WILLIAMS NAMED ON BUDGET COMMISSION Pasquotank Senator Get* Signal Honor in llein^ Named on Body Wliicli Will Outline Tinaneial Program of the .Stale (By Th? Anocialtd Pk?i| IUIcIkH, .Ian. II. ? The <?<*!!? em I AnrnMiihly today l??anl Governor Morriwin'n farewell Rildrrvi ami after a few bills had b?H-ti <lrop|MMf into (ho !???? lslative hopper tin' new budget commission mum Miinoiiiu :hI a* follows : Govemor-Klect Mr* . Lmui. Walter Woodson uf sal * tabury, 1*. II. William* of Eliz abeth City, Walter Murjihy of V Salisbury . A. TowhwimI of Dunn ami one Re|rtibllcan to Im? appointed by the new (iovernor. Th? CJovernor pledged his fu ture to the upbuilding of \oi-tli Carolina and both house* ad journed after the address. The most Important of the bill* Introduced today In the Houae wan one to rvi>e<il the tax exemption law on foreign ?locks. Raleigh. Jan. 9. ? Announce ment of the standing committer of the Senate and House and ac ceptance by Governor Morrison uf an Invitation to address both houses of the Assembly In Joint session today were the out ing features of yesterday's session of the Legislature. The only bill presented yester day In the Senate besides that providing for the Joint session was Introduced by Senator Johnson of Robeson County, settinc aside next Tuesday, inauguration day. as a public holiday in that coun ty. which is the home county ot the new Governor. The measure passed the Senate and was sent to the House for concurrence. Miss Julia Alexander of Me I. lenburg County, the only woman legislator In the State, introduced her flrst bill yesterday, a measure which would provide for the tlon of a monument on Capitol Square to the memory of the lat? Chief Justice Walter Clark. ^ Another movement to Incrense the pay of the State's lawmakers k is already under way. The so-called monkey theory of man's origin comes In for at tack In a bill Introduced by Poole Of Hoke County, which would prohibit the teaching of Darwin Ism In the public schools. POPE SAYS NEVER OFFERED A BRIBE Chicago, Jan. 9. ? Francis Pope Of Spokane. Washington, cousin qljhe late President Harding, ap peared In Federal Court today Irepared to testify In the Yeter ns' Bureau conspiracy trial. Mr. Pope testified, when he took the stand, that he hud never oeen offered a oil I Hon dollars by ship contractors "ns a bribe to help Influence the sale of the Gov ernment's wooden fleet." He also emphatically denied that he bad ever talked with President Hard Inn about having been offered a bribe In connection with th<* sale of the fleet. ??A. A. McDonald. Seattle ship builder. testified that he had In vited Pope to participate In a syn dicate formed in 1921 to purchase the war-time wooden fleet. If AMIlt lt<; HCMOR1ST PLAYS NO FAVORITES Hamburg, Jan. 9. ? A column Conductor on the Hamburg Cor respondent hss compiled a num ber of opinions about the salient characteristics of men of different aatlonalltles. Here are some of fethem : Wi "One American Is a silent U. drinker. Two organize a limited N Company, and three enact the pro hibition of alcohol." "One Englishman Is an eccen tric creature. Two organize an athletic contest, and throe make a great nation." "One German Is a pedant. Two found a brewery, and three mike War." "One Italian is a syndicalist . Two make a love tragedy and three march against Rome." "One Russian represents a va riety of political parlies." TOKIO DISTURBED BY SEVERE QUAKES (By TIM AMMUV4 Pr?M) Toklo. Jan. I. ? Toklo was dis turbed todsy by a series of oarth quakea of high severity, the first n of which rocked the city at r O'clock this morning. The last tremor this afternoon came at :: o'clock and caused many person* to leave their abodes. Mount Asn, a volcano located 500 miles south ?est of here, hss bsen In eruption ?Ince Tuesday and Is emitting ash es, eauslng damage to the farms at Its base. OOTTOM IUWORT , Itew York, Jan. 9.? Spot cotton Closed quiet. Middling 24.16. an advance of 10 points Futures, ^Closing bid: January 23. ?5. March W 23.fl, May 24 22, July 24.40. Oc | tober 23.92, ^ New York. Jan. 9. ? Gotten fu tures opened today as follows: February 23.45, March 23. 