<^frSL ^ ,i? . CIRCTLATION FR1IMY /#At1 /J?Ij11^2^A1IkA 2,359 Cop!.'? TIIK WK AT H Kit I*n ? nl? il fonielit an?! "undajr. rr?ihal?3y r?in Sunday. Sllxhtly I warnu-r in <.iportion. t | VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY I'VHXIXC. JANUARY 3, SIX I'ACKS. NO. 8. To Sociologists Future Plain As An Open Book And, Like It or Not? According to llic Expcrlts Ameri can of Tomorrow In* KlutfooU'd, Hulillit adetK and Brought Up with Little or No Tauitiy Life By O. L SCOTT tc?wtrltdl. I ?24 e? m* A4?l?c?l I Chicago. Jan. 2?Now thai he'p I boon inspected, examined, quart-1 ored, cross-sect lom d and tt ntrnl-1 ly sIz?-J up by the sociologists, ttao ty ? average American man today has a good deal to think a'lout if h<* has any interest at :ill in what 1 he's eoming t?. I ^ A composite picture of the rrca #of tb&se. social scientists on- I e for the he-man of th?* fu- II makes him out a queer be-| to say the least. Not only 11 he turn out to be flatfootcd | and baldlieaded. hut, in a good many more cases than ho liken to think, he'll bo somewhat spin??- | less, laughli'ss, featureless- ?Just what ruling woman would have | ' him. The average man. judged by the outpourings of the sociologist? will, .generations hence, come from the city, he one of u small number of offspring, and h:iv a highly developed competitive in tellect, while he may or may not have been brought up in .i strong family society, witli the cb'ffices that he will not. Fur thermore, the American man, . Is going to be a different crcuture than the man of any other land, although he'll more resomhl'1 the English than any other.. He'll be taller, have sharper facial fea tures, and display more energy than the men of most -other places. But withal, he'll be a sociable animal, quickly adapta ble to his surroundings, but not one of any strong outstanding traits. Ernest R. Groves, professor or * sociology at the University of k Iloston brought out the chjirac f tcristic of the future average man, of most Interest to the pres ?jt lent?the subservience to wom:m. pr "The family, once a masculine '' affair, is coming to be a feminln* pne, with the only question now." HflMe professor advises, "whether 'MOvoman will hamper man as sht ?has been hampered lu the past. Marriage is coming to be more an 4#perlment and not t/he settled matter of an established man mled home." While the sociologists are doubtful about the future of fam ily life itself, some expressed the opinion that it would become less '' of A factor, but moBt all said that If tho family life did continue it would be a? a smaller unit than than In the past. Dr. Louis L. DtiTflin. statistician of the Metro politan Life Insurance Company, expressed for the other sociolo gUts, the statement that birth eentrol is now and will continue , increasingly lo be practiced. Purveys of Wisconsin. California and Vassar College graduate? showed that the best educated oven now are not reproducing. Also, larger and larger sections of the population are becoming citified. Professor John M. Gillette, of the University of North Dakota, outlined how the man of the future lfl to be the city man. while Professor I). D. Loscohier of the University of Wlsconnin painted him as a future standardized being, living