CIRCULATION SATIRDAY 2.418 Copies THI IV BATH KM Fair tonight and Tuwidajr Mod erate northcant wlnda. rm ? i I, VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVKNIXC, MARCH 23, 1925. SIX PACES. NO.1' Some At Gatesville May Have To Sleep In Autos Hotel Already Full und 10 Witnesses in Duwy Murder (W Still to be Aeeoiiunodated \\ liun Trial, Set for Wednesday, I'uder w av Catcsvllle, March 23. "I um I so try they sent it here." That Is what Charlie IMwauU. 1 proprietor of the Catesvill ? II.?t-I I told a reporter two weeks a:,u. J when the newspaper man casual- I ly remarked that he supposed tin I h^tel was looking for a hit- crowd 1 court week, with the scntniluntt! I Doxey murder ca?e scheduled for I trial In addition to the regular I Gat?? County criminal docket. The reporter ponder, d that say* I Ing at the time. reflecting eoh? ;ly J on the unmi-rcenary spit it of a I L hotel man who would ratlwr hi* I f town would be spared tli?' :u?rdlil I details of a murder trial than I himself to prollt hy the crowd that the case would he Mire to I draw to his hostelry. Hut today the same in wspaper I man entertains serious douht ts to whether the idea back In Mr. 1 Kdward's mind when he made his I statement waa altogether altruis tic. For the Gatesvllle Hotel In already crowded and indications now are that, despite the canvais of the town for bi'ds for court week visitors, the emergency ar rangements are not goliiK to tal.-' care of the situation. The Gatea vllle hotel Is ordinarily a nice homey, quiet stopplim place, with the proprietor and his family do I ing a large part of the work, and one may well imagine that th*' outlook for a crowd that would tax to the breaking point his fa cilities for entertainment would appear In the hotel proprietor's eye no inviting prospect. Doxey will be brought here through the country and, despite the fact that as roads are now travelled the distance from Cur rituck Court House to C.atesvlll?' is In the neighborhood of ?.r> miles,' a considerable crowd of Doxey's friends as well an all Ills witnesses and those for t In* State are expected to be in Attendance. Witnesses alone number 4 0, and it Is estimated that Ave times that Dumber from Currituck will n' tend the trial. By putting two to t ? rfvery available bed. the Gatesvllle " Hotel can furnish lodging for ?). X School committeeman of l'op , Ikr Branch High School, the old ' est and for long the only State high school In Currituck County. Willis A. Doxey had for 66 years lived a life of a quiet, peaceable and respected citizen, until n? wa flashed over Currituck County Sat urday night. January 30, that h" had shot, and probably fatnllv wounded, his nephew. William H. Doxey. William H. Doxey died In the Elizabeth City Hospital the next day, leaving a dying state ment In writing to the effect that he had been treacherously shot by )ils uncle and that the act was unprovoked. Since that time Willis A. Dr.x -y has been a prisoner In the Curri tuck County Jail. Hia caso was scheduled for trial for the term of Currituck Suprenn- Court which convenes the first Monday in March. The grand Jury had found a true bill, the prisoner hod been arraigned, and the sta??4 was set for the trial when on Thursday. March 6, Solicitor W. 1?. Small presented a motion to tin- court that the case be moved in some other county, on the ground thnt sentiment In Doxey's behalf had been so favorably fanned by the activities of Influential fri.-rn!