Acres Of Diamonds Right 4^re In Old Pasquotank Not Actual Jewels but Something Better, Say* (>eolu^i cal Survey? Kich Depitsiis ol Fertilizer HijrJit Un der Noses of Farmer?* Buying (*omtnereial Stuff The Pasquotank farmer hasn't a thing on the man in Kusseil 11. Conwell*' lecture why wandered all over the earth seeking dia monds only to And upon the re turn from his- bootless quest' ready to die that there were acres ?>r diamonds at his own doorstep, ac cording to a recent statement of North Carolina Geological a'nd f> onoinic Survey. This statement sets forth that Pasrquotunk farm* eap are importing fertilizer* in ^?rge quantities at fancy price* JVtiile rich deposits of fertilizer a', ^Most under their noses to be had Rurally dirt cheap are going to waste. "Importing common dirt to put on ordinary land to make it tlch. and paying therefore a heavy price Including labor, manufacturing costs and freight charges," the statement says, "looks an strange an act as It would be for coal pita to buy fuel from abroad. "Yet it Ih a fact, little tinder stood, that this is precisely what Is being done every time a Pas quotank farmer purchases a bn?; of commercial fertilizer. "In commercial fertilizer such as is used throughout the South, there is a content that weighs *00 pound*. Taking as the standard what is known as "8-3-3" thi weiglit Is distributed roughly as follow*: phosphates, 1 f? pounds; nitrates, three pounds: potash, three pounds ? or a total .of 2K pounds of material entering into plant life ? and 172 pounds of dirt. "For the bag of fertilizer th< rmer pays from 927 to $30 a n, or. In round figures, onn and a half cents a pound. "Eliminating the dirt, which has no value as an agricultural nutritive. It Is found that for Hi part of the fertilizer content that is of real use to the land, ho I.; paying at a rate of about ten cent*1 a pound. "The dirt with which the ferti liser is mixed may be sand or oth er substance. It 1b necessary as MX 'ftller: to carry the fertilizing WJnaterlal. It la an essential part of the manufacture, and it must be paid for. But, as fertilHcer. it is worse than useless ? Just dirt. Our CAiisexl l'eat "This economic wastage would be better understandable If it were not for the fact that literally hun dreds of thousands of acres of lands in Eastern North Carolina are composed of peat formation* ? the peat in which could not only be used in place of the 'Hi ler' of dirt, but as Itself u ferti liser of high value. For peat not nly contains nitrates but acids nd the organic matter which i nown as the 'humus' upen which rtant life in general calls con ftantly for its natural growth and term 'peat' Is used to de scribe the p&rtly carbonized or ganic residlum which occurs by arrest oi the decomposition of roots, trunks of trues, twigs, seed, shrubs, mosses and other vegetable remains which have tagn covered by or saturat- d with Water. Its vegetablo structure i. generally visible to the naked ey< ami It contains a large part of the caffbon of the original vtg' table matter. "The first significance or p< at Is thit of a source of fuel, and as such It has been utilized for cen times In Irelsnd, Scotland, {dis continued on page 4 WOULD BEAN KING > ACQUITTED BY JUKY \ Albion. N. Y.. Feb. 14. ? Lewia K."flftndH, "world beau king, " wa* Quitted today of grand larceny by die Jury. HEW BUDGET SYSTEM PROVIDED IN llll.!. 1 Raleigh, Kwb. 14. ? BUI* pro VldlnK for an execatlve budgefl ?j%tem and iieinl-annual Judicial ; conference* were Introduced io Ae y In the House by Represent.!