VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NOKTH CAKOL1NA, Tl'KSDAY EVENING. AI'Cl'ST 11, 1925. SIX PAGES. NO. 209. BASEBALL TEAM STILL FIGHTING GAME ARRANGED Elizabeth City Will Pla> Fast South Norfolk Out fit Hm Wednesday Af* icruoou at 5 O'clock WAY TAKE ON POLICE Negotiations in Progress for Contest Friday With Norfolk Coptt; Players Still Hopeful Deopite Hertford's latest deci sion to quit baseball for the seas on,. jhe Elizabeth City nine will play on for the remainder of the week, at least. After Manager C. H. Hnnth. of the Hertford nine, railed off the scheduled seven came championship aeries at th>* close of the opening game Mon day, Manager Ashby Cook, of the locaU outfit, got In touch with South Norfolk and arranged a game for Wednesday afternoon -it 6 o'clock. ' Negotiations .are in progress for a game v?t h the strong Norfolk Police team here on Friday after noon at 4 o'clock, lu the event that canuot be arranged, Eliza beth City probably will play Co leraiu Friday. The game will be scheduled at 4 o'clock un account of the closing of the stores, per mitting the majority of the funs to turn out earlier than ou the usual week-day. The attendance at the games this week will prove the deciding factor as to whether Elizabeth City will have additional baseball this summer. The players are run ning the outfit themselves, aud have absolutely no guarantee of salary or expenses. Monday's at tendance was disappointingly small, the gate receipts totalling only a little over $60, or leas than $30 to each team after necessary expenses for balls and the use of the grounds hftd been met. Un less the gate receipts pick up. the team caunot continue on. Thus far the Elizabeth City nine has remaiued virtually in tact. Culvert, shortstop and sec ond ba*eman, left last week; but his place was taken Monday by / Webb, who showed up remarkably ' well in the game with Hertford. He fielded his posltlou cleanly, and hit harder than anybody else on the team. Catcher Mike Ho?t, whose pegging to second has proved a mighty factor in recent local victories, left for his home In Portsmouth after Monday h game. His place will bo taken by Carden, who is not quite as seas oned a catcher as Host, but whose hitting largely makes up for this difference. Mike Is notoriously weak at hat. CLAIM SEE END OF ZIONIST MOVEMENT Wllllamston, Mas*., Auk. 11* ? j Arab leaders In Paleatlne have predicted that the Jewa will efth-, hx relinquish their Zionist move- j ment there or he eliminated by a general massacre. Dr. William K. UaiMHtrd of Geneva, member of j the league of Nations' Perma-j Ujcnt Commission of Mandates, said at (he Institute of Politics here today. . > _______ MAN DEAD AND BOY ?' ?IUJKT IN ACCIDENT Salisbury. Aug. 11.? J. M. Tut t*rov. local barber, Is dead, and the little son of L. B. Hendricks of lakeland. Florida, Is In a hos pital here with a broken arm as the result of an automobile acci dent this morning Just Inside the western cltjr limits. Others mem bfrp'of the Hendricks family were more or lese bruised. SIXTY KLANSMEN AHK HKI F.ASE!) FROM JAII. Pfamlngham. Mass , Aug. 11. ? Sixty of the 76 men taken Into custody Isst night after a Ku Klux Klan meeting had broken up In a shooting afiray In which five ware Injured, were released today. The other IS were held In fSOO ball for appearance August II on chitges of assault with danger ous weapons. AHK VWrriMCJ KIU KM DH IN CITY AMD SUCTION Hey. and Mrs. IS. h. Stack "d daughter*, Misses Sarah snd Bls'flche Rtack. formerly of this eity are visiting friends In the cl-j ty. and section. Mr. Stack lived In Thla section a number of years, going from the Paaquotank Cir cuit In the Elisabeth City District I Of he Kalaon and Warsaw circuit Of tfo Wilmington District l.ast weak he was In Dare County and this week he la rlaltlng In Pas quotank ATTKMW (XINVRNTIOM Superinte ndent M. P. Jennings, of