* and by highly colored newspaper * reports, that It would he impos sible for the State's side of the ras. to get a fair hearing In Currituck County. Here is the text of the affida vit, copies of which were signed by n. S. Walker, former employe rof Willis A. Doxey; 0 \ h father of the dead man, and hy J. C. Gallop .which along with an t affidavit of similar Import signed by himself, constituted the basis upon which Solicitor Small asked for change of venue: "The undersigned beiny duly sworn, deposes and say*t that he is Informed, beljeves aftd alle* s ob behalf of the State of North Carolina, that there are probable grounds to believe that a fair and Impartial trial cannot be obtained In Currituck County In the above entitled cause; that affiant Is In formed. believe? and allege-* that friends of the defendant tlGve been very active in talking to citizen? In Currituck County, in distribut ing and casting about and abroad statements, propaganda and ru mors that have prejudiced the cause of the State throughout Currituck County; that affiant has heard divers snd numer iti persons say that they thought he ought to go scot free; thnt the Independent, a paper published irr the first Judicial District. and widely circulated throughout Cur rituck County, und' r date of Feb ruary It, IftJB, carrhd a story of the crime committed In the shore entitled cause, and particu larly did aald paper make the fol lowing statement 'Willie Doxev, whom she f speak Ing of Mr*. Wil lis A. Dosey) had known intimate ly for years-snd whose every act and thought was an open hook in ft her. offered what shr considered I the only kindness she hsd ever P known. Willie Doxry seemed to > be pleased with the reaftlacss of WATKKS Ol WAftASH I MM) \TK <?K1KMN K.ansvil!,-. March "2.1?A staff correspondent of (lie Kvatisvllle Courier in a dispalt'h to his pa* ln-r jrsti rday imported that Grif fin. Indiana. where ni ire than ?".?? 1? nous perished in the tornado cf last Wednesday. was tut off from nil relief avenue.? except a single railroad, when flood wa ter? of the Wabash river inundat ed ihr road.; loading to tlu> town. I:!' uaclo'a wli.- i.i accept li?:? ? % prmtliiiit <f underr.tandiii;.. H? r admiration of him flattered him and so faun >U 11 in rcunrd fir hi r until he c.mld rot nay away from tin' cmiaiuuity inns at a time. Time after t!mo he returned to tin ?>iil horn -, Just u? be near the woman In* lov? d, realizing that In* loved her as It?- could love no one else, happy to be able to sel ler new r?t,d lie n, tn nee the home where she lived, for love always dviliuuts in hearing tlte voice of i t m object, In listening to the beailtifei voice cf the on? it favors*, in the nearness with prom ise of sly uudcrstandinu Klance? unobserved by oth?>rn. William Doxey'u parent? RT<w apprehens ive of i he conduct of tin- son's? lik-. inn for hi* uncle's wife. They soli their home at Poplar Ilranch and . miivi'd away. In hope of Retting ' him to leave the community.' Said paper, in paid iiwue. further de I scribes and tells prejudiced ru mor* and hearsays that are pre judicial to the State's side of the j cans?- that make it very probable , that a fair and impartial trial ? cannot he obtained in Currituck County, because of the publication ; end distribution of the rumor* ? a;?d hearsays as published in said article, and said article headed and entitled 'The Tragic Matln.u or Mnlure Ape and Youth,' and 'S? nsational Facts In Currituck I Iflurdi r Case Growing Out of Jcal | ous Husband's 1.IIUK Standing | Quarrel With Nephew.' Is hereby ? referred to and asked to he uuide } a part of thin Affidavit as if copi?d word for word. 1 "Tie? aforesaid paper published ;i not her article under dale of Feb ruary 20. 