CUMULATION 8ATVKDAY 2,350 Copi??g Tli K WEATHER Fair tonight ami Tuesday not much change in temperatur?. Mod- j erate west and southwest winds. 1 VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION, ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5. 1925. FOUR PACKS. NO. 4. HAM AND EGGS WILLGO HIGH Although Number of Hen* on FurniH Increaeetl 32 Per Cent Laying Wax Be low Normal Lant Year. By J. C. ROY I.K in4 bv r?, ? Wew York. Jan. 5.?Hens aro go In * to be called upon to attend strictly to business the coni iBf year and even then it ia prob able that the ham and eg^s on the American breakfast table will co?t more than In 1924. Egg produc tion did not live up to its reputa tion In the last year, although there were more chickens on the ? Karma when the period started hsn ever before. On the flrat of last January the hreken population numbered 474,000.000, an increase of 32 PT cent since 1920. ThU trend toward enlargement of flocks was furthered by the desire of farm er? to diversify their products.! Ow?ers and dealers not only counted their chickens before they j wert hatched but the eggs before they were laid. A record produc-i tlon was forecast and prices held vepy low since storage men were reluctant to buy. having lost mon ey for the two previous years on their holdings. The oveniupply never arrived however. The cold unfavorable spring cut down production and! receipts at storage warehouse* totalled only I4.173.4S6 cbrch Moreover holdings dropped a mil-; lion and a quarter cases in the early winter as compared with 1923. Prices ran about the Bame aa In that year, averaging 25.6 cents at the farm compared with, S5.8. Premium prices however, were paid for eggs of superior quality and this new quality basis traded to stabilize the industry to ? greater extent than ever before. A good many farmers got dis gusted with the efforts of their hens and disposed of them, but there was no flood of fowls com ing to market. Receipts of dressed poultry were very light during the summer but increased rapidly during the fall and early winter, and when the new year ap proached there were about 16, *?0,000 pounds more dressed^ poultry on hand than at the cor" responding time last year. The apread of disease among the flocks in some sections, which was followed by embargoes- from many markets, checked shipments to a considerable degree and re sulted In some severe losses. Pri ces In many of the leading mar kets maintained a level as high as that of 1923 and there ii evidence that good figures will obtain In the early months of this year. The Increase in the prices of poultry feed Is expected to affect the market and while chickens are responding well to their feeds, and Cttlng on relatively more flesh ? their rations than other live stock, dealers will have to pay more attention to egg production per hen to keep the chickens on the right side of the road to prof its. In relation to prices of poul try, eggs and hogs, corn prices aro extremely high. Not only do farm era prefer to sell their corn for caah at present levels rather than feed poultry and hogs with a ration costing well over $1.10 a bushel, but more corn is required to produco the same nutriment value than when the quality was better and included less moisture. It Is even more difficult to see how the poultry men can afford to buy wheat near the $2 mark to feed chickens selling at pres ent prices. If demand does not keep prices up. it Is probable that a? large number of hens will he ?old before ihld-year. This will b nd to keep down egg production 4 sustain egg prices, although will have an opposite effect on ? for dressed poultry. t. no ?-*nd i fc BRKAKH HIP IX PALL Henry White, ft V years old. who make? his home with his son, Dar ius White. 