7S. 1 May 24.15, July 14.10, October, UM. ntrrt t V ? r- Ir ?- Al Judgeship to Meekins \Yn*Silfit*tnn. J:t?. f?. ? Inamc | M. of KII/jiImmIi Clty w:ts iml.u |?v l*if*? j l?l"nl us li^lcrrtl Juilm* f ?r i In* Kjimci ii District i.f Noitli rai'wlirui, to Mirmil tli? lait' .hulue llctiry (j. fun- | nor. Solving I'tr/y.lcg Acl<ls Kffirirncy of Typists* Chicago. Jan. P. ? Cross-wonl puzzles "are a blessing i? disguise to (hoy- employers who Pared their distracting Influence when tiny first up: -?v 1." according to Albert M. J .i.i.ic.ii, |tr<>siiicni of the National Life Insurance Com pany cf the I'nited States, who said that -so f..r as his organiza tion was conrorheii the puzzles were, responsible (or increasing Mir efficiency of liis stenographers 25 pt?r cent. Kathur than being a distract ion to th*1 office girl. the mental labor in solving tliein lias made her faster and more accurate' in her work. Mr. Johnson found. "Noticing n markrd improve- j incut in tie speed with which our. several hundred stenographers! w? re handling the correspondence! to 100.000 policyholder!!,- 1 In quired the reason arid found that wv had the cross-word puzzles to thank," Mr. Johnson said. "J dis covered that our stenographers ' were cross-word enthusiasts and that their idle hour* spent over! the dictionary had improved their1 spi'lling and recognition of words to n .startling extent. "All our executives reported 1 that tho stenographers were tak ing dictation far more rapidly; , thHt they were recognizing and bundling correctly words that they used to stumble over. We have encoura'-d our employes to play the gam*? as It widens their minds and improves their speech.; a? well as increasing their ofTice i efflclcncy." | Miss Wilson This u the latest portrait of Mar garet Wilson, daughter of the lato President Wood row Wilson. 8he makes her home in Washington CONFIRMATION OF STONE DEFERKKD Washington. Jan. 9. ? Action on the nomination of Attorney Oeii * ral Stone to succeed Associate Justice McKeena on the Suprein* Court bench was di^rrcd by the Senate judiciary subcommittee to day. after a secret hearing at which statements were heard from several persons whose iden tity was not disclosed. Chairman Sterling refused to discuss tin- matter. JURY DISAGREED ON EXTORTION VERDICT Iloston. Jan. 9 ? After 4S hours' deliberation. t li ?? jury trjrlll Wil liam Corcoran, former district at torney of Middlesex County, and three others on charges of con spiracy to extort $50.00") from Victor SearlH of Doston and At lantic City, reported a disagree ment In respect to Corcoran and William Hartnctt, another defend ant. CRIPPLED HELLO GIRL IS BURNED TO DEATH Ilrooks. Me., Jan. f? . ? Mrs. Car rie Johnson, a crippled telephone operator, was burned to death when she remained at her post summoning outside aid for fi r?*. flefore her task wan completed tlio building In which tin' ex change wan located caught fire and her escape was cut ofT. Six buildings were burnt d before the help summoned by Mrs. Johnson arrived. Congress Thinks $10,000 Limit Of Earned Income Aim! Sinn* C.ongrrtiHmen Draw Salary of Only 87,300 a Year One Must Sim* that Granting Ability Earn $100, 000 Would Make ilonf(re*Kmaii Small Potato J?T IcODKfiT T. HMATX rl fill 11.25 V TTir Ailtarirr i Washington, Jan. f?. ? This yenr Congress puts I n ? c? ? fTect itn for mal nnd formidable dietutn thai no man can legitimately "earn" more than $10,000 a year. The Congressmen and Senator* are paid l?y a benevolent Oov?