10 2.r?, under the head ing entitled 'Doxey Case l'p to the State"; that said, paper and said Issue of said article was greatly and ly published and distri buted throughout Currituck Coun ty and had the ?IT<cl r.f creating , a treat prejudice against th" State's obtaining a fair Irlsl in said cause. That said article in ' ?aid pa|ter was read and quoted generally throughout the county, and said article la niad< a part of Continued on poge 4 I. VST or DE VI) FROM TORNADO ARE Bl'KIED Chicago, March 23.? Saddened l?y I ho final tragedy of Its great! ['?t tornado disaster, th?? burial of its* dead. Southern Illinois and In-! iliuna turned undaunted today to the mammoth task of r<-habllita- !' lion with plans for reconstruction us things stood before Wednes day's catastrophe. Danger of an epidemic in In diana was said to be remote with the ariival of additionnl niodical tipplie* today. Including anti tetanus serum, and the advent of ?tate sanitary officers. Deaths in all sections stand at so:t. Chicago. Mar-h 23?Conditions rapidly Improved today in the re- ? glon swept la.n Wednesday by the ; most destructive tornado In the j history of the country. The evening of the fourth day1 after the catastrophe saw the burial of nearly the last of the S?m or more persons killed. The. total dead as estimated Sunday night was S10. Injured 938; total casualties 3,748. TWO C.UtN COLLI DK ANI) IMITH <JO INTO Til K DITCH Jam? s White, driving n Ford j touring cur. and Howard Scott, j driving a Cord sedan, both of Wis ksvlllc, had a'collision Satur day night at nine o'clock on Eu clid Heights Iload just in front of Wright's Ice Plant. The accident' occurred just as Mr. White turned j in on Ruclid Heights Head from 11 street coming towards town an J ; met Mr. Scott going to Weeksville. Iloth cars went over In a ditch and , were badly damaged but neither of the drivers suffered any inju-' rles. GENERAL PERSHING HEADS COMMISSION] * Washington. March 23.?Gen eral Perahlng has been appointc-l to supervise the Tacna Arlra pie j lu?cite. The White House today ' announced his selection as head of' the commission to oversee the election of the Chilean-Peruvian arbitration award. SOVIET OFFICIALS KILLED IN FLIGHT Moscow, March 23.?A Iteutei dispatch aays that an alrplan-v carrying three Soviet government officials and two pilots caught fire and killed ail the occupants while flying from Tlflls to Su ch utn. | KILLED WHEN HURLED THROUGH WINDSHIELD ~ Greensboro, March 23.?John P. Mann of Burlington died with in a few minutes after he had been thrown Into tho windshield of his brother's car which was wrecked one mile west of Gib sonville early last night. His throat was cut when he was hurled through the glasa of the windshield. RESULTS JUSTIFYING EXTENSION REVIVAL Suuduy Services Marked l?y Crowded Churches and Deep Spiritual Interest, und Already Number of Professions Promises lo lie Large Complete justification of the plnns for extemflng the laymen'* revival now in progress here thru ? another weok wan seen In the ser vices Sunday, which were marked throughout t ho city by attendance that csowded the church auditor i iuma and by deep spiritual luter I eat. There la no disposition to meas ure tho result? ol the revival byl the number of profeaslons and I new members ndde<fr to the va-' rioua congregations, but aireaHy the number of professions and of j : now members promises to be { inrge. despite trio fact that the1 laymen have launched their cam I palgn within six month? after the cl'/se of the Ilnm-Ramsey re rival' held here laat autumn. In addition to the church aer vlcea Sunday, special aervlcea! 1 ?frte held Ln n number of Rundny! St?(.oli and at theae service t hI number of youn,; people made de cl/Jon for Christ. The nfternoon federation ser-. Tice was attended by i crowd that' packed tho County Court H>uioj to Its limita. The service ; I conducted by Duckworth Clover, president of the Elisabeth City Men'? Christian Federation, and a large number of laymep t? stifled as to what great things Christ had done for them, with te'.llng effect. It was Intended to* holl I this meeting on the Court House green. but a threatening cloud at ? he schedulc-d hour for the Her v'ce to begin drovo the crow i lu'o the court hoase. Following the meeting at the court honae came the dally pray er