PUBLIC SCHOOLS MUST NOT BE NEGLECTED SAYS McLEAN Whati-vrr I'rugrum of < iiirtailiiicut or Kiirrnchiiu'iil Necctwary Mti*t Not Fall <?n Kdiwaiiuii. I'ariirn larly in Lower Course*, DrclariN (tovcriior Raleigh. Jan. 21 . - "Wliatcv. r curtailment there must be in #??,. general activities or the State on accouut of lurk of revenue cation, and partlculnrlv the i.tih He schools must not be u. ulort. .! | With this d-. duration, Governor Angus Wilton Mclean, a pp. arlng before the CimciuI A sen.Mv to day ui noon for his first message with recommendations, launched la*o a discussion of the Stair':. ?eeds, hased upon obs< lens I Which ho has already mad-. II T^JI appear before the law-making body at a later dat:' to discuss the States financial affairs ami. in this conn ctkui. its future lineal policy. The Governor did not dhotion' bond lmues today. "A newly elected Governor,"' he explained in his Introductory remarks, "Is at a disadvantage In that lie In plt:ni ?<! I into the midst of a legislative ijes- i aloti without having had oppor tunity to Inform himself tlior I oughly us to conditions and to d termlne ?many details lelatint: t 1 governmental matters." Governor Mclean miide no rec ommendations as to how fut u r* road building In North Carolina, shall be financed, but eommltt* d himself to the continuation 01 highway construction until t entire system la completed. ?! shall within a very nhrrt tim? ." he said, "give this phase of the' situation the most careful coined- ' eration and mako such recomm- n datlona as, in my judgment, w?U he for the best interests of the State. Beginning with the puhlle schools. Governor McLean (lis- I cussed training in agriculture, health and economical admiuhlru tlon of government, the imcu tlvc budget, the present State sys tem of financing, law enforce ment, reform in Judicial prop* - dure, freight rates and the devel opment of water transportation, highways, treatment of the afflict ed, the pardoning power, the blue sky" law. Conservation and W development of the State s natur al, resources, Industrial develop ment, development of the coastal plain, the treatment of labor, workmen's compensation. the treatment of prisoners, the State's prison, traffic regulation on the public highways and the fish and oyster Industry. Favors l^junl Opportiinif y Definitely, Governor Mci.ean recommended gradually inere Ing the equalization fund for the support of public schools, contin ued expansion- or the health work of the State, the establishment ot an agricultural experiment In th" sand hill section for the benefit of agriculture and horticulture, tlt. creation of an executive bud ? aystem, action looking towai:l t'w reduction of crime, a standing Ju dicial conference, the appoint in^nt of a commissioner of par dons, converting the North Caro lina Geological and P.cononilc Survey into an agency to adver tise the State's resources, and the enactment of an adequate work men's compensation law. "We must provide for the ad ministration of the vnrlous de partmcnt, institutions and other agencies of government in such a way that they will serve th" pur pose for which they were ere. ated," said Governor Mci.ean. adding, "but without losing sight of the necessity for economic ad ministration. "The deficit which has arisen on account of th" failure in the past to provide sufficient revenue to meet expenses must be provid for." he continued, "and. ?? ? the same time, adequate steps ^unust be taken to prevent anv pos sible recurrence of a deficit in the future. The cardinal principle of our fiscal policy ?Jh*uld be that our budget must b<? balanced for each operating period. Thin fun damental principle should never be violated, because Its violation In certain to rise up and plague un oft every future occnalon. and. moreover, if such violation Is per flated In, It