Oyster Industry Killed Overnight By Embargo Typhoid Scarp in Mid-Vt "psIitii Hrii^s \h?ni Sit uation' That Arounoo Iiidifmniiou oi' Mi'ii; Caiixeo Depression oi' Sliuikers and I'aokrr* By ItOBKKT T. HMAM, M'hi i icl.l l:C5 b?- Thr Ad'#*- ) Washington. Jan. 22. ? II ? port.* reaching In u- from the low r i'?? toniac and from the L'ustfrsi ahores ol Maryland ami Virginia make it cl!ary land, will dellvar an addrcs* the oyster and his present sltur tlon through station WCA1' In this city. C- The old saying that the projdw r \e not without honor save In nb< own country, docs not apply to the Oyster, for over In Baltimore, where more is known about oy.? ters than In any other city in tin world, a survey conducted by f it;, authorities, shows thcrr* has be* n no diminution In the us.- ? r tin bivalves, either raw or co"k?d Oovernor Iiltchie, of Maryland, has been particularly disturbed by tin* charges brought against Mary land's chief seafood product. H? Is continuing to eat oysters in abundance, not merely to ihow his confidence in thetn. but t cause he likes them and they ar? a normal part of his diet. Conditions along the r. '.-t- n? shore of Maryland are plctur? il a.* extremely depressing. At the llt-th oyster town cf Crlsfhld it Is slat ed that 800 boat" are either tied up at the docks or anchored In the harbor. Something like .'..000 nun are out of work. \* all of the other interesting Utile towns, such as St. Michaels, Wacha* prcague and Chlncoteag'ie. whoso oysters are justly famouv. coiid! tlons are virtually the s?m Mom of the oyster houses ar>- open to supply local and state consump tion, but shipment? to tin ojt slde stopped overnight. M< n and women of the oy.der towi :?? walking the street* stunned l*> the calamity which ha < ov?":t:iken them. At Chlncoteague it h: "fa ted there has not be n a c: . o| typhoid fever In more than tW" years. In any event the typhoid sc i has brought a realization t ? ?' *t' r Industry that It* product tT must he ccrtlfled and this Is t ^ypropared for In the future. Just as Western and South' m citrus growers identify ?h< Ir wares by state names, so will tin oyster grower** and dredaeii* In the future id' ntify their pn ducts Instoad of being ahunind as nt preaent It Is predicted th ? oyst- r> cf Chesapeake Bay will be de manded by name In the future. Dr. John S. Fulton. Maryland commissioner cf health. has Is sued a certified statement to t ? i ?-* effect that during the years 1022 to tO'24 Inculnlve no cnsen of t? phold fever have been attributed to oytsers taken In the waters of Maryland. And this In a stat< which eats oysters ns no other state does. In Baltimore t'lt\ aloAe 540,000 gallons of oyster? are consumed annually. nn. nAitKWKi.i, ni iMUNc; NKW IfOMK AT WKKKHVIId.i: The ne* homo of Pr. J. II Barkwell at old Weeksvlllp Is nearln* completion and will hi* ready for occupancy within a f?w weeks. McLean wu.f, not OONSinER PAHDON Raleigh, Jan. 22.? Governor Mc1>>an will consider no pardons Y except In Ihe most urgent cases [ during th* ne*t 20 days, ha an V nounr. d last night, because of * nresfilng leglslatlvo problems be fore him. Call to Bar An International bar association la the dream of Attorney John A. ('Una of Cleveland. prmlJont of the Ohio State TI?.T Asportation. He Li start ing a movement that eventually muy bring it about Such an organiza tion, hi- says, would take over much of the work now done by foreign consuls and eliminate considerable Jed tape. is hack IN A'lUM'A PEN J. 111. Ill - - (???raid Chapman. itofoi-loir* ? .omju4ii:iI, w.is r--iMin?