REST IS CURE TUBERCULOSIS Nut Kan Efgfgji, Milk, or Sleeping I'orclt, Imt Alt solute Ri'jmisc >1aiii Fac tor, Says Physician, Sanatorium, Jan. 15. ? "!{?? ?! i wish I could Impress ui?mii the general public the idea thai it is rest, sysicmut ic ro?t ami te?t row egg*. milk, sleeping porch'.* or climate. tliut cure* tttbercul??sK" said Dr. 1*. P. Mr'.',.iii. superin tendent of the Z^oitU Carolina Sanatorium. , "The State of N < ?ri It <*:ire!in.? invests thotMU ruin ??r dollar; ev 0ty year in t uberculu?ls wot k. Hut 4T\i 1m not sleeping porches and |??od V alone that repuy the State in ar Ifosted cases of tuberculosis u r Us Investment. It is the strict regl inen of rfystematlc rest enforced by the physicians at the Sanatorium that pays the State return for it money in 'euros' of its tubercu lous citizens. "Pulmonary tuberculosis Is an inflammation or Ulceration in the lunr If you an ulcer on your hand you use th" hand as lit tle as possible until the ulcer heals. It should be the r-nme way with a deceased lung. The more exercise a person takes the more often he has to breathe Thin in creased breath inn ntry at any time do serious damage 10 the ul cer in the lung. The more quiet a person who has tuberculosis can be the better chance the tu berculosis in the lung has to heal. "When a patient first enters the Sanatorium he is put to lu-d for complete rest until fome weeks after all symptoms suhsld . Then the patient is allowed to be gin sitting up in a reclining chair for an hour a day at first and bis time up Is gradually increased un til after a few weeks he cat* sit up a good part of the day. F!nall> the patient is allowed to Ink ? some outdoor exercise, usually walking. The time out of bed ami on exercise is taken only by order of the physician, and not until the patient's lung condition !?.??? healed (sufficiently to ollow it. Kl ery patient has to recline ;o many hours every morning and spend [' two hours qu4etly in bed each al ly ternoon. "When the patient leaves the Sanatorium his period of re=t I not over. In order to prevent a relapse he must rest and < oni~nue to rest for a certain part of each day. "Tuberculosis in the lungs i ? like a house on fire: Water will put out lire; rest will quench tu berculosis in the lung*. The >? - cret of nettiug well of tuberculos is is simple: Rent, rest systemat ically and continue to rest. Good food, fresh air anl a suitable ? li mate are helpful factors but j: they will not keep a smffen r from tuberculosis from the gm\ ? They have to ho combined with In telligent, systematic rest. "8o far rest is the only gen i; il ly effective remedy for -Tiber u" sis. As soon as the general pub lic realizes this and acts upon 11 the road to recovery from tuber culosis becomes as certain, ea-y and secure an it can be in.tde to day." ? r VETERAN TAMMAM LEADER IS DEAD New York. Jan. 15 ? Thomas F Foley. veteran Tammany leader, died here today of pneu monia. His iloath was un< \p?Tt od. as an announcement yesterday stated that ho would recover. Governor Smith, one of Foley' proteges, caine from Albany la work, hut returned when Foley /grew better. Foley wan born in Brooklyn In 1 8 & 1 . BASCOM SLEMI'S TO LEAVE W HITE HOUSE Washington. Jan. 15. ? C. l'.as com fllemp will retire on March 4 as secretary to the President. It bwamft known today after fileinp returned from a trip to New York. Representative Sanders of IndlAna. will becomo the Presi dent's secretary. ~ PRICE OF gas is RAISED IN STATE Charlotte. Jan. 16 ? The Stand ard Oil Company today order t -1 n "i Advance of two cents per t:ali -.i In the prlco of Kaiinllne through out the State. The Gulf Refining Company rained the price yesterday. EGGS IN CHICAGO ARE EIGHTY CENTS Chleago, Jan. 15. ? Kgrrw nro selling here at *0 cents a do?"ii. the hlgheat price In four years. STATE BAH WILL MEET IN A9HEVILLK Raleigh. Jan. 16.? The e*CCif-[ ti tr, committer of the stai.- liar Association voted yesterday t> | hold the next annual convention of the association at Ashevllle.l July 1, 1 sad 3. Kirby h Ktrl.v ?h., .nr.. id in Clove l:inil in I'll with *i> 2't in his k?i* (???! who it ihr iiii<? uf liis rvtirc '??lit in I '. ? ? 