MAYOR SPEAKS UPON UTILITIES At Weekly Kotary l.uiuli eon Set* Out Briefly liea #om> for Termiiiatiii)! LoiiK Litigation. Speak in ?: to the Ellzab* th City Rotary club at its weekly lun cheon FVjiday, Mayer- W. Ii? n Goodwin set out briefly some ?>f the reasons why the City Courteil deciu< tl to terminal*' the lony drawn out litigation in which tlx* city wa? Involved with tin- private corporations supplying it. after a fashion, with water. s? w? ra?e, II i;h ts nn<l power, uml to einbar'i at ,once on the development ??f mu nicipal utilities. -Mayor Goodwin also net forth ?n <?en? ral terms what is now hi Hhk done preparatory to taking ov fcr the utility properties on Jan uary 31 and something of what is contemplated for the future, warning his hearers, however, that it would be some time In fore Improvement in the present util ity ?ervlee In the city could be looked for. "?Right hero." said Mayor Good* win. by way of preface in b?-ui li ning his remarks. which were in formal." I am reminded of the ad monition we often hear never to speak upon a question with which we are unfamiliar. To UluHtrnt<-: A city-boy upon bin first vi.dt to the country for the first linn- Raw anionic many other novel and in teresting things, the milking of u co w . Now you know where th. milk comes from, don't you? he was asked. Sure, replied John nie, you give her some breakfast food and water and then drain her crank case. Although asso ciated with the city administra tion for nearly four yearn I am still lacking in a knowledge of many of the essentials which go to make up a complete under standing of this important ques tion. "I feel sure that every memb? r of this Club lu familiar with tin history of th?* utlllt i> ? problem which has confronted the present, and the past two or three city ad ministrations; how that many surveyH and apprulqalH have l>? ? 11 made with the purpose In mind of municipal ownership, and the os rtabllshment of a price, fair and Juat from the City* view-point, for . these privately owned properties; how that every proposal made by the City was rejected and how. hm ? final remedy, the determination was reached to hulld our oil plant*. We were Just upon fh?* verge of opening blda for the pur chase of the original offering of bonds, when we were i njoln. d from proceeding further and thrown Into the courts wh? re we fought legal battles baek and forth for a period of .over two years. During this period our City was suffering Innumerable Inconveniences and real hardship. Our utilities companies, from nn alleged Inability to borrow moiu f ?wltli which to do bo. made no im provements or extension* of the sewer and water systems and the light and power plan* operated al most continuously upon a poor service basis. Our streets, getting In worse condition every day, | could not be mended without en tailing an expenditure which it was felt would be practically Wasted In the face of the contem plated work presently to be taken up upon sewer and water mains, i "With a period of Indefinite li tigation facing us, I welcomed the opportunity of casting a vote which would end our progressive stagnation and enable us to start some development which would place us upon a par with other cKles of our wonderful State. While we all agree that the prlc. to be paid the utilities compan ies Is exhorhltant we must further (tidmll that many consld< rations enter into the proposal which, when considered, give an entir? ijr different viewpoint to the ques tion. With only a small area of the town sewered and the remain der poorly equipped in toilet facil ities, we hsve been held up as vio lators of the State law on sanlta tlon and have only gotten by through kindly consideration of a State Hoard of Health who knew our situation and the efforts we were making to reach a solution of the problem. Hsd we been forced by the State Hoard to In stall sanitary privies, as we could have been, the