- , lice Oonnor of Wilson and Rep fdsentatlve Graham of Orange re fcpeotlvely. The meaeures follow the Oov rttibr'H recommendation* closely. ' Judicial conference Mil ! Won Id provide conference with V&lef Justice presiding to <udget and' create a commis .replacing the present budget ^,'in WITON MARKKT York. r? b. 14.? 8pot rot ten cloMd quiet, middling 24 hi; t decline of 15 polala. Future*. rtMlJl* Md: M*rch >4.28, May / fl.fft. July 14.11. October 14 .71. $ he. 14.77. ?New York. Feb. 14.? Cotton \ amies oP??ed tnd?7 at the fol- 1 lerel?: MdMh 14.41, M.iy July 14.01, Oct. 14. ti, Dec . TRAGIC DEATHS , IN STEIN MINE 'lYrri!>!?? l)aj?ors. II V KIH.MIt .AI.I.KN MOW UK II ? t:-J3 bv TH? Ai|i4!K? lierlin. K b. 14. ?The terrible jdctilllri l?f tlu> Mlffl | i|,g of 17 of tin who ncic buried anil fl nail;* .il?"l in tin* ilisaster at the S'i.a "Mlpialcr Stein" mine at lMrtmuml, ..r? riv? n in Friday's edii t.'.i.i nf i1u- "Hole Fahno." 1 M . \] li .i.i weve dug out , a piece of = paper was f??ur.d on which was written. * * i ? * h J0:3U o'clock, there art* 17 men in lh[s group. Two ; l:nv?? cashed In. Fifteen are left. (Signed) Karl C'-? ? and Inter, : 'Now it**; 11 o'clock. We can do n-iih'ivi; mure f??r ourselves. Tin marks on the barrier of earth b.iwet-n t li* ?n and safety show Ii.j.v ili' victims fought to fre:? t i.cni.M'h t's. r.nd the last sen tence <>n tli? paper, "there are now ni IK' of us," tells a tragic i story. j lL-lp in lime to save six i mi..?-r>. of whom one died after ward. Of ? calculated to have been about K!0. Tlie "Rote Fahne" 1 calls them "victims of the Dawes J Plan" and a _ communist orator j -vill s j>rak tonight on this some ' what mysterious chain of reuson 1 lag. ^ THKEK DEATHS IN KtiCENT ICE JAMS Boston. Feb. 14 ? Three death*, destruction of bridges and dams. * disruption of wire, railroad and highway com muni oat ion In va-( rlous unci ions were listed today amunfr results from floods and ?ci? jams In the last two days throughout New England. WILMINGTON TRUCK GROWERS ORGANIZE Wilmington, Feb. 14.-- -The I Wilmington Co-operative Truck j Growers' Association, which com- 1 prises a targe percentage of t he j local truck growers, has aligned j ItsHf with n nation-wide co-opera tive organization, it is announced. At a recent meeting In Wrights-' horn the board of directors auth oH< d tho* formal rignim: of a maiketlng rurcement with the l-v 1? i >tcd Fruit and Vegetable (I rowers, the contract becoming effective immediately. The contract, it Is said, calls fnr the distribution ' and snle by the l-\ derated, of all produce tai ? d by tho members of th^ local organisation :in" turned over to it. They will net as exclusive agents of the growers. COOPER CASE TO THE JUKY TODAY Wilmington. Feb. 14. Tb? CAM of former Lieutenant Governor W. B. Cooper and Thoma* K. Cooper, charged with violation of the National banking laws In con necting with the failure. of the Commercial National Dank, went to the jury at noon today. Wtlminjgton. Feb. 14. ? The I Cooper trial is expected to go to the Jury today, the arguments of the counsel having been complet ? d yeeterday. Judge Rose la to charge the Jury at 10:30 this | morning. CONVENTION HERE EAKLY IN MARCH Sunday School Workers of Conn i t> Will Cathcr at City Itocul to Hear Leaders At the Pasquotank County! i Sunday School Convention which ? will be held in the City Road Methodist Church. Elizabeth City, on Sunday. Monday and Tuesday. March 1, 2, ntid 3, the Sunday school workers of tho County will I have the opportunity of hearing i addresses by three unusually lint' i ! Sunday school experts. Loaders In charge of arrangements for the! meeting feel that they have been ; very fortunate In having secured i these speakers for the program. J j According to announcement , iiiad'' by the County officers, the program will be arranged with the idea of covering practically all departments of Sunday school , to get some practical help con ; cernlng their specific problems. Several special departmental con-! . f? rences will bo held during the convention. A prominent place on the pro- ' gram will be given to J. H. En gle, I^ansing. Michigan, Executive Secretary Michigan Council of Re ligious Education. The other outside speakers will ! be D. W. Sims, the widely known general superintendent of the North Carolina Sunday School As sociation, and Miss Daisy Magv. Raleigh, children's division super intendent of the same organiza tion. Mr. Sims has attended Sun day school meetings in Elizabeth 1 City several times, and will be ro I mombered by the leaders in Sun day school work. Miss Magee is i a specialist In the work with chll > dr?*a -tn Sunday tchool. Umc addresses will deal In a practical I way with the religious education i of the children. ADOPTS BOB CATS AS SPECIAL PETS | New Bern, Feb. 14. ? Roy Par ? ker, wall known Craven County farmer residing on the Neuse ! road, has adopted as pets a pair; ; of full grown bob cats. The wild beasts are not at gentle aa tho domestic or "Lap" variety, but | Mr. Parker atatea that he has hopes that they will eventually i become quite friendly. He has ! bad them about three weeks and is now having a large cage built i in which to display his "pets." DISCUSS AIRCRAFT WITH DOORS CLOSED I "Washington, Feb. 14. ? Tho i House aircraft committee waa In . executive aesslon today to disrun* matters developed at an open I hearings Into tho aircraft cont^o j veray. 'Lieut. Col. W. O. Rchauf 1 fler told the committee yesterday 1 that Rear Admiral Shoomaker blue pencilled the magazine arti cle describing the 1922 bombing testa until It lost all rusenvblance to the original statement. Filmdom's Latest Flapper! Ktttn wallad :i >? n for !?? chanca loH ? "I Mr Mm mpprr. >11)4 new aha* In Ho1lr*oo< lalllna all lb* Mka mil. Ka Ml In tba cloihaa. and aciln* rfuttt Shaftto Collins' "Tomb" tnim mining experts mink the 60-foct shift .l.iw Saml ? i,\.> City. Ky.. to rcach Floyd Collin*. flrM l.y a ImmiN!* r :?i tombed by a cavcfii in the only cittia.iv c. a tir.uU Fame Sancl Cave Region Not On Collins Alone Fumou* Kentucky !)rsv" !*#???.? ?'ivi ly ?n;d Natives Il*?vr W oncl* rfi|1 S ?j! .V li r?* nnd Dir-lrihulioii Imt 'CI; JJon'l T.'Jk AI;o?*i l! lly O. L. SCOTT iCrifrrritfilt !.?? T >r Arl.fcl; . ? Cave Clly.Ky.. I\b. I ; Thai famous ohl Keu:t:cl:y "i:t..iinluit: dow," ::o lu(?T?3V(n xlth lh. I. roJ of ttiis hlitorl'! sec'l n i f I li*> h.itdji now la oeen to have i?luy> d 11k part In the etrly days of Fii,;d Ccl llna* entombment here, juti? cr. it t contlnuea t? have an enviable ,;o? -aitlon na one of the principal ucta cf the Mil country rrutxhj abcr.t. One tliim; thn military c?.urt of inquiry Into tin* circuniatiMiee* ' tuirroumllw; the Scml Cav?* i^.t-, priannm<-nt biouglit out cl? : v'v was the effect this spirited Ken tucky elixir had on a p?i" ir.r, ,%f the rescue crowd that galh? i il before th<' militia took *coiitr->l <.f thlnga at the cnv? . It lann li; n light the fart th:". d.ap-.e pruM bitlon, powerful coiri liq.;?r not paas<-d Int * the realm r r things forgotten heir tn it.* orig inal home. wh< r<' rev ?nm r? r. tlmea gone by used to liv<- a ii.xicl life b' glnninn the Jo?> ol aupi ? slon. Ab a matter of fact. itt ilo?; wo r 4^ of on?i of the w. II Jul": jj?- .1 men of the <1. 