McLean Sounds Keynote Economy In Government Education, Kural Betterment, and Tax?%?? A!m? OuMand ing To | net* iuit Throughout Addrcw Sound Hu*i nea* in Government Dominate Theme (By Th? AtMCiftOd SrMlJ Hahigh, Jan. 14.? Kd%tcation. agricultural development and ru ral betterment, economy in gu\> ernin.m and taxation wire Hi* outstanding tuples ni*cusse asked to say what 1 found to be the out standing needs in hforth Carolina, as I visualized them during my travels covering some 40 thousand miles in 98 counties in the past 12 months. I would unhesitating ly reply: Agricultural impro\?< mcnt and rural betterment. If 1 should then be a^k-d t.? i- -i what 1 considered tin- prim, r- m edy for supplying this nr d. I would say: More education, both ? academic and vocational. When I [ refer to vocational education in this connection I mean training in scientific and practical agricul ture." Further, he made an urgent plea for continued equalization, of school facilities among rural chil dren. "I hope the day will soon come," he said, "when every boy ?? and girl in the most remote ru-al sections of the State will have the opportunity for at least a high school education. We must con stantly strive to reach this goal." "Among the subjects Business in (JitvorniiKiit During his discussion ol econ omy In government. Governor Mc Lean declared that pound econom lc principles should b<* applied In government as well as to prlvati business. He urKed a policy that will call for the great en! aervlco at a in I n i in 11 m cost. "The u It I - mate goal for which we should constantly strive." Iw assert* <1. "i.< to aee that the government is ad ministered wisely, honestly, effi ciently and economically." The debt of the Stat-' and It subdivisions. Individually and collectively, was discuss' d l?y t It new Governor at some length. He declared that It Is tiiu?- to call a halt, to take stock The total debt of the State and all Us sub divisions, he pointed out. is now more than $300,000,000. "Ii taxes are too heavy," he warned, "the efficacy of government Is de stroyed." He continued: "l'ti?? llc s?rvice becomes first a hand! cap and Iheti an lntol< rahl- bur den. Confluence is weaken* d and -/co-operation made Impossible." The wise traveler, he d? clan d. rests a while at the waysid' Irn befor?- continuing his Journey. "Let us follow this example by resting for 9 little while on our Journey for the purpose of re freshing ourselves and starting again with a fresh impulse and renewed strength In the form of Increased wealth and tar payJn? power. In order thnt we may reach the end of the Journey in safety."" Oovemor McLean was unstint ed In his prslse of what the Stat' has done In the construction of hlghwayr. crlppl'd. Hut he w.i not ready at this time to make definite recommendations as to the further financing of the Stale highway system. He reviewed Several proposed plans and ven tured the assertion that und? r whatever future moncy-ralslnx plan the State adopts, highways will be taken Into full considera tion. During the course of his Inaut ural address. Governor McLean declared: "I am oppoaed to levy ing any tax for slate purposes up on real estate or personal proper ty. H must be apparent to ev? ry thlnkiiiK man t hat real estate, peclally farm lands. Is already bearing a heavy burden in many counties, a burden none the lest, heavy becaute Incurred for local taxation and local schools." . Governor McLean declared that Institution* for the unfortunate defective must not be crip ? urged the Legislature to ? a survey of the present ays tem of local taxation and to enact neneral leglalatlon looking toward th? elimination of any Inequalities that may olst. Two kiinN of KfiHHuny "1; is luy i inn'Hi deslie," said Covornor McLean, "to give to llic Si ?te a 'i ?flici -nt busings admin istration. I Cut f ??t nif !? II you what i think is tho !? u si of pivi'rii!ii*>iii and what I no-an by Irisitt. s> aduiiohtru timi." 1 1 ?? (lien uu u?i ?fi?