118 Fast nurcess street, slipped and fell on thr floor Of his room Raturday afternoon about S o'clock, fracturing his left i bib* He was reported as resting as well as could be expected Mon day morning. FIR KM EN INJIIRF.I) IN PITTSBURGH EIRE Pittsburg. Jan. S. ? Two fire men wore Injured, more than It baaSB<-n< firm? suffered loaeea and aa entire downtown hulsnpe* block wai threatened when ?lami? ?wept a 10 story struct tire on PeaMylranla Avenue, causing damage estimated by fire chief Miaaanan at The Inter ior of the building waa deatroyed by the blase which atarled on the talrd floor In a wholaaale mor rhaadlae establishment. JOVMG oini, UMHH MKK WHICH HOMI'ITAL lit ItNS Boston. Jaa. ?.?A 17-year -old Irl suffocated and thrae others _ar? Injured when a flro Rtindiy aldht destroyed tha hospital here , PIKK IN CHICAOO Chicago. Jan. I ?A Are Wlr ' ?day morning waa (weeping t central blinding Of a Chicago ? ya plaai Id the i FIKST WOMAN BE GOVERNOR IS IN (Bl n* *MorUlr4 1'rMa.l Cheyenne, Wyoming. Jan. 5. ?The relnM of government in the Stale of Wyoming today passed into the hands of a wo man. the first of her sex to be inaugurated governor of an American slate. Mrs. N'ellio Taylor Ross, who was swept in to office in the November elec tion. Mrs. Ross plans, after re ceiving the oath of office at noon clad In mourning for her husband, whom death removed front the executive chair three mouths ago. to retiro Immed iately to the seclusion of the governor's mansion. COUNCIL TO MEET ON LIGHT LAW Need for ()rtliiiiinn> Affect-1 ing Horse-Drawn Vehicles j t'rp'd as KcmiIi of Rc ceut Accidents. Action to reduce the hazard in volved In operation of horse drawn vehicles In this city after nightfall without lights will be asked of the City Council at its' meeting tonlffht. Advocates of j further modification of the "cow law" will he heard from also. It' wns indicated today. The need for a city ordinance requiring lights on buggies, wag ons and the like is emphasized,! proponents of the measure point out. throurh recent accidents here nnd elsewhere which, they say, j might very probably have been avoided had there been such a law in effect. Only Saturday night, it is recalled, two young women were hurt in an automobile col-i lision on the WeckHVllle rond in which an unllghted vehicle fi gured. . I Efforts to hnve the last Gen eral Assembly pass a State-wide law along this line were blocked by the more conservative lcglda-1 tors after a sharp fight. The mat ter wll be taken up agnin at the Ippjoachlng session, lpdtcft-, ed, with prospects that Tt will be enacted Into law. The keeping of cows within the city limits, long a subject of con troversy here, was disponed of ten-| tatlvely at the Inst meeting of the Council by passage of nn ordl-| nance limiting each family to one cow. 'regard' . of the eztent of the house1 .d lot. It was decreed also that ?ows might not be teth ered to graze on vacant lot in the J city. Opponents of the ordinance as it now Htands are divided Into two distinct groups One would have cows banished from the city alto gether. The other would make tho acreage of the lots on which cows are to be kept a determining factor In the number permitted. SIX PKRSONS Missive; F'OIJ/OWIN<; KXI*M>SIOX Pittsburgh. Jan. 5.?Six per sons were reported missing fol-1 lowing an explosion that wrecked a building here Sunday night. i,Bandits~Rob Banks and Biirn Town Rank tafldlta. after looting two VaJley View (T?*x I bank? of f 10.000. ita/t?d a tir? which d?**troyrd two blocks of bualncat buildings. otuolnji a loss of flllo.OOO Th? bandits blew opes two safes. started the Ar? by one of a stow fuse, and ?*r*(x?d before Out Max*? ?nu? discover?