much tho same kind of life that the other men of the world lead, with much the same living stan dard. And the saturation point of coming Americans Is going to be far short of 300,000.000 for this fount ry. Professor Lescohier tfMhtnks and he's hacked up by ^a)r. Alonzn Taylor of Iceland ^Stanford, who Is worried over the ! ? ft flMOilw*r of the tntonuto CoBn.rrn Commln I'H11,1,1 PIUIHKl.TnN Mln M.'rtto Virginia ShMton of i Newport sow?. Virginia, and 1It William MoitI* I'bllllp. of Hamp " , Vlrgln..i niolot?? hrn> Wod 4a 1 aftfrnoon and v?r* roar 1 WedatKlar Bight at tho home and Ura. B. U Wright oi.. . atraat ?7 Df. S. H. D. Wll Succeeds The parents of Hay Johnson. 17. o! Chloafto. were quarreling Hoy hn?l tried several tlmu to efloct a r?con filiation between them He always ; (ailed. 80 finally he d* elded to fhoo! ' himself Thnt he thmuht woul<* j brinK iheci ta-ol*-.'!- ?jr??n. It did f And Hay will live, the doctor? STOCK MARKET ON A RAMPAGE Kuriio uiid Allied Kirctrirul Slu.rrn the moth leava the chlMraa at homo, if. MBF.I that *he may nave a roil rent from responsibility. but In (r.e eaae thin could not ho managed and three little tots rame with their mother. Everybody lent n helping hand. and th?ro were teara on that mother's cheeks when *he told the agent what the three day? had meant to her aixl th?- companionship that she had oxperl?*need during that shor: t "Mr?. Pete Wilson, an enthus lastlc camper of Rockingham County said when the home dem onstration council met to discuss t ho camp. 'I believe that tho camp ahould br made compulsory (or ?very farm woman. Then wo could forget the hard?hlps and drudgery and find our home tank and our llyas mpre worthwhile whon wo returned to them. "If mother? are to be able to go to c.imp and get the bett out the holiday. It will be neceaaary to plan for a mother?' week when all the house duties, the care of th* (hildren. and the helping of fathor will be undertaken by the daughters of the family. "if every rlub gin make? up her mind that the will subMltute at loaat three day? for Mother or aome one elae'a mother, the has not one of her own. and will do! It underataadtflflr. we are going to find the aun shining In many a' di.ary North Carolina life; and t her? will be a rejuvenation of .1 inj a prematurely gray woman who aover before had tka oppor (unity of egnroMing thai love of .. that is locked up eomeVhere, ?lihi? moil all p*ople " . Up Froitt David Jones' Locket* Tin- Uri t..'It uro raisin- ? C2??rnl. . if'?- v h h a - ? -.j *' I I l?y U. i.. . i. ,, Hi. war in Hcapa Flow. Orkni-v." T ir itlcut - r? v? i .1 l.l ,i ??f ,U rata ? ? ? >.i i?t ? **a!?>r i?i 'i*., sunken ulilp*. The value of lUc salvaged i.u? lii la ;liv ? i.-oi.. ?t;-? mas: of ro;?;.ir ami bra-s ih.it will Ih? iv covered. WHEAT FARMER HAPPY AT LAST Wolf Drpart > from His I)oor 012 \?!vrii! of Ki'c* orel Bron k i up; Prirrs lor Butim-r Wlicul iT'ip. iu j. v. novi.r. Tii.- Aift-irv' N- w York. Jan. 3. ?Tho farm er fit&rtid in today ?<- ce'e'?ral?vhli* chung* fn>m nips i.< richi'5 first by drawing a g.?od k?ng breath. The sudden di'prrtiito ??f wolf ftoju thifdoor on Hie advent ??: re cord-breaking price* f.jf ill*? ban ner wheat crup !'