Morrison Administration Been One of Achievement State Ha? Gone Forward in Koud Building and in Edu cation Under New Syntem'of Taxation While Gover ernor's Firm Hand Almost I'ut Lynching Out - ^ y 11 majority of more than 80.000. ,hla ^ *?t majority ever polled by a Mtt?r,0r'*' candidul1'. ?P ?o that lJo"w=fltT,t'0n? 0f November. 1920. was tho first In which wo Ho" "a,riVh'l"'t,!tl ln ?Nor"' .. , A,Ubough there was son... ?peculation as to what would l>. ?"?* of the entrance or women Into an active partici pation ln public affairs through the exercise of the ballot, there were no startling results. About Ule same political line-ups r. - tojstl't. Sjr? majorities tor State officers, however were substantially Increased .,J5O!iern0r Morrison was inaut fif? n i?f k anu,ry 1S21. In jff' auditorium. He ar morniin CaI>IUI cl,y early that S3SE, ?" a """'al IWin from Charlotte, where he resided when nominated and elected. He wa* J?" . "?d reared, however in Rlcll'"ond County On board the special train I hat brought him to Raleigh were se>! 2J? odr,d '"tbuslaatlc Char uLVo?''^,lndU,,,lnS r'pres n. . various civic organlza - ? J'7y7'' ministers, "hy" ?Us t 0,0,8 Personal friends and relatives of the now executive Won??mto'"h ,Tl"?P"' band ? !)Sinfn.u0gUhAl,P,o^rD'8h "" aiiV Mewin?o 0fffcUl?Ugsdm.0?',rn0r Morrlson'i ouiciai administration b?iian U ?s ?e?,,?"k?,,h' ou,h Of off"! ? was not until January 20 thai he appeared before the General A?mbly With hi. first reguiai He outlined his general address! ln 1,18 '"augural One of the flrst things cinve, r hor Morrison did w.. t0 Urge th( I ?????"?? road law 2?teUnd t??r lh" '"d a|r,adJ vlrif. to a marked degree aftto* organization, had been lookl"K toward the work. If* ??t of plans whereby th* en SJS?^ar? ?vroo'",^;Sr"oT,5noU: Sn clllfnl to?*; 'h* ?'* rifit 'ZIZ' Pr'tX ..TrL'T',-! T,"" *00,000 Lid! urtae'' ,r'? Worrliion won ki ?U8' Governor hlrtw.y ,e,l.n,.th,L"?tht??^1 "" i q.?i!ion ?,' ^lorrTson hu? ""vernor ?arr 29 i ?????? of j,?. re4l est a to ??!< CUjr u?>on *or State purposn 8om "I0"" l* ?n ?d valorem tax , d JJ??. In accordance with hi. rZ CIWmend.Ho. ,? the Oenrral vT ih'? n? ne* "tale <>f ?f I??i Oo"rnor. in ih. ,pr|? " Buurtir" 'isL A d wK" >''l>r?.rx lll Th[',n""d ln Hftrmwi /? t.1 The Oorernor fe-o?.^r^u^ with liiii i a^? one contest and S a Primary of U ,h* *en?TJ*tIll?,d " majority ?unte with Ual* S? 1fcComm',n "Wtlcera. ot 0,hBr State jfc .. catn?ron Morrlaon be ^d,onh*j hein ?''v..r:rt,?r;d ? on public education. . This scholastic year it will tpend, according to an estimate by State Superinten dent A. T. All- n. ?:{*;.0IM?,000. an increase (if approximately 200 per cent. Millions have ken appro priated to the State's Institutions for higher learning, including the fniversltv at Chap. 1 Hill; the Stale College of Agriculture and Kngineerin;:, at West Kalel?h; the North Carolina State College for Women, nt Greensboro. and the Teach? r.s' College, at Greerf Ville. These appropi iations were not only for maintenance but for permanent improvements, an well. During th" past four years the ca pacity of the College for Women ut Creensboro has been trebled. Improvements ul the other insti tution.'