-?! Tho pirtura shows tha havoc wrought by th? Uindiis and th? fir o HIGHWAY DRAINAGE CASE IS NON-SUITED The case of J. W. I?athnm. Pas quotank farmer living In the New land section. suing the State High way Com mission for da mages al leged to have resulted from drain ing n part of the Newland road upon his farm was non-suited In Superior Court here Monday morning. Through counsel. Mr. Lathnm entered notice of appeal to the State Supreme Court. Si:i,MA MAN DROPS DKAD Selma. Jan. G.?James D. Ed ens. yardmaster of the Southern railroad, dropped dead here last night. NEWSPAPER RUINS A CHOICE BIT GOSSIP Hertford. Jan. 5.?For some it had been rumored that a sensa tion was tiue to he sprung among the younger set in Hertford. The story tnrrt it that a couple, both of whom were still in school, had been married secretly at the Meth od int paisonage and then gone back to their renpectlvo schools. (No hint could be obtained as to Identity, which only Increased tho Interest. A sea re h of the marriage rec ords In the register of deed's of fice discloses that on August 23 last. Joseph iBrumsey and Miss Husin Ferrell of Currituck county quietly came to Hertford, hunted up J. It. Jarvls an old acquaint ance. and got him to vouch for them, secured marriage license and were married by Iter. N. C. Yearby. Both of the young peo ple are students In different schools and asked both the regis ter of deeds and the minister to keep their secret while they fin ished school. Tho foregoing story, duly pub lished In the Hertford Herald, ban deprived local gossip of Its rhol< est morsel. Tho Idea had prevailed that the couple wore of this county. Will Make Side Line , Farm's Main Business lYrquimaiiw Farmer Profil? More from Five Aereit I)p voled to I'oullrv Than from All He*l Farm I'ut To gether an<l Planu Bunine?* on Bigger Scale Hertford. Jan. 6.?One of the ; moat enthualantlc fans In I'erqul ' mana County for dlveralfled farm ing and thr betterment of condl t tlona of thoae who depend on agri culture dlreotly for their living land worldly well being I? W. 0> Newby of Hertford. Mr. Newby haa drawn eloquent nnd Impaa ! aloned plcturea of the deprivation* ! endured by famlllea In our rural {aecllona who ahould ho living In eaae and comfort. He haa pointed' the way to freedom from debt and worry and Indicated the road to enduring and comfortable proa perlty In many atlrrlng apeechea, and haa been applauded ?and that wan all. Hut Mr. Newby waa not merely giving demonatratlona of hla poaplhllltlea aa a maker of *peechea. nor voicing visionary i drum that had no foundation In | reality. He haa been making1 practical application of hla ad- | vice to othera, and he ahowed hla book to a newapaper man Juat the 1 other day covering the paat year. On hla farm In Chowan County, | n few mile? from Kdenton, known aa Ore?nhall Farm, Mr. Newby haa been for aome yeara giving mom and more attention to the production of brown leghorna and egga. He found the ratalng of cotton, peanuta. corn and the oth er uaual eta plea aometlmee profit able but not aufriclontly ao to rc pay him for the Invoatment and labor neceaaary In their produc tlon and marketing. He eat aatd* five acrea for the chicken expert ment, and haa u?#d only that much groand up to thla time Hla building*, while of tit? approved typ*. are not expensive and aro of atich a character that any land owner may have. Here in the rc ault. During 1924, the groan sale* of poultry and poultry product* amounted to $2,076.38. HI* atock of pure bred laying hem in creaaed $500 In value Thla wa* without a dollar of extra expen*e. alnce all the work wa* dono by htm*elf and halp necessarily em ployed on the farm for other op eration*. The amount of thla fire acre* exceed* th? Income from the re*t of the farm. nut thl* I* th? *malle*t part of the *tory. The chickens have paid hand?omely from their flr*t Intro duction on <lreenhall farm, and Mr. Newby I* now In the way of making poultry production bual ne** and farming the *lde line. He ha* now over 1,000 purebred sin gle comb brown leghorns and la installing new mammouth Incuba