the County schools, left Sunday night to attend the State Odd Pel lows' convention in Charlotte this week aa representative of Achoree Lodge here. He stopped over In iQreenvllle on school business en route. Mr. Jennings expects to rut urn home Thursday or Friday. Rare Operation fru- .. - J v a In order to Have the life of Edith Leavens, 14. of Cambridge. Mass., surgeons were forced In rue oi>en her heart. Edith, now on the road to complete recovery. Is believed to be the only person In the world whose heart has been opened aud who lived after the operation. Garrett Accepts Court's Judgmenl Weeluville Man Convictec Selling Liquor Pays Fine of $150 and Costs No appeal will be taken b> Charlie Garrett, of Old Weeks vllle, convicted In recorder's couri Monday of selling liquor. Garret) has paid the fine of $150 ai)d cost: Imposed by the court, aud ia oui under auspsnded > sentence of loui months on the roads, which la tc go into r fleet forthwith shoulc the defendant during the next tw? years find himself involved In an' transaction connected with the II licit handling of liquor. The $150 fine imposed by ttu court was inadvertently omitted li the tWt 6r tfttt1 Judgment In th< case cSfVlftl 'Vy1 tile' news^aiWi yesterday. Onljr 6ne !ca*e wjlifitp for tr!a In Tuesday's session of tecorder'i court- James Green colored, 31 t Drown street, represented by hli mother as her sole dependence was let off with a fine of $10 an. costs for disorderly conduct anc of $15 and costs for striking anc knocking down Kuth Wilkin*, col ored. James, It seems, hsd elven Hull money to go to the show and wsi naturally offended wnen he s?s her come out of the Gaiety theatei with another fellow. As the paii passed him on the sidewalk James told Ruth that he wantec to speak to her, whereupon sh stopped and her etovrt walked on Not satisfied to rive the lady It the case a verbal ry the later ralfls. The price here Tuesday ranged *4^q^nd $9 *?-nt*d and let a double garage, a coal shed mid a targe true Mink down Into a hole. Scientists believe there are aubtn ianeun cavities under (he city, and itay the drainage uf water from the?e cavities i-au*t-ti the settling Old Soak Defies Reform And Scoffs At Reformers Nathan Doucliy lla* Split ConiHTticiit Tomi Wide Open l?y Living to lit* [Niuety-Oii?* and keeping on Drinking lli* l iquor ami Smoking Pipe* 11} ItOWtAM) WOOD i hi. (HQS Darieii. Conn.. Auk 11 question of what made Nathat Douchy grow ho old mo graceful*] Iiuh split iIiIh city wid** open. Mr. Douchy passed !iU uinety first iiillritt uiif tin* other day and an Ih the cuntoni wit li moat non ageiiariaus. issued a statement ev plaining "how .?ome." Itnt tuiliM. uioHt nonagenarians, who altrlhuti their long Uvea to careful Jlvlni and temperancc. Mr. Douchy altri buted li Ih to pleuty of red llquoi and black tobacco. Mra. A I Id a J. Cuinmlng, leadei of the Stamford, Connecticut. \V C. T. If. A., promptly came back at Mr. Douchy with a red hoi statement in which alie denh-l that Much drugH uk alcohol and ni cotine could prolong Anybody*} life. Hh" didn't know what it 1 1 mad* thla confessed "old soak" Hve s? long, JiH eonfeaaed. Lint alio w;.? positive It ?iih not rum and t.i bacon, and she challenged him t i submit to a medical examination to dlttrnlpB what, if a 11 y t h i ii had kept him going no Mtrong pa.1- 1 the mark of three Hcore and ten Mr. Douchy, nursing an old cl.iv pipe Of 1 1? ? ? brand the Irishman ;?! waya uned to wear In the comb strips, laughed uproariously win i the writer aaked him what he \* < going to do about Mrs. Cumnilni i challenge. The llnea about In bright eyes creased deeper ami S thwacked himself lustily on wha by all the rule* should have beet a decrepit old knee. "Do about It?" lie echoed. "I'll going to take another lilt1* drink." He Hulted the action t< the words and continued: LENOIK l*OULTRYMEN PI.AN TO ORGANI7.I l^enoir, Aug. 11. ? Poultrjrimi of Caldwell County are plamiini to organise a county poultry as?"