Washington's Hopes For Big Inauguration Fading President's iYncliant for Keoroiuy anil Simplicity Would Lead llim to l.muLd. Jefferson if (.'ununited Own Wishes and W ill Bar All Extravagance By IIOBKRT T. SMAI.l. H'untlikl 1 C3 bv Tiu. AUtaiH-% ? Washington, Jan. 23. - Wasli in;: ton *? lioiii H for Komi1 semi lai.ee of an old t into Inauguration .n a It* fourth of March ore fading f ?>! awnv in tl?o face of I j ? h1U< nt Coo] Kilo's nilai'iaiilinf opposition to anything but tli* siuipl- * Preeidont could ha\i his w ,v nb aolutely. he would ? iiulaie Thorn feffersOn by driving to ib?* ?????? hltrbinu his horse oulMd' . nx Iht* oath erf ? (flee and r dug to ,ili?* While House with furthi r adon. Rut Washington j,.is |? ,11 rliuu Ing to the hope the l'r? id* nt might relent. Of course all t h out lit of an Inaugural r? ?*? pi i? -n or ball went by the bcutd lou . y ai:o. The President set his foul : f down on that hard arid apparent ly there in some pedal w? it-lit to . the President when lie cIioom .* to ; exorcise it. With the- ball "busted" tin1 lo h ral cit Icons found at lea ft t a thin | my of sunshine in the fact that Mr. Coolidtif said he would not object to a military and naval pa rade. There were thought* Im mediately of aonie of the eld tin.*', poiup and sphndor. of the up- j pearar.ee of the West Point end- t and the Annapolis midshipmen in the line, of the famous troop A of Cleveland. of the Ancient am Honorable Artillery <*f lloslon. ?.i the Richmond Glues and other nationally noted organlzaGen- : wiili glorious .hlsttry and thrill In k tradition behind them. Hut. alas*, this hope wan "bu-? od," too. lor the Presid? nt sa'd the cadets and the mldshipe ? n could not come and that atvt ? ? r ganlzatlons must be restrict ed the j;ovornor of the common wealth, If he chose to com \ ai.d to not more than 100 month i> ?.t . his rtaff and escort. I'nPod States troops and naval ( i were to bo limited, the Wl.i'* Houae decreed, to orj;aui/.ntl??ii within oasy marchlnifdistauoe e.: ? the national capital In ? ? ? Swords, the President doeiiled that the expense of the Inauguration should b'? held to an irreducibj. minimum, regardless of wheth-i the funda should come from Hi Government or through popular1 subscription of the residents of tho Capital. So at the present moment ' looks very much as If Wa^hlri ton on the fourth of Match will be all dressed up and no placi s ? P.O. To the country at lame the ra dio holds out Its in- ?! of sun shine and comfort. Then will b? one of the greatest "hook-ups' ever known In radio history t" broadcast the President's ins; tr al address, which will h* deliv ered accordlnu to tlni" honor. *! custom from the East front of the mpltal, provided tie wenlher N not too stormy. If conditions are unfavorable, the inauaurnl cei? monies will bo switched t? t !?? Senate chamber and the address delivered there. Microphones for the broadcasting v.- Ill be arrang d In both places. As many millions as want to will be able to listen in on the inaugural add if; for the first time in history. Th?