NO. 14 An Old Fashioned Mother Pays The Extreme Penalty Dead a* KtmiIi of Trying to Ciirli l>\ Old la^hionct! Methods Spirit of Dauphin* Who Vi anlrd Ja//. Gin pud nf Love." Il? li. C. OWHN M'nt>> nglil IMS In Tl ?? Ailunr San Francisco. Jan. 16. Mrs. Anna Ellington, 'ag<-d 47. was an "old fashioned" mother. II?-r daughter. Dorothy Elllngson, aucd 16. often told her so. The mother It Bt'cmi, frequently chided Dor othy for staying out late at night, and for the companions sin- kept. Sometimes where nurt* chiding* failed she adopted harsher mea sure*. ^"Todav. because she was "old Rashloned" and some times pos Islbly too strict, the body of -Mrs. \;iiingson Ilea In the morgue here with two bullet holes in the hack of her head. Sixteen-year-old Dorothy is under arrest charged with the murder of her mother and the police says she has con feaaed to the crime. Behind this unusual case of al leged matricide Is a strong com plex of personalities on one hand , of a girl yet in adolescent age with a paradoxical leaning on on side toward Tennyson's poems afiil Catholicism, and on the other of a "Kid" butterfly's inubility to n-i slat the lure of bright lights, all night dance* and Joy rld? s with their invariable accompaniment of "Kin parties." Woven into the ease also is a diary kept by the girl which In its frank chronlcHng of both thought* and deeds as opposed to the ef fort* of her "old fashioned" moth-, er to keep her "straight." furnish] a tragic moral for both parents and children, particularly par ents. Mrs. KUIngson was shot -down from behind as she aat lacing h? r shoes. The night previous she had refused to let 16-year-old Dorothy attend a party at a beach resort. The girl hod instated on going, whereupon her mot h ? r at tempted to repeat what she hsd ? done before effectually? whip her. The girl resisted, whereupon the. mother took steps to have the authorities send her to a correc tional institution. ' The police believe that the 1 threat of this punishment was the v motivation behind the death deal ing bullets. It Is In her diary entries, how ever. that are revealed first the pull of morality against the lure of Jaxx. then, step by step. ftr*t the mental, then the open rebel lion against parental "old fash ioned neas" which first prohibited her from even attending the mo vice. with girl friends, and finally all night parties with sordid ? r glea. Some of these entries read: July 10 ? Mother Is dreadfully old-fashioned and strict. Why won't she even let i\ie go to the movies with other girls? July 16 ? Mother whipped ine when she found out I had gone to a dance Instead of to Ituth's house. Out It was worth It. July 18 -~Ou ess I'm outta luck when boy friends can't even call on me at our house. August 23 ? Met H. and K., had a flne feed. Nice fellows. This Is the life. Wonderful time. pep. Jaza. gin. Went to the beach later and got drunk. August 24 ? Out on a hot time party with Hen and the gang. When It was all over I was u II in. August 24 ? Another whipping but stayed home. Won't stand for another one. Will do as 1 please henceforth and love where I please. Tuesday another auto ride and lots of drinks. Dig time. I^ots of love too. It was auto rides, big times, drinks, "lots of love," which wh? u old fashioned parental discipline jfalled. brought the threat of the reform school. Faced by such an alternative. 