will sooner or later create chsos In the financial af fairs of our State." New Km In State Thw new Governor declared further: "With the beginning of this session of the General Assem bly I believe our State Is enter ing upon a less spectacular period, because necessarily loss money must be spent upon expansion and permanent improvements. "This Is not nurprlsing." he went on, "for the reason that Go need In not ao acute; and. besides, our capacity to borrow money, se cured by long term bonds, should not be used to the straining point." Oov.rnor MrUan d-clar. it thai f* "'ate should have a Just oil ft. ,ta educational progress. If the present progress Is main tained he aald in thin con nee Hon. It will be only a few y*> am ""Ji1 F*** eoun?r will have a unin.d a jratc in and our rtiml aehoola. ro-np.ratlna with tho di ^ partnirnta of rMoar.h ?nd nt<-n <aton. will h*rom. th. r.nt.ra of ??duration, progr.aa and rommtin lljr Thla t, th. an rot bula on which to bnlld an .ndur In* public school svstem snd one la which the people will have a genuine pride. Therefore, the CiHOYl I) (; VI J.KIUKS to in: vi <;o\ kicnoi; llul< :vli. ' J. ii 21. ??*'?i>la ? tlvr ;nt r. si t ? ?i:i v ?*. ?1 alniiii a?u?' ? 1' (lav'-r ii-'H' * fcl .* a ii Ih-r tc tin- <I? nir.-l Au> i'ill?!v I' l" 111" Ii l> I vt'Ok'-n in tl? ? hall c?f llf House ll? in ? M-ntaily*1!* wli!"li was ?1. liv?*r< <1 to a at Tli- ? ;?!? rh-s ?ml H m r w? n ?|. Tli- n. . : :n.- ' - ? rt <1 t<> r? t !???? wli ?. I:- ?.i "Ii- I,, '-.i -la tur?' runnlni; ru|?M1v. M - -st li I i ill** iIm liml- i I f'nn nii^it n n-tilinUvs i i ??? ? \ f-ir lis ' ? : if . in *] o ??. f i r? i'r li. I?l t wfay :t ? ? n ii? rii? i] to n rTlMi-i'cl ihc !?*;?<* - >ii4 i f ..II vU> ;i.t rt i '??!*. t, tin lni.'y- i. Th" ll< ii r. I nlav i?r.|?-i. ?l ai unfa* ? ?:i I.I r- jmrt ??n th" I ".I <!??: r. ii' J to r- ii al Hi" iv?'?t ?'??! ?? n i i :m?o inubl'r till*-:. i'?n w.i a ill - f'TIT'l I. II 111' l:l- :isnr r 'ijllll' iliu all suit* ri'>W?i" oH\ri> to carry #l.?v!0 ll:;M?:ty IstHiir arir.-. ? -V -ho", , ,, It t|i:?M?j ,u, liny com. tv ti? i "? ??'??, u? on Kradiially 'iitn i,, u i:, . "'"I,!? '"?"?'??"??I iv -I.Uhl ll' V' "* r,"lllTl. I:, Ik ',, '? Vr fr'"" ? ?? i-i.i l- ?, , ? , ??. ?? ?M with iv sill.. r?iiV.. n.:;1:,.,, mi "r.,ur y?!,,V':;,';", "?? imi.i I., TrnlBlt.K I.. .tcrlriillitn. Inu ZlU v:1;-. I y; S?T,"n fuiijuin.Mi;,:' i''"..1,!,: ,h,a"?i "V'-l'-'n "f at-ilriil-iirni ( I. in i.|,, |. t? ,J1V ,,|aj| |,,,( U( ll'.la Brnr'l V"r "? Pflnr. i f "" 11 "'"-k ':? 'V I-II w. . vll Jan.!-. i f"""11" M"-' ? , ; r "" 1 'M"l 'Hi-.rl -ZZ; I'l II- r'.nrti.n ?r ,-?r (:iril, ' , nil n-r-.?: i,v lr , ,lr S.SS3: and "I liflvr Iohk tirjtffl llj<. rHftth. nn'ol'Ii 'V.'" I'laln ?<?. M.ill i f II,*- still-, wh-r- 111. * IT. ?f nrcl. In lion ' ' y_n'r ' N I""1 i"" I won i? |,?|| i i n f" 1 '?"?r III' -Kl.-lllllnhllli III i.f n , rl, tl." 1,111 r' II I'M 1 /VIS? of , ?? ,, , I M- aurlpnllural nn.l "noVh.""'!."""."!"" """ " \ mil ll. . II,,,.; |n,p?N;,?, r?pi ,(|rr furl'"; ?i-|. ,.f. '"tl to n,i|,rov>- tl,, r.iri.Dil-ii ..f "tir liirin .Iw II, r.. ,? ,|?"V " "! "" <l?t r .ii.ti. D. ii?it? r i pi si, ..,||, | I, in,, i?. fnk,.n t? m. !!h"n"r"" r"""r' "" I ll l|. It It (? II" ln<livi,|.. |. I, " r, |f0 , ,"n ?ni>lil|.. in, 1 1. |l?.r, f?, , . '' " ...r, h |!^i .tV^Vr^^vr5^' -i ntfal io tin- iirocrf?<4vi\ #. ? <l"v? . [.niojic or ?!.. HtaU uTt l* I I...W K-nrrally ?/ >f II- ln.|,.,r!,.nt ."prrla of w- h?'?n"i,;;,i ."v.', I"h5?"""n ?h"' "?r? ?n,,;iffV';^",,0hr;In*bi'nd?n' n., zzir: -?> rk than in rontln.n nr.d triiXInl |?? GiA-rrnor Mel^a LA"!"' ml?nlon. throuuh .k' A Th *?m I form aom* or all of ill r ii ^,r* functions; f.i i-.uilT f0,,0?r?n? ? lu III, t,?t of mcaalty welfare nil II, in, of t>l'.|MM.'d < \|e ndittirrs; icl <>lltn '* waste and pxlravupiinci-. II ; 'V"' ,d' Prevent dupllra " >11 nf .