> broadcast Inu art had not reached the stapo ??f general usefulness when President Harding spoke four years ago. The radio was accused of tak lug a good deal Of the pep and color out of the last campaign people stayed at home and I tened In rather than going to th < political rallies. Maybe in t'i future the radio will compl* > take the place of pageantry i t i': (iugln ;il c? remonies. As a rs; 11- i of fact it looks thnt way already | Washington still thinks maybe th? President will weaken toward the ?nd. but at the monn nt th outlook is both dubious an' gloomy. The total eclipse <-f th sun has nothing on Washington's inaugural Ideas. HARIlY DAUGHEItTY ON WAY TO TESTIFY Columbus. Ohli?. Jan. 23. Har t y M. I>augherty. former Attorney General. left yesterday afternoon for New York, espcctlng to testify in the Means case, an announce ment from his office said last night. CHANGE UNQUALIFIED LIQUOK TIUAL JUROtt Jersey City, Jan. 23- ? The pros ecutor's office here today Is con sidering the charges Kvorett Mo Leod. a member of the Jury whloh disagreed yesterday in the case of 12 men tried here in the al leged Weehawken liquor eonsplra cy. that one member entered the Jury box determined to acquit The prosecutor said he believed the Grand Jury would get th* charges. Samuel Wilson, assis tant Kuporlntendent of the New Jersey anti-saloon league. In a statement today said It would he * "|oke to hold ft new trial here." ' ILLICIT LIQUOR HIT HARD BLOW Jkid^r I r;mtm*r ^cntruces In i?:<* ktoails in iN'rij.ti.'siuiis f.ounty Superior Hour I. i:',.- Imperial to, Tin- A(t\jiu . i What h lnlb-v?*d I to Itavf I.. .?>? a tti livcrinis: blow : t ho i'litj. liquor traffic in 1 "i i m :? iij* County tuduy when' J |?: ? < ialinii r ?? nl- i.ecd H. V. .? f 'ay n-.ii.il ?. 15 months' on tin- i? Cm .1 chaise ?:?" man ::!'.?ctiirin.- imc:.ic:r,inK liqtiora for th ? I'urjM'M* ? ! ? ll'.sli- r is h? ii. v> - i ;*i Imvi* been she I ? ad? r in the twoiifhiiiiiiR ?p i r.i t ioii.-s . hat J;a?e uivi-n tin- Chin ?n:.i in ? li"ad s'itlon of Perqul-' uiaus County :? '.MKtv?;ry name: f >r t!i?- l.t.-l >???:? ui'.niths i.r more. Itulv v ??? .. broth. r-in-law of llob ? 1 1 Wiijil and iily.t i>. Ji'Mti*. 11. Hail. tii<' li.ivinu marrb'd sisi.-i*. lie:., Hail and Ward were al- i iil.il ;.t -hi- v.'l '.i i triii of S?ij" ri r C?.;;r? .iii'J w. iv given i j. pi .:?????> Ij.v Cratiincr I his j ? : ? ? t it iii;.* . Wei'- also Alfoh-.j i ;.ni! jo:i |.li AyKUie. colored,) who ai?' aiU nod t,i have been u Bed hv Mill:' r at. 1 hi: ouuit !?? dispose, of tin- product of Maker's dlstil I. Tli ? avainst tln-so liv defendants fv>U u?> most of \\ . iln. sdav M rfhn i f court, and tli" ifirr;. hrou .Ji i in a vcnllct of, ruiliy ;.iin?t tln'in Thursday nn.rnlufe. " Maker h.v; focrn tin* reputed] lead* r of i illicit liquor buid n<\*a in his n. !Th'M-rh?uid fur the last two or Jhiv>- jvjiif. Sheriff Wright ha* ninth. i?? n istent and rcj?? at?*d to i't evidence t against him out there always mc< no d to h- mm. mysterious in-* Ihi' nee that protecled him. It was only ii.'i'V tli- p:s rt i:? 1 rupture of the in-law combine in tin' nei^h berhood. tin oi h rle- arrest of some of its subordinate members, that 1 hints lr?^an to l?ak out which vii vo tin* Sheriff evidence to justify ;? ? and prosecution. ?Attorneys McMuJlan and I'.hriiu' haus '-t lllixabeth City appeared (i.r tlo <1 ? f'-rdanth mid fouvht h ?rd hut ii? vain 4or their acquit tal. Hall's fi-nt' n co was x monthn. on tiie road-. Ward's was 15 n? ,ih ... anil the two i.- jsroeH were. < ach jtiv<-n f??ur month:*. DfinpsCv fl i'?