- named have been propor tionate. The value - ? IXCOMK TAX IX M T-MIIKL1, WHO? Singh' persons who had net income Miss Narclssa Sawyer died ud denly of a heart attack al?out 10:50 o'clock Sunday night n? her home, 300 Ehrlnghaus street .?1Ihh Sawyer was at the horn- of her brother, K. L. Sawyer, wntlf ft : 4 f? p. m. and seemed In hi t us ual health. She had never had an attack of this kind before and had had no doctor's treatment or med icine for 45 years. Durln the Inst year, however, she had com plained once In a while of *' ->rt ness of breath. Sunday M soon after retiring she seemed un able to breathe freely and getting lip went down stairs. Death < ime about ten minutes lat? r. Miss Sawyer was f?5 years old and had lived all her life lie:" In Bllsabeth City. Surviving li ? are her brothers. E. L. Sawyer and Moyd Sawyer; two sisters. Mrs. Mary Wright of this city and Mrs. L. F. Ziegler of Edenton: her step-mother. Mrs. Jerry Sawyer, of this city; and several 'ces and nephews. The funeral Hill be conducted from the home ? ? 10 Tuesday afternoon by Dr. II. Templeman. Interment will be made In Hollywood. I'M'M.Mvcii mnrn> Washington. Jan. IS < '? oils sloner Plummer, vice chain n of the Shipping Hoard, at. In <>wa request, today testified bef. the Houso committee tare* Hot board. He testified regard* the acflvltlea of the orfiiliat! ? O - '? . . U1:J, Negro KiDed In Cafe Fight C.litrrticr Him! I)??atl anil lli'tlflriKcli Snnu?!wii<-ii, also col ored, is stiff* riu-; from severe knife wounds iii lil i client arid head a? the result of a pistol and Vnlfe dual en Saturday nh'.ht 'at Sears' cafe on the corn* r ?>f tiiven and Shi pard ttlrffin. Snowden alio! Hunt ;?ft' at tin h. el la Ih uuch*. John Siriwden. in Sa l? in township. aicjiji' 9li ????*? jti;.r ters nf a mill- from Sab-m Church. Siuiwdi n w. nt l?? ilnifoid Satur day nluht after tin* hliooiln^ and then nought n-fiiKe Sunday at tin homo cf his uncle in Sah in town ship. Sheriff Caruiln-- r? ci-ived word of th<* net;ro s w iii.'ii :i!>mit'i Mon day in >i i.l it ^ and mud' tin- i., . t &b??'.it 10 o'clock. Snfrwi'i-n k? not Ir. a fieri. iuh condition. ia 1 1. ? ? opin Ion of Sheriff t armim-. wli i sa? that hi* shirt collar wa- cut with the k t. i f ? ? and one wound on his head hl.>d ii;:ht much ba? would net ftfH' Unt to .?! ythirs. ? r? )ux. It seems thai both lie ;roes v. > re under tin- infill* nee c f Ihitior and In canto Involved in an argument over a woman. Clare?e?* Hunt proceeded to a knife f . ? 1 >? on llend'THon Suowdeii. S-wnvd'-n I* ft the cafe and ^,'>i a pi.-lol and upon walking back In the reMtau rant Hunt bexan to make free into of his knife aualii and ii. was lio n, acc irdiiiK to ? y??" witiiemo-M, that Snuwden pulled out his mui and allot Hunt in the forehead, the bull* t ur>lnu thorn h hi* head with a alight alant downward. The nrKio died witii a few mlnut* h. I 'olio; Anderson anil Dr. Zona* l-'ear in k ar/ivid Just a (< w s? condM befei'?- the m-uro died. Of ficer And* raon found tie- hull<-i lu the wall of the Cafe it lodged aft?r p.nednv; through the negro's head. lfunt hail a hail n putalion and wait fear d by no i!ili> :.? of life own r..c -. He cann loie from 1 'la 1 1 adelphla about two v.? l;s a?o, itfjer having been nw.iy from Kllsabeth City for 12 years. Hunt Ih Raid to have In a ltd thai h? killed a man lu I'hlhidelnhht, and then liud< h Ih e*eap?' firm offi cers. l?ocal officer* hail ?om< trouble with him before lie left here 12 years ago. Snowden is a hard working ii> gro, police officer* nay, and ha good reputation. Il< Ih about years old, of low statue and rat er .'lender. Hendeiaon Snowden at number 2 Hall street c Hunt was stopping ai tin- h< in ' ! his mother. 