Coolidge Likes Slemp But Slemp Quits Him All Is Not Clear, but Slemp W unte<l to he P<^iiiiustrr General and When (loolid^r Turned Him Down for New, Slemp Deeided to (Jet Out 1l DAVID I. \U'l:KN( r, ? ?".n'jughl llll In T..- A4??b- i Washington, Jan. 15. ? Something of the goings on In-hind the scenes is revealed in the resignation of ('. Hascom Slemp, private secretary to President Coolidge. Mr. blemp will be succeed od by Representative Everett Sanders of Indiana. The sit uation is rather unparalleled. Mr. CoOlidge likes Mr. Slemp, thinks he is one of the ablest lieutenants a President could have, and is sorry to see him go. He could have stayed on indefinitely so far as Calvin Coolidge is concerned. Hut Mr. Slemp is on executive, an administrator, nn active man with talenta sufficient to run nn executive department. Reputed to be more than a millionaire, he has made a success of private bus In eas. As for politics, he engin eered Mr. Coolldge's pre-conven- ' tlon campaign, lined up the dele-! gates from the Southern states particularly, and had a good deal | to say about pollciea and pro aouncements during the campaign Itself. His revolt againat some of tho Indiscretions of William M. Butler in handling the "old guard" at the Republican nation al convention, however, was the beginning of the end. Mr. Slemp had to repress IiIh i toolings and play ball. He did. Outwardly there wan harmony. Behlud the scenes there was not. And when Mr. CoolldK'' was elect ad, he had reason to be grateful for the advice of Mr. Slemp. And fhen came ruinora that Mr. Slemp was about to retire. Published report* had It that he hoped for ??cabinet portfolio. Mr. Slemp said nothing publicly. Mr. 81emp didn't get the cabi net poat and he didn't blame Mr. ?oolldge either, for rlrcumtdanc <? more or leas beyond th?? control $ his chief are said to have pre vented the promotion. There. la a poaaibllity that In a' year or so, Br. Slemp will be rewarded by n i Cabinet place. m Speaking of "promotion," there ! have been men who regarded the ffcftlffon of private secretary to the Prealdent as of infinitely more Importance than a cabinet port , folio. In the latter, a view of only one department la obtained and the secretary is hedged in by ' aaalstant aecretarlea and lots of | red tape. At the White House a private secretary deals fot the Prealdent with all executive de partment as well as Congress. It has beon regarded by some Elvate aecretarlea aa vastly more tereating and even more influ ential than a cabinet Job. The private secretary can have the ear Of the President and influence his tourne. He really la an asslHtant Prealdent. Mr. Slemp la aaid to have want ed to be PoatmaatHr General. The political aides of Preaidents In the past have gone to that depart ment. George R. Cortelyou, chair- : man of the Republican national committee at one time, went there. Frank Hitchcock, another Republican chairman, was named Postmaster General and Will Hays, Republican chairman in 1910, was the most recent ap- I polntee to the same portfolio. Harry New, Postmaater General by appointment of Prealdent Har ding, waa at one time a Republi can national chairman. He has not yet announced whether he Intends to stay on though, after Tuesday's cabinet * meeting this week, Mr. Coolidge asked him to remain. Tho story Is that when that die waa cast. Mr. Blemp'a Chancea to be Postmaster General at thla time vanlahed. Hp left that day for New York on busl- ' nes a and while there news of his Impending resignation leaked out. I It was officially confirmed