meeting at Jim Barkloy*? shop on Matthews atreet. "A man who has never attended one of the n retlngs In this shop, one time n r ndezvoua for the liquor hour.d* of the bowery," said an Elisabeth City preacher this morning, "ha? ifciflfiiifc??ftb i. if violation In store for him the first time he will attend. Some of the moa$ remarkable Christian experiences 1 have ever heard have been related In that little shop." Reports from Sunday night's services Indicate that everywhere Elizabeth * City preachers, warm ly seconded and assisted by vis iting delegations of laymen, wire at their best. Indicating the per- , sonoel of these various delega lions, Calvin Twiddy. John Jack- I son, Jim Barkley, and llllly Hogg* were the laymen who psrtlclpate.1 | Sunday In the services at one of the city's largest churches. The clear-cut testimony of these men. filled with something that made the humblest of them unafraid to stand before a great audience or cultured people and to testify ' convincingly and clearly of his re ligious experience, was nothing short of a marvel to those who had known some of them when they were deep in sin. Prayer service today, was held at the Apothecsry Shop, and at the aervlcea tonight In the co-op erating churches groups of lay men will again assist the men who are doing the preaching. As keretofore announced, the preach ing services begin at eight o'clock, l ot in practically all the church r i a song and prayer service of from 11 to SO minutes occupies the time before the presetting hour. Tuesday morning the reg ular prayer service of the Men's federation Is to be held In the Krnmer Building, the regular prsyer meeting st the eotton and i hosiery mills Is scheduled for, 12: SO and the downtown service in the afternoon will be held at the First and Cllsena National Hank; .while, as nsusl. the prayer j service at Jim arkley's shop will IN LONDON I OVC TANGI K Above 1b Muriel Dennlstovn. the former wife of Colonel Ian Oil alow Dennlstoun. the center of iho nensatlonal woclely case now agitating London and all England. who charge* that .tier ht|K??and tiicuuragcd her in affairs with other men ot insu:e his advance ment. ELEVEN MORE BODIES REMOVED FROM MINE Fairmont. W. Va., March 2.1.? Rescue workers expecte<l to leirn definitely today whether there are any survivors among the S.t men entombed last Tuesday night in the explosion of i* mine near here. Hope has not yet been abandoned that two minors es caped death, as they are believed to have been working in a re mote section when the blast went off. Twenty nine bodies have been recovered. Fairmont. W. Va.. March'ua.? Eleven more bodies were removed Sunday from the Bethlehom Mines Corporation mine neur here. HOI,I.AM) H HIT WHK.V KMM KKI) IMIWN (IV ( Alt W. H. Holland, cnshlcr of.the Albemarle Bank, was painfully hurt Sunday afternoon when, white walking on the Hertford highway, he was struck by a car driven by Joe Puele, neur the Mt. Hennon road. The car driven by Peele was going in the, direction of Hertford and hit Holland in the back about the walxt line just after IVele had avoided one car pasming another coming toward town. Holland's head was also bruised on the left side when he fell to the pavement. The negro was rushed lo Ills homo, 20 Speed street. Dr. Walker, who was summoned, found that no hones were broken and did not discover any symptoms of internal injury. VERDICT li\ FAVOR OF MRS. WATEJtHOUSE -* London, March 23.