cost upon our cltl sens would have been betweon Art and 7S thousand dollars. Then upon an adjustment of the utili ties question, and the Installation of sewer*, this expenditure would have developed Into a wasted Item through the scrapping of then makeshifts and the connexion with the sewer system, which would have been compelled. "Taking our water situation: Largs territories of our city hsve poor fire protection. Some parts \ of the corporste limits have no protection whstever. Our cltlaen* In these areas are paying rxco * Insurance ratca and taxes, for something they are not receiving. "The economic loas (o our town, brought about through the' adverse criticism of our poor fa cilities. respecting our public ser vice utilities; the conditi on of our paved streets, which cannot be r Improved, pending the Improv. merit of underground work, with t out gteat financial losa. is one ! which eatinot be estimated In Its efteet upon the outside world and, | NORWAY I KYING TO STOP HUM RUNNING (E| The AuociVd Prrn) Norway. Jan. 17. ? The Norwegian Kuvi-rniUiitt in con ftdi-rlDR legislation to prevent i ho participation of Norwean ves sels in nun running trade to Am erica. " Therorelicn office, through the Washington Legation. has ob tained the names of H? Norwegian vessels on the Cum row*. The tint has hwn xent to the Shipowners Association and the Justice Min istry for further action. The ship owners have a I ready beeu cau tioned again?! ruin running. in \ !???? of these circumstance**,! and many others just as impor tant and of Just as material Ix ar in .. ! feel tie- town was just i tied , in buyiir tin- I'lopertles so It w.wM h.' hands-free to go uhead if) ll'- ir development without the handicap which th?-y always would have presented. even though v?"? had flnnlly won out in the c. urts and hern permitted to go I'.liciid In the construction of new utilities in competition with! the privately owned on# s. The con flict would have when trouble mid the Ural result. If peace were ever established. would have been the taking c?v? r of these proper ties l?y the eltv. A postponement e.f the Inevitable day was only j the making worse of n had prop- 1 osltion. "Ai ran.ueiuents have been made! for the b-cal transfer to the city of th > utilities properties on Sat urday. January 21. Our consult inu engineer now working upon plans which r..r.t? mplate the tak ing up first of the sewer develop ment. Specification* will he ready so as' to solicit hids upon pump-> Ins stations ami sewer ? xcavations and laving pipe so up. to let same ami *ha ve construction start early in March. "It will -be unreasonable to ex P? ct an>' improvement In utilities service. It will take time to plan and construct. An < mire new lilt nit Ion piant must be constructed in fore an Improve ment In the quality of water can !>?? srcii rod. An investigation will be made in rrvard lo tie- brinK-j inn from Norfolk of a lino lo fur nish p-jwi-r mid liuhi to see if this will bo rnoro economical or nil-' vnn!aK?'Oiirf ilimi local production. , I'pon this investigation will do-; p-nd whether or not vast improve-', menta will be made In tho local power plant or Just enough to make of it an auxiliary which can be depended upon In connection with tho high powi r lines. "We are Just merging into a new era of city development, and njen huoIi an I face hero are those I upon whom dependence must he placed for tiie carrying forward of this work. Above all we must have co-ojm ration; co-operation of' Mirk together, work together, pull] together and above all co-opera tion which will forever ban from our midst the calanflty howler, | the distention creator or any olh-i er personam* calculated to destroy a united front, working in unison for our city's uplift, advancement1 and ultimate pre-eminence." WINDOW SKKVKTC HOI K CM.4NUK AT l?OST OFFICK J. A. Hooper, postmaster Bliz aluftli City post office. announces that