tors and a complete plant with a capacity of 8.000 baby chick* * month. He will begin with plac-j Ing 2.000 eggs In th? tncubator, Soon after the tanth of thla month and will follow It with a Ilk? num ber each wmIc till aboat th? end of July. Th? baby chteks will be sold and "hipped aa rapidly aa they ar? hatched, and h? has ?.ought proper containers for ship-1 ping large numbers by parcel post. Jjtkewlae he !? preparing to| do custom hatching, so that chick en (rbwars who wish to o p? rate on a small seal? may hav? such: h resda as th?y deslra hatched wlthoat trouble to tto Boy Never Met Santa Until Was 12 Years Old Ytmnpxler Enjoys lli.i l irsl C.hrinlma? in I'.liznlwllt' ( ity. Abniuliiiu il liy Pnrvnts tnttl Taken 1'nrv v) l>y Kindly IfW/nrc .iprnry There ii a 1 S-yfihr-obl boy in Klizab??th City wJ?o bad never seen a Christmas tree. lin?l n? v? r tasted turkey, hnd had never Known Thf childhood dellelit of a violation of Old Santa ti nt il tli?- ('lirintinait Just past. Must have bei ii Ihtm and roared In some f.?r heath?*u land, you mlKlit com tin nt ilut you would be wrong. This boy is a full fledg? d young Ai:k rlran?a live, wide-awake boy, n? healthy aH they grow. In that Kreat. niy-terinun up poi t lonm?-nt which b-av? .t r ?ni? habb-H in eomfortabfa Iiomn, where their every need i? ampl> taken care of. and drops other.9 In hdnien Krlppi d in tin' fell clutch of want and misery, this purlieu lar boy wan among the ]< :t. fnrtu nate. H?- lias h -d ftW idvin* taxes. ilia par? ntn pt-rliaps didn't want liiin in ilx- first pine*? M any rate, (hi y nbnndon? d liiin here a few muntliH a;;o. The boy Is a cheery, well ;:r?iwn yoiin/??ti-r d?-s|dt>- lli?? bard-ship* I fl'lil filt?' liar? (lir'lsl ?1 (???II Mm. A i pi t ""'lit In- I ? Im'Iui; hkm j-iiri* of :?t III?- ( (Miniy Ifc-trntinn Il?uu?-. It wnn lhi*r< i 'm I ti?* i-njuy? d f I n ? flr:?j Cliri.-: cf lit;< <lo/.t-:i .vt-urs of r:trrk?r ?1 ? \hd?i;r?-. Tin- I* imiMi'ii Homo lloard Is offr-riHK h I m for adopt bn. Tin' b'Mnl uIhi i.s ?pon*or for a (lil. lusty lioy IihIi.v, a iiinalli ojd, whom* MttHor is iinaM" to ran for him. Tills hahy In off. n ?1 f*?r ' adoption nln<?. If?? is tln?roiii;|ily loaltbv. HI.. |iarents llvr *-bv whcro. Ally fumily inl?-i't-?l?-d In riib?-r of ill ? rhtldr'ii is n*K< d to ^- i in LcMjj.Jl.yilU iho I>< i< iitlon Ui'ird or th< \V? Ifjir? ojIr.T. Tli?- latl?-r ran narlnd by l<?|i>phnn<- f?32 or tlm null pnstofiin- hi.\ Ifi- boo nI bo|M-M to plari- bntli lis wards In Mlizabi-ib City linnn-v OiImtwI' i Hi? y iiiiisi s"??fi In- H- nl to an orr!iiin:n:i', and Mm r? by dr i:bd 111?- Im-iii? lrl!u??iir? of wblrfl fati? has n Mm d tin in. OFFICIAL DOCUMENT 1 HERE FROM FRANCE Washington. Jan. 5. ? Th ? French memorandum regardlir-t the payment of the war debt *?fj France to tin- I'nlted Static w.<"! noalvtd at tkt Stair D iwrtmi nt Sunday night. The memorandum wn< Inter transmitted by Secretary Hugh? ? to Secretary Mellon for III? "per sonal and private Information." TWO HOUt SKSSION I.N l*0|,|< K roi ICT MO\|?\V Several eases came befpro Ih ? recorder In Monday morning's po lice court, which was In senslcn until about 11 o'clock, uil of mln or Int? rest. Kdwanl Moore, for assault o:. Stewart Curies, was lined $> --? Hie. coats. If' appealed to Superior Court, glvinic bond for $.100 Jnmes I?ovlng. for stealing a I pair of gloves, was Riven a fiO-day Jail sentence Willi jtxlgment su pended on good behavior for tw years and payment of costs <?! court. Henry floyd. colored, for fa11 - ure to pay dot tax was require?! ; to pay the tax and cost* of court George Splvey. colored, for po session of lnt"<dratinK liquors pul l a fine of SI" and cost*. Will I,? wU, colored, for opn sting a motor vehicle in n car less manner was found not guilty. i comm;ne zone not YET BE EVACUATE!) ' l*r Th? Aw? !??