-.l foiuo i f I Ik* principles of < (i)tioiiiy he bail In mind. "Tin n- ar ..lev b?* sure, two khuls of o<:o,omy In- Miid. "?n?* of presi-ut day profits :t imI limit less use of tin- State')! resources. In eluding tin* taxii.u powor, which 1 sli->ii|d call Jalso and dlsustlOIH, :.ih! : n i i iiijoniy ? i hmdutr.dlii;: our resources to tls. ? ? nd thut tin v may vi'a'tually r<>arlt tholr ft: lb ."i di*v? b-iMin nt. I favor the latttr form or ? coiiomy, because 1 believe I; is \v I.- ? and durablo." ('one It! din;; bis addr? as, tho no v." x \oculivc. declared:. "I shall try always to r? mrm bi i that tin* r?'ul : r? ainoss of any ctiuiiiioiivi tilth. .'like that of any individual. r?*si* upon two inhcr i'!H forces. ill" oiH- material, Hi otber spiritual. I'.ai | (i|. not want to foiv >. a do I want you to l? I inn fo:Kel, that tile great ? sf of thoso is spiritual." "Mr. I'r *sld? it, Mr. Speaker, and members of th.? Central Assembly: "I cull say in all sincerity that I lo?*l a very unaffected sense of personal rc.-ponsihillly when 1 ei.nti .njjtl m : ;h- solemn duties ami obligation.; I am about to assume. "The splendl.l majority the citizens ol North Carolina guve tne and tho other candidates of Democratic party in tho lute election bore unmistakable testi mony to tho confidence in which nur great parly is still held by ih?* people of North Carolina. Wliile It In a cause for deep per sonal giutlfnation I -assure you. the people should icivc such generous exprcalolt* vtt their con fidonce and approval. I know that. 1 apeak for myself, and 1 believe I speak for my colleagues, when I sny thai we do not view this over manifestation of the popular will as a mere personal tribute, but rather an a triumph of that great party of whb*h we are the chosen "We come, therefore, not in a spirit of exultation hut in a spirit of unreserved didlcatlon as we' nre about to assume the official posit ions id which the people of North Carolina have called us. ? 1 1 j ? - Kept the t-'alth ".At a tlnie when other pans of the nation seem insensible to the| high idealism and worth of the. Democratic party it N refreshing 16 know tlrnt the forward looking mm and wom'-n of our own State have been unmoved by prejudice or by appeal to the utilitarian .spirit in choosing the party) through which to express their will in respect to government. They have shown in no uncertain fa'hlon. by the verdict they returned a t the polls in N'ovem- 1 her. their faith in our great party J and its leadership In North Car olina. "Appreciation of your confi dence in inn. personally, and as the chosen head of the Govern ment of our State in the dominant feeling that lies deep In my heart at this moment. "Any fee Ing of personal grati fication 1 may have, however, Is soon overcome by deeper, richer conviction -thai 1 have been ele vated tu the highest office in the gift of the American people, not SO much bfCltlU they Isold my fltlU for the puhiMi.ii in such high regard, hut herauso they b? l ove that 1 shall endeavor to correctly Interpret their aspira tions and carry out their will. "To me. t he most reassuring and heartening thought of all is that the people have faith that I shall try earnestly to carry out the promise I made during the campaign; and what was that promif".' Pimply this: That If elect* d I would use all the energy and ability | pose*s?d. and all my accumulated experience. In giving the Stat* an administration char acterized by efficiency, economy and rational progress. 