-d t ? Atlniiin prison lo il.tv i?y |\4h>rni officer*. ? 'lu? ?-sc;..p? d in March. l!?2;i, n:;d was ncaptur.d in Muu Indli.ni, recently. Hi- was rvi: ? 2". ^ urs for cnmectlon with tin- ?2.'/0'i,''00 mail robbery. ji kv i;ix:ir\iu;Kn IN \\ EKHAWKEN CASE J. rs< v riiv. Jan. 22. ? The Jury! \v;i in ; 1 1 1 ? i i ac;r*>e today In the iriit I * f 12 AV? v' I: !i find Jersey ( i< > | ?; 1 1 f ? < oft; i i) ? and civilians : chiir^td wit'* conspiring to violate | siute 5 rohiliii !i?n law?; and wax diKclmf^' d by flu* Jude.e. after be ing inn sine- >i : t '?? day. S U S II v1! Ni :s 1W.A1K WEKK FIXED Norfolk, Jan. 22. ? Chief of Po I ir ?limn of Norfolk testi fying at th" trial of Hex. D. iieuton and William linker, charged with prohibition law vio lation today, said that liaker Y <>2 Prrslden; nurlciill ival commls i m ? i" ?'t i ? i'inu r- cnni. n datlor. I i* 1 1 1 ? I. Iirf of aMlcul Uire next tt'rk. The report of the ion ii now being drafted. HIM ? 61 ItOTAKl D x KQL'ffT MOVI l? I I' TO SIX TMIIKTY The hi.ur of tb- Rotary ban quet ivt M.i; ni*h' of tills week; has bt? !i changed frc.in 7:30 to, ? 0 : -1 1 ii v,.is announced late this afternoon. This 1 Mio nnnual ladles niKht I ? ;i i l 'I i ? I .. .ii Is to bo held ill Ill?' .. -.-I .. ill of the Kir 4i Methodist f Church. HAV8 UOIt.sT ftOAIM IN IWKM'V-I IVK YKARM "I have ;>een carrying mall for 25 >( a - ?' Ml the r->aiis are In wor o . 1 1" now than I have ev ?-r s?-? n l "in." irvlnx Pool. Kllaa-; ' i ' i'v it F. I), carrier on route' two. ?.t< i \Vedn"*dny. ' !i- wor*u rotlie, however. Is ili-f o .1. JontilngH in Sulem Io'aii 'i;?, "Mr. Pool aaid. "These! in.'. t..e inoi.t recently graded road." .1 James ,?r . of Salem town ; ;blp says the roads are worse than ). is the most thickly populated township In the <'ounty and has not foot of paved ronds. Of tho ten school trucks taking pupils to Wecksvllto High School only two of ihcm travel any distance io speak of orf tho paved roads. Thi re has been, of course, con *Id< r.tble Ironblo In getting the children to school. Tho youtigs i :s 'lot?:;, measure up to the situation In a line spirit. One of the tracks ditched the other day . -I iii" show here. It was upon his re turn to his store that lie was stricken. Physicians were hastily sum mon* d and were recognized by Mr. Sellg, but the symptoms of cere-, bra I hemorrhage were plain and he did not rally. He was there fore taken to his hoim> where death cauie about two hours lat er. l.ouij Sellg was born In Nor lo'k on October 23. i860. He came to Elizabeth City at the age of ?2 and opened a watch repair shop on the east side of South Wa ter street in the little frame build tut now standing on the Ilradford properly opposite the express of tice. which toen stood on the present site of John Wells' print *h(^>. Later he moved to a larg ? r frame building, as his business , grew, on the present site of the T. I*. Nash feed stoie ou North Wa-| ter