State's Four Horsemen Are Invited Speak At Edenton And Blankt i Invilalio!i E^.lnidnl VI! Mt'i?t!)?kr* of C??*n* cral Asm'iiiIiIv to Attend Bi:z BiU'Wonc to Ko^rr Sentiment for (liimiiii IJiver Hridgc Edenton. Jan. 13. ? An Invita tion ha.-# In >11 extended t !*? ? "Pour Horsemen" of North Carolina of ficialdom, namely. Cornell. -ioii'-r of Revenue Itufus A. l)ou^lil?>'!. Secretary of State \\\ N. Kv?t< 1 1 . Tain C. Howie* and Walter Mur phy. to speak at the* Chowan lliv er bridge barbecue now 'Met to \< held at Eelenton on n< \t Tuesday Mr. Doughton arid Mr. Itowi. . H is announced, have already ac cepted the invitation, and it i. ^itoped thai Mr. Dottghton and >!??. I Everett will do likewise. In addition, every nu mb, r of The Legislature has been given ::ii invitation to attend the t.i* ?? ? I ?i by the vigorous and wide-awak" Edenton Chamber of Ciiinniercr.i which just at this tine- I* sabot - dinatlng every other activity to ? its efforts to ?;et an action through this session of tie C< n ? eral Assembly aulhf.rizSng con struction of the proposed bridge. The date of the barbecue was postponed from Thursday of tlite week to Tuesday of next. iH-eau? the four to wheon special invita tions had been wired could not at-! tend on the former date, owing to! the Governor's inauguration and 1 reception on Wednesday, hilt tie y expressed a willingn- ;;s and plea* ure to be here at a later date.. Consequently Tuesday, January ( 20, was selected. The plans now include the bringing of the* legislators who ut tend from ltalelgh in a hpcclal Pullman car, so that the car can be side-trackid in the railroad yards and they will not be dis turbed until a reasonable hour in the morning. when breakfast will be served them at the Hay Vieu Hotel. At 11 o'clock the speaking \v!l! take place In the opera hous-* and at 1 o'clock the big barbecue will be served to approximately s.OOu people in the armory. After the dinner the m- mb. i: of the Legislature will )>? on some steamer to the site of s the bridge, with the bund nioir to entertain during the" two hours h of the trip. Later supper will bo served tin legislators at the Day Vl< w Hotel and after attendance at the show they will bo escorted to their Pullman car, having wound up ;i very full and. It is hoped by the Edenton Chamber of Comne r c- . ? a pleasant day. GUTS JAII. SIOXTKNCK IOK STKAI.l * ex pressed the opinion that ii I'm young man was released I: * h - lleved that the court w<>u2d not have further trouble with him. Before deciding to suspend judgment .Judge Sawyer men tioned the fact that the defendant had served a sentence on the road: and hjid once> made his escape from the chain gatiK. "I would bfi glad to give this man nnother chance." Mr. Sawyer said, "but n warning doesn't seem to d?> 1'iin any good." However, the >? hi attorney's plea Anally < prevailed and Sawyer Is at liberty. /NOW GETTING TALENT ^ *(>l< ELKS MINSIKKI.S The talent Is being penned th? Elks Charity Minstrels shown here on the nights of Feb ruary 2 and 3, and this year': shows promise to far eurpa** any ever produced by tho local Elks. The National Producers' Associa tion fif New York have been se cured to st ago the show this year and will have two producers here within the next few days to start on rehearsals. Because of . the fact that the Elks donate the'entiro proceeds to charitable purposes, it l* expected that a groat demand will be made for tickets when they go on sale. At the last two shows staged by the Elks, every ticket In tin house was sold a day before the show. It Is exported that this year will be equally as popular. ANOTHER SEQUEL TO MISSOURI'S SCANDAL Topeka. Jan. 13. ? Kansas to day had another animation Involv 2J ??'