3 ht-ud-'d m-vit.iI imvi-m ? ???lit inorl iM-r?- d< ?i riif nilllon# of ,loll.i,> WwMll of l>UNinv??. * und-r mdu : on . brcm of l-Hlir Ihc II' lis to d' flulld lie u Ixo '?is ?Kvn m.'S ? r. ?| i? courts virl.y. .t. i.yintt ,,n <!? ?,?:?- turn r*. uriKO fiotn I*.* Aiutclm tu ? clear hi* mime " MI!S. MKI.HI. SKNDS O. S. TO I'AUENTS I'lise* "lli< nt ??? u?? in ili;* Work ? Sake c?f Their < i> ? l > ! 1*4*11 >!??. C\ W ?f?*|1cv, pt? fill* nt of th< heal I ;:r ?i?-T? ambers' Amo riminn is ii.ii.iv s? tiding nut the! - loil iwinu S. o. S. to Kuubeth l*ftv "r;ith< r O ilr.i Y ra! A 1 1 ? lit lf?*i pl? as ? ! Vt'iir lool I'lrr iii-Tvach its' OiT.tlii/.itio:: |i:m In- ii inactive th|? '.vinl? r. I:: fl|.? f;:ll i wo meet- J If!-.* v.\?. cull .1 for i annual; election ??| oilier* .\t Uii> first ni'-i'liiii; two moiht ra were present Hixi :ib?-"!t ::?> jfjuln-w. The hoc-' ojiiI. im i tint-.- "\v::a a rep-iition of i Ii* I'.rtft. "This ??rvmizith.n is directly! coii/'i rii"ii wii.i i!i?- inatii-r of o?* ti'/n l>? the homo and mv?i?,1. it i.. intense!*- concerned with lo lj?ln- i*i any uuy possible to mako ii.r? Mm home and th?n | the Mhi>ol tb-* bent plncp possible' for our boys and fit In. It alirs: , ? : ;? ?i cl? i |.? r;.-ual contact b? t .. .1 ji.trun;.. fathers ax wvll ?V iu'?lh? . ;io the m-Iiou] In vy ti'jii our children spend ..the l. r .? r pnr:iun of their waking hontv. "i: -lies rot h? ?ii ih?.-k j bio no far, to ill* r : I ? tlDil^li patents to' Jiwiii. till \vi ri: ;? j ''''C'-hm in thin l Ii tin- rriticisiii is made ih.ii i:t meeting* are not later ? 'ii; e the i?? that one only i out. of .-inyih-inK of this kind in ;>rop irii' ii to v . i a t they put Into it "ii, in.. iin .s nil! b. a micc > h v. li i th< riio|h*Ts of the , ho.?| c 1 1 ! ?? ! fii att?"d regularly! rod CMnti i ' .n- noun thing in the w.iv i i thoughtful and helpful nu.vstion. "At |ir<'H"iit it Is vltrlly lurex .??:?ry a ?' v. |it*? id'-n/ b? . I ? cl - ? ?! ' ? date, ai| ? frnf-isi hi^tf lnil-d to find any woman who will ' 't. t ? i . k 1 1: If* r? ponsibility. i' i ?..ip <! i ? hnvc j? meeting on n?-.' 'I ii - * I ; j v afternoon at :i:45 , v.- h* i ;; 1 1 j. )i . uts are cordially In V'l <t i?r Hnnt. At this time ? ' I"' id. h. i fill OthT Officers mu.- ' h ? chosen. Cut:;- on. mnth ei'1. Ifi i i I', work and take up ? ?r i ? Hit y and make the I', rrni -T? r?r1|iT :i n>al factor In tin I i f ? ? of our ton ti and cotumun ity." \ I XI i; ti \\ xklt liKKlfim \\ l.i:k .\ i i.i.i : iv\sroi( \tk IJ \ . V. ;r tftt* ?i< r i f S.iImii Tlapliwl 'biir?b i.-< a viiouiirinK hi* n dirniitlon this Wrrk in the lllb lif-il H?'"?rdfr. ami comim-ndlng Wo to >;noi! pastor. iir.'Miiiiiiicnd Mtixwrll to < .or juration ( !oiu mi**ion \\\ishl?i7ii.n. Jan i: nators Slin iioi)-' and Overman today r?>r i ? nmui.ii ; A .1 >1. ix well. North ( arolin rorpbrati.-n Cominlsnlon ' rr to t h ? ? President for an appoint ment a- hetnorratlc memb' r of ffi-- lr.? --tato fommrrce Com merce Commission. \<) IMM.UiK I KINK IN MAIN STItKKT FLI'K FIHK A si ill alarm at 8:25 \V>dnen night called the fire company i '*ie 1iom<- of J. M \\V?'k< on U - -t Main street to a chimney fire. There was no damage. \YW:\.s ( Asiiim; I'll M m I llXi MONKV OKDKRH I'ntjRiipl activity during th'* p:i?>f (,n th- part of money oii|<r thlcv'4 and feryt't-s has hrou : l ? forth a warnlns from the I- . i orriee Departno nt aaalnnt tn?- 'a.-hiHK of postal money or d?rr. for ?Iran'vr* unh?>s proper Id- nMflcation la produced. "Most of t lo*?<n on account of Ihr < of ?purlou? ord? r* hate fallen on the bankn, merchanta rind oth?r hualn?-ss men." the ?'..temoftt pays. "In most In ntuncca. these loases have been f*.ie to thr fact that the same care I* not ua^d in the acceptance of , Postal money ordara as In th*? I caae *f personal checks or other j negotiable paper." BILL WOULD REDUCE SALAHY SOLICITORS Raleigh. Jan. 13 ? Retires* il lative *Poole han Introduced a "bill reducing salaries of the Ju dicial Circuit Solicitors from 94.ROO annually to I4.U0O Cut ton lioriclum addressed the Joint session at noon. 1IENDKKSON SNOWIIEN STILL IN (Ol'MY JA1I. H?