16-year-old Dorothy. ^ who "wouldn't stand for another whipping." finally shot down her "old fashioned'' mother front be hind. Mltw Rllingson continues to ho cheerful aftor 12 hour* of ques tioning. She has remained the same since th* murder. She, danced at a friend's apartment while her mother's body lajr at home. The police have arrested throe of 17 men charged with contributing to the delinquency or a minor. MURK MI 1/1 M CtT WAtiM Tannton, Mass.. Jan. 16. Special ? The Taunton Manufacturers As sociation will put Into effect next Monday a 10 per cent wage re duction In thO cotton and yarn mills here. COTTON MARKRT New York. Jan. If.-? Spot rot ton closed quiet; Middling 24. JA. ? dacllne of IS point*. Futures, cloving bid: J?n. S3. S3, Marrh ft. 72. May 24.06, Juljr 24.2ft. Oct. SS.ftO. New York, Jan. 1H. ? Cotton^u tureii at 2 o'clock today stood aw follows January 23.40, March 23.61. May 23.21, July 24.13. Oc tober 23.76. New York, Jan. 1?. Cotton fu turos opened today at th?? follow ing levels: January 23.72. March 22.10, May 24.26. July 24.62, Oc tober 24 06. yoi.'w; si.ayek IS ( Oi l) ItlOODKl) San Francisco, Jan, 16.? Doro thy Kllini'son. |? yoar old con fessed slayer -of her mother. Mrs. Anna Kllingsoti. today maintained Ihe Mniliiig iiuliffercnn' which has chauicierized her since her arrest yesterday, having been charged with the murder. (am. asks si 1,500 I OI{ SOAK UN l.EG Houston, Tex. Jan. 1 6. ? Miss Illaiu'he Keener has sued ihe In ternational Urwit Norther^ Rail road for $ll.f?oo damages he cause of a scar on her l?-g in curred in an accident which pre vents lo r w- arinw thin slni-kinus. SAYS I'KOHlltlTION II \S NOT Washington. Jan 16 ? The cam liiiiKii asaii?.it uiicii lii|iior ts marked hy "many advances hut not a retreat," Prohibition Com luissiontr llayne* Jirc entombed and are' believed to have perished as a re sult of the explosion yesterday In the diamond coal mine, number one. near here. Two bodies have been recovered. I.ator in the day It was an nounced that the bodies of en tombed men recovered bring the number of known deaths l6 six. i PI BMC DEBT HAS GROWN AND GROWN Washington. Jan 16? The Unit ed Slates public debt Including the Federal government and all. the subdivision* December, !92j2. was $3fl,K4a. 626.000 as compared with ihe $4. SR0. 460.000 |? 1012. the Census liureau announced to day. i BESTCITY I'LAVS BELHAVEN TONIGHT tonne ChIIinI for 7*:lO In the High School (i\llllia>IUIIl tO In* Thriller The High School Basketball Is slated to play tho Belhaven quintet toni i;lit at 7 :30 at the lliKh School gym. This Is expect ed to bo ?ti interesting game as Helhaven hns a crack team, spec ially so for such a small town. Also tills Is the local team's Hrst game since the holidays and it will show the Improvement they have made since their last game. The home I earn has met with hard luck s:i far. hut they fully ex pert t i-ven years hr has sp? nt foriy-elKht billions or more than twice as much In what might be t? rnu'd his amateur days. Th?