'ri ?. th< -i?. progress hnck In the Mil e?,.i. appears now to b.\ "for every e. I In its still." "Around these parts. the p? ? pie continue to hav? Ju l on. ly accepud medicine, t-iod f 111b frriiii dlHcont r.tnu-nt to ;it mat Ism and f-ver. and that's th 'aiounlatu dew' fropt ll ? c patch. ?. " said thin bum. j.iar.. v. is prominent iu affair* of tin . i trie'. "When these fol?< heard ?.i ?'? predlenui'-iit vt Floyd Col'ln**, urally they thought that ht v be In ne?'d of a Stimuli ot km al? came the lottle an they headed fur th** c?ve. Along tii' way they n others head, d in ih?- same dii - tion and with the *nme :;ippJ: Kentucky hoapitalitv, cf ? dictated n trejit or two. and a* 18 or 2o li Is no wonder I '? i talk of drlnkltm occurred. nut since the uppearauc "t atate tr?opa. there lr no do i that moon*hin" dlsapp?ar<'l f ? ? in the Immediate countryaid' , Jubi It had ni 'Bt always been m, -t from the affairs from the Cul : .i-? family, d< s?anat'>d na one "I "good families" ef the* n?>Uhb i , hood Only n? tha leadlrrr ev? m ef this district.' who claims ftOO B*?vrrf souls aa th?' ncCnmp'f in "nl of hla In Mt Camp.iir. ? "Mocnaftlnlng 1b a ? r?el lift I ' lnef?? around her''.'' "There la n"thlng "k" I' wher^ elBe. Then?- people 1 the system Th?? mak'r do?>- - ' haul Mm liquor, the haul' t ?! pot distribute to customers. ? ?? distributor docn not sell t public. There Is a real -? I heavy demand has rut our ?"iB| practice. Supplies hav?-1ncr< I J ?o much of late, thmrih. that thai; Erica at tha still |? repor- .1 to ave dropped from $R a aalh n to I ? 1.60. At that price H la aald 10(4 Guqnl'i Cave ? i'y. tritf. Gen II li Uenhardt. lieu ten ant governor of Kentucky. In charge of the milltnry at Sand Cave during light to free Floyd Collins from his subterranean prison. Denhardt or dered Johnny Ccratds nnd Homer Collins a brother, from the ecvns. be i.r-vin': to inark't in ample qUJU.Ul i- : . , happ :? ; w. ? 'i i - *? i vt? . l.-r. .1 ;?' up. ?ijpp'i's, b, jia'.a rub- ( t J ? ?| l> indcil for j ill ilv? ry lulo tli" I ' it' i (')]!.->& of bnolfvt; Irml I ;? ?l v irlbiition rtv< r th'.- country ; ? a **i al.trld ??ltjff." I\?r tlli'jv i ? .-qld 1 1 l??* no ow to ft- Ubi II ? V of IhJ-ao hills fol'iii to i-i '. Mn- b. .w tht:r?: I j* in "while i.r?!>, U-|UV?r cl'li ;i kirk. A lit ? i< t- mi:'- i !???: and tun- | inn and i' tors v, >11 l;t i i>* ? !?? at rf ! the ir:i?' ?. TImm'" j? or o tiling thef yiwilora | ar?- adi/i w .i'? <1 . .'nr. by tiioi-i ? \ 1m. r? That If ?? b rifrttm.- in I'Unll'in Ing in??orhhl:i. >? n, I. ill country' natives. "I ii- ri r- mdllwl Midi bavin/ a i?:i|?? r i eel buK(nit^ and ii I'f.W 1 1 liOJiid Up In ;? ?' li {>i 'i in i I i ? llubl* reports arc to be trusted. \\ ? l/OMK SKIl\ It K Th<* Ki'-i ? Mi-iti.iii fi > i ?ho Frre WMI n? ?fif?t rhiir lu -t ? .? ? a will J-.du j-n ??. i- >n n*rvi ir' th?* . F'lr'- f 1 ? r : ' : i < . v ? Wll.: hC'glb V !!?{? purpr ? i "ld . 1; ?? a Hpbl* ? oi orailnn l?'l .'.c u t!w iwo ; ehtirf !ms 1.* slw iu?lvi?l?'? of] souIm.. Mr. or .'W wii' r?M '< ?ernrm. Mituh"?* < f : *h ffl ute ?.r*od t ? be p;- ??' ?'nd Hie pub ii<' b. onvlted. # MNKH H>l{ -SA? I.T Th?j only rin*? '? ?" Trial Jus lie* ftawy. r In i ' r'* roiirl tetQfdav wn* t!? < i'loh OMtflty. rolcrivl ^ foui. l ICuljtjr of flp^nuil ' '?lV?4' colorod V-'f flaod lis and f?#i? trots. ^ ? !'.?> FiUr. I W'VIKT V 1 Tfol aky has bnc-i d' I tonuKii >n wit'* vist fior ?riMnoni thnm^" ?> r?Holld imhTahip ! council for ?fid doft ?!-? " fu offl- | nconient todtt>*. 1 iVFNTY HOURS SAY OFFICIALS ?.v.;'! Wiii iv \\ ( r,. t-vo ?' < *i? ? ! i . i- . i v \i *. ? - i ; i S:in*i ?v i! f . ;|}(, r IMITimllioN . ? ":? T'i? Alirii: <1 Pr. ? l"a\ ?? \ 'y ?? !.?:?? |.ro.fd?4 no r.i?iU- . i.ifii rvJ:i,?n .