(Ion an<| OU|i?y |,y , |(), <e| ci nstantly ?w>l "[i -r-u lonn ?f -lu,l> In resp.ct lo both r. vf ?? - arid .-xpondllurra; (f, ""J ,r,,r"" I'lana for, "'-ordination, or orkanUn administration. ol tli. '.il..tia institutions; (gi |ir. pari tn.l submit. for action l>y th. (Jen ? rat Asa. nibly, a hudiu-t or mil. mated receipts and .?xp.ndltur.-a ' ' Mat.- as a whole, after ri . " 'Villi-', .-xatiiitilnu and passim: *he reports and estimates of I'M. nx<ntii and in stitutions. to llit* end that current operating expenses. Khali, at n?? itri. ?. . ?**rrt d current income ap I jutca .i| ? t In ri-Hi." !!?? r?ntlnu.d: "An antoqnat f S>*N 141 '* largely responsible V many aspects of the over in creasing cost of govcrnnx nt. it , , V 'I th*t l',ore are approxi- I .it.! Fy FVenty-flve depart moots. ? Mnmix?lons. bureaus arid other ' ? I'* comprising the State ad loois'rntloii. Many of theae have ? "/^lapping duties and r<M,?oiisildlltlcK. no that thpre is niMPh duplication of effort and Wi: ?f time and money ? g'ii?i- 1 ally due to the system tUelf. with out fault upon the part of the of I lieialx in charge. "AVe have no central organ I za "?n and no adequate control ia I ? <lgt u anywhere under our pres eni system. An iuiprcsaion exists 1 >?1 som? quarters that the ('.over nor controls the administration of the State government, hut you Inow this* idea in wholly errone ous. The encyclopedia* and other i author 1 1 1. * usually single out ?North Carolina as n state that pot seam s an anomalous syatt m. in that the whole effort seems to 1 have Ih en to create diffusion and lac* ?i responsibility, rather than ? xecuilve authority and account - I ability. , Wliei-o State Iji?h IMactleally all progressive 1 stat. r except North Carolina have long ,?lnc< realised that the num ber of elective officers must be re- ' duced if democracy Is to produce! efficiency and sound rconrmy. It is generally conr?<d?>d by students ?>f government that responsible I cutlve authority should be r? pos. d somewhere. that the pvople may know who to hold responsible for any shortcomings. Deniocra '?v is (he best form of government, only whi-n machinery is provided, whereby the people can effectively ? \? rclse the sovereignty vested in them. "The ri medy for these defects I is a shorter ballot, and the need I therefor was never more apparent than today, especially under the system of nominating all candi date in a State-wide primary. "The sole objection urged i aualnst the short ballot Is that it lodges too much power in the hands of the Uovcrnor. If this be tine. then our national democracy I- a failure, for tinder the Federal ! system all executive power is , lodged in the President. The ef fectlve answer to the objection ia that in case of abuse of power, the people have a prompt and effec tive remedy In the power to rr? move. Our system of countv covern ment H Just as unadspted (o pres ent da v needs an our system of Mate government. For example, W have had several instances in the pHHt where county officers hi i ye heen short In their accounts. This condition, sometimes involv Iiik large sums. ia a ronstnnt fijen "e" t" well-ordered government In many cases the officials In de fault are not entirely to blame. Oft- n they nre Inexperienced In accounting and In handling larue sums of money, h seems to me the main trouble Is the lack of a preni r system of county govern- 1 neat, due to the failure of tie State to provide by general law Home simple standards of account ing and administration whereby the people and the officials in the various eountlea may adopt more up-to-date and efficient met beds. s"ni" < '"Mill*. >11* managed "Th. re ar.' lnt.Mpr.-n In twine of the cottntl. . and towns whore ihr lirtnrlpl.'N Of thrift and aound rconomy l.av.. horn dlarmrd. d I- or . .atnplr, thrrr arc r ?. ? wh.rr . I", Idle httlldlnita. Inrludlnn achoolhonara. hare hrrn hunt on too extravagant ? aeale with th.