!? against a state offi cial for soliciting money for par don.^ State Banking Commission er Carl J. Peterson was accused in an affidavit aworn out by A. L. Oswald, attorney, of having asked $4,000 for the parole of Walter Grundy. cofrtfRM Hutchinson tanker, and of agreetr.g to accept $2,600.00. II is alleged that Gov ernor Johnathan M Davln took Oswald to Peterson. Both Peter ton and Davis deny tne charges, j Seriously I]] DiiitiH fiupfcnhpi'ii) for nuiliy years t lenJoi m ihe Kt-riously ill hoi<,hton mccekos; \t i.omkin W.ishin.rDii, Jan. 1*!.-- AlaiiKon ! It. II- ?!' :ini. ptVKi'Ul ambassador) t.? I ?< ri i f ? , hit.: In ? 11 (l fillll. lv se- j l?y 1'i' Hhli ril C:?olli!uC to ? su<*Cf>'il AiWlm.L^i|(irIIOL' at th?*l court "1 St. J:uu?>b at l.ondon.j t r. huccpi'iIb Ourney 1\ f ififul i-3 x ir.-pn\- iiici't, the lnt t ?? i having r< i-n- d to take tip the v. 1 1. e>r or, ..riizint HmhI Synti'lu b.-.nk* tiir>?i; hout the Stat?\ W. is. Zimmerman. owner of Zimmerman & Company, was waiio d a (itprtnr to HUcr* i d S. II. I'nrsens who. had resiicm-d. U". I. 1 i :? !/ 1 ? ;:d of South Mill* ' ? l*?rt"ii ?iji?Tfor to surcccd W. K. !.? try of old Ira p. . , If.|r ?;ir. I' ' I 'ON d CKHlt i?r : ;id ? aivin If. Tw'.ddy'was re rh cu d assistant cashier. Th?- ' Hankinu Trust ('omi'Miy. with branch banks at I i ? i i ? r?l a;-d Columbia, has had a pr-i'oiia > nr. r??ourcis this vi ;,r ShosrinH oh iDcrMie overt those of a year a?0. MoI.EAN CHOOSES HIS SECRETARY Lumb> rton. Jan. 13. ? Charles H. England of Greens boro will be the private swrc tary of Governor Angus Wilton McLean, it was announced here today. Mr. England was recretary to Governor Kitchin during Mr. Kltchln's term of office and later uas secretary to Claude Kitchin in Congress. > I'ROMPT WORK NII'S A FIRE ON WATERFRONT Otherwise Short Circuit Nor Coaxt Oil Tank Might Have Had Serious llenult Prompt work of the flre depart ment early Tuesday morning ' saved the city from what might have been a disastrous flre. A cross circuit In the wires on the pole about ten feet from the | office of the Coast Oil Company I at the foot of Matthews street set I fire to the telephone pole and to ; a post on the dock from which a , heavy wire ran'to the pole. When the firemen arrived on lb" scene the wires were spitting - big gobs of flre and the Btreet and i sidewalk immediately around the | pole was charged. Chief Flora immediately put in n call to the Electric Light plant for the current to be cut off aud the flre was extinguished. A line-! man was then secured and the! current was back on within 4 6 i minutes after it was turned of T. 1 A hole about a half Inch deep was burned in the telephone pole t and the post on fhe dock was' burnt half In two for a distance J of ten inches. Had it not been fur the extremely wet weather the I entire dock might have been [ ablaze when the flre department j arrived. The alarm was turned in by J Night Police Officer Hasnlght at 4:40 a. m. The officers noticed the dimming of the lights on th"! .streets soon after midnight and thought that there was a short] circuit somewhere but could not; locate it. A large blaze on the Matthews .?