*?The Jury today brought In a v??rdlct In favor of Mrs. Murlael . WaterhoiiMe In the case In which she claimed that Lady Wilnon Darker extorted money from Alfred Waterhouse, her deceased husband. The suit was 10,075 pounds sterling. DORIS DEANE AND A K BUCKLE TO WED Beverly Hills, Cal.. March 23? Doris Deane. movio actress, and Koscoe Ai'buckle. former come dian. will be married tomorrow night at the home of the bride's mother near Pasadena The re port that they are already mar ried was denied today. WOMAN DEAD WHEN AUTO IS OVEIt HJKNED Sanford, March 2?.?Mri W. H film*, agcl 65, of near Merry Oaks, was killed when the car In which she wan riding with oth er members of her family over turned near Temons Point Sun day afternoon. DEFERS SENTENCE WON TEX ItlCKAKD Trenton, March 33. At Hie rc queat of the defense eoiinn? I. fed eral Judge Hodlne today d? f'-rrei passing sentence on Tex fib hard rod others convicted of con; piracy to transport fight r niraiy to the Interstate lawn. be held at 5:30 In the nflernoon. Rev. A. B. Crump).t of South j Mills, who Is here this week with hla wife who I? III at the r.ilaa heth City hospital, i* asdstln* Rat. Dani ?I Un?, pastor of City fcoad Method 1st Church, in th? praackin; svnlce? at the church. HIGH SCHOOLS AUK HEADY FOR DEBATE Trinnmilar Kvcnh All Over the State Tulil- l*!uie on March ii7 K!iz:?h<*th City. Kdenton nnd Hertford arc -uuioiii; I In* ?."?0 hh-.h schools of (lir Stati* DiiW making fl na I preparations fur i It? - triungn liir debates on Miireli 27 of I In' High fViioc! D 'l?at Iiik I' it i of North Carolina. ^Representing t hose 250 lil:;!i schools. which i \t? ml from llaye.. ?illo In thu wval to Mant-'O in tho ..east. 1.000 student debaters will apeak in the triangular contest* next Friday on tin* query. "15?1 i .solved. That Nfrth Carolina : should ratify t!??* port terminal** i;iud watrr transportation ,1101." The t rin la i d. bates will mark the culmination of a vast cffurl, f\t('it(!iii|! over tin pant srv i eral months. which ha? I>>h<h put ? fer:b by tin- "you t h MiI contestants in tho rac?* for (hi* Aycock Mi m orial Cup. Source* (f In forma - ; (ion from far and wide have In- n nought cut by the high sehool de ; haters in their search for strong paints with which to bolster up their iv/KUiitcntn thai the port t?*r j mini;] und water trute-lmrtatlon ' act should or should not lu- rail Aed. The High Sehool Debating I'n lon of North Carolina is conduct cd linder the suspicer of the Dia lectic and I'hlhinthri'plc Literary societies and the I'nlviisity Ex tension Division cf the I uivcmltv cf North Carolina. It wan organ ised in 1ft 115. and tin* content fit's year will thu* Im- the thirteenth in Ithe history of thi* movement. The hiuh sell >y\n Which Win bath of th? lr triangular debater hn March 27th will n< nd their I teams to the university on April | 9 and 10 to take pmt In the flnal contest of the High School Itehat ! iag I'nlon for the Aycock Memor ial Cup. This flnal content will i be a fixture of High School Week J at the unlvendly. the other fea i ture? of thin occasion being the | tenth annual inter-scholastic tcn 1 nls tournament nnd the thirteenth i annual Inter-scholastic track meet for North Carolina high schools. , TICKETS SELLING WELL FOR CONCERT Tickets t'? the concert to ho j:lven by the llncky Mountain 'Quartet Tuesday night went on | wale Monday mornlm* nt tli ilrlght Jewelry Company and by I noon quite ? number of tleket? I had been sold. Indiratln*; a well flllcd house on tho iiIk-?i of the | coucert. The concert will be held In th ? ; High School audit? riiim Tuesday | night nnd the curtain will rise pi j H o'clock. *rhos?.whi have sonron tlckefs I may reserve ib? ir s *Hts at the i Bright Jewelry Company. This I* I the last concert ? f th< r> a son and | all reports from towns where the quartet lias been are to the effect that the ntlracilcn l< one of un usual ??cell nc\ I CONTIM K BATn.E OF SUEI'IIEKO ?XII ( hlMno. iieli 2n Ttii> l>-ml h?t*lo *n ol I in th" release or hall Of William 1?. Shepherd. Indicted ?"*n the cha? 11 Inoculating his foster son. Wiillatn It. McClHitoek, i was resuiMid tedoy. f - - . - ? wrroi AftKKT New Yori March 2'. ipot cotton clo d quiet. m'ddlln?