><! I'frHI Ilerlln, Jan. B. - The llrltlsh. Italian. Japanese and I)el;.i;ni ministers each presented Cham ? ' lor Marx today with an ld< it t c note from tho allied governm? ft'n regarding the postpom ment of i evacuation of the Cologne mh , which waa set for January 10 tr - dcr the Treaty of Versailles. HTlIJi HKHIOI HI.V Hi The condition of Mrs. J. Ooodwln, mother of Mayor (J ?? I win. was reported as urtll seri" is Monday morning. Another J Kd. Ooodwln. of Norfolk. * ?s called to her bedside Sunday. M Ooodwln auffered a stroke of par alysis Wednesday night. nOTTON RWORT 'New York, Jan.* 6,?Cotton f i ture* opened today at the follow ing level?: Jan. 21.85, Mix h 24 15, May 24.44, July 24.?0. " f 21.IS. (New York. Jan. 6.?At two p. m . today cotton fnturaa atoo : at the following levels: Jan. 2 March 28.0.1. May 2?.11. J il* 24.02, Oct. 22,41. SUNSHINE IMI'KO\i:S CONDITION or KOAItS IIIrhway frafiir between Kli/a bvth Cli.v and Norfolk, virtually paralyz? d for neverni Cayn on ac comnt of conllnu?-d rainr. wax fant ?>? inr restored to normal Monday i.w-rniiiK. I ii t" r tu 111 ? -11? sunshine Saturday wuk followed l?y a dax rllnKly bright day Sunday, and the roads. drylnir out rapidly, wiTv in fair rouditioii Monday nivrulni;. Word from floulb Mills Monday wan to tli? ? fT< ct that on both aide* r f th?' Stat** lino altov?- Iheiv. highway crew* wn. at work. 1111 Iiik hol? m and oth?rwlfi" putting tli? road* Into condition. Mcl'ler eon* Bus l.lnc r?autn?'d trips Kfohday. after an enforced lay-off. On tin- Virginia sl?le. cr?wa w?*re lllllng the worst holes with crush?d rock. In addition to tli? usual grading. People h?.-re who wi r? planning (o tak?' in the ahow at I ho Acad emy in Norfolk Monday nluht. the Initial nppi-aiunro of I'uul White man, wot Id famous bandsman, were particularly picas? d with the Improved Matu? of the roadn. CO-OPS won K FOK DEFINITE I'OI.ICV Washington. Jan. D. The for mutation of a definite policy will regard to pending Legislation on farmer'* co-operative markotin-. wa* tho outstanding question h fore the representative* of ti?? movement assembling here tod y i for the third annual convention 'if ' tho National Council of the Kana? ers Co-operative marketing a * ? elation* An annual bUslncas f nearly fl.ono nan.ono was said ?o be represented in the present ? roclation with a memb? mhlp >! more than 1,100,000. mtsT haptimt w. m. m OllHKKVt>: DAYS OK HtAYKI? The Woman? Missionary Bor My of tit? First Baptist Clin-rh v.ill obaervo a day of prayer for for eign missions Tuesday at 'ho church beginning at 10 s? in.. *lth Mrs. Hallie Boettcher. M J II. l^eKoy. Mrs J. II llal! d. Mra. J. I?. I'rltchard as lea-S -r? The Sunbeams of the chut und#r tho direction of Ml?* I ?' Wood will present a pageant at four o'clock 1n the afterno' >>rlnglig to a clone tho proper for the day. WOMAN'S !>:i>KltA I M?\ I'flA YKH M0RVII I I t KHDAY The Woman's Fe?: ?'?oa will hold a prayer m*etlnr l?t women Tuesday afternoon at a M the g m her of rommerr. '?"flh, All of the town nvfltd. Vanguard General Assembly Is Now Arriving At Raleigh KOSHER LAWS ARE HELD VALID Supreme (ioiirl I plmltl* !S<%* ^ cirk Sliil?- SIuIiiIok S'rnN iditit; fur 1 .::(??*! I i nu "M?';?! (ilrun. Wi-.shlimtciii. Jan. .*?. The Su l?r? lin- Court declared and cjiialifiitionul I'-ilny Hi?* Kositer law* of Now Yor!i.. \Vai>hiiif;|i;a, Jan. ?>. Tin? Su preme Court was at;<t>d in aeveral cawn brought fiom N? w York City |n d>-rld< wh- tlo r I In* wonl kosher as applied to no at.* and litem product* was sufficiently d?'linit?> to enable tin* court* to ? nforce it law of that ?tat?' wliirli atii iit|iii'd to regulate Ms Hal?'. It wax contended l>y 1 !?*??