- rit.itlt that they hare eoal ? nr. at more than waa necea ?an- to afford totbatantlil. eomnio* .. .id durable Mrueturtu In aoni. di-trle|? ?rhnolhott?e? have been rrerled ttpon too . 'ahorate n ?eat; , with the re?n, that ,0lnr of th. district, have to bear too ..?.vv a burden of taxation for tli.' construction of such buiidlnita I ain stronicly in favor of sub Manual, toufortabl* and comtno dlous schoolhouses. but that does n< : mean that districts should en ronteats with each other I r,o V,??S8r?"* *'llch , K ! Ih* n">,, "rtlatlt and t 1 borate school building without r.'ttird lo th? actual n??d ,.f thH?h'^7"VpI" of lh* '??>< of thrift and buslneis economy In local affairs occurs where small I towns undertake to pave, at treat i ; ' P nsj. the foil width of .tlZX In resldentlsl s^tloas. ?nslne*s Royalty Worships Her Eyes! Th???c eye*. have vamped .ill Huron?'. ~i:ny.tjry and rifl.if it v ?|,i|? them They belong to Alix L'or in ?. y unu 1V.m Ii ;i< ii vat. She t? vis.ini? tl?cl I'lliU'll ijlutlfl I'.OW . thrift end oconomy should <1 ? luto. tliut anrh Ktiveta lie j?:? v? il width cf perhaps fi-e{. tie i<*by providing an airp!?> roadway. -aV ing a largf part of ? !?c? <?.?.-! nf pav ing anil, a* the liinir time. mi*. ply ing every rcAHcm.Vi-lo !:?>? .1. providing parkway* for. pliut trees and grai-n. "These example*! afford .*n ' planation of what I Mean I thrift in tin' ciuidKc* i f bin'was. "It nhould l?i* ri'inomli'-rnl thi't the nyMt/.ni of l onr.ty ? ?vcram-N; now in fnn'o i-? the Name our i'nf father* brought to litis i-ounty .?JV? year* ago. "I mention the* inniter iv<w in order to rail It pointedly to ? li*? at tention of Iho (Icnerni Anserui?l> ' and the people g?iios-Hlly. liiw KnfiiiTi'iiK iit # "Ono of the mo*t pressing proh lems confront tag Aif-rirn tod'iv to find aoino ad ??qua to remedy prevent the a^tor.n :- iv.: crime, and th ? jjeneral ill : i -t lor l:.w 1'ual kp<'1iih f<? r'xit.i. ?? I i !-' rv'ijvlll l!i?rr Ix a ?!i*:?wlr.K t < In >;:ir<l ihai rla-s 'if 1;iwh usually roft'nv'l ' i pk i"ii''r:i| w?*l :'?<r or jinik*'4 r?*KuWilionH. I'm 1?t.k this tonrti-n' v .:i i '.?. ?I" ;iMsl, '? will havo tliv ? (? f?M" '.{ r ; ruitially ?l -iruyinj; iV* bwtibldliiK" of ih?* p-oolo ;Uli| 111 11.4 (h I :? Ifir Wllol* Koviriwiieni niru?*tiiic. Ii mini i ? iii? r<?il that oris i ? ss< nihil ly a ^>vcrniiif*lit of law*: ihai j-II xmi r* Igni> rr*icl*H in ilu? pcnj>I.> rrr.. I tlioy . ;(n as? son ilie.r Knv?Ti??iiiy fln.uiKli flu* lijw *. Mlfim?. Tlr- law*. ihi-it'fori', stpml 1. n'ltaril i! a ssor?*(l l?% ; '1 I ho pontile. i: -h miiimm iiur un?l? tilahl.: fri ?'? ii in Iho hi.M T< vv vc,iiM thoro It. in Iv-i'ii an nntnlulak a1>'?- Invr* an* Ir. Hi.* nanib-'r of major ? rimes, par lirula . ly limit! ciu?\ Lawmaking Aniorira is n?* ?| II trill ?? lilt* lill A ll'-lc.r. ||U< ll'lillln lion of lici.ii; ?* Mulls "if mOHi la'.v t';<ntirio ii nit iMp.i' -> Financing Chowan Bridge Proving Serious Problem Governor Not Kcnunim n.liiitf I.rffi^!ulioii for Itnml for IIih Proj<*rf n;i;l if 8X1,01 MMMK) Aifriitioinil IIoikIh f sr-ucfl !*'ir>?! Di- ru l .* % vnl fju Ji! h Th? flnuii'liil condition r? r ' State In the biggest obstacle In ' way of the erection of a t?rl acrosH the Chowan river. This wan mm!" elenr when t Ways anil Mean- t' -.nnii;' the Coastal II Iff h way made Its r? poll in a meet In thin body In Id ht l!d< uton I i 1 Tuesday afternoon. This committee van name} Wlndaor. m the burlu-me I ' there on l>erember HI, to di the Mil neio '.-sary lor the er< 1 hy the 0tftti' n( a bridge a< i the Chowan river. tfp'-aklnff for thla roinm Charles Whedbee. eh.ilrii derlured that in a ronfo with tho Governor and Mr. I* the committee had four?l ' i very aytnpMthetle toward brldy movement. "Hnw?'