< 26.iB, n d ? ' *? "f I1"? faints. Fu tures, c.losit hid: March 25.]?, May 21.41 J ily 25.65, Oct. 24.?9. Dm. 25.00 WHITE MAN JAM.KI) I-OI< NON SIII'I'OHT An aggravated case of a ha ml c tiiiit-nt and non support occupied most cf ihf three hour and a hal' ; >n .cf italic*- court Monday' morning. The defendant uhx Gecrj?e A, Mldgett. ?5 >ears old whit?* man. and In* was k I von a sent? nr.- of Mix month* iti Jail, scntonri' to U ? yiisp> non execution of $50o hond to appear before the cour: and show jMiod ln-havlor a ml to pay 1.1m wife fiO a month. Sh has five children. MhUert had not r.eeii nblc to :? r i lanu ' hond when tlila n?-wspap.*r wont t?? press. llcnry Price, colored boy. for | passing a pedestrian 011 the side walk without (lisuiuuntlnK. paid a line of $1 and co?t?. | 'I used to think," said l*roee-; cuiing Attorney LeKoy, "that this \vnn a trivial ohense; but so mailt* I complaints have come to me of| bundle boys who crowd pede trians off the sldewall: that I ant 1 convinced that t lie ordinance is a | neceaxary one and all cases ??? i'. violation that come to my atten tion Will be prosecuted. Dolly nrollurs and Hrrll?' Hanks, colored, for the use of In-\ decent language on their premlvc * in such loud tones that it couhl h?? heard for half a block, were each 1 fined $5 and costs. m:\THKiti.Y MAKK VHTK A HIT IN VIIUalN'f A | With grocers from all over tlm j State of Virginia in attendance j and with Governor Trinkle au-l . other notables on the program. W. H. Weatherly & Company put on' a candy display at the fourth an nual meeting of the Virginia I Wholesale Grocers' Association which won ureal favor with del? - gat?s to the meeting and dlslri-j huted free packages of Weatherly i candles which mude a big hit with the 250 recipients. W. 11. Weatherly & Company, ICIizaheth City candy manufactur ? rs, not only supply candles to, wholesale grocers and other deal ers In North Carolina ami Vlr-' ginia. but ship as far north as < Maryland, as far south as K?y 1 West, and into Alabama and oth er Southern gUlf states as well. , HOPE FINISH CASE OF TEAPOT TUESDAY Cheyenne, Wy? March 23 --At torneys in the "11 a pot Donu- lease oniiulineut suit started on the last lap of the trial today with a view to having the case submitted to Federal Judge Kennedy by tomor row afternoon. Arguments of tli? Government counsel were in prog- i fens today. . liY4MKHI> l'\< 'ON'St lot's WHKN hit IIV TltKI{ Slilloh, March 2.'!. ? KvcreM Williams, 1G year old son of Ml. and Mrs. Abner Williams of Rid dle, while In the woods Saturday morning helping his father fell a tree, was struck on the head by a limb of Ihe tree as It fell and was unconscious until Sunday after noon. Just how seriously he Is in jured hns not yet been learned. Coastal Highway Passes Through Historic Lanq Slrt-lcliiiii: 297 Mil?-* Mou^ Atlantic Soulxiard, North i Carolina Section, Made l'o??ilile Through Krcenl l.r^iolution. Montr of Exceptional Interest On High Bench At lu*t a woman hus rsached the Bupremo Court. Mlsa Dorothy Straus. New York, sitting In tho high co\irt accounting proceeding*, a tho first ever to >w given power 10 hear and determine tho result IIVE llt'NDKEI) A It K C ALI .KI) BK JUltOltS Chnttanooun. March 23.? Five hundred prospective Jurors wer? today culled to Hamilton County j court for tho trial of W. II. Ilen lu'tt and wife of Koine. Ci>or|ila,l Indicted frr murdering Miss Auk-i usta Hoffman. stunt of lleniielt. ' The lit imetts were Indicted on j tin* etinrjie ??f murder In Septem-I ber. 1924. following the dlscovcy 1 of ItoneH, said to Imve been t hone of u woman, under the Kennel t hoine. Tltc proHcculion contends that they were the lion?-* of Mlsu Iloff-| man w|i:i dlsappiai'-d sifter vlslt Iiik the UennettR. FI.EKT Pit EPA II ING * TO PUT OUT TO SEA Naval llaso. Sail Pedro. Cal., March 23.?Dawn today saw the combined I'nlted State? fleet pre.