-rnm? nt $7,500 a year and It Ik hut nat ural they rhould figure that no man eiln be more than $2,500 more Intelligent, more important, and more useful, than the nation al legislator* elected by the vote of a sovereign people. Either that or Congr? km is thinking very se riously of raising Hh own salary to tin- $10 060 mark. Maybe then in future legislation the legi timate earning capacity of the In dividual might bo II f(?'d to $12, 500. As It m. however. Congress If of the opinion that President Coolidg". for example, I* being overpaid something like $65,000 ! a year. Mr. Coolldge Is a frugal living, economical man. brought ! up in the thrifty atmosphere of i New f'ngland, fcu.t there are no In dications an yet that he agrees with Con* tvKH on the nubj^ct of the Executive's pay. The Presi dent in doing bin best on the side, however, by conserving his travel ; allowance to the utmost limit. j Congress Is of th" opinion that cabinet officers must be receiving 52.00') a year more than they I "< arn. ' Thin also goes for th" Vie.- President. Fortunately for i "Hell and Maria" Dawes when he <*>mes to Washington he will have an independent income shove the $12,000, the flrst Vies President to bo In that enviable position for nearly a generation. And wheth er he "earns" It or not. General Dawes will have one of the best j Incemes In official life. Chief Justle?> Taft Is being "ov erpaid" something like $5,000. If the Congressional criterion ns to logltimato earnings la sound. AH of his associate Justices are over stepping the bounds by something like $4,500 per annum. Heaven only knows what Con gress privately thinks of the $60,- j 000 a year man, or the $150,000 a year man that no many corpora tlons are seeking or have sought In the pant Congress can't *? e that ?ort of stuff at all. No man can earn more than $10,000 a year, therefore no man is worth more than $10,000 n year. When John Hays Hammond some yearn ago became consulting engineer for the Ouggenhelm In terests at a salary said to have been $500,000 a year he trans ! greased the Congressional Ideas, of a man's worth and earning capac ity by so many hundreds of per cent there couldn't possibly be any health In hlin. That was at a time, too, when the dollar was worth 100 cents. Of course a sal ary of $500,000 today Isn't much to talk about at all. It amounts to only $300,000 with the dollar j j valued at 60 cents. Congress has expressed Its opinion In the $10,000 matter In 1 the most effective way In which it could speak. It has fixed $10, 000 a year as the limit in com puting an "earned Income'' In the new Federal tax law which be- ( cam" effective January 1, and which applies to Incomes "earned during I 2 4 . Congress has de I creed that after a man has passed the $10,000 mark his Ineotne ccas? s to be "earned" and there i fore must be obtained by som? sort of skullduggery. On earned Incomes there Is a reduction of 2f. p< r cent In taxes. It has been held that Congress did not mean to d? prlve those earning In excess of $10,000 of all discounts. The salaried man above $10,000 may [ fluure the reduction on hla first t. n nnd then pay the full rate on i the balance. Of course the Republicans are blaming the Democrat** for the $10,006 limit. They say the Dem ocrats practically wrote the new tax law. Naturally this explains ; much, for $10,000 in a whaling' big sum to a Democrat. The laat Democratic campaign fund didn't .?moult to very much more than tta?*lKk *flL. c&aE ikii / -A. ??*?.. Cure For Tuberculosis Sure to Come Is Belief K <;<>!<! Sn'l <!i?rr Do^Hopi d Iiy Sficntisl Phivin Los.i KiTintfion ? Tiinn I'xpwtcil Amorirai: Pln-i ciau M%?*. ViwiouiHT Anc ;!u*r Nc.v Trrr.-tiim! ti> o. \\ scinT I'Mi.uo. J,.:\ !? . .JJiouii! I1. ' : f ' ?"Hi i! in 1 : ; T:. f.lU'ltrJ- pf ! f: >M ; .1* ???II" f ?r U* it< V- !<?!>< il i \ :;i? t).-:. kIi : rl? .1" ?/* -i il ilj.tr M<- ikui>!. pr.?v?> it us ifilra.'l: ? : .r : piwnt ? it u |M8?iln? that it may !?.? t ?!lc.v,?(l l?y an au. nouiiofia* us el utmlior llkel, t r. niiii- ni for tli> d.!*> j*.', li'roux'' t ? d^iuvi-ry (<l ;iii Am. n.*siu H?r. who fur ulivi>iiiii n nsuiu dt>os n?i wish lib hi u.?? af thi.? ilmv. Dr. IVt? r '?> (*]. n.' ;?