\ Mr. Whcdbee paid. "th? ' i ?*.? Is not going to advocnf- th?' < lion of thin bridge In hii nte lo the General leaemhly. array of hllla for other hr project* that are wui'lng s introduced la reHpotiNlhle for Governor* declplon. Mr I says tha? ho does not favoi ? equalisation measure fjara.ii would Pimply bring about ? clamor from any tecil' n I" quota. If the $.1fi.A<*e In bond* Is voted the amour' lowed for the first district r< would hardly build this brW. the opinion of Mr. | 'age. I ? Governor Mr J. can and Mr 1'. re anxious for iin to * ? pome plan through whirl 8t*tr can build this hrld* I ?till conserve the r red It < State." "It Ip a fine thing." said fl. tthrlnuhaua. "to ha. premise of leadinc memb tha General Aeaemhly th*' are behind thla bridge prop*"- "ti but we muat realise that gentlemen repre*ent a vary *'n;'ll part of tha General Ai*tniMr|| |[ tl?l<* hrnfv'. i-; to b? ? on#" .111 ac <-oiuplish*-?l fm-l w k ? -??!? n #!?? l?<Kfa I loji In It. il? rfcli fn rk o:il with 1 1 > ? ?; ? rnUon "t Hi" Illgh-Wny (' .mini' ' ,;i nom ift< ? lit fi.i nlll fi- ::: 1 wIlli thill lifuly, \ . n 11 fur III" ? fed I- it of 1 1 . i ? lii M I tin * 1 < ; tb<- nnnctlon of tin 1 1 1 - * > w r?.m tntanlrtti. | bctlcv'1. will r.i through." 1'|i?'U ?? motlfn inn lc by VWhU-v Fon-niim .i f nan ? miiuih wu? nuni' <1 by f)i- ? h; in. to ras-<' f :i n<l ?? to fii?.< ?ir?? lb fit-1 ' for lh?? ??ri?rll?#ti of 111"! Chow lliv-r brWiji'. Olh'-r Mi Wb'-'lb'" bors of lb. W\.\ fVjn:*iiltlf ur* . I!, o. It . t* : f Moviiffk; W ? I r.i 1 t r :i<| of . 1 MIIV : .1 C It. Khi'iHKl? ? n - <-' Bil/dlirth f'lly. 1 S. \V!?m. .if Hertford, t^icl M nk V/ >?! ? ( lfld< ntoi. Th'* ion ?l ;i i? <> lutlon t xpr?? n k i.ontbl r Ihn cornraUt'r nntl pMl:'.-- th? whftlrhoarlfd bmklmj of 1!'" momh'TH of ib? t'oflKi.i! Ili,*n'viiy Aj?^"rini Ion ??> Ht'iy in .!?? which 111** rnmmltl'- ?ii 111 f?r<Mtlr?| for < r?'i; in ?Vf I In* Chowan rlv-r brblj.' W. I II list. , .Mills rfforilni? I<i tho birr tnln*r <>( hrbf*f? men ?ii r?. ropom-fl, *tr? id m 'I 1 ? ' faoi * I'M of l?i r oifn<ioM prp^ntMl, 1 1?1 nff?",f. ho l.irfcr a ,lir h'al** ffttorn nr?>i| to mil'./ '"?< thin hrM|fr? would not Ofil " f 'ikr t?o* Hblo iho linking of *? l*Mmt T>'fllrlft wltli tho r? ? 'ho Stat* hut iilno the Mj?? nine ? rs l?ren' "??Minn to (nut!*'* v ?r?> not willing to^rnvol Ihn 'libi ??<??? ?lon of tho Slut* "1 they have tn b? r"laM< I r'?'- prr?a ont ferry Rcrvi'< . II ilntoxM ?ft Id. C. fl. Vann Of l-Vfiton ?p->k? etroneiv In fnvor o p?Htj ap Epilation for th- Chorwen , EST SF\vn:KS (.1 i:sts ? <i V.LIIKK COVitlKKIIK ?: i<r I'ar ?II of AliUicmr ;t: i >. ru> S't iS.r.l ..f wore the !'in ?i. of I !o? Chamber ? ' < ? ? ?i. : - lur-? l:?>t slight. Til y ? ! ! :? :il? :i ;? ! ? i |ii<- I '||i* " in h.'t *???! ilt' I.I M*C W'llUl t|.?y ?? ii.'. | *???? i:i ;Ji*.ib>th ?'ity, Th ? ? li-ii i'-t r ??? i ojiiM^rr.' t-om ?!:<? i*ulcrt;.iiit-d i!n"ii it* - ? 'r '? ! VV. I ?. I'oUooii. \\'i,*l',y ? i .. .! I l-mi . m,h, r,ni. ? ?? I!. ; Shitt' -r.J. .VI. jvicp. I ?? I X.. il ? I 11. t JoU. m , iv >11? < \ I' Will. i'i;i:vu!r; iioin; show ii ?? vt Fiji'1* \ :? tni?-' V. V."' Khi?:ii. . I' \ r. . i ?t.ii .1 il. \iliim**, all HlStmu'e V v si. Miltw iv. ;ii" Ml. I * I..I* *U I 1 1 ' M !* IlilllMMl ill a fi rl 'fiiaie of rorp"?'at1"ii issued V. S ?'* r? ';?:>? ?! S? ??. \\ . N. Kv . M.t, "i ||.- ???!,? ?' ..ii-'ij . w ill b ' lin.iwn Uu Wi'mme Pun-sd Miir.' sli.iw anil ?* a unu *?i < n ??, u:iti./.ii i??n. ?] If. ? ? of I In* nUiMitllll'iW. ;i?.*i?r?!luK to ill*'- *"hari.r. e* ??? !?? ;? i. I in-.t r iiH' ri- 1 m iijtii In cohilll'l '.I' VHi- oliiuvs in \\< i. r:i North Curollua. Tin* chart' . i irrant*'*! for mi iinllinit , i in ? ? 1 and tH?* corporation will I, *,. -v.i' on a n -I. i??-?li ? ?.:? "4i-. lis# mi iiifWuf Ml.