-y. r? p>iled hootlej; K' r in tin- Ouraiift; N'.ck iw rtlon. on a charfio of recelvlnx ;.nd re lAllinc, was h't off imd< r Kuvpend ed jud.' m ' ni on condition that lio^ t*lvo bosid f? r app?;nrane" before the court to siiow Kood hehavlor. l.fKoy Mitchell and Joseph Ays pn' . t " color- <1 youths allejj?'d to hav hee n i i !!:? ? i.iploy of thr Hak?T-War?l-Dail combine, were Klven a lik?* ?? ntenc?*. Sam I'? rry and Isaiah lloger sr:ii. i wo Wlnfall hewroes convict ed (?< r?fi.iii . traiisporllnK and retaillnt;. wre ^iven H? ntencca of four mpntln each. LEGISLATIVE l?AV A<. \?N COMES UP flabi^h. J. n 2:v ?The ques tlon of iiwrc.ixod pay f?>r members of th" l.?-ci li?iur<- will hs Voted on for the third consecutive time at j tin- i ? f the State Excellent for This Industry in Year of 1925. Wilmington. January 23. ? North Carolinn'tt shellfish, includ ing New Hanover's clams, hav ? 'teen banned by the New York clam market for an Indefinite period, according to a statement Riven here by J. H. Stone, In spector tor the State Dureau of Fisheries. In declining to buy this commodity the New York rlam market, which has hereto fore absorbed the entire output of shellfish from the State's sound oountien, the buyers allege Mine-* has resulted In New York and oth er large centers from typhoid germs carried in shellfish. According to Mr. Stone no ban has been placed on the shipping of clams out of this Bectlon. New York merely advjslng that they will not buy for the present. Inspector Stone has been ad vised by J. A. Nelson, chief Inspec ;or for the fisheries bureau with headquarters at 'Morehead City, that the bureau of chemlHtry at Savannah, Ga., will have an ex pert visit the Wiimingt ?n and MoM-heail City sections In the near future to investigate the sit uation an it pertains to clams. As a result of this ban hun dreds of people living along the sounds are up against a dUcour aging situation, said Mr. Stone. These people devote their entire (flu* to oyMtering and claming, de- j pending on northern markets to handle their output and until tV alleged danger has been eliminat ed they will out of employment, It is said. The action taken does not ef fect Wilmington in regard to oys ters as no oysters are shipped north from this point. However, rlam shipments are exceptionally heavy at this time and the effect of the ban Is being felt most acutely. HAV WAIjMH IIA |>10 HPKKCH ???< terday chose ;Plnehurst, >}orth Carolina, for the lf?26 conference. I'l.KATH K\TF\HIVK1A t'MKD Paris, Jan. 23.? Pleats and pa-1 lou have come to be almost synon- 1 vmous. In the sport dresses de signed by thin famous artist, pleats are extensively used. The *? by The adore Roosevelt and others. Since then i r?39 cities have organized recreat ing programs. Ashevllle's program In play i ground work -ms traid to be th ? (lerldluK factor In 4 ha selection ?l ih? city as the 19-5 tnee'ing pia j anions thirty i th?'i compelitnis i i America. and Heir; :n?. Captured ! Onitd Ch.ip.vnn. notorl?>u!t i'>ti?r. luiniin .?n?l (u,:llive frutn Atl.iM-t -ml iiiiwin. cnpturol at Mmit'io, lrtd . jfior a |?Ih*o1 iluol with oili. ? p?. llo tti mnlot prltii;in!v for a ? ?i"" ih'i 1 1 in Nt-w y?rk. fcr k lil< h he WiW wirixj! n '?!'* vv.tr >?? r. ?'?hit wlivti h?