Kurt In rn Wake County, may ti?it only ha\ ? the elf Mit of profl^lup a im'W rail road m-rvlce to Kal? lull ? ml t'j-n tral North Carolina l?ut alno may proi'nole the licvi-loiimciil of hii other i.r< :it North Carolina ;;rnn I? Industry. Ih tin* opinion of Itn nt S. ()ran<a. director of the North Carolina fii-ploKlenl and llmnoihlf Survey an e.\pi'?-a*ed lore today. At tin* cranite qunrrl? n In Oil* portion ? f fIi?* county ?ton?- ??f u lilch finality h h h been tak? n out nine- 1 21 and th?1 competitive advanta of Ita location, pays Mr. liratif, will prr>vja;>iy h? fur-' tie r In?-roan? d by the recent con nollriatl'in of railroad* nff?'Ctlns It.* trn fflc. "It In not perhapi generally rvallxad," aaa*rt?-d Mr f)ra ne. "h iw limited I. th" occurrence n* wood hulldinf. and ornamental Mtonn In tin* I'nlted Mtalin. Kant ?if the Rocky Mount.ilnn t linn* are' f?-w exceptPma to the general rule that the only ntatea producing a ton? are t hone Iravrrrnl l?y th?' Appalachian Mountain Kante. Of thoae Mint*rii ntaten rout h of N? v. Kngland, North Carolina, with th?? exception of Georgia. In the !?? MipplWd Vlth variety. quality and quantity Th?? high <i ua lit y of Nor?h Carolina granite In already w. ii ? Maldlahtd Iti th?* national bull?i<njt imrket. "Th are gvnci.il fuct.i nccea aaiy tn idonc-quniry <l"velopui*>nt. *1 ? f<rat h Diet tranaportatlon fa cllitlei r.'hich make aline market . Id? intmt penrrally he developed t.. other uroduc'n. Th ftecind lx ih it <JI c* v- ? y ? f u:i.' ?: I \:iftt? n in lh? r - l;ll proip Clllik', net: !. until tinnr.portation i.? ?I Piped. Thua tip great ?iuai ti'-a at Mount Airy, mllh Cam 11-i.i. were racofcnlftcd aa a powl hllltf ma ay >? .rn n?r. Th?-y were rp*ct*<| a ? a nourc# of Mock , i.ng for Kim at reel In ttreen* Mr i before th" i.'llr?ad w.i i bul't ?? MotllH Airy, hut It pro\?d ? In ipnr to htiv patina block from ? iju*'i7 on t h railroad line In ?. 'ir^:?. a g; t i.ianjr m r ? mllen fJHfr.nl "With ih? romtnft > f iho rrII i id. Mi lint Airy j ranite wan de . Inp- d lato a hulldlna atone which gave North Carolina k ran Ite a high ataudlng Id rivalry with, lin- Ionu famous <iiinri i* h of V? r motit. Similarly the mlllatoiu h uf I!mw.h> Count} granit?* were fa mous for many generation?. but not until ltio railroad? were liuilt to Albemarle could the prem ??t in <1 iihIry In curbing. building atoli? 11 n?l coner? 1? slone bi- founded "Am Ionu ago hm 1K!I?, Hlnt? Ceol?i;;lnt J. A. Ilolni'?. noted tli? granite near Wvatt'a and Holes Mil. In Wukf County In a specbil report by I'rofesaor J. V. I?ewla which r? fera to t h?* Rolcsvllle produrt an of 'good working qual ity' and In 190? Ilull?tiu No. ? or Ih)1 survey describes the out cr? ?pa in xcl?*ntHle d<-tall and kIvi-k th?- nsults of th?? microscopic ?-\ amlnation l?v tli? lulled Slat?? (Ir-ologlcnl Survey. "Th?1 ri ro ?| h a 1111? h which mak< a stone valuable for building or ornamental two Include rigular conformity to a character!?! |r type of color and texture und hi tru? 14v? Acs* In color and grain, whether rough, dressed. or pol IhIihI. The stone also IlllWt be duruble and Weather -resisting and fr? e of mineral component h which will discolor and stain. In addi tion it miwt possess tti?> ?i ? i a 111 y of 'workliiK true.' a characteristic comparable to well frozen Ice. In which a skillful pick will open a surface crack which follow* straight and true to the bottom of the block. "TJiJ* valuable quality appear? In peculiar degree In t h ? Itol? s vlila granita, which In other re npects meet* Ih? r? quiromenfrt of th" t'nlted State? lltireau of Pub lic Itoads. which approves |t ax meeting their ?tandard? lor u*?- as cruslu-d atone In pavement? of bl tuminoiw macadam or I'ortlaml cement concrete, and aH patina lilcckH mid concrefi . '?Sfi lie fr*'lii the fffinr't b ? lt? 'he Irb-ln I. if# K il? (a . Moil: . ? ? <1 Of . f- ..f quartx, t #o typ< n of t?lU*piii, and Idotlto. or bloi k tulca. In color it In all attractive light grey will: nn untwiial uniformity <>f dlstrl tuition of the dark crystals and a r?ner grain than that of the quar li ??? i f southern Wake County or Wilson County. The outcrops ar exposed for several miles nnr1 show large surfaci ? free from ov 'iburden A number of opening.' i ide to d? termine the variation of i:a character over th?' ar.-a seem t>? nhoW a tendency to grad? from earner crystals on th?- w? stem ?dgc to cti Increasing flueneas of, crystalline Ntructure toward? the ? dKtcrn limita of tb? area.' PAYS TRIBUTE TO ROOSEVELT Mujor-t??*xi?