- ?noclalion 1.1 i.' um 'I In furtherlnK ill** pur ??f tin- n? H'ialion. -\ti I'd .KS in !'??:> is vi;\u*s;an 'I.iMkIi .Ian. - 1 - "No tickn by Hi, " Hi*- slogan of I ??** Noith i']|na li- part im-nt ot AKricul i.nv tirniriliiiii; lo a it! :?l * in* i?l l* l.y i li?- Slut'* Veterinarian l>r. \\ , . ; i *iii Mvimi-i1 At tin* ri qm-.-l of V. , i i , > ijcnli.-tii, ??iiniwis*l?ii?,r of apiculture v!io lias r??? ?'iilly i . c< ^ a iiumi.K i' ot iii?|uirifH on ili.. it?K ?-iuiai'.un in"??\??ill? i'ar*? I ? i .? l?r. Moor- p.avc uUt I lie f*?l l.iv a ii k HllileinelU. ? hi l'JUii Hit* Hue ??' *|i;inarkn tiwii was ui ilu- Mot of U?? l?u? I:k!v-i* niontil.r!n?. Today llckw lui \ i> |,t-? ti t|-;i<l i ''ii I ?-tl in all 1>UI ?M-vi-n count li's wliMi an* I'olum hils. HrilllHwick, Onslow. JotH*;4. I raven. I'ainlico at;?l Cariarct. in ii,, ? . ? s. Iicni Ijuilt ami i..- i . v. inn t - is* ? l?y next ycni". "Th* li* v. of 1521 divided ihe I !:?-:? i' malniiif: lick i'.fiii"ryof in . , in. ili ; into tlireo distri?i>. The work was lal.l out f??r 1 !(-?!. l!*2t ,..:A 'I In- fi?Hi two yearn*. nv?". ?" n h.'-i lu**rii C(?ni:il*'teil and we ..?rr ?.tart ili:*. oJ> ilir. Iioniv kIipIHi." i n mif iioin .- (jrahuin a in? m 1..-I- of tin* fn-uat.. in l'J 23 when ti: ? 1.i v.* wan jiass.'il was cbairinuii of th-* iummltieo on iisrleiiiturc s. d fo Mi-red tin- hill. iti:v . it. ii. wi i i?i:\i? \. V, . 1- ..I li. .1 In !?? |. *l;i v I till' ? 1 ..Hi of III ?. |l. II WllilK. prv I ldli! . r ?'l It" ? > * tleyilH'i ,, ii. t , :i Fiiyeit- y*I I - IiomjiIiiiI VVi-diHv*iay riorii?u{5 l.i i ? Willi*! .... ?!.; |.n . i ? * . . I _ ? '??? I 4*1 llils '11.01 ie? from !>? * < mi . ? i 'If. I ' Im- in !i.?r . I!I22. M- Is |lu? lij'cif li?*r "I \\ i .J, .1 r. Kuhiki ii rid Mi*?s Km* \\ .it. of (Ili city. I .? \ IA i l?? ? ? \l,l.f i> tH I' The di?fii? t convent!' ii ??l I. (> 0. I'., whlcti Wii: i?? !??? held :i* Shih-li < ' L' ?i"elocl; today, hn; h? ? ti call' 'I on f ?.?r iihoul for,:- wi ? on accimiit 't th'-" coiidllioii *?l th' road:i. WKKJIAWKKN < ASK TO I bIK JI'KY TOf>\> .1 r-.-y ( *!? y. J n 21 Th?- raw ? nu lust t'-n monihem.of tho \V'?*?* hauK??n ja.lleo f-?rrc and tw*.? r-ivl linii < liarRed In lh" county court will, conwiiiracy to violate th>* j?ro liil>ii ..!i law (h exp.!?-tod to reach t li* j fry t'iduy. ;? th sM'h r-' '"'I loilay i- f i ?* r a .'i in whiili two prohibition t.i-4 at'CUK. il t' ii i i Staled Sen r Kdwai.' - < f N. w Jermy of i. kinn those on trial. Sonaior JCdward* whh I ri v i * ?- 1 hv t!i<- drf'MiHe c<ninsn| to testify anil i he JuiUv .? UI he v/oiild M'liien mc cane If i he senator apje ared !n <i- f?-nn i '-huh' I j'liiK'iinc <1 If. day it Renal or K' d? '?Hn -il \(> iijip'-ar ? ' I triul. Tie ai t . a re ?? ? t? ?l to l.? y.le U-. r; i lUIn K l' .H ? afl'TIIOOll. LI. ii I V.'U . III. r ?: of I he I Mr*" l*r? hlltftl i im . v'ho > -t- rdny c? , I IMvi.i'l ;iec? plii $:i. ?0 . i, .. tij-.i il hoolh i:i:inik ?h ui : ? ill f < <! - i r'ifP <-v Ainlna llon ? ?ay l"i ronvlcleil of p.>i i* l ii'i'iiy la w York :? v*ral y? ./?? y ' \ <.( in I JiNOH TAKf I V IHiTlKS \ i tin. Tfil ' "1 ? C'.ovi r I., Mill I \ . r*'n?r>n today look up tu wovS< illrecl ln^ Am < ,{<??'? i > mmonwonlth 8hg ? ; her inlllftl mklreM to l ieRl ? 'i" hy a mMHeriUM*. KIXMin SIIUATION IS l?!.' J.iMVO imimiovim; .A*l.-'. - Ja-i- II- ? An Itnpl ?' m?.nt in Iht K?'n?rrfl flfioil hIihi ih.r ?... r'.po*"ted frntn th*. wnt'." 1.trlt-V ' ii.- m? of AlHbnniii. <l?- ?r Hid, i.h Carolina. U>u!*ina Hurt Vl?-I '.npl la?l ?l*lil. Hurry H? or Nor foil. In v?Hlnx n?? anil Mr. K P .?y?r ?t th?lr homi.. jn% l>f?rl nrnt. Ehringhaus Wants Shot In Shell With Powder I o' lnrr Solicitor One* <?l M'l: I Popular S|M?akf*r? at (Jiowhii iti Kali) 'Mfi'-r Warm "mi uportcr* Ili alh. <ai:nr.;n, ! )ou;;hi'?n. I i?t, Hart SIX MILLION IS s| \ ri-rs i>ri ?