* ? ;i|nh| fi.nn t>i I lv li.nl I'iMUV in im*>Ii .in (ir:n ml Attfomlily rail Stale Officials atv attending Dii1 01 M ? ti lling Hall, (lit- l'n!v? r?liy*? iii'w \* building nl' Chapel Hill. The Senate ;:ue'-i at 7:3o tonight. Senator Sams i-xpcrt to Jntro tonight a hill T,!i|v>tliii" that a r:m\ ass l?y tli? Slate Kleetlon Hoard will- h" Miffleieiu iw tlisiim Stale ofl'lrials ? ? J??? .1 ?* I ,-n ( !i:?* they c?i? "hi? In; iijiurut' <1 i Ii?* li.'st iluy t>f the Legislature or before* ami ,iht? CSovernor .mji Immediately make his riranimcndnt'oa*. Another bill Mimctc.l to !??? in t rodae* d would ioriiiulate a rot!" of Slatewtdu game laws placinl enfom yent under tile Pi- h and *i Make* a Chinaman Mwvous to K^rrivr KrrHjits iai Mail New York. Jan. 23. ? The post- J man makes few atop* In Doyera. , Pell nnd kilh-d t n Chine- - wh(.s*t) i>y 0 - n , rar< ! for. (irr.aC strrery. guard* the mimes of the ('hlni'Rf whose debs.s have been secretly p:? I<1. "I know of twu iiH'ti wno per haps U're marked for death." two bin iir reliant a liultt* <1. Tie r may be more. Who known? "I do nol knowlheir nam. he instated. "I do n?l know thai t'jeno ar marke ! for death. I on ly know (Ik Hip Sin? and On l#e ong Ton km derided a day or t wo pro not to kill anyone who would leave debt* behind him. It would brlns veiitfeniK-o on Iho T.ong. And It Is my.-terJoua whon n mans d? -hta are paid by someone who docs not H?*nd a card dcrflhg for (hank" jiI any rate." Comparative p -are ha 1 b. ?? thought In have descended upo: N? w Vorl:'* rii'iini'iwii. V. !.?-??? 'i . foudn raged Hot hi thn late ? ill wlili many deaths ? nch day. tr have fieuti f< w killing:* In th?- i?-?st few weeks The Tonr war fond r;ka h I BUrh. a slate of calm tin-fan, avowed On I.eohfc (tared v-nnn Into Hip 81 lift territory. v. not be- a done for year \n piling traveler had only n ? I word by a child to Ot-> H i r'nso that lie wished to visit In * ?' ? " neighborhood and the- -;t i?l whether he could go In ?.?' ? lv they said he could. kr ? i'iey would keep their w m '. -? I lie ventured forth without '? ? Then came th" ? {? ?l In war fare a Hip Sing bin wen not reef I pled In O fittuie. all debts would be p- ' V lh<- at tnekinir Tong befo On attack. Then fit* lllp i* *?M. niade the nnine de n Already within e few day < two men who had hniiijn " '? f'?d they owo no mo.. ? Things may l?. ir'?R happen in th#. Huh " ' ? ?' Doyers. fell and ' i.trevt. known us China* 1 Thoy n?uy not. The nrxt few < ?r W*U will tell >\ VI HV: iok sr\*s Kcni'st: n ? *? ^ .. J.?i? iijo cuki 4 r.i > wdlnn the path of l?l. !?ty jki*. MM I- ,p.ki waiting too.ty f.if |||,. }tlu'Tioiu?>nn!i wh uii tomorrow- ittornltiK Mill :lv.i.,? thj* s'*ci !<>n Inf .? tem p.?:;iry <1* -*kni'?s during t !??? ''rs! ? rJIpno of Hi- sun lure for I'nlr u?\Hlu-r U prrilJcttil. 1?i:t fi i< nti'li nay I here's no an - i rh?i t ? will lit' '?? fl 'tlfl. ||||> ISt OIIUil uh i*v ? ? i. ? "? ?'! 4 are pivparoil to ??!? " rv* ' ??i.inv pltcen. on<* ;>:i:*? M.-aii,*, a (UiiKiblo at Los Auk- I. a ? i ? K V V5 VK M ' <>r f ' V ? M Island. I, "y > ;.i - i : ? . ?> hand , ? ? ?'!? h ?.,? I.. ... ? I r? and , ,ii; |l il... ?,Khway ?? . ' ?h'V..,',i"i *'?1' "? til , , r V i '":""",' ?"?il. ? |.a I Mr. u,; i. . .it I . uh,*h Hi,,? ? iir 1 in., n 11 top.. ..v. :.';;' I,;,"v "? .,. JS' s I *"?' KOI, I. I, ..r ??! ?