* "spender" In question Is , noi your I nch- Sam, as some I might have supposed, bfit his spending coincides with those of your I nele for he In a humble worker lu I'ncle Ham's ranks and his name jm Kennedy K. R"a. His ponltion Is clerk of the all-power ful appropriations commlllee of I th'1 United States Senate. He ha.<> been With the Senate Committee since 1010. but for IS years prior ? cf that tlQi" he was with the House committee on approprla Hons, first an messenger and iatrr an assistant clerk. Mr. Roa came to the capltol at nn epochal time In lhe nation history. It was the year that th*; annual appropriations for the' first j i r*? ? tlni" reached the half billion mark. It will bo seen. Ihcreforc, that tliln younK spender'* lnflu ence whk felt from the very Jump. Tlio highest the appropriation* for the Government had ever reached j before RepreaeDUtlvp William K. Ilolman of Indiana, the first great | "watch dog of the Treasury" brouuht b 1m yomiR Hoo*l< r friend to WaHhlngton and n?-t him down In the House committee on appro priation*. waa $463,3S:i.4KO. Im mediately there wan h Jump to more than $524,000,000. Thl* wrh hack In 1892. In 1S9G Mid 189B Mr. Rea unw the annual expendi tures drop down below the half; billion mark, but noon there wan a Jump to three quarter* of a bil lion ami at laat In the year 1909 there came (he famous "billion dollar Congress," which caused so much comment and criticism The criticism waa not atilled until l?ncle Jon Cannon, Kpeaklng for the defense, exclaimed: "lieU'a Nil, this la a billion dollar country," or words to that effect. From 1909 until 1917 Mr Ilea mw "hi:* expenditures racking along at the rate of a little more titan a billion dollar* a year, with everybody happy, and then came the war and the bin hop. From a billion and a half In 1917 the appropriation* Jumped to nearly nineteen billions in 1 91 x and then to the tremendou* total Of more than twenty-aeven billion* for the fl*cal year ending June 30, 1919. Thsnk fortun? for the tax payer*, that wa* the ap? x of Mr. Rea* spending c? r?er. He aobered up rspldly af t? r that, Immediately dropping to 9 mere seven billion the next year and then down to four bil lion in 1921. As already stated. Mr. Rea Is going to try to hold bin expenditures to $8,622,125. 959.19 during the fresr ending June 20, 191*. He has It sll fig- j ii red out to the penny. Thst Is th< wsy Kennedy Rea works. He is precision Itself snd without him Congress would be llks s rudder- , lesa ship. Hs Is more than sj spender He Is sn Institution. McLean's Message Next Wednesday llalcigh. Ja?t. i?", liitvrnof McLean ci|m-cIh 'h : hver lit.* me*>?age to the* I.ecM.ii urc next Wed*: ??ilt.y. An aniiiiutK cpuMit to day Ins inform ??! mi *uher* that li<' was ready to make the rcrum mcntlHtloil.s wlH'lH'VVr they Wish to- hear liiiu. \\ t'llni'olciy was lertat irely set beeaus many m? r?'n iv will lio ab sent through Monday a it. I olh r want to attend big liiKUjy rally at Kdcnti?u Tuesday. Who it the l.?'4i?iatiu met I'v day for the ninth legislative' ih" It wax without having taken a rcronl vote on any St at wide hill Tin* committee* are working on many minors measures hut none of Importance have been taken tip. Many ia^snlH>r< have k?? :i confer ring with the Governor regarding the measures. Tho liud?n>i mm mission Is continuiiiK woik ;-ad hopi m to make a report :-oon. lialrigh. Jan. 1<;. tiovrrnor McLean ha-; Indicated I ? newspa per men that lie woild appear !??