*?? at* tacking tli>' law thai Its provision requiring ih?' products nii i|i'?lc nali il to be t hone ranciinned hy llto orthodox Hebrew nllgious ro *lnI'iii<'iiIx did not materially hh *1*1 in drtrrnilniiiK what was ko sher an i what was nnn-koahcr. Tlo- term kosher may In* accept - ?d. lin y Maid, as menniuu 1)1. prop it and rlcan, according lo the or thodox Hebrew rcliuiou* r?-<|?iir?*-! no-ills, and the term non-kosher had consequently. Hoy 1iisIhI.iI, lak? n on a definite meaning of iii?lit. unclean and improper, IIiiih ?'iluiiKitlxIn*; such I'.ikhIk. Counsel for tho attorney gener al of New York and for tin- dis trict attorney of Now York coun ty. In supporting tho present ?ta-| lui?' iim valid iiiHlKti'd that the; moan i iik of kosher wan plain and; definite in tho Jewish religion., 1 hoy I'liiphaslzcd that there would hi> no criminal prosecutions under I it uiikwH |l could he flinwn that 1 there wan a deliberate intent to j defraud. The court* would have! no difficulty, they Maid, in decid iiiK whi'ii fi.iud bad been commit-:' led. They denied I hal there was uv mnierlal disagreement as to what wan kosher and what non kiwhT. Court record? were pro duced to sustain tills contention. Tit?* representatives of the state pointed (?ill that tho Htatute In Is sue had been enacted In J 922. and ?1 n? ?iluricd tho good faith of those who attacked It. No Irreparable injury had been suffered by the complaining dealer*, attorney* for the s'.ato Insisted. asserting that they had ample protection at law, ami that their business was not seriously threatened. It would he lime to lest nut the question* now presented, they said, when u deal or had he?n taken inln the con rta for violating the law. They de clared tli? federal courts *hould not pas* upon the constitutional ity of a state law in advance of n construction of the statute by riute courts. There had beon no, complaint a gain*-1 the llygrade I'rovislonii Company. I/ewl* A Fox Company and Harry Satr.. who had challenged the law. counsel for the Mate pointed out. and they, worn not In a position under such circumstance* to protest. IS CONVHTKD IOI? ILLEGAL SYNDICALISM SI. Jonepha. Mich., Jan f?. Charles nuthcnborp. convicted of violation of (he MIi-IiIkuii crlmln iiI pynrileallam law. waa Hcntoncpd today by Circuit Judu?? Char le* Whit? to serve from three In ton year? nt Jackson State I'rlaon and pay .1 fine of $5,000. i;KHPK4TKI> l>K4l> loaf m flrlfk hoiia ?. 41 yeara of a a colored employe of A. II. s eloy & Hon for 2* yearn, died Sunday inornlnK at 6 o'clock at hln home, R26 Tiri? atroct. He waa a member and uahor of the Cor nerstone ItnptlHt Church. He wa* a man of *plrndM hahltw and well thought of hy nil who knew hlin. The funeral will tv- conducts hy n* . J. It. McCrea ?t the Corner Men- It.-pHxt Church Tuemlny af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. RKNCII WAKIMNT KOU HON. GASTON MKANS N? w Yerk. Jar fi. Federal Jud" l.m'llev i f |!llnolM leaned a bench ?im?l I'.'i iv for tho If rf i of Oanton II Moann. foffeiT I>< parttmnt of Juatlce agent, ( w11? n he failed to appear In court with hi" aft' rnry, 'I hntnn* Folder. < and l?i 4 *< cretary. Elmer Jar-1 nicke. f-ir Ulal en a chaw of. conspiracy to obet net Juallee. ICKTIHKUKNT MrKENNA ANWWNCKD BY TAKI Washington Jan. 6. -The rea lisation of Attoclata Jimtlrc Jo aeph Mi Kcniia wan announced from the of tha Huproine Court. Hy Vlrtae Of JO yf^m aer v1c MKentia la ranklna Aaso claie J Mtk? of court. Ho rotira bomuft? of Advanced Chief Ju tire Tail, maklna the an ftouncafljtt as aooo aa court met ?eld tho resignation had b?an ac c ;?ted fcfer Coolldga Slug?* llriiif; S?*t for (loiivrniiif: of l')2.*> (?nicral Ah h?*iiiI?I) NX hi<*li Will Formally Open at Niinn W nlno ilay? Tlioiifih Skirmii*li??? Will Br^in Tmsday BOAT EXPLOSION INJURES THREE I'ji^incrr ami Companions BuriHMl and Krniswl in Blast on (?ashoat K. It. Daniel*. A sudden explosion In tho engine room of the gushout IC. It. Dan iels. u crude oil burner operated by lho Ulobe Fish Company, Sat urday afternoon resulted in in juries to Claude Houghton, the engineer, I'aul Waist on, agenl for the express company here. an<l John Daniels, of the Globe Fish Company. Mr. Dnnlels and Mr. Walston were* burned about, the face, and Engineer Houghton, thrown ??ff bin feet by tile explo sion. Hustalned a number of bruis es. 