-mler*on Snowden, who after shooting Clarence Hunt en Satur day night took refuge nt the home of his unci**. .Mm Snowden. in Sail-in township, where he wax e-tptured on Monday morning by Sheriff Charles Carmine, Is still in the County jail. Snowdeu so far lias been unabb to secure a bondsman. though It Is not believed that he will re main in jail until the February term of court. He was required to give bond for $1,000. Henderson Snowden bears a rood reputation. He is 25 years old and his last place of eniploy uient was the Albunarle Fertiliz er Company. In allowing bond for $1,000 Judce Sawyer stated that he did so in view of Snow den's good reputation. I*. W. Mc Mullau, representing Snowden. re quested that a bond of $.r>00 bo allowed but Prosecuting Attorney l.eltoy insisted that he be re quired to furnish a bond "in keep ing with the nature of the crime." The shooting took place Satur day night about 1 1 o'clock at Sears' caf?* on the corner of Shep ard and Green streets. Snowden. after the shooting, left the cafe ami went by Over ton's garage on South Road street, where with a hose he washed tht blood from bin face and chest. He then went to Hertford and on the next day went to the home of bis uncle, John Snowden. in Salem township. Sheriff Carmine was Informed as to Snow den's where abouts on Monday morning and arrested him between !> and 10 o'clock. Snowden weighs about 150 pounds and Is about five feet tall. Hunt was a six foot negro of a bad reputation for fighting and weighed around 170 pounds. It ia said. OTHER OPERATIVES JOINING IN STRIKE Fall River. Mass., Jan. 15. ? ? Despite Clio derision of 200 work ? ? ?'f til#* Dnvis Mill to return to work tomorrow, 200 to CO oper atives of Tecumseh Mill will Join others on the strike, keeping tin total near 1.000. TWENTY LEGIST ATOItH TO KAT FIG AT RfrBNTON Edenton, Jan. 15. ? Twenty mpntbers of the General Asucm bl.v, according to word received here from Senator J. 11. Mc.Mul lan. have signified their Intention to attend the Chowan River bridge barbecue at Edenton next Tuesday, those expected are: It. A. Doughton. T. C. Howie. Walter Murphy. C. G. Wright. Heneham Cameron. Hamilton Jones, J'nul Grady. A. F. Sams. W. T. Host. R. O. Everett. W. O. Howard. Charles lT. Harris, N. A. Townwnd and others S? i retary of State RvtlDU will be unnhlo to attend on account of his health. FlNRRAl MRS. STALLING* The funeral of Mrs. Robert Stalling*. of Hall* Creek Road, was conducted at the home Mon day afternoon at 1 o'clock by R? v. W. T. I'hlpps and Interment made near the home. Mrs. Stalling* suffered a stroke of paralysis Just a week bo/ore ! sbfJ died Saturday night. She |?= survived by her husband CHILD RUN OVER ? HAS ANKLE FRAtTIRED Edenton, Jan. 15. ? Lin wood j White, the little five year old son of Mr and Mrs. Asa White, was' run over on Kast fcden street late Tuesday afternoon by an automo bile driven by Miss Ada Ootsens. sustaining a fractured ankle and was cut over the eye and Hp. He Is getting along well, it Is reported. FLAG ANI> BIBLE mil BESS 4TTY HIGH SCHOOL Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock the Worth Ragley Council No. 60. Junior O. U. A. M , will present a Ribl?- and flag to The Elizabeth City High School in the High School auditorium. The Order will meet at the Junior Hall and go to the school building In a bo dy. There will be addresses of presentation and responses, sup-' plemented by tongs and other ex i rrlseg by the school. The pub He Is cordially invited. HUGE CREATE FARM EXPORT CORPORATION j Chicago. Jan. 1R.? The Ameri can Council of Agriculture ha-i i recommended to President Cool- 1 Idge the creation of a Farm Ex port Commission of 15 men with power to divert aurplua crops In to world markets. The plan as outlined by G. M reck, president of the council. *1-1 so advocates a protective tariff. BOTH I'Mlf.K <:i.on> GOV. JONATHAN M D.WiS Oov. raf-r Janthrn :?j. Pavfs vl*. Tli" lail-r v;i,i r:* ,i ;?