* fere the (Soneral Assembly III* latter part of n< \i w. .. wi;li def inite reconi mend u Ion?*. Ther.e wen- only two hllN In troduri-d in tin- IIouh?' y?>terdn.v of Statewide interest. while tin* Si'liHlc, also, \tufi in :.|imH >n only. The ropri ??' tdativ. M of the State (Janif League w i it- la v?'n:-|oii with the State i'lolh i H ii i *' i in in i:>Moii yesterday afternoon H i kinu u c< operative basis upon 1 tthich to draft the. came law. The hill provide* for the pur chase an a pari ?.f the inland wa ter way from Norfolk t.? I lean fort, of the existing Swainp Ca nal. Representative Itrouuhton an nouiMid today thai ho would In troduce n hill providing for th? automat ie dlvorc ? of couples tuur ried 2 year* without ehildren un Iihh m-do-al evidence of impo tenry could he presented. The House adjourned t"d?y In honor of tin- memory of loraitr Governor Kitdiln. THE LOl'DSI'KAkEK IS JUST (II I' ('HRS' HchI IsMiie of lliuh S.h'el Publi cation Mn U ?"? (??..?! Niii.u iiiC for ''.i un Thi- Loudspeaker Is junt off the press. The Loudspeaker, it may ho nrcensary to explain for the ln-ne fit of those who have not secured their copy. Is to he published semi-monthly hy the Senior ('In*.* of lh<- KII/mIm Hi ( it y filch Seho d. and this, the first issue. i dated January IC. Miss -Kllzaheth Thompson in ed itor-in-chief. William I'eiry is business manaK? r. und Miss H i nice ItichardMoti Is managing e li tor. The associate editors art* M-Imscs Myrtle Ownley. Catherine Hathaway. Margaret DnvU, Sli-l lon Lew la. and Annie Midgett. and Laurence Aydlctt. It Is a nix page 'J hy 11! publi cation. printed on a soft er? ? :i> paper which gives It a decidedly high class appe.irante. Tho Journalistic work on The Loudspeaker given evidence ..f the Intcrojft of the student# In tho undertaking and the careful u pervision of Karl II llartsell. u'?o rame t?? tlie Illfth School this y< ir as teacher of Kngllsh. liciildes the quantity and quali ty of its news, the publication carries various depart m? n f;ood editorials, and to show th it t is right up to the minute, a cross word puzsle all its own. It is a high school paper th ?: Ilestcity people' will ho glad 'o have exchanged with high who .|* nf other cities ati'l looka a- Hi" It ought, not ty ? partimn. COUNTY ROAltD !? All s SUSTAIN SOIIOOI, Ml \ I>e<'lde* for Ti'iirhrr* When T?? Mrmbt'fN K< bonl Ikmril !(<'? quest Their Kcsimmr ion N? w Horn, Jan. 1ft A f m t for (hi- real^ nation of 7,ae It \V ford and Mian Hello I'af. i t"< ache r* in the Vanceboro j< h* 1. mad*' by two m? mbcrx of achool hoard, him been denh I i>v the hoard of odiioatlon of t'ra ? :i County. W'liit ford whh ri'i' ' ly Klv? n a hearing h< fori* M- *?r Hton> wall Jaekaon. of Vann !? ?. and wan held for the rerun m court. When the cane ciiijh i? before Judge (J. A. (lard-??;? d student In the Vanceboro m '? The parents of the youth tool <" j matter to the courts and wh< t VT IIKLAY THAT IM l(? H * 'I? All winter merchandise I *6-! Inn Mid at rock-bottom elen e, prire* at our fetofl dflrlns Trunk K' llo-i; I ik. s ti..