Resignation Hughes Not a Sign New Foreign Policy President and Secretary of Stale Haw Reen in Full Ac cord and I'renident Han Kepealediv Sought to Per suade Mr. Hughe** to Remain in Hi* (!al>inc! By DAVID UWRKNCK ICcttT+mt. 1*24 B, fh. A ? Washington, Jan. 13. ? No important ehnnKo the for eign policy of the United States w ill result from the resig nation of Sccretarv Iluuhes President Coolidge has been as much responsible for the various steps taken In Mr. Hughes in the Depart ment -ef- -State as has been the Secretary himself, and any other impression assumes that the President has more ly been nodding a reluctant assent. Th?. European preaa la wrong In taking It fur granted thai the Prealdent l.i atioitl to embark on a policy Of hla own or Dial lie will *llh another Secretary of State approve a reversal of any of the) proaent pollcl.-i, particularly that wlfh ltuula. Itecoicnlilon of iiti ;. ?la may come ? it miKt>t have hap. P*ned under Mr. Hughea If t|,e Soviet government had agreed t.. fulfill the conditions act liy ftllii but circumstances abroad and u> l here will bring ahout the elm n _ . The new Secretary of S(n te, Mr. Kellogg, feclti exactly uh I?re?|. dent Coolidge does about proper ty rights and the sanctity of con tracts and communism. if u?, Democratic parly w. re li, |,?w, , ?here might be ?nn,e ground r..r thu bell: f that a clung, ? would ensue but the i-rdicy adopted t., "V?,, ""V1" b> Mr Hughea was I Mactly that which the main mm. porter, ,,f ltopublican p?t\ In America heartily end.. rue. n,,?. ?la may have her own form uf Boyemment. but she must nun ? SSL? 10 """throw am Jlew. . n,"y havt' h'-r own Tiewa about contracts as between Ruaalans. hut If ?he wlahea Am. 1 lean recognition t*he uiuat b. will h>r contracts mad. In American cltltena And further more ahe muat not feel that sh. ??" repudiate all her debts. There are various reasons wli v Prealdont Conlldge would like rec>{;n|,e liuaala The friendship Of the American people for the People la tradition:, lh prontt. The Russian maaae, ?",v ?<-r"d 10 h" ""?? or ? ?t ?h.?,T aianlpiilatoia t<?>k s!.a"" ,..?t took Its time about recognlilng JJ"lco until apecltlc aaauranc. ?aa given aa to -the willingness of the government there to fulnil !h?rnr "bllgatlona H n <1 to ?i? ""'r'al hurry '"anlfeat Quartera about ri c ojnuamg a government that la ao "..Ud Bui:.. r?",0te rr""' The cabinet haa not been ill Tided on the Ituaalan policy. Some ? rongeat argument* agalnat Kusstan recognition inider olreumatancea that ,?V(, hava been made by Herbert Hoov ?r. Secretary of Commerce, it |? true that Senator llorai, nhnir. man of the Senate foreign u,,|a. BoWet aflv1"1""' " frl,n<llv ?o Hi. and ?.h* r"n"'n' "nd """ He ? ?" Car,l,"l HI" ar. acUlng upon the change in the Department of state r,.v,? SrTTr b? '-U-"-wV7o that the contention la innrie n.~. "*'??" more If Kidneys Act Bad Take Salts ???? Baekaoha Often Meane You Hava Not Been Drink ing Enough Watar ? When you wake up with backache I and dull misery in the kidney region it may mean you have been eating foods which create acids, says a well known authority. An excess of such acida overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and lopgy. When your kidneys get slug ffiih and clog you must relieve them. I files you relieve your bowels, remov ing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, tick headache, diaay spells ; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather ft bad you have rheumatic twinge*. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often pet sore, water icald* and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. j{ Either consult a good, reliable Ayakian at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of lad Salta ; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few 1 days and your kidneys may then act we. This famous salts ia made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, I Combined with lithia, and has hern j tped for years to help clean and I stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acida in the system, so thry 1 no longer irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness . J?d Salts is inexpensive, cannot in jurs and makes a delightful, efferves- | tent lithia water drink. Drink lots of | soft water. Jiy all means have your Climber i ? <7 AfM-i cliiMhinir nn cmbanknwnt mx ti'ct hi??h nixl rnnM::m 1& fwi avrun i In- Inwn i hi* ??Iliv?t?r" nmdo r> J*4* liciaic (Roil t c climb on ov?t a fcmiiU' nr Vinwnnca In?1 TIip cai wo* mopped with lif front whH'ln In the uir und the driver Intoxicated was Uiken to the ntatc lariu to sol;cr up puffer linam-ial loss to th>- fame J i'Xti'til an <l-i ICuro|?