VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, AlKIl'ST 14, 1925. SIX PAGES. NO. 212 BUTLER PINCHOT COMBINATION IS QUITE POSSIBLE Political W iseacres in Phil- I adelphia Ihm-i Plan 1* on I to Wreck Famous Politi- j cal Machine OIJ) ORDEK PASSING Wo Dominant Figure Now to Direct Present Organi-i zation and Pinchot anlng to "elean up Philadelphia these last 18 months and ha* leave of abiience 1 from the "Devil Dogs" until the end of the year. Then ho will j have to decide whether to embark I upon the troubled aea of Pennayl- i vanla Republican politic* or to re- ! turn to the peaceful pursuits of : a fighter. General Butler haa had a ter rific battle on hia hands here in the city that once waa called "cor- I nipt and content." He haa had I to break" hundreds of city po licemen In order to clean out thu*,llcan "organisation ' I ?Nil fa opposed to Butler and all of his ways and would fight him I *n<1 In the gubernator- ' lal primaries. But thla same or- j ganltatlon fought Pinchot threo nl',T ,ug? '"1 l0" battle. Once the people find an organlaa ! lion can be beaten ther? la a pret lo kick It In the | ? *'* The organisation still Is ?nPP?e . MI; Wnehofs ambltlou l.o 1/1 the United .States Senate I ?o!? ?>ubllto stewardship at which * record of proud ana ?""?'nor '? rather ment It campaign doeu rartaSlt"?4 ,0 prov* effective ?a** ??*t year ran win th. ?- ? coveted offices In the gift of t?e IXOPl' The reforss rimlnt Jfn have gamed com of I ajT," which once was considered aa hlas 1 "h,rd eomino' I Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Spencer ( I J and children of Swan Quarter rs Lf turned home Thursday after i. ?9?ndlng a few days with Mrs. P\flp#ncer's uocle. Dr. M. M. Har-I rU AMES THIS WEEK WILL END SEASON Two more nmra of baMeball thin week, officially cIokIiik tlif aeason here, are muxnincH by ?1h? nudtatfnn?*nt of (he local nine. The flrnt one will begin thin a((mKM>n at 4:30 o'clock, when Kllzahrth IWJ. Tfc. A ?*????> New York, Auk. 14. ? Som* j three thousand owners In thej United States of pleasure boats, of the cabin cruiser and upwards classes -half of them In the New York district ? are saying rough things about the Government'! I prohibition enforcing machinery today as a result of the latest wrinkle in dry enforcement In' these parts ? the seizure by coast guard officials of the motored' houseboat Stroller and the arrest of Albert rink, prominent Chica go lawyer, and his bride, who were honey-moontng aboard. The boarding party found only 23 bottles of Intoxicating liquor on the Stroller, which Is loae by far than tfcouaands of New York era keep on hand in their homes -i' Yachtsmen here n?6ft|lderlng their ? Iflhey had sleeping quarters'? as tnelr castles, and have been "getting away with It" until the Stroller's selxure. Indeed, the Government sp-j peared to take the same ylew of the situation, for recently the dry enforcement authorities Issued a circular letter to yachtsmen ad vising them that they were to be free from boarding and search un less they were traveling under suspicious circumstances, and re queatlng them to co-operate In the work of catching liquor smuggling craft. "If the facts In the Stroller case are as represented. I cer tainly think the coast guard's ac tion was highhanded." Commo dore H. M. Curtis of the Seawan haka Yacht Club, one of the largest about Now York, told the writer today. "It certainly seems queer, coming right on top of the letter the department sent out to all yacht clubs. It haa occasioned great Indignation and there has been some talk of testing out the "castle" theory, but I don't see how such a claim could stand In court, as the law permits boarding and search of any vessel within American waters." Coast guard Captain Jacobs, commander of the rum patrol In this port, declared today that the government had no plan with re spect to yacht boardings other than "that formulated some time ago. which provided for the search of all suspicious craft." "We received certain informa tion that the 8trol1er had liquor aboard." he said *'A search proved that our Information was correct We will continue to mske searches in similar cases, but there will be no general boarding of private craft under present orders." As the Strollers plight Is laid to a "tip" given the coast guard by dismissed employes, the only moral In the rase seems to be. Stand In with the help. RJNNY, Birr TEXAS IS SHORT OF HOGS Fort Worth. Aug 14. ? The hog shortage In Texas Is the most so rere ever known and the etit* will have to spend 97S.OOO.OOO outside to buy Its needed pork products. The decline Is due large ly to Increased Interest In cotton farming. YOUTHFUL MURDERER GETS HEARING TODAY Sedalla. Mlmourl. Aug. It. ? The preliminary hearing before the Justice of |.eaw this after nooa will see the Initial apparaoca b# fore the har of Justice of Everett Adama. 