< :n I! ili*!gh. Jan. _'l Yl?.- r, n . ??ral in ml of Ih*1 Si ;???? Tn-i svrv a total ovt-riira it I ? Jut-.' Si?sh |.isl of 7.; a cording lo the annual of Tnuiniror liMrH.un ? - ? 1 1 : ? > Tli?? t'tiMli ov? nlra" i:-. lH6.9T4.Mi for tli'* v.-ar ?-tid lug Jum- SO. SFNATK SKKKS ! STt'OV KKI'A't VI i< Nr Wa*hlnviou. J"?'- ' 1,1 all- today nilopl- d Cu i ; lution asking ;; .vitfy I l*nr!??v? to ?? 4 ii f I lit- Paris ri'i?:ti*ai Ion ? mint iogollu'r will /on h injortna tion ulumt negotiation* a:? woiu?i in* ?orv=Hary for :i Hill u?d?T.?tst? . In* of Its tortus. iUiisr.oMBK wr'ijK . I'lllSOiSKIIS IX \!-r. Aslovilh. Jan. SI I irh 1 * np'ii prisoners fr',M 1 i,lt run II IV jail h?*ri* last til I? was loattud today Hm' ? xv"',; 1,1 tru.<ty who hstd afiMss in Hp- K< iiiilock- *1 Mm* gat?* ivh .'.sin: t ???:> Tlirri- n-lunud t"o?h ? . s?:i>kn. i.:. Mail ? Pow?ra. !?"??>. 1 tlll'lll. *? * WOIIU l? I' 11 1% n'.M-' j , ? d?lW*. Kiln llMiHl- y. a t ? <h-i;i l-i ln??!n r si rviiiK Is ur?::1hs> ai"' a sl?*k in-gross wi r? Ml- fitly ? ri- ; who remained. VOTAW IIKSHJMS V'\!> TlltiltK'S VI <.flM il'.M ?' "? il , H. Votuw. broth- r ti< law of lh?* into proalde-nt lluidiiii'.. lias i ? ttlgm d a* nup''ritii? ifli'ttt of "'?? I-Vdi-rnl Prlmuia "1 'h?- l?<p'ri ? mi'Ut of Jiifthv., orfirir's <"*' Him d to in ik. any < i.- un*iit ? y ' taw was a j 'pointed l?\ \l!oir.?> r ; . ml I>a"iuli?r!y ;? <t prior r?? t it In' was a pre.-' 1 ? II.' ? now In tin .. hospital r? roverlm: from an i'i?< raili?n. MIIS. CA'IT i.iimim; TO RAI.Kiiai MKI T I(n1< Iclt. Jan. 2 i- Mi . fl'-r trudi* Well. PrnHb* ni of Hi North Carolina L'-ngin* of Won ?i Vol on*. Iia * announi'?*d Ho- n-titn tlvo program for tin? flfih aninia' convention of that organi/at Ion. to In* iH'ld In Rah-Igh. l*Vhruj.r\ I. Tin* principal fiatun- will l? an nddus* l?y M? CarrU- < hap man Call, at :t p. . Krhrnary SKNVIK Kl MSI IKS \\ Ms OIL S'l'OlO Washington. Jan 2 1 Tli'.- Si-n al.- today hail wriH-'ii lt.? llnal word In lit** ii-tval oil h a ?? li?!|iilry by approving la I" y s!?-rday th?' majority r??pi>rl <1 Uio Iiivoh'Ik i titiR cominlllcM- Hliarply rrllh'l *in': tin* liiancH and i-r-rialn offh'lal iic*Ih ronn-rlnrl ih?rowl(lt. It v ? voii of 50 to ::'i llo- ti ntr> rojcrlfd ih?* tnitmrily rojiori pr?-s?*nU'd hy S^niilor Sp'-nn-r of Ml-snttrl. mi. j. i.. nuii.i. io SI'lvVK I'lIU IIS!) A% lir. J. L. Nt-IH. who ha "? hri-ti l'? Onlral Kurop?< fr.r Ihr pant Ihn" yrars. will spouk at iho Kir: M'-llioilisl ( linn h Thursday morn Inir at l? oVIock. TIip romniuii 'y Ik invited to fttti-nd. 4 V, AM THY I II vrvi \N on !>i i iuikk r.ilAiaa Hartford. Conn . Jan i Hiatc.H Attorney HukIi M. Ah ?'ii. a riii'-d with :i lit ? ? ??? i"' ' ? ' liullri ni' ni brought Tu i - iiv *'\tra'" dlnary ' urand jut " th raid Chflpman. will h a v? i -?l ty for Wn?hln?ton for a ionf<i in-'* Thursday with AMfihlnnt Atforn" (li-noral Donovan for lit'- p?irpo?? of .-ff.-r till;; thr transf"*'1 of thi no lorloiiH rohln-r from l-Vtlnrul Ju^i (llct Ion h) till- rii-.tody ft till Ktnt'. foi Ills trial on ?? fharc of slay tin* pollftehiHti Hk' lljr. Ill \ l?l\ I .INK slK\MK?IM* < M?Sl/|-> IV .1 \ MM i; > \ t N'i? r i " ? ' ft mIi 1 1? Cafily" til'1 lariM>t of IHl.tKl: II' C.'pl/'ll ' .tiii-w;- IMvi i n?-ar C!;:n tuoi ; " ?t.. V . II- I 1 A ? II.. ? ' ? < f"'? I ^ <?1 W rrt w COTTON MAIIKFT \Vw Vm'k. Jan "I 'poi i t mi rloH'-'l (|til(d. middling 1 'ir him Knmi'-s. rlosint- m?I ? .n JS. 47. Mafrh 2S71. Vtay t '?:{ July S4.16. <* t 2'? \. w York. Jan - I ,r : -! opened today at f l?o foi?i W?ln: Jan. 29. R0. M?i'H : ? May 24.01. July 24 24, oh \Yw York. Jan 21 'At two p today cotton fill ii r? p? atood at , <? following lavrla: Jan 23.41. \i i'rh It. IB. May 23 97. July 1 4 21. <Vt. 22 ? \\ If n fir-, t .it r Kun for thft "t-' "f "'?