>! t acc a co nvlci f'?r a :?::n|itji Hhcn .1 t Until 1 .1 1 ?i * |- ai;i| m n j-,. 11 it'll')" t . .. v l?AVIs"" ? f >\ UirtjK. ;? p , : : ;? ... iJi, ... ; j > a l?? <!??? f/f j %. f , { Mi? v {is 1 j.| I I- , ? . t>?r; , ? ? at I 'l. ll flit 1 |> SHli'MAN gi ITS \FTKK IN SKK\ iCK 2I? ^ KAItS Raleigh. Jan. l."? Mitt-hell Leo Shipiuan. win r? tir- 1 yesterday ajt high noon from lilt1 office* c?? Commissioner of Lahnr and Printing of N'vri!i Carolina, hu sorve:! in tliv department for 2u year*. IG yenr* of that time it. the foniiniMnloa. r and f"iir year.-* as assistant eoinini 'sioner I:. wii'.cli caducity lit* entered the de partment in At tin- i!in? of his retirement. ,\i". Shipinau is the oldest, in ??," KotviC". of any romniissioia-r of a similar state depattment in the Untied*. Mr. Shipsantt hefor.- Jto tnc-reil iho Department ?-f Labor an i Prim ink was in liic nowspupe: business and he will nt? r that business Imniudlately. lit* will corrc-spaud f:?r u number weeklies throughout N'orth Ctro linn and will also Wiiti> ?pociai artirlc.4 for ' dltforenl puliilc^tloi. > of a trade ati'l commercial- natu: In tins eastern states. lie lu already opened officer in l<i< Of1 ! Fellows building hi this el'y atvi will be (muted in udjdining to*?ih.? to lb*' Grand Master of tho Lodge. Mr. Shi| man i.-> the Crar.d Tr; is urer of flic? I idgc an i cai ry on his ofiirlul oonnevtl >iik with llie oriler while Jorutid t"u/r??. lie is a Baptist in faith aud is secretory of "tho North Carolina Orphanage Association, mid is prominently identified wir.i t!:i t)dd - Fellow.--., tin* K filth ts of Pythias and i!i ? Jut. i r t'rn Viitw. k\ idkni kv.\-;\s < t?\ s T'?; ??'-til. j in. .? r? - \ ?*li :i ? ??f j?;? T.i J r : | " ? Issu?.| l?y <S m.-ii: .1 ? ? i . .j i !s ?.?? M. Pa'U wai- i ? ll, ? iu-Pii- ?i i * (. ; i-! ? * . i : i - ? !*.<*>* !:iht l!i< r. ? ?! t .??? I i:.. r. I'lii Hiw.'l!. am! *t i'.fili C'.ii; iiiicioiii'i' {??-}?.. .'4: v.. < l'l. HaiihnJ.ii i- nl' ?i v \\ N-lilia morchnm. in an .iiiu'.wii I i thai Sit* p.. l?! .< i- . . i ?! ,i Bw!i $1.2&" if. ilv- pari I ? ? ? iiU *.ia. i ra? :-t. i< i.\ i< i. A ? i i.m k. . biif tli-ff. i iiu i. is SKYi TO TIIK HOl'SK Wu -l?in .'???!. .fa-'. T *i - Yh?? *ni M-i.- yi Ml. I ? I. !?:.? .. S.I t ll. Hi.ut*.' |?u?y* l! I :.r null! *? ???-:> I ill' ' ?] a.* ;.u*;il if l In lni'lM 'i.' 'i.irl il. "i hi .*'? ii.. ti* l" uua-i] li i?i Hi" ;?i:a i-i" !??? I n P rA-'i-i! j. rival ? I. i * I aijo|ii' ?l :t . : Mil^.'it'i' i" r tin H? use ;iii |?->. I ? 1? .u" ii I . 11. ii ry I on]. Whilhur t!i-* iii ;.'tir?- te t > 1 ?? I e? cu'fi i . uiv or t'- i lie II. Military^i umi't'-r* ruin ??!. Ill I i..\i;i> AMI moimov miltK I'M OFFH i: Wafhlnitiuti. Jan. 1.".- .\J .? J?>r ml.-i I'.oWrt J.. Itulla;i|. ? o?i !- jir.di-r "I i !*?? >?' -.'v.'! i-f-i'i.s nr.'U. i :i ii i liarh-; 'Murloii, lomJrtancl the tiii.ti* i.?r;i- ari-i. will .? ? tll'r4 iwl.iy. i'im to thi'ii ri Iiiiik till* PKO 'if '*? 1 . Dobbin's Day Nearly Done In Hauling City Freight I lor hp and VTagatt Destined !> f)i*up;trur from I lily SlrrctK '?m (ionipirlfl) ??n Uojsr Slu* Supprcrdiul in tin* Slivri f!;>r Tr.:l?'ir It* ?. <\ ISO\ I.K ? f.<*01rr;?tit. C. Th> .. . ? " " I "I II, J .1 1| . < , | ?f 1 1 1 , i it M day la about done. ???? far as niy transportation of f i < - 1 1, ; ? * i* ? corned. 'frnni ;i rrlntjon ?? x |i ??a predict ? fir* hoi.? and i. will ?! iMii |?|>< nr from city rlr< < i Hl?r'?lul< ly ii s it li. s frot ; i ' C'h r #er ; . \ . , I on. i ; i the country ? h prohibit ?! 1m* liURita*;*' of hot -' drawn v ? i ? ?* through cortnl*. main art?-ii< of traffic and aimllar action la be ing oonalderod In ? do/1 ;i , r other large c-nt- r*. Dobbin aim ply baa nc f I ? a able to keep ii|? with the pre -f lon. It Ih but a f?'W year*- ? tfO that driven* w. re pron?cin >1 '??r driving their wugona at tl. h k leaa ?p' ? d ?f eight mllca an h .r, but today movement of ? ? ? 