> ? ?????? > "I III. ? , ? ' " i.X,n?v,;::i:: , , . r it. with il,. tsjffcsyxss tUSX :r. - sks "? ii i.ihji. cfor fur iiii i?.. SH&SSfcHfi ~in'; i' n, "r '?"Iiiiiiiyl,,,,. Ul' lllsliway; I't'l II 'SUCK ',m r \i. "?.! anil Olisnrv. r. i|,. ' i today in acri-utiiii; i>h- \! it. i ' "!u.ir !!rn,'h l'"B '"'""IKK I ' * * I Of lJlf. | nihlK of 11,,. I',i| wrsi.y N. York, .lull 2.1. ? At !?? . ' l,.r" * ^ rl:' J*B- 2:1 Collnil fu ,".r' """ ?' i ' it*. r..n?w ' " . \'i " 4"- M.iwh 2!; Ml ? July 24. 'IS. on IliiKAKS \ riO\AI SW IMMING KKCOItD.s f I". .iBi>. Jnn 2H Th?i Nurlli ,wrf ' rn I'nivt rally rolav ir>am >'r'< oUi>'?l V"k" !hr"'1 "immal In 11 M II V KtllWOIIIKIlKD "i . Jan. . so iiuii riRinor >?'>!? ii ( i|.o more hi-avlly n ld-reil 1 l,a? ,|,.?|sn?,| . w":,r "n tlie Itlvlcra lit ill .rl' l" '"r I'< , ,,;y0" v"lv"t Kallli-rrd hi ' - .11 . ''y " rnl"" '? Ambassador? * I .itoc ModUl MoCormick of f u no ? t? torn* eoftald*r?I by pr*?i dei.i ' oolidf# for u,# aaifcMgaaor. ?Wp 10 OtruMiny Three Trustees Set Out Objections Thrift Plan (?rounds for Their Opposition, I !:ev i.laim. Only Par liully Oovcrcd in INeus Slot*) in >aturday*8 Ismu1 Thi* N?'M"*paper. aiu! (>o Into Detail From lli*' nfTice ??f l-\ K, A; <' l?'U. chairman of III* board ?: ' trustees <>( lli' Kli/aL< tii City pule I lie sihools. roll) the t -H.iwii: I stat-mciit, sign* <1 l?y Mr. N .*?: 1- ? i 1 hin'n If uikI by Dr. S. \V. \J' ?? oty :t i:<1 \V. 11. J- iiniiii i .. members* t-( the boa id wbu \?u_. against the school s..v.. Iiihtltiili (1 lu vli?- iTliiii.b hn.: i. ! the 1'irst ? Clti/**t:s N. Hank, with a reqiwit for ii> j.-i' - lieu! ion ; "We noi.' in Saturday's ? ?1 ;t i?*ti of your paper, the artleh? rivanl .tag the action of the bo., id ??: trustees of iht* KIIuiIm'.I) C'iiy Craded School, relative to v ? i r ; in the schools a K>. t? ni i f t r ims funds l?> di'ihwil in "!)?? oi lit-/ banks ill Kli/.alieth City. whirl? s ? iiis to us should - .i,. ;??( v?*r ti?? iin-nt. "Your article on ili?? lirt i' ? . Willi till! head 1 III es, li |?;i:i r- ii' tv was written by you. We ar?* i*i formed, -however. thai Mr. M ti .1 oii< -i4, caHtier rf 111" l*"hsi A. t ?/.?ns Nation;'. I ltani; wr : ? ii We belWvu-* If you had written H > ??: would have more accural** ns to tho position which tin ?>i us took who vol?d a;..iiasl il; V. want to assure you. iiiid ihi'la n is. the Thrift Corprr.; Hon. which Ik a N?-\v York c.rp- r , ation, has a sch in?- to rell sou: hank lo use the school* lor the purpose cf u< Itiiiy uccoiitiis op ened in Hh bank. Ii wan sta?* I at the meeting of the boar. I that , the bank pah! $f?.00l> for thl scheme for Currituck, Camden ami I'asgnolank. and ii was In used In the schools and li.at the 'teacher of each room was io take tin' time one morning in rju-b week to receive til'- money fur . |i en In p; an account wiiii fa-id Ion:;. ke? p a record ? ? f the iu >'.' y hand led* to him or lies hv ? .v-li cl.iM anil send It t ? tie l? ?o' Ii Is ?i no mm',\ hdLk. !? i: ? ie in. .... it..