>? r.. fiif American physician dispatehcd i< lnvi . tin- ? >? rii: s;n?.crv?iai curt*. I. roiiiM.In^ ;?? iihicajro with in a wi"4k nr t wo. th? rnushly [ Vi'iwd hi tin' njiiilioiioti ol ih.it ( i.n tSif.d ??f trtu:iiH'!i:. Hei i niiin N. Hun?lcfi(in. <? mmlMdonor of luallh f'?r I'liiriiKii, y.u<l today ? that In- would coin' r With l>r. rU-!in n?on Ju<t a* s.?o:i a* h? rv lurtieU. to coir* id* r '!.??? < f ih?* ciirc IliTf. Tin* Ann rlcan doctor, a |iIi.vfU clan of tii-.'h r< juii . Inx :? l??; ? di* rov?-n d what h>- !?? lii-\??s to.ln? u certain pit. f. r consumption. I " n - tH hi* Itcllcfn nr< *ii| |n:ri? d t?;. tr. c:>ntrovfi tlMf i vid< uc*i- ? f ruivt nrtnnllv iffi-t'i-d. lie Is vithhold I n ?-* an noun", mil ? ; hi* ilisc.ivt 17 and of Ills own id.-ntity. Tlu* writer r? r n 1 1> Inquired In to th'.:i ri>|K*ited tuh.'i closi* run. and found t'i it the doctor In i|n': - tlon, afli r I ?! yi-ar:i cf i>\|H rinioni inu. haa f'T ."iw >"??nr.-> had favor ahh results from th.- !r?-at:n? lit ha* perfected. H - ha* no cnti ? ? slvt" ricniiH for applyin tin- tn*ai I llictlt at pl'cac lit lirW' v- i ; not ready to anncuurc it ; use. I All that can l?? Kiiil of it : t ? present U- that tin. ilrrior haa ?!? | Vt loped a solu'it.n, which wh> i I autli.'irlzrd and Torivd into I ' j luiM i-. n<i| >| to Kill tho i I?j TV- A.tnl* < ' 1 v. ? !u ni'V v ;? ? i . f I. ti:5K?* s. \ it"; - ' !u?r ?i -J' 1 1 *.i - i' i r l al?. rru |..??U ;.r. ??! .!,!??? I I'. ? It. , li * !?'. .1 fliir . r : > '*< -Ljf? ? t *ll? j : ?|??t I' II. j Tli?' tiftJiJ.-'1 f ?!.. ? U'lllt "If- t'lal j roust!. Ut ?: l!' **? I.. (!."??. i 1 . ?l* ? t.?r h-is ti'?t i!L?'i* s?d. !!. ? ?* *- ? . 11 *"?rH:'iU ?n iV? ' fj:i IV ra in i.i iil ?. Ih front i!u ? ' 1>v lit>' iJ.ivc'i fri n!|y| *!*???? rur?' ? i" |)<vi >r" \l??? I'r-tanl rinmlst* ? f i'? - H r ki: .wn ;.h ?? nivl ?;r<*{ n t*? 1 >r . < * I ? i : 1 n.-'ci1. l-tok.: li\ ? a "wliM? fl:ir?M|l< rji i i ? .? c lilno :i|?j?- :t:*Mi. ? " ami "Is Injiorcil intruv?*n usly. * ? *.::??? !?? M"w.- *alvnr*? ??." Whoiv 'l is ip.krl <?'1 into ili?* Hamlin, ih* t?f 1 1: ?? American ?!? ctr i:< l?<ir??l iliru'ily int'? ih?* t?> ?? li of lllc troll bit*. It I a? is ? im* 1 wliT" I'll ?. hiiw s* i ? :i! most ?o:i? ami ?ln- ;< v ak. Hut Dr Cli'inci'M-ii iti l-iti j- i" Dr. |tiin<l?'H: n. d- ?-!.*!? ? i?..<itiv?-ly that * 1>?- !>.? rule Is. i! itiat i*? rlalni -?1 f'-r ii ami Hi- n b<;r.\ l<:-iiuf??l ?. h? i iriri i! i?* n li*l MMil." !>? i.-iil.t of ilto ai>plit'iit;.-n ?'f (hi. cure ?' ntl i|tiantity f.f f; :m cry::li*r ar<* tc-ini; brontlii t ? Am ' ??rlra now. ami it In lil:< ly dial t !?? fir I tostt of linporviic ? <n ilih ? ni;in(ry will carrbcl mil in Cfcican>?. ? All d'Ti-.m arc 1 ?it l? t.? male** rl. ilnts of riin?ri for this tuo.sf ?!roart.:d of Ulrcayi*. an* slow, \ ? iti'ako any announr*<-iii< in tint ' ml*; '.it lioltl ?)Kt f il*. Im;t ?'"* liundvi ?!.'* ??f thou.sjinJ i i?f j-a!i'-r <ti. With th?* advanca :?lr-;j<ly Hind", !h>\v. \?'v. ii I- fr< !y |?r?* di'*t< ?i Ii v iiurl'oal 1*1* : i lh:?t r* hi en if f -I* tiibfu-jl-mls i.i n.M fur . dUUiit. ELKS mi\stu::i.s HF.HK KKHia \-i\ I ,? Within N"c\t ivtv Diiik Tjilcni Will !m? l.ir??*?l l j? ft. v the rir>l Iteheaial .Monday an<l i iu iuliry. l-'pliruary ipcodiI mid tlijrd. an* ??i claiJ ? * t | Hold)' for the aiitiii;'! I.Iks' Clui'i ty Mlnstrfln at flu- Alkrai -i ' ThPiiicr. Till- nhows this yo/r w.ll bo f ??r two cnnKiMMitlVi- n i uht* -?r. heretofore and will be prudur ? d ; by I In* National Producers Anno* iu . tlon. a company Whic-h has b?.r. d similar fhiiw.M In nil the larg- st I caforn cities as woll as J hone ill , the middle west. Tii Illksi' Alln: trels ha<" conn to ; be a much looked-forwa/c. to. | ovont In Kll'abeth City. ? mi?: i lally sine? I be ? ii ?ii-. 0roce?-d* from th< so shows an- ?1< ? na I ? ?1 to chnii ty and they deservedly play to Pill | houses at all prr forma nces. The fcoinmiM<c in charge consists "f I Dr. J. YV. Sel;^. chairman. IV W. I llarrl.;. 