street. Prom there he moved i to the first floor of a brick build ing on South Water street, which stood on the alte of the store now occupied by Mo.sea Gla^er, and which, like other buildings in the block at that time, was used as a residence above the first floor. This store was named "The J? w elry Palace." There Mr. Sell*; ! r-muined until the big fire which wiped out the Jewelry palace building and others adjaccnt to it, when he moved across the street Into tin* building now occupied by John Well's printshop. On the completion of the Flora Building in 1900. corner Main and Water streets. Mr. Sellg moved Into Hi store the firm now occuipes. Hardly a man in Elizabeth City hns been more closely identiflrd with its business aud fraternal life than IxjuIs Sellg. He was a director of the Norfolk & Caro lina Telephone & Telegraph Com pany, of the Pasquotank Hosiery Company, and of the Savings; Hank & Trust Company. He was an Odd Fellow, a member of the Junior Order, a Shriner. a thirty ueond degree Mason, nnd a Kl wanian. Loyal to the faith of his fathers, aud a member of Ohef Sholem Temple at Norfolk, he was ' held In affection and high regard by the Christian people of fhe city and from varied Congrega tions Wednesday evening came a very multitude to express sympa thy for the bereaved family. f The burial service will be con ducted in Forest Lhwii Cemetery. Norfolk, the funeral party leaving Elizabeth City on the early morn ing train on Friday. Ixuila Sellg In survived by his. widow and by two sons. Frank Se llg, who has been In charge of tho Jewelry store since his father s health began to fall, and Julian Sellg. optometrist. The pallbearers arc: active. Oil bert James, George Bell, George ' Meveridge. Guy Brorkett. W. C. Sawyer, Thorburn Dennett. Ray Kramer, and Duckworth Glover; honorary, J. T. McCabe. I)r. J. H. White, Dr. A. L. Pendleton, P. G. Sawyer, W. J. Woodley. Sr.. T. | P. Nash. F. M. Grlce, Eddie llugheH. Mllos Jennlngn. Harry Johnson, Jerome Flora and W. P. Duff. J. B. Griggs. T. T. Nelson. O. F. Gilbert. JOHN A. Lt'TOX DEAD John A. Luton. City Route One. 60 yer.rs of ege, died Thursday at his home near Slmonds Creek af ter being In falling health for some time. He la survived by his wife, three daughters. Mrs. Philip Cart wright and Miss Margaret and Doris Luton; five son*. U. M. Lu ton. J. H. Luton. Luther, Henry r.nd Thomas Luton. NEr.KO FARMERS COLLEGE OPENS Greensboro, Jsn. 22. ? The , North Carolina State Negro Farm- 1 ers College opened here yesterday. January 21. The program con sists largely of lectures and round table dlscuaalons on various farm problems. A feature of the Congrcsft will be the corn show and Judging contests. Prices amounting to more than $100 In cash have been offered and Indications are that many r.? gro farmers will take part In the contest. T. S. Inborden of Bricks. Is J president of the Congress and John D. Ray la chairman of the Negro Club Work f the Agrlcul tural Extension Service. C. R. | Hudson Is chairman of the execu tive committee. Dr. G. A. Carver, of Tuskegee Institute. Alabama. Is expected to be present and will address the Congress. Following the meeting of the Con* reus a meeting of locsl negro* demonstration agents of the Ag ricultural Service