* 1 1*? t dock might have brought a. disaster to the city as the Coast I Oil Company tank is something ilk" 4 0 feet from the office of the company. SlIIIMARINE GOES ASHORE IN FOG Chatham. Mass., Jan. 13. ? The] rnited States submarine 8-19 , went ashore in a heavy fog on Nausett Beach between Welifleet I and Eastham today. It Is expect- 1 cd to float at high tide. The sub- 1 marine carries 35 men and com-, tuanded by Lieut. C. F. Martin. Later a message from the sub marine said that her position was dangerotis due to heavy seas j which were breaking over the bridge. Iloston. Jan. 13. ? The Coast Guard cutters Acuahnet and Tam-I pa and the Navy?tugs Mohave and 1 Wandank have sent assistance to' submarine S-19 ashore on Nausett ! Beach. One More Dirt Farmer Gone Wrong In Office I i tiii (if Jonathan M. Davk Elected by Farmer Vote, tin* Been One of Turmoil Without AccompliHhment .mil He Out Under a Heavy Cloud Hi J. ('. JOHNSON in* ??. T K. >!.>??) T' i s-..i. K :i n : ? . Jan. IH. Jona th if M. I >:? ?. i . r the farmer and down In fi. nrhon country, his home coun t>. the fuatlca gathered to crack n line or two about how "Jona than will chow them feller* how to operate the state bouae." H wan to bring In an era of good times and general good will under farmer rule. Inatead. the Davis feign has b*m one of tin atormlest In the history of the Mtair Al the ouiflet he beuan by ft-Min.i the let ir.!:.turc over v. iK 'mlp ?]'/ Republican. He re moved official* who had net corn pi? led the I r terina. but the flu prim* Couit defiled this move. Next eatne u crack at the atate I ndu at rial court, but here again the governor lost. Continually > warrlnK with the legislature ac coin pllshrd alniOkt nothing In his first year In office. 7wo years of hi* doings resulted in de 1 nouncement by the same fsrmer vote that In 1022 had so over whelmingly approved him when the farmers sent Ren 8. Paulen, Itrpublfean and "city feller," to the executive chair It was then that the granting of pardons In wholesale fashion tvnn begun by Governor Davl* : WHh the end of hla term, nearly 1 as many as ten convicts a week were liberated from the peniten tiary. Tha relea*c of a murderer, a convict banker, a highway rob ; ber and other criminals came so | closely on tha heels of one an other that the Kansss City Jour j iiiil I 'oat began Its Inquiry. Junt three weeks after that In \>stlKatlon started, tha paper ar ranged the setting that raaulted In th - ratch of Russell O. Davis, the governor's son, In the act dt ac cepting 91.260 In connection with a pardon from his father to Pred W. I'ollman, convict banker. roTTON MARKET New York. Jan. 13. -Spot cot ton cloaed quiet. Middling 24.31, unchanged. Futures, closing bid, J?n. 22.71. Match 24.00, May 24.30. July S4.ll. Oet. 24.03. RALEIGH PREPARES FOR INAUGURATION Streets Taking oil Gala Aj |H-aranci- awl Ititlir -ciil -n ? ?> Sturm ('.apila! in i ? 