*rul Ifarhord, Itrlirrd. SjM'akiT al D??d ication ItouH'M'lt Mnnor* ial San Juan Italllrfirld. Sant iago. Cuba. |>ec. 15?No Anirr;? an l:i public life had seen linn i* clearly i hait Theodore Koom-v.Ii the r, spoiislblllty of the I nlti'<l Slates for ihe continued tyranny ,.f Spain ia Cuba. Major CI?"I?it.k .1 <;. I lorhord, |\ s. A.*r r? tired. r|* dared t<??!{*y at the ded?. at ion of ih??- Ito ?sfvclt me morial on t:n. battlefield of San .1 nun. U.n. ral llarbor.l drew a gra phic w.rd i'!.: h : of in.- stirring ? xotitt i hat lot! ii]? to the conflict which was to fiio Cuba ami char uiterlxed It oosevel t "h tn?'n as the "liicomparahlr fighting unit of It* clas? tli,- Uotigh Hitlers .of glorious memory." ? The?. '.,.o ttooscvelf." said the speaker. "?I i m l.-.i height# at ? he lira.i of his men that July morning. taking the early steps in that wonderful career that ?u to carry him through the gover nor nip of hN native state to the pr? Mhloney. Th?! march of events throughout the nineteenth cen 1"1V minted inevitably to the day when Spanish dominion over Cuba must een.se. Kor Mich period as ?"?Ii.rty he Haled at tho ful f. llnicni of i i s destiny and delayed its rill I > to net with Cuba to end III" l> I ,| I; |j y of till* iiiothor roun 1 '' ?m-t ?hare wih Hpaln the responsibility for what ?.inspired in this beautiful 1111 ose veil favored war, and car ry placed himself >? record as a "?Iuietly ram pant 'Cuba Libre* Mill.' deehir, ! C,.Moral llnrbord. Veil 1 :? 4" l\ \ te?| 3 Of " ?' ? "? iMiaslbiU 1 ' '.lit w c re p. :.->lh.. II). f,.|| , j,|st prjjj, |n V",K I'M C it ha during ? ho iiiilit.ii x orei|patIon. "Tho Cu ban people af'ter three crowded year-, or Am rleai military occu pation. ' t he speaker continued. were mad.' Joint heirs of that partlelpafIon in their own govern ment which' It 1 s cost 1 he Anglo . ax.'n rac?? .i thousand year? .>f bloo.1 nn?t t oar h to gtla!ii. t'uha is ';ear to -?ur short* AintTicuiM can never be In different to mlsgovernment or misfortune within your limits. Sit uated mh Cuba is li would not be |.Oo Il>le for the Culled .itatei to ?n;i t t fir. ft rati?i;l'c abuse ?I the island by any foreign military :?ower. These fat under the load ershlp of President Roosevelt were accepted by the statesmen Of roth countries. ""When Cuba nssumed a posi tion of pt eiiliar relallonshiD to our political system. Just Ire gave her a claim to ; itnilnr i?lutlon?hlp with Mir economic /stem. This was at on..- i.i .gniz'd ay Presl dent Ur.ttM v? It who urge | on Con gre?. the duty ??f giving Cuba a lietti r po>i i itin . oiimiiit'ally In her lelatiotiH wlih us than we afford I- other powers If? dernnnded ml obtained the traffic rccipro eliy which would give to Cuba a measure of Hie prosperity which we enjoy, it w is a Kiiarantee of good faith tin the part of tho I "tilted Stares. floldlt r. author, t hief of our ClT !l Service, mi active assistant se t r?tnry or the navy, the moat iMishlnK and energetic volunteer In lie* \wi> with Spain, governor of 'New York, vice president, he bro-rrht to the presidency un acew inuliiMou of knowledge and. ex perience unrivalled hy any other man who has ever held thai e*? ailed office. "It I? a fitting that this me morial should have been erected on the fields of his enrl'est tri ur/.ps and among the pcopk? he1 loved so well lis dedication this day Is well signalled hy this most rotable goth-ring of the states men and stdtliers of that free Cu ba ftti which he risked his Ufe in battl. \\?. cannot doubt that wrr?- he mill among us his dear ost wlfh would lie for the unbrrfk r ?i < ourIrntance ttf the close friend ly relations between our two countries." TK.VAH IMS I'K KKT) si:4 0\|> I^IKJKNT CHOP HoiiMon. Dor 1 r? (Special.) I'l'-kln? of r?.tton In Trxtfg In nonrliiK 'ompNflnn. Th?- IumI ?# IIHmI ? Ip for n yield of '4, 47m.000 bal??. thi? JaiK'^t crop on N'ponl wliti tit?* exception of thai ?>r I ft I 2. The ct op h valued at $?oo.oor),o?o. on mmt * n r> in jjg iBi \m; Iti? Ml- ?> 15,.- J#? ? ph i ?r*i . a it-d when h# walk*' I Info 11n whirling PriM pnllof of a plane ju?t ?flor he had taken ii l rip m loft yesterday. ?M>TTO\ 11KI ?()!'. T .V?w York. l?n< if,.- Hpot cot ion r!u.. .| 9toady. Middling 2.1 9?. all nrlvnn ?? of SO point* Ktthlfrrf* HoninK bid. Iter 23 42. .Inn 23.49 Manh 22 91. Mny 24.27, July 24. ?S. ,N>w York, IVr 15. C'otlon ftt ture? oprnod today Mt th? follow ing l??yrln: Dw. 23.00. Jan 22.07,*J March 23.51, May 23.92, Jyly s '.m

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