- |?.ir| ef prncllce this in (he h<>ni* KneJ; hank has a wi ll eruaui"/ed savlnus depart inenl to oeouraj-.e thrift managed throuuh the hotni? n:;d we believe far belter than to t : up the time lu our school. Then there are some > I the boys and girls who haven't the money to open an account, and this kcIm iii' classifies I hose that are able to d > so, and those unabb* lo do so. to the embarrassment of many -poor children. "Again. If one bank cafi >'? this sclutlie, t tl ? It Mich ef til hanks in town can do m ? Tl. \l b'-mnrle Mank could cbilm lb- i ored students, and lh?? oilier banks in town could come in m?' claim He ir pro rat.* part ' t !!? deposits from the whli' r.'u l- t.1 ?. and this would |iut tlx teach r < In a position where iliey would have to line up with on e j i erl at t, dent. We d ) noj think ? ? condition ouj'bl to arl-?e In ?u school. It Is all a nf iw v nnMn. Scheme flnd not ti t it iit prop-'- 1 lion. If on the next die ,?i n III three hanks were to cIhiik f the : ;itii" thiiiu. It 1.1 cslly u I seen what .trouble the school t tie end lie nchOild b brotiKbt to because of sch'-ni"s. ? We w ; ? lo any to the holder ^, patrons and filendr. <1 ? I ? ? t Im btinl. oi town mid tb" ildic generally iliat the hoard t trio tees ef ? grad. d school r not cijiy ih'*d nnrl had n I *?'??" idi< this sn-ealbd thrift schnno* being placed In < schools. "In our opinion, the sujerin tend* tit baa no right to n-'p* " ' i ?* t ncher to do thl* *v< im tVe fehool hour , ,.elt r should b *.ir ! ? ?Hon. t#> ???? l' I- ' 1 i> iy eeri* a' imi 1 '1 thai (b f . ? 'ill i 1 it i A CKhtee . ,\V MoA.il l; '< ?? obi have vl^ti d t? own 'im'. {> the article, itnd >oq oujit ? i.. ul- ?i ilu' I>uk? '?< I : <*iirni.'Clolo. ? Tht' ' ?'??. iiiMiiv jiliH-r in f-'loitnce, ? i. ii wii?i Mifi C!siil?l? rabic building haa been i mapped out l i?r 15125 throughonit ih? Hi a 1 1 ?. purl I. ulurly In the largo i indu strial centers. Resident I i. killed tradesmen wore well-em- j |.i?vv"d throughout the entire i building m-um?ii of 192 1 and from Mw v.hime of work plniined for j J i> this condition will continue, ; I', "ouinirutiag on the .situation ! i!. ?hi;: fiout llie State the prospec- | t u h w ? m : In Ashevllh- l ho building pro-* I n v.i in will piobably reach the $?,- . i . ko.o 0 * i innrk, mi Increase of 13, n'in.iimi ovi r 1924. Major pro i- iIh w ill include a new elty hell, a-ii {.'idltorlum. piihllc library, tiev- j i ral o'.fioe building** and dwelling* ranging in coat from l f lo.non ; sir?o.ooo. This work, i I'il.i h**r with construction that la I Ji'iw under way ami which Will be 5 carried well into 1 ? 2 :? will afford | ? h-.uly i ? in ploy tii < ni to the local i ? ? !i?irwh. and it is probable that j ii -rtuge ?" building In the hie tor '?f tin cltv will afford steady j ifj.ioy lent to the resident wofk >f thl* class. no shortage be mt lc i pa ted at lhln time. tn present Indications Hie i ? I d I n program planned for < < : ! Kir ha til will exceed that of I ? !4 Th re hu* b'-en an enlarge i ni i th'" corporate limit* t>f the ] Darbum. and ihlg W|H 3 rn'nii a nicri'nse In homo -build- | r ?. w. I . municipal cofwtrec- j Hon. Tr.nlty College will in dun obstruction program#, r in 192'. Din to Increased build- | In* aeilvith -. It is thought that tfh-'ita* <>f skilled btflldifi ?r t?-in may occur during peak of the He.mon. Kiunt of bvl wm for 11 ilelgh, and i..:iK u a considerable InaWjW "v r 1 *"? '924 volume is indicated Major projects at thb la t- r pottii will Include the erett 'o.i and enlarging of msnuCactur lt:r pitinte and much ie*Mentfiuf the - .n. 1