'r lirntinn of Conferred oil iVitivr I-'oii LACY'S CONDITION SAID BK SEHIOMS N?'W York. "Jan. 11 Denja* | iiitn I airy. North Carolina's ! Slate Tnt^uior, Is seriously ill vat til** Ivnusylvunla li.'tel li? ?v 'of pulmonary congestion. * Mr. I.hcv cam*' here a wwfc ugo to nijtn soiiit- Stat. highway bonds. Raleigh. Jun. 13.?The 0?ncr*l Assembly had before it today a* Its principal biitinwii lur op? i.ln^ tiie second week of the l'J2u se*> slon a joint Mission at noon fqi the purpose of declaring the offi cial vote of the November elec tion. This action paved tin- way f ?r the inauguration or new Stale of ficials tomorrow. llrief sessions of both lious?? were held prior to the Joint mee^ l?R. The city today is taking ?n ji gala attire for tomorrow's Inaugu ration. the legislative and citizens committee* putting final touches on plans for the decoration of the city's streets. The city id preparing for tin inaugural. Five hundred citizcna from Robeson. Angus Wilton Mc Lean's home county, are e\pecte.d to attend the Inaugural. Three state-wide bills were in troduced at last night's hihhIod. One of these, which would reduce tht* pay of ull legislative employee, wan pa sued by the House and was sent to the Senate. The other two relate to the sale of fire crackers and to dog taxes. The budget commission re sumed session today alter a tw< weeks recePH, with several state liiHtituilons and department head? yet to bo heard from. The bill for the retlr ru nt 01 State Treasurer Hi u Li-.ry is ex pected to be introduced toda> Mr. Lacy In now ill In a New Yor.: hotel, where he went to eign an Issue of State bonds. The House today nam;>d a on adjourned until 11 o'clock today. It is understood that the l>i II drawn up i?>- Attorney ?; n< ii Manning and approved by Cox r nor Morrison, asking th?? r?tl ment of State Treasurer Lacy, will be Introduced today. The bill would continue two-thirds pay t ??r Mr. Lacy and let hltn continm ;i3 nsBlstnnt Treasurer. He is said to be willing to the plan. Lacy I. as been in the Treasurer's capiic ty since MiOl. HOOI> li \ \K VOTKH INCHKASF! i %1'ITAIi STOf li The stockholders of tin ? I! d 8y?tem Industrial Hank at i? ? *r nwtinK Monday evening at 7 50 j voted to increase the capital si ck i of this bank from ISG.Ono to I&4.000. At this meeting the ?1 lowlng directors wcro elected: VV. P. Duff. Hen L. Hanks. M. I.. Clark, J. C. It. KhrliiKhaus. C. W. Oaithpr, (J. I'. Hood, C. 11. M r-, risette. M. CI. Morrisette, K \? ! Sawyer. F.,W. 8e||g. It U Tr? y : r. C. B. Thompson, S. W. Tw ! f d, I and W. H. Weathprly, Jr. APer th<* stockholders meeting tli< II- f rectors clf?ctPd the following '*tl power temporarily. The rot? on the subttHuu *!? 41 to It. Radio Bkihop 'I fit- iJVOI'lllill ??? ?> ? .1 oniony ihurchiiun !?> lh?. radio l)IXKK*l'll8t ill l?l ill- Si-!* ilnli.-* cnueed tht Itev Wurui. I. Itur is dean of Si Hauls Catlu.hai to bo nauu-d bi.-diop cwi^.'utGi ?-i the Episcopal Dl< >cca* . t ohm lh- Ii.m be?n lining the r alio cin'> 8uti?l.ijr (ui (w^.yivu. IM.AN v vkkcvi wvm v <;t; M's: \ (.'.u.i.k<;k Sallahzury, Nov. I I'lan.: arc under way now In lituk* t'arawb.1 Collego Jurat* ?i It* ? a i*;; A co|h;;.? when itn ?>p a.. li'-re n> x! pie:?L??'i. \ l? 1 commit!'-*' Ii v;icj? <1 by ^1 \. R 'us er hat; just be. n apr>l.'it ;',:.d the KUlTdUlidltiK , < i< ^ in s-'.O m?o :u)d ? :h? r e*?mmitU-eH are seeking cuou^h money ? li? in imc??.u!-. Ii;*.- endowment fUlld lo 5 li. l ./ i i. 1 ... tiii Southern Asvoclntto:) 'f ('nlViis to bi? tlussc'l as a , : :i !? .\ roilcu . The |?!aut ?'?' I ??!?; -i?i|r fiivr ' ed Oil t !??? > ? i . r -? ? ii1. In id 10 be worih nj?j? t> .iri;nt? ty | : oOO. "j " I ; ? - ?-f, i' i.