|.-.el. jk-.I. . ? ? T- !>:. ' : ? I? ? >haft .. !il i .|? !..?? . , . ??.*! v. ? i (Vi a:.d iho caVi n liSejid .?( i him. fa\? ray. I' ll, li \ f?w ?v. 1 i>f earth tcii; v .p,.;,ilel Iho. S..o?i t'jivo p.;ny lr im the <;m rii ihey Itvlicv** will' l? ad tu i*!.' . u C i!lins. \ oe shall ?Ii> w :: iiY*T :.r, fr??t a:id .it C-' tiii diamond drlV. iu-li ?.:???? a ii in*' foot ? . * . Collins Is still * . ' i v ? - . i icvh'm rs of iiv stale mltiUi: y boar-.l ia charge t'.rcluml. .ii iu;?: si s tiK \mtnr.!t l\ IT li> Cliuroh on South Mat i In si ri'ot. has split on Iho (|UCKlinn ' f ll?t? pastor. a llev. Hunter. T'ae majority scent to have followed Iho p.-wtor hut iho minority who are bringing the ' sitiit, ' rlalin that the doctrines i;iught are out of harmony with t!;oso of iho l>i.?ciple's Church ami iho claim Is that Ilimtpr'H fol lowers usurped offices iukI man agement of. the church and rhutcli properly. The contention of the tlefeune is Ilia* the govern mctait ot' a Disciple chureh Is 1 strictly rongrt nutlona!. (hnl- (Uoro : f?? no bishop or govern Inp body ; rxer^'xlng auihorliy over tin* con trogaiion. an. I that tho avjII of the tnnjorHv In any matter of i !uiri h government or doctrine Is supremo. ' . ? . ,TI?e? ^iu?o will probably p- l lo' th?- jury nt the clone of Saturday afternoon's session of court. Li/..%iu> ik rori i..\ it Nt w York, IM). 14. I.l/:ird is ono of the moat popular of the id- winter leather ft r shoes. The rkin of a death valley lizard on a woman with culd feet seems somewhat incongruous but few women nowadays g.?t cold feel no matter where their paths 1?m>I. The Spanish heel l;< ops tlio Jeaort liz i.rd company. Governor's Daughter Marries r. ir.YH. I.MWflor. .If Or-a?? |'l of fnrftief Onvrriinr ,.> I Mr* I i*nk O LoWffen f? to John l< I Tii k* Jf of Oik .?((?> K lu U ?'hi.H?4. Th*y will Uf, y, on thru honeymoon r?iunij l_ Ai?rl| VTa . ifi En niTiiis 10 tonawonr., I rata. Fob. 14. ? A dnimlit r j j*?j horn |a )|n ,N).-ho!? I- ! . 'rnwrly Allc? here todftj. ' tannine Oets fim ind Still r.n;in" in I ri:!?i ll??* S ? i rinti of bounty Saturday Morniu;: Willi IVic wcndum ;;n?! fit) (Dillon Liquor Halving l-'ai^upj ;< Ko.ill of All Night Hunt OLDEST FIREMAN KILLED IN BLAZE \l?vf flume- I > \?il??inc?l>i l<% Siiiim Eurlv Tirtlu) . ???It. TV J I K:irv.?s I'uv. !*?'?. It Thr?v iiiiiii*. ??d nuiom. iru'k-. .Hl'.-ll ip lllltl an ?? ? \.?! iHil at $l.Iifln.rtno w* i ? ?!?? ;r??y."l'.U fllV l?'X idled tin* .VvitUuti Itovrtl I.iwstm'k I'jivilSimi ? ;u l\ today. "111..- ?? -TlfC V.V'-.I - '; -It ? nan w.i. il'^- T'?V""I. ?' .lohn I. Ci.. i!:.. rii > 's f l.i- r fl ? ?> ll. ?ll'?W. MNH t'KiHINKItS iu:i\ nt-.cvi ii i'.K.i! Raleigh. 1-5 t?f t !i o 1'J prlxoin'rs who f f?i'ii|n'i| from (?uiedoulu l*rlKon Ksirm Wrclnoa d.iy nteht in i-n rcoatiturod to ilsy, acvnr'imc i?? Sin"' I'rlnoti SujH-rinU'lMk'nl pnii. Anntli< r In IvltiK tralli'il near Srntlnnd Noek. 'I Mi' iti4*n l:iiii;n mo Kendal! K. Johnson, Karlo Jarknoji, Carl Talh y. .1*t Smith. Will l*li II Frank Pope. I.uthr-;- Klrhy, Wil liam Balliy. and John McNalhy. ESCAPES I'KISON rou second tnie \rl.inin. TVI?. 1 \r>o i'ow 1 or-, ronvlilwl of bcin;? :i "t'.nifl (Imic man' two y?;n- iiaa ? -<.?4?'d Hi" Ktato i?ii :i farm at MiMeduevillc lor tin- ????msI limv. it w?h lcnrncil I ? ? ? 1 : ? y . I Jo ??m eapi-d a y*?r a}"* hut was recap Inred. Hi' w:'i* srrvinK it 'term (if I rout two lo f 3 v i ? yoarn. roTTox i\ MONTH OK JAM lltv Washington. Feb. 11. Cotton consumed darin;; J. ry !?? liilcd &M?.726 baler. l.ul and r? I 40? timers, I no On .us Bureau announced today. Oil hnr.d January 1 ut consum ing cHtnhlirdunentK wore 1,433. 