< let's be t" ' ' ' ' ''"'i*'' M4iini< shot in ' ' ? " I ?' ? Wl'll ;,H powdtr/' ? " 1 l"-tu lUKhmiH ii poii ' i'i . -r in r< HiionM ' fr in t li.iirinan Venn ? from the former "" in i District, at " rally at ICden- ' .1. ii ? . ,?f ??KI?rJtiulia11H" came .-'I ' ? win n t lie BHs 1 man was railed upon, j;ieet.?d l?y u round of '' " ?* ?h?t received , "r l,,? Mineral Aa- * l ,K. *'1' ' him. iNi i v"" hi,v'' .1 ? ii i ? Ih<* < ,low"n rlv , urv I -Murphy of 8aH?> ' , ? 1 M ?? 1,1 > 1 ' to coino to a .1. My,.. fr, ?Iy |own .* ' ?? '?*t province and ?? .ri.MM day sin* w|th ua ' 1 '?"???? was lost but , , ?; J" ??"fid." .Mr. Murphy ex I ?'??" w ',??*. Ii- first |,^m ?' ? ? Hi l.'Xlslature it was M i . r , hlm lo *r> by Vlr? hi i? UaiHjh. u, ( H. alh ?f Monroe. i if ' ,,, il. ... M,Haker? called .i lliat th>* tim? for v ' 11 1* "I'd that he was . n .'v'^ i c-,n 1 ?n ?n ?'imi ii i- ' i .. I'icdmont J 'l... ^ ' -I "Mut when this j >???? Ilea tbe Sen . , ? 1 ' lo l.-ad (he . ' , ' I'll ' " . ' ?'"? Ullt." of lUWgh. '!"? J.d.lrvaa of wel ' '?> l r.,?K ,,f BrtentOJu I .Mil. r n.vl. w. ,| ,ho hi2E'. ? work . . I li1o Slat,. 5|?ce iJIJj ' "?'"'?'I flmi li hll pUo ; ' iii:.. iiu.k,, pro vial,,,, for ? ' "?'??/: "f a l.rl.Uo over t& '"v. .-. hut you iieoiUa i 1 1 1 1 1 Ul In, i|i.(| (tH you aow " n ." I r .n,i? i ,.,.,.|VI. uny co_ ' ' ' " 1 1 'in yoii." Ii,. aald. ' . *?>? >|i|?nnd oi I more ani i.i?n ?eviMd to , !,r ? " ". in 'li.l Coraak- ! ' " ' II A. Douab I I J.. IS Koi?K |? bo buUt ; ' |"M||| in l.uiit, ,1 ??<! lare(, t ? ? 'Alii .: I laiKl.Jy on ill" (lovcrnor. Bsc I 1 l" '"""I" or no ? I"' 'nils should be " V ' 1 short term "'"?i'1'* "''i. hrldxe oaa ? i I rii.-l. ,|. Wo have marted '??in of l'oa-1 hiilldln. In /"i"1 A, and B. bar* ? ?"I Ihflr roi. l . l?illt? but C. Sim' "M' I'l'ly nf (ho Stilt? ?? tiiilli.T ito vl.iji ||n road*. This' ' N rlli Carolina project and ' ' _ -i iii. rnrwnrd." "Ill- coi?lrii,ll?n of ihla i I'ly woill.l provide for Ihla ?' i"'i or \;iril, Carolina ertothar ' ' ' ? ' I ' ;,'""il I In- only (inn (ha( it 1 not now mow. ' said Cqn :i '''??? ..r rniifornU, 1 ' 1 i' io Is a crop of ^"lirornla It In the i in. i piMfii,.!,!,, crop ,hat we have. I J 'i uhwuyrt all over North ! | * | ?"<? lourlsts will flock to your y. to- on.- of tho ftresteat ? '"'7 ,,,M I'fi Ion from the hIjj ndpoint ,,f historic Mtpnery. Uli> ir I'lillfornla had the minora] ' "m' >?n ha v?*. we would I' .v- ir ,1 ? l. North f!aro ..m to visit our State within a ? 'I < UlUP." I f'- l more Ifhf w? are going ' ' I . I this hi i, Ik.', than I luva '?."?till i? r,.? William A. / '?' Hlithw;-;. < "inrnlsHloner, "" ' 1 I old the ' ?"? ? ? ":l"l niH.n after ' ? IK had bean iM'aru from OI , I ,, :,Ih rs of the (icnerai * who made hrlef re ' ;!"?l Intimated that ' y wixild do ?M In tholr power the hrl !ir? project fo V ? A Shuford of II ' ' ' >? '."n?r of ltoxbov? ' '"'ii (; WrlKht of Oreeiie ' . '' ' 'r 'r|" ? u" served hy the I 1? iiN?o was handled In k-rv f-rr?cU,W manner and it dfrlnn-d by many U i he the ? ^ Imrbecun they had over ?'i ' r K'll*a helh City deiegA "? ^ r- of the day. I who ?ot off the 1 i/ u?? I i < ity chartered train 11 <:i 'I ?n the hand of hl? i |'.ii with i hi- words "V/e wsnt a I ? ?? ro Chowan River" j '',"1 ^ -os tho bottom of a 1 ' :> ? !? ' r.v i ri i' w h ? r<- ir jn proposed j 1 ?' ?l Hi.' h.-ldse is to he hullt. n ' " ",! 111 had h good dele ?' o hand hut frw of them u thf nip i.y train an th^ roed ||.? wuv hrtweon Kdenton and Hertford Is paved. I'll- sentiment of everybody "ill. . I lo I,,. Ihat the 1 -*?' "* as a part K i Highway sysL-m ? *U '*!"? 'f. must be dlaro*- ? ' re'.y It nmy be ,-onatrutfF.' 'If ib' tt. is io other way ta 1 W .1 ll.'rrymao M f.ttinton. Ihp la .Ilea will have an "f'i. r tea p-ifty." ,, "ni1 ' Bnnn* of Jl city u t Wtdn*,d*y *? tn*

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