on and after the twentieth of i hip mouth, in compliance with In structions from the Post Office Department, hours of window ser vice for the money order business will be the same as at other first class offices, from 9 a. in., to 5 p. m.. instead of from S a. m., to 5 p. m. t ASSEMBLY MEKE1.Y IS M\KkING TIME Raleigh, Jan. 17.? Both hous | es adjourned this afternoon until 7 : :iii Monday night when they will adjourn in honor of the memory of General Robert E. Lee. Representative Julia Alexander introduced a bill today appropria ting $25,000 to building a home for delinquent negro girls at Kt land. i Governor McLean went to Lum berton for the week end. Treasurer Lacy? was reported! ! better today. | Raloigh, Jan. 17. ? The pros I pect when the Legislature con vened today wan that the session would be short and would adjourn until Monday night. Many mem bers were excused yesterday. The Assembly is marking time awiiit | ing the reports of the Budget I Commission and the Board of As I sentiments on appropriations and finance bills by Chairman Town send of the House Finance Bills. Chairman Townsend, of the House i Finance committee, conferred with Governor McLean regarding financial matters this morning, but nothing was given out . regarding the conversation. 1 A sub-committee of the finance 'committee composed of Represen tatives Whitaker, Bowie, Connor. Turlington, Hart, Cox. and Geer will begin wprk on the bill. NEW AMBASSADOIC ON WAY TO AM KMC A (By TIM Pr?n) Paris. Jan. 17. ? Emile Daeac li ner, the new French Ambassador ? to the United States, left here to day for Havre, where he will sail thin afternoon for Now York. I)aes< hner goes with complete In structions concerning the war debt matter as well as other im? portant questions between the two countries. It Ih understood for the time being that his work on tho debts will be confined to transmitting communications from Finance Minister Clemeiitcl. KMZ.MtHTH ,CITV Gillie IXWK HEI^HAVKV GAMK Itolhaven defeated Elizabeth Ci ty 32 to 14 Friday night at Bid haven. according to a telegram re ceived here Saturday. Margaret Sawyer made six points. Belle Miller six and Monte rey Cartwrlght two. Tonight the Blltabeth City and New Hern girls play at New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Berry and little son. Blin?r Trent, of Weeks ville, spent TOiarsday In the city. Coney IslandNow InMuch Favor As A Winter Resort Not Sliorl of Palm Uracil Will One Find Bigger (*row<i* Tlian Now Knjoy Ice and Icicle* at New York'* l aiiKius Bathing Beach Il> i;i)\A MAILS HALL * ?Cw?rrS?M. 1934. York. Jan. 17 -Shoots of Park la cloned. Ita shoot tho! chutes aro barren and cold. Invit ing only the attention of akiara ? to whom they are barred. There are no barkora urging vlaitora to go to see the fat Ind),; the a word awallower and tho other freak*. The awing* and caraua- 1 *b1h are forgotten. Tho merry go round horaea standi covered with dirty canvaaaea where they were, stopped laat fall. The carta of 1 "the whip" and "the caterpillar,"! which flip about gaily In the warm months of the year, are huddled In the cornera of their hall* aa If trying to keep warm. The center of Intereat for the 1 pro men ad era la the little group of j bather* who disported themselves! in bare feet and abbreviated bath-! ing nulla aa though it were July. Theao hardy onee ? member of the letberg Athletic Club. the writer' teamed go each Hnnd ay to an awer roll call and are dropped for non attendance. "We atarted In 1919 with only al*," (ieorge O'Connor, the pres ident declared. "Othera aaw u*. envied our tun and our rank* In crease almoat each week. We play beach ball, run racea and then plunge In. If* great!" Kach Saturday night a group of, tho!