-'- . v. i ? : t'l< #200,1)00 tMis'l IV. l.ilMM-. liV.dci j?r. ? ' ?;r the ? >lk'SO. is rat in.: iii th< Nmtliorn statt'H. ll I ; c-(.,l I (i bn juIh d In tb? ??' in.- i? ? o i - roil tiding tl. rlrvl, ;:?d i.n 1 1 r?0.0f?') i?li fil v I* '..I ' <:? inallti:1i>>n h.v lb-. II- f> i ? i Church ? f whirl) il a.irrtn. I, n? school |o a part, tii i I-, ? . mi >? ,. r i fund will be : II je| I , i f?.r the Kradi- A ratinK fid ilu't ii \ P"('!h that tin ncli'in] Will i|iuii ni *l S pi ml), r ;> ? a full a'- i ed ited mad" A coll. -? Aero* dim: to th pr -fdri.l. lie BChool Will raj'v 1 1 ' \ I', an | 15 S c iiirt' s and will have . no of ;i ? boat fafiilth* in |;ie Stat--. Ii nls-? ? xprccacil the opinion thai Ptudi-ntH should not : j.- < lallzo ii, any subject i.iril t >>??.. had i c -Ived a Metal 1 1 : i i In, . .1 raid that fur that ri u>'on h hud rrn oinmr-nd'd that only i?n- u?-m>r&l courg" b?- lllfllKh'd :m ll ? ? 4'icll 1*11X1 Of th'- III. r ? i:f j. I! v.!" n ,? llljit Opefii I. AI'I'MKS roit .11 ?l! ON S IM ! I'Ot.ll (. !tahi;:h. Jan. Y\\. A; already b?-i;iin to' In. "! Ii? i*ir<4t n ii ? of a Stale fonsiabulury will Ilk* ! he Introduced if a favorable rein In made by ilto ootnmh^fan i i??i ? Inu thin rjnesti'-ii. ? !? ? . hi: >-oii at a fichool fur del* divert as ?? f creiirp. "I am a rartuai - ?* live/' he writ? "I urn .> i afl? r t /day maklui* n Iti-pie. w ith y?nir dlviNlonul * ff ;< ? i i. the farm. "I can Id- ni li'y i?ry m. ;> --i Ane any tlm? nilrihi from your f. rm I tin i - "i ployrd hut w ill nrc. pt a j' '? it ii you ?a a guard and I v | my work "Your# t fill % . \. v: i. S, In anawir Jnd'v r to the- numbrr in in- r ?! lid corner of thi:i hit ? 1 COUNTRY MKKMIA.M KII I Ki) ON I! . ; I \\ \V Charlotte, .I.m \ I, Maunry, produr* ? ml of Crouae, waa found d< >id on a lonely road fotti of here tedny. 11' ???; b< ll??v< d to be t! r ukai ii \<.m:trn mi itrsi NIC v.' * t' fDWt l/ondoii j?a. > /ard Cm tcr and the liryp' ? ? rnmcut have roach* d an . acnt fi?i Ihe reaumptlon < f u on Tul takhAni h t tbmh. " no agtncy dispatch from Cahu I 'dmjr. H VWIM. MKKT \'i i.kki-.nsihujo \ I .? ril'u H?'iola\ Sdiii'il \v. M.t I 'i i' ;i >< rial ? n l;av? i'?. ?..?i !' i?l;;!?: at- :ilr? :nly ?!??! ? S.IV !.i *Ol'i U J* till 21 II tt kill 1 ?i " ? .!i;:t?Jay *Vli ?? I ?? 'nv.'Mmii. ? ? : ??! i. t" ! I" 1?1 il. ttu? l-'lrsl Clsuirh. ('./?* April - . ?..<}?!. I il. !?: -.. a y.atlu-r ? ? ? t .'II ? ?I ? ? ; li I I- .ill- IS I V* r I- ? ? ? . '-.t . I .-t m* ,ill ? ? r.j . r I.. . - . . . |. 4 . .1 l > III. ? :i?i| ? SVi.iiuy : '.[? ? i-'i ? -V 1.1 ii i .? !??! : I".- .. : . I ?i mi,.- * >. ??*. I ;t ; ? i it 1 C!;i.r?ii; chairman ? ":it- ri liiim- :ti r. iuaiil t ? t?. K. IK .. n? r.;l n. t ,'ty of ih.? Y. M. i*. A ? rhaitnuui local publicity ? mailt ti- \ P. I*. Mi rick. ??f tli?* ' ir ?! < Church: chalin.?n i i i i ? ?? avl*.J u?lt ill mi V. i . i .Mario l t ^ I ? I k* en* I. i '"Inni-h; chair* . . a r.u.imit'.M . H. V;u I. v. I Is. *o chairmen will lia\ ?? on .ih?'ir 1 ??fiiuii.ii'- . s a lnrv< number of oth-| ? ! ?? i ?U iy si'llmii haibi* in lie ???inborn. in:i:-iiiiu the ccnvcniinii pro-; ra.n i ?-? i in in it t ? o composed of *!??? inllitv. in--. fjirU't-rrt of the N rili Carolina Sundn> Srlioi?l As ? . ? * : i i ? ? ? 1 1 : J. It. Ivvy. Ch.irlolle. >'t.r Jin : id. m ; J. M. I'.rouuhtnri. if:il. il,Ji, i-iiuli t,i.;n Stat?- evruti*.' it mm it !?'