??? .iio<: . :im iiI turlsts no bewildered t ha* ihoy could do Utile m firn but pay tlielr <'ebl:?, Thrso huve been al most entirely r.e.u -.i u,? in umny Iwlaaos. ami while purchase* by the f* I'm communities Ir.ive 'boon fairly heavy in late month. iaanu fwturtr* catering to fij-nor* wants to bcliove the buying perlo.T has only snarled. 'Hie farm me-1. ier example, f? l that 102.*. will bo ?? spl< ndld > for them. The Ni'.i ?i?nl \ ?? ?Si tion of Farm L*.iui|i/ii<.?;?? Minufa- - 'furors. has Jn?f rohiphK-d a poll of It* member? mnipriblrig about 200 manufacturers with 2I.O0O dealers in ptaetle.;i!y every fnnh center in the country, uud : 1 j result hs Issued this declara tion : "Confidence ha? returned and a feeling of conservative opt in.; n. 'is felt throughout tlto farm equip ment trade." Manufacturers rerogrilzo how ever, that th'-re aro hoiii*1 spol? which have not been r?. < :? ? 1 b; tho general pr": r t\ war. Australia, Canada, Arr, s:.* vr;:nc.;:\>i Amo-vIIIo, ?? i*ti. 4.Mi? ;.?i? Til?', i viinne in;i ? if I !:!. proiilk til? nf ill.'-llr.-teral Alumni Av, .?*:i of iJt.* t'niv 'trslly oi'?wiih t':ii\?!1mi. who u-4M thf (irii'mul :>i?i'.?k?*r ::i ti.e : n 1 nuul C'lirl:'::?i. huu(|t:*?L of ilio ltunt-oiii:n i '?uniy Ahum.i a ?<* ' rlnthui.-* [ Mr. K'. ruts. said thai 'eju-h i:i "?iltitfi?>n ? Mould too g-iv? !i t ho ..liioant originally all i to it i when Ilit- .jM'inli-ina.r. :s*s:* ?laent at l'i thp.expi'ndlluri' ??f - ! ??'CO war.cnt??r?il ini.i liy ta'f the t'al v -rally of North Carolina 1? smS nori: Jn the N >.*th. Tlj?? I nrlc.shlp of J'r -lil? ? c Chnio c-'.vmo in for MrIi prJee*.. An >1 h or fc-.it uVo of t h?' mooting v.;. .. t hi* adopt i?a of i evolution* cxprcridns r.rpr. I:i t i ?n r? J.-nva It. D:iktt tor hi* great gilt to th?* ??1:11*0 of h'.!?ll?T edll< -*1'i:i aRi hfj'iiai* ?diu;ni'?n nod pi* i*??"" \v _?! lit t -1?. ?? I ? iditon tij.roivr Now r?, Jnn. 3?:*p.i o??i t in el<-??d quii l I'iflay, ndvan.ia;; |i? pniitia. Middling "4 :'o. Fa ir o? 1.1? m i ;.i (ho follow ing I *\?'?s: January .23.?0; Mar h : ? 1?: ...'111. J al/ 21.5?; t .?bor : ' s f. Now v"ik. .lun - .f'nttor fii luiSb opened today at t!io foliuw Ifi^ levels: Jan. 'J ".VI. Sareh II ?!'. Miy S3.9C, July J1.3:. Oe?. t linn. South Affloji, Mexico, lu ll:.?:.a. Egyf>t. Krnnee, -tJerniany and atore* of other eountrlo* ??? i\;i f*od to huy nioiv in ihv next Iwihij months than in the kttfl i iijiuu' |m riod. tf lh" prh-e <#f w ? i <. ? t t n y * up, C-.raila ti?, il'iuhli! 'in I'-'l.io provlue wheat ut'roage l i th" in-:' two or thru y. ur* h->eu-: Alio h w.' 'ifdied h r in.iii |)OW er hy kmiip?? five thousand Ameri .ean h;iilt tr;ic^"in vaeli y; .ugg1a I* hdtt o:i (?v r hell' > tn! prniltictlon hfct?*??(??? lo* rout und lahur In Kuropr* an 1 Itiith i??? t nun l.nlMi| in \i>i"ri<:i ni]?j leini with Inbnr khvIiik tthi*1 inory. Sit tiio victory i? ff.i.i". iiirirliijt t'? t Ho American producer'- A* a n-mlt, ?ale-* of ilio-. i-nsilnKo niilr;, hai.: ofjalp IIO Jil. c.i'arn ?? parat- r ai:d mU?. Iur niad.ln^ ;.ro expeoted r?> In ci ease niaterially. T'< f trniri will make r?.plact m-aH in ft )(>nt the n-.uno pi-?i lion !.ii hi* way home ami liud Just pastw-d llancorU p Id In u win u Ii?