-.. paring to put to *eu for two days practice runs preliminary to the climax of the year's gunnery pro-1 grunt, scheduled for Wednesday. . EMI'KESS CHAKLOTTE I IS SEItlOUSI.Y ILI. j llrusHfdH, March 23.?The aged former KmiproMH Chnrlolte of Me*-! Ico who lias been seriously III wuh said today to huve passed a satisfactory night. Griggs Was Valiant Hero Of World War Currituck I-ohI Otic of It* IiruvcHt in I'atsiiift of Vrlrrun Who After l.oiifi IIIuphm I)ic<l ut Kli/ulirtli City IIoiik* on YhurHiluy, !VI??r?-h 12 Point Harbor, March 2.1.?In t ho paaaing of Norman Karl Origga, ?on of Albert Grigga of thin place, Currituck County lout one of It* moat valiant aona. Bftfl OrlggS wa* the first Cur rltiiclc County boy to volunteer and the laat to return from *> r vice. In hi* aervlcn ovcmvaii, ht> wn< wounded twice and wan vanned two or three tlmea. He received three cltatlona and th? Trench decoration of honor. Thin Hon of Currituck fought nt the aectora of Verdun. Chateau-1 Thlery. Alano-Marno and 81. MI hi? I. He waa in the Second Di vision of the regular Army nnii waa in the t'nlted State* Marine Corpa. Barl Orlcfja waa quiet and un a*aumlng. One might have known lilm for yenra without ev er hearing him mention iiin war r< crd Soon after returning from acr vlc^ ho accepted a position with the Carolina Potato Kxchange and later wa* named manager of t hi* organization of farmer*. Whll ? nt Rllsaboth City Mr (Irlgga w< n the renpect of hla bin ineaa aaaociatea and he had a. number of friend* In Paaquotu.-.k and Camden countlen. In November of laat year !? waj married to Mlaa Aurllla 8trahl cf Cli/.aheth City. On the foll-iwlm: January he becain y loudly III from a growth In tin gland? which proved fa t o I on March 12. The trouble atari-d aoroe Hipe ?g.-> but it war hoped Pi the fall that II had been cur? 1 by radhim treatment which he rcc< Ivctf at a lialtlmor< hospital The oateem In which h" wa* hrid waa evident when hi* funeral aervleaa were held at Harbinger j on Saturday, March 14. and the, crowd gathered could not find apace In Iho ChrlNtlan Church there of which lie wan a member. Several automobile* came over from Kllzabcth City Including a representation of Knight Temp lars dressed in uniform. Dr. J. II. Thayer, paator Itlack w?'ll Memorial Church, Elizabeth City conducted fhe devotional ex ? rein, r, after which Rev. J. II. L"e. pastor of the Christian Church here, made a few brief re mark*. It?'dutiful flower* allowed the affection of many friend*. Currituck people who have known Karl CtIkk* idnce he wan a baby declare that he wa* worthy of all the r*teem Elven him, and d?*m r\Inu of the wonderful sym p'tthy tendered him durlnit hi* Kreat *ufferlnK. which hi* bore with patience. They declare that hbtoWlfe, mother, and father have c^n*f? to be deeply thankful for the noble, clean life which lie lived. and they join hi* bereaved inn In grief and sorrow at hi* death. FORMER PREMIER IS EI.ECTED I'llKSIDEM Cairo, March 23 Former Pre mier ZiKhlul I'aaha w.n ebeted president of the ctiamb? r of depu tle* In the new Kr:vptlan parlla meat tedav, receiving 125. vote* f lit of 210. WINTON PLANS FOR COMMUNITY I AIR Wlnton. March 2 1. A com munity fair wan orranlzed fori Wlltton town*hlp last week, re-, port* C. A. Hone, county a Kent for Hertford. Officer* were elected and plani? were put Into operation! for holding a fair thl* fall. aro neet ?s jr. *sa (Br Tk* Prrw) Raleigh. March 23.?Stretchlflfl j 207 miles along the Atlantic sea^ hoard. the North Carolina bi i tljM of the Atlantic Coastal Highway, mud?