1 expressed, then and still entertain the desire i and determination to do my ut most to apply sound business principles and methods to the c riduct of government. I need, not remind you. I am sure, that' In such hn administration, while materialism mtt-t not be a con trolling factor, there must he an eff ?rt to blend and unite economic principles with Kane progressive Idea*, so ns to bring to all our citizen* a larger measure of civic advancement and material pros perity. . "There Is nothing, in my opin ion. prosaic or commonplace hut siifh a measure of service. Ob vlously. It calls for a very high degree of firm resolve, sympathet ic internet and extensive exper lenco. I have a foil realization of I he fact that it means, on my part. Ihe most unreserved dedication of whatever ability 1 posses to thej untiring and wholehesrtcd service' >f my state, and that It will re SNOWDEN HELD FOR HIGH COURT Nfjtro Who Shot Hunt Sat urday Night in Shepurd Street <".afe In Jail Await ing Trial. Henderson Snowden. colored, who shot and killed Clarence Hunt. also colored, on Saturday night, was committed to Jail, be ing unable to furnish bond of iJ.OOO for liis appearance at the; I March tenu of Superior court, fol-! lo win u a hearing before Trial Jus tice Sawyer Wednesday uiorn pistol and reaching bin hand over [ Stevenson's 'shoulder fired the shot that brought Instant death I to Hunt. Attorney for the defendant failed to get any of the State wit ' nesses to admit that they saw u knife in Hunt's hand. though they did acknowledge that after the shooting they saw a knife near the body of the dead man. ThiB was the first tluie that Percy W. McMullan has repre sented a client In the lower court , since his law partner, Henry I-e Roy became prosecuting attorney. 1 The partnership of McMullan and LeRoy has applied only In civil cases since the beginning of Mr. LeRoy's term of office. EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY MOKKISON'S LAST ACT Raleigh, Jan. 14. ? Governor Morrison * final act was the grant ing of eight commutation* and throe paroled. The casts were not of an ordinary nature and were cases of long sentences. Involving such crimes as murder, criminal attack and prohibition violation. iMtMd of bidding the offta force good-bye, the outgoing Gov ernor merely said good night. LACY IMPROVED AND IS STARTING HOME Raleigh, Jan. 14. ? The condi tion of Ilenjamin R. I*ncy, North Carolina State Treasurer, who is III here, was reported as Improved today, and hl.i recovery Is expect ed. He had signed all but 3,f>00 bond of the $16,000,000 Issue and expects to mart home late today accompanied by his nurse. <1 ii I r?- the patience and co-opera tion of all our people to assist me in translating those resolves into action. "As far as 1 am personally con cerned. 