*<> who "have to hiva their j flahlng to be happy" gathfT on uteeple chaae pier to try their j luck, and conaume enough hot doga. doughtnuta and coffee to keep the vender living comforta bly for a week. Frequently Aa many aa 100.000 vlnltons Journey to Coney laland on a winters flunday A large proportion are New Yorkers, who can find no way of apandlng Hun day comparable to a trip to coney. The others are visitor* In tl>e big <*ty, who may never get to Coney In th? aummer. and want to fee aare to gat a good look I at It. no and icicles, and great open st rotrh fa of snow where the sandy bench used to bo. have turned Coney Inland, tNew York's famous -summer resort, into one of the most popular winter re HortH this side of I'alm Beach. I'ndeterred by cutting winds that savored of a snow Htorm sor>n to < orm\ or fjy the bleak coldness of the ?oiler (oadicrs and other con cessions that Jure them In sum mer. more than forty thousand pleasure seekers played about the Islon I Sunday. Forty persons sought their fun in the bouncing wavee. slopping to urge the passing crowds to Join them as they poked with{ warm and glowing tot* among the', snow drifts on the shore. The | rest of the forty thousand pa- j raded on the board walk, where ; workmen with shovels wqre bus ily clearing away snow arid pour ing sj|lt and clndors on Icy pluc.i. Along the board walk a few | concessioners, with overcoats wrapped tight above their necks ii nd fur caps pulled low, hafkeif' the worth of th?slr hot dogs. A1 tftronf of fur coated men atopped ( to play sk?*e hall. or have their' weight gucesed, or take a shot at? 1 he hundred old tricks that wait in the shooting gallery to attract; the skill of the passerby. (>n the beach, a hundred children took turns riding the wee ponies that romp about the herued sands in summer. flnow covers the minarets and spirts, the ferrla wheels and merry go round*. Jxing Icicles decorate the tracks of the roller coasters. Except for the board walk promeoaders. the children, and bathers, and the enterprising concessioners. Coney Island Is for-( lorn. The streets of Hie city lt Mlf *rs almost deserted. Luna] .This Is how the Japanese *toame*"Oinyu Maru of- the T K. kniiu- lookt-j when more 100 'passe niters ond nifnibvi'R of her crew abandoned the burnliiK 1 ? T the wont Mexican roast ami took to lifeboats. Two were turned to death and seteral injured, while all were lni|H-iiled by the explosives the Gmyj was carrying as purt of her ea'?*o. wa<;e fight fok FIIIE I'llEVEiVFION Thu Hills in (kCiim'al Assfiiibl) (u Make Slate Sn(i* (he Ktic fhin-n ?Raleigh. Jan. 17 A fighi against i lie great destructive dem on. fire, has bt-en launched in the North Carolina Legist at are. Two measures designed to de creas? the fire hazard- in the state have been introduced in the hnuHc of Itpprcm'tilalivi's hy Hep resentative David P. licKinger,' of Gaston. (>??? would require hospi tals to lie built of fire-restive ma I crisis and the ollit r would in crease the *>iriitgeucy of tin- pre* ent statute regarding ejertrlcul wiring. The ki.-t measure woul I make it necessary for ail perBous? doiuf, elt.'trieal wiring work to secure a license to lie granted on ly after he has shown that he l> capable in this lino. The main chins.- of the bil' concerning "fire-proof hospital: follows : "That all hospitals, sanatorium* and asylum* and other building* used for the treatment of. proaer ration ?or .restoration of Bick. wounded, in^an. or infirm per sons, hereafter erected in tfc fitate, shall he so constructed -"f fire resistive materials through out as to afford reasonable safety to all occupant* of such hnll'i Ings." The Insurant' ? Commissi >n. who is ex-offioio fire marshal, would he charged with the duty of Inspecting all plans for new hospitals. Hospitals already erected would he required* to conform lo the clause quoted above as fsr as practicable in the opinion of. th Insurance Commissioner within three yenrs and all hospitals to In built from existing buildings nlso would be required to conform with that clause. 