17 I V The glrla of the Hone Demon stration Cluba of the County who went to Raleigh a few week* ago for ths special work given there In ths summer cosrae can get th?ir grades on the food and clothing courses, at the meeting to be held Batsrdsy afternoon with Miss Marc la Alhertson at tke Chamt>ot of Commerce Rooms st 2 30 ??flock. LIGHTNING BOLT JOLTS "BIG JOE" Hip* Mattrrmt OfH'ti Rul Children oil Bed Ew'u|m' Harm Miraculously A freak stunt of the lightning , In the eloctrlcsl Htorm the other j Mkk'^ua. l*. iL-Uud by Willi am H , PCartwrlght. who II In the' Brother* School House neighbor- j hood, several miles below Eliza- i both City. A boll struck the hom- ' of Joe rjirlvrUhl, colored, known as "lltr, Joe," near Olivet Church, and causcd much commotion, he ' say*. The lightning csme down n : Chimney In the middle of th-* | hotis? . knocked out a tirlek when ' It reached the second story. and ripped the Hide neatly out of a ! mattress on a h?'d on which sev- 1 aral children were sleeping. Tn? J children were unharmed. Next , the bolt ranged over the floor. ' tearing h brand new tan shoe to little bits. partly ruininR another, and aettlng fire to a couple of wo men'a hata. Still seeking thn ground, th ? | lightning next tore a hole tbi mgh ; the floor and went to the first atory. There It split, one bolt going through a front door and the other through a rear door. "Big Joe" wan lying In the front hallway, hi* head clone to th" ; door. The lightning npllt a pi nee j from the door facing scarcely two feet from him. There were a dozen or 1& per-) sons In the house at t lie time, ac cording to Mr. Cartwrlght. and none wa? hurt by the sudden visi tation. K EARNS l>ll> NOT SIGN FOIt FIGHTS New York. Auk 1*. ? Jack Kearna. manager of Mickey Walk er and Jack Dempaey, called at the offlcna of thn New York State Ath letic Commission today but did not algn any contract Involving th" service* of either. The commla- ? alon asked Knarns to postpone ac tion In Dempseya behalf until nevt TOesday owing to thn fact thst s full board wax not present today. SAII.S FOR MOROCCO AUGUST TWENTIETH rsrls. Aug. 14 The departure of Marahall retain for Morocco was today definitely fixed for Au gust 20. Vt NK.?t IL MR. DAVIS The funeral of Edward Davlr who died Thuradsy evening at 7:30 o'clock at hla hom", 202 East Bur gnu* street, waa con ducted at the home Friday after noon at. 4:30 o'clock by Bev. O. F. Hill, pastor of Christ Eplaco psl Church, and hurls! waa made In the Eplacopal Cemetery. The pallbearera were: W. O Barnette. E M Co*. Ed. Mldfett Jamea Ferebee. Darlua White and Ben Armstrong. Mr. Davia waa R0 years old snd had never gotten over an sttsck of acute Indigestion he suffered In June. He la anrvlved hy his wife and several nephawa: E. L. Smith son of Norfolk. E J. Smithson o Flnley. Ohio. .1 K Smithson. J. J SraKhson and O. C. Smithson o? rrity Bo'ite Three. S. L. Davis of Norfolk and a niece. Mrs. Dora Brooka of Norfolk. "cf>TrO* MABKHT New York. Aug. 14. ? Spot cot ten elosed steady, middling 11.7* an *?Tsn cr of SI points. Faturex closing bid Oct. 28 R 1 Dee. 11.75 Jsn. 23 2? Mch 23 66. July IJ'f" CiS PRICE CUT New York. Au?. 14. ? Anoth er wluct Inn of one rent ? gal lon in the tank UHKon price of throughout It* trrrU tor) mw mimNincnl kmU) by the SimiiUnl (Ml ( <>iii|mii) of New Jerwey. North t arollnaN quotation U m rent.v The tiulf IterinJnK Company met the Mtnndaril Oil t orn* l?n>'? reduction In the Kastern territory. HERTFORD MAN DIES SUDDENLY T. efore he expired after HUlferlnR a heart attack cauaed by high blood pressure. Mr. Whedbee lived on Churc'i atreet near the Perquimans River bridge. He was f>8 years old and Ik aurvlved by his wife, two broth ers. Dr. J. P. Whedbee of Suffolk, W. It. Whodhee of Hertford: three slaters. Mra. I?ena Newhy, t Mrs. K. M. Newby and Mlaa Pat- I tie Whedbee of Hertford. No funeral arrangements have j yet been made but aa Mr. Whed bee had a apecial averalon to flow- j era h t funerala hla wife haa asked I that they he omitted. Mr. Whedbee was well liked and especially popular with the | business men and farmers. NEGROES BE TRIED HERE FOR LARCENY Norfolk. Auk. 14. ? It was stat-i ed at tho Norfolk County Jail last nlKht that an automobile In which ! Jack Griffin and Jamea Howell, colored, both of Elisabeth City were ridlnK on the Washington! Highway. when they flashed with Deputy Sheriff Smith and Prohibition Officer Wilson In an cxrbango of shots, was yesterday claimed hy P. M. CoUon. a resi dent of Perquqlroaqs County North Carolina. The county poli^p yostetday went to the points on the highway where the ahootlnK occurred and; recovered a pistol from the woods, in which C.rlffln and Howell were arrested after they fled from the' car. Advices from Elizabeth City au-| thoritlea state that flrlffln and Howell both live In that city and are wnnted there for larceny of an automobile after charts against them hore have been satisfied. REPORT ON COTTON CONSUMED IN JULY Washington. Aug. 14. ? Cotton consumed during July totalled 4R3.R9R hales of lint and 62,613 of llnters as compared with 493. 