??; K. I*. Crow. 1rc;imir??rt | ?'ill 1?. \V. Sims, ui'iural superln-. ii<]? :it. ? ?.i Mil* program will b?- Hivt-nil" i i t ?? ur?>t lulled Stiuda> nc|ion| 'v.-i ..ri'.-! in Aim-rica. iiiimikk whom will 1?' ; MIsh Mi-mo IiroiI.wa.V. 1 *: t I j 1.1ft. IVnmiylvaiiia. secre tary nl' rliUdn n's division work in ili? Northern lla|illi'.| rinirc It : l:r. i'i ?.? I.'. Ilayward, t'hicauo. ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 ? ? i ratpiiinl. ml- nl ??f I li. y ur.u pi j|?K-'t? division- for tl?>* !u. i ? . tann-ral Hecr?*isiry of i fit' International Daily Vacation] Ifib! :>i'licol /HHi.ciallon. Otliorj out >i State spnaki Mill be nn is' ii nt'i il l>ii?,. Many of f li?* Im-sI soiiil.iy roll, a: I workers In lln Slut. v. Ill li? on tli'- piMfcrnni. I? ]? ...itis to tlic convent inn vill ? i ut i r '.-lined on tjo* liar ?. .mi plan. Kumlr'.-> t$cliool work-' ? im i I all i|p|ioiiiiii;.iloiiH lliroti;;li ??"il iIm1 Stall-' will In- invlli'd to - . * l ? ii 1. Explanation Resignation Hughes Not Far To Find Srrr??tar\ hh> \ii\ioii* to Ouil and W Iicii ( lame lo Place W Ik-iv 4'otild Lu\ Hi> Hiinlcii Down Did So for Fear Sucli Oppurtiinil) Miidit Not (ionic A^ain fly DAVID I.UVItF.XCK iCmrllliL IV?4. B? Tin a? rincat W ashing mi. Jan. 1:5. ?Skepticism ahont the veal reasons for resignations ar.d appointments is so ingrained here that it was only natural for official Washington to endeavor to find some other basis for the departure of the Secretary of State Charles i!v v. I!* * J ;i i:. the let-' if iv lie e xchanp'd with I : t *ij'let,t t 'oolid^e. Bui the truth is not diffi cult to ascertain. Surprising as it may be to the tfener;.l public, it was hiot to the many close f riends of Mr. I luetic.', to whom ho had confided his earnest wish to leave office on March I. lie talked it over with President Coolidtfo just after election and the word 1 was passed around that Mr. Hughes had agreed to slay at least another year. Why did he rctdun now? IU cause tlii' SVrnlaly f? . n ii?l that forolsn relations wnv in shHi a at lis mm would | ?< rm it him t *> Icavi- on M a roll I. wlnh-im if h? stay I'd Innm r In- mi^ht IxTnitii- so wru|t|)'(l up in hlj; intentions r?i . fondun 1 10 Hey a:? to pr?'V?'iit hi-* resignation uiton'-tlMT fvui at tin ? tid of a .war. Mr. Ihi^hiH haV had ?'V elate Justice id tin- Supri aiM t'ourl or th< I'niieil States. Il< was , governor of New York Mat'- and now has flt-iV' d f?m. >vnrs as pre mier of tin- Cabinet. Ih Inn rtlxly-lW'? y>;i rt old. Mr. has only a r? w y> nr.* 1? ft in which hi- can actively ? in law praeilri. 1 1 ? mver wan a I tirh man. When h?- It i'l tin- bench | in til IK. ho wuii not wealthy. In the iie\l fmir y?ars ho amassed a enuifort.ilde sum In pri v.i.ji* practice hut in Marrh |J?21 h?' wan called to tin- cahln- t and the chances an- he has din- tji i'p ly ' in to his principal in ilxi last four yvnra. I'roni now on lie can recoup tin* losses of the last f?e?r years which would have boon ex traordinary profitable tu him. End Dwelling Shortage Fails Bring Low Rents IciiuiiSs in Most ItitfliiiiccH I hi vr to l)ijs Just uh Dcrp fnlo Family F^kcliri) tie t* us Evrr Wlirn Ifant Duy (ionic* Kmiml Despite Much Hiiildinp ll> J. (\ HOY IJ8 iC*tr'iiKt, I1IM. ?? Tit* N?w Y.irl;. Jan. I :! Tin whorl - i J (]u ? ItiriKU throughout "i nit?d S ii.?n han l>vf,n rti?>u ?lily i - v ii ;i i.r_ for the* nix inontiifc; J.iil t n in lit isi'jkI Instant*!'