will be held. This meeting will he held Friday nnd Saturday. January 23 and 24.1 Plana for the work to be done during 1328 will he one of the chief matters of business, it is stated. Dr. I. O. Schaub. of State College and C. R. Hudson will ad dress the agents, discussing va rious phase* ct their work. Short talks will alao be made by the ; demonstration agents attending i the meeting BODY BKOtUIIT IIKKK Till USDA^ l-xunrr;il I'lr^iillnu Killer II. H Willi* Will I*' 4 ( iho Fnyetteville Methodist Church and one of .Mr. ..-losest friends, accompanied Mrs. Willis. She was alao accompanied hy her alliler. Miss Alice lllancliard, ?if Hertford. Mr. and Mm. Laurence E. Bin n?*ha it] of ffsmjot. Miss Elizabeth Kramer and Willis Krainer. Another brother, l>r. Ju lian Hluh>'haril ?>f New York City arrived on the noon trai.i. The funeral will he conducted In the First Methodist Chu?*eh V 10:30 Friday morning and inter ment will be made in Hollywood. Rev. Robert Henry Willis W:* born in Warrentou In I STL*. tho son of Rov. It. A. Willis an J Mrs Ella White Willis. He war. graduated from Trinity College and took advanced theo logical work In Vauderbilt Culver sity. In 1S9C he Joined the North Carolina Conference :?f the Metho dist Episcopal Church. Smith. Be fore attending Vnndc rblit he taught at riyiiiouth and Kerners Vllle. After entering the pastorate he served some of the most import ant charges in the o..nferen*e. among them Elm City, Morehead City. City Rond church at Eliza beth City, Edenton, Tarboro, Lit tleton. Warrenton District, Ox ford station. Elizabeth City Dis trict. and for the Inst two years the Fayeitevillo District. ?He was considered without a superior in llie full rounded acti vities of the ministry. For a num ber of years he served as Confer ence Missionary Secretary and Hi nee 1 'J 1 I has been Secretary of the Conference. He bus been a member of the (!en<-ral Hoard in' Missions an-1 a member of t* U? neral Conferences, llie "highest body In his church. In 1907 In was married to Miss Annie Illanchurd of Hertford. Re sides his widow, he i* survived by three sUturs. Mrs. J. p. Kramer and' iMi^s Enm.a Willis ' of Elisa beth City and Miss Minnie Willis of Fayettovi.il'. SAY II FADE It SON S\OWDK\ HEARS t.ooD ICEIM'T.VS (lX Powells Point, 22.? H-r derson finowden. who 1* being held for murder in Elizaho: !i Ci ty. hears an excellent r.-puiati?n and is one of the best liked and re spected colored men who have ev er been known around this s ec tion. He has always been known to be quiet and orderly around public pieces anil the people of I.ower Currituck huvc had their sympathy aroused for him. They hope that he wiil be > 1 lightly as possible in b? ing pun ished for tho killing of the other negro. i Booster Villi:! Wjltuin. I l'f TtlMIII li * . i" to Wilcli.i.K* H? :? >?:?? ;l! ? mtHH ir* ??? ???!??*???- I..>m tin Hliiif Hit-- ?i'i M ??s.i.i ? pi w :?i :i I'm of K nis.?? \vli- n !????! . if., tii liiiu lli.il "li.'f* ?* Ui.-v iii-t '?>i \vaii?-i? i.i *?' ?? ? ? " SW KKTAin MAY COMK l l'.O ii \\ 3!ST Washington. Jan. 2i Vr Middle West in snatch for a ?ie* Hecrctaiy iif A;:ri?ultui e. All ? of ? lint punt i:j the past have b-t'ii .Middle \V?stem i rs. l: a I i?li lv Merrltt .-f ?