> elation, reports Farm Agent D. W M Koberts. "Co-operative marketing ?> poultry and poultry product* wil be the main object of 'the aaaocia Hon." said Mr. Koberts. "but It Ij also planning to put on a poult n show at fjenolr this winter." At a mass meeting held at 1 1?* Oak Hill school house. oflflc. i were elected for the Oak Mil Community Fair. I'lans are qi;i picnic. BUSINESS SESSIONS FEATURE IABOR MEiri Winston Ralem, -Aug 11.- Hn? Ineaa sessions this morning and af ternoon In which matters relatlni to the organisation were dlscussei featured today's session of th North Carolina State Federal loi of I^abor meeting. SITK MKI.ECTKI) FOK BUY AIN MONUMKM Near York. Aug. 11. ? Clewli ton. Florida, hsa been deflnltel selected as the site for the na tlonal monument to the fate Wil llam Jennlng* Bryan. Kfllaa Dion essa Bryan F.vans. his g6ddau|h tar announced today. # | "I'm nui in t !??? habit ?f consul* - ijlnK doctor* don't nei-d them ami t j I'm not Koiiu; lo run Hull any to ? ph-aae Mr*. Cuuimlng or any otli wer reformer. a' "I way wlihkfy aiul tobacco - . have In* I (icd keep nit* young oi - aplrit a till thai lias kc|?t me t;oln?; >? whi'ii a lot of younger iih-ii were >* ) dropping ofT. I've been drinking { I whltiKi-y long enough and aiiioklng ' i lohjc enough to know what they've r | done for me. I "Mr* t'unimiur. admit* xhe r|doeau't know tiow I rami* to livi* - j so Ioiik- and there you an*. I t?-l I > ? her tin- answer, hut tdn- won't be 1 ! Have it. ' "My umbition In to live to be a ; hundred and xt ill drink whliikey. ; If thin prohibit ion thing doesn't | get too atriugent, I'll do it loo, all ' I the reformer** and the blue law 1 1 1 hh to tin1 contrary uotwith*laiid IliR." Half of Darii'ii strings along ' with Mr. Douciiy The other half holds u|i its handa lo horroi And meanwhile. Mr. Douchy taken another little drink. 1 CllMtOIIIK Hri'uk All Kt-rnrilfl Wilmington, A/ig. 11 Cm torn* rollertloiiH lant month at the i port of Wilmington amounted lo $<71,221.64. Till* hroke all roc I orda for any prevloua month, alal ii ed 8. F. lllKhMmith. deputy col lector. i Collection* for July exceeded l>y ? $194,838.89 the rollertloiiH for i, the corresponding mouth in 1924. when the total wan $4 76,382.7 5. <>PKN NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE BELGIANS i Washington, Aug. II Willi an asauraucc from Amhaasador de (?artier that llelglum will honor all her Juat obligation* and with a promise hy Secretary Mellon ' that she will he uaked to pay only 1 ! within her rapacity, the Ameri can and Relgian Debt Commtn *lon* opened Monday the negotla - I Ioiik for the refunding of the lit tie kingdom'* $4 80.000.0uu war debt to the United Slate*. ADDS EQUIPMENT 1 Hickory. Auk 11.? The Hick ory fire department ha* added a 9226 pulmotor to Ita equipment The machine will he kept at head quarter* and will be uaed In rase* of ?tnerftency. ri NKRAb MRU. COMOR ' Funeral services for Mm. P. C. ^ohoon. who died early Hunday night at her home on F.hrlnghau* street, were ronducted at the re* idence Tuesday morning at 10: 3d o'clock by Dr. II. K Vye. supplv r paator of the Plrat Rapt la t l Church . and Her. (1 K Hill, rec tor of Christ Kplaropal Church A ii Quartet from the choir of the Plrat Rapt 1st Church aang. "Rome Time We'll Understand," and "One Sweetly Solemn Thought." Many . attended, and the floral offering* were numeroua and beautiful. '* Tha body waa taken on th< v noon train to Acotland Neck. Mr* Cohoon a air I hood home, for bu rial In Ihe llarrel family plot there. The hurlal aervlce will I* condacte.i at 4 o'clock Wednesda-. MURK THAN f)00 VOTERS ENROLL j IN FIRST WARD Kr^ist ration on Municipal Dorks I'lircliane Hxceed* | KxptM'lalioiiH liy Sul?taii tial Margin KI.KCTION AlUUIST 1? ! I Total of I ,()HK Vott?rn Oualif\ to l'artici|?at?