- pi... ?f S? rrHnry ri >? i. n. ? u, vn? v r. tit ly iirl.-p- ?!. j: \\ i i.i. UKIilN MMt( !l l.> Stin::ll:iiH^Mi> Kvanurti.-it s ?-\ ir ?h Will lie ll- l.l in Ml | In* ?'it? I 'liiiMlt'." Tin* Simullsilii'dUM Kvtiiip'llstii' Campaign laum-heil Its the V.-us' ? 'li! rtlun Fedi*ratlni? ??f 1 "i? ? quo tmik County, will slur! on Ma-li 15. It* pinning on this date s.rvieis .will III- held ill ?l?" f lnirrlic; of l lr . ? illy si i 7 : :?*? ??lich evi\uuig. Cas tor* will totato ??ach night fruin one elm r eh to Mir mah out tin* campaign. That is every piuititr in tlii* city wi'l m some lim.* during l ho campaign till th pulpit of rvcrv ?*hureh in the ty . Present plans are that no an iiniim cmt'nl sit ill In- made .as lo who will fill tlw various pulpits each night.- Kvery church nii*i|il ?her by (al'lifnl attendance at hi; own chureh during the. r.tmpaign will hear tin? r tin* purpose of. determining Hi" names Mid r d i !re of those in tin* ci ty who an* unchurched." Crriver wsvires urf i In in 1'inh afternoon. ?<;. it. i i rn.i: ATTKMdNti II.WKKItS ItlMMIlTKi: <; It I. It t le. Caslibr or th" Carolina Hanking Ai ? Trust Cnin-. pany.. left Fiiday at noon for Washington to In- present at a m< eting p' the offlrers and execu tive committee of (Ir<*up One of f li?* North Carollin Itanl.? t \--o elation. Tho committer will ar ranr?* a program and deei?|i-i| up on the next meeting pltt'-e of the hanki'is of Group One. A ' W ash ington's birthday runes on Run day this year the banl:"rs will hoid their annual meeting on M/niday. February 23. TUKAT IN STOKK. IOI< All SIC I.OVKKS Thr Mtialo llepaHmonl ??f tin* Woman'* flub will prow, ni I ft ? HPi ond In Mm mm I'm at owne r! ? horn evening of IIA- ai-eond of February. Many pooplo Mtjoyoil flu fi ?onr*?ri bofor*- riirlsl mi* by >'? Hawaiian player*. it nil tln-?l.< bi'l^vMi Hum a much K^-aw r ' i ? >i. I* In xlorn f<>r tho public In K ruury when the MaoKarron Ti compo*?d of Herbert Mm h^n< . planiat; Hondo l)r>l?on, violin ami .laiiM-i 0, T.iylor. ell t ?rl|j be HUfiplonWritod by l> Ka- i IhivbM, barifono. In n ?)?? I i . hi ?i t program. ^Thoao who hav?- their *< .< >?n tickets and tlio>??- wlio will w.-nt ? ? ? buy l ho Mlnglr conwri ti?*K. h juo roinlmlfd that the rtat<- i Kbru ary 2. Thn i>iirert will In m |r| in the now High Sch'?ol iitnlltof ium POSTAL II ATI. It'l I, ON NKVr Tin KSl) A Y WaahinKton. .Ian !? Tho S n at? today voted to ' up Hi" postal ralo and ml ? Mil ii?*xt Thuraday two A<:?:mKM> in DAY AT IIII' IIKMTEH Rochontof, N. Y.I J r' On? woman and t v > n.1 I"-1 klllod In one automobile ? n? hur? today. and, II *??" " In an other. A frelrht ' 1 "Irufk a a?dan and killed and II w*ro Injured wh'-n tutoa eol H4?d. \w\ns \< no\ m mi-: sk\ \tk Washington. jjti. !?; -Tlu> * . ? 1'? ?.??;)?? lit. IV at .1 h.!J Hiiicli ; .1 I ihi> ) I i'UHc >? liTilij' ?iiltniii ain?-tu'.:ii"iil i : :i V'?u* ' l I ."!? id it :o?lu> Sitl.ih* si ? ' I ioti. "I In* l? i 1 1 ? .? i rii?t provision f?jr piircliJtv of ? !.? I iism il Su a nip ?" '!::I ot till* illlai d Mil* ? ?? .?.!