1 tc through * it y street* at vo in- n pace would canto Immodiat* nd disastrous c? mention. An a result the nutoie" iie truck i* replacing the hoi.m vn i vehicle for transports. < i of' freight. The American I ?** i Company, In New York, It l> ? mi known today, will r?i<!ac?- ry 1 horse drawn vehicle now In ? Bpfvlcfl with a motor truck. I ns ar<? now under consideruth by th?? Port authority of New iki for truck distribution of r.n nd freight. Thirty three railroads n-'? ?re| unlng truck* on paitu ol ' lr lines In place of railroad nr nd i twenty -one additional m<>' ire1 investigating with a view ? ? ln n tailing motor transport on 1 servlcM. These factor* 1 'vej shoved truck production to .''70.000 vehicles in th ? In ? ? ar aa compared with 3,2X0,0"" ??*; seng<r autoa. "The ratio of truck |?r- ?* '>n ; to pna?icnger car outpi't ?*? crease d < cldedly doting M ?? InK y-nr' said Walter (\ v -te. J president of the Whlt? ' ,r?r' Company today. "K\ery dl- ; tlonnl mile of Improved r? nd! of fctroe't paving In a i'i to j truck <!? mand. Ho Ur ?. ti ger vehicles go, 1 do not I r,? f-ir 1 aalea or production t i d? 90t but I do exp?ct that the fit*! try will gravitate Into fow<> 1 'la. In other words, aomo coin. .ilea will ch:.w laru*vIy lite t ? ?? ">1 anl--* In tin- . foiiiln" \ ????? r but ' * fulfi l will |i.- at il??? ? \j?- i ? or : ? ? Mlifi pi -lii:- il.' v : u.n irout vl m;Iii fi? ' Trur' -ft I l?ur trini .tartnlVir, h wyt : . i lily In H h Infarct "l* i P ? i'y ?? ? ? 'J . ? ? . Itr r?"i ? lr? i i' i ? hi ' l?? I 'i ? ? ' I !? v I d??.il.t if .s |ti ?? I h I i'.h f jo.ii mi ? l! i y??ar v.i i ?( ; til.*; ii 'I . W Iii-IIh r 10,000 v III In built or ii* i. l< i; no! I. r ?; m otion. I'roin th? boat ? silmat.'H ft'p hav In ' n si IjI?- to conipll ill l?ii' h? qulri iiii.'iiln of tli>' *1 'nlh-d Si;-t? f<?r ih" in .? l'-n yn?rp will uppro\ llliato n<!O.O00 V <*Viii*l? : . If I' i ii ii in r is t'i li?' built, ii Kt.'iH fttiuuld !??? inadi- how." All tin I'Xrn riM iifir- ?? that atmi* door d -llv- 'y ol fn h lit it* ? and that It iun--t I" hand I d m < motor trii'-l, . but tlioy n'.o j. flat ti*j |h ji thin-: wlwli > i ? r bo put Into riT ovi n i . Ti t Ii must bo dfV?*l'i|?nd ^rad'>iil! coodlli'inn warrant. Th?* iicp of trurkfi !>? hn ? a mark'd ? tt it on aiclilt. t'n I . thO llUKltl't "<fl?Jl* rf 4, Merclianta and i.i. > n"toi< , Iiuv<? iM'Ktin Ifi I'illl- Ir ? i I.: ImfnarlfniiMc to load ;.?i i ir ! truck* Iron lh?- t ' i huvo made a'.t? ratio. m ty -Mow coiiftrurtl n of !??:*? ? ? ? ;?? ? .r loadlMK pl.itf u tin will ti ii Ir om'n wall* add J? w i . ' in* * cdlflCf-a any Koltifc v Wi* 'i a r< not <>qul|i|" d with ?n d? v : ? by wlilcli d*-i I v* ry ? ; ? -'i ? * * ?> f accomplished v : i *? <??!..;?,? aur round In : f n ? d > #u ? i Architect* bav- 'Jo- i ii bio cniPiidcrrd to '? 'II r?lby way* and court * ^ pvrlinpa, a oil* lirrr- |.mi it to. IV kocp n *'-oro '?f ? r?? illou In n btiay fttrc*t 1 1 ? ? driver collr-rtn t?>u-< t out n bulWnt*. I'Imii:' '? tin rrffjf'*, UMially Inrlml ^ I for tra^k ??ntry and exit t ? ' rn#nt r?f build ln??r. Truck prlfs. 'H?K to manufartui y to i main lalrly at at- tho fint' part of thi ' y-'n oi?( <{ mitfrlnl. ar?- (?. r^jttln t rtduclloi'i and I a ? 1 Mpvtltlon fcgalnm adymc* - :;kts cosii y mh\i, in Ki.r/.v?i:rn cm l.ln llnb'i In .' ill \tl??r !l?ihUln" l?. ! V'ui of lHillM'r I'ail J "i ;ii 'M Th? riijx. ni-if.M Jt !_?!?*? nt Phil ul> ill Jail f'?: h-dll i i p; I ;???< Wlui I. d. ami lakiiu his diiu.? r |?;i i ! uwuy from Whit!- y i:i i iupli v .1 liv K rar. I?r .i'i? i?* t'-'inpanv ami ?j?v. thai Tit j flinw n ;:;;u In ! i* ..'Jul ii- ? ?-.ill'!' i! !ii *? ivnii 1 . I ? i,i.\ v ; 1 h .1 . ? If..-- 1. "i .*;?? ?:!?>.< ? *. lin il vv:u ?: O'lii'iis Twi-ldN and il? .1 . : i - -i . t !? . i i ? M lii?.' id n h j:l l i! ? \V. .1. V.' . .!! v i t . !?:! ?; ii* ? ; Hi *?? : ? a \.1|. l\ . ? ?? r- !:*?:! '?'?.i ! r ?l il ' ** - ? Mill U I. id U I. WUIt l. . . 'i'Ii li.i ? 