1 promise that I shall be Influenced by no other motive than the ardent desire to serve the people of North Carolina, and .1 entreat all those who believe that our state should go forward steadily and. at the same time, safely, to rtive me unstintedly of their aid and active co-operation. ICdurAtJon la Fundamental "It is manifestly impossible to discuss here and now every meas ure of public concern which should receive the consideration of the general assembly. I shall, therefore, leave for future discus sion a number of matters, which should command your earnest at tintion. hut custom requires, and the necessities of the situation de mand, that I should submit for your consideration my views In respect to some of the more Im portant and pressing problems which confront the state at the present time. "I favor progress in education, because It Is the foundation atone of our civilisation. The classic utteraaea of a great North Caro linian: "A democracy cannot be built on the backs of Ignorant men" sounded an everlasting truth. "We have long taken to heart this great lesson, so that today our system of public education Is the delight of our citlsenshlp and tho glorious hope of our future progress. We should carry on ilfls progrsm. because It mesns advancement, development, de mocracy. "la the rata of progress made Continued on Your New Governor \N<;|!S Wll.'I'ON Mrr1?iii tit T?;r?N* Mrs. !l ?'*!.?*? n |ln*'Mr to A" u?1 i *.:* L\ rr<*i--r> H. r I *?'????!? : !!!ihv,; ? ?*? Kalfh.Ii. Jan. 14.. ?AniiU \\ i Ion t :??!:? v b ?? ???;. Oa> i nor ff Nortli Can ? i?*i? . nirr < ?!':? * t l?o Cameron \*orrl* ill f? i i!i I;., t i ?.> | W?'?'kR. Ilf' Jnlm-d a ^tV'oUil "'f Robr?(>n County j. - . I' nle i tho city tod ?y 1?unrhc?. r ? ? r tli- Inauguration Til. I.. ; 1*1 liuri in >t lii ? I for- ihr Inaugural <-? M-morib . : il Di-i i? i:?:s * M> T'ii> SWIM.S \\l% IJK-lfil . ? ? n> I At tho hltntliil j ' i < r T'lit t! r. It* n-.!?o?rr? * nr. n? ;irlnr: tii > million mark. n NKH M MIMM s WVVI i: Th? fnnoral "f Mb;s Nm? Hawjrrr. who dlod at h?*r 1 300 Rhrlnphattfi f-trr pt. S i . hoiiK' Tu? (\ u y r noon ut 3 o'clock by I)r. II. T?*mpb'inan, onfiKfrd by Dr. H I). Wilson. Mtiftlc v.'ac r d by tho quarlrt of tin- I'ir-r tint rimrch rholr and tin 11 tirarpr." wort*. C. K. Litt'- H. I/'-IrIi, W O. Oaltb. r. ('. r k* ?-r. <*. P, ITnrrla, M. f ^1 Kit P. W. T. l?ov?*. Sr.. P. i, H., ? H. O. Scott and Dr. S W r > Interment waa mad at Ifoll ?d C^m't?-ry. Ainon- thopo fliiindiit'. noral from out of tb?- r i ? ' 1/OuIb Zl'-glnr and chlldn n "* Kllrabish r.nd Kiln /?? :?Im nd HpywnQd y.b-Kb r of Kd? m Mlw r.^nyvt WHU thi "f Clerk of th?? Court Ernr*( I ?*? ynr and the late H?-yward S T, alumnun of tho Univcrai ?f North Carolina and widely lawyer of thla cUf. i t*/ Si#- ? - .. rf?. rsrirl n h:1 linflil'di.: Ill lil Mr. XcL ,-ti t ?.[< ?!? i : r\ i;S Oovi r: ->r at U thl a ;<:< . n i.. I ..I I .!;< 1 1? (J .'-iili , Ki ll Thr- . il, r *n,r.. , i:,. i . ,tU the until firr--t. K.tle.'.'l. J.: I. | | VJjt- ii"r?I \ ??ml'! . h- li! a I.; i*-| . , ,f,|s i* uiJj .ii' . I.. r?u? tio? it . ii i i ; - inj.i i,; i;.;v ? rnur At;? u. V\ . i r < j i ;.;e!,.?.n. Con runr Mori i. ?ii .. : raiitflf IM'.V d lorlny f i;,. :? r tiWi- ii -ii mill ;i ii .v | . ... ,?lo '!? rl l .'I.iy ? . \j,.. Is' Jill. <>i|' I n-Ull h.iUl Cn- . ] ;,r C'o.iper I' ft f . i?l.i y ;#,? UiJ niin*:ti'ii, i vjircbsin , i ijiat ln:siii?'v- . i i w,-., i.'i , i i y I ? Til ? r f.'P t ll?' !?????. I| ; .It i l SKK K\\Vi is HI i ?; o\ i: si jo us I II W'n dilu;, l en. Jim I s Tin d' I' Wood Mu hi)! fOf i n . I ? . . j r Mu? ? !? Mil K||4 tv:i : ? til I i ut> i, ' .1 I III* Nonii r.MVi run. rt r. pl iii hi (he }'? tiiii.". I v ii . r. 4 ?? i.j Vul' i(la> ">'m .li?n< :: roiitinl - ?"'"il l?l?'l V.. *.4 4ll|li|>i ? ?