'None of fhe three were serious l.v hurl, and all were out and about their usual tanks Monday morning. The cause of the explosion hnd not been determined Monday morning. Company officials stat ed that the engineer was having trouble in starting the engine, and that Mr. Daniels and Mr. Walidon had gone into tho engine room to assist him. Damage to the K. It. Dan litis was estimated at $1,500 to $2,000. Tho boat l* i' x pec ted to be out of commission for ten duys to two weeks. KIM l?H ANY SKIlVICK TCKSIIAV Epiphany service will be held in Christ Church Tuesday. January nt II a. m. The public Is cordial ly invited to worship thore. Th? Vestry of the Church will meet Tuesday, Januyar 6. in the parish house at 7:.10 p. in. A full attendance la urged. TWO INJURED ON WEEKSV1IJ.E ItOAD Mrs. Charlie Wilson of Weeks-, ville and her niece. Miss Mottle* Meads of Shawboro were both painfully hurt Saturday evening between fl and 7 o'clock when Ihe Ford Coupe In which tiiey wore driving collided with a Ford louring car driven by James II. Cmphlett of Weeksvllle. The accident occurred five miles this side of Weekavlllo* as both cars were coming toward town. Mrs. Wilson had started to pass a buggy ahead of her and Mr. Cmphlett. coming up behind her, apparently whs unable to slow flown In time not to avoid strik ing the buggy. He swerved In or der to miss the buggy, according to reports received here, and struck the Wilson coupe, damag ing the latter to the extent of more than $100. Mrs. Wilson suffered many bruises about'the body and Miss Meads. IB years old. received nil ugly cut on the forehead. PRISON KltH KLK4TIMHTTKI) Raleigh, Jan. B.?Kenneth Hale uud John l<eak, negroes, were lec trocuted st the North Carolina State prison here for the murder on Augunt 17 of Charlie Garwood, white taxJ. . .driver of Lexington. North Carolina. AHKVIMiK IIOTKMH TO HKtllKATION ASSOCIATION Ashevllle, Jan. 5. ?The twelfth conference of Ihe Playground and Recreation Association of Am erica will bo held in this city dur ing October f? to 10, It has been announced. It was stated that AMheville wan chosen In view of the progress that the South has made In recent years in play ground and recreation develop ment, though the association had invitations from no cities. Includ ing towns In Canada and lletglum. SKKK ONLY ELECTION OF ITNOAMENTAI.I.HTS New York, Jan. 5.??A move, mcnt to have only fundamentalist ministers and elders sent as com mlssioners to the Presbyterian General As?? ubly In Columbus. Ohio. ne*t y if, has b?;?n started by eight fundamentalist*, I'Ts sent by this group to more than l,6no other Presbyterian minister* ska them to use th'lr Influence for tho election of the fundam- ' 'alia t s only. SENATE BtlTriNG IN ON MM. Hl!<,IIKS AtJAIN Washington. Jan. 6,?A resolti " asking Secret ary Hu^be* ? h t her tny foreign power has i respited against the elevation of. on American battleship? was .itreduced by Senator Oerry of r' at 11 a. m The public la cordial- i t>er of the Naval Committee today. I sa, TO I KAVK TONIGHT IOK I.K<;ISI.\1TJRE Senator IV II. Williams and l(< Ive J. Konyon Wll himi leave for ISuli'iuh Monday nlulit. when* Mr. William* rep r?'H< nl i ili?? l**lrt?t S? ...atorlal Dinirlrl and Mr. Wilson n-pre s?-nix l'a.<4?(iiotank County. ivrhapa. tlir nmat Important local li'^lhlation to be enacted at thin himIoh so fur as I'as iiuotaiik County in roncrrned is an art t?? authorise an addi tional O.Doo In uood road ImiihIs for l'np(|iiotank, In be expended on roads as designat ed In Iho a?