1- . n Im . ii inu !,it v .iv :iiiiai:d ia \..rloii:i Ninth < 'a 1'iiiiii.t 1'itvi, ? in I'u' I'l'lr.if'ii of I'ullr,' Offiri'r TwiOd\. "Ill' had ?i I'l'iTk t o??k w hi ,?? r }-.< i fr-'in .i N- w ill rn luiiik," Vi. Tv iddy s?aid. ".i 'nl rntiii-d iilii.-r paints ? iiiiii'aiiM.: Iluii In- liii:> hi .-u Ihvau^il Willlilimli'tl. Thciuaa h**ld up \Yhiil??y ahnut - ii'r!s?ck. < )fl ir. r-i u iii.lllli-d ?n I Itoa-hian and Tvlddy uan :i M-aiih for thr iii'Kro and madi' I'm- ativ-sl niji'iii 10:;*n. "VV. fol lowed ojosi- h< Ii'ml him tor l wo h'Hii ." Ofl'l' r l?'>Ui:hl nil still. \v< fit i.? ror?'iiiaii-ltladi'H I.iiiii!>'-r Company and found that In- h;d ju.-t I'M. *i?t ih,* Nor r-K :*ir..thi rn d?-;ioi and oilur I'laii-s and mil tin* sam r?*|'ort. "I lu n wo Kj>i*t(. il hint at ihi' W'umI l* y wharf " Thomas Ha>:; In* is "2 years i?ld, II" is of n l>on I avt riiU" hi-l-iht and w? }- hi. V V. SOI THKUN MM'IKTV tins Hoi ninux i-:\ position - N ? .v York. January 1 r? ? Tli?' N. w Yuri; Southern Soeirty h.aa appoint* il a com mil let to co-np ? i wi: ?? ffu.-i.js of thr? Sotilh ITU exposition which is to !>?? In-Ill i:t i si'' ( ? inl ('??ntrnl I'ulni-t', ::?w Yorl: t'i:*. May 11 to 2;t, '.In* com mil lee is u.s follows: Chairman. Jtohrrt Adam ? ti. I'rr.i M III I'vlioltuin Ural and I'uwer ( majlany, formerly of. UtHii'Kiu; S'lrHury, Clmrlos Cation, Vice r:osl<l?'Ut Chemical National Dank, lormorly of Ten iw.a : L liciiiy, FrMtli'- lit Toxin* Oil t ii.. formorjy of 'JYxua; II. I.. lluni.M. Vice ' resident Atlantic t Va* t* Hallway, formerly of Nortii Car;>lin;.; -William (J. Fitz >!!?* ri . Sorrriiiry American Hank ? *s Avi'-Oclfitioii, formerly of Vlr j'mia: T. F<w}? )? (iitino.i, Gaines, Van X > itranil ti .Morrison, real c? t ill . !ii! merly of Virginia; Then II. I'lite. K.lilor of Commcrcn * Finance, formerly' of Virginia; ami .M. S. Sloan. I'l'csileut 11 r<**?k - lyn KdUou Company, formerly of Alabama. The Southern Kx|>o?*ii ion Is ?.r r.nnlxed fo sjiow tlie advancement made l>y the southern states in a?; ri' nil are. hovl (culture. mining, n'aii:if..(t tiring, and com merre. 1 1 ! i( .'.i?l<>ni i:? William ('. Sirrino of (Jree nviU- . 11. (*. It* Secretary is Holmes II. Springs of (Jreenvllle, S Its executive Commit is eoiupusod of the following: Chair man. WJIUuin C. ?lrrlne, (jnen \ !ll?' S. f ; Jos, NV. Shirley. IJnl tithore; Mil.; llreni S. Drane, It.i high, N C ; O, I.- Ilunn. Hlrmlng ha in. Ala.; I.'on I. Kahn, Shfevr p? ? i- 1 . I. a , i'orl'-r A Whaley. Stamford. Touuii li. Jy&owu y? I .il ? II irk. Avis ; Willi C'fooul ii ("ol? . N.shvil'r. Topn. l:i h i IlKlli: tllMll. MOM * Y Klk" Minstrel? will have it - tlrst i ? lira r. nl nlghl . ; I f 1 !k Kllf Cliib. All of t ! : e Who wir h to ||i l|i Ini.. Wei ll cftUiO' irleng asked ;o h , Bent til that 1 1 >?!?*. Tin- com .itlet' in chalk"' Ik ei-pi-claUy de US fi ?iiivin< *I:oh?- who have ipeu I i their f- ran r shows,. AMKICICAN W'KALTll III MUtKDS Bll.l.tONS W:i 'hingtnn. J -n. 15. \cord Inr ih- I" ?>i - iih:ble < *-t (mate* of ?perfv cl;u ? f ???*! by Ih" CVn ?I ISiir< ?ail, lie vexlth ' f lie l ;i?d States j?i ih-- cad of tin y? r l '? 2 2 r.0* plurcd ai $ 120, <<< a ?lOO.nOO, ihi Im'H'hki' of 72.2 1 pi r r< at for ilt i! cud*-. ^ i:;i, i:. WIIITK DKM) " , ii WIiI'm t'I'd Sat ti :??; iy h'.^M .? 'he a? ? ?yf KB, at < ?? m ? i r M'.n. (jMor^e V. iimi ii.* !<o. The fuucral v < irU.ii'' d : i the homr Men V lit 2 by It- . W T I'liipim nnd ia'i'rthent mud<- in ih ? family hnryin;; ground. Mm Whit i ? 'i rvi- ? d hy two r i ti * 'i II 'fry Whit", b.'ilh of (Mirk i oTTON MAHKKT y- ^ ? ?rk, J?n. u. c?rti n I ? tui' d toddy M 1 1; ,? r? llr. ?? Itift I . J^ntu.ry JJ.fifJ. Mar ? ? ' ? : ?' 1.07, July 2 ' 3 f fe?.. r T ? 5*2, > York. J:.n 15. -r.iii, r *i * ' * * " ;t 2 O'clock Iniliiv 'I III ("'lOfting Ini . c. Muxh 13.?;, Mas ?: ' ; i . Oci b r js ?. ' York, i?n. It. ; t-'.l c ? I qui' t; nllddllr. . ti.-iiaeyd Viiinrn. rlt*l> ' ? January 13,?0, Jlarrh 23 US. M > 24.17, July ?4|4?, Octobi r 23 Governor McLean Begins Official Duties Office ! ir-t Official Ac t \V;?