'Itiil r." Sawyer, and lt? v. fj. F. Hill, and within the m \t few days they export to ?t-t i ?? | talent iincd up for the first !? - hearsal. Cailes' Son >i?v V Thla In A.lolfo K. Callea. ami f 1'rfnident IMutarcho kiln* Calk- ?>( Mexico. lie haa keen rMIInc Hi th? I United Btaten. Thl. pk-tura ?** lakan In Ran Antonio. T#?., JMIow tag bit Ant airplane flight. Ma irx tor* I It knnmwly.^ HKIliS OF HOPKINS SEEM ON INCREASE IVitKifii More of 'I'll* .<i Sii-kln*? SSiiirt' in Klu1 Million l-Ntatc t?f Lnle Murk Miiiiklns Conc-rd. Jan. it. rollowin... | e!oi?? iiu <n , Hi" ? ai?n??u:*c; fa- :;t I Hat Ijeli ? ?-f Mark ll>pkii?H la itaiuIol|)h f'owiiy w r !ili?i?.' Mill la fSi.ri am-nto. <*al-" 'ferula. for a part ? f h!s i-s li* J ? . it was <?t;i t ? <i liiT'- ?! at A. It. Holla r. an atlonmy of this city, wii/ pr?;?.i I" f i I.* ? muIi for clalma In the ??8trri" of jhr laic Ma: V H.pkiny. in Im half rf kla N ; clicnta, riKldcniH ?*f ('oturonl who claim to Ij" In ! ih of Mark liop k|n* Mr. JMlnmr, ii v. .1 ? .snid-. han boon for lii" i?axl ? ? I v. Ii t : 1 . -ntus ? n ;;a in tricing Iiu- family trto ih ron?;h 1 1 v? ? m-ration.u *lric? Mai:; and Mokcm Hopkins I* rr t h? ir l)ii> iditim ('utility li'?r? pri .r io the Civil War anil w. ni having In t !i !? utafc ?;\ br<!h?rs Jl'.ll : 1 .1 1 ? : lYit<?.i?M r< 'i'llnu in f'on?'ord ?viio nr-' -?id In Im- ln ii.i ar?- Mrs. 1'. r. Ifopkian 2 mI ilnu^iitori Mi.'H M:nv;u' 1 Hopkim< ami Mr.1 H 11 ford (iofHimaii; Mr?; Ml lit smith; Ja?n Hopkins; ?). Win }|r j?kl'is; Mr." II J MH'I lliu.d: Mark Hopklnn; Wall??r I/" Ho;> kin*; Mm. Eva I. William. ?, Mr?. C. Condniaii; William J. It. Hall fiy. Mr? Hiram I'. Caton. Anoth i'l" heir Is Kaid !'? h?- Mi . Noah l.;imhf>r't of KannapollM. -Ml Of thf'flP HI|p|ir,K:'(| hfirs?. nr cording lo Mr. I'almrr. nr*' grand children of tho hrotlnrw and f-Ik torn of Mark and Mom-* Hopkins, with two exception*. Tin v\ caption* arc Mis. f\ < II pki'i who wan 1I10 wlf?- of (.'olumhu llopkinn, fh" won of Hamu?l II ? kltiH. Saimi' I wi hr >i; r ? Mark Hopklnn. Mrs. f*. floodm: Ih a daughter of Harm v flopki who married a ?Ihi? r of Marl: I!? klnp. According lo Mr. l'r.lm <*r. r rr.lat"' of Mark Hopkinn valued ? approximately I'l.ooo.ooo. taken over by Mnsw Hopkie.-; ? ;!??? the d?'ath of Mark. th>- I'tliT' " ai m. i( fcrafl Kill 1! d|d r : I " of I !.?? brother* ami ?!?*? *? *? North Carolina. Wh< n M Hop k I hfj died, hi* wid'iw. 1 1 flftld to be livlliK III N<<' \ rrc< Ivrd tin- hulk of tin- forl'm- . It wan stated. The holr? of th i : and riHterM living in %<?' < ' Una, numb' iin^ cv. 1 1' It v. im aKH? rt< d. did not '.ny <?f the cRt;it<- of Mi ik II", wn n ho dlvd. Mant lloidtfn 1" ported, mad" a fortiin 1 ? 'Id mining himla r-*:* and 1 ? ' ac of the roi:n<i<Tn or th * im clflc nnllrond. If' dl f "< V H . AMEKICAN IIE Vl> AT VLADIVOSTOK Wafhlnatnn. .*an ''h*rle? W?lto. Irndrr ?if 11 M'rlran Kroup taken fn-in \v ' H 1*1 ?ih1 t.v f Soviet tmn v I' d'urt ?t VlhillTOpI all. 'nl- Du Mnm?ni *m l?fhi 'Inr Mini III nnuM i i^uoufco ,Mk. \DVKYITKt-: KNOS Hill !'i ?H 1 >\IOl"l II ^Ol I IIS I >?? ;..tll'i?* Willi Stldl'lt C'.ir \l I 4 1 1 at ? l> I ri'iiliil' tl \\||?I| kluliiM)' ;.'i?l Tu: ?? H\ .'t' \ Imtli lu - iodine rr<uu i f ? sink. of Ford ? ;?? .1 i i'.-v. l?. i: ? .i at d mi . i^ruw i> in ' | .If, !'? " 1' tl I ' ml U ll"" ?!?!? . . j ? ??? IV t >? Ml : ||: HI l'i?rts? . u,i J. v.ii* ii n s;f ' i ii ?,:,r c!i ivi t. . . ? . f i! :i ii*! ... i, i ? ???> ?' ?? iv !?;? d \. ii o. I ?:? ? \ iu.< |ti-| I. yi?xtl \ 111' !\ i' i- " ? M'l Tii?- ; m i lu* ? :ir. v.ii.i ;? | (II ? M >? I I I- In 1 i'l 1 \ 1 ars ,!\ III ii r ?; - \V *1 Ii in . i. f .? * ? 1 1 . i . i ? ? ? arl.N anil piat'd ti-;:* ili y v imm 1 *??i I = 111 rtllt 'I Th?* voir:;* :v ? u -re driving toward t ? ii nl mil I 30 TImhm dt'V h f I - ? I They |>;i^s?,i| N. Y. Mahlvud i n i'i.- !? f I hr. ltd ?ld?* And i-ii'i'i-il *d in pana a irri*!: r i;nlnc inward town, Ju.it at i " mono-nt ? J" pa:*idii? tit"' ! I'tirlt ili* y mi I ;M?'i?h? l' drlVi'll by N. 1*. I'nroun, riiv Kmitc Thi.'e. c?