11 re to comply with the law would be clusscd a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $2;'? nor more than $50 for each day's neglect. 'I he Insurance Commissioner also would have supervision over the proponed regulation of el ?' - triclans. He would pass on appli cations for Hconsi ^ In many en *. However, electricians licensed by some city or town would not h; to secure another license from i <* State. The fee for a State ll^cii e wonld lie $ 1 . An examining board to pus* n applicants for license an elcct I eians would be created In ? h town, consisting of the local el - trlcel Inspector, one wireman. e contractor, the mayor or his i ? resen tat Ive and an appointee of the Insurance Commissioner. j The law would not apply to ? ployes of an electric light or p> er company. or street rail* iy company, engaged in the insi . Hon of machinery or wiring on i'tr own premises. Both of the new fire prevent ?n measures are In the hands of o' House committee on insurance. . STEAMERS COM.IDE IN THE DENSE FOCI Chatham. Miss. Jan. 17 h-? steamers Munalbro and lb 'in Adair collided early today off he Handkerchief Light shoals. ie Coast Guard cutter Acushnet a 1 the destroyer Cassln were sen to assist them. Hoth ships. ,* h apiiarently met almost head n, were anchored In the fog. s.r a ra<Jio report. (OI.OItFUE KAN(,KI(S I'ASS INTO IIISTOKY <?? TlM Aim* laU4 SrtMl Austin, Tex.. Jan. 17. -#Th' I- J Ing of the district court thai is law (resting Texas rangers I ?? constitutional threatens to ?* Inate the colorful band of ' ?* cets who for nearly a century v? been the power for law enf> e ment in the State. Ranger* re enjoined from action as 8t?'- "? I Icemen. The decision will I I>* , pealed. Mm. D. D. Dudlsy is Impr ?l at her home on North Road -u* e| | stfer suffering several da>? * tl sn ulcerated threat. T<> I \ AlfttiBOii n. Houghton of N? w York, now t? (ler ri my, t?> 1?" 1 1 ;i li:*f 1 1 ? tl 10 l.t.ll don, inicceodln;; Frank H. 1\? -ilopi;, in w Jy appoint ctf Socivtar> ? S?'n'< . an'ortliu-; to r port pr vabr.t i ; obit-lal ? ii c!i n. ANTI-SAIXJON I .KUiliK TO MEET NEXT \\ Kh'K ?Ilnlolgh. Jan. 17 ? Tin* North Carolina Anti-Saloon !-? aun ? will It.* anviiril i .iiiv ni mi in Hits fity on Thursday and Friday. Jan uary L'2 :?nd 23, a<M"?r?linjj i? .111 . MiJiujnci inont made by I!. I.. Dav . )i. HUlll'I'iD'i'UlU*!!! hi ll?.- 1 1 .1 1; IK1. Mr. Havi h.i iiwiilod out hot ires <if tlio inr". tint,' In all niinistorx in tl.,. ?i.nfo ?>).l . xii' I1* j. liiTR'T at tendance at tho convention. '1 ho Kossion.-l of I !??* ro.iVi'tll ion will la- hold in Hi'- Tabi-rniolo Baptist Church, the first Hussion to I. - h< Id January 'JJ at - p. in. Tho r??nv< ntl?>n will <01110 to a clikW Friday afternoon. 1 h? program committee l i hutd ' ly enjM':?-.l in roinpletim? detail of the meeting. Anions tin- Hpi-alc 1 r? slat, I for Thursd-v afternoon nre .Mayor K. K, Cuihreth of this city. JoiOpliiH DiinloU, Mra. Charli ? (i. f ?'?;? k . a. ii. Coil rune, F> d' (Prohibition Offb-er. flcv. W. A. Slanliury and \V. F Kvana. l)i ,l. M. '!"? mpU ton, ? ? ho jfttiito Hurl of Health, ir. also slated for un addr s-?. A feature of tin program for Thill day niRht will he the niunl'* furn^'n-d by ih?* f\ 1 wanln qua riot and iiildr- "i ?'S by Dr. F. Scott Meltride, Superintendent of the A 11 t.l -Saloon LimKH'' and , Major Koy A. llayiies. Prohibition ContmiH iinnor. \VashinKt"ii, L>. < UVr _ ? SAYS now IK LAW unconsti'It rioNAi, Hub l?l?. Jmti. 17. Altoi i.'y Oenernl Ilitminitt l.r ? uiuht c pri'Hs^d this opinion that th<- IP>wb law panned in 1 f* 2 withorlrinp. " llb.OOh.OOO bond 1- ?t?- for a raj road connoetini: KhRlern at W? strrn North Carolina i ..un, I nlltullonai, which i: in < "i < renco wltii th' opinion of fon r I Attornoy Conrral Mnnnin IN CAHINET? H'M'frt ?? i at ? 9.nrrt nor cf Wyonjln . i ;p ? prom I nMtly nirnfloiixi >MWMl>r t'? How.-Ii' ?;or*. H<c? rt?Ur>- of Aftrfotiltui ?l< In chair man of f?r<>ftl<!