> Hcapjmini ninit *?l" Vtljiitant j era I La-I umi K?:vh Toila\ Nth Execu tive \\ uf? 011 tin* J?l> I'irkinji 1'p OITht Koutine \mm votes to PURCHASE CANAl. '?il l Willi Shi- V: **ni !?.*. ( !oiit!rrfh I'ruj I Niih ShJV, i:t Opimirti <>; ilulirt S. V\;ir?l. Tin4 llivefH :ii!v| Harbors lllii. atryin;; an appropriation for I a r? lia-e ?>f t la HI- sunt Sv,\,ti;p Canal passed tin- II iuni to?|a> i lid Is nut of (laUKi-r. urt unlit;-, lo a teli?*iaia ?? n iv <1 I Mlay from llnllet S. Ward liy M. I -??mil SlM't'p. I'reHident ??i in ChamlH-r of Cntui:i? Mayor Goodwin and foiia.-r - Solicitor .J. C. H. Kliriiiitliaii < have rivi-ivi'd telegram to Kinu* ef fed . President SliW'p. i?f Hi- Ciia m he.* ot ('iiiiijiii r?*e, fxpri'^Mt-d klni? Htdf :m Ih'Iiir uttdl ]'l?asi-d w: th?' w.irk of It. ,t\ J?:h. Mf.Tf'iiry of tin* ChamlMT of ('iimmnrco, hint'** hi- been in WaMliiiiKton, Mr. Jiili lias dieen worlilliK hard, Mr. Sheep iiiiyn, lo iulnreHi Sena lora and foimri'ssimn from Northern males and tonmd the pmmlao of . Stttator l>it rin]: , who hai on previouK ocrashwiH fniiclii i|i? measure. thnl he will ii"l again do mi. Senator It'll l? r who inniiaK^d t!i?' caiu|i:tii;n m ('resident Coolldxe hi l hi- last tuvfcidi'iiti'al raeo. is sjfid to lie ?I ?i il ?? liitcn'sii'il in Hi,- prnj . Mis all"tiMon wan called i . ? lite prael i?-ii f>il it y of t lt?> .mm ? uhen hi. 4 yaelit. i h ?Haher* went a ; while ?-:o.iln- lo KM/u lii'ih City l?y way of the Ch? ia pi-afce Canal route. Frank M. Dcxli'r, local i r'??nl for Iho North American Life In suranrp Cotapany. in very iiunli ?nter#?nje.-| In I Ik* l>l*mat 'Utramji wrojfift and wrote Senator Pallet ami oi Ik- r s aatoi with whom ho i.? p? rannally :?? ?, mliitrd and in ? d Hp nt lo ini Ukui i i hill and nuppi rl i; . COTTKIC ins \K\V sin i k or ori K;i:s TwrlUwy of Three Stall's and On ly Iliy-iil tnent f iiHtiraixc OfflU' ||| ( i|y Holi.-rf M. Cotter. manager of the Southern Impart m.-nt of Mm Noflh A ill" lie, i n l.lfi' I risaia Company t-f Chle;ign. has Jus! tnovi'd int i a very a:iiaitiv Hiiilo of offi.rn in iho Million Building. The offie<- number* are 4;:|. 4 3:'. and 1.15. Tln*r?' are three u-paraC- off li-pH, the walling room, I he treasurer's ofMen. an I Die j i, vale office of Mr Cot in Thin is Ihe only d? iiaiimelit in Hurnnce ?,u.r.- in Klix.iheih Cli>. Mr C'it li'r'j* t i-i ritory in N'ir'h Carolina, South Carolina, and Croricin Ad lit lh'- p< l|i i void for "Mie-te Mi I* ? i 1 -i. ''en fttf handled through Mr. Colter'" i.ffi??-. ati'l tin mum v ? ? -I |"I' d -If K'lxi-V ?: ' hank:;. n v. i; \i iiiss. < i\v M.rcv Tie fiii.1 I 1 1 or M I c \ Ow i, I v, w 1 1 ? ? dli d SiiulU:.- ?! 1: -?r n^ftr Wood villi', v/.ui rondueli'd Tu? nday nfi< ronen at 2 o'rlork at flu- hoiio- h;- llev.'A. A. lluMer of Hertford and Intel ment m?d< in the family luiryinu rmuhd. Tie palllMiir'r-i were: ll <; Uendv. I'. A Mundy. II. II. I'i nv. .1 r Miih'.-II, /. W Whit, ai. l 1? W Cm I wrikhi Mm. Ownley u;., lo , , ir:- idd and itt nurvi > d I v her 1 m h; nd and ii cMldr. :i. Myrlh . ? ; i Kni'irtld. CiirM?. f; n \ - M i rh and lOilhu Clark *)wni?-.-. Ml K|< \l.i. ? r Nil \Ui;oito Sh:- whore, J. m. I." \ niUKk. ' hy I ll'.ahiili City lal'M ?!!.?(? <| hy Mm J. VVi-nley I'oii nt'iti. will Ii" i: I Veil ?' t Shawh'ifo Hall Irl-l. . nl.'.l't, Jariuaiy Ifi. at V : f lh. I< r.? fit or I*, i kin- " I Chiirih. |jj-fr? ahliH nt? met I! ' ?> rv<d. i:.. iv on- i< invii- ' come. i.acvs condition l(KI'OKTKI) HK'I i I IJ h, Jan. I ?>. ? Th>' riillnn "f. Aiu I ?? Tfraiaivir l? rv wn? r? con*|d?rnMy i?-i jnovfi on tola nrrivol .!? i<> ?!?>? fi ?m Wow York. *;> >?. !.* bprnmr 111. U( will p; n ; ?*:ivi Ij. ' ho. t *t; irif OHlh lift tlMSOriT for I he x[ four yrnr*. ? 'iPtler M Ma milch., N, w v??rk Counm I f.?i th# 5Ut?. "inferred todny with s?iu - or fi'Uln it?K?rhnK ih? itufttlon < roftt*<t by thn rfmnr'* of (h>r> '-rnors before Lacy cor.ipMc I niyntbg the lx>nd Ikkuo. iial'i ;h. Jan. !.%. ? Governor -ir: \\ arrived at i iri. .' <-arl> ?.??!?>' to take up i ..?:?? in I ?!'.? ?