> tr?:n Norfolk i?? Itcau i?t t. JHW.F \ M) m m; '.:?r <;t\ k> sruooi. -if ? ll-.ri.i ? i.i *. i ili: i?r itiliruit'i .?nrltir Order ^ - iii!? !*: A 1'dhle an/ the h?Til Junior ? d?r. the rvrriin'i takiiiK in ' lie Utah SpIiimiI atnhtniuin. (i-OIKC J. Spenre iircsi'iilrd the IlKI>lo niul tin* flap. tnakinic an :nl dress op "Tin* PrinrlpleM fur v? Ii Ifli 1 1: ?* Junior.-* :? ii I " " jit?J she el ??f acceptance was made !iy F F. Aydlett. Sr., Hiiilrmini of tlit- School Hoard. who iir?"sn.l "Tin* Value i> f l lie Itiblc in tlu* Si liool." KeaditiRs wow well Kivi'ti by Mi** V i: '? ? ? Meliel? and ICl?rl:i Whlli1 llll'll Si liool KlJld.-ntH. 'Ilu? tfr'hted Orrli< sira. dirertnl l?,v Miss K< licl . I ? >ii4* ? . rendered musical numbers io the proKrarn while the son^s Wi lt' under the din rt ion of .Mi? (Mara Itelle Stiles, Tlie ell ? if- mnlieinc sa UK America, the Seventh U nides rendered Yankee liiioilli- wlili enthusiasm, Miss Iks Ion's Sixth Grader* hhuk the Flint SotiR. and the eX'-reise* closed with "Thi Star Spangled llannrr." Sl-WH-M III "K TOMtillT NOItHH.h TO I It Alt I.F.STON Washington. Jan. 16. ? A dls lifr'M nee ovi-r Southern Georgia itii reusing In Intensity will move northeastward and raitse hcimiik easterly wind.', this afternoon and foniuht between Norfolk and i barleston. MTTI.i; N ATI IUI, It 10 NOW lIKL.Mi IIAIlVKSTKIt !'? inivhurir. I'a.. Jan lG---(Spe ii:il> ? -Only a hi. mil quantity of ?? in lining hnrvosjted thin sea son In the Peikihmen V:illey. onre the xouree or much of Philadelphia's Ifi supply. 'I nc Industry former ly ?Mi?pl'?yuieiit to hundreds of Men hilt artificial |.i? has pro v?i too at roup a competitor In soiii-- easCM. Jinx . Mas (!iinlit< r i!;i* Ninth t\u oltna*' . Fair has ;iinn?uin'' i! that In- liivitN *-?iiiv?-rHtr; r !i ? l?r?soiii fair ^rounds at I J;? !? i ^ "?* Into a i?la> ?r? and f**r iN ??!?! '?I I Slate, 111 :i si H I * 'til 1*1 Ml? d lt*'r?'. I|?* na ill: "I I ? ? ? ! i ?? tlu p'. kltocM I?' ??f.rl.'il tit I lair grounds a sladlniii that ucroniliiodal. ."O.nnn |>> nj.. Within th< n? \t |i \v > ? : i ?? s it. i . should !??? atlil' 1 i?- ront"*t .1 h* iv lli.?t will draw tli i m.?n% I*. ?.|.|.v Al> i } l" i. i <*ti t*il ? , laid *?IT. as rt? II as *>th. r * n il? tl*"? i'or i?|w:r's. \Vltll<- it i .1.4 % In- ;i?l \ Isa 1 *!? I ? to tMs f :j i aty. ?**n*- . I ant rotiv ii'i-. i| i U.< I a ? i.i I srlirni - '.j|<| i ?? l;?'l?t at tlii'ir |H'i-:?* r.i 1 1 ??? ? ? ? hi. Tin y s:tv a wo ml* i f t! a. . in-daily to 1 1* ? 1 1 1 i ' ONK 1)1 KS AMI I l\ I IMI'KISOMCI) IN mini: lli rrili-i'snu. K>'., Jan. 1 ?: . It* n rv >1 it ri?!iy was kill* ?l . ami it \ ? in ? ti Imprison* d in a ili.njr.iii! mill*' near I'r m i?l*- n*-- - a - a i . > ? 1 1 1 <>f an explosion. mitk i:oM'ti)K\( r: !\ i KKNcn (;om:){\mkm (Rv Thr A-m?:i?NiI I Paris, Jan. 16. ? 'Hi.' flrsi tiH'a-itnis ?>! tin* I'r. ni'lt i * 1 1 . ? i * 1 1 1. ? r t i Ih'putlos continued mull iw.i o'clock this tnoriiliiK wiii'it ni?> nr. in hers vol I'd lliolr mill id-m .. in tni> government n:trt to Hurt, at tor sitting KtiH|i<*ndi'd Tor a titm When tin- rlKin and ri'iiti-r di'piii t??d to rush llio I'ointntinist h* ti?