| IMHl t lll'tt i id.u. u :?> tin , i , Moron Tin < ks si ru:siin: SI KH.IIs \\|? sl.KK.Mhl.l.l.s I'IjHiii^I^IiIii. Jim. i I (tfpe i l il I AJllioii -'li i in w Ii.? . i >v ? ! ' ! i;,.h .-i ion of r. iiikj ftolu i '4* 10 t|il>'K. tlwri' Il T l V lir i| J?r.t r tli'ully iio j:;iIih of inl?*iy;it ? re ?>' ikIiI? I).?. Kwn in th?- oiimai . iri yy. ?-? < r , poultry. Itirlij4lifl M > ? ? . . 5-tatMn of North C.irolinii an?l Tf-n hltn fr< m Villi.',. IN > inimd i.' oi ? viiifon of t If ,M. Kvprwtg i ? i ? 1 1 - r?fi?rro'! Iljff '?f f HI -*J I 1 ' ? II''tVH to v ml . of In <*(>qvn?\ >? \ Ni-tr V'T! . Ion **!? g? (| ji;i ? a drclin" of I * clonini: bli! .1 Marcl. ii.% ' : 24.35, Or. ?1. r . N?w Tork. -.liiit tur*n lifM'ti ? d lot! a it'* Irv. Ix Jar., i > o, 21.00. Mi>v 2 1.72. J ' j 2I.b?r 24.01. i.r 4lO| (-Of. ulurm. . Jul> 'II' n f i ':?? folio - r?. Murrl. !?;. JONES IIAS "I'KMM COMMl'TKl) KaM'th. Jan 14. ?;o\ii;.or *?'?1 riH'.n "I'll ? ?day Issiii-O riclp n* and V !? r?*?* i? i r ?!? :i t*? ?'(Mnifls. int lading A. I* ? f i':i.??|Uoljttik t'msn t. oomniuntfU from a tan-'- to iu?' > i at's s?-nt?nc? i'? I'ni' to two y?:irs; \V. J. Sitterscn of I' . ? ; ????!* County commuted hi ii 1 7 t-? 2*J year's n*-ns tlc?' '?* 1 J n? , mid Will Smith of I i?; ?*. i???: * fuoM a 17 to 2t> K! KCTKOinFI) I OK or family N:? OivPI". 1 1 .1.1,. J. :i. 14 Itcn liurrha In \v:':? .1 rt; j a ? .?tate |?ri?? u t??d;:> i-.i murder Ida wife at.d f air ? tlu r |?i r;ons at CrMtol. I I itM'ii: ha n **.?. ||. o!altiK<:l iiinur.uiv i?i i It ? * ? ii. I. VIIKMI'TS AT tii>! I K sa?? CHEV. AM, [ All Chatham, Mao . Jan. I I. Ml ?iii>'iiiiilH !?? rwnii tli.* i r< w of tin* I uiti J Stat?*H Hiitiii'.ii iiK* 1 !?. in a dair.<-rou* position on a bar i'Miili nf Natis . ;\.?M tluard sta 1 1* *n falh*?l ! " t eight. Kliort* t" l?itl .i lttji aii'-nrii t \iss?-l will ???? kutihii tliiri morilitm at shirk Utl**. Tin- siihnia: Jsii* still Ii ?hi lirm ? ?.i tli?- ou|i r har of Oiti unn har h..r today. Sn?* vr"oiiU y. vt?-r day iti a fog ? n rouii* from I'orts l!l?Mllh.^.\? W 1 1 .i 1 1 : |i. n i i ? . to New London, Cotitii etirul. ? Tlii* j-ivw m niaint'd a hoard. row Kits sh;n on HAWKS ANNUITIES Carta. Jan. I I. All th<> ikivitn i'i l?n .iont -d in tlii- AIIIimI ri Man ila I f'onf. Ti'tu'i* today slgmd an .1^1 hiih nt r? Karding tin- dlstrlhu timi of tho Ilawi-H plan nnnuithn. Itnnninia and Haiv sii-nod with tv::. ? \ ; ti >nn t<-\ardiuu amounts t I . I V "IllrllM It' 'I . 'I It ? * S(litl*ath>ii of A in* I HMO d:i|ii:i." e* .i?n - | i .? J J?t?. ? fine? ?-i? oat. liiis h? lit;, th?* ???'.ly rlit'.iin1 made hi'foi i' tin* jiiji :.u*ui . So;i(4i Carolina UcjecN Cltiltl l.?l?nr Aiii?*vi(imriil Columbia, K. tV. Jan. 14 Tin -mil Carolina S. nate today r? i' d tli.- Fi d? rV. child laUr aiiii-iidttiont t i tin- constitution. New Governor Has Long Public Service Record In Home Town, in Home (ounts. it) Stale ami ill Na tion Mr H"s Kecortli lor I ?i?l iii^'.ii-ln fim Wnmli'i k today ftuci . d ?d In pn 1 1 ill u a 1 i ???- ? 'i hoajd tie Mibinat lin- which Jut:-. ? u aground on tin* tin: it liar ??[ Pi h-ans liarln r hIiic-* v. ti n'av. II >-? planned to try to i ? 1. 