814 bain*, in publlr storagn anil r?i in i?r?-5.-i's ::,so :: , 4 7 r? . ~ Sh- riif Charles Carmine came ri. f 1 oni' the auction of Pasquo i .. n ^(11 whh found and taken Saturday morning at about 7:S0 after nit all night hunt In the dea rrt shortly after It had been fired up by Goodwin, who was at the si ill when it wart discovered Vf Sheriff Carmine and his pirtjr. I \r that time the fire was going mil blast but the distilled pro du i had not yet begun to run. in will be given a hear ing in the recorder'* court prob '? v ??????? \Vroo for appedIM fore Hl?? 'recorder. Talk in it 1 r? the prisoner intimated^ . : : . ? i In- would have no trouble In a bondsman. He assured - the sheriff and the reporter, tb fart, that somo one was likely to come in alim?i any. minute to sign (lit- document. With Deputy Sheriff Prltchard 1 and Oft'ie- rs Witislow and Twlddy or the local force, Sheriff Carmine w.-nl out on Ills still hunt Friday night shortly after dark. After ! ploughing through the dense un d.-rgrowth or the desert all night loinr. the Htill was located 8>rly j St'nrday morning its the sheriff itnd lils posse were on a last beat through ihe woods before calling It a day and starting for home. 4 With the Bt ill was taken alx or K.-vn gallons of mash and a half : iut of liquor In a bottle. ptad ? 1 * ' I'f'iiB empty bottles were alfO found on the scene. The still whs located on Is believed to be land belonnSfigl J. It. Itrite about a mile froW Norfolk - Southern Railroad and tin and a half miles from Klt9> <1 ab. iti City, u was also near ttfe . .?I ... ?* of t he Foreman stock farifr. "it was the sound of an ax that flr.u warned iih flint we were ! pro.ichlng the still." says Polfeoe Officer Twlddy. "Pressing te- 1 ward that we soon saw tho smoke lining from the fire operating the still, and then it was easy for its to dose In on It. Wtytyi we cante up to the still I saw no one abeut it. but later saw Peto crouching In the bushes some distance away. aBl "I drew my gun and told htm to put up his bunds. ' "Put your gun up, I'm not go iiiK to hurt you," he said. "I told him I was glad to heal* j ili. i' and slipped the weapon bade ' in H ?* holder. He was one of the most pli?asa:U .prisoners 1 evai I handled, not only Riving himself j up wi'hout trouble but helping lfl to bring the still out o < tie woods. All the members of the poaaa were w*ury and muddy whe* I hey got ba''k to town. De^dW;,' Sheriff Pritchard was not only muddy but, wet from falls In the underbrush, ha IliKh School, Margaret Sawyer and Melvln Davis on the | iietn Live .and ernon Chuppell *A'J' I Ir <>n the af- j firm :*t ive, will debate Hertford and K lonton on March 27. The negative team will meet i the liertiford affirmative at Kdeh ton, while tho sfflrinatlve Mlb H ?? ? ? m?M i ihc Kdet|ton u?gatlVe I ' llorttyrd and Kd?Mitort aMMfg - 1 -r'.i tin - win l. bat* WW I llr.iboth City. This 1h the sn Slate trhmgtllor debate IH?| i'i" Elizabeth Citv teams win >t Kdtnlon an 1/ Hertford, they j ill enter the finals at chapel J Hill. "J KOADS AMI TAXES '.XJ KEATVHK ASSKMBLY Tlnletfth. Kch .14. ? Tk? re-paa- ' " of tiv) $:i'.000.000 hi?hw?y Mil on It* ?wotid reading Ui IFi Sr nato and th<> pannage by file i'ppi * body of the hill rndttclfcf | Ht - pomonal property tax exenfp- ' tlou frrca 1300 to $?0 an\t the f ntrixi net Ion of the Snlea Tax Bill in the flnuM. featured y-nterday J !n the General A?M*rrtbly. Tnx Meaaurr principally #f. fecta tobacco. soft drinks aad