400 llrown ;,i ? et. lloth- men are married. MKVK FKDKHATION II I I I) TWO HKH\ 14 IvS ON si SOW I Th? Men'a Chrl*fh?n F? d? ra ' (Ion held two norvlcf .? on Monday afternoon deaplle continual in In the day. A ? f- ur of J tit em hern w. ni to ih?? IJplfc* pal J (lliapcl In Camden County ? ?] jin oIImt group went to Oak ' i rov< Church in I'er'jnim.iri ? unty. The crowd* at both chnrJp w* r* very good con?dd? rim: 1 1??- l?ad condition of rofldn and v. ry h? I f? fni Mi'iloi . .K..i by thour who atlN Mt'sci i: siioai.s Washington. .Inn Serial* leader* tooay hop* ?i d* ?i?o#? of the Munch Shoal* Ioii befor* tomorrow but had chance of ayr-'Mn, It was V -tlljr e*|>err ?4 that the cn?lr? would he eonflu nr U In d'-hali the Jo no* amendment ref< ri the que* tlon to a comrnl. ' WaahinKton. i.n' 12 - The fl? ate will buckle th> 4ay to lb tank of d lnp< >nI i i the il* problem by Tuesday. SKNATK AI'I'ICOYKS II VKLW [\ STONK \VM0hiH}!loii. Jan. 1J. Tf>?' Juillriiijy ?? iol.iy . ?] tin- lttini inaa t i?*n .'I Hai hin 1". Stom* lo bi? Su .hi JustUv. \i:v. n vi'K ski- I'oit KDKN I ON KMUtt:C( K Will In* llrul mi TiicncIju, .latiu ill ) 1 !?*>! .Mil ??l Ihui? ?i.i% ti?u \\?:? Tin- ll-i i.t sa t hi.uMii' liritl;*** hart??ru*. i I for ill. I I l.-iHivl :'l ? T't ? ? ! ? T i . ' llV I ll.' ? I i : a ? - * ! In-iil- *? Iinic-i t In* ISiv. .Mil > i r I'M --?1 January ?'*. instead ?>f Thursday ? ii tliis as \\a lirst planned. Inability v?ir>. arciirdiut; l ?? information r.r?ivi?! li i.- .Nt un ci a v. 1 * i .? eutor. who alleged thai tlioy .nc c olid the briii" from rncl \V. I' hnul>? r f'*rv.*r. for iinr den. ft n v? rnor Davis appeared l'c*i*!-r'Hi:liy in court in answer to ill-1 W." ITI? !'1 "i ? I nr?'->l v " : * 1 in ? si in of $1,000. 1 1 > ;i r i ii k will .. i v?'!i I ho governor and hid son ? ... Jan laiy m.:. I'KOI.itWl ADUI'IKI) ItY !IU;il\VAV lt< tl?t* road nioKram 4inmi?iio? in i? U|?OU9" tO tho 1 1 1 V i t : ' t ioti of Rl'p r? - i iilnllvr J. Kcnyon Wilson. in tfjtnnHnrhm a hill for hi additional 'ju;iit4. ? From N \v Woeksviile to M i! in Church I uiih-x. From \V? eknvlllo J'^ad nn Es 1 1 ;? l.'vad to Union ('lunch " mil* ? From '?Vwland M thodh'l ("hurrli via J. K. Urllo and I'r-'d I trot In m, known aw "llh r Koiid" 2 miles. Totrl number tnlloH IX. States Denied Right Regulate Bus Traffic Supreme lioiirl Domi Deriding \^ain*l State in (!:ws < (lining I j> from Two States to \\ It i?-li Other St-Mrs Tlirsiisrlves Party Heroine Mm (?U:?iy? Htantcn. u iKwiii^d h:ii? on?- of rh - hcrolm* In ihe rtr? t!ie l.iiff Muhiiwk She was one of lh?- Lirt tc kavp lhi? iHimln; fchlp I !or hon.c u in Now Yuri City Two hundicl an i..,. lit* n f. ' ? 3i. 1.4, i ? :l . . Willi." tlloy th?* k. \<;HKKMKM' liKACIIKI) ?SAYS W ASIIINC'I'tr Washington, J;.n. 12.? -Tin f>l a I I >?*!?!( 1 1 111 f ll f . 'Hire; :r ? ?l t ? ? day that tho Was' i' - l >n l}ov? in m?-li t I ail Hoc.-plnl ih?* t?-itfatlv> agroeiiM-nt r? arh?-il at I'arls b? ? twoon tin- Annrlrnn t? pros' lit.; llvi'H and the nllb-d II ruin re itiln lsl*?l*fl. WACiK ( I T IVSIItKS MIM.S w in. iai'.wi) or Kit VI l\ I Huston, Jan. 12, (Sp rial i Tin* iiooi piatico of lilt- 10 |?t vi nl van-- out. f flocllii' Mont! ?> . by tin* Fall lti.v? r it xiitv woiS.m, nut only i' innv? ?. inipi<>d!al<' d?n nrr ??f it stiik'' loif nraMlonlly nsi sim-a (hat nillh' will ? \pand 0|? *? rations. N K\V K\fil. %\|? \\ XfJK i i TH \\ KICK Ntrr t \K.\ I'KI ' I i:n llbkt'in, Jan. 12. ThnarUon ol Hi*- ik w I !? ft ff >r?l mills In ni;'>iiiic liu; a 10 pi r^oiil Vidh- cat offor tivi Jnnfiary Ifi wim not tfn??xp*'Ci ?'<1 In vlfiv of th" prt-vlo'UH uiovi ut Tall lllv< r. About la.'i'hi < . craUvt ii will It.