1 1 i.. r > :? ' ill Mil tide today. FlltH AT t.XIMt.F Tiu> fire company un*wer>M| a' call from llox 61 Wed nesday at noon. and fonnd the fire to !??? ;.t ilr.? enrage of tin- Hi*euc?? M ?r Company on Soaili * Road sdreei. A truck hud caught afire wli-rti gasoline fell oa Ui" li"-al ivvlitust causing damage oi something less ? than $|uti to ilic lrn?'k an>. Ka rate. It was extinguished wIlli 1 chemicals. At H : 1 ft Tuesday night a hi ill alarm called aft- truck to tin store of Henderson Klliott on ? Parsonage sirorl to a fire ? anvd ' l?y i? ili'ftcllVi' ol! stove. 'I'Iuti' was ' no damage. OFIM'KHS A\l? IHItKt TOIIK NATIONAL HANK I t! l] I ICIIM l I All tlic officers and direct ?m*h of . the First a Citizens National i I tank were lo-i'lnctod for tlio en- | suing year nt the annual meeting : of the stockholders at the "hank Tuesday afternoon of t li in week i and are as folio wm: Charles II. ItohinHon. president; I.. S. Itlades, j < vJco- president : \V. <; (Julthir.j< vice-president ; Marshall II. Jones, i (ashler; M. It. (lr if fin. ascisinnl ??ashler; William K. tlrlff'n. assis- j tunt cashier; directors. Ch:irles h < Robinson. I. S. Hindis. A H. i lioutz. I.. C. Illades. CharlfM Cam- : den Ithide*. \V \ I'ro'-V. V J'r; I.. i(. i . Vi, . rlnghaici I. It F??i>man. W ti. (Jaiiher. M. I*. (iallop. I) F (ill l?ert. J. C,. Gregory. y. m. cSiici. 8. M. Johiuoii. T IV X;i?b, L". (). Robinson. - M. -N. Sawyer. F. F. , .Spencer, C K. Thomson. J, Nor-; man Whllehurat, and D. K. Wil liams. The resource* of thU hank have Increased $4mi,(>0u in tli? pa h t 12 months and In many ways this has fieen llie ni"Ht successful year of lis history. f Last Of Tennis Cabinet Is Gone With Jusserand And No MnnluT of (luhinct Wan More Thoroughly in Accord Willi Throdori* KoosrvHt Than Volatile Frenchman Hctirin^ from Po*l an AmhaM?ador It* ItOHKKT T. I tv* Tl.r A?l*all>-I \Y. Illusion. Jaii. I I. J i> 1? ??? iiiiiIjuh' aiil'Kt memories of IiIh full and ii*- ful life. Hui when y?u .i. !. Iicii what !;? tlo- pleas;: lit out of all, ho will toll y otliMvi hav?? been lonK kone. T) i of Hi- diKilnnilnlo d <- >uii ny In -dilitloii to T. it. him i "If 1 1 ; ; v ? ? pas.;* d Inyoiid. Most of T. !i i croe.lo- were In tin tennis ?.?}?': r, *!h * vim (ilfford I'ln eh' i iiid Jlim.ii" fiarfleld and Hoh Ha ? i). i ?!??*? IIOII. Ijawrinoc (). ,"1 ??ray. Truman Newberry ami ll'.liiTt fCnox S| ? th . Itll t foil I ii. 1 1 ? was of < f tlx there w . a devotion on hi l? -i I ward t I'reneh imibnxra d ! It w. f irmly 1'ilprorai i d l v thn vol, ill!? and vivacious .Ii Hid. It wis lar*;?*ly din- to ? - -v for J j, m. rand tluit (!ol* It 00 lev ? 'i ? til ?>?1 i/> fii.ii t f ni not know." h. ndd?d. "th; I In an urpalat^M< v.opI i ?? n i>i v r of the t e n r?V i cthlnet N\ f '? nf'l want real > I fchall w . < r V ? It! t ho end.' M ' ?nd trr.n proud of hi I' ? ' i'.'f "tf tll i* r Mil* 1 If ii. ftuiall .... v. i ? tdf, t ?? physique and ?? ' . ' i H liln-Bclf ; i. 'M ? hi? founcrr and ih?i t a ? : coroput.iwn*. but .In ? and . f in Its to only one ? k I'ark. :'??veral membera of fin "cabinet" in addition t<> tlr I'rench r.nib|i3i<;?dor won ah ? . : At tin p?trty cam ? m ;? t-v ' eluded pool. It wan noil. ; at all for T. K. to wad? ft- ci ? is with all Ills cloth* h "ii, I ??idiii:-' liin co|ii pan ion a in "fnilow in/ loader" atylo. Hut .thi day t !>? ' xpoiirnt 'if the Mti ituotiH liitt Mtinpic llf?' had other tdcn*. "VVlio ik with in for a Kwii.i '' In- e\clalm?'d. TIotc wan a chorut* of a ??nl Now. a::cr rdin . to the I ?? u?l, no bat liili)', Mjitx wore hitiidv, b'lt ?I.m watt no di terrent. ? Tlot h ?