* was* approached !?y another car anil, apparently Idind'd. I?v did not ol?Mi>r%c the highway truck which. iiroci-diiiK, r.H Ih custo mary for liorw drawn vchlcl??, without liuhtp. wan Immediate ly hack o|' the car a|i|>n>aihiiu lilin. 1 Kiruck the tru?U head-on. tin- shall being drlv ? ?ii fiir into the coup*', turnim; It ov< r and completely deinol* IkIiIkk It. Llttlo damn*;'- wan done tin' highway I ruck al though one mulo was killed by tin- Impact. MAYOR and property valued at approximately Ifa.'o.ooo waa destroyed In a fin- that swent through i wo buildings on North Itroad street. The buildings were ?cruplfil by automobile accessor Ich concern a. MOHAWK HIIK STAllTKIl 11V HI (>\T.\SWH S COMIlt MTION licwm, I)e|? Jan. U. The Clyde Line steamship Mohawk, win- e rri w Thursday night fought .? inn ing battle off the New .1? rn?*V coast against flames In her hold, flnally b?lng forced lo scutl'i- Hi? ship iifl< r 20S pass"ngcr? bad Ik>cii taken off. ||<>s today In 10' feet of water hear fiela ?Are' breakwater. Captain J. M. Sta id eu said It wiip necessary la open the Mohawk'n seacocks and let her sink in order to extinguish tin lire. He said that 'In* bla/e In the alter hold aturtcd from spon taneous combustion. Avery Philosopher Has Own Idea Of Lawmaking )>: t t H'- runic! (,H I'lifM' l?l?*a* Knurl?*?! Iiy I^'tfinliilur?* v ! i' ttfor? < U. I?\ liivil AutViorilir* TwoiiM !??? a llcnl V on Happi-i? :ini?,h?ir>* ? |n'.'? .?. J ; th?*ro I? mill f< ; i? u. ? ill! t?*i?t and i' i I. (? . i... i m t liuic ln?p?' i y .tin* fliipji'T, Iribbed tir i IrnrhfMj . fj.. .1? fif l.udy ;iro? (r.nj Mi'-rnl ? of Mr. Vol ?t< 1 j: ! ilio who heller* In jkm i i I1U? r?k ?' th?- M com r-rr-n?! . out? for ?< W Iuah for \ortti t n ollnn thai wore m ul? to !(???. ? i ( omlni *Imji? r |i night >ii it u-rHinnt of Avery County nil '"l ? nil he rtiActMl Into the ?ta li; ? . t* : (iommomrtitlth. t ..iniMioner ln< -shton la In r?'? of ;i I t;. from a mer C : i \vrf ( out. y who cJalmi to " ? urytnlni 1 ?t oi.e ntHii ao It ?h ? *? ryt'i ?? ; thut on? has to t 1 tu; letter iiiodrmn? th?? 1 . 11%? ? t>l >f ollior? an?l r ;i I--> If ? cteil to allow M ' tor : 1?? 'hlrw ilni out" ami !*? ' ilf h'* #trn. k to pa/ hi* <1?? 1. i hr m? an' ? i .l put Mich i ... in r.ejio 1 nup< rintcn d? h . v?- nljt, innrrh'd p ttlr I 1 tea'-haii with ><>b}fed fc lb- u't t i Commissioner r"*4r iutl i#?vl i]i - -k'tch from i: ;h a* to the vacation of you ..I mm In tl-.ltInr; your h'- Chrlnfm m. Ifopv frosi 1 <4? tlr.??* v- !' 901< ? otb?r t!ilno you ft'-! ' lOf.' aud In thVli I ...n v 'iftifSL ,,0r" yfMl ; it >'?#1 thp U'"t on el?!>rAtf elk mh .m4 aH tobacco *r? rained; li a tMtro will be n<> man ??r wotneu. dlhor than married. ??ohor end mod eat, t(? miiM'tIntern! our puhllr hrh(h?|k( ko i.s to rut "ul IIicm* courting mltooU) and ?t-at nftrr 192? that there will he no lady teacher with l?obN?d lialr al lowed to tearh In North firollna. then t lint th? female ne% all wear ilri- ???