* in Balloting; (hilmiiic l)e <- i ? 1 ?-< 1 1 \ in Doubt A rherk-up of the bonks uned iu 1 lh** registration tor thf special ! k election to be h<-id AiikukI 18 to j (I eel do whether lh** city altall buy 1 t 1m* Cotuiuaudcr mill property. uu | th?a waterfront at the foot of 1 l^wieiMv Hire.!, iIIhcIows that a 1 total of 1.0811 voierH enrolled foi | tli?* election. Tin* books cloned | Saturday night. Next Saturday. ) will be in Hie l*-u?I In the number of I lione registered lor the election, : with a total nearly equalling the t oilier wards com blued. In all. fiOK voters enrolled In that ward. M. VV. Uerry served as registrar In the Flrnt Ward. In the Second Ward, In which; J. II. Walsloii officiated an regit*- ' irur. 29?i persons registered. The total In the Third Ward, in which , Capt. II. F. Spence wan registrar. ' wa? !&!?. and that in the Fourth Ward, N. A. Joneti. registrar, wan 12&. More than four times an many volera reglHlered lu the Firm Waul uh It^ the Fourth. i The total regintered for the ape- 1 cial election Ih approximately one half the number of qualified vot en in Fllxabeth city. S? ntliuent. ( :ih expressed to the registrars, vjaii j decidedly agaiuat the purchase of ' the property, not on the ground ! that public docks were not a good thing, but rather on the ground I that .the people, gvuerally, oppose ? ftnjr Increase in the tax rate at prosent. NAVY OFFICIALS ARE IGNORANT At l,?*uAt They ProfeHH to l?rigM IW TN? Atf *????> WaHliington, Aug. 11. ? Navy department official today pro teased to be Ignorant of the nie jthod of eliminating code Interfer ence with radio reception referred to In a .statement issued Wedne-i (lay by It. R. Thompson, president of the R. R. ThotnpHon lladlo Cor poration. Mr. Thompson ex pressed bin willingness to "give to the world, as a contribution to radio development" a secret met li ed used by the Navy during the World War. He declared that use of this process by the spark type of rode transmit tern, which are the can He of substantially all the code interference with broadcast re ception would eliminate the Inter ference. The Recret, he added, wan not generally known even 4n ! technical radio clrclea. although his company had been paid by the Navy for Its exclusive slid secret use. Mr. Thompson said be felt free to (IIhciihh the secret now because the Navy Department baa indicat ed It h Intention of dlHcarding the spark lype of transmitter In fav or of the vacuum tube tranamltter. but that any broadcasters deslr Ing to use the device must get the permission of the Nsvy Depart ment. Itadlo experts of the Navy De partment disclaim any knowledge ol sny other method whatever which will eliminate Interfer ence when the code Is trannmitted by a apark set. In fsct they re gard the elimination of apark in terference as an Impossibility. I 'I .AN KK-OHGANIZE MIKMICAt. COMPANY New York. Aug. 11. ? A plan for the reorganization of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Com ?paiiy. which provides for the for-| mallon of a new company with1 about 919.600.000 of net working capital, eliminate* the funded debt and does not Involve any an acHHUient upon stockholder*. waa announced Monday by the reor ganization manager* headed by Klalr and Company. It AHIKS CAUSE OK i. rrn.fi iioy's dkaiH Crcenahoro. Aug. II.- Rabies' was the caaae of the death of Jamea Warren Stafford, two year i. Id Cullford County boy. the death certificate showed today. A| ??nth ago, the boy was at tacked a bull dog And severely bitten ;< bout the face and handa. He died In MT?re convulsions \Eff COAST (WARD HOME LAST If OKU I Y COM El\IE\CES On the ban on sand strip which borders the Atlintir a down miles south of H?rt?l Ihm Ims Jiua been coin plet?-d m llir satin# Mutton thnt Is the Ust nord In modern con \ink?cft. thai comjiare* iimh i* than iA\ombl) In comfort And fat lilt if* with iIm* Hnmt Inane In Kllubfth fit). For instance. It has a M?