-n w i ' noon liiiiv "ii a hickory limb h:kI calling ''lust one In In 'It* 1 plunged in ? ? ? tlif cold wa*- in regular obi ftWimntln' hob ! vis ion. Tit "coblfict" In.,! ?? ?fitu!ih]li; ii round for a inllii;'" |W<> W h < ? 1 1 MUddl'tll.V t'olo.M ! Ii v? Ir hi ' k e Into n roar >?( I . ?, t. r 11 wa* look ifi i; at .n i -Ml. "Wliv. Mr. \,ib. < i? b< ? '1 Ill HI- . jffU I ? ' .?: ! V. ?? i >1.)?" 'I'l'- a rnlinxs.rdor l'v>ki ! , :kk wli ami hl.? Malnlng !n dl- j pl niaey to Mm r hcuc. "Ah, Mr. President." h" ox-; I>lalne4, "suppouc wc i hould meel ?om? lidl' H Jirn. 14 AngUl 1 lViIi.?:i McL?an, win- was inaug- -1 i . .. t ?*?! 1 th McMillan Military'! ?Vho'i' in 1 S s 4 . hi* entered high J ?rlini'l. c.?nii'b Un? his course < H"i> in Imn9. lb- then attended j li ? I 'toivt ?rally of North Carolina, 1 Aii- it* In- received his degree aa iiir.M b?r ?>t law in 1892. The name J L'far h?> bi-::nn I h ? ? active practice j l l..w in I.uinlMTton and was I r:?il county attorney, which po ? iii' n li? bcbl until 1904. in i:f Lumhcrton. Until ii: -.lib* run i ui'ial victory lie was -t.uiur in ml i i m the law llrm of vfcLrau, Varm-r *>? McLean. He ? v.i.: :iIhu president of the Virginia ?ml Carolina Southern Railroad..' 'oti.tiany and waa prominently ?on it ciid with several cotton nllls In Ilia section. Mr. McLean was elected fchair aan of the Dentocratlc KxecutlTO miuitt'i- of Lobeson County In ?'?2. Sail r being elected a men ? ' tlii' State Kxeeutive Conl- , J ? ii-- wa.- elected'1] ? nil OmiirifHatin ? I ?' 1 n ,n ? i i li i arolina, which ^ iii mi hi- 'i'-bl limit the Nation- * .1 - m\ ntem of 192-1 when, af r h h ul lie. m nominated for II ?- rnor, was succecded by I n it ed Stat- s Senator F. M. Sim- , lions. ,.j Mr. McLean ?'?? a delegate at .iii.e to il:. National Di-tnocratta j ? n vent ii i '-f 1904, when he was }<.-d?u? ?? ii place on the rules com litti At,nln; in 1912, he was a k! . this time being assigned '? i place on the committee on ? i .ani-nt or, anl/ution. He was ' ? ; - 1 lr tii'ii ii of the Presidential Cam* .iM Comiuittio In 1921 and 'i i ii I), iiii.i- i-'.- World War thai Sf.iii 'n in w ? \f the Troaaury. In 1918, ' !?!? ami 1920 hp wan a member i.f f!n War Finance Corporation;. In J 'i-O and 11)21 lx> was manag i ti -* director of I fi Ih orijmizatlon, I a nnmber of I !??? Railway I Loan Advisory Committee of the f'n.i d Stat \ihi. (' in iriitico and General i' minel in North Carolina for the A ll? n Property Custodian. Mr, McLean founded the Hobo- ! son County chapter of the Amert- I ? n Red Cross and wan chairman | of lh? cciimty Liberty I?oan com- I nilltoe. In t li?' meantime. Mr. McLean j wan eloeted chairman of the board of trustees of Flora McDonald j < 'r 1 and a momber of the of ficial hoard of the I'nlon Theolog Irnl Seminary in Richmond. Tin- now Governor holds mem- j 1< irthip in the following organlta 1 1 f ?; * : Tho North Carolina HU- 1 torlcal Soel"ty. th?? American Bar i\ i:?o< la t Iiiii , the North Carolina Mar Armorial Ion, of which he la j ? ' n ? x-pPHldent; the Clan Mac- I I. . fi Assoclat Ion. of (flnsgoW, | ? i vi.- MJs wife is a Haptlst. f 0??vernor arid Mrs. McLean I : r children: \n;;U? Wll- I ir Manrarct and Hector, the ; ' ? i: nn d bi ln? th?? youngest. i 5 ? ? A I'd- ?} ? S. nator J H. Mr Mullan at f> I "? that Wultcr Mur- \ ?h> h.m > i <" 1 ?... Invitation Ifljfl i't i d i i" Ch'?v/an River bridgoj haroifii ' KdcntOn next Tue day. A Ceo p t:\ii co of Kdcnton'a ! vita t ion on tin* part of Me Douxhton and Howie had all* been Indicated.