\ii;-..i -i.i ??no ui tin men uihi* v ??? n* .- ?? 1 . ti nan ???? "i r? c ' : i !.?'.? liy cercl;ry l.!i?ov?*l\ UMfJKNI'FIKI) M '. v I'OUMI !\ SW \\2i* WilininKt.il'. Jan. 'J_'. The bo dy of .Ml linldeiil ified v. hile mail found in a swamp nt'iir lo re yoa jirday nflernoo:i Is hafiliiii; the ct.'lc**rj* u.io are working on the the ckiHe. lie apparent !y had been dea l for a week. N.i motive has 1 iidv:<|iCE.il, us a mini of m*?i;ny wan found on the body. II u had been shot thronj-jj the head. postal i*a\ Bin. IS ?KI OKK si n \ rc: V. hit ? lull. J .in. T2. lit . fr?. > :? ! p'iy r*nd rule In-n ?? 'oil ? i h ior?* th" S *.?? *> ii.Mn. The Kill r ' report il lay the por.t i ffl ,?? ' ojiiini'fce (? ovltlrt* tbr name sal.nv iiiereiifn;; car ried in the iue.o-.iire Mi- rn Ki d' lit vetoed and ]?. ??\ i?|> . . u i oral ri.te inrr.'a ? Tardy Recognition To Man Who Saved Lakes Hill Edward (lnliill lias at I.rusl the Satisfaction of Knowing Hi* l,u!?or Via* Bi??c?l Factor in I'rcvrnl* ing Destruction Navigation in (.real l,uk:as n> o. K won ? I ?/ 1 II, Ik. Chicago. Jan. 22 - While na tions, slates and citier wage 11m greatest legal. kglsla! Ive and ver bal battle of the present day. Iu volvlng future navigability of H ? Ureal Lake*, the man. aged .ml, worn, who started the wholn i between Chicago ami North I ' i? i* - 1 Lween Chicago an. I Northern I'm - r*(l States, and Canada, Item > phsciir*, un mentioned and unc-t warded. Ih part In thin affair, which is aroused more heat than any ? ? troversy In yearn, and which puts at .Make hundreds of million < <>f dollars, may soon receive official recognition an well a* Home m? :? dure of reward from the Wi-< u *ln legislature. And once Wi n ? ln starts. Canada, the /.? it Mate* and the eighty large ?;?! ? Involved may chime in. Hut since his work started 'he battle. lOdward T. Cahlll. no of Washington, I). ban nev? o much an received public men- mi, he had spe nt all of his earnin. ?.* i Chicago attorney, and almo- II of his time for years to I- >g i? bout the recent verdict oi i.e I riited StAtea Supreme Court . it Chicago was Illegally dryir "P lb" Great l^ak"* to avoid tip esslty of constructing in- rn newage disposal plants. Hver since 1908 efforts vo been made to restrain < o from turning huge quanliii of water from the (Ireat l^nk' ? ' ? the Desplaines River In ord to dispose of her sewage. Cahil ? of counsel representing the ney general of Wisconsin in the action started at that tlni< Ha had made the study of nav 'de waterways and the laws gov ng them his life work. The cr.se dragged for >'? In the courts until finally. Ju t ha? fore he retired from the 1 h. Judge Lrndls decided that t! di version of water above tl * *r department allotment ws? illegal. 1 Thru in 1M21 III siipn iih rutin held t !k- In iilnini'K a nnvi^Hltlo river subject t < tin- ordin.Hc of J 787. i.N'o tun evon thought of the |tntl<)l't ?>f I h? ?? r.iKr- a! til* tlin \ uxctpi .Mr. Cahlll who In vestigated am! found that al though I ho ruses had heen decld od iigfiinst the Chlciij-o position, AO JiiilKiui'lit h-id h? ' j, entered. Although his funrln were ??* hauM'd. his health completely iirok. ii by oTflrwofk lit bin inve ligations, which then showed to his k;i1 inflict ion th.it Chlcar > v>" gradually draining the Cr.