>i.ii:ii; fmm town and rut ?iUlckly (<? th?* !? It and ban !y mi- ?? ii a collision. Wl.> u I lie drfiis' made MiodM'r slinrii turn lo U"t bj'ck l? ili- bricl; bin car Kkhhh d and turned -completely. ii|tH:d>' down, landhtu' In tin*' ll? Id of \V. I.. OwrtiH. Jit- 1 li.'vond -1 hi lar o ! . :? -I ! i. s > t!ii? hom? of MIIoh I.?'V"ry I)nvl<. N. T-.- lialntead. proprietor of iii** !-*t.i:;iJ:ird I'lutrniucy, r*:<ched s i?i**?iii* i f tl:.? nccid<-nt aiid ns m I ' f *'<l iln l>o>n l.n I'l tiini: from i;:i.J. r t ? car. Th< &i9"dine tiink l?-a!.inr: and the l? .ys were P'Vltv w?ll dr-nrMid a?d tin* i;?'fi?i ? dine in their i y? a proved painful i for ;? wliil.*. Mr. 1 1.il:.t? ad brought t hi*1 way ward $??".' tli* to llll h??1l1i\ -JlflV'' ii*. n a hath, mid provided them iviili 8?-ni ' cUsiu clothes, The linys wi-rc then turned over in Officer Ahderr-on of the local indict* f - ?!''??* w ho lir.d r?c? lv? d hi rd from Portsmouth that* a cat had h? on :ntoh'ii from that city. Tli'' hoys idckfil out- a car width ai?jio:t r-*?I to Im; just old ? ?t"?in:li lo !?.? in f*??nd i-'iinlnn con dition. h had a I'mi nioiiih and a Vli c I n la IScriiHi' on It. K\<-ry Hpokcln tin' h-ft front wlin ! was, I'voki ii out, the fi-iidi-rs woi'H |i**? t tv hndly hont and i front uind Hhh'ltl vi? hr'okcn ill KtiiaH (dt-ci s. Tin- hnya an- now at tli*? Cfli'o II nr. li 'tid i n Mnithcwn tdr* ? t a wait I ni: flic arrival of an olTlci ' from rortHinoiith. 1'inni ?'iii?rln^ the room whfi-< fh'- l? V8 li|i?-ii' Ho nlMht Tin* Ad vanc roporti-v fonnl th?*ni .ijtjiar ? ?nt!v unworrh-d ov? i- 'th.- incidon/. "I ran I ii the ditch to !?'??<? i ? from run? ; j ; over llie ear coming from town." yoiiiiu l?-ynol<lH told the r?|?ini?r. \\"i ? ar? fivlin: ;? 1 1 rli?ht ii"*1 I Jtr. l lirive a Utile hump rut my head." William* nlioivi-d a hruire and rut . 'roiltld 111.* k'? "We j ii h< held ii^.hl to inch i.tlii-r lli?- car rolled over, he (.aid. "My eyes Future Of Road Program Depends On Legislature Cou~?rt;."tio!i Mibt Slop Willi i ioiin: y-S.it in County* SimiI ."\\-trui |*"u i* from I *mi (?!< ii? I ii!?v? Vlditional |-*tmd> ar?' Provided l>\ tln? (it'iicral Asnomlily At Conference Colonel Jamo? A. Idroii. olwrrver for I he pa rat Ion <'ominlK'ion. will "?Jl In" on the Aruiure ministers' couKrcrjce la l'lirln. W.IKK l oici:sr M.I MM WANT \ n:\i i:\ni m. ? jj.mm \tio\ \Vi|l(?' K..r?*nl, Jan. 0. Ti iislfcn j :in<i faculty, u?i busy now him! provlil.- mncltlm ry in lair.-- fnudr from frioj.ili and nltmnii ihaf *? may <i(li i|iint? ly r. P Urut ? a luin ?l r? ?l years or Plutory at Wak-i Kon jl. This Ik tho SHiim* ?>f n-xo luiloiis adopt* d liv rli ? \V. l'ur ! ? rt alumni iiK'-m j.jjion i.f Uicli in??ml and D.ivhhrn count Ph. *pii?' I lit !?! lat colPge U 111 ho 1 11(1 y.-ar:; old hi PUM. \V. want t?? c? P - brut'* thin date r. v rmu]-l> Utiij a, plant ami pn>vidlir: equipment for l.ooo ? i tiii'iitc. ttaPI plans; lauhcliPil last year - w??iv Piirninv i ho KUMollno. when til*' driit-:Pf r:ino- i<? its hut In- jravo m?> M>iiM*t liliif: to wip?> llo-iii out Willi and ilnyar.- all lij-ht now Tlio Portsmouth youth* hi PI they ha<l n?v? r P.-.-ii t<? ?:iizah? fP < irv h?foio t priu k 1 1 William ;nl mltt< il that In Pad ??? -n in Hi" Stato. Aakeil If tPi v Pad < u r stolen a oar Im f> ye P< . ii l>oyH r? ]*l i?>d In tho' negative. Stock Ticker Has Fallen Down On Its Regular Job I'nulilo In Krrp l'|> \* !??. \ :i!-l Volutin- iif Ti'tuliil? i?n Mill-lift ill Itcron! Mimlll* mill I' illiilii'iill I)i ? Iricl Wauls S inn lliinn Dime AImiiiI ll HfeBWloftt. ""V?. ^ y Tl- Aftvinr*! It* t II ' lil.KH \ U'OI.I ' ?'| f York. Jon. ft. Th? stock I i?- k ? . tlio iriKtruiii' mi wi?lrh It'll ' tip' a >rld ,whnt lh?- hull# a tail Im ;" ill Wall Kfr < i n r?- dofm , Mi* fait, 'i clown mi it/ jolt, and I'm* f( na !al dlatrift wan!. : ??iiinl hlnn d? ? ab' lit If Ciifflrlunai'lv for thl* aliuorii ? niian innrlilrir. f ??