76F. hales of lint and 60,677 of llnters In June this year, the Cen ails Ruroau announced today. BELGIAN COMMISSION IS MARKING TIME Washington. Aug. 14- Debt ne gotiations between the United States and Belgium were suspend ed todav pending conferences to be held Monday between President Cooltdg*, Secretary Mellon snd Senator flinoot. repreaentlng the American Commlaalon. BATTLE IN FLORIDA OVER STRIP OF LAND Fort Myers, Fla.. Aug 14. ? Marcon Ialand today was divided Into two hostile camps which are reported ready to do battle over the ownership of a strip of land more than a mile wide across the middle of tho island which hae never been included In tho survey. MOTORISTS IN GLEE OVER GASOLINE WAK Atlanta. 14. ? Motorists are In glee over prospects of a gasoline price war. The Woffard Com pany has announced a reduction of 3 centa a gallon rotall sharing ' i ei ret rebates, discounts and con cr: nlnns" by distributors. WANT THE STATES TO KKGtTLATE BUS LINES f>elrolt. Aug. 14. ? Michigan will join other states In an effort to hrlng Inter state bus and truck llnea under regulation of Individ ual state* rather than of the Inter afate commerce commission whlrh. local transportation men any, is too far removed to take up leal problems DEFENSE THEORY IS EXPLODED BY X-RAY Itlchmond, Aug 14 ? The de fense theory that the skull of Ru dolph K. Dlsse would show a de pression from the Injury that might have made him mentally Ir responsible for the killing of three persona and the wounding of the fourth here July 28 was ex ploded today when an Xray spec ialist reported no depression erf. dent. r MAY RETURN TO WHIPPING POST lllinoi* Fed Up on Kind no? Theory May Krvert In Ancient (Custom By OWEN I,. HCOTT im. fcj Thi ! Chicago, Aug. 14. ? Convinced I that kindness and clemency never will make good men out of crimi nal*. authorities here are turning their attontion to the jvJblpplpf poet? ope of the molt ancient and most , effective crlitta deter i rente- -an a posslblft noluUon to their problem. | Ktate enactment would he re- i j quired to bring the cat-o-nlne-< I tails Into vogue, but in the fare of the rising crime wave pausing | over the country officials believe I i that legislative sanction would b< | forthcoming If sought. ! To bark up their position, those i favoring phyntral punishment for | criminals point to the experience! j ol Delaware and of the province of Quebec, Canada. where the lash has been laid on with effec tiveness. Rurglary has almost disap peared from Delaware as a result of the threat of the whipping post according to figures of those who; favor Its return. Montreal, by us ing the iash has stopped crime, waves, while In England the use! of the whip on Juvenile offenders,, when their cases began to be fla grant. is said to have cut down the number immediately. < Chicago Is commencing to take the experience of other coramunl ties to heart, and is giving aerlous consideration to the cat. The evl jdenee unearthed thus far points to 'an abhorrence of physical pain i on the psrt of criminal. The thought of hsvlng 100 lashes ; from a merciless cat-o-nlne-talls laid on their back gives cause for I hesitating before committing se rious felonies. Proponents of the whipping ! post admit that It Is cruel and that i It Is modleval. but they claim that I It la effective. Thus far the at tempt at pampering criminals by giving them prisons that rival ho tels for sumptuousness. with as 'surance of an easy life within, hasn't done much to stop crime. Physical punishment that will make felons cringe before the thought of the lashing that will be their lot If caught. Is the other extreme which Just now Is appeal ing to an Increasing number of people here Newspaper and offi cials have Joined In Investigating the feasibility of the whipping post . Reaction* appear to favor the cat-o-nlne-talls with assurance of hard time for criminals If put In | to use. RUBBER COMPANY HAS RESUMED OPERATIONS Bristol. R I.. Aug. 14. ? The Natlonsl Indls Itubber Company of Bristol, a subsidiary of the t nlted Htates Rubber Company has reeumed operations on a fotir day per week basis. Irs HOT TIME IN NORTH CAROLIN i HaIHgh. Aug. 14. ? North Carolina rnnttMed to owflter f?*lajr fallowing the hotlfat night of thf nihiiht. < huHottf'* mntlmum wm 101 ?W|Wf?, Wilmington M, aart Aahevltle *4. AUTO MAKERS WILL EXPAND THEIR PLANTS Instead of Worrying Over Possible Saturation Point They Prepare for Bigger Business AUGUST SALES GOOD Not Only Are Prices Re duced but Terms are Made as Convenient as Possible for Purchaser By J. C. ROVI.K l?2J. by TM A