* lif.vr i > d;? -?t ax d*? (? i ?> ( *> i !**- f milly i ? ?? ? v< r w in ii i*? lit day around. *J lo (Irelliic In itir biiKltit'tiii fiMH'iM- lot* - ? -i ? virn trior*' mii:iv'tl bur ln??l !>? i.k it iii only a 4 1 1 : 1 1 1 jm rc'-nl 'l" H:? r? i'H" ' ntati\ . I'l nl'lK ? had thMr ?-? I . t ;i I l<> ?v-i <*> <4, thn indicalluti of In i - mI ?.< activity anil pron ? j \ <:.?? t. 1 K i I'liithc for< .1 P w ctr.wu. ?!:.wn ward. A fiur?- . 2 1" !? ?? It l?-u -hows that at |iri>:? ill only .11 j#rr '?lit el th-H' hav?* hoiiMnu kIi ?rt V.I. II. On- tl? < <1# of 5 !l |i. r, r? tit at- fully unpplied. When the vt ;ir i ,i? ni'd . howev. r, ?;.r# |M-r ? i ? ? . tin- r< i" ? ?""?ntatlvi r nti i.i jui: ict i i ? ? 1 stationary. 17 p ? ? .ii rhow>d ndvanti-A and in p. ????nt had rcdtirilona. Th#? full In i ?;< wan ni"-' marked iti the ^ t'i ? i ?? ii of Iho H?iin . i ? 50 J>. 1 ? fit of til' I'ltirH Ii. ? lower r. ii? 1? (in the i tiH:.d J', J J' : rent of t ti?* cl Ii Ii (lie* 51 li.ti aut allowed ad v . . ? i - . 'J* ittntid fur *111 ! i. Mwiy '1 v at tlil-? time .. I :. .i ?*f * ? r clOKt; *?f Htl'UO i '.lit1 iii f ko citf< ?) which i ,j ri ahoVtakcn indlcutr that the ?i "ni^?t t-r thr iji'j.i |>i?r ' !T?? bBtidlug afmrtni n: ,'l'f trond i?i notlc(>thh nt fin: .id winter r/ftnrtn n^d In ,l n? within commuting di - rf yi? '*?' titicH. In i7 clii'jc thorc han b?<*n ov? t tulidhif of one type or anotln r ia, ili? hint few infill! In mid il m oaay to ov?-r ?*Ht lm:t 1 ? ? I !??? Important' of the pr ??ill deficiency in oiler pin*''-):. Ill only 2f? per c? lit of (ho r ? ? j? roBi-nfi! i iv?- rltlo# In theie a lack of > i nl ct ill-en. (n Kplto of that furt ?i'lrilii'-HH r> ni'i hi?v? * V .1 C4< ' 1 . ,M 5 !?.):: i ' I. r? (M ?K< lll.'ltiv*' I'llIlK, HtdLlon ii r.v iii 4 7 jmt conl. mid havo fall. o hi only h |?* -t <-'? ?i I Tin docren ? * Ji.iTe hn n i.n ? - 1 1 y In flic South central part "I llio country, wln rc landlords dropp<-<| chair,'' In Mr, pi-r c? ni of I ho cltle*. Tho lovel of huHiio'Hfl rental* undoubtedly has h? ? n afi w utiM f n long periods at prices at or h? low thoHc ohtai..h In llo- IiihI idx months. In tin Southeast 7'i per cent t f tin- ?-ltt?n have rained hnslm-aa r<-ni since fn at Juo>- whll ? th" (3:-.".?t I ?;? U * i , i' ml North At Inn tic dli.liirfrt al.o hooHtfd jtfli'i* In inor< than half their cltlea. Tin Kliiirttli'1 of l^i iii litillrilnK . hnn |;riiwn rollo i thafl dMn iM'il alnce tin r- virtually lia a ? u no faini hnlldhiK In the Ian ilm< y ar M : hd (bin i hoi I a ?? ? I .? n > d to tranahit<- Itrelf Into u< lv? l.tilldltiu thl? aptlnv. The trend ni r* hn v?- rim n until it Iism becone uu < il huildlr in the inxt nix month* The in portanrc of ?h> hulldlni program lo the country as a whole and to a Wld" iiihuIm r of lndu> - trlr-i |k ahown hy i?m faci thai In Uulhllt i: the typical als room h.fu in r dw< lllnic, 2 If per cent of Ho ? .Mi uo?f for the lot, 81 per ??? ni : ?r lahor, 2fi per crnt t -t n il* al, 12 p? r r Mil for con trie: i i w-rln ad and profit. 2 p ; ? nl r rx?l entat ? f * ? a ji nd ial?c I I.tim on? exp -imei, iM'd ii:i.inx may In* understood* I th. r. is no doubt that the appoint m- ut h Ih suecesaor, Prank B. Ki-Mok. t hi?