<!? i f ftoo w.T- !. It < >n 'untlv f'?r flv< >ur- ii flay, imd ? ' i * ? ta it jirrttv ? 'iiw strain to ondi-rno. f?s|r*f|.il ly win n thi' rmrk ' Is botllnv., a (MTU l.i i lou-iiii' (I ihllr Im rtitdiln in lfi'ii:?y and f M. and ? v?4iyt?ofl> I* talking about thrco mil Hon kIui r? ilayHi VV?1I film t coin minion brokers li.n. !?' en <'"l*Al*l:r i I inK allOU' Hi ?1"1 1 in it a relit: sal'" Liiat Ka ,d??y. f rr In*' i c\ under tb? in <? i f 'radio. Ilrkor'n r" fin; ; s w i." r<y?ii|. ?^!y ivhoti.-t fd Trading ? *t' ? k ? x el- ?: " ii I- d a' noon, but thi ll 1 i d I'll! i f.nf' rrcofdin* lli#> ' ? 12 i .If after th< In 5' On f 3 ' 1 1 ' I itint. Tl.fri bv r? n ' . 1 ? ? ??'!. fi i. ? i-i i fie l>:. i ?!?'.*? ! ' 1 III- i .ft two in ililhw or in w Im a ? I. t.'ki-r wan any w i fr > 'mint:! ?* In ? ? I < /'I ? uctTt I > ? ? of c i a rn?\ to r ? trail r v. bo ?! e- . kin v '?> I' !??? Iv ,'hS- f t < ' r ll > l|T?? |ll|i in : u t ? t h i iilIi hi* broker. \ ? .Irfy ' ? _t" d.-quKt -a :?? :? i. - ? rl ? r ? ur ? of ' v ti) Stau I ? * '"ii'. bourn 1 a t and that I- had fu ?. ? ? ??adliiK broki r? hnv? > ? . \{, u;> .?li ill fir>r% autborUh* and man- Jthr.H lift v?* i en f f I i 1 -I -tv f the i*'-rvlf 'IN' Id' - ? ? yatf in of * etitpllffcr* ??? i is p.rr tint of every tnuf fr i ? U f-xcbati^o to rtintoiM > room , is been virtually l.iuph'd ||"W. v 'i v.ar.Lj to 6?-*l.'#nn" it ? >n a maik?( In; .l:am m rh < tu?* for worry if * win t-r ?!>iy **t a ?a?b4 factory i?rb liU ntocU Hilt Itnati^ h'" Plat of npliui wh* ,i b<: itands ovr f. tlclteTi -?#' half hour behind the, tr T ? ? AtUn t tiuirlc f. wl ?-ii ]?rlc??H ;ir?- hihihllnr and wnndcri* what h?' will ivcHvi for big of Th? M?:<k < XclinilKc I Hi K n vi '-ut *!? ;i I i f money aimI lias tarccn m<-?t jm I n?< ? #? .nake fh? Htock tick it nynt<wii the ni'Mf ? ebmllfU and ni'iir< : i to pcrfcr tlon in th<* world, bill II evidently 1 lias not son** far **iioukIi. That i ?? ?t l" Huy flint II In not cognizant i?f IIm tinuioial condition*. II I:* and II wtmir, to r? ?i?? dy tap pIIiih ilon, hut cvcrylhlns cannot be rton? ? v? rriiL-ht. M?an While Ho ? lfrror ??? Wall utrcot upeciilnlloii j'lur.i i lli? rinrklni.' point. i r.i?>K vi io\ i.\i;?.hst in tiik statu | '!'!?? all-ndii'tn- at th< Mcn'.< Chri-tii'r I <1. raf l'?" :il the I 1OM1 Int prnyrr ni * 1 1n ?- !>?? r ?? wan t Iff r !?? had k< in l?i imv city In Mm- S fit J U'i I'. H. f'rafupr uild l-Mdav u-ornlnj; *vh? ? !<!?<??* Il?K b< ' i!> 1'* MH'li. "It I'! ti? n?i un'-'iii-il thlnr." u 1 1 1 ' ?? Ci.imiw i Mnld. "for mi- to h?- |.i ni ? ? frd?Tillon |?r?v. r mi' flu I wlah lo fay ilc.f ill" mI'mii' ?!.' In r? 1 1 1 1 :? mor?'l*?u f ?? lar;*? r tl: ' I httv?? ?*l *' rVcd in HiiV rifv It Ht;'tn." In lil-. r ? rka l?? thi' of Mm f- - 'Ion Judi-'i- ("tan: ? n:'i-d r< ; Of III** ISIbl^ iti thr liofHis n'nd 'm roily f?r$'ycr*. IM n hf-r? ri mciiiVr I b ?' \ win ' 'iiolr intMlirr or father k Hi .d Hook daily find '1 ni 'roni .? . Vou would ni ? ?unit f'.iii to bo blotted out ?if i f'i' norjr. I)n y on ?oi ?. a it ? ?. 'i.'1 children to r.ivc tbcni ouch mi ft*m< in i\ >i' <? cii, ? n youl" < s:rti5BfVM ni ;r iuiu.Ku ?ttlg#rt. J?in. !>. The Ik at .linfc ftov. I in Ct rfJtiiv In rv ??y*>?r:< Is 'Aw* I M?n.;oUcn. by* I :i-''io4 Vohh. Already GOP.QOOj ',ie$ZFV,! I mud ? . i 'i-vo hluN k .( ?!? < - toad prolan L ml- tilt Hum acH-m tn thfi Let is la'. ? t. 1 v ih- General Linhl> duriu-, t' present MH four am auo. ?5.000.000 wa? Jl. available for mad building Id 1 !i th*' (i<'i)eral AsseinMD| 1 added fifteen millions to this s? mount and, with the I'i'dertI *kt and .i iii?