today. ' Just what Impelled Mr. Cool idge to aak Mr. New to stay la not yet clear for It ia known that. | apart from the caae of Mr. Slemp, there were others whoae names had been brought forward for the 1 poaalble vacancy. Tho linprea i ?Jon haa been general that Mr New nought to retire to private life for personal reaaona. There I la aald to be aome Internal poll 1 tlea in the poatofTlce department ' which led the Prealdent to Insiat upon Mr. New's staying in office put It would not be surprising If HOOD TIKES ARE BETTER E. J. Cohoon A Co. PHONE 114 ItMdard Pharmacy "HEY WILL SEND IT KETIHES From i|i|iri'iuicu ooy on a three* masted nailing ship to knighted commodore of the White Star Lino Lino Is tin* "succohs Mory" Sir 1 lor t rnm Hays will hnvo wrlt lon when In* retire* after 4 4 yeara at ?<??. once lh" liner Majentlc docks al Liverpool. There has l>o<>n "more hard work than ro mance," he nnncrtn which recalls the lini-8 of Kmerwm to t lie effect that "there in romance on every nblp hut the ono you an- Hailing" thin was only a temporary affair. Ilepn (tentative S a n d r a Is heartily commended by Mr. Slemp. who rejenrd* him an one of the ablest men for ?hv Job. par ticularly because of the wide ac quaintance of the Indiana mem MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT OUR Clean Soda Fountain at THE A I'OTll EC A It Y SHOP right this way -?i MADAM Supply youTBolf with Electric' Sowing Machine Motor, Iron, Vac uum Cleaner, and all labor navIng drvloea at closing out sale price. . W. S. WHITE & CO. 1'hone 04. ? ? ber of CoogrcM with his col- j battues In both houses. Mr. San- i ders wan well enough regarded to ( bo mentioned for the Vice Presi- , dency at the last Cleveland con- 1 v.entton but was vetoed by Sena tor JanifH Watson whose* nam** i was being brought forward at the ' name time. Outwardly the scene is calm , and there. Is no political upheaval. I Hut behind the ffeones the pres- i sure for political appointment is at Its height an usual in the day* : |i:foecdii)K Inauguration. The pol- 1 itlrlans who want the Jobs nay the incumbents have held on Ion?; enough and that other d^-serving j Hi piiblicann ought tn have a 1 chance. And Mr. CoolldKe who, recognize* party service p.s worthy j of reward Is having a perplexing j time ni'-i'tihs the demands of the [J men who may In 1928 d"dde the! question of another Presidential nomination for him. HIGH POINT PREPARES FOR FURNITURE MEET High Point. January 16 ? Plans | for the opening of the furniture exposition, scheduled for next ? Monday. January, 19, are nearlng 1 completion. The ralesmen and exhibitors are expected to begin arriving about Friday or Saturday F. J. Sizemore. chnlrman of the accommodations committee states : that the Iceal hotels are flooded j with applications for reservations I and has made an appeal to the ? citizens here, asking that vacant roems be Hated with the coin- 1 m it tee. NOTICE! A train wo call your at tention to that watch you left hefe some time ago, as we arc not re sponsible for work left over 90 days. Our re pair department is now on a cash basis. Those having watches here and after seeing this notice and failing to call for them in a reasonable Ichgth of time, we will have to sell them to get our repair charges. Let this notice be sufficient warning. Come and get your work. H. C. Bright Company A. G. JAMES. Mgr. Cor. Main & Martin Sts. Iceburg Lettuce Celery Fancy Apples Oranges Grape Fruit Potato Chips Nice Bananas Klim R. A. Byrum Company HurrcwMtorH to M. P. UALLOI* (X)MPABfY I*hone.?i Jl and 57 Corner Miiln and Water 8t*. SUCCEEDS GOMPERS William Orw'U Is MircrPMor of th?