- possible of, completion M t h o recent General \ mi m MB passes through what ha? been termed North Carolina's most Mn torle section. The Legislatufd passed an act authorizing tM bridging of the Lower ChoiB River at a coat of $600.000, tka bridge to he opt rated on a toll! haul* until the State In rolm burned. The bridge when complatM will cut HO miles from the prid ??nt distance from Norfolk, Vlffl ginia. to WilmlnKton. North Carta lina. and will more closely conni Eastern North Carolina countl with the central section of State. _ ?_ Many of the earliest CaroMM settlements were made along thd route through which the ro*4j panics and tourists will have kjM opportunity, when using the roaW to visit many of the shrines ofj North Carolina's early hlstorjy? From Wilmington to Jaeki vllle. North Carolina, the passes through the undulatkUl sandy country of Pender and On* low cou III les close to the oaaS Many a view of the broad Atlanta is possible alonk this section pi the road which Is lined with llyi oaks with their graceful trimming of Spanish moss. At JacksonrlUl Ihe road crosses the New Rlrs^ Th.- road tin n winds Isilly along until New Hern Is reached. At thttf point a modern bridge l.f miles Ion k b ?? H the Nous? ? er. Th?> road ?.* goes northW through the rich truck and toL, co sections of Craven, lleaaft counties, passing through Wi Ington and Wllllaiuston. At Wllllaiuston the road ci ?s the Roanoke Itiver ov< bridge across a swamp and n river, the structure being ft miles in length and represaaf! the most expensive investment the State HiKhway Commta Btructures. The road leaves Martin i at Wllllsmston and enters ? County, passing through Wlu, snd thence to the Chowan Ri where the new bridge Is to otilir. After crossing this brl Into Chowan County and paai through the lower section of county, the highway enter* on. once capital of North Una In the ^Colonial days, quintans County Is then cro. followed by Pasquotank Conn where Elisabeth City |B read For 12 miles the rond travel the historic section north of 1 abet h City and In Pasquotank Camden counties to the Vlri border. On the Chowan River and clt, to the western terminus of tL, new bridge in the alte of the Co* onlal mansion of North Carolina' first chief executive. Governor Ec en. In crossing the propos# bridge the traveler will ^llmpa what is nald to be one of the mofl beautiful water scapes along tl? coast. Eastward ?i0 miles stretal es the Open waters of Albemari Sound. This sound is rich In talfl tory and tradition. At Its hefl Is Roanoke Island where Sir Wl ter llalc|gh'B colonists landed 1685 and where Virginia Dai first white child born on Amerlsil Boll, was born. The Island marked with a monument etect* by the Roanoke Historical Aj elation. At Edenton, once the pro* capital of North Carolina wh# that State > xtended westward the Mississippi River and Inclui ? ?d most Of the present strite < Tennessee, the Edenton Tea Part met. Native? claims that the dat of the Edenton Tea Party was be fore the famous lloston Tea Part] In the Masonic Hall over the cow house erected In the early Itf century Is a chair formerly by the Masonic 1/Odge at Al< drla, Virginia, and which is aq to have been used by O Washington when he presided! er the lodge'B proceedings. I In Perquimans County the trs^ eler insy see. the first deed veylng real estste In North Caj Una. This document Is kept Hertford and conveys land the Yeopln Indians to John rant. In Pasquotank County Is Hi Creek where thn first popular Illative assembly In North Una met In the latter part of; 17th century. From KlUaheth City to No| the road passes through " Swamp following the _ Swamp Csnsl the survey1 which wan made by Oeorge tj ln>:ton acting under orders of ernor Fairfax of Virginia. road posses In close proximity] Prummond This lak#f surrounded by cypres** and ftled vegetation and Is said to Inspired Thomas Moere'a "The !<ake of the Dismal ft Miss Rllaabeth Hathaway, , dent at N C. C. W la homa f lat her parents. Dr and If. athaway.

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