- aff'-'-l'-rl. 'l lo1 Warn n MniHifiof nrlng Coinpar. ami olhi r UIomIo I v In lid mills hiiV" don?- llk'-wi: j'luJ tho rf "hnuiwn tfipilKht L> I' III ,?r.r 1 .1 r- 1 i* ' ?1 for tin 1 Auk i ? Wilt -ti' V'l.'Oti, who wiil l>" InmiKim'i'd \v riiiinday. tiink? h In formal r' ?dy f?r I n't? iidticlldn Friday. Tli?? nu.U. t ( .'.itnlRiilon ni? ? t? ti marrow to rc-lrc th? hi> nnhil ? *vi i, : I id in hi ihi- ho.ii'1 ?tf m 1 1 1 ilu and to roiiiptHc Hit wrk It l< ii!?i!?*r?i?ooi tiiHt tin salt 8 lux proponal haa b*r?n abnn Uo:i? rl. 1 1 'i ?? i;nd r-Vnulo nv-ct Its join! morrow lo cu'muxA t Ii ? i'.t i Ft Nov. tii hi t < I ? tl ' ?? fill ? h' t >r? i h . i ? r ' h '* vu c for Joh>. ;>v. 1 ? v'm I 'IIT Ml ?| i Comrnitu . in . : i. n lliv l.ljd U t'Ttp'Ctill (O I 1 1 lim j iii< v: corirr Joh# CabarruM, colored, for *aiili on Jea?1?- Howard, colon d. paid a flno of 9G and coala In po* iic? courl Monday. J |oiu;y of i.ootim: iki i.ows bvmi.k i <0y Tfc- A i*. m?rd I' Sliniii'tinl. Jan. 12 An ort?v of lootliiM liv poMI.-i I ? ;il;i v fi-lltiv ?l %v>.! r r \h roup by v, J? Ir-lt Clil I!ii!?'h Vimih. ?l niiillni u? \ #-ni'?r 'if KltU.Mi provlrri ? r? (lain* >( conlr.'.l of Shanghai. Troop* on both pa ri Icipit ii J. in ti fiiri k wild throughout Nan tiio. ifoir t?;? * I rlty. Nntlv* int b i . as ? :: |it f|i ? i| r ? . I* Oil V 1 and H ^ nil. I'm i Fur "'Utlylnt; v H ! . w? > loot I l gr?hir< of d? . I < t ? < OTION MAItMl' New York, J.m. I J s i ? > i rot inn '-i'-nfld Nt'.idy; middling 21. ?U. '? ndrann- if 20 po!nt.? rm i >?' follows: Jammv ? , I, Ynch .? 06, Mav 24 .fh. July <>? tob?r tt.OR. Now York. Jan. 12. Ooit??n fiiturt* opan*d today at (m fol ding tevHb: Jan. 2? 60. March 2 I. IB. May 34.17, July il.SK. Oc , tobv ?l.85. JfiL . i d in public traffic! (????. -"<3 Mlttiniltv of nt:itea to motor v i| ui'st ions presented,; hut both challenged state control o\-r motor transportation which t'\i<'iioriv< d of regulatory pow ? r i.v.t such transportation con i rub d that it constituted inter i ii" commerce. and waa solely whhi i the Jurisdiction of the Fed ? ::?! ?; 'V?tnni. nt. The states re ??? ill ri in the nbHenee of lei ? i l ?' ii views regulating such ? i "if i<*, tit. states rou Id enforce ? '?? ii'ou ii i. illations even though ' t H ? iiaftir did croM their . bind. t'H in.o in! j : iitt k ti |4 states. 111.- Miriiluau ram* involved In ailul* ion to ill.- direct ipn-Htion of ? 1 tali- rinnftli-rce lliat section ? lis t< ui'iiiiioiiK which requlree ail ? .lgugi I in auto traffic for ' " ' ny insurance for the ? nd ? ' WiibliinilnM ' ' "Ul i "I WHS luadu. Imp- rati, i said those at :h'' Mai?- i illation*, by ' ? ' li; .it I !??? controversy arose i i ii ,.r (in., pacific High* w.i- . a l-"? d?-ral aided road. ?I . '???#;. truck a and motor' btisr-H Im constantly incresslng. rin- mud iplieatlcn upon tj,s hlgM waya of heavy, high-power^ re-4 hirl. s. operated nt high apeetfJ product a, the Mat"* contrnded, new condltlniiM of danger. The in linai.i ii He of the highways by such ha/TIr la de>it rucllve to the. Iiii iiways, II Waa added, making It te ?" usury t > control the trafTIa so " . i ' | PTnilt the maximum use of ili liluhwaya. preserve them from i >' ?' riicllOM hv excessive use by i I -.ivy truck ? and bus? t ;? 1 1 rriuiilerce. This ae^j r t ed , waa - rl ? il by a n v Kiil rul aid Which luighi he i xtendrd in tha >n .1 'in- highways. e st a tee I ii it w?n failure of Con-*] ( ' " l ip rvision of sttmL traffic had h,*