-. Laktx and emi -dug millions of ?t ? In r 4 of lo. s annually to shipping, ?V.r. Cahlll went to after. f Wm con ? In. Mr. Morgan heeA'n? inter- i at once ah that ll IV Jll?t rOH'.ili- -1 ?( kn? Mat cm l torn Winron.^lh to N? w York along the Northern !?>?> "f (ho I'nitcd Stiilr In "in il to C|?end M'hut If h eni: ? i niat< will he two. hundr millions of flollui* on modern di-;- ?< al plant?, and niu ad the reward tha* cofti't- ? * faction whrn the Suprci upheld his contention* and "pted hla faets. Now WU' ? ? to ho ??ked to giro otf?< ?-?! rocotnltltfh to his work. STATE'S I'Ol I.Tin NOT t'i* TO M \KK < Mritliaoc* '1V1I Will laihovK ('mi \.i| < >iii|M*(4> V% . ? ? ? Other S(at'-i li? Jaii, Z ;' \ j* r. n? !? i ?' r .i f'rm of comiiiixsion liieri-h.it.i - h..ii>ISimr N.irili Caru ' hi*1 !???*? It r y products v?>21?< why ?Iivy ..tnruil compete su? ? es -fully v. ..!i products fr mii other Stat ?*s. r ' 1 tone I vi>iir hull* tin if y.'ii are intcreHioil In n? Nitrtli 4*itroliti:i. \v'i< are ini* ''-IihI in ilioin too. hut till. I I i It'l'i ? ]|.?> VII III ' 1 \\||t ?|,i nil ? ik? o.,r advh ?? as In shipment*. \\?- have ;? Jlair.iH ?*Ti i l*|?lri|c u* .Hid \w.: l:?! il hard |?? tlir.m to dri Hi * ;.>i;|ir?. j?rn?u :'!v. Mt??i j?.ii:i?ry v>-< ?| fi -nt them i? fat I 'M 1 i lly dr. S-..?|. \v,. J, IV ,.4JR. 1 1 ?].? tat t hry UK' Wiiti'r inn h?>i ami ?:??-? park b:i??r?? |toiill:y ?? is cold. The> ii No park in paper lioxe* ami when the. poultry ?riMihca u* it |h badly ti.rn. V?V have .:Iko re reived poultry packed in maga ?/.m s ami cither .colored or illny r. Von might writ#* to them 'he ami ask th'-ni to t.? inroiru all his kin ?? I'oll.i'vlMi t !??? Miicirt>y|Utt ia the nbove letter: .MohI i*?mi It ry Is pi- k.-il ifiMiliitH rciitove?| | at tlii? i line of k il If k. |f coitMiiined >hi.itly after being killed. Ii may ? i- er dr> or sr. ild pbked; loir if l?fld for Rome time, as In utor :?#??. il should he- i .ry phked. The temporal utt> usually uHeil hy hi'ald pu-ktr* ii about 1 1>0 do ttree-. K. It! s.:;I?I1iij:, talc,. ||0|d of. loth lead and feet, prom the body l?en?-;iih th.- water, shoulder* Hist, sn that only the Mteam rail pene trate lo the skin. wlill?* the head it lose ddetl retail, h |u a ?.,| eolor. -iiini s the nrnti!eit birds are ?! *pp? I In i-.dd w.iter ?< a plump pr.? i |N |? |M? ,|rv, pii I??-d should !??? properly de bt ai. ? ? mi that the f#-iiUt r?t may 1? i'liirk' il v.lihtmt pulling the* tktn 'I!' ? d(-b"al!ilji< vuddeulV dV-Mirh'i ihe n-Tve renter, whirli aiii?.M tlie nni-il-s * an ouudiuu III - f'-ntlier f'dilelfH. Poultry lii ? \ should he made of oditrlexx. i .null. IIkIiI rolored. l:?rht weight wood, similar to egg mHterfwl. The boxen Mhoubl be lliic.l with parchment paper be-, for- parking. I >?? not u?e printiil I iip?r out of musaiincR and dirty ii'-w - paper.-s cir even clean new* .. i . ihe fir#t l?o\r h iihi d fur '?iieklnK poult were nearly bh larco n? tho bnrroln. holdlnic iHouml 200 pounds. Tlo* flro ? I ill I.IU to lie generally adopt eil wan Ihe d< ublc layer style, - iiic-h was Inter nupersiMled bv tie-' layer ntyle, holding twelve b|r?l ? to l ho bo*.. Itoxcs lire made In n;ich a way jih to nltow method* of parkins; '..