*i ItHflf. It-il?-'teli. Jan. r? Tli?' vanguard of Hi?- Central AMK<>uiS)ly wan ar riving here Sunday nteht for the hchmIoii which will formally open Wednesday at noon with many Ii'KIkUIIvi' matters of Importance before It. Ilarly arrival? included many outstanding figure* of both die S"ii:it?' and the House. among wh?im wa* l!?lu*ar W. I'harr, who. It In tii'lli-v? ?1 will be named M speaker of tin Huttae. Mr. I'harr .] arrived Ihto Sunday nteht from IiIh homo at Charlotte. AllIioiikIi Hii* 1? T* t??'hfllon will not op. n until Widm aday. the ac tual preliminary parliamentary HklrminTi?^? will get iind?T way Tuesday nteht when both the Sen at#* and HouAe will hold raucuaea. Tho Immediate bunim-H? before Hie Senate will be the naming of a I'riHidfiiKprotem while the House will be engaged In the /electing of a *p?ak?r. Numerous nanus had been m? ntloned Sun day and Sunday nteht for the ? Senat?- opining but there itemed to be no definite crystallization of opinion. On the other hand. It nei'iiif d fairly well ? stabliphed. unleKH unfoiMCi'ii development? take place, that Kepresentstlve t I'harr of Charlotte will preside oy er tlii' Houtte forcea. At tho cau niH it lv expected that forcea of both upper and lower bodle? will formulah- policies to bo followed out during the coming n?'H?lon. Tin Legislature will face a man* of reportn and recommenda tion* from vnrloua comraltteea wbirh will report lo the body. Anionu these ar<- the prlaon com mlnalon, the bii** regulation com mlMRlon. financial educational In viatlgatlng committee, and the bmtei't commbinion. It alno will have before It thi' biennial re port* of Hie various departments of the State government and the report* of the educational and charitable Inatltutions of the Stale. The ropftff of Mu? budget com ml*Hh?n will ?nt !??? available. ac cording to prc*?iit Information, before the Or*t week In February. Tin* romtulaalon In faced with cut ting Hhnrply the requeata made l?y institution* for approximately $17,000.000 for permanent Im provement* and approximately $23.000,000 for maintenance and admlnlntration during the blennf um. Thc*o flmin ? represent great IncrcRRca over tlx* appropriation* recommended for the taut biennial period nnd the cnmml**ion ha* an nouncfd that for every dollar It recommend* be *pi nt. If will nhoar a dollar which will h<- derived Hi taxcR to handle ?!??? . tpendituroa. | DurlnK the flrnf week of th? *n?*lon tin (li 11? ral Annemhly probably will hear tho final met ?aRe of Governor Cameron Mor rison. The Governor ha* Indlcat <d I hat hi* add re** will be *hort i but he ha* Riven no Intimation of . what he will *ny. (lovernor-clent . A nun* W Mclean probably will bo Inaugurated on Janunry 14. when hi* Inaugural addreRR will be pre*< rited to the body. DKKAII.MKM" OKI-AYS AHHIVAI, OF TRAIN Derailment cf r frclchr car on the Norfolk-fiuthorn Kallroad a ?hort distance north of Shawborb ? . 11 \ Sunday iiluht p-milted In de laying arrival of the Routhbound paKHonger train until 3:80 o'clock - Monday morning. Thl* train was routed through Suffolk, nnd a sec ond mlNhap there? In which a I'ullman far wa* derailed whllo the train wa* be,lnt( awltched from one road to the other, wa* an Im portant factor In the delay. Workmen w? re biMtlv at work Monday morning r* pairing the dnniAK" canned by the derailment near Shawboro. It wa* Mated here that acverRl car length* of rail* ar.d croaatles had been torn up, nnd It wu* hoped to have the toad In condition for th** morning pa.-*enger train to paaa at tho xehedulcd hour. Klir.aheth City folks expecting relative* on the train made aevor al trip* to the depot Sunday night before Ihcir patience wa* Anally rewarded by Ita arrival. Nothing definite could learned hero Monday morning aa to tho cauae of the dcmlimMt. 1

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