-a!i rmmi rJcs by withholding r? cognition '? tin r<> in Dior** of an opportunity j in Washington t?> nick by a prin ciple than tlnyi* 1.; aliriiai!. Mr. iliti;li|'.,i w.trt tMiroinpronilH Ini; in his uttitmli*. Mr. Cooliiluc _ did inmrt in Ms last tn?**ni;i* to' (ToiiRrottn a word <?f f ri? ip to Ktispia whl-li Mr. II n miuht i < ilcaraiKT Sail" Special One lot of about r.0 la dii h" and children* Cuata mill L;iillr;i DhKOi'ii worth ii i? to 8 1.93 7 his it ; only one of the many r.pccial value* t jit j wile- at very lote prices during our January Clcnrcnrf Sale. Kticltrr Slirrly O#. Elizabeth City's llc.sf Store liav.e thought futile but which did ! not. on the other hand, promise a rvvvru) in policy. The most that \ n^ay come ax a result of the Ho lull influence with the President, which is not inconsiderable, Ih a wllliiiKncHK to t?t-nd a commission to (1 incurs with the Soviet govern ment a formula for the resutnp- , H-?ii of diplomatic relations. Such a commission was finally ?stab llsln-d to d? al with the Mexican iirubli'in. Til*- negotiations might' result in pnhlic assurances which w. >u id make possible it-cognition or it might define the harrhrs so clearly a* to remove the subject iron, consideration until Russia law tie- necessity of adjusting her policies to those of the outside, vorld. Mr. CoolldKt* had the deepest msp' ct and' admiration for the llui'h?s viewpoint on foreign pol icv. Ii?- would have given a great deal to p-rsuade" Mr. Hughes to. i"' iinin. He urged him repeated ly to reconsider. I'nder those cir cutustanceK It Is erroneous to sup pose thai minor differences led to the resignation or that anything' ? I.- except what was written In tl ? pffici'il correspondence actual ly brought ahr?:t the resignation . of ??!?.? < f America's greatest Sec r< larieH of Stat". : \l UKITi: T.lYMHt I'llOVKK ? I Kit MIltSATII.ITV AC.AIN l-a-irette Taylor proved her v? r natilllv Jn "One Night in Rome." lier third and most recent film ef fort which was at thu Alkrama Th' ate** last night and pleased a go d house. i'oine ? 1 those who saw Tile plc :r??e say that It contains fully as .nuc!i entertainment as the whim sical cniu'dy drama, "Peg ()' My ile-.r'" a:.d is far more gripping. !i. e;.,i>e unlike the immortal ? Peg," this picture is a mystery i.i'iunc" ?:( the most exciting na i.s-e The transition of Miss Tay lor from her previous roles Is idea.i'itR and astonishinK ami ?c! vt-K lo strengthen the hold slje has gain* I on screen success. Pit Jkiiv Ftr C.lee flub The Chowan College Alumnae Club tint Tuesday evening, with Mrs. J. \V. Modlin on West Church PHONE 114 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT Niecc of Cz?r ihr l.ito Nich?>| .?! Ku?sui. It. it ^pciitfJ a fx<ht>'n.iM<- ? tnbioi Iviy ulreet. Th?? prMldt-ni. Mr.-. Mary Itritton. ni>|ioint< J a ei>inmitlci? tii nwure liome* fur th<? fol Glee fluli whcu i? u'lp-ar. li'T'- and lo a*si*t In m? Hint; tick et*. SubscrlpiioDH wor. :.l*n uk ??ii fur the endowment fund. !(?? freflhiwiitH were serve. I by ih?? hostess. ? ? ? M E L I C K ? Stoves NOT THK IlKaiKvr I.I sr. Itl'T THK ItKST MOVKS Cold w >alhcr is It* r . Win not niak'- youw-!f ri>mri?ri able? Do not fail lo liiv? s tlua*<- ? oni IIOT III. AST with HjSI Iliarl.-iK < ? r.\c ?? . im| Vitrified Lining, wlii.h ban no ? tjual. ??? M E L I C K ??? PUT ALCOHOL IN YOUR HA MATOK He sure and let u? fix it up for you before il i* too lute. Doirt put it off ? Come today. Tide- water Buick Co. ? v^x^x-x-x-x- x-x-x. Whitalf Rugs Kxclutively told in Rli/ulirtli City by M.G.Morrisette&Co. SCHOOLS GETTING THE1K MOVIES FKEE Fifty MIU** Films n Week to S< hiM)U |ii i|i| k 1 1 (<> lie Th? m Itctlefgh. Jan. 14. ? Fifty mile* of motion picture films an b? In;: , s? n' out w. . kly by tin- Visual Lld ucation Division of th?