- ambassador to Great [ i'ritain. in causing even more gos sip ami 'inquiry. How did it corae [about? Probably this way: Mr. IluuhcH had been urging tin- President to accept his realf mitien. Mr. Cool id ge was reluc tant a most unwilling, for ha i-'u.ihIh Mr. IIiiKhea very hlghlj and all tad; about minor or ma jor dlsuKtveinents muy be set down an utterly unfounded. "What shall we do for a suc f'.HnorV" The President might I have iihI'.hI. '?W<11. Hu n 's Prank Kellogg at , .I.?>n?li.n." wan Mr, Hughes natur- , al r. ply. "I !?? is already familiar | with the hi.; questions We now are deuiiir; with. II- ban had exper- i ietice in dealing first hand with Kunn>"an statesmen and ' he can lake things over without diffi culty.' To all of this Mr. Coolldfft ; r-adilv con id have agreed and tfya appointment wan announced. It-j iu' ? r? sting alsd to point out In ia thia contention that Mr. lliiihep originally rerornmonded Mr. K?-llof 'a for the post In Lon don. Hi- Iran the hUhest regard for Mr. Kelltt^K'a ability. And Mr ''oil id go has the Hiime regard for Mr. iliiKhiH* advice. M" t of tie' newspaper men, however, are frankly doubtful about Mr. Keflogg'a capacity to hinidlo the Joh of Secretary of I S 1 1 r. When Mr. Kellogg was a : I ulted S -it ?m Senator he revealed j :t nervon.H disposition. Public iM- n ari horn with the facility for ; handling newspaper men. They ; ran I' acquire It. Mr. Hughee t lie niOBt successful Secretary | or S'aie In Ibis rcspect that Wash- i in. ton has had in a >;? Deration, I II' was courageous enough to dla ? " i all maitn< r of pubMc quea i. nis with th- press and the latter : Imont never iniHiinderstood or mi: i < presented. Mr. Kellogg la ju t us years old and rosponslbll* | it y weighs heavily upon him. Had lie heen named Attorney General and Charlet It. Warren as Secre tary of State the general opinion h' re would have been more fav- 1 orable. Por Mr. Warren Is a much youngi r man. nn cxpor- i I- need diplomatist, and a remark- j abl" lawyer. Mr. Kellogg on the other hand la j of a Judirlnl temperament and a?; Attorney Cf-neral would have been | la much j. lore famiUar surround- ) InpM than he will be In the Depart- I no lit of State. Por all these re^- j ?'in. then t.s a disposition to ba II -. that Mi Kellogg's appoint or ? 1 t> tir.ej' ,i" and that ho ? r s?ai? for not i more than a year. He niaytatfr- j pi is. th skeptics, of course! but on ( apltol Hill, whoro they knoV former Senator Kelog, the belief la e\pre?>v"d that he will not want i to < ontiiiue after some of the | weighty problems wit li which he | is so familiar are disposed of. 1 K1>II)K\T I'ASTOK OK hike will baptmiV A I ii apccial aervlce at the Frt# , Will Huptlat church on Paraon a r," at reel arrangi-menta were for Rev. A. H. Outlaw, of NYw Hi -rn . who arrived In the city K'-f iilay. to take t ie pastorate Uf the church, with n-aldenco, h< i , beidunlni; tin* flrat Sunday I i:' l'? bruit ry. ?{??v. Mr. Outlaw la from New H in, wh? r ? he wan pa a tor of St. ! Mat> Kw Will ItaptlMi chuNA*1, I I f ? will niovo t'i and Morehcad City, beside* I IiIm present church at New Bern. J | Mr. Outlaw wan superintendent 1 ? \ p ibll, welfare In the county OjU rs. MB tic lon U >i'.rd la to assist the lo I lu the nupport ?'? tlv new "aator. a.iII r- a preach log mH vir- t the church tonight at 7 30 by Mr. Otitic. w. The public la in- J tiled. Mr. Outlaw will begin hla work 1 a* pas? i < i the church In thltj city tli- lirat Sunday In F - bruary. j