- lair Samuel RoniiM'ni an li. ail of the American Federation of La bor. STETSON HATS and other high grade ?nukes that sold for S7 to S8.50 in the Whale of a Sale at $4.65 WEEKS & SAWYEH Where tlie t>e*?t ? lotho* cinne from TIP* Bp ^laLe^ FLORSHEIM SHOES From January 16 to 31 Wo arc lowering thr prices on i our entire slock of this famous make of Men's Shorn and Oxfords. All now styles. i Wo nro also cloning out Iho balance of our Hoyden & HurJoy Shoos and Oxfords in fllack nnd tan. making the vory special spoclal price on thorn of ? S5.9.? Our Hoyden tallies will ho loaded with bargains for (ho Ladies a( ? 98c pr. Do not miss (his opportunity. Sale begins January 1 r; JlIMj closes January 31. GALLOI' & TOXKY SHOE CO. ^LjiaciaBiaiscif, LISTEN FARMERS! Headquartera for IIAY, SEED OATS, SEED COBBLERS ami NED BLISS. Onr carload hay ri-crivo<l Monday, three more rolling, five more hooked for January Hhipment. Buy your Burl KMiiy Seed Oatx, No. 1 Selected very Im-kI Maine pro* ii Seed Cobbler* in 11 pk. Iiagx from AYDLETT & OWENS AIm? Ballard'* Wheat Brim, Middling, nnd other feeds. SAVE AND THRIVE IN '25 AT FIRST & CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK WisahMh City, N. C. MAPS or IMTEREST? -PERSONAL AND 4% kJjfl' ' ?THE SUPER? Clean Sweep Sale Opened Today at Mitchell's The Crowds as Usual Came ? They Saw They Bought ? They were so surprised. For we save so many new prices ? and \ such low prices. Many lots were sold out entirely. Here are a few lots that we will put on for SATURDAY and un til sold. And we think all will be sold Saturday. Lailie* Silk Dresses. They are wonder ful vi'lucs. Super (Jenn Sweep priee $1.98, $5.88 & $9 Bm?'d Cloth SILKS. Most all colurtt. SI. 69 i^radc. Super (llcan Sweep, vard ? $1.00 "htai Bivwn Cottons. Good weight. In Super Clceun Sweep Sale to sell for, yard 9y2c Ladies Brushed Wool Sweaters. Values to SI 0.00. Super (Jean Sweep price ? $2.98 A BIG SECTION (Seeohd Floor) ? Consisting "of Gowns, Teddies, Bloomers, Skirts, Princess Slips, Etc. Values up to S2. 14{. Your choice ? 98c Fine Silk Hosiery ? "Yellow Stripe"? the $2.00 grade. Special, pair $1.50 Indies' llats ? A final Clean Up. All vel vets and Velours up to 89.50 ? $1.00 Men's $35.00 Suits and Overcoats. Super Clcun Sweep Sale price ? $1 8.00 "KNOX" 87.<H) Hats 1 ...... $3.50 "Miller" $.>.00 Hats ... $2.50 All $ MM) Hats $2.<M) WIUSON BROTHERS ? Summrr Union Suits, $1.50 grade 95c Better Stock up now. SI. 00 grade 75c Young Men'* Suits. Both winter and Spring weight*. Values to ?29 .SO ? $14.95 Children's All Wool Bradley Sweateers th>'t sold up to 83.98, at ? $1.69 and $1.98 Men's $2. 10 Denim Overalls. All sizes 82.00 prude during Super Clean Sweep $1.00 3.> Ladies (.oah and Mime Spring Coats and Capes. Sold up to $29.75. A real bargain. $9.00 Ladies House Dresses made of liest cing ii.'iiis mid saline. S2."JH grade, all ' $1.98 size* Dress CJooJ:v ? 20 IVr Serge and plai'l> "ml eheeqnc. 81.00 lo SI. 50 grade 59c Good striped Outing Gowns. AH size# to he sold during final Clean Sweep Sale for 95c Men's 91.50 union Suits and all size* and Rood heavy weight. priced at ? $1.19 Men's 87.50 to 81.00 ties. Super Clean Sweep price only ? 50c Men's 81 ? Palm Beach "Griffon Make" !n Super Clean Sweep Sale to sell for ? $10.00 l<ot Men's $1.00 and (1.50 Caps during Super Clran Sweep Sale lo go for? 75c I-ot good Silk 75c Sox. and Navy. Sale price only 50c All sicca Mack

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