- North Car-' olinu Department of Public In-' Mltiii'i ion to tlx* 7 T> public s-rhoole of lit* Stat.- ? ?luipped with motion pN-Tiiiv- machines, according tu Jat.fs It. Williamson. director of i Ins <!ivif*icn. " films," saitl Mr. Wll- j : lini.tH hi, "are Mi'ii t fr* e of ull! t-barues. ? xc?pt thosii- lucid. -tit t?' transportation. Tiny In ciutl?' varioUH su bjfeis. Souic of th?- Alms are purely educational in their nature. Others arc do- j signed to amuse the people who so" them. No tllm of doubtful character is ever purchased by the department or *ent out for exhi bition. K.tch Is thoroughly cen sored Im fore we turn it locse. I believe good. wholesome pictures are hMplul. "Tliese - programs." continued Mr. Williamson, "go largely to the, rural districts. They reach peo ple who otherwise could not en Joy screen productions. We buy luauy programs already lilmed ;;:id, en the other hand, we make many lilms ourselver." Mr. Williamson in planning to take pictures of the inauguration i?f Covernor McLean. Tli*'se will Im- shown in the rural schools Uju:;?p J with motion picture ma chine*. Also, he recently took pictures of the opftiltiK of New 1 Inlet in Eastern North Carolina. TUB APOTU1CAUY BUOt* Pbon? 400 A Cictnl Drue 8u?r?? PHONE 1 14 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT Introduce Your Friends ^FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OK Ol'll DE POSITORS ARE ENTITLED TO ALL THE COURTESIES OK THIS INSTITUTION. RRIXC Til KM WITH YOU WHEN YOi COME TO THE RANK. WE ARE PROUD OK THE FACT THAT MOST OK OUR BU^NESS COMES TO US ON THE RECOMMENDATION OF SAT ISFIED CUSTOMERS. The First & Citizens National Bank ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. 711 O KIMDS OF l\TKREST ? l'ER SOS II. X "*> OUR FINAL CLEAN SWEEP SALE 1'IUCES LOWER THAN KVKK at BEGINS FRIDAY, JAN. 16th MITCHELL'S THIS IS THE SALE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR Circumstances force us to give ASTOUNDINGLY LOW PRICES. We must vacate this building by March 1. There fore ? a Merciless Slaughter of good dependable goods. I.adirx' Drrssca ft HALF PIUC.E. DRY GOODS Lean than Ctwl. I ndie*' ('.out* m I1ALF PRICE. MEN'S HATS ?i 1IAI I PRICE. MEN'S SUITS, 1*m Ih-n HALF PRICE. lM* " ,,ul*> MEN'S 833 OVERCOATS, 818.00. Roy*' SIO nml 812 SI ITS, SILK UNDERWEAR. IIAI F PRICE. RURRER ROOTS .| LOST. Mitchell's STORE CLOSED ALL DAY rHURSDAY ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. THOMPSON BROS. I $10.00 Sho?# In the Whale I cf a Salt* at h $6.95 Ail ollnr dhaes and oxfords, reduced. Waeks & Sawyer "Whrrr the lk*<a < lot hen ' '?iiih* From" Sterling Silver Candlesticks A (lift appreciated by the hostess is a pair Lovely Candlesticks Sterling Silver. We arc showing a number of these in many beautiful designs, priced from $8 to $25 a pair. Hundreds of Solid Sil ? ver (lifts now on dis play. Make our store your K-ft headquarters. H. C. Bright Co. A. Ci. J.VMKK, Mgr. Cor. Muin & Martin Sts. Iccburj; Lcttuce Celery Fancy Apples Oraiiftes (Irnpc Fruit Potato Chips Nice liananas Klim f R. A. By ram ? ' Company * Successors to ? i M. I\ tiALLOl* COMPANY j l?hone? 3 and *17 * J f'oincr Main and Water St*. 1 r O It A c II AS (l K Order n ran of i>ur prpfMtrcd Alwo try n rnn ?*f the Macaroni For your choice try these Chit liner* <;<-lMiinc. Knox Olntlnc, JKLIrO. Then your Fruit, Crapes, Canued Fruits. Nuts. R. L. Garrett Call lit HOW. I'hfHHIA 007 or 00 ? ?? i .L, THE HOME OF ' GOOD FOOD W?? know our Krocerles sad jmnel kuo.Is arc xood. Cur customers know It. But,' jthere are manjr people who; nave nev-r riven u? a trial, j They are tht ones who don'tf xnow our food no good. ] We merely ask for a xlogM; lopportuiMy to nerve you who, have never been lo to tee us. G. W. Twiddy Sir.! f T .I. SAVE YOUR kwefTim'jf

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