< nt To li-lg?T? agit I culture comralMl'i. I VYKIAK ItdKIKD IN TIINNH CWIvIN Fn sro, ('i?|? Jan. 17.? -Twelve' ni'-n an* roporiotl burle.i In tin* lllttlll'l rilVt'-ill Oil til*' YoHIMIlili' V.i !!??>- railroad ?niM of Mi>rr?-<l?>s.' Fivi- Im.lN'H ar?? ri'|i?ir(c<l to have IHTOViTOll. PHYSICAL Cl I.rilKK IIS cm uu.ii scitooi. I'll *. ir.l ruium- in 111.- Hluli l ? awr?- ! '*ii r' * il t an . i in I. -;i : j (.licit r III' -ill |?lati iIm !m'!iimi| |.U|>il:< t<lk) olli- alt?T iiiiimi windy |m r it ?il for |ili>>:iral ill HI. Tl,?* Ktiidt'iita ari* ?li v inlo tlii ? -t - rl.tsms. 1 1111 lirnt lii'Kitt nlii~ at 1 : 30 ami lti?% last class liai>liiiiK ;ii 3:30, allowing 1? iiiintilf^ for oncli da**. Tlv i-Xfi'clBM ar?- conducted l<y Ili'V. Frank II. Scallrrxoocl i-vcry i.Jtt iiioiui lAft'iil Friuay. Mr. Srat t< ruood vol u nii-cm) to -Rivi' his siT\itirt ft* t fie school aiici tin* hIu ?|fi;.H In Ui'Vi* I lint tin- physical drill work will IncrniMi- tln*ir ?'fH ci**ncy r.ii iitaily as* w?dl as phyfl <0TT0\ MABKKT N?. w York. Jan. 17.- Spot cot t-ip ? : iHi'il <j it i?>t . nucha nurd: mill-' illin 24.00. FiiIihis, doHn;, hi?l January 2". Tift. Maroli 211.72. .Ma v 2 I ?5. July 2I .21?, October -V!>2. Ih-n-iubi-r 2.'). 70. School Savings Plan Popular In Section Two Thousand Account* Have Keen Opened By Pupils in the School* of (aiudcii. (.urrituck and l'u*<|tictljmk. <'oii lit ic> I'KIIKK ATION SKI<\ ICK AT COKIM'll SI jM) \t S?'H lit* lit Mall's ( l-ivli IN ?*.({?* k||?'? t ???> \ < ?-? I II 1 1 f Of WllltlH'4' Tin* M? ii'h Christian I *? ?!* i lion will conduct tin- :4orVi?l>M ill Corinth liaptlxt Church Suinliiy afternoon at 3: IK. Part of the Federation plantt'd to go Fo Hulls Creek l"ti on account of bad weather it was* necesaary to postpone thi* nervbe until nome ditto when tie- rou<N are In belter shape. Members of the Federation who luive earn lire asked to have Ifft ni at the Kramer Pudding in time tu leave at 2: 4ft. Sunday School is held at Cor inth at 2:30 a n?!< preaching *er vlces follow at :i: |.'i. COAI. I'ltOIH l 1'HIN I H PICKING II' NOW Pittsburgh. Jan. 17. Coal pro duction In Im'K inn i n k to edge up ward again In the IMttHhurgh ?l i - irlrt and roinhlnaiion rail ami riv er mini s are now running to r.0 pr?- edit of cii parity, ('on xum?r ofn<'<! tn'ro ?? :?!< ?? ?' at a mueli higher rate than com mercial mines but it* maud i* fi'tat - proving. PltKKItYTKItl.W |,.\YMK\ MKKT AT <aiKK\Slt??ltO tiroentborn, Jan. 17.? A meet ing of the laymeiit of ilio Pres byterian Synod of iNorlh .Carolina will lie In-M hero February lit and 20 for the purpo.-<- of organizing a layman's organization in tin State within i lie Presbyterian church. Delegate* fro in every Presbyterian church In the Statu are ??xpect'd to attend thin moot ing. It In stated. Those sponsoring the movement My 'hat tin- Febrnnrv meeting will bo the first of it- kind to he attempted by Presbyterian* In the Stute. The meeting will" be ad dressed by a number of the lead ing churchmen of the denomlna Hon in this ami other lUtM. New York Gets Nervous As Eclipse Approaches iioltlirrifit, Traffic, mill liiitx arr JiihI a Kcw of tin- t'Yarw , uiiil Sninr !\rw Yorker* Itallirr llhimi- llayiir Ily* lull fur Arraiifsinc I'Vlipno in Such IMamirr It) ICOItlltT T. KM A 1,1, N*'*w Y??rk. Jan. 17 *" With tb< Infill 1-cllpHH of (llO KIIM l)U> a Timlin r or a week away, Npw York Ik beginning to feel a hi: apprel-.en ' iva mid uervoilK. There I* nhv.iy?< a certain amount of mi |i< I'stitiiin (onnoctlon with a phe-j ii'Hii nnn of Ihlri Horl. hut .W w ^ ork 1h not *o intieh worried it 1>o ut tli?? unearthly; It Ih fear t'il Hint tlio earthly eviln which tbiiv- j ii the dark may take ad-! of t his MV IMH of ne- ' farloiiff employment and, In the l. iii'uagn of the cops, "pull Homo- , t! g" laat may he terrible. ank:-. are helm: warned not ?nd th?-lr measenger* out with uablo.s <urlng the scheduled ? muteH of tho et:llj>- ?, unions they' ? guarded In aonrn unusual way. 