>ii it ? ' paid in by counttMB :t | | ? : ? ? \ i tn;t t ? l> * U.OOO.OOO hag | I . ti Hp- -tit on North Carolina's, toads during the past four y?rt. A fysti tu of connecting conn! 1 seats and h.irdsurfaclng main ajr I i? tit's in truv-l bus been put ittr; tn operation under Commissioner I' rank 1'ugo arid Hiphway EngK > m<mt riiarleB M. Cphara but tJM I entire system is far from COfl^ pletr. ' The State Highway Commission I hiiwi viT baa announced that ft will not request or recommend an , additional bond Isbuc for road purposes and further that It vW l not make any recommendations of any kind to the Legislature. This l:? carried out in the biennial re I port "f the Commission which Is | siiu'ily an account of the road* which have been built, the mOM^ wh ? b >?.i: been spent In each county a'id a resume of the laws' i under which the body has operat-' 'ill. Nothing is requested; noth i| lug Is recommended. L-cal officialdom noes in thla attitude of the Highway Commls I >lmi an intention to let the record Hp. ak fur itself. If the State pro gram of road building as carried ; out under the Page administra tion Ih approved, then the belfgfj a hunt the capltol Is that addition al funds will be forthcoming. ?.j The Commission Fins announced th.it it will be ready to fundW ' cr.mpl. t ?? information to any and i nil )? ulslalors upon request and that i ban ready Information con r. niiii-; the future road-building prog n; in t ? give to those who wish ; t-i make us. of it in framing !?g ' iidatlon. \ general belief exists at the t'apltol that a bill will be intro duce! early in the session to pro v id ? ? a bond Issue; for road-bulld Ing. Tli. amount has been men tioned an ranging from $20,000, i?0n i.i $35,000,000. Unless thla no>n v Is forthcoming the road building program will be halted ? - i?t. for what can be accoofc' p'i. ' cd by the use of funds turned ovi-r to the Commission by the Au 10 I.icense Department, and such amounts as at" paid into the state road funds by the counties. A ma jor portion of this however, will b?- to cossary for the maintenance of the present system of roAds. During the fiscnl year ended June :t0. 1 f?12 1 , the (Commission r'ceived from tin- Auto License Department approximately eight million dollars During the first six months of Hie present fiscal var the t'onioiissluti has? received 1 from this source approximately i\ millions. Indicating a total coli b-ction lii ibis direction of more ? |. i, i-.tuion- hv the end of i i . i ! v . Tin greatest eol~ lections usually come In the first Hir> e jiiontlin of th^ fiscal year. Numerous numb' rs of both the House and Si Mi'ie have Indicated r ?: sit tliev are in favor of, contin uing the road building program. r OH LACK or A HOPE MlICII JOV BEING LOST "There are several very large I I en with many grest, strong 1 1 hi oh imi i i m i: invitingly parallel v. iili Hie ground and. not so very high up, and there are several children at the home; but there i.i no rope to make swings." The foregoing information i ichrd this newspaper today from an authoritative source and conjur* at once a picture of hap py children enjoying the healthful . ,? reise of swinging out In the op i n under widesprmdlng trees. Nceordlnglv. any one who Is In terested In giving these boys and iris at the Children's Home some thful fun and wholesome ex ercise, may contribute the tops or make contribution toward buying H inne ni* some stout boards v.lth which to make whirligig* a ? saws, and so on. ? Contributions should be sent te the Welfare officer. Mrs. Anna I wis, <?r to Rev. fl, V. Hill, chair man if the Children's Home bmrd. i !IV OET INDEKWOOD HILL IN CONFERENCE Washington. Jan. 9. ? Having ; rcipt'd the ruder wood private t p. r i ' lot! I 'M nr. a substltufS I6r I he rrli? Government operation plan, I he i?*te drove forwsrd day In a final effort to get the j Ion* pending question of the dis position of M uncle Shoals into '-.ii.f'i ti cc wlih the House. The Underwood measure was .pproved over the Norrls plan by i vote cf 4* to 87; but. wlUl ssv r;il s.ihstltutes for the Under* wood .oil now p- ndlnr.. lesders-on both sid. s of the Clllkkw hsd ?ni< d utbf thst the l^dsrwood plan would constitute the final e*- | peesslon of the Senate on the^sob*? m '

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