-li * *i. Kmlli* <5**n Socialist. threw a rIuks of water at the lirad of the op|w?sit loll . I lt-|? nty llalant. IKSTION Ol WHICH J Ml. I OK I'lnsjl.l \\ Moid j:ottt?ry. Jan. tfi. \ r n? iroveiMy us |o wh?-ihr>r Dr. i : . ?? i r _ T. KdffurdH, now in tin- Hi s;.t;ni*T Jail in ronin ction with ih?- d'-ath or Ilia will-, should I*, runliit'd '?> th*> lUriulltKhatii Jail is lioliu- ar Ki;ud. II was xiil'iurlli-d to thr court of upiii'ulti today. COIXUUK IIKAII IIIF.M Sara nolo Sprlnga, N. V., Jan. 1 1? ? I't wldctit t'lmrlcn .Hi tit v Kry. .fKkldinore CoI1or?\ died Unlay in Now York City, nrcorduij: ti? woiM received here. Competitors U. S. Farmer Proving Very Apt Pupils \n?l 'I hi* Country un Kr?nll Man Dropped to I hinl Plan- in Production of Wlirul and May l.iwr Present llalio ill Production of (lotion and Other drops 11% J. < . (Copyright. IU4. N? w York. Jan 1 . Knrelni romp1 I It or* rf Up- Am<-rlraii f.? r tiler ha.v< In rriuu* loo apt pupil ? ?>! Amorloiui method.* for (hi pear*- of mlnd'of ||h> nurirnliiir i-ts of the lulled State* This country. wlijrli (id llo> world in wheat. ? \ port h for 50 year*. lum ilr-'Pi?? -I I?? ( lilrd phtco. ' a;iada ami An 'Irall'i I' <1 lli< I nit < d -:tat' ? m? 1 !* 2 '? -2 1 and did II tl ii mi _ ? ? adoption of American urn rh lin i v and i.i* i hod -i < '.-mad a, An tr;ilia. Argentina and South Afrli'a all havn ten nt open spa r "*li/-ri* iii> n are m? ii." but I In ronnfrh ' now have rlnap r mm ii, equally ^ood i ,u? iilinry ni' i ?? efficient. mot hod it. > m? (dnn t v i %v ih?- world l product! ?n : dilation," mhPI \ ! i. old f). Y< i Icca, tin -tuber of Hi' \ : i? pr-r tiii? at of Agriculture today "Without i -parnt ?d ? i ' nt m bfri'i whM' 1 Ih liar, ed tl or four llni" Mioftt ? ! r llo Ardent In" wheat crop ir rv li d by Ihin method and rial i nan We. Car i?d ? wil contSi ?'? turn over Incrcaalr at' ? 1 vlraln and on hor V. ? - ern pralrlrti under otlniuluit r i hi'-' Iwd whe.i In world no i Ve1 i h<* um* holda a??oil t' ? Ar iia l??p i \p..rt, TIm arum lino fiirimi'M have rut l.ilior r? OulrrmenfK on Ihb: er<.p below thorn- or Hi- American corn lu ll Mr. Y?-rken rtri I, corn mowir. i; a i ill iif ?! South A f I |ra wl?? i ? >? known as 'the I i? l;tn. Il lirOdllC'H apprOxim ilcfy -"..'lo.ooa bushel* of corn from til ( = ??'?;? f 11m. S named. but il Is by no mrnni r< mote. ' In j?il" of foinn* til Ion. i' ? ?!?? Ih not a m< nac< to Hi" Am*.; ;'ii *? farmer at hoim . ae cordini; io fa t |yt I' iJ ii ' Of ? i.- Scam-ltO' li'i ' V i ? t-U Kuril I ? "i rn! iti' a I. i nit ;n, 1 fi, 000,000 j? * ?1* of tob 'ff ' .10,600 barn I ? f e pie*, ; 1,0' 1 ooo ii nod i'ii and pork ,'iodu?t and 8. 000. 000 tiiishcis '?! corn. "Cam!.. * production !.-? aba".' ? rutin i" inci'-ro . tii< I - i * da ?i?>n exp- rti atatc, I. ni wit' in a t w yearn this eotltify will n?u l i.mrh concerned ov? i wh?i;i ? ' tiiion. Wc shall l ni v e no to "Xporl ami rimy ??' n I I 'M to have Canada > niim>!?iu t -r v supply cb>:.? ni I ml \ for Mj?-r farm crop*, t:i- American inner can hold hi* own wiilf an> i in petition Canada is lik< iy to develop."' ViOTON PRAISES SOUTH S TREND ( i\?rtli ill Ka* rial \*\ jn-hiieilts Tuskc I trail I rll?