'J he traffic cops are wondering what to do when the gloom of night suddenly M-tth?g down In the m I <1 ?? t of what ahould other wise !??? a fair and erl*p morning. Th ? mggeatlon boa been made end irongly advocated that all rralTIc atop dead at 111 firing th*? period of total lipae. It huH In - n tuggneted tlial all nound j ahouid i'i'UM and i htm make the; fp r a?'le oven nrit awoaotno than It t i ? I. tiny elty were to keep' right on about H -* btlelneaa. i ;>b?r fortun <dy or unfortu nately for JCew York, the e<-)ipae Ik . vi it only i" Northern *ec tlofj . of the Harlem a*id the Ttronx, ><? v. it known hi tho no'.ed funny J -Ket. coming Into f i :r own in l.i while Hie great ? part of proud Manhattan and home loving I'tooklyn muat be - ntent In lurk out aide the hlaek border. Wall street h to ho apared the viaitati f totality and udmeone but b( mean enough to remark thut V. II street's way* are dark et;oii" ?..i;hout any aort of eelea tin! I. '' The trading houfit In ihe ".<* '"i" were aet for the da> light v h a very good purpo ? and j'.' should lw no dlaturb pr< ?? f ? Ims ayatem by oncaftfty niglt time. Yqrkerft, regarding th< m ?? . ?' v.i?er than all who li*1 ? | i 'lit Htieka" ar?? akeptlcal ab >??? the ? > 'I pee. They don't ao<- l? i hi be nlgbt time abov lit; h 8/ Th# A4->inr?| ' hI reot at tho Knmo llnir il In day lt^ht nt 110(h. They art' like a lot of MJssourlRn*. You've got to nhow thorn. Furthermore they tlilnk It vi ?ry Inconsiderate of the eclipse to happen In Harlem ami ! I lie Itronx a? a ilmu when nearly | everybody Is either at work or on tho way to work fu low* Manhattan Mayor llylan Ih be Ing personally blamed In some quarters for arranging the eclipse In this manner. And anyway a | total eclipse doesn't mean an aw fill lot in the I Ifo of a popula tion which spends a couple of hours or wi under ground every day. Tho Nvw Yorkers u, > Into an ecllpKe evory time they ent*-r the suhwnys and there will l>? ? thousands upon thousnnds of I them * ling Ing io t hi' old straps and packed on tho platform nn an event of tho cunturlew past"** calmly above their heads. Tho mere fact that thU 's tho firs' tlm*' such a phenomenon h??s happened within tho confines of greater New York doemi't ?p*'U, | a Ihlng. New Vorl: m ?;et | many kicks out of !lf und In I If* | that a more two minute* or ho of unearthly moonlight, lis they n?h t? wo:k m-aftii little or nnthim; I.' th"lr 1m die ? X I - ? ' nee, Nevertheless wild talcs ?iv !?? Ing told around the i.i?H?i ?r "litil-S Up" tlU-ll p4'V,;iil.' I'l a harvest from the UDsnup'< sun (fiiHT* j* ad tah-H ?f bnt tout hat* -'"i ? l'-bly ?tnr?lng > rn hiding pin* < Now Yorkers don't, know which to fefcr the nfort The hold ui> or the hats. \'et the hobbed h' <d ts ho tinlverml now that woman lost soiile of the <;n ?iit Jonal horror of a hat in th"it hair. At tie Houthern edge of th?" t'? fal belt, around 1 16th *tree\ 'ti period of complete darkite.HH will tin but 30 second* The time <-f ?tallty Increases to 2 whole min . >n nt New Haven. Ituffal i will. I*" l.H minute- Ithaca the nam ? while the Vassar girls nt I? ?ug?i K>*psle will be kept In the dark ?"r 1.9 minute*. New York g? ? ; the Khort end of the deal, but Is lucky to get in at all. Til- <in< -lion of whether School taxing* should he continued In the wit no schools of the City came ii I ? f. r cotisiilerali hi u the meet ing "I School Trustees Tuesday night. January i:t. and by a rote oi six t>i flvv the system Installed Uoiue w.cks ago was authorised. " S' hi'ol Savings was i lKlnated by Kducatlonal Thrift Serricv, In. v. or .W w York <' Ity, and hM i ?? ') in operation (or eight or ten >? ars. rii Mt In tin- North and East, i li? .i in the Middle \\'?t?t. and re ? ??ntly coining South. In Norfolk and Norfolk fount y. where School Saving* have been in operation n yi ar. nearly l.