-lo rehy thi? rarrasKes are f<-nt* very closely the Hi/.?*a unerl 1)V moot of tin packers Iwim been : i:o|i up l?y the National Poultry, Hut kt and Kjcr Assoc 1st Ion, t'lii eiito. Ill, A b*' ii r lo thftn will n?-t ynti full, detailed Information. COSTA HICA HAS I Kt T TltE t.EA?;i!K (By Tl?' AtWtiilril Pr*M) '?i-mn, Jnti. 22 -Cohta Hlra . today r< ; igncd from the League of Nal ii im. ''o'li Rica, the fl r*^f nation ! ? rcsiKii from the I^niku* save no iMison. but it w-iik .i"suna-'l i he - - iKii.it Inn Was due In i rltl i i-i; ioi failure td pay her imsi-nn ni- voiced during the M'Malona by ao bu.lget cotnmiitee at the !. a^s.?mblv. f'oita Hira fixed ury 1 j,h i be dale of her ren Hou but it n?i.iiri : two yenrn -ice and sh ? V. ill c.-intiniio a i-i'-inber until 1027 Detective I'lllor ? ? m Ii. 13. I. mm ill. i' tn> Hi i -a I- .1 1 I ill# * nr|(|hUir ? turn*. In Ki *itc bitrbUiM All r l? r| ln.irv fol'"*' thrill 'I'M* y IriHird' <1 n oln t l ?-?n lift <1 I li?* Ni'Mi ln| m |m?Jh< hi> Im?I Mi?- ni? iiiiinNn Mtop winlf W*nl I'l f'lr .imxIMmM**. Ill* null "M rial gfM*i j'Mlnnn i'1 won htm m i? <)<;ati iriH'M inMlHl. I *? I5rr*l man of lb* tMilk* limrd i? *?-?n H?-m running it un him. 4 Even If Not Built At Once Chowan Bridge Is Sure Tlii* I- liiipi'osSiin ?i!" lien Dixon A!? Ni ill * iirnw tin* Chowm li'1"1 is bfiM.n llli* \ ? :i f or tl?" I" '' position has w .11 |io\\.-ej'-l I 1 "'j ;i ml looks now Ilk'1 'iV.ll ew tit 'in lily '?? Hie npiniut 1,1 - , Ilium McNeill. of Hi. NV* ? ??? Olixfi v?*r staff. v.lio w.i- ? ' ' 1 V?* i" iv Thursdav as .Ho* .vi. *-? ' | Join*. e.,*hl. r ? I '? I '' - 4 '' izi'tis National Itiinl:. Mr McNeill cam ? o. i 1 '? 1,1 lCdciiton, wlu iv hv i' t"" ? ? 'l( "" ion's liiu rliM*ai> hi..!,- rail* harhcctl'- fur tin* N? ws 1 511,1 " 1 V, si-iv.i While here M' V' w iUt taken i'i South Mill* !u h|m**i lii?' Dbuial Swamp ? ?n lit.. purchase '?i which by 'b ') * r ii in* lit Is now l'ioki <1 n ;?? a* .ill probability settled.^ H' l* Mf iin' ufi?rii?"ii i"' 1 ^'w., jV' which, opened la: I v.-.if r> ' Mal? . I:* alre:nl> l-I'M ? '? '?* filling rn . Mr. McN? ill i ? ? -I k i Chuwan County IJridu- ,r. 1 , ' it iUMKHi'il under an IM'?o'.. II Jaii nary 'J'? date *?i^' 1,1 Wt?!n. day's N? ws and Oln'erv. r follow "Ila- 1 **il Hrtno'Wlial ????' hH't.J I who I. lilt"' (low II villi l!Vt misgivings :n I loir mind* ; b oil lit. brid i. I. ? ?b. % iv. ? n dotibl btlt to ini iy l*a< k wiili lb. :u tonight. and ? l.i.-i on* ib- .n , in llii' conn*.* or tin* day I'lMi ioit lid hii.'.siif lo sup.i'Mt of some i project tliat will gusirantir tin runBtruct l??n of I Im ? ini?li;?-. I'* ^ ?r Ihoiii nr iqi.i'iJio n?"?nl way:' and niriiun, bill all '?! Ill* ni ar?* 1 coniiultK'd lo tin- bliu.i . fount Ich I'otnbliif I'.ucr -ii ?? ' ? ''Chowan. I'? rquiiuans nnd Pn? quotonk coiiibiniid tliolr < n li and th?*fr i iithUKlBBm and cr.n*i*o triit'd llirni in Kdfnt-'ij. T'M*y ? nt;i o-d a iniiHH iiI'-'-muk. Tht'y H- rvod a liarbi'tMi'p. Tl?- y l.?olc (In* xlhllnrs on n boat trip over Un Mite of tlii* proposed biid^f. TJu*y ov<*rwh?*lin<*d Hit in with ? vi'i> sort of hoppitallty and only t.oca hioiial ni'*ntlon of-'iln- n?Td of n ilnidH'*. And thi'M' count it s br.v-?' und lir r-? fur tie rally. Tie !-.:??? ef l h?