*< rather than trouHern ami legging!?. "Then. If It can he ?time, where n man g"tn a living off of oth? r* without working, that thote who h? owea.Hhall have a prrfect right to lake him up and hire him out ami keep ofte half of hi* earnlnw to apjily to hit? Indehtedtfflii and the other half to g > to tho main* tepanco of IiIh family. "Thru thai a< boy under I'< yearn of uk<-. having no Income, he not allowed to run an nutomohile for pleasure "Th? ii I wlnli that som?? thlnv roMld he don? for the farmer and to a*d him In curing farm labor. "Hoping i iiiar from you wh n you find t Inn and hoping to hive ? mi vlrdt me ouiiHton atated lie had received many re ??d? and many ftUKKamioiin In "da to the hualne*? pertaining Ula de parni i mim and how It lid h? roh. "but," he added. iMthn most expensive one of * *n4.k baat* the:n all. though ii'-y ??ame from the four corntra; ,,riM*uu." 1 Yh?4 memorandum handed AmlMsHador Merrick by the Kivnch mini.tir of finance, y> ''!. ni<>ntci, i .simply n i?viuinnl clctViiAo; t tamely* tit; i l-'rni.o- officially says she will pay In r debts to America; but wants leniency. Wluii Interests CongrPM and Hi?- Am?, lira? Government is some concrete proposal that will mean m?iii'.v in ih<* treasury. Thus (ax m? such proposal has been made. Franc?? may suggest the sending nf another commission to Ainerl~ ea lo iIIhcuhr tin- problem but nj* ? n on i M is French opinion Is said t.? he divider?! for unlet?* such a commission has authority to ne Mitlnt? .1 settlement It? failure to >iii|?Ianything may lead to u painful impression on this side of ih<> Atlnmie. Those In Pranffe who sltieeriy 1m !ti?vo Franco can not pay do not ear?- to hp? a com mission go forth simply to make j a gent ure. What causca a j tauch dlaap point mi nt here Is that Franco haa ii' i shown tho slightest sign of modifying her attitude and though tin* newspapers of the last I "ii days have been tilled with statements mid comments from Paris and Washington the tru.th i* not n sltiKle ste|? forward haa ? m?? 'i taken- since the February day In 1 !> 2 2 when Louis I.oucheur, j fortit? r minister of llnnnce, star i fed tii.- wi rid by his frank state inetit that France not only could not pu\ her debt then but never could, ills remarks were denied official by the French govern* nient tnit they were looked upon neverth? less us reflect In;? the opinion of most of the French slat? men. ft Is interesting to n-puhlish a paragraph from that Ijouchenr Interview which waa obtained by Frank It. Kent of the ttaltlmore Sun: "'The chief thing of which I am .?fraid. said M. I.oucheur, "Is 'that there may be misunderstand ing of the elemental facta In Eur "pe t?y America. You ask us to pay our war debla. We cannot pay. We cannot pay now, and ?v?1 can not pay ever. No clear* h? adi d nian with a real knowl' edit ? of financial facts has the re motest Idea that we can ever pay. t*Iio only pr-.Bslble wny In which we ever eouhl pay Is in our goods, and you will not take our xoods. We cannot pay In our currency. You won't take that. You de mand >.'old. and you have all the nob I of tiic world In your own v i m Its. And now you prepare to ? net a tariff wall around your county that will still more com plete ly bar our (toods. How ut 1' rly Illogical ami Inconsistent Is the American attitude." There Is a hint In the forego in? of what may bo expected when the debt controversy note down to brass tacks France inay officially say ?h?- will pay. hut hov.-? Kurope has fell all along that the only way to pay would be in gnodn and that ih< tariff wait on this ?|de of the Atlantic . .r TU# J IT ' ? I