~.,iiuo school ch4l> dn-n have already saved nearly* floo.noo. In the city of Pitta burgh where School Savings la sponsored hy the Mellon National I t:t n k . school children have saved over $2.noo,ooo, while school children throughout the country have accumulated saving* of alio lit $ 20,0011,000. Tin plan, which is simple In 0|"'iuti"u. provtOt'H a bank paaa book for each student opening an account. A special day of etdl ?"?!, is designated as "Baa JUid.oii this -day the atu dents ar encouraged to bring any "i i t !"?>? n<<nny no* 'MB mi m? ed graajpfj i-i? 1 cashieni#j u :-n r. . dpi -,i.i i in* deposits, and in oilier .Ii" tin cliera attend in ilii*. h ri<|iiir?s only a few minutes ou "IJank bay' 'to v>cel|it (or iho deposits aud the sind'entA' pass iHiok'J are returned to tbem showing the correct balance to their credit In Ui6 Hank. Prop er safeguards uro provided fo\? withdrawals, each depoaitor'a alf tire card being filed along with other Informat'ion at the bank. At the bnnk the School Savlnga are unib'r the care of a School Savings Teller, who chacka and hit lances each account each week. and for the protection of students and teachers acting ae cuahicix. t ic bank imsumca full responsibllliv for all money as siio ii as the s indent geta lila or her rcc.clpt at school. . I 'c posit In is optional with :: i n ilen I s mid no pressure la < ??. to Indue* tirm Irt ?J- i opportunity anil the u uti ! pride in h bank book with in? r. a-iHK balances t* the only In ? ??iiiiv required. Friendly rlral ry '" I wi?en different roonta and dlfr?rent Mrhonix, in the numbfr "i ??< poniiiv hut n?-ver with respeet to u rii <> 11 11 1 ft . MimulutoM interest. Trnchors in a number of th# Hchools remit t better utfeuriaacs iiini beiier nioiulo amoug the stu .Iditx on "Hunk Dny" than on any other dny ol die w?nk. The PrltL Hpal nf one lur^o xrhool. in Cam ??**11 reported a noticeable frilling off iii tin- ful buying of can dy, chewing Burn, pop ;md [Knells ?? ; ib?! corner ston* hIuto acnrol K>vinjn *tart<?d. The lunik pays the School 8?t < r -< ili<- tix u ii I rate of Interest. Srln.fil SavlnKH In KHz* both ''ity, 1'iinquotunk. Camden and ( urrlturk Count W-h in Kponaore<l by i ho first & National hunk, which nnw In the movement h prin t l<al anil effective nieihed f< i pro ii ? ? ,? ;tod tea-Tin ijf irte principles or thrift and better ? n ueindiip. The bank report# a iihi* ? cneoiirnxInK response on the part of *tudeniH In all the <4cbool?, having opened nearly two thou sand a? -counts. V n*|. oppoalm: the sywti'm wei K. V. Aydlett, in <\ II. William !>r .< VV (Jr.-v.r y. J. <\ A*wy< ? ! ml W II. JcnningH, who vot< i. Ui s i if b?*< ihimo. In their op 1 1 it provfrli Jin advantageous m v<Tti*ln?c medium urid uMimal ii' sv bunine*** building for the pa t Ifiiltir bank u*ed an a dipoi Hiry. Milefly for theae reaaol lli/y <laUn*d t hut the B<mu| > h'fnil 1 not be put In th<? light i aldliw: any particular Inaltuatloi Voting for t ho motion were V T. Culpepper, W .C. rfawyer. N. ?.? ry. I>. (J. lirorketl anrt C. 1 Tliouipnon, who favored the ?y lem beau?e of It* practical vah ill Irurlilni; thrift to thn atuden and Ih ? he irty and surce#nful r< i ???II- a |<h which It had been fl .1 herr nnd elsewhere. Tlietl ? . t ??<! CVi' In their opinion gt! Itlmn'e ?? 1\ derived by U| n?< :? Hi' an i? ' j Id Il< ?it r Into i -mmi !< ration be?au? ft xohooU of the country have al 'n ?i ' it to i?'gitlma| ?i>rirt plans of hanks and hanked Includln/ Ihr hilk* on llankln aftd KronomltM prepared by tl Ameriran Hankers A*noe1atla <i?| pmsenlod by local banker] ind ilso fho thrift xtamp an cliifr"- liiHtalled In the achool hi re hy one of the local hank*. - HOOVER HEFUSES ( MANGE HIS JOI V/afliilttH'.' ii. Ji.n 17. Herbet the Ami turo D partim r-t prrtfollo. Hf ft t< -ml* t > remain in th? *a hi net toil pn f ii to stay an h?>ad of the M partmeiit of Commerce.

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