* Audience ??l W rallln NVw Y or keif. New \ ... I . Ji,a J ?; *Th?? ttouth ? im.hI progress toward ku- ii'Ih t i'tr. ,-t than the N??n li in i he i ten years. Things in i ' ? N'?ri!i >eem Maixling still In < ? ? in |. < : ? ? ?:i declared Dr. Ro il It, M?-i'?ii. pindpal of Tuske < ii! >i iiiii". to ;iti audience of W'.il'liy ami influential while New VorA.c. at I lie Town Hull last "It i- not liii7.:iril o. 'I it vi a f ri? ml of the Negr6."V \ m-ni \\ iio urn u]? in nny Influ ? : - ? I KaiUerlug and Hllld that he did ii-.' heliev In NVgro educa ? In i. w-mimI lis* hooted clown. ? !?'?' -p down hi the hi-art o( the ;.\i-ravi? Su.nln rn N?gro there is a^enint.o appreciation Qf the wliu?* man. ami deep down In the loan .n th<< v.htte man there la a K?'iiniii'- :> "|irn-iatlt?n of the Na Tin.' ComuilKHlon on Inters r.nlal Co-operation. with head*' ipiiii*t?*iM in Ailunta, Is loosenlac >i|i in a 1110*1 wlioUsonte way thia pen; up friendship which ofte?> li i? h ?? r* ? ? wan not expressed In any 1 .-.>m r?ii- form. Men and women, of both races are Hitting down. lu.A uilkliK ??in their difficult*** v. ii 21 :i frankness and Hympattljr vvlii.-;i would have seemed I III pas til.- I. II years ngo, with the ? ?"? ill' ilia.' the nil nation lit gro m (?( lM ti. r eviry day. While there it loi' I in prove men t, a few y'.'i'i :i>;o I iii.l\not think I would live 10 r > ij 1 1 ue-iu on the part ' of Soul In in wlilii- people no 1 irie?iiM> in di l a moil* ret e obligation." 1 ?? moating was in the lirt?et <>f endowment campaifB of Hampton and -Tiiskegee Institutes and I* ??? Ii inUiiieM were paid' to in - * 1 inii.1 and their found- 1 ? 1 for ii;.- way they hare 1 1 ' hi'ii Hi diKtrlly of labor, t .. n;hf 1 hi- Negro respect for him 1 and Mown tin- possibility for whiti- uid black to work logeth^if in i" . Ii.'.iuiony and mutual |i?-l|ii 'liners." . ;jj| SI MKSVILLH INVITES I'ltKSIIYTKKIAN SYNOD s* jj. rvilli . January } R ? The ?imi- tif I lie Kim Amo- j ? ::|J . Reformed I'r rra bvti-rlan rlnirrli of thin rjly Iihh extended .'?? iMvii.iHMii tn t !??? Synod of thu \ -.Han- l(? lor in? d I'l i Mbyterfan. 3 ? finich. to nif-l Im Ihla Spring. ; "I'll ? ? . .hod of Hi" AxionlKte Re- | ftuiii. ti l'r? i?vf< rian Church em- j I Mi- Kiiii-s from Virginia to l-"l ? ? i i<) :i and from tho Carolina* j i i A i k'nnaav. An lii viint1?n to the 1926 con- 1 f. k lire wan extended luMt year at Itartow. riorldn, l>y both statea- ! \llle and l>tt*, S. C.. the Synod voting to Duo Went. How ? v. r, it is t tated that the church IxiildliiK al Dili- WihI will not be eomplrted iih i arly an anticipated, 1 and It I* understood that congre gation thore will alvi? way to Statenvllle, with I In- expectation nf having th? n nf'rcnce held Hi'-n In 1 fi 2 <; Approximately | U00 d'l'nat u ai< < M"-ctod to at liind. > ' y** iin ri \ 1 1: KllfO ih HKfOltTKR IMTROVKn NVw York. Jan. 16.*? -The condl ? : >j? "f !>? nbil (Ir.iy Held, S7 year Im |.lali> king" and financier, i Is reported improved loday. Mr. Held has b?'cn nick with tho pneu VlllM. It t ItTliKTT IIKAD Mra. Karah Murtlett, age 85 j year*. died at the homo of her ! John HaitlHt of Cnmden, ! fi idii y morning 5:3? o'clock after j nr in fiilllnK health for a long I M 1 * Hartlett wim a nntlv