-s as ehlef execu ? v.? ri i i. ?' ('?in mo a wealth of North Carolina 1 1 <? In expected to I ? 1 :? ?' ?' >? Aiding his . Ki^Uiuwj. j * n>. i m i f Grecnaborqt J j i- : I i ? t. ? v Go vrri.or's secretary, . !?.!?? M i.-*< Mamie Tumor, pardon i Gowmor Morrlaon, v .rl main witli Governor Mo* i ."i lor i ii?? |>rcHcnt, residing at a hoi?-1. Tin* l.^gUUiture. after spending n.'.-j of V' si.rilay seeing the new .-?Mi.- oifi? laU inaugurated. began rott-ldi rtng ? sot ioua business this morning. ^ x 1 lie House roads committee an iiiMiiH'f.l ti day thai tbc hearing on ifio bus control bill will be held on I January '11. !%;ib i?h, Jan. IK. The antici pated stieedlnu up of the legisla te .>piivtibH is likely, to take |da?:>' soon, The day in both iiMii.41 - y Ait iday was short, the \v ? i-My ha\tu>; adjourned for tb ? iu icuuraiioii. Governor Mc L. itiili' .'. t? d that he would de i ? i > i ?- Jlrst. message to the Gen . ral Assembly carrying specific 1 i?< no mini Ions during the ?v I i brill ol 1te\t Week. 'i'. i'o w- i. no near develop* | : i:i M' ; In y. . t. rday's session In i . hr i-A>- of l;< im s? illative Tur? ? [ a? r. i i Mitch* !l County, whose \ i , H?'it i Is bi-luu liivi-KdKalcd. I Tb.' first net of the new Gover ? nor tin- n -appointment last i.l,:'* of lti't;;adi?-r General J. Van .as A.!jutant General.' Ti?oru .\v?iv inntiy favorable I Mali in. :;ts last iiIkIiI In regard 1 ? the now governor's address, i ' 1 >nis ill- nt/ that of P. H. Wll- \ 11. nay. of 101 l/alx't b City, chairman ] > l ? ? ? >v n:u- Committee on Kln 'aid. "It was a oonser- j vati.f, I.- utterance, .showing til;. tln.nj;bt and a knowledge of our ii'-eds." i I'oii.i.-r Governor Morrison la i m ! ? Charlotte to resume hie ? lav pi in !!l\ EHS VM) IIAKBORS IKIJ. I l? rOK DEBATE \\\. i 1 ion, Jan. 15. ? Ths M r i 1 1 : ? >? l? considering the rivrrn nnd harbors *?4I1 ".lih d'hato liiiiitod to two hour*. I j . ? l*;il provld a for the pur ' li.-; ?? as a j?.i r I of tho Inland vft* , '.?t way from Norfolk to Beaufort, (1m* existing hiHinal Swamp Cs nut. M \i!l< UN S I Alt LIBEL SI I I I Kl) (HIT COURT Mnrion. O. Jan. 1ft. ? ' The Mar i<m Hfiir said todat that the $1. IM'ifi.oon ltlicl milt riled by Hoy D. Moon-, nn. I K II Urimh. publish rr a^ilnfO. Ki ank A. Vunderllp ? was Mttledout ?f court. M?s?:s I I > HOOM 1H a lit llSTINfi ITS I'.DVDH Jo ? V- T' .i It"! 1 1 which b<'Kan a j ' s. iii r?nt liii .!??:?? in small and in'?d''Ht qn.irt'TK on Matthews j ? ' ? h In popularity j ? inii ii ;? i ? i'i ? iir, Mish Jo(h| '? ?m1:i ?. i>- moving Into the old j ; I > 1 1 i-' I d'jht hnildlnK. corner , I'-.i'id- r ? ru I l'< arinir streets* I Ii v. :i| ,i iIiivh before the I will I", ready and j hp untvhllc custom' ir will be j rvf il iim usual at tho Matthews j Htm t |>lttc?\ \\M \l. H.K(TIO.N FOR I'Xst/l OT.WK HOHIKKY MILL At A meeting of the stockhold ? : nf t lio Paiciuntank Hosiery I Company Tuesday morning of this w< < ^ the following officer* and it In ?: .? were ^idcted : Officers, N. Mtirfoot, Sr.. prcnident; W. II. .ti :< ng*. neeretary ; N. Burfoot, Ji . manager; directors, I^oula flsl- I M I i Ii : a N. W Pally, 8 O. 4 .1 c. Itawson, and SB I i <? v I MIKE I* > <;l\i:\ I. MUiK SALARY j A v if r i In (he Biblical j II. cord, i t II.- how Or. Ceorgs W. ^ 1 -a time pastor of i*.'- r!i v, , U M- 'norlal Church O'f 'Sty. Just had his salary j i ? ? ! <1 ? I'i.UOO by hi* npprecls ti<- ''lulu' i l"n ii r. Lake Charles, I. imI"; ? ii ;t \t the same time his <1 roolutlons telling ' < r if .j:- '.u'/k h- has done since l wo; J l/tke Chariot. 1) < larko has nnny friends Ih Hi- ?i|?.|i v ho wiil I h> interested i V> I i rn of his success In the l^ouisinoa field \ i ?:< ii ? \ s i i vm r \ v KK\(iH I I r IIY COTTON TBVOI TH ltli '.Tii'iniJ, Vn.. Jan. 15 (Sp#5-! i l; I . Thr I '- .Miit aoreags m \ irginln v.* as cut last year by ea <* rili n rni",int ;l to anly 74,100, uiii .hi ml-; ms ompared wltk) 122.760.000 I- 102.1. The U>Ulj crop was worth sbout $5,000,MSj

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