* vltiitoifl . i l> > i ii i; en 1 1 rt allied ? aerb of dinners in town t- i . i . lit. wltii a dance to rotino oil' tin* f ? j?t i v It i ? n. All of tine Opinion "Although tile principal Kp"icb ea of the day 'were made by W< ?. nne CoiutiiisKioiu r It. A. Don h t/>n. UepreH^'iiJatlv'- Tern llowt and II fpr? tental Ivi' i'l b- Murphy. t?'W ef tin* visitors W< re iioi'.leet?-d in tin- proceedings Kv? i > tna'i was k|vi n an ? pporiunlty lo ma I 1 lome rtinarks ami they w? ro all of one otilelou: nrneiy. thai Ho State will In- derelict to It duty If it in i:l cf : to build i ?>rld>.e acforr'. th?' Cho- in Hlvt-r. M Doih htoii. I Jowl. ; mill Mtn-j. ?.v IV n- ? lupbatle about It iri prom !. . ?! i i lind n way to Inip I ? ibl If "Tln-se f u'inalitli < w< re held in lh> local theiit'T with C S Valin l-ieddlnL Tin vlslloi s wer. w- I coirn'd to the city by Krank \\""d and a brb-f responn. made by ' I om I Ib'io ban C iunr in, f? ri e rl> chalrniali of Hi" State fflutrv. CoiMtii I" loll l;:n'k In the ?l " w.i ii pt'ipS' writ- briny led '?* di? in ' f ro-"i b.ilSdlti^- N '? : ' p" . I'll Wil I'll* I V CuHiUtl 1 , \v A I'lil. who faol ' ? pit a .u-* ? . i Hi- I .ildin 1, fid ?? w?v i in be .?? ?| i|(. ? t ra froui the i ? ? ? , ,ih. ? ! lien '? ? ??#h 1 ? i .t -r tin ma** meetinR. U in derrul iwilwito "ljit? r the crov.d ad jour- I tin* ariitory when- the hai m ?- ?* Hpr' id nndor the dir. ft ? 1 ? o; inlttee of ladl fr ' t .v. o It wi\5i a ' nd? rlul '? ' Herwnrd i"1 i t' i ll by Deputy i'i In r point win r the brid'-" i.4 {Mopoaed to be built. It waa a j SETTLE DOWN TO TASK BEFORE T5M 1 l ilor- Having liiociv ? ?! !'? '??IS' \rr 'l'r\iii(j to Fall fiil? l.iiir. ---| ! L !SI \ HMS LOSE \\ I OS IN FLAMES j'.Ji. .I.,n. '22. Damage 1 1 iti ? 1 . .1 ;? i 1? iwi-fit $225,000 M?<1 f ?jr?H.??uo . wiif done when fi:v tii ?. r ?v> the automobiles be-: I"'1 :? (I i ?? legislators. I.lcuten an' l.om l'?t||iK lii? car. It.iWiKli. 22- With tlMT 1 ?|. finite i 1 1 CnVemoF Me- " l.? an -1j? f r i' ilii' Legislature, 1 ? ? v - .?*. '* ? 'i, ' "UHMer 1 : ill:' nrtfl in... ii iii iwmiu)ultoifc/'| ' i !? ,. i- l.i 1 1- -i? lo nnf| hit* vlewav l.i- ot?-nani Coventor l.un^. MMkftj ? i k ? i ill. in- conferred with1 : iii rrov? rnur I ii Hi night and to*' I ? i.i > |m i o speed up mlaO^ ut .isiin.- and get them out of tlii wuy of l?iu hill*. Tinlji > "rf Hc5Hinn la the last un iii. I rid?> night, n joint reaolu ii' h l. living bo?-n passed under ; which tii. Vtwmbly will attend 1 1 ii ;i 1 1ho ' rf? for a few daya . J of hontinj! : i ii. in coming an 1 l leel hrcauae $?> Mi- -ie !ii|H il<- was omong the 1 I "ii for speeches end h<- inu?!.' ji tremendous hit when it The necea-i t>io bridge wilt ruif thr coat io;? 'u h.yond-lhK loMllon marg.V. ??< ? n no frffUdflH ' t in-- 1 ^t AS |I n-rfSSlty. 1 1* " M j>. i ; ?! direct cfinnectioh l.? t ? i U.ilcigh and Norfolk r4" ? a Mi- dlstarce s pproxlniately ? ud brim in: this section i t\. S' Kc within r? hotim of RH l! I - 1 1 . wiicna* it now takes 1,11) i to roach th? cipltal from ii n ? "s In th's section. Wheth r thi bridge H built or not.thla v?ar It yet to be determined b^lt these p ji|e have made them ;? lve? valuable a life today and It . look* now Ilk - a definite eventu ality. "?