(t and haitl water *)Mem which would br ap|M-e ciated b> any Hmiuui In this rtt) wtieii *he nwkeo read) to wanh her hair. 'Hils thorough I) modern Cowl t.uard station Is at liodie Island. t'ajitaln Herman Sinltli Is offlivr In chance, and he aiid h is cre%* of ten hart I) life sav ers hate moved In a I read). Their new home I* equipped with electric light*, modem pliunbliiK. wnenme and heat ing. ?)d other facilities. Ilodie Island has been the sce?M' of man) urerkw In years K?Hie by. It Is at a |M>lnt re aarded as oue of the most dan (Certain on the Atlantic Sea board. KUAD OFFICIALS EXPLAIN STAND lluniniituonrrii S?i?i|>lt- untl Mrailx Oppawd to 1 Ji leMl Kr-Iec 23. 7t. Jan. 23 32. March II. CI. May 33 ?t. July 13.70. New York. Aug. 11. ? Cotton futures opened todsy at the fol lowing levels Oct 23 40, Dec. 33 10. Jan 23.11. March 33.33, ?r*3 31.71. WASHINGTON NOW SAFELY THROUGH WITH KLAN FEAT Hooded HuhIh Have Had Their Day anil Their SheelK (unit- >11 lluiidy lo Sleep in ul Ninlil WEKK IINMUI.KSTKD For Thai Mailer S?? Have Been (latholirH, Ma?oni, Negroes, anil < Hlier .Simi lar I'aradew H> HOBRRT T. SMALL UVt-oUht l?SS bt TU. tjoui'ti Washington. Aug. 11 ? The cap ital of the nation n>Hiimeil Its cus tomary apparel of llueri. neersuck ? r anuught with much mlagivlug, an i.pOtleHM u?? iOiile of the flowing sheets. worn by tho marchers. These hIiw'h. at which ho manv l.nve marveled. have proved their utlll'&rlan purpose after all, for SUiUiday ami Sunday nights noma of the klansmeu alt-pi in then) I and appeared to bu very much at I home. Hotel |(d>bleH and varioua pubic bulldl.ip-? were tnvuded by the slutuberers, unable at the mo | inent to obtain other accoinmoda tl'i ?. The klan leaders were an silent as ever today about the purposes of the WaHhlngton gathering,, but the statement of one speaker at a rally who Hald he had alwaya hoped to see the day when "109 ? i per cent white Ainerlcau Gentile protentantn c?uld march down 1 Pennsylvania Aveuue unmolested" ! gave some Inkling of the motive. 'Naturally the District of Colum bia authorities say there never wan a time when this was not poe sible. Just as many Catholics afttt Masonic orders have paraded the. avenue unmolested and nil harmed. Jewish and colored so cieties also have had their day I In the hiiii of Washington's big, speclaculur thoroughfure. The avenue always Is open to all or derly and lawful asftcmblages. Home suggestion that the Klan Itself may be looking for trouble Is contained In the announcement or the Eastern organisation that they are planning a big demon stration for Fifth Avenue. New | York, next summer. Although the Klan has mado some head way In the New York suburbs, es pecially out Long Islund way. the city itself Is strongly antl-Klan, and If there he a single communi ty In the United States where a demonstration of Klan strength might be expected to call forth Home sort of retaliatory action, I New York is the plftM. Still New York might attar all take the show In much the name spirit that Washington enjoyed It. There were plenty of "stunta'* during the long march and these the spectators applauded to the ,echo. It was like a firemen's car nival. or an Inaugural parade, with drill teams and odd costumaa to hold the fancy of the eve. The Klan had its crack drill toam. all dressed In white uniforms with , brown belts. The boys kept step amaxlnglv well and looked as l( they might but recently have stepped off the campus at West Point. f The bands, the Ask*, the rthym of marching